Il 2017-08-09 11:30 Darac Marjal ha scritto:
On Tue, Aug 08, 2017 at 03:55:52PM -0400, Bill Shirley wrote:
Looks like you haven't opened up sftp(port 115) in Shorewall. Post on the list. Tom Eastep is very helpful.


I don't know if is Fail2ban to tell to Shorewall to Drop this connection or if I should open a specific question on Shorewall ML.

Hi friends,
I'm here today at a step from the atomic Holocaust (..)

I have deepened the situation thanks to the support of the list Shorewall and I have come to the solution, that here I expose here. The problem was the passive ports that FTPS (not SFTP) need, and here the solution:

ProFtpd (sftp.conf-> that could be now renamed to tls.conf or ftps.conf as you like):

PassivePorts                    39152 49152

Shorewall (rules):

ACCEPT net $FW tcp 39152:49152 #PROSFTP PASSIVE PORT

Thanks again


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