Fallout from Exchange 5.5 to 2000 Upgrade Part II:

After migrating the mailboxes from Exchange 5.5 to Exchange 2000 (basically
by bringing new Exchange 2000 servers into our Exchange 5.5 organization and
then moving mailboxes from the 5.5 to 2000 servers) we have ended up with
two outstanding problems that, to date, PSS has not been able to resolve.

This is one of the two:  

In Exchange 5.5 we utilized the delegate account method (Q169872) to deal
with meetings that included shared resources. As part of the upgrade to
Exchange 2000 we used the NTDSNoMatch attribute on these calendars to force
the ADC to create disabled accounts for them. So far, so good; it worked as

Now that we have migrated, on an apparently random basis, users cannot
modify meetings that they scheduled on conference room calendars prior to
the migration. Not all meetings on any calendar have this problem; not all
meetings scheduled by any one user have this problem.

Of course in the migrated system the default access permissions to
conference room calendars is Author. Creating new meetings that include
resource calendars is working fine.

Behind the scenes, what has happened on the problematic meeting entries is
that the Owner of the meeting is no longer the same as the Meeting
Organizer; the Owner is the disabled conference room account instead. The
meeting organizer tries to update the meeting, and gets a "Your changes
could not be saved because you don't have permission to modify some or all
of the items in this folder"

So far the only 'fix' that works is to make the default calendar access
permission on the conference rooms 'Editor'. In an organization or our size
(60 resource accounts, 1700 users) that would create a disaster all its own.

At this point, the 'why did this happen' aspect is much less important to me
than the 'how do I fix it' question (we are not migrating back!).

Any ideas??  Thanks . . .

Jon Martin
Systems Programmer
East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
Oakland, CA

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