[FairfieldLife] A Programmer's Jeremiad on Dr. Mills' CQM

2008-05-03 Thread cardemaister

have been watching and visiting the BLP and more recently Millsian
websites for years now, waiting for CQM and the rest of Randall Mills
theories to be either proven false all together or recoginized as fact
and joyfully watch as every Physics and Chemistry book is re-written
based on new exact knowledge. Unfortunately, I am not a Physist or
Chemist by far (a lowly programmer and aspiring writer) or I would have
taken it upon myself to attempt to truly understand some of the subtles
of the new theories and perhaps even perform some experiments or
calculations to sway my thoughts of the whole matter one way or the
other for good. That not being in my cards lacking the expertise
necessary to test or think myself an opinion as it were I have to
trust my decent understanding of the laws of nature and general science
and my gut. From the seemingly likely and elegant assertation that the
Dark Matter everyone can't find is hydrinos to the fact that Quantum
Theory as a whole is so full of holes, chance and non-predictablility
when everything else in the Universe is explainable and definable and
exact. These items, as well as many other acedots and assertations and
the fact that Dr. Mills has spent so many years creating the tome that
is CQM (which is essentially the fundimental understanding that Einstein
spent his last days struggling to put together) and the research results
he has made available so far I have to believe in what Dr. Mills is
Read more:


[FairfieldLife] The New 'Bill and Hill Show' On Fox

2008-05-03 Thread Robert
The new Hill and Bill(Reilly does it again!)Show!
Come one, come all!
Indeed, this is the 'Greatest Show on Earth'...

You might think,  they are some
kind of 'Soul mates'...
They well enjoyed each other's company, yes?
It was a ratings blowout for business(good for both of their respective careers)

They are 'Made' for each other(scary!)

Will Hillary use Fox news, as a propaganda outlet, like Bush?

A developing story, but what is this new narrative?

Is Hillary is still a Goldwater girl at heart? 

Has she found her 'new' Bill?



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[FairfieldLife] Re: Clinton using Obama's race against him?

2008-05-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There were rumors that Hillary Clinton is Lesbian she is 
 starting to appear more and more like a Lesbian everyday. 
 Not sure if it is because women lose their femininity in 
 politics or what.  She has even gone as far as insituating 
 she is more of man than he is...

All I can say is that if Hillary is gay, and 
the rumored recipient of more of her...uh...
sharp tongue than she gives to Obama is her 
aide Huma Abedin, Hill's got *much* better 
taste in women than Bill does.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread R.G.
   There's something for us to listen to about that. 
...talking from the level of the heart that we're talking about, 
   not just emotional, but the spiritual heart.  ...directly 
   to this opening to the heart of the world, which is really 
   into the core of the earth's intelligence, the revelation of the 
   purpose of Gaia, of our planet, its self-revealing mechanism 
   revealing itself. 

You guy's forgot the 'Third Eye Club'...
I remember a guy from Wisconsin, 
Mike Holzman...
He started the Third Eye Club with a chapter in FF, back in early
'80's ...
Don't know if the club still exists, there?

Anyway, we use to share our third eye experiences,
Like being able to see karma, and into the future and stuff.
It's all due to looking out of the third eye...
Feeling at 'One with the All'...

The more daunting task, is really connecting back directly to the soul
energy, above the head, and out to the universal consciousness,
Whatever that means?
Go Buddhas...

[FairfieldLife] for Shempsky

2008-05-03 Thread Robert


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Siddhi-refresher-course and weather?

2008-05-03 Thread cardemaister

There's supposed to be a siddhi refresher course
here in my hometown (Tampere, Finland: 61N30 - 23E45)
today (Saturday) and tomorrow.

I have no idea how many participants there are, if
any, but at least the weather seems to reflect
a rather harmonious collective consciousness.



[FairfieldLife] 'Clinton's Man in NC/Ruthless?'

2008-05-03 Thread Robert

RALEIGH, N.C. -- Sitting on the sunny patio of a coffee shop 
last weekend, Averell AceSmith hardly seemed the kind of guy to 
strike fear into a   politician's heart.

The 49-year-old California politicaloperative -- who helped Hillary Rodham 
Clinton to victories in the  California and Texas Democratic presidential 
primaries and is now   running her North Carolina operation -- was a study 
in bland: beige polo shirt, beige slacks, bright blue eyes framed by 
wire-rimmedglasses, a fringe of gray hair around a pink scalp.

Yet people -- many of them fellow   Democrats -- frequently use 
melodramatic imagery to describehim.

I believe that every life lesson in politics can   be extrapolated from 
'The Godfather,'  said Chris Lehane, aDemocratic strategist and friend of 
Smith's who has worked for the  Clintons.

Some people are Fredos; at game time they  disappear. There are Sonnys, 
who yell and scream. . . . The mosteffective ones are the Michael 
Corleones. Very quiet, they know under which rib to insert the knife. . . . Ace 
is a Michael Corleone.

The next round of the seemingly interminablequest for the Democratic 
nomination takes place Tuesday, when   Indiana and North Carolina vote. They 
are the first contests since  April 22, when Clinton beat Barack Obama in 

The race is close in Indiana. In North Carolina, which has a sizable
African American electorate, polls have shown Obama ahead, but  Clinton has 
been gaining support over the last week. The fact that  the Clinton 
campaign stationed Smith here signals how crucial the   state is to her; 
she intends to fight for every vote.

Everyone   knew that Pennsylvania was essentially going to be a walk for   
Clinton and that the whole thing would come down to Indiana and North 
Carolina, said Joe Trippi, a top advisor to former   presidential 
candidate John Edwards. Guess where Ace Smith is? I don't think that's an 

If Smith can help   Clinton seriously narrow Obama's margin of victory -- 
or even beat  him -- in the Tar Heel State, the New York senator's argument 
that  she is the more electable of the two will gain considerable 

A victory would also burnish Smith's reputation as  a top-notch strategist 
and perhaps change his image as a fearsome   practitioner of a dark 
political art: opposition research.

Ben Austin, a Democratic political consultant who worked in the Clinton 
White House and now supports Obama, put it this way: He is one of the few 
balding, bespectacled guys who I wouldn't want to runinto in a dark 

But not all Democrats are fans. It's admirable if you can lie and get away 
with it, said  Kam Kuwata, a consultant to former Los Angeles Mayor James 
Hahn, whoran against Smith client Antonio Villaraigosa twice -- 
successfully in 2001, unsuccessfully in 2005.

And Republicans? Attorney   Ken Khachigian, a longtime Republican 
strategist, is a reluctantadmirer. He faced off with Smith in 2006 when 
a client, former stateSen. Chuck Poochigian, lost to Smith client and 
former Gov. Jerry   Brown for California attorney general. He does what he 
has to  do, Khachigian said. He'll be relentless and tough. Hefits 
right in with the Clinton war machine.

Khachigian  figured in Smith's biggest political heartbreak. In 1990, Smith 
was deeply involved in the campaign of his father, longtime San 
Francisco Dist. Atty. Arlo Smith, who ran against Dan Lungren for   state 
attorney general. Smith won on election day but lost two weekslater when 
absentee ballots barely put Lungren over the top.

Evennow, Ace Smith has a hard time discussing it: I'll tell you
something. I have a tremendous amount of empathy for President  Clinton. . . . 
I mean, if you see someone criticizing, attackingyour father, in my 
case, or his wife, in his case, you just want to slug 'em.

Nevertheless, he said, you cannot run  campaigns if you can't remain calm in 
the face of adversity and bad polls. The best thing is to be as 
dispassionate as possible.

Up  and down the state of California, political reporters have Ace Smith
stories. They speak of heavy boxes landing on their desks,  ammunition 
culled from public records that Smith hopes will shape   the campaign 

The topic might be voting records,  inflated resume claims, long-ago 
brushes with the law orquestionable business dealings. Not 
infrequently, stories ensue.Reporters say he is charming, helpful, 
tenacious and not averse to  going over their heads to editors in an 
attempt to shape a story -- or kill one if he senses it is going to make a 
client look  bad.

When The Times reported in 2006 that Los Angeles City   Atty. Rocky Delgadillo 
-- then 

[FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread guyfawkes91
Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 

Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration was
limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said We knew that
someone was sending us off in funny directions but we couldn't work
out who it was. In retrospect his performance in Central America
should have made us suspicious and standing up in front of a German
audience announcing that he planned to succeed where Hitler had failed
was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised with a crown we
thought he was one of us. asked how they finally rumbled him the
spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years we'd been told that
maintaining high prices meant we would take over the world by teaching
meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be working and we
thought it must be government agents who were misdirecting us. We
caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all voted to reduce the
prices we charge for learning meditation and he was the only one
holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and it was clear
something funny was going on so we searched his room and found coded
messages from his controller in the BND instructing him to make sure
we kept prices so high no one would learn.

Asked what they planned to do to him he replied Well he has to have a
trial and it's well known that government agents float in water so
we've arranged a public test to see if he floats, either that or we'll
see if he's lighter than a duck 

Another person in the cult claimed He turned me into a newt! But I
got better

Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the University of
Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're stark raving
bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in the Argyreia
Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that was keeping them
tripped out. To discover that it was actually all part of a government
plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent must have had some
help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern perimeter of
their compound otherwise he would have been outed earlier.

-- ends  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddhi-refresher-course and weather?

2008-05-03 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's supposed to be a siddhi refresher course
 here in my hometown (Tampere, Finland: 61N30 - 23E45)
 today (Saturday) and tomorrow.
 I have no idea how many participants there are, if
 any, but at least the weather seems to reflect
 a rather harmonious collective consciousness.

Even Nokia seems to have a rather nice weather at the moment:


Second row from the bottom, the middlemost pic...

[FairfieldLife] Dumb and Dumber

2008-05-03 Thread Robert
By THOMAS L. FRIEDMANfunction getSharePasskey() { return 
function getShareURL() {
function getShareHeadline() {
return encodeURIComponent('Dumb as We Wanna Be');
function getShareDescription() { 

return encodeURIComponent('The McCain-Clinton energy proposal is a 
reminder that the biggest energy crisis we have in our country today is the 
energy to be serious.');
function getShareKeywords() {
return encodeURIComponent('Solar Energy,United States 
Economy,Presidential Election of 2008,Gasoline Tax (US),Oil (Petroleum) and 
Gasoline,United States Politics and Government,International Trade and World 
Market,Energy and Power,China,Saudi Arabia,Germany,Democratic Party,Hillary 
Rodham Clinton,John McCain,Barack Obama');
function getShareSection() {
return encodeURIComponent('opinion');
function getShareSectionDisplay() {

return encodeURIComponent('Op-Ed Columnist');
function getShareSubSection() {
return encodeURIComponent('');
function getShareByline() {
return encodeURIComponent('By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN');
function getSharePubdate() {
return encodeURIComponent('April 30, 2008');

Published: April 30, 2008

 It is great to see that we finally have
some national unity on energy policy. Unfortunately, the unifying idea
is so ridiculous, so unworthy of the people aspiring to lead our
nation, it takes your breath away. Hillary Clinton has decided to line
up with John McCain in pushing to suspend the federal excise tax on
gasoline, 18.4 cents a gallon, for this summer’s travel season. This is
not an energy policy. This is money laundering: we borrow money from
China and ship it to Saudi Arabia and take a little cut for ourselves
as it goes through our gas tanks. What a way to build our country. 

 When the summer is over, we
will have increased our debt to China, increased our transfer of wealth
to Saudi Arabia and increased our contribution to global warming for
our kids to inherit.
 No, no, no, we’ll just get the money by
taxing Big Oil, says Mrs. Clinton. Even if you could do that, what a
terrible way to spend precious tax dollars — burning it up on the way
to the beach rather than on innovation?
The McCain-Clinton gas
holiday proposal is a perfect example of what energy expert Peter
Schwartz of Global Business Network describes as the true American
energy policy today: “Maximize demand, minimize supply and buy the rest
from the people who hate us the most.”
Good for Barack Obama for resisting this shameful pandering. 
here’s what’s scary: our problem is so much worse than you think. We
have no energy strategy. If you are going to use tax policy to shape
energy strategy then you want to raise taxes on the things you want to
discourage — gasoline consumption and gas-guzzling cars — and you want
to lower taxes on the things you want to encourage — new, renewable
energy technologies. We are doing just the opposite.
Are you sitting down?
Americans know it, but for almost a year now, Congress has been
bickering over whether and how to renew the investment tax credit to
stimulate investment in solar energy and the production tax credit to
encourage investment in wind energy. The bickering has been so
poisonous that when Congress passed the 2007 energy bill last December,
it failed to extend any stimulus for wind and solar energy production.
Oil and gas kept all their credits, but those for wind and solar have
been left to expire this December. I am not making this up. At a time
when we should be throwing everything into clean power innovation, we
are squabbling over pennies.
 These credits are critical because
they ensure that if oil prices slip back down again — which often
happens — investments in wind and solar would still be profitable.
That’s how you launch a new energy technology and help it achieve
scale, so it can compete without subsidies.
 The Democrats wanted
the wind and solar credits to be paid for by taking away tax credits
from the oil industry. President Bush said he would veto that. Neither
side would back down, and Mr. Bush — showing not one iota of leadership
— refused to get all the adults together in a room and work out a
compromise. Stalemate. Meanwhile, Germany has a 20-year solar incentive
program; Japan 12 years. Ours, at best, run two years.
“It’s a
disaster,” says Michael Polsky, founder of Invenergy, one of the
biggest wind-power developers in America. “Wind is a very
capital-intensive industry, and financial institutions are not ready to
take ‘Congressional risk.’ They say if you don’t get the [production
tax credit] we will not lend you the money to buy more turbines and
build projects.”
 It is also alarming, says Rhone Resch, the
president of the Solar Energy Industries Association, that the U.S. has
reached a point “where the priorities of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Peter
Very nice! But you should have posted without the Guy
Fawkes address and we would have completely believed
you, at least for a while.

--- guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
 Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the
 Maharishi of
 Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany
 Raja Emanuel
 Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent
 working for the
 German secret service (BND). For many years the cult
 has been living
 under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA
 and other
 government agencies but it was always thought that
 the penetration was
 limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said
 We knew that
 someone was sending us off in funny directions but
 we couldn't work
 out who it was. In retrospect his performance in
 Central America
 should have made us suspicious and standing up in
 front of a German
 audience announcing that he planned to succeed where
 Hitler had failed
 was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised
 with a crown we
 thought he was one of us. asked how they finally
 rumbled him the
 spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years
 we'd been told that
 maintaining high prices meant we would take over the
 world by teaching
 meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be
 working and we
 thought it must be government agents who were
 misdirecting us. We
 caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all
 voted to reduce the
 prices we charge for learning meditation and he was
 the only one
 holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and
 it was clear
 something funny was going on so we searched his room
 and found coded
 messages from his controller in the BND instructing
 him to make sure
 we kept prices so high no one would learn.
 Asked what they planned to do to him he replied
 Well he has to have a
 trial and it's well known that government agents
 float in water so
 we've arranged a public test to see if he floats,
 either that or we'll
 see if he's lighter than a duck 
 Another person in the cult claimed He turned me
 into a newt! But I
 got better
 Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the
 University of
 Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're
 stark raving
 bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in
 the Argyreia
 Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that
 was keeping them
 tripped out. To discover that it was actually all
 part of a government
 plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent
 must have had some
 help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern
 perimeter of
 their compound otherwise he would have been outed
 -- ends  
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Peter

--- R.G. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

There's something for us to listen to about
 ...talking from the level of the heart that
 we're talking about, 
not just emotional, but the spiritual heart. 
to this opening to the heart of the world,
 which is really 
into the core of the earth's intelligence, the
 revelation of the 
purpose of Gaia, of our planet, its
 self-revealing mechanism 
revealing itself. 
 You guy's forgot the 'Third Eye Club'...
 I remember a guy from Wisconsin, 
 Mike Holzman...
 He started the Third Eye Club with a chapter in FF,
 back in early
 '80's ...
 Don't know if the club still exists, there?
 Anyway, we use to share our third eye experiences,
 Like being able to see karma, and into the future
 and stuff.
 It's all due to looking out of the third eye...
 Feeling at 'One with the All'...
 The more daunting task, is really connecting back
 directly to the soul
 energy, above the head, and out to the universal
 Whatever that means?
 Go Buddhas...

So is so much amazing shit at subtle levels that it
ridiculous. You could get lost forever. 

-Ashtar, King of Gnu Loka 

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RE: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Rick Archer
Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.

I think, the message with the number 175 678,
stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
is really crime.
Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
people are full of hate.

There is NO such message or news from Reuters in germany.

And I know Emanuel personally.

Just looking into details of that message:
It was the maharishi personally, who made the prices.
I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
to give it out cheap.

Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
Or think about, wether you accept people to really
post anonymous about such matters.




No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 - Release Date: 5/1/2008
8:39 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Louis McKenzie
Until I got to the end I thought this was true.  Now it seems to be someone 
having nothing better to do...

Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Very nice! But you should have posted without 
the Guy
Fawkes address and we would have completely believed
you, at least for a while.

--- guyfawkes91  wrote:

 Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
 Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the
 Maharishi of
 Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany
 Raja Emanuel
 Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent
 working for the
 German secret service (BND). For many years the cult
 has been living
 under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA
 and other
 government agencies but it was always thought that
 the penetration was
 limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said
 We knew that
 someone was sending us off in funny directions but
 we couldn't work
 out who it was. In retrospect his performance in
 Central America
 should have made us suspicious and standing up in
 front of a German
 audience announcing that he planned to succeed where
 Hitler had failed
 was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised
 with a crown we
 thought he was one of us. asked how they finally
 rumbled him the
 spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years
 we'd been told that
 maintaining high prices meant we would take over the
 world by teaching
 meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be
 working and we
 thought it must be government agents who were
 misdirecting us. We
 caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all
 voted to reduce the
 prices we charge for learning meditation and he was
 the only one
 holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and
 it was clear
 something funny was going on so we searched his room
 and found coded
 messages from his controller in the BND instructing
 him to make sure
 we kept prices so high no one would learn.
 Asked what they planned to do to him he replied
 Well he has to have a
 trial and it's well known that government agents
 float in water so
 we've arranged a public test to see if he floats,
 either that or we'll
 see if he's lighter than a duck 
 Another person in the cult claimed He turned me
 into a newt! But I
 got better
 Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the
 University of
 Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're
 stark raving
 bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in
 the Argyreia
 Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that
 was keeping them
 tripped out. To discover that it was actually all
 part of a government
 plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent
 must have had some
 help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern
 perimeter of
 their compound otherwise he would have been outed
 -- ends  
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

To subscribe, send a message to:

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Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.
 I think, the message with the number 175 678,
 stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
 is really crime.
 Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
 people are full of hate.
 There is NO such message or news from Reuters in germany.
 And I know Emanuel personally.
 Just looking into details of that message:
 It was the maharishi personally, who made the prices.
 I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
 Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
 to give it out cheap.
 Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
 Or think about, wether you accept people to really
 post anonymous about such matters.

I think we've just met Raja Emanuel's gay and
equally humorless lover. 

[FairfieldLife] Dennis Raimondi

2008-05-03 Thread Louis McKenzie
Does anyone have Dennis's Email?

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Clinton using Obama's race against him?

2008-05-03 Thread Louis McKenzie
You got that right.  I would love to have a contest

TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Louis McKenzie  wrote:

 There were rumors that Hillary Clinton is Lesbian she is 
 starting to appear more and more like a Lesbian everyday. 
 Not sure if it is because women lose their femininity in 
 politics or what.  She has even gone as far as insituating 
 she is more of man than he is...

All I can say is that if Hillary is gay, and 
the rumored recipient of more of her...uh...
sharp tongue than she gives to Obama is her 
aide Huma Abedin, Hill's got *much* better 
taste in women than Bill does.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Dennis Raimondi

2008-05-03 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Does anyone have Dennis's Email?

According to 


his email address is 

draimondi AT yahoo.com

RE: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Peter
Ha! I knew this was going to happen. The TMO is so far
gone, they can't even see humor in parody. When a
group can not laugh at its underbelly and claims they
have no underbelly, you know they are in deep shit and
never coming out.

--- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting
 I think, the message with the number 175 678,
 stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND
 is really crime.
 Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that
 people are full of hate.
 There is NO such message or news from Reuters in
 And I know Emanuel personally.
 Just looking into details of that message:
 It was the maharishi personally, who made the
 I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
 Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
 to give it out cheap.
 Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy
 really is.
 Or think about, wether you accept people to really
 post anonymous about such matters.
 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG. 
 Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 -
 Release Date: 5/1/2008
 8:39 AM


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Peter
I thought it was true too,until I came to the He
changed me into a newt... passage. We all know that
MMY never gave out this siddhi. ;-)

--- Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Until I got to the end I thought this was true.  Now
 it seems to be someone having nothing better to
 Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Very nice!
 But you should have posted without the Guy
 Fawkes address and we would have completely believed
 you, at least for a while.
 --- guyfawkes91  wrote:
  Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
  Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the
  Maharishi of
  Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany
  Raja Emanuel
  Schiffgens has been identified as a government
  working for the
  German secret service (BND). For many years the
  has been living
  under the fear of infiltration by spies from the
  and other
  government agencies but it was always thought that
  the penetration was
  limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said
  We knew that
  someone was sending us off in funny directions but
  we couldn't work
  out who it was. In retrospect his performance in
  Central America
  should have made us suspicious and standing up in
  front of a German
  audience announcing that he planned to succeed
  Hitler had failed
  was a bit of a giveaway but because he was
  with a crown we
  thought he was one of us. asked how they finally
  rumbled him the
  spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years
  we'd been told that
  maintaining high prices meant we would take over
  world by teaching
  meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be
  working and we
  thought it must be government agents who were
  misdirecting us. We
  caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all
  voted to reduce the
  prices we charge for learning meditation and he
  the only one
  holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and
  it was clear
  something funny was going on so we searched his
  and found coded
  messages from his controller in the BND
  him to make sure
  we kept prices so high no one would learn.
  Asked what they planned to do to him he replied
  Well he has to have a
  trial and it's well known that government agents
  float in water so
  we've arranged a public test to see if he floats,
  either that or we'll
  see if he's lighter than a duck 
  Another person in the cult claimed He turned me
  into a newt! But I
  got better
  Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from
  University of
  Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're
  stark raving
  bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in
  the Argyreia
  Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that
  was keeping them
  tripped out. To discover that it was actually all
  part of a government
  plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent
  must have had some
  help from the wood gnomes camped out on the
  perimeter of
  their compound otherwise he would have been outed
  -- ends  
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[FairfieldLife] Crime WHY? What law? What jurisdiction? CAREFUL WHY?

2008-05-03 Thread WLeed3

In a message dated 5/3/2008 8:17:36 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Dear  Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.

I think, the message  with the number 175 678,
stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND  agent,
is really crime.
Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that  some
people are full of hate.

There is NO such message or news from  Reuters in germany.

And I know Emanuel personally.

Just looking  into details of that message:
It was the maharishi personally, who made  the prices.
I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
Having gotten it (the  TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
to give it out cheap.

Would be  interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
Or think about, wether  you accept people to really
post anonymous about such  matters.



No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by  AVG.
Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 - Release Date:  5/1/2008 
8:39 AM

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.
 I think, the message with the number 175 678,
 stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
 is really crime.
 Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
 people are full of hate.
 There is NO such message or news from Reuters in germany.
 And I know Emanuel personally.
 Just looking into details of that message:
 It was the maharishi personally, who made the prices.
 I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
 Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
 to give it out cheap.
 Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
 Or think about, wether you accept people to really
 post anonymous about such matters.

Yeah you'd better be careful Rick, humour is still a 
crime in some parts of Europe. We could have you extradited
as part of Guy Fawkes' sinister new plot. You know
what happened after the last one.

Nice to know international are on the case though,
stamping out fun wherever it my arise.

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG. 
 Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 - Release Date: 
 8:39 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Vaj

On May 3, 2008, at 8:16 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

I think, the message with the number 175 678,
stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
is really crime.
Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
people are full of hate.

There is NO such message or news from Reuters in germany.

And I know Emanuel personally.

Just looking into details of that message:
It was the maharishi personally, who made the prices.
I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
to give it out cheap.

Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
Or think about, wether you accept people to really
post anonymous about such matters.




What would be the appropriate Vedic punishment? After all, we want to  
be in accord with natural law!

We were thinking ghee-boarding may be the way the go, but you know us  
crazy Americans.

Super Radiantly Yours,


[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush Disapproval Rating Makes History

2008-05-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
off_world_beings wrote:
 On the contrary, George Washington was known 
 as a traitor, thief, and a despotic landowner, 
 and helping the regimes of fascist papists of 
Bhairitu wrote: 
  whereas George W. Bush will be known as the 
  murderer of our country.
 True, and also known the President who loved his
 dog more than his country.
 Ron Paul is already going down in history with 
 the appelation: Ron Paul - The new founding 
Like your comments are supposed to convince me to
vote for Ron Paul for the U.S. House of 
Representatives for Texas? 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread hermandan0
Strange too, that some folks see humor as hate. What's that saying
again? Oh yeah -- knowledge is structured in consciousness!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.
  I think, the message with the number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
  is really crime.
  Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
  people are full of hate.
 Yeah you'd better be careful Rick, humour is still a 
 crime in some parts of Europe. We could have you extradited
 as part of Guy Fawkes' sinister new plot. You know
 what happened after the last one.
 Nice to know international are on the case though,
 stamping out fun wherever it my arise.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bush Disapproval Rating Makes History

2008-05-03 Thread Richard J. Williams
  ...whereas George W. Bush will be known as 
  the murderer of our country.
Jim wrote:
 ...neocons for whom he is a defacto saint, who 
 even cares about ronald what day is it?
 reagan anymore?  
Bring in the drug addled clowns, the anarchists 
and the socialists! 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as gover...

2008-05-03 Thread WLeed3
Some forks se him as guilty  not presumed innocent of what crime   what 
jurisdictions? HA! HO!
In a message dated 5/3/2008 9:34:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Strange  too, that some folks see humor as hate. What's that saying
again? Oh yeah  -- knowledge is structured in consciousness!

--- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer  rick@ wrote:
  Dear Rick, you should be  careful, who is posting what.
  I think, the message  with the number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as  an BND agent,
  is really crime.
  Posted by someone as  Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
  people are full of hate.
 Yeah you'd better be careful Rick,  humour is still a 
 crime in some parts of Europe. We could have you  extradited
 as part of Guy Fawkes' sinister new plot. You know
  what happened after the last one.
 Nice to know international  are on the case though,
 stamping out fun wherever it my arise.

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Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Clinton using Obama's race against him?

2008-05-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ wrote:
  There were rumors that Hillary Clinton is Lesbian she is 
  starting to appear more and more like a Lesbian everyday. 
  Not sure if it is because women lose their femininity in 
  politics or what.  She has even gone as far as insituating 
  she is more of man than he is...
 All I can say is that if Hillary is gay, and 
 the rumored recipient of more of her...uh...
 sharp tongue than she gives to Obama is her 
 aide Huma Abedin, Hill's got *much* better 
 taste in women than Bill does.

I can't stand hillary's despicable campaign but these rumours about
her sexuality is just rehashed nonsense from 90s right wing attack
nonsense which also had drug dealing bill clinton killing hillary's
lover vince foster.  To repeat these just makes you a pawn of the
worst of the republicans.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Give poor Joerg a break.  He's German.  We are highly
serious people.

--- hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Strange too, that some folks see humor as hate.
 What's that saying
 again? Oh yeah -- knowledge is structured in
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick
 Archer rick@ wrote:
   Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting
   I think, the message with the number 175 678,
   stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND
   is really crime.
   Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that
   people are full of hate.
  Yeah you'd better be careful Rick, humour is still
  crime in some parts of Europe. We could have you
  as part of Guy Fawkes' sinister new plot. You know
  what happened after the last one.
  Nice to know international are on the case though,
  stamping out fun wherever it my arise.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread hugheshugo
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander 

 Give poor Joerg a break.  He's German.  We are highly
 serious people.

