Exchange 5.5sp4, IMC not directly reachable from the outside (push/receive
to an external smtp gateway).
Lately the IMC hanged various times, exactly we seem to:

- receive a particular email, a message il logged: "A message from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in temporary file C:\EXCHSRVR\imcdata\in\X2QQCAY2 was
received from with 4 local recipients. "

- other operations continue to work flawlessly

- that message becomes stuck, nothing else is logged regarding to it, the
message is not delivered, the X2QQCAY2 (or whatever) files stays.

- stopping the service does not succeed, kill of the MSEXCIMC process is

- by removing that file from imcdata\in restart succeeds

- if that file stays in imcdata\in at imc start it will become stuck again.

In technet I found lots of articles regarding IMC stops (which it does not),
only a few regarding IMC hangs, nothing (apparently) relevant.

Only similarity I found yet (by eyeball inspection) between those email are:

- about half of them are forwards of emails containing rightfax fax
notifications with the images (TIF) attached. Usual mime decoders like
"decode shell extension" do decode the attachments without problems. There
are at least two instances where the remote senders were notified of a
problem ("we did not receiver yet your urgent email"), and forwarded the
message several times directly or by another mailbox in the same (remote)
organization. These emails were stuck, too.

- the other half of those messages seem to be "reply to all" (without
attachments) to some our emails where the original messages had a CC to
internal recipients without smtp addresses, so those recipients became auto
converted in the our outbound email to the form
IMCEAEX-_O=<org>_OU=<site>_CN=<container>_CN=<alias>@<our domain>
and the stuck message was a reply to that address (being a reply to all).
That conversion to IMCEAEX won't happen anymore, now every recipient does
have a smtp address, the filtering of internal mailboxes without access to
internet is done differently, but there are still lots of old emails around
people can reply to.
I'm now going to filter those IMCEAEX recipients on the gateway box, still
the first half of the stuck messages doesn't have these recipients so I
don't think that's the real problem (at least not the whole of it).

Also, the stuck emails I do have available (earlier ones unfortunately
haven't been saved) all have a X-Mailer header "Internet Mail Service

Any ideas ?

-- Heiko Herold [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- +39-041-5907073 ph
-- +39-041-5907472 fax

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