
   *Rethinking Superdeterminism*
   S. Hossenfelder, T.N. Palmer

The path integral approach to superdeterminism [S. Donadi, S. Hossenfelder, 
in preparation] rests on the observation that the Feynman path integral has 
a future input dependence already, which is the upper time of the 
integration. However, in the usual path integral of quantum mechanics (and, 
likewise, of quantum field theory), one does not evaluate what is the 
optimal future state that the system can evolve into. Instead, one posits 
that all of the future states are realized, which results in a merely 
probabilistic prediction.

The idea is then to take a modified path integral for the combined system 
of detector and prepared state and posit that in the underlying theory the 
combined system evolves along merely one possible path in state space that 
optimizes a suitable, to-be-defined, function. This function
must have the property that initial states which evolve into final states 
containing superpositions of detector eigenstate states are disfavoured, in 
the sense that they do not optimize the function. Instead, the optimal path 
that the system will chose is one that ends up in states which are
macroscopically classical. One gets back normal quantum mechanics by 
averaging over initial states of the detector.

This approach solves the measurement problem because the system does 
deterministically evolve into one particular measurement outcome. Exactly 
which outcome is determined by the degrees of freedom of the detector that 
serve as the “hidden variables”. Since it is generically impossible to 
exactly know all the detector’s degrees of freedom, quantum mechanics can 
only make probabilistic predictions. The challenge of this approach is to 
find a suitable function that actually has this behaviour.


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