[expert] (Slightly OT) Login shell/logo/ framebuffer

2002-04-04 Thread Tessone, Claudio Juan


  I have a question about configuring the login shells in tty1, ...
tty5. As a Mandrake user since version 6.0, I always have seen the penguin
drawn in the text mode screen.

  Now, that even lilo comes with framebuffer support I wander how to
add the penguin logo, but the real one, in replacement of the old one.

  I don't know if the dependencies are sepparate libraries, or are in
the kernel itself .

 Thanks in advance!

Claudio J. Tessone
Instituto de Fisica de La Plata - UNLP
CC 63 - 1900 La Plata - Bs. As.

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[expert] Annoying Problem while X running (mdk 8.2)

2002-04-02 Thread Tessone, Claudio Juan

Hi all!

  Yesterday night I installed Linux Mandrake 8.2 from the scratch.
Until that point I was using 8.1 painlessly.

  I have a SiS 620 onboard video card and since mdk 7.1 I didn't
experienced problems before (except for some small troubles while
configuring, but due to my own )

  Well, this time I installed XFree 4.2.2 but below the mouse pointer
(lets say 50 pixels below it) almost all the time I see two lines (about
30 or 40 pixels long) sometimes white, sometimes of other colors. In the
login screen I discovered that when I write, there appears  black point
on the mouse-following-lines.

  Sometimes, when I move the mouse pointer yo the bottom of the
screen, and then move it to the center of the screen, the lines dissapear.
But after a while, Uou they are there again!

  I'm clueless. I've tried reconfiguring the card with all possible
combinations (using XFDrake), but I didn't try to edit by hand the
configuration files, yet.

  What may be happening???

Claudio J. Tessone
Instituto de Fisica de La Plata - UNLP
CC 63 - 1900 La Plata - Bs. As.

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Re: [expert]SOS urgent

2002-02-07 Thread Tessone, Claudio Juan

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002, Felix Miata wrote:

 rodrigo wrote:

Does Exist any way to repair a corrupted partition table ?
I just like mount that partition and pick my data out !!!

   gpart is an excellent tool, it helped me during dark days :) it comes
with Mandrake, so if you can boot in linux use it after reading the

   There is also a very good HOWTO named partition rescue  or so, that
has very interesting clues. look for it at google

   However gpart  only works if the data in the hard drive was not
damaged, only the Master boot record. I've heard more than once that
things like M$ scandisk sometimes continues scanning beyond partition
limits, and if it happened then there IS a problem.

   Good Luck!

Claudio J. Tessone
Instituto de Fisica de La Plata - UNLP
CC 63 - 1900 La Plata - Bs. As.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[expert] cmpci.o sound module does not work anymore

2002-01-28 Thread Tessone, Claudio Juan

I've got Mandrake-8.1 since its  release. And a C-Media sound card
since almost two years ago onboard and a P3 processor. The
module cmpci.o worked fine for me, and even worked when I had
 Mandrake 6.x and insalled the source that came with the cdrom of the

I can't remember doing nothing silly to my box :), but after one
reboot, the sound is not working anymore. It is really strange, but
under windows it still works (really strange, isn't it???). That's why I
assume the soundcard still lives.

I recompiled the kernel enabling and disabling some of the
switches present for the cmpci module, but al the sound I get is a
crunch each  time sndconfig begins to and finishes to play a sound to
test if the sound works (after detected the card).

Another thing that happens is that when I loud the volume (up to
90 or 100 percent) some noises (like scratches) may be heard while

Does anybody know any diagnose I can do to test what is
happening?? Perhaps should change something in the code and recompile the

Thanks in advance.

Claudio J. Tessone
Instituto de Fisica de La Plata - UNLP
CC 63 - 1900 La Plata - Bs. As.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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