This is what I am doing:

First I import my files to ~/Photos/YYYY/MM/DD on my Laptop.
After a few months have passed, I move the old folders to an external
drive (outside of f-spot) and create a symlink in ~/Photos.

mv ~/Photos/2008/01 /media/disk/Photos/2008/01
ln -s /media/disk/Photos/2008/01 ~/Photos/2008/01

This seems to have worked so far and f-spot shows the old photos when
ever the external disk is connected. I guess using a network drive
shouldn't be mouch different.

& Björn

Antti Ahonen schrieb:
> Now when I am doing most of my work on my laptop, I am trying to get my
> F-spot workflow going as well. 
> I do not have much space in the laptop, so I thought that I keep last
> couple of moths on my laptop, and then move them to a network drive.
> This way I can work with my current files when I am on the road, and
> back home I can access my entire database. 
> But what would be the best way to keep the F-spot database up to date
> when I move files?
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