The other thing to note about mandalas is that there can be more than one possible pattern
that would maintain order and recursive complexity as it expands outward (i.e. forward in time).
However, an observer subpattern embedded in one mandala (and created by ITS rules of order)
can only see whatever order is in its own mandala pattern.

A different mandala pattern, with slightly different rules, or
with a different initial pattern, might arguably contain a White Rabbit subpattern, but alas the White Rabbit
cannot be seen be our first observer, and vice versa, because the attempt to see the contents of another
mandala pattern would necessarily destroy our own mandala pattern.

Whatever (computational paths) would destroy the self-consistent mandala pattern of our universe are
inherently unobservable by us. One way of looking at it is that light seen by an observer A can only
illuminate A's universe pattern. That's kind of a definition of light, and of A, and of "universe pattern",
all at once.

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