hello everybody,

To migrate an NT 4.0 domain and an exchange 5.5 org to 2000, we did:
- install a new w2k-server with AD
- define trusts between NT 4.0 and w2k-AD
- define access rights for w2k administrator in the exchange 5.5 org
- install ADC-Connector
- setup /forestprep and /domainprep
- install exchange 2000 server in the exchange 5.5 org

No Problem to migrate the mailboxes, etc.
but no chance to replicate the p u b l i c  f o l d e r  h i e r a r c h i
e  !!!! Only the "internet newsgroups" folder shows up !!!! and public
folders, set up on exchange 2000 replicate to 5.5.

I would be thankful for any hint !!

Lydia Natter

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