On Tue, 2019-01-08 at 07:05 +0100, Herr Oswald wrote:
> Third test run - online again
> First search carried out is slow
> All following searches are quick

I'd guess it's due to the server being smart and cache the search
results, thus when the same search is run again it gets the result from
the cache. Or the server has loaded/indexed folder content after the
first search and reuses it afterwards. Or there are many other server-
side optimizations involved, triggered by the first search.

> Nevertheless it might not be ideal and deserves some occasional
> further research

You can file a bug, as I suggested earlier. There can be done some
changes like using the offline data if the folder is marked for offline
without time limits. That's your case, if I understood it properly.
        Thanks and bye,

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