I wrote some parts of Europe rather than simply
Germany just so I wouldn't offend you. Nice to
know you wouldn't have minded ;-)

 --- hermandan0 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Strange too, that some folks see humor as hate.
  What's that saying
  again? Oh yeah -- knowledge is structured in
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, hugheshugo
  richardhughes103@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick
  Archer rick@ wrote:
Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting

I think, the message with the number 175 678,
stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND
is really crime.
Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that
people are full of hate.

   Yeah you'd better be careful Rick, humour is still
   crime in some parts of Europe. We could have you
   as part of Guy Fawkes' sinister new plot. You know
   what happened after the last one.
   Nice to know international are on the case though,
   stamping out fun wherever it my arise.
 Send instant messages to your online friends 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Clinton using Obama's race against him?

2008-05-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ wrote:
   There were rumors that Hillary Clinton is Lesbian she is 
   starting to appear more and more like a Lesbian everyday. 
   Not sure if it is because women lose their femininity in 
   politics or what.  She has even gone as far as insituating 
   she is more of man than he is...
  All I can say is that if Hillary is gay, and 
  the rumored recipient of more of her...uh...
  sharp tongue than she gives to Obama is her 
  aide Huma Abedin, Hill's got *much* better 
  taste in women than Bill does.
 I can't stand hillary's despicable campaign but these rumours about
 her sexuality is just rehashed nonsense from 90s right wing attack
 nonsense which also had drug dealing bill clinton killing hillary's
 lover vince foster. To repeat these just makes you a pawn of the
 worst of the republicans.

Well, since the rumors long predate her involvement
with politics or even with Bill, I give them some
credence. But that's kinda beside the point. I wasn't
bashing her, I was complimenting her on her taste
in carpet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 7:53 AM, Peter wrote:

Ha! I knew this was going to happen. The TMO is so far
gone, they can't even see humor in parody.

Were they *ever* able to see that?  I must have
missed those lectures.

As far back as I can recall, they've always walked around
like they had boards shoved you-know-where.

Humor?  What the hell is that?

When a
group can not laugh at its underbelly and claims they
have no underbelly, you know they are in deep shit and
never coming out.


[FairfieldLife] A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
(leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
description from Lulu.com:

The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled 
personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by 
intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
circuit normal politics and seize power.

Obama comes from the orbit of the Ford Foundation, and has never
won an election in a real contest. His guru and controller is 
Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Trilateral Commission co-founder and mad 
Russia-hater. Zbig wants a showdown with Russia and China far
more dangerous for the US than the Bush-Cheney Iraq quagmire.

Obama's economics are pure Skull  Bones/Chicago school austerity
and sacrifice for American working families, to bail out the
bankrupt Wall Street financiers who own him.

Obama's lemming legions and Kool-Aid cult candidacy hearken back
to Italy in 1919-1922, and raise a spectre of postmodern fascism
in America. No voter can afford to ignore the lessons contained
in this book.

You can order a bound copy for $15, but you can
also download it as a PDF for only $5.


Here's a review by John Leonard with more details:

Why do we know so little about Obama?
Is he the Secret Door to World War for Brzezinski  Co?
15 Apr 2008 (updated 15 Apr 2008) 
by John Leonard

Politicians do the opposite of what they promise more
often than not. So before you vote, plug your ears to
their speeches, and see what policies their advisers

In Obama: the Postmodern Coup, Tarpley gets a giant
scoop as the first to delve behind the screen into the
forces behind Obama: his policy advisors are far right-
wingers! Zbigniew Brzezinski is CEO of the BHO show.
For the economy, regressive Skull  Bones and Wall
Street figures. In military affairs, it's Gen. McPeak,
the perpetrator of genocidal civilian bombing tactics. 

Obama's backers make a laundry-list of the elite: the
Rockefellers, Rand Corp., Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission, Chicago School of Economics,
Bilderbergers - and the Ford Foundation six ways to
Sunday. No wonder he gets the lion's share of the
campaign financing from the corporations and a free
ride from the corporate media. 

All unawares, the United States slipped into the grip
of a soft coup last fall, the Brzezinski faction has
won over the power elite, and the neo-cons are already
lame ducks. Tarpley finds that Zbig also controls
two of the three front runners for the presidency --
Barack Obama and John McCain, but that Obama is the
elitist favorite for a facelift to the tottering empire. 

Obama is a Brzezinski protegé, scripted in the lofty
role of savior, a required figure in the planned
hysteria of the people power coups perfected by the
CIA and NGO's in Eastern Europe. The recipe has now
been brought home to short-circuit America's
political process. 

Tarpley should be dean of social sciences in a
prestigious university, if they aren't all funded by
Rockefeller and Ford foundations! I have a poli sci
degree, but almost all of Postmodern Coup was new
to me: 

- American political history is marked by cycles or
party realignments of about 36 or 40 years, such as
FDR's 1932 landslide or the upheavals of 1968. A few
right-wing strategists like Samuel Huntington know
this. They began planning around 1980 to subvert our
current cycle shift, first by the War on Terror, now
with the synthetic, pseudo-leftist Obama movement,
to set the nation on a course they will determine
until around 2050. 

- The Democrats repeatedly nominate losing presidential
candidates with their caucus system, favoring Volvo-
driving Democrats who decide the primaries in red
states, which the Dems don't win in the GE. Obama
continues this tradition of Mondale, Dukakis, McGovern
etc., folks who won't play in Peoria. 

- Fascism doesn't start out as a right-wing, top-down
system. How to recognize it in the bud? It begins as a
youth movement, often leftist, idealist, mystical, with
stirring slogans, euphoria, and a theme of national
regeneration. Like Obamania. Mussolini and Hitler both
got their start with outwardly leftist laborite parties. 

- Why does Obama want to attack Pakistan, the world's
6th largest country, with almost 3 times more people
than Iran, and 6 times more than Iraq? It's a Chinese
ally, and to get at Russia, Brzezinski wants to isolate
China, forcing it to attack Russia to get oil. A madcap
scheme that will only isolate the US even more. 

Postmodern Coup is a book with a mission: to stave off
the looming world-historical tragedy Tarpley foresees.
Yet it's about much more than Manchurian candidate
Obama, or even Brzezinski and his earlier puppet, Jimmy
Carter. Historian Tarpley draws on an unparalleled store
of erudition, past precedents and inside knowledge of
today's political 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:

Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
(leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
description from Lulu.com:

The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled
personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by
intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
circuit normal politics and seize power.

And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
  The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
  (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
  description from Lulu.com:
  The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled
  personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by
  intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
  super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
  circuit normal politics and seize power.
 And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
 from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
 good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the above
manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.  Let's look at
each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books, written by himself, show
a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp. compared to most
politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite personality esp.
when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies with fake polls -
this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of adolescents - Obama
consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences of any audience,
this was certainly true of ffld last summer; Super-rich backers - the
facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of low donor support
among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since overtaking Hillary in all
polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism esp. the nonsense of
the past month.   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 9:47 AM, boo_lives wrote:

On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:

Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
(leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
description from Lulu.com:

The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled
personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by
intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
circuit normal politics and seize power.

And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the above
manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.

Of course it does, boo, which is why I didn't
even bother trying to refute all the absurdity,
(not to mention the double-standard).  Where
to begin?

Let's look at
each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books, written by himself, show
a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp. compared to most
politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite personality esp.
when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies with fake polls -
this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of adolescents - Obama
consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences of any audience,
this was certainly true of ffld last summer; Super-rich backers - the
facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of low donor support
among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since overtaking Hillary in all
polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism esp. the nonsense  
of the past month.

You got it--very well said.  Obama's detractors are just
showing they'll say anything to try and take him down,
basically doing McCain's work for him, which I have
no doubt is exactly what Hill wants.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
  The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
  (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
  description from Lulu.com:
  The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a
  troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for a
  postmodern coup by intelligence agencies using fake polls,
  mobs of adolescents, super-rich backers, and orchestrated
  media hysteria to short-circuit normal politics and seize
 And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
 from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
 good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

I'm glad you appreciate the humor here, Sal.
I find it side-splitting, myself.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of conspiracy
theories involving strings behind the throne, it was very funny and I
hope Angela herself is having a good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
   Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
   The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
   (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
   description from Lulu.com:
   The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled
   personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by
   intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
   super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
   circuit normal politics and seize power.
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
 Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the above
 manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.  Let's look at
 each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books, written by himself, show
 a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp. compared to most
 politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite personality esp.
 when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies with fake polls -
 this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of adolescents - Obama
 consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences of any audience,
 this was certainly true of ffld last summer; Super-rich backers - the
 facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of low donor support
 among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since overtaking Hillary in all
 polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism esp. the nonsense of
 the past month.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
   Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
   The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
   (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
   description from Lulu.com:
   The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is
   a troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for
   a postmodern coup by intelligence agencies using fake
   polls, mobs of adolescents, super-rich backers, and 
   orchestrated media hysteria to short-circuit normal
   politics and seize power.
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
 Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the
 above manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.

No! How could you possibly say such a thing?

I mean, the guy who wrote it, as I noted above,
is a well-known 9/11 Truth activist.

I'll bet you don't believe the World Trade Center
towers were brought down by controlled demolition
by rogue elements of the CIA, or that it was
actually a missile that hit the Pentagon, either.

Angela and Bhairitu and Edg are going to be *very*
disappointed in you, I'm afraid.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
   On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
(leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
description from Lulu.com:
The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is
a troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man for
a postmodern coup by intelligence agencies using fake
polls, mobs of adolescents, super-rich backers, and 
orchestrated media hysteria to short-circuit normal
politics and seize power.
   And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
   from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
   good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
  Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the
  above manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.
 No! How could you possibly say such a thing?
 I mean, the guy who wrote it, as I noted above,
 is a well-known 9/11 Truth activist.
 I'll bet you don't believe the World Trade Center
 towers were brought down by controlled demolition
 by rogue elements of the CIA, or that it was
 actually a missile that hit the Pentagon, either.
 Angela and Bhairitu and Edg are going to be *very*
 disappointed in you, I'm afraid.

BTW, Barry's going to be upset too. I mean, here you
are, denouncing a book you haven't even read!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread sandiego108
A good example of the impossibility of anyone continuing the 
powerful TM and related transcending techniques while trying to 
maintain a rigid egoic image of themselves-- IMO why many people 
either become increasingly fundamentalist, bordering on craziness, 
as a reaction against the ever expanding and encroaching 
transcendence in their lives while continuing the techniques, waging 
a desperate yet futile fight against the inevitable and strong tide 
of disillusion, or quit doing TM altogether. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Ha! I knew this was going to happen. The TMO is so far
 gone, they can't even see humor in parody. When a
 group can not laugh at its underbelly and claims they
 have no underbelly, you know they are in deep shit and
 never coming out.
 --- Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting
  I think, the message with the number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND
  is really crime.
  Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that
  people are full of hate.
  There is NO such message or news from Reuters in
  And I know Emanuel personally.
  Just looking into details of that message:
  It was the maharishi personally, who made the
  I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
  Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
  to give it out cheap.
  Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy
  really is.
  Or think about, wether you accept people to really
  post anonymous about such matters.
  No virus found in this outgoing message.
  Checked by AVG. 
  Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 269.23.7/1409 -
  Release Date: 5/1/2008
  8:39 AM
 Be a better friend, newshound, and 
 know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread sandiego108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
  The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
  (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
  description from Lulu.com:
  The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a troubled
  personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern coup by
  intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
  super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
  circuit normal politics and seize power.
 And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
 from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
 good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

...and Sal, drawn to the negative energy like a bee to honey...

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Thanks, Judy, but I'm so deeply gone into conspiracy
theory that I had surmised that such must surely be
surely the case.  A real miracle at this time in
planetary history, given all the garbage in every
sector you can see?  I implied as much when I said
that the whole election process in this country is a
show designed to convince us that we have a
democracy--have you read Quigley?  Ben Franklin was
dead serious when, in answer to the question as to
what kind of government they'd cooked up (behind
closed doors, by the way), he said, A republic--if
you can keep it.  Given the nature of the Dao,
keeping it is a self-contradictory impossibility.  Or,
maybe, he knew its nature very well, maybe he said it
in an ironically loving undertone-a tone of Have fun
dearest milch kine, and enjoy your growth, pruning
time is coming soon enough--and, believe me, in spite
of all appearances, I do worship your ass for bringing
down the milk so sweet--and the blood.  Trust us to
manage well enough so that there will be a

Insurrection is a whole n'other game plan.  Even then,
you gotta ask, Whence inspiration?

--- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
 The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
 (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
 description from Lulu.com:
 The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama
 is a troubled 
 personality, the megalomaniac front man for a
 postmodern coup by 
 intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of
 super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria
 to short-
 circuit normal politics and seize power.
 Obama comes from the orbit of the Ford Foundation,
 and has never
 won an election in a real contest. His guru and
 controller is 
 Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Trilateral Commission
 co-founder and mad 
 Russia-hater. Zbig wants a showdown with Russia and
 China far
 more dangerous for the US than the Bush-Cheney Iraq
 Obama's economics are pure Skull  Bones/Chicago
 school austerity
 and sacrifice for American working families, to bail
 out the
 bankrupt Wall Street financiers who own him.
 Obama's lemming legions and Kool-Aid cult candidacy
 hearken back
 to Italy in 1919-1922, and raise a spectre of
 postmodern fascism
 in America. No voter can afford to ignore the
 lessons contained
 in this book.
 You can order a bound copy for $15, but you can
 also download it as a PDF for only $5.
 Here's a review by John Leonard with more details:
 Why do we know so little about Obama?
 Is he the Secret Door to World War for Brzezinski 
 15 Apr 2008 (updated 15 Apr 2008) 
 by John Leonard
 Politicians do the opposite of what they promise
 often than not. So before you vote, plug your ears
 their speeches, and see what policies their advisers
 In Obama: the Postmodern Coup, Tarpley gets a
 scoop as the first to delve behind the screen into
 forces behind Obama: his policy advisors are far
 wingers! Zbigniew Brzezinski is CEO of the BHO show.
 For the economy, regressive Skull  Bones and Wall
 Street figures. In military affairs, it's Gen.
 the perpetrator of genocidal civilian bombing
 Obama's backers make a laundry-list of the elite:
 Rockefellers, Rand Corp., Council on Foreign
 Trilateral Commission, Chicago School of Economics,
 Bilderbergers - and the Ford Foundation six ways to
 Sunday. No wonder he gets the lion's share of the
 campaign financing from the corporations and a free
 ride from the corporate media. 
 All unawares, the United States slipped into the
 of a soft coup last fall, the Brzezinski faction has
 won over the power elite, and the neo-cons are
 lame ducks. Tarpley finds that Zbig also controls
 two of the three front runners for the presidency --
 Barack Obama and John McCain, but that Obama is the
 elitist favorite for a facelift to the tottering
 Obama is a Brzezinski protegé, scripted in the lofty
 role of savior, a required figure in the planned
 hysteria of the people power coups perfected by
 CIA and NGO's in Eastern Europe. The recipe has now
 been brought home to short-circuit America's
 political process. 
 Tarpley should be dean of social sciences in a
 prestigious university, if they aren't all funded by
 Rockefeller and Ford foundations! I have a poli sci
 degree, but almost all of Postmodern Coup was new
 to me: 
 - American political history is marked by cycles or
 party realignments of about 36 or 40 years, such
 FDR's 1932 landslide or the upheavals of 1968. A few
 right-wing strategists like Samuel Huntington know
 this. They began planning around 1980 to subvert our
 current cycle shift, first by the War on Terror, now
 with the synthetic, pseudo-leftist Obama movement,
 to set the nation on a course they will determine
 until around 2050. 
 - The 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
How conscious is the Manchurian?  What a great
question to try to answer.  Does he know he's Siva? 
Is he havin' fun bein' Siva?

--- Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
  The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
  (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
  description from Lulu.com:
  The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack
 Obama is a troubled
  personality, the megalomaniac front man for a
 postmodern coup by
  intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of
  super-rich backers, and orchestrated media
 hysteria to short-
  circuit normal politics and seize power.
 And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
 from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
 good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Again, I ask, how conscious is Siva's tool?  

The thing I learned in China is that no matter what
they call themselves, ruling class is ruling class. 

Here's your choice: three different kinds of butchers.
 Given that choice, I vote for the image.  Cause we,
the milch kine can always be wrong--history should
show that much.


--- boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
  On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
   Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela:
   The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin
   (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's
   description from Lulu.com:
   The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack
 Obama is a troubled
   personality, the megalomaniac front man for a
 postmodern coup by
   intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of
   super-rich backers, and orchestrated media
 hysteria to short-
   circuit normal politics and seize power.
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
 Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To
 believe the above
 manchurian quote shows a complete break with
 reality.  Let's look at
 each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books,
 written by himself, show
 a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp.
 compared to most
 politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite
 personality esp.
 when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies
 with fake polls -
 this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of
 adolescents - Obama
 consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences
 of any audience,
 this was certainly true of ffld last summer;
 Super-rich backers - the
 facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of
 low donor support
 among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since
 overtaking Hillary in all
 polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism
 esp. the nonsense of
 the past month.   

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread sandiego108
Hey Curtis, I just remembered that I want to say I'm sorry to you 
for dissing your livelihood awhile back-- playing the blues. I 
remember the context and what drove me to criticize your livelihood, 
your path, and regardless it was kind of a fucked up thing to do in 
retrospect. Egg on my face- lol. I find you to be a real and genuine 
person-- good meat so to speak. Anyway, I owe you that one. Hope 
you are enjoying the hell out of playing your blues, and keeping it 
real, as I am sure you are. Maybe one day I'll get to DC again and 
try to find you on the streets of Alexandria.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of conspiracy
 theories involving strings behind the throne, it was very funny 
and I
 hope Angela herself is having a good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
   On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
(leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
description from Lulu.com:
The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a 
personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern 
coup by
intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
circuit normal politics and seize power.
   And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
   from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
   good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
  Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the above
  manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.  Let's 
look at
  each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books, written by 
himself, show
  a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp. compared to 
  politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite personality 
  when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies with fake 
polls -
  this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of adolescents - 
  consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences of any 
  this was certainly true of ffld last summer; Super-rich backers -
  facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of low donor 
  among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since overtaking Hillary 
in all
  polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism esp. the 
nonsense of
  the past month.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Yuns are not transcending the level of the problem. 
Remember, you can't solve a problem on the level of
the problem.  To make it perfectly plain, yuns can
argue back and forth till you get bored, you won't get
to a point where an argument can't be countered and
you win.  

--- Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:47 AM, boo_lives wrote:
  On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
  Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela:
  The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin
  (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's
  description from Lulu.com:
  The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack
 Obama is a troubled
  personality, the megalomaniac front man for a
 postmodern coup by
  intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of
  super-rich backers, and orchestrated media
 hysteria to short-
  circuit normal politics and seize power.
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
  Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To
 believe the above
  manchurian quote shows a complete break with
 Of course it does, boo, which is why I didn't
 even bother trying to refute all the absurdity,
 (not to mention the double-standard).  Where
 to begin?
  Let's look at
  each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books,
 written by himself, show
  a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp.
 compared to most
  politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite
 personality esp.
  when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies
 with fake polls -
  this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of
 adolescents - Obama
  consistently draws the largest mixed aged
 audiences of any audience,
  this was certainly true of ffld last summer;
 Super-rich backers - the
  facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range
 of low donor support
  among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since
 overtaking Hillary in all
  polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism
 esp. the nonsense  
  of the past month.
 You got it--very well said.  Obama's detractors are
 showing they'll say anything to try and take him
 basically doing McCain's work for him, which I have
 no doubt is exactly what Hill wants.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 9:59 AM, authfriend wrote:

And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

I'm glad you appreciate the humor here, Sal.
I find it side-splitting, myself.

Of course I do, Judy.  Who could possibly take
such nuttiness seriously?  Glad you agree. :)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Yup, it's a fun thread.  

--- authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine
  On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:
   Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela:
   The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin
   (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's
   description from Lulu.com:
   The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack
 Obama is a
   troubled personality, the megalomaniac front man
 for a
   postmodern coup by intelligence agencies using
 fake polls,
   mobs of adolescents, super-rich backers, and
   media hysteria to short-circuit normal politics
 and seize
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
 I'm glad you appreciate the humor here, Sal.
 I find it side-splitting, myself.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] The Perv-O-Rishi Effect hits Texas

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
So do I.

--- Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I feel a disturbance in the Yonified Field.
 Followers support Hindu leader accused of child
 5/2/2008 8:10 PM
 By: Heidi Zhou
   Prakashanand Saraswati faces child molestation
 Prakashanand Saraswati's temple shows no sign of the
 trouble its  
 founder faces.
 The human body is very precious, Saraswati told
 worshippers during a  
 teaching last Saturday. You can find the best
 thing—all that is great  
 in this lifetime—if you properly understand and
 follow the path.
 Saraswati, or Shree Swamiji as his devotees call
 him, gave the  
 teaching just hours after his followers paid $1
 million to bail him  
 out of the Hays County jail.
 The 79-year-old Saraswati teaches seminars in New
 York, but in Austin,  
 20 counts of child sexual abuse await his return.
   Hindu Leader
 News 8 Austin's Heidi Zhou tells us about the bond
 between the guru  
 and his followers.
 We are deeply saddened by these accusations. They
 are completely not  
 true, Barsana Dham spokesperson Prabhakari Devi
 said after learning  
 of Saraswati's arrest.
 Such loyalty to the spiritual teacher, or guru, is
 not a surprise  
 according to Hinduism expert Jagannath Vedula.
 Guru is worshiped, in the sense they bow to the
 guru, he said.
 Vedula is Vice President of the Austin Hindu Temple.
 Unlike Barsana  
 Dham, Vedula's temple doesn't follow a guru.
   Prakashanand Saraswati's temple shows no sign of
 the trouble its  
 founder faces.It's a personal preference,
 Vedula said. Different  
 people do it differently.
 While some question whether it's blind faith,
 Saraswati's followers  
 said he is not at the center of a personality cult.
 But they do refer  
 to him as his divinity, and they said he has
 impeccable behavior.
 He's dedicated his whole life to uplifting
 humanity, Devi said.  
 Anyone who knows him could never think he could
 ever harm anyone.
 Not harming anyone by thought, word or deed is
 Hinduism's basic  
 tenant. Now it's up to the law to decide whether
 Saraswati remains the  
 example to follow.
 Saraswati was born in India and came to Central
 Texas to build his  
 dream temple, Barsana Dham. The two-hundred-acre
 complex was founded  
 in 1990.
 According to its Web site, www.barsanadham.org,
 Barsana Dham is home  
 to about 50 adult residents.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 10:26 AM, sandiego108 wrote:

And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)


...and Sal, drawn to the negative energy like a bee to honey...

Dry up, you humorless old fart.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Duveyoung

General notes:

1.  I'm not enlightened by any standard I know of, but I think I have
intellectual clarity about the concepts of Advaita.  I find most folks
talking about Advaita to be off a bit and not understanding the
incredibly fierce philosophy that Advaita presents.  It took me many
readings before I got it that I wasn't grokking silence, and that my
ego was working against my understanding of it -- because Advaita is a
mofo ego killer, though to be sure, the ego is not alive and cannot be

2.  I've read a lot of the works of the neo-Ads.

3.  I've read close to all of Ramana's and Nisargadatta's works.

4.  I've read Ramana's Talks four full times -- taking up to a year to
do so each time -- reading about 30 - 40 minutes per dayand thinking
hard whenever the meaning of a sentence was not immediately obvious to
me.  I continue to browse it with satisfaction and resonance.

5. I've read Nisargadatta's I Am That at least two times and have
browsed the book often enough to constitute another reading.

6.  I think, for our purposes here, I have a solid education in Advaita,
and think I could answer any question that these two Masters could put
to me about their works.  Not that I know all the Sanskrit words in the
glossary, but that I understand the concepts they represent.  And, do
not think that I am saying that I could pull of wearing a dhoti and
grabbing a rose with pinky petals and be a guru who spontaneously says
the truth.  I'm much more a writer who knows he needs to re-read and
edit his words before he can be sure that they would resonate with
Advaita to a strong degree.

7.  I do not worship any master, nor do I think Ramana is operational
except in a very special sense that I might not get around to explaining
in this conversation.  I'm all for worshiping if someone wants to do so,
but to me, worshiping is bhakti, and it doesn't matter to me so much
what the object of worship is, but the mental technique that one is
using is all important; there's tons of methods for worship/prayer that
work, but some are better than others, and some practitioners are far
more adept than others.

8.  I feel I have a very very strong intuition, but I have an equally
long history of ignoring its red flag waving -- I frequently do
something I know to be wrong.  It is this intuition that is my alarm
bell that rings when neo-Ads present themselves.  Since I have an ego
the size of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters, I think I'm
all set to recognize it in others, and if there is egoic attachment by
this reckoning skill of mine, then I read their words with an extra
sharp red pencil, because subtleties are the be all and end all of

Okay, now to your contributions below:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 2, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

  The funniest thing to me is that no one here has yet convinced me
  they grok Advaita enough to know what it is enough to accept or
  it.  To reject neo-Advaitans is easypeasy if you don't know what
  you're talking about.  It takes some very adroit observations to
  the neo-Advaitans being dissonant with the words of Ramana Maharshi
  Nisargadatta Maharaj, but the very fact that language is being
  can account for most of the errors of the neo-Ads.

 LOL. Oh really?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have an ego, but Advaita's axioms clearly show that
language cannot be expected to present the knowledge completely since it
is dualistic, and many a language's grammar forces constructions that
are incorrect but are nonetheless the closest that that language can
get.  Many languages have huge differences in how they view time and
space for instance -- see S. I. Hayakawa's Language in Thought and
Action's ideas about the Navajos' POV.  Godel and quantum physics know
this too.  This sentence is false. for example, is beyond truth or
falsity, yet it can be employed didactically just as math's imaginary
numbers are a powerful tool for clarity.  (Einstein would be nothing if
not for Lorenz's contraction theorem's breakthrough use of imaginary
numbers - e.g. the square root of minus one  -- which had to be
discovered before Einstein had the math to embody relativity.)

I often find neo-Ad statements are peppered with syntax forced errors.
Ramana is quite clear that a statement like I am that, is a case of
one being made into three -- knower, knowing, known, and that this
proves that the intellect cannot be expected to bring one to unity.  The
intellect takes one to a doorway, and the ego must be left behind at
this point.  I often find neo-Ads thinking egoically but also skilled
with a bristling defensiveness and having an arsenal of deflection
blurbs that can turn the tables on any neophyte quickly and take the
spotlight off the guru's ego.  Like: Who just now believed your
words?  Neo-Ads should know -- but often do not -- that only pure
silence is the proper response to such questions.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Yes, but he an enlightened fart.  A fart flambé.

--- Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 3, 2008, at 10:26 AM, sandiego108 wrote:
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
  ...and Sal, drawn to the negative energy like a
 bee to honey...
 Dry up, you humorless old fart.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Intellectual clarity does not exist until after
enlightenment, doncha know.  And even then, it knows
itself to be finite.

--- Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 General notes:
 1.  I'm not enlightened by any standard I know of,
 but I think I have
 intellectual clarity about the concepts of Advaita. 
 I find most folks
 talking about Advaita to be off a bit and not
 understanding the
 incredibly fierce philosophy that Advaita presents. 
 It took me many
 readings before I got it that I wasn't grokking
 silence, and that my
 ego was working against my understanding of it --
 because Advaita is a
 mofo ego killer, though to be sure, the ego is not
 alive and cannot be
 2.  I've read a lot of the works of the neo-Ads.
 3.  I've read close to all of Ramana's and
 Nisargadatta's works.
 4.  I've read Ramana's Talks four full times --
 taking up to a year to
 do so each time -- reading about 30 - 40 minutes per
 dayand thinking
 hard whenever the meaning of a sentence was not
 immediately obvious to
 me.  I continue to browse it with satisfaction and
 5. I've read Nisargadatta's I Am That at least two
 times and have
 browsed the book often enough to constitute another
 6.  I think, for our purposes here, I have a solid
 education in Advaita,
 and think I could answer any question that these two
 Masters could put
 to me about their works.  Not that I know all the
 Sanskrit words in the
 glossary, but that I understand the concepts they
 represent.  And, do
 not think that I am saying that I could pull of
 wearing a dhoti and
 grabbing a rose with pinky petals and be a guru who
 spontaneously says
 the truth.  I'm much more a writer who knows he
 needs to re-read and
 edit his words before he can be sure that they would
 resonate with
 Advaita to a strong degree.
 7.  I do not worship any master, nor do I think
 Ramana is operational
 except in a very special sense that I might not get
 around to explaining
 in this conversation.  I'm all for worshiping if
 someone wants to do so,
 but to me, worshiping is bhakti, and it doesn't
 matter to me so much
 what the object of worship is, but the mental
 technique that one is
 using is all important; there's tons of methods for
 worship/prayer that
 work, but some are better than others, and some
 practitioners are far
 more adept than others.
 8.  I feel I have a very very strong intuition, but
 I have an equally
 long history of ignoring its red flag waving -- I
 frequently do
 something I know to be wrong.  It is this intuition
 that is my alarm
 bell that rings when neo-Ads present themselves. 
 Since I have an ego
 the size of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man in
 Ghostbusters, I think I'm
 all set to recognize it in others, and if there is
 egoic attachment by
 this reckoning skill of mine, then I read their
 words with an extra
 sharp red pencil, because subtleties are the be all
 and end all of
 Okay, now to your contributions below:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj
  On May 2, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
   The funniest thing to me is that no one here has
 yet convinced me
   they grok Advaita enough to know what it is
 enough to accept or
   it.  To reject neo-Advaitans is easypeasy if you
 don't know what
   you're talking about.  It takes some very adroit
 observations to
   the neo-Advaitans being dissonant with the words
 of Ramana Maharshi
   Nisargadatta Maharaj, but the very fact that
 language is being
   can account for most of the errors of the
  LOL. Oh really?
 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have an ego, but Advaita's
 axioms clearly show that
 language cannot be expected to present the knowledge
 completely since it
 is dualistic, and many a language's grammar forces
 constructions that
 are incorrect but are nonetheless the closest that
 that language can
 get.  Many languages have huge differences in how
 they view time and
 space for instance -- see S. I. Hayakawa's Language
 in Thought and
 Action's ideas about the Navajos' POV.  Godel and
 quantum physics know
 this too.  This sentence is false. for example, is
 beyond truth or
 falsity, yet it can be employed didactically just as
 math's imaginary
 numbers are a powerful tool for clarity.  (Einstein
 would be nothing if
 not for Lorenz's contraction theorem's breakthrough
 use of imaginary
 numbers - e.g. the square root of minus one  --
 which had to be
 discovered before Einstein had the math to embody
 I often find neo-Ad statements are peppered with
 syntax forced errors.
 Ramana is quite clear that a statement like I am
 that, is a case of
 one being made into three -- knower, knowing,
 known, and that this
 proves that the intellect cannot be expected to
 bring one to unity.  The
 intellect takes one to a doorway, and the ego must
 be left behind at
 this point.  I often find neo-Ads thinking egoically
 but also 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Angela Mailander

 Yes, but he an enlightened fart.  A fart flambé.


 --- Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  On May 3, 2008, at 10:26 AM, sandiego108 wrote:
And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
   ...and Sal, drawn to the negative energy like a
  bee to honey...
  Dry up, you humorless old fart.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
From a bud, only a promise.
Then a gentle opening:
Rich blooming, bursting fragrance,
The fulfillment of the center.

--- Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 General notes:
 1.  I'm not enlightened by any standard I know of,
 but I think I have
 intellectual clarity about the concepts of Advaita. 
 I find most folks
 talking about Advaita to be off a bit and not
 understanding the
 incredibly fierce philosophy that Advaita presents. 
 It took me many
 readings before I got it that I wasn't grokking
 silence, and that my
 ego was working against my understanding of it --
 because Advaita is a
 mofo ego killer, though to be sure, the ego is not
 alive and cannot be
 2.  I've read a lot of the works of the neo-Ads.
 3.  I've read close to all of Ramana's and
 Nisargadatta's works.
 4.  I've read Ramana's Talks four full times --
 taking up to a year to
 do so each time -- reading about 30 - 40 minutes per
 dayand thinking
 hard whenever the meaning of a sentence was not
 immediately obvious to
 me.  I continue to browse it with satisfaction and
 5. I've read Nisargadatta's I Am That at least two
 times and have
 browsed the book often enough to constitute another
 6.  I think, for our purposes here, I have a solid
 education in Advaita,
 and think I could answer any question that these two
 Masters could put
 to me about their works.  Not that I know all the
 Sanskrit words in the
 glossary, but that I understand the concepts they
 represent.  And, do
 not think that I am saying that I could pull of
 wearing a dhoti and
 grabbing a rose with pinky petals and be a guru who
 spontaneously says
 the truth.  I'm much more a writer who knows he
 needs to re-read and
 edit his words before he can be sure that they would
 resonate with
 Advaita to a strong degree.
 7.  I do not worship any master, nor do I think
 Ramana is operational
 except in a very special sense that I might not get
 around to explaining
 in this conversation.  I'm all for worshiping if
 someone wants to do so,
 but to me, worshiping is bhakti, and it doesn't
 matter to me so much
 what the object of worship is, but the mental
 technique that one is
 using is all important; there's tons of methods for
 worship/prayer that
 work, but some are better than others, and some
 practitioners are far
 more adept than others.
 8.  I feel I have a very very strong intuition, but
 I have an equally
 long history of ignoring its red flag waving -- I
 frequently do
 something I know to be wrong.  It is this intuition
 that is my alarm
 bell that rings when neo-Ads present themselves. 
 Since I have an ego
 the size of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man in
 Ghostbusters, I think I'm
 all set to recognize it in others, and if there is
 egoic attachment by
 this reckoning skill of mine, then I read their
 words with an extra
 sharp red pencil, because subtleties are the be all
 and end all of
 Okay, now to your contributions below:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj
  On May 2, 2008, at 1:52 PM, Duveyoung wrote:
   The funniest thing to me is that no one here has
 yet convinced me
   they grok Advaita enough to know what it is
 enough to accept or
   it.  To reject neo-Advaitans is easypeasy if you
 don't know what
   you're talking about.  It takes some very adroit
 observations to
   the neo-Advaitans being dissonant with the words
 of Ramana Maharshi
   Nisargadatta Maharaj, but the very fact that
 language is being
   can account for most of the errors of the
  LOL. Oh really?
 Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have an ego, but Advaita's
 axioms clearly show that
 language cannot be expected to present the knowledge
 completely since it
 is dualistic, and many a language's grammar forces
 constructions that
 are incorrect but are nonetheless the closest that
 that language can
 get.  Many languages have huge differences in how
 they view time and
 space for instance -- see S. I. Hayakawa's Language
 in Thought and
 Action's ideas about the Navajos' POV.  Godel and
 quantum physics know
 this too.  This sentence is false. for example, is
 beyond truth or
 falsity, yet it can be employed didactically just as
 math's imaginary
 numbers are a powerful tool for clarity.  (Einstein
 would be nothing if
 not for Lorenz's contraction theorem's breakthrough
 use of imaginary
 numbers - e.g. the square root of minus one  --
 which had to be
 discovered before Einstein had the math to embody
 I often find neo-Ad statements are peppered with
 syntax forced errors.
 Ramana is quite clear that a statement like I am
 that, is a case of
 one being made into three -- knower, knowing,
 known, and that this
 proves that the intellect cannot be expected to
 bring one to unity.  The
 intellect takes one to a doorway, and the ego must
 be left behind at
 this point.  I often find neo-Ads thinking egoically
 but also skilled

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why do Duveyoung and Angela like using the n-word so much?

2008-05-03 Thread Duveyoung

I don't know how you got to thinking I'm okay with Afrocentrism being
taught. It's a bunch of shit, but I just know that most dogmas are
filled with errors, and that it is a merely matter of degree when
comparing Afrocentrism with the dogma of Modern Science. Science is
replete with beliefs that go unexamined and are as unfounded as even
the worst Afrocentric delusions.

Einstein wrote his famous letter to FDR about making the first atomic
bomb.  What religious belief did Einstein consider before he wrote
that letter?  When Fritz Haber invented a method for mass producing
poisonous gas that had no use except for warfare -- what religious
implications can be surmised from that act? Whatever it was that these
two big brains said to themselves, how different is that from an
Afrocentric persons saying they're psychic because their skin is
black?  Einstein said, Build the bomb, because I know the full
measure of its impact.  How's that for delusion?

Einstein believed he'd be doing the world a solid by creating that
bomb.  Oppenheimer said, In some sort of crude sense which no
vulgarity, no humor, no overstatement can quite extinguish, the
physicists have known sin; and this is a knowledge which they cannot

To me, it's a hard question to approach when asked, For the good of
all, for the betterment of the world, what would be worse, ten million
more Afrocentrists in the world or another Einstein or Oppenheimer?

It is one thing to peddle nonsense, it is quite another to open up
Pandora's box.  If one is going to chide an Afrocentrist, be sure to
chide others who are far more dangerously deluded about their
abilities to handle the truth.  I'd say, spend your time debunking
scientific elitism before smacking a bunch of bell-curve-losers for
goofy notions.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 2, 2008, at 11:55 AM, Duveyoung wrote:
  Afrocentrism is no more or less ignorant than any of the beliefs of
  every religion on Earthincluding the secular religions of
  democracy, I'm a good guy, and What me worry.
 Well, it's not a religion, but it does sometimes impact it.
 For example, there are a lot of Egyptian cults in the black community  
 (some which are actually quite interesting).  I've met a lot of  
 interesting people through them.
  Talk about the blind leading the blind is, well, spurious, when in
  fact every group of humans will use delusions for the social glue.
 Well, we shouldn't be bringing them into science, history, academia  
 and our schools. It took centuries since the Enlightenment for science  
 to build up the knowledge we have today. Can you imagine the  
 disconnect some hard-working African-American student would have to  
 endure if, for example, they raised their hand in a college  
 biochemistry class and mentioned that melanin actually biochemically  
 gave some people psychic abilities or faster reaction times? Or if  
 they went to Egypt and in talking to Egyptians expressed their belief  
 that Black African-Americans were their descendants? I have seen the  
 latter, and it was not a pretty scene.
 But OTOH, I've sat in ritual spaces with Black Egyptian priestesses  
 who did know what they doing and they were themselves awakening  
 because of it. That is quite beautiful to see.
  Because of denial being the very fabric of all ideologies, I'm
  inclined to largely forgive Afrocentrism's motivations and take a step
  back before I chide its conclusions which are simply as skewed as,
  say, Fox News.
 Well I suggest you pickup Lefkowitz's book if it ever grabs your  
 fancy. If having read that and you still want to see these myths being  
 taught as facts to your kids at the HS or college level, then get back  
 to me.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread off_world_beings
You forgot to mention that Professor Van Dyke of Amsterdam is the 
brother of Dick Van Dyke, who played the nutty professor in Chitty 
Chitty Bang Bang, and the Old Excentric Grandfather in that movie is 
the father of his illigitimate child David Lynch, who's 
character Giacommetti in Twin Peaks was based on a real character 
who was in the CIA and a fanatic member of Scientology, which was 
founded by a rebel FreeMason who idolised Aleister Crowley.

The plot thickens


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
 Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
 Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
 Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
 German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
 under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
 government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration 
 limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said We knew that
 someone was sending us off in funny directions but we couldn't work
 out who it was. In retrospect his performance in Central America
 should have made us suspicious and standing up in front of a German
 audience announcing that he planned to succeed where Hitler had 
 was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised with a crown we
 thought he was one of us. asked how they finally rumbled him the
 spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years we'd been told 
 maintaining high prices meant we would take over the world by 
 meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be working and we
 thought it must be government agents who were misdirecting us. We
 caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all voted to reduce the
 prices we charge for learning meditation and he was the only one
 holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and it was clear
 something funny was going on so we searched his room and found coded
 messages from his controller in the BND instructing him to make sure
 we kept prices so high no one would learn.
 Asked what they planned to do to him he replied Well he has to 
have a
 trial and it's well known that government agents float in water so
 we've arranged a public test to see if he floats, either that or 
 see if he's lighter than a duck 
 Another person in the cult claimed He turned me into a newt! But I
 got better
 Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the University of
 Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're stark raving
 bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in the Argyreia
 Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that was keeping them
 tripped out. To discover that it was actually all part of a 
 plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent must have had 
 help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern perimeter of
 their compound otherwise he would have been outed earlier.
 -- ends

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread off_world_beings
Oh leave Joerg alone. He's probably Swedish.

The Stranglers--Sweden (funny stuff)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On May 3, 2008, at 8:16 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
  I think, the message with the number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
  is really crime.
  Posted by someone as Guyfawkes, only shows, that some
  people are full of hate.
  There is NO such message or news from Reuters in germany.
  And I know Emanuel personally.
  Just looking into details of that message:
  It was the maharishi personally, who made the prices.
  I was there in Vlodrop, when he said:
  Having gotten it (the TM) from Guru Dev doesn`t mean
  to give it out cheap.
  Would be interesting, to track down, who that guy really is.
  Or think about, wether you accept people to really
  post anonymous about such matters.
 What would be the appropriate Vedic punishment? After all, we want 
 be in accord with natural law!
 We were thinking ghee-boarding may be the way the go, but you know 
 crazy Americans.
 Super Radiantly Yours,

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
Off, that's the post of the week.  Deep bow.

