Re: meta-ethics or ethology

2004-02-03 Thread CMR
 Planet of the apes?

Greetings Mike,

This post I made on a parallell thread (but not in a parrallell universe -I
think) speaks to your concerns here (I think):

 People 'want' to do what they are conditioned to do.
 Our behavior is not 'hard wired'. Otherwise, how did I
 evolve to sit here and type at a computer?

Agreed. In fact nothing in your reply (or in Pinker's literature) is in
conflict with my post, aside from your apparent implication that human
culture is a entirely unique phenom w/o precedent in our biosphere.
Hardwired is your term not mine. Indeed, not even bonobos are the
mindless slaves of rigid instinct, but learn new behaviors.and even teach
others. They have their own memes, and those memes, like the organisms that
form them, are different in some order of complexity from ours and us. But,
again, not different in kind, IMHO. More complex? yes; emergent?, yes; of a
different set of things, decidedly not.

Chimps did not evolve to fish termites out of a mound either, they devise
it via empirical method, then teach it to others. Culture.

To meet your hard-wired criteria, one would logically have to restrict
ethology and ecology to groups at the neurological/behavioral level of the
insects (though I would argue that the distributed swarm intelligence of
the eusocials can be seen an emergent phenom greater than the constituent
sum brain power).

Yes our symbolic language was and is the key to much of our resultant
culture, and that language is the emergent result of our emergent evermore
interconnected brain etc.. But that complexity does not render in
uninterpretable in the contexts that interpret less complex forms. Ethology,
ecology and evolutionary theory are plenty robust and extensible enough for
the job.

Interestingly this reminds me a bit of the EO Wilson / SJ Gould embroglio.
The nature hard-wireds vs the nurture clean-slaters. What is interesting
about it is that neither giant in their fields really saw things in the
simplistic way that their position was portrayed, judging by each man's
subsequent writings in any case. For myself, I think that they were, and
are, both correct, and that both views are robust enough to integrate and
compliment the other. As is so often the case in life, the truth lies
somewhere between two opposing views (even if when deconstructed, the two
views aren't all that oppositional).

Wilson's epi-genetics presaged dawkin's memes and Gould's spandrels evoke
the emergent, self-organized systems that are the order for free provided
by universal evolutionary processes in open systems. Memes are emergent,
self organized adaptive systems but are also constrained and/or amplified by
selective processes in feedback loops on the same, and on other, scales in
a hierarchy.

But, in the end, this is like the NAO/ global warming issue of a prior post.
I doubt  I'd ever convince you that we're in the end naked apes that have
taken to fancy ways. I predict that you'll never convincingly argue to me
that we're not. I believe Diamond's correct that we are in fact the third
chimp and that's quite alright by me. I think we're in fine company, judging
by how they treat their home in contrast to how we treat ours. And if
somewhere in all possible universes there does exist a planet of the apes,
let us hope that they're doing a better job of running things than us. It
wouldn't be hard, I imagine.

Charlton Heston: You maniacs!... You blew it up!... Ah, da(r)n you!...
Go(sh) da(r)n you all to he(ck)!! (Planet of the Apes, 1968)



-- insert gratuitous quotation that implies my profundity here --

Re: meta-ethics or ethology

2004-01-30 Thread John M
If you believe that humans are 98+% identical genetically to the
bonobo monkeys then you must believe that it is today's genetics -
period. The reductionistic biological sciences found a number of
observational results and explained them within the boundaries so
far drawn around (this) science - believeing that that's all to it.
Well, compare the epistemic cognitive invetory of 1000 AD with
ours at 2000 AD and extrapolate 3000 AD (Oho!) whether it will
be more than ours today?
(This is not a criticism towards today's TOE, it is only a remark on
the (genetical) identiy as many people take it from biology. I also
skip connotations to the very debatable 'ethix' or 'morality' fictions).

Planet of the apes?

John Mikes

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2004 11:15 AM
Subject: meta-ethics or ethology


   Some previous posts in the current thread have attacked this idea by,
   for example, explaining ethics in terms of evolutionary theory or game
   theory, but this is like explaining a statement about the properties
   of sodium chloride in terms of the evolutionary or game theoretic
   advantages of the study of chemistry. Yes, you can legitimately talk
   about ethics or chemistry in these terms, but in so doing you are
   talking meta-ethics or meta-chemistry, which I think is what Bruno
   means by level shift.

 Perhaps, but this view speaks to the rift between those that approach
 behavior as being different in kind from other animals and those that see
 as instead different in degree. The latter, myself included, find the
 of ethology (animal behavior) and animal ecology as directly applicable to
 humans and in those very real  fields of study, interpretiing behavior in
 the context of fitness is standard procedure. So in that sense examining
 human behavior in that same context can be seen as a legitimate extension
 ethology and/or animal ecology, as opposed to some form of
 ..anthropology, ..sociology etc..

 We share 98%+ of our genetic heritage with bonobo chimps. Many researchers
 credit our cousins with primitive language capacity, tool usage, and even
 self-awareness. I doubt, though, that many would find interpreting chimp
 behavior in the context of fitness to be un-orthodox in anyway. Indeed it
 the norm.
