EX 5.5 sp4.

Due to some wrong design we have a separate container for some special PF
(yeah, bad design, should have used adress book views ecc.)
In order to create new folders there usually we do (this happens at very
rare times though) change the PF container in information store site
configuration, create the folder, change back.
Since I had to add a second and third server I've got some problems with
that. Situation is, only one server has a public store, no replication. Yet
sometimes it does happen we have to wait a while and/or change that setting
on more than one server, even if the outlook client creating the folder does
use a mailbox on the PF server and the container change has be done on that
server. Now the situation became even worse, as those PF simply won't create
in that "other" container, but only in Recipients, even after changing that
setting, waiting and double checking the new setting has propagated to the
other servers ecc.

Any idea what could be going on ?


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