--- off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You forgot to mention that Professor Van Dyke of
 Amsterdam is the 
 brother of Dick Van Dyke, who played the nutty
 professor in Chitty 
 Chitty Bang Bang, and the Old Excentric Grandfather
 in that movie is 
 the father of his illigitimate child David Lynch,
 character Giacommetti in Twin Peaks was based on a
 real character 
 who was in the CIA and a fanatic member of
 Scientology, which was 
 founded by a rebel FreeMason who idolised Aleister
 The plot thickens
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91
  Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
  Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the
 Maharishi of
  Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany
 Raja Emanuel
  Schiffgens has been identified as a government
 agent working for the
  German secret service (BND). For many years the
 cult has been living
  under the fear of infiltration by spies from the
 CIA and other
  government agencies but it was always thought that
 the penetration 
  limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said
 We knew that
  someone was sending us off in funny directions but
 we couldn't work
  out who it was. In retrospect his performance in
 Central America
  should have made us suspicious and standing up in
 front of a German
  audience announcing that he planned to succeed
 where Hitler had 
  was a bit of a giveaway but because he was
 disguised with a crown we
  thought he was one of us. asked how they finally
 rumbled him the
  spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years
 we'd been told 
  maintaining high prices meant we would take over
 the world by 
  meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be
 working and we
  thought it must be government agents who were
 misdirecting us. We
  caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all
 voted to reduce the
  prices we charge for learning meditation and he
 was the only one
  holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and
 it was clear
  something funny was going on so we searched his
 room and found coded
  messages from his controller in the BND
 instructing him to make sure
  we kept prices so high no one would learn.
  Asked what they planned to do to him he replied
 Well he has to 
 have a
  trial and it's well known that government agents
 float in water so
  we've arranged a public test to see if he floats,
 either that or 
  see if he's lighter than a duck 
  Another person in the cult claimed He turned me
 into a newt! But I
  got better
  Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from
 the University of
  Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're
 stark raving
  bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in
 the Argyreia
  Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that
 was keeping them
  tripped out. To discover that it was actually all
 part of a 
  plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent
 must have had 
  help from the wood gnomes camped out on the
 southern perimeter of
  their compound otherwise he would have been outed
  -- ends

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On May 3, 2008, at 9:59 AM, authfriend wrote:
  And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
  from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
  good cheer, and the spice of life. :)
  I'm glad you appreciate the humor here, Sal.
  I find it side-splitting, myself.
 Of course I do, Judy.  Who could possibly take
 such nuttiness seriously?  Glad you agree. :)

I thought it was so cute how you pretended a
post or two ago to be disgusted by the efforts
of us Obama-detractors:

 Obama's detractors are just showing they'll say
 anything to try and take him down, basically
 doing McCain's work for him, which I have no
 doubt is exactly what Hill wants.

Actually, though, Tarpley doesn't have a real
positive view of McCain either. His prediction:

A US attack on Iran occurs within six months after
McCain's inauguration, followed by a likely escalation
towards all-out thermonuclear confrontation with
Moscow and Beijing. Martial law and dictatorship are
imposed on the home front, and we discover that the
potential of the 2008 party realignment has been
aborted into dictatorship and world war. This is what
it means to succumb to the siren song of the Obama
propaganda machine.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
 conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
 it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
 good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.

But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
according to some here.

I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
take lightly these revelations about Obama at
your peril.

Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Bhairitu
Tarpley seems to have really gone off the deep end over Obama.  BTW 
Angela, Judy didn't like Tarpley on 9-11 whom I quoted several times so 
why would she find him credible now?   The crux of Tarpley's Obama rant 
(on his weekly radio show) is the Brzezinski connection as if Obama 
would be his puppet.  Here's the link to Tarpley's show World Crisis 
Radio which is on at 11 AM PDT today (Saturday):

Angela Mailander wrote:
 Thanks, Judy, but I'm so deeply gone into conspiracy
 theory that I had surmised that such must surely be
 surely the case.  A real miracle at this time in
 planetary history, given all the garbage in every
 sector you can see?  I implied as much when I said
 that the whole election process in this country is a
 show designed to convince us that we have a
 democracy--have you read Quigley?  Ben Franklin was
 dead serious when, in answer to the question as to
 what kind of government they'd cooked up (behind
 closed doors, by the way), he said, A republic--if
 you can keep it.  Given the nature of the Dao,
 keeping it is a self-contradictory impossibility.  Or,
 maybe, he knew its nature very well, maybe he said it
 in an ironically loving undertone-a tone of Have fun
 dearest milch kine, and enjoy your growth, pruning
 time is coming soon enough--and, believe me, in spite
 of all appearances, I do worship your ass for bringing
 down the milk so sweet--and the blood.  Trust us to
 manage well enough so that there will be a

 Insurrection is a whole n'other game plan.  Even then,
 you gotta ask, Whence inspiration?-

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Duveyoung
Peter wrote:
 And to add to the mix: Ramana made it very clear that
 Atma Vichara is only for a very select few who have
 done preliminary work (i.e., yoga)and have sattvic
 intellects. If you attempt atma vichara and you don't
 awaken, you have to hit the asana mat again! This
 rather important point seems to be missing from most
 neoavaitins rap.


I'd like to see what words of Ramana would make a case for your above

Ramana, it seems, was himself a case of someone born close to
enlightenment.  He probably could have gotten free by merely eating
cherry Pop Tarts and smoking beedis.  He does acknowledge that the
nervous system must be refined for atma vichara to do the final
work, but he encouraged all to try it, and if that didn't get huge
results, he contended that that practice would culture the nervous
system such that eventually it would free one.  My take is that
Ramana said that bhakti or asanas or pranayama were all good
techniques for refining one's ability to attend to subtlety, that
is, preparing one for the doing of atma vichara, but I'm thinking that
he never presented atma vichara as only something for the very
advance practitioner to attempt and, say, a waste of time for others. 

So, I'm hoping you have something definitive up your sleeve to correct
me if I'm wrong on this take, because it is quite an important issue,
but surely you know that Nisargadatta is far more informal about this
issue and considered Who am I? a very powerful technique that the
masses should use.  Not the asking of the question, but the attending
of the self that it leads to.  Yet, Nisargadatta did pujas daily in
his upper room packed with believers.  He wasn't afraid of multiple
approaches to freedom.  

I personally think that practicing TM is a wonderful method of
culturing the nervous system that is equal to worship or asanas or

Here's a very strange thing:

I think the TM siddhis offer one an obvious stance about atma vichara
and the masses:  after only a few months of practicing TM, one is
allowed to learn the siddhis, and the technique requires one to
return to the self after the sutra is expressed.  Only atma vichara
can return one to the self -- so right there's TM saying the masses
can do atma vichara.  I was PROFOUNDLY disturbed when I got my first
siddhi instruction and was told to return to the self -- FUCK!  Wasn't
that the goal of goals, and here it was supposed to be something we
all could do well enough to practice a siddhi?  I was angry at what I
considered then and now to be a huge change in the TMO's dogma.

The thing I most rely on about this issue is the omnipresence of self.
 Ask anyone if they're alive, here, now, real -- anyone knows that
they  exist.  That can only be because of a basic human ability to do
atma vichara.  One knows one is sentient, and it cannot be gainsaid.

Are you here?  You just did atma vichara in my book.

To me, the big challenge of atma vichara is that practicing it results
in nothing being experienced.  That is: no thing as an object of
consciousness can be found, but the experiencer is nonetheless there.
 This is goal of TM -- wanting the mantra to be finally dropped and to
transcend.  This nothingness, this silence sought, this quiet witness
cannot be attended to, so one only knows that doing atma vichara is
successful if one gets zilch!!! This zilchness experience negatively
reinforces the human delusion of causality, see?  One cannot get to
the bottom of the lotus stalk, but one IS that bottom all the time. 
Only by ceasing ALL DOINGNESS does the doer stand clear.  Like that.

Okay, let's see if anyone can tell me where I'm confused above.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hey Curtis, I just remembered that I want to say I'm sorry to you 
 for dissing your livelihood awhile back-- playing the blues. I 
 remember the context and what drove me to criticize your livelihood, 
 your path, and regardless it was kind of a fucked up thing to do in 
 retrospect. Egg on my face- lol. I find you to be a real and genuine 
 person-- good meat so to speak. Anyway, I owe you that one. Hope 
 you are enjoying the hell out of playing your blues, and keeping it 
 real, as I am sure you are. Maybe one day I'll get to DC again and 
 try to find you on the streets of Alexandria.

Thanks Jim, I appreciate that very much.  It did give me a chance to
get on my high horse about the universality of the blues, so I can't
really complain too much!  Plus with my advanced case of Vitiligo
(think Michael Jackson disease without the boy cravings) a lot of
people don't even know I am black.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of conspiracy
  theories involving strings behind the throne, it was very funny 
 and I
  hope Angela herself is having a good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
On May 3, 2008, at 9:34 AM, authfriend wrote:

 Here's a book you'll want to read, Angela: Obama:
 The Post-Modern Coup, by Webster Griffin Tarpley
 (leading 9/11 Truth movement activist). Here's the
 description from Lulu.com:

 The Making of a Manchurian Candidate… Barack Obama is a 
 personality, the megalomaniac front man for a postmodern 
 coup by
 intelligence agencies using fake polls, mobs of adolescents,
 super-rich backers, and orchestrated media hysteria to short-
 circuit normal politics and seize power.

And speaking of humor, here comes Judy, roaring back
from her sojourn in the wilderness, full of laughter,
good cheer, and the spice of life. :)

   Forget her good cheer, try total lunacity!  To believe the above
   manchurian quote shows a complete break with reality.  Let's 
 look at
   each assertion:  Personality - Obama's books, written by 
 himself, show
   a uniquely thoughtful integrated personality esp. compared to 
   politicians; Megalomaniac - actually the opposite personality 
   when compared to Clintons; Intelligence agencies with fake 
 polls -
   this is just too nutty to even respond to; Mobs of adolescents - 
   consistently draws the largest mixed aged audiences of any 
   this was certainly true of ffld last summer; Super-rich backers -
   facts shows Obama clearly has the broadest range of low donor 
   among all candidates; Media Hysteria - since overtaking Hillary 
 in all
   polls Obama has had the sharpest media criticism esp. the 
 nonsense of
   the past month.

[FairfieldLife] Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo

2008-05-03 Thread do.rflex

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

MOVIE TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w3ZxcT2Lhkfeature=related

...The vast majority of people now see Guantánamo as so illegitimate
that it approaches absurdity. The man held for five years because of
his friendship with a suicide bomber (who was alive and well in
Germany); the Bosnian Red Crescent worker asked to respond to charges
that he associated with a known Al Qaeda member (without being
told that person's name--because it was classified); the government
lawyer who claimed in court that a little old lady in Switzerland
whose charitable donation is unknowingly diverted to Al Qaeda could be
detained as an enemy combatant--all of these may one day make the
unwieldy Guantanámoesque replace Kafkaesque in the lexicon. The
movie's marketers would never have risked alienating a significant
chunk of their audience by putting the word Guantánamo in the title if
there weren't a broad public consensus that the place is synonymous
with injustice.

But the use of the prison as a metaphor for legalistic absurdity and
government incompetence is only a small piece of the reality at
Guantánamo. And this is the really telling thing about the title:
America is not ready for Harold and Kumar Go to Abu Ghraib. Guantánamo
can be treated as a punch line in part because it is seen by Americans
as primarily an abstract issue about executive abuse of power instead
of being about real people. [...]

At one point in the movie, as a buffoonish Homeland Security official
tries to return Harold and Kumar to Guantánamo following their escape,
the head of the NSA snaps, These kids are obviously innocent It's
people like you who make the rest of the world think Americans are
stupid! The audience in the theater I saw the movie in cheered the

We in the human rights community often struggle with whether to
criticize the Bush Administration on moral grounds or for its
inefficacy at catching actual terrorists. Sometimes, the broadest
public disdain for immoral government practices can be evoked by
showing that they don't work as advertised to keep us safe. But often
that approach loses sight of the most uncomfortable part of the truth.

The movie is very funny. Nothing about the real place is. 

~~  Shayana Kadidal in The Nation:

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
 I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
 take lightly these revelations about Obama at
 your peril.

I'm not exactly the deepest thinker in political matters.  I'm still
stuck on evaluating if Obama is black enough to win the bluesman vote.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
  conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
  it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
  good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
 But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
 according to some here.
 I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
 take lightly these revelations about Obama at
 your peril.
 Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
 Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On May 3, 2008, at 10:49 AM, Angela Mailander wrote:

Yes, but he an enlightened fart.  A fart flambé.



[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
  conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
  it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
  good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
 But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
 according to some here.
 I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
 take lightly these revelations about Obama at
 your peril.
 Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
 Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut

what i take seriously is that there are people so out of touch that
they would consider them revelations.  

noticed that the book also claims obama is the favorite of the chicago
school of economics, well that makes sense, he's from chicago.  what a
joke to think the chicago school economists favor obama, they're on tv
constantly knocking him, he's the opposite of everything they're
about.  wall street financiers?  they're ok with OB, but billary has
spend incredible energy the past 16 yrs making that source of money
their main support and they have that locked up.  Ford and Carnegie
foundations?  what a laugh thinking they're some kind of shadowy big
players in US politics.  they probably gave some grant to support his
community service work.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
   conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
   it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
   good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
  But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
  according to some here.
  I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
  take lightly these revelations about Obama at
  your peril.
  Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
  Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut
 what i take seriously is that there are people so out of touch that
 they would consider them revelations.

You haven't even read the book!

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
  conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
  it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
  good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
 But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
 according to some here.
 I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
 take lightly these revelations about Obama at
 your peril.
 Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
 Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut

It appears that the author is using political satire to get his 
points across.  Its like reporting on the radio that the Martians 
are coming!  

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
   But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
   according to some here.
   I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
   take lightly these revelations about Obama at
   your peril.
   Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
   Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut
  what i take seriously is that there are people so out of touch that
  they would consider them revelations.
 You haven't even read the book!

your summary was more than enough.  not really into crazed lyndon
larouche conspiracies.  the obama is a manchurian candidate meme is
being propagated by the far right wingnuts like coulter et al and now
consciously taken up by clinton's camp as well, though usually it's to
REVEAL that obama is really a brainwashed muslim, not a brainwashed
new world orderite.  but it's the same meme that's going to continue
through Nov and people like tarpley who purposely play into this meme
deserve to be ignored so we can have a sane election, not more
propaganda about muslim-elitist-terrorist-communist obama.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of
   conspiracy theories involving strings behind the throne,
   it was very funny and I hope Angela herself is having a
   good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.
  But...but...but I don't *have* a sense of humor,
  according to some here.
  I mean, this election is Serious Business. You
  take lightly these revelations about Obama at
  your peril.
  Clearly, boo_lives takes them deadly seriously.
  Look at the energy he put into trying to rebut
 It appears that the author is using political satire to get his 
 points across.  Its like reporting on the radio that the Martians 
 are coming!

