On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 10:37 +0200, Jules Colding wrote:
> On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 11:36 +0800, Not Zed wrote:
> > Yes as jeff said, but basically, the CamelService url is just an
> > in-memory object, in effect read-only, it is never ever saved.  Accounts
> > are controlled and maintained completely separately, and that is where
> > the opening uri comes from.
> Hmm... Would I wreck havoc on that design if I figured out a way to save
> the service->url during an Evolution session? I guess that would be
> somewhere in gconf?? 

Definitely not in gconf, it isn't thread-safe.

> > Looks like you're using it to store persistent state, 
> Not really, well.. yes, sort of...
> MAPI operates with a concept of a MAPI Profile that is stored locally on
> the physical client box, the Brutus server in this case. A client must
> known the name of a profile to use before he can log onto an Exchange
> account. Or create a Profile if one does not exist beforehand. 
> The Profile name must therefore be equally accessible to mail and
> calendar components during and across Evolution sessions.
> It seems to me that it would be wrong to store the Profile name
> somewhere Camel specific.

Sounds like it needs to be in the account then.  You can set it from
your account-editor plugin.

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