Who, Tarpley? Nosireebob, he's deadly serious too,
about both Obama and 9/11.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  You haven't even read the book!
 your summary was more than enough.

Wasn't my summary, FWIW. But if you haven't read
the book, how do you know he doesn't provide solid
*support* for what he says?

 the obama is a manchurian candidate meme is
 being propagated by the far right wingnuts like coulter et
 al and now consciously taken up by clinton's camp as well,
 though usually it's to REVEAL that obama is really a
 brainwashed muslim, not a brainwashed new world orderite.

Oh, really? Taken up by Clinton's camp?

I don't suppose you'd like to provide us with a few
examples, would you?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...people like tarpley who purposely play into this meme
 deserve to be ignored so we can have a sane election...

When speaking of the United States of
America, sane election is an oxymoron.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
You took the words right outa my mouth.  I'm sure Judy
still believes in sane elections, though.

--- TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives
  ...people like tarpley who purposely play into
 this meme
  deserve to be ignored so we can have a sane
 When speaking of the United States of
 America, sane election is an oxymoron.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ...people like tarpley who purposely play into this meme
 deserve to be ignored so we can have a sane election...

 When speaking of the United States of
 America, sane election is an oxymoron.
Especially these two year marathons they've turned into.  Enough to burn 
out the most ardent politico.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread lurkernomore20002000

 From a bud, only a promise.
 Then a gentle opening:
 Rich blooming, bursting fragrance,
 The fulfillment of the center.

Was someone talking about the yonified field a few posts back.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread dhamiltony2k5
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting what.
 I think, the message with the number 175 678,
 stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND agent,
 is really crime.

Yes Joerg,  I'm with you on this entirely.  Mr. Rick Archer clearly 
should be brought up for charges of disorderly and dishonerable 
conduct on the internet for allowing such spurious accusations on his 
forum as these accussations against a Raja who so clearly has his 
fingers on the pulse of things.  Even if they are from Reuters.  

It is just contemptible of all decency what things Rick Archer allows 
on this FairfieldLife forum.   

Jai Guru Dev, 
-Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread guyfawkes91
Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 

Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration was
limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said We knew that
someone was sending us off in funny directions but we couldn't work
out who it was. In retrospect his performance in Central America
should have made us suspicious and standing up in front of a German
audience announcing that he planned to succeed where Hitler had failed
was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised with a crown we
thought he was one of us. asked how they finally rumbled him the
spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years we'd been told that
maintaining high prices meant we would take over the world by teaching
meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be working and we
thought it must be government agents who were misdirecting us. We
caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all voted to reduce the
prices we charge for learning meditation and he was the only one
holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and it was clear
something funny was going on so we searched his room and found coded
messages from his controller in the BND instructing him to make sure
we kept prices so high no one would learn.

Asked what they planned to do to him he replied Well he has to have a
trial and it's well known that government agents float in water so
we've arranged a public test to see if he floats, either that or we'll
see if he's lighter than a duck 

Another person in the cult claimed He turned me into a newt! But I
got better

Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the University of
Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're stark raving
bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in the Argyreia
Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that was keeping them
tripped out. To discover that it was actually all part of a government
plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent must have had some
help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern perimeter of
their compound otherwise he would have been outed earlier.

-- ends  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Notes from Satsang Fairfield

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander

--- lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  From a bud, only a promise.
  Then a gentle opening:
  Rich blooming, bursting fragrance,
  The fulfillment of the center.
 Was someone talking about the yonified field a few
 posts back.

Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
 Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
 Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
 Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
 German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
 under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
 government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration 
 limited to low level operatives. A spokesman said We knew that
 someone was sending us off in funny directions but we couldn't work
 out who it was. In retrospect his performance in Central America
 should have made us suspicious and standing up in front of a German
 audience announcing that he planned to succeed where Hitler had 
 was a bit of a giveaway but because he was disguised with a crown we
 thought he was one of us. asked how they finally rumbled him the
 spokesman said He overplayed his hand, for years we'd been told 
 maintaining high prices meant we would take over the world by 
 meditation to rich people but it didn't seem to be working and we
 thought it must be government agents who were misdirecting us. We
 caught him out in a vote over the prices. We all voted to reduce the
 prices we charge for learning meditation and he was the only one
 holding out for higher prices. He was isolated and it was clear
 something funny was going on so we searched his room and found coded
 messages from his controller in the BND instructing him to make sure
 we kept prices so high no one would learn.
 Asked what they planned to do to him he replied Well he has to 
have a
 trial and it's well known that government agents float in water so
 we've arranged a public test to see if he floats, either that or 
 see if he's lighter than a duck 
 Another person in the cult claimed He turned me into a newt! But I
 got better
 Professor Van Dyke a leading Vlodropolgist from the University of
 Amsterdam said We've known for years that they're stark raving
 bonkers but we thought it was the lysergic acid in the Argyreia
 Nervosa they put in their herbal preparations that was keeping them
 tripped out. To discover that it was actually all part of a 
 plot is quite a surprise. Though I think the agent must have had 
 help from the wood gnomes camped out on the southern perimeter of
 their compound otherwise he would have been outed earlier.
 -- ends

Hey Guy,

Nice piece of satirical work.  I checked the Reuters website to see 
if this article was present in there.  I could not find it.  So, as 
everyone suspects, your article is a piece of fiction.  You got us 
thinking about this one.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Peter

--- dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
  Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is posting
  I think, the message with the number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an BND
  is really crime.
 Yes Joerg,  I'm with you on this entirely.  Mr. Rick
 Archer clearly 
 should be brought up for charges of disorderly and
 conduct on the internet for allowing such spurious
 accusations on his 
 forum as these accussations against a Raja who so
 clearly has his 
 fingers on the pulse of things.  Even if they are
 from Reuters.  
 It is just contemptible of all decency what things
 Rick Archer allows 
 on this FairfieldLife forum.   
 Jai Guru Dev, 
 -Doug in FF

Well, Raja-ji Emanuel certainly has his finger on the
pulse of something, but it ain't reality! Oh! Will I
lose my dome badge for that comment? Wait a second I
don't have a dome badge. Phew, that was close. Jai
Guru Dev.

 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] WHAT Crime? What statue were? : Raja Schiffgens identified as gover...

2008-05-03 Thread WLeed3
Rick so just watch  enjoy the readings with humor, As I do.
No crime statue identified by citation  innocent till proved  differently  
by  his 12  peers what jurisdiction?
 LET FREE speech rein on the net as well as in all lands  freedom  of 
cartoons as well.
In a message dated 5/3/2008 4:50:20 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

---  dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In  FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer
  Dear Rick, you should be careful, who is  posting
  I think, the message with the  number 175 678,
  stating, that Raja Emanuel was caught as an  BND
  is really crime.
 Yes Joerg,  I'm with you on this entirely.  Mr.  Rick
 Archer clearly 
 should be brought up for charges of  disorderly and
 conduct on the internet for  allowing such spurious
 accusations on his 
 forum as these  accussations against a Raja who so
 clearly has his 
 fingers on  the pulse of things.  Even if they are
 from Reuters.   
 It is just contemptible of all decency what things
  Rick Archer allows 
 on this FairfieldLife forum.   
 Jai Guru Dev, 
 -Doug in FF

Well, Raja-ji Emanuel  certainly has his finger on the
pulse of something, but it ain't reality!  Oh! Will I
lose my dome badge for that comment? Wait a second I
don't  have a dome badge. Phew, that was close. Jai
Guru  Dev.

 To subscribe, send a  message to:
  Or go to: 
 and  click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

Be  a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try  it now.   

To  subscribe, send a message  to:

Or go to:  
and click 'Join This  Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

**Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family 
favorites at AOL Food.  

[FairfieldLife] Yanks eat 5x foodgrains as Indians

2008-05-03 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Until I got to the end I thought this was true.  Now it seems to be someone 
nothing better to do...

Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter.

Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the
German secret service (BND). For many years the cult has been living
under the fear of infiltration by spies from the CIA and other
government agencies but it was always thought that the penetration was
limited to low level operatives.

This phrase tipped me off:

penetration was limited to low level operatives.

The rumor I have heard dating back 30+ years is that a CIA operative at the 
highest level 
of the TMO outed themselves to MMY who appeared unconcerned at that time. 
the security measures we went through during my Yogic FLying block seemed 
designed by someone who actually had USED security measures in a real life 
setting (speaking as a 
former military person with an inactive NATO Secret clearance), so I realized 
the second it 
was lowest level that this was bogus. Besides, teh CIA/FBI would easily be 
able to insert 
someone into Raja status had they so desired.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@ 
  Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 

IMO, one shouldn't be using a real name of a news agency
in this kind of stuff. I'd prefer e.g. Beuters, Royters,
Rutters, Reuterz, or somesuch...

  Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
  Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
  Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Duveyoung
By the time one gets to the end of the piece, it is painfully obvious
that we've been duped just enough to make the thing real to TMers
and grab them only to then dump them into their own pile of steaming

On April Fool's Day, this would have fooled no one, right?

I think satire has the right to use some dirty tricks like misusing
Reuters' name, but yeah, the writer is flirting with slander. 

It was uncomfortable as a gotcha for me, because, well, I was done
got for a few sentences and had had my blood chemicals change with a
rush of what on Earth can the movement do about this scandal?  So my
anti-TMO emotions were triggered, and I was petardized.

I didn't like it, but I bow to the achievement.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@ 
   Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff reporter. 
 IMO, one shouldn't be using a real name of a news agency
 in this kind of stuff. I'd prefer e.g. Beuters, Royters,
 Rutters, Reuterz, or somesuch...
   Today a small cult based in Holland founded by the Maharishi of
   Beatles fame announced that its leader for Germany Raja Emanuel
   Schiffgens has been identified as a government agent working for the

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Angela Mailander
You mean the newt wasn't a dead give-away?

--- Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By the time one gets to the end of the piece, it is
 painfully obvious
 that we've been duped just enough to make the
 thing real to TMers
 and grab them only to then dump them into their own
 pile of steaming
 On April Fool's Day, this would have fooled no one,
 I think satire has the right to use some dirty
 tricks like misusing
 Reuters' name, but yeah, the writer is flirting with
 It was uncomfortable as a gotcha for me, because,
 well, I was done
 got for a few sentences and had had my blood
 chemicals change with a
 rush of what on Earth can the movement do about
 this scandal?  So my
 anti-TMO emotions were triggered, and I was
 I didn't like it, but I bow to the achievement.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John
 jr_esq@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,
 guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@ 
Reuters 05-02-2008:23:05 by our staff
  IMO, one shouldn't be using a real name of a news
  in this kind of stuff. I'd prefer e.g. Beuters,
  Rutters, Reuterz, or somesuch...

Today a small cult based in Holland founded by
 the Maharishi of
Beatles fame announced that its leader for
 Germany Raja Emanuel
Schiffgens has been identified as a government
 agent working for the

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[FairfieldLife] Re: A Book for Angela

2008-05-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Humor.  Precisely targeted humor.  With Angela's love of conspiracy
 theories involving strings behind the throne, it was very funny and I
 hope Angela herself is having a good laugh.  Welcome back Judy.

Your insight is keen. It was funny.
Your message reminded me of a poem Curtis, just never
forget the garland of garlic and have a wooden stake 
just in case.  ;-)

Rumi - Guest House

This being human is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By the time one gets to the end of the piece, it is painfully obvious
 that we've been duped just enough to make the thing real to TMers
 and grab them only to then dump them into their own pile of steaming

Fucking idiot. I'm a real TM'r and I knew it was fake in the first 2 
sentences. But judging by the responses of the desperately slow anti-TM 
crowd, THEY are the ones that believed it the longest (except for 
joerg, who is Swedish, so that doesn't count). Mostly because the anti-
TM'rs are so desperate for fodder for their gossip-starved pea-brains 
that they hook on anything with their slimy talons hoping for some dry 
rotting carrion to chew on.

What a bunch of meatheads.


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCrazy: wife a c*nt

2008-05-03 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sandiego108 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings 
 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk 
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante no_reply@ 
It's not an internet rumor. It's from a book called The 
McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him and Why 
Shouldn't by Cliff Schecter. Here's the passage from the 
Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, 
me in on another incident involving McCain's intemperateness. 
1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by 
Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes 
At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain's hair and 
  said, You're 
getting a little thin up there. McCain's face reddened, and 
responded, At least I don't plaster on the makeup like a 
c---. McCain's excuse was that it had been a long day. If 
president of the United States, McCain would have many long 

   I'm not a big fan of McCain's but I gotta tell ya that if 
  the worst they can come up with to show the guy's downside
  Unfortunately, McInsane is also a complete idiot. 
 In my opinion, if we think Bush's view of permanent war is 
 disturbing, it is nothing when seen against what McCain has in mind-
 we are currently looking at nothing but a skirmish or two in 

It doesn't matter what McCain thinks, if he is president he will be a 
laughing stock and a lame-duck president from day one, and he will 
bow to pressure, and his one saving grace is that he might actually 
see reason and change his views once in power. He is the biggest flip-
flopper of all time.

He will never be president though, so no worries.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread Duveyoung

You're hardly worth a post, but just to go public with my actual
performance, I knew the article was hinky by the end of the third
sentence.  So I guess you're smarter than me for having gotten it
after only two sentences.

And, again, to all who are so unaware of those who are mentally
deficient and their challenges, remember that the words idiot, moron
and imbecile refer to definite I.Q. ranges.

Whenever someone calls someone an idiot, they are using a scientific
designation such that it becomes an n-word for that group of folks.
 This is your sin, Off, but I'm content to let God explain it to you
as you're about to leave the body on your deathbed and going south soon.

And, as a meat robot, let me inform you that you too are someone with
a meathead.

If exTMers were/are slow to pick up on the satire, it's entirely
understandable given the bizarre nature of the TMO todaysomething
which seems to have you as fooled as the article fooled some of us for
a few seconds.so whose the dumber?  Me for a few seconds, or you
for the rest of your life? I'll take my limitations any day.

And finally, go take a header into a cesspool you ugly spirited prick,
cus, I did my time in the chair, and I'M A TMER more than you are
apparently, because at least I cultured my nervous system to nurture
and retain and expand my New Age values that had gotten me into TM in
the first place; while you seem to have found a way to look in the
mirror despite your universally decried by FFLers personalitytry
to find a single poster here who likes you and quote them about what
they think of your personality that you'd be okay with.  You'll
fail.  I'd rather be an idiot in the official sense than be imprisoned
in your POV.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  By the time one gets to the end of the piece, it is painfully obvious
  that we've been duped just enough to make the thing real to TMers
  and grab them only to then dump them into their own pile of steaming
 Fucking idiot. I'm a real TM'r and I knew it was fake in the first 2 
 sentences. But judging by the responses of the desperately slow anti-TM 
 crowd, THEY are the ones that believed it the longest (except for 
 joerg, who is Swedish, so that doesn't count). Mostly because the anti-
 TM'rs are so desperate for fodder for their gossip-starved pea-brains 
 that they hook on anything with their slimy talons hoping for some dry 
 rotting carrion to chew on.
 What a bunch of meatheads.

[FairfieldLife] Michelle Obama: Barack has hit boiling point

2008-05-03 Thread Robert

Michelle Obama: Barack has hit boiling pointBy Tim Shipman in Raleigh, North 
Last Updated: 11:50PM BST 03/05/2008
Obama lifted the lid on the irritation felt by the leading Democrat 
  candidate for the White House at the way anti-American outbursts by his 
  pastor, Jeremiah Wright, have dogged his campaign.

He is said to be itching to turn all his fire on John McCain, the Republican 
  candidate, who is benefiting most from Mr Obama's protracted tussle with 
  Hillary Clinton.

Mrs Obama told a rally in Durham, North Carolina, on Friday that only her 
  husband's desire to change US politics had helped him to control his 
  feelings: Barack is always thinking three steps ahead – what do we 
  need to do to make change. 

Her husband was thinking I can't let my ego, my anger, my frustration 
  get in the way of the ultimate goal, she said.

Barack has been characterised as many things that have nothing to do 
  with who he is.

Senator Obama has known the Rev Wright for more than 20 years, but he was 
  forced to end their friendship last week over repeated claims by his pastor 
  that America was to blame for the 9/11 attacks and for spreading the Aids 

New polls show the affair may have derailed Mr Obama's chances of sealing a 
  double win in Tuesday's North Carolina and Indiana primary elections, which 
  might have ended Mrs Clinton's hopes.

Instead, in just a week, Mrs Clinton has reversed a narrow Obama lead in 
  Indiana and is closing fast in North Carolina, where Mr Obama had hoped for 
  a convincing win. 

A poll on Saturday found 58 per cent of voters believe his de-nunciation of 
  the Rev Wright was merely an act of political expediency. 

The Rasmussen survey found 56 per cent of voters thought it likely that Obama 
  shares some of his pastor's anti-American views.

A senior Democrat strategist privy to Obama's campaign said: He's sick 
  of the battle against Clinton. He wants to get stuck into McCain. His people 
  have had to remind him that this thing isn't over yet and he needs to focus 
  and put her away.

In a press conference on Friday, Mr Obama conceded: We've had a rough 
  couple of weeks, I won't deny that. I don't think what happened with Rev 
  Wright was helpful.

While Mr Obama retains an almost unassailable three-figure lead in pledged 
  delegates from the round of primary elections, he still needs a strong 
  showing on Tuesday, when the two largest states remaining in the Democratic 
  contest vote, in order to slow Mrs Clinton's momentum – and with it her 
  claims that she is emerging at the 11th hour as the stronger candidate.

He needs to split the remaining half-dozen states that have yet to vote with 
  the former First Lady, and to win the backing of at least a third of the 
  remaining 300 undeclared super-delegates to secure the nomination.

In an interview with The Sunday Telegraph, his chief strategist David   Axelrod 
said the trickle of super-delegate endorsements would grow this   week. 

He said Mr Obama had garnered the support of 100 more super-delegates since 
  early February, and added: You're going to see a lot more of that soon.

Mr Axelrod said Mr Obama had been using games of basketball to let off steam. 
  He said the Wright affair had undoubtedly had some impact on voters, but 
  claimed his candidate was ready for the fight ahead.

He has enjoyed the chance to shoot a little ball. I think we're in a 
  good groove, he said. And in a dig at Mrs Clinton and her husband 
  Bill, he said: We knew from the start of this race that we were taking 
  on the most formidable machine in Democratic politics.

It's in full display right now. She's tenacious and she can multiply her 
  reach because her husband is working just as hard as either of the 

In contrast with the Clintons, Mrs Obama said: We were taught that you 
  don't rip your opponents to pieces, you don't leave them on the roadside.

Voters and super-delegates canvassed by The Sunday Telegraph at   campaign 
events in North Carolina agreed that the Rev Wright controversy   would damage 
Mr Obama's chances on Tuesday.

Jerry Meek, the Democratic state party chairman, said: It will have an 
  impact. Voters are talking about it. Senator Obama has addressed the issue 
  very forcefully but he's been thrown off message for a week.

Kevin Johnson, 36, a white pastor from Boone, said: Obama is getting an 
  increasingly bad press over the Rev Wright thing. I never make political 
  remarks from the pulpit. It's just not appropriate.

Jon Violette, 49, who works in advertising, described Mr Obama's problem as a 
  for Mrs Clinton. He said: People are getting 

[FairfieldLife] Global oneness

2008-05-03 Thread Robert
Living in Oneness Possible? Holy Lay Monk, Sri Raniji Kumra Offers
Solutions for Globally Balanced InfrastructuresGlobal oneness and 
permanentsolutions for more balanced global infrastructures is possible 
thoughthe Oneness Blessing, a spiritual solution supported by over 14million 
people worldwide, whihc ends inner conflict and thesubsequent struggle, strife, 
and conflict that takes hold in theworld around us www.onenessmovement.org. 
This blessing slows down the mind, bringing it towards the peaceand serenity of 
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB)May 2, 2008 -- American statistics on poverty, crime, 
and disease areparticularly shocking for a nation with the advanced 
civilization,technology, science and medicine, that defines us. But that's 
onlythe tip of the iceberg - the plague of unhappiness and unhealthinessalso 
shows up in the forms of health problems, drug and alcoholabuse, family 
dysfunction, and the rise of disturbing trends amongstthe youth - the recent 
school shootings being an example. 
Nowadays, it seems as if almost
everyone has a strong sense of loneliness and is seeking greater
meaning in life. Often, those living under the same roof cannot
relate meaningfully to each other because conflict has taken the
place of compassion, togetherness, and understanding. In
relationships across all spectra of society, the epidemic of pain,
frustration, insecurity, doubt, and fear is tearing the social and
family fabrics apart. The result has been a breakdown of the most
basic units of our society, families and communities. 
It seems that over the last few
decades, people have been existing, rather than living. Until we
realize that the suffering of any being whomsoever, has a detrimental
effect on the well-being of all others, the condition of our world
will not change. 
Living in Oneness is possible. Throughthe Oneness Blessing, a spiritual 
solution that ends inner conflictand the subsequent struggle, strife, and 
conflict that takes hold inthe world around us www.onenessmovement.org. This 
blessing slows down the mind, bringing it towards the peaceand serenity of 
Oneness. The active mind does not let people be inthe now; rather, it keeps 
the attention in the past or thefuture, robbing each one of us of the reality 
of now. There has beenmuch discussion about silencing the mind by great 
spiritualiststhroughout time, from Gautama Buddha and St Francis of Assisi 
toMaharishi Mahesh Yogi. 
The Oneness Blessing is an answer to
the urgent call of suffering hearts throughout the world; a solution
to the urgent need of our times. This blessing is a transfer of
Divine Energy and Intelligence, which begins a process of awakening
in the individual. A positive neurobiological change is fostered in
the brain, promoting a shift in perception, greater peace of mind,
and an expansive flowering of the heart. 
Divine energy transmissions and
blessings rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit; and, most
importantly, begin to awaken the Higher Self within. Each person
spontaneously begins to discover why each of us is always looking and
searching for peace, joy, and bliss in life. We teach people how to
discover the mind's habitual involvement with the content
rather than the underlying reality of experiences; and how to uncover
the tricks of the mind, which tend to take us away from Truth and
into the maze of our own illusions. 
These Energy Blessings are the gift of
Sri Bhagavan and Shri Amma, who launched the Oneness Movement in
India in 1991 to alleviate the suffering of mankind and create an
enlightened collective consciousness - a world of Oneness. So much
suffering - every type of suffering - and all caused by the
disconnection of practical life with the spiritual content of life,
which is abundantly available within each and every individual; yet
mostly ignored, denied, and forgotten. 
It is inspiring to see Oprah Winfrey
advocating Eckhart Tolle and Marianne Williamson's teachings about
spirituality, faith and healing which lead to ultimate oneness and a
I believe that the ultimate solution
to world problems is to make peace within ourselves; only then will
we have a peaceful world. States Sri Raniji Kumra, Leader of The
Oneness Movement North America and Canada. 
The Solution is the Evolution of Human
Consciousness  Awakening 
How can we change the world if we cannot change ourselves? The aspirations of, 
a better worldor a golden age, require a worldwide awakening. But thiscan 
only be accomplished by awakening the individuals everywhere,regardless of 
religion, culture, skin color, etc. 
Awakeningmust begin at the individual level. We cannot change the world if 
wedo not change ourselves first. Brian D. McClure creator of TheUniversal 
Flag, (which represents the oneness and interdependence ofeveryone and 
everything http://www.universalflag.com) says, For years I donated money to 
feed and shelter thehomeless. I felt that I was doing my part for those in 
need. Thetruth is, I remained 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread off_world_beings
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You're hardly worth a post, but just to go public with my actual
 performance, I knew the article was hinky by the end of the third
 sentence.  So I guess you're smarter than me for having gotten it
 after only two sentences.
 And, again, to all who are so unaware of those who are mentally
 deficient and their challenges, remember that the words idiot, moron
 and imbecile refer to definite I.Q. ranges.
 Whenever someone calls someone an idiot, they are using a scientific
 designation such that it becomes an n-word for that group of folks.

idiot is a descriptive term for those who are of obvious slow mental 
capabilities but 
profess to be smart...ie. the fundamentalist Anti-TM'rs here. everyone knows 

  This is your sin, Off, but I'm content to let God explain it to you

Wow, what a  nut.
WTF?? !

You wouldn't know God if it kracked your ass with 2x4. 
Don't talk to me about god, you haven't got a clue what god is. Only idiots 
have to believe 
in god.

Anyways, the rest of your pathetic lecture is not worth more than a 
speed-reading and 
delete, because you know that the embarrassingly dense anti-TM crowd are the 
ones that 
believed it the longest  Mostly because the anti-TM'rs are so desperate for 
fodder for their 
gossip-starved pea-brains that they hook on anything with their slimy talons 
hoping for 
some dry rotting carrion to chew on.

What a bunch of meatheads.


[FairfieldLife] Superdelegate Count

2008-05-03 Thread Robert
Backs Whom
race for Democratic superdelegates reached a milestone this week,
when Barack Obama pulled even with Hillary Clinton in the battle for
House and Senate support. As of Friday, they had 97 lawmakers each,
while 92 remain uncommitted. 
Somepatterns are obvious. Clinton dominates with female members ofCongress, 
with 36 endorsements to Obama's 17, with 11 uncommitted.Obama is backed by 23 
members of the Congressional
Black Caucus, while Clinton has 15 CBC supporters, with threestill uncommitted. 
Nearlyhalf of Clinton's endorsements, or 46 total, represent three states:New 
York, New Jersey and California. Obama's support is moregeographically diverse, 
with over a third coming from states west ofthe Mississippi
Onecurious trend is the large number of Geoff
Garin clients who have endorsed Obama. Garin, president of PeterD. Hart 
Research Associates, a leading polling firm, became a keypart of Clinton's 
message team with the demotion of Mark
Penn in April, and it has polled for her campaign since March. 
Inthe weeks since, quite a few Garin clients signed up with the otherteam, 
including Sen. Robert Casey (Pa.) and Reps.
Lois Capps (Calif.), Baron
P. Hill (Ind.) and David
E. Price (N.C.). Oklahoma Gov. Brad
Henry also endorsed Obama in April. In fact, most of Garin'spolitical clients 
listed on his firm's Web site are either with Obamaor are uncommitted. 
Onlyone, North Carolina Gov. Mike
Easley, has declared support for Clinton in recent weeks,although Kentucky Gov. 
Beshear, another Garin client, is believed to be leaning inClinton's direction. 

Two lopsided categories show members who won their seats in the big 
Democratic sweep of 2006, and the most vulnerable Democrats on 2008 
tickets. Nearly half of these lawmakers remain uncommitted, but those who have 
picked candidates prefer Obama. One Democrat who fitsboth categories, 
Indiana's Hill, signed on with the senator fromIllinois even though 
he's the underdog in Hill's conservative   district. Hill was lured in part by 
the thousands of new studentvoters the Obama campaign has registered on 
the Indiana
University campus in Bloomington.   
Among   freshman House and Senate members, the following are with 
Clinton:  Sen.
Sheldon Whitehouse (R.I.) and Reps.
Michael Arcuri (N.Y.), Yvette
D. Clarke (N.Y.), Kirsten
Gillibrand (N.Y.), John
Hall (N.Y.), Joe
Sestak (Pa.) and Betty
Sutton (Ohio).  
And here's Obama's freshman lineup: Sens. Robert
P. Casey Jr. (Pa.), Amy
Klobuchar (Minn.) and Claire
McCaskill (Mo.) and Reps.
Bruce Braley (Iowa), Julia
Carson (Ind.), Kathy
Castor (Fla.), Stephen I. Cohen (Tenn.), Phil
Hare (Ill.), Baron
Hill (Ind.), Paul
W. Hodes (N.H.), Hank Johnson (Ga.), Steve
Kagen (Wis.), Dave
Loebsack (Iowa), Christopher
S. Murphy (Conn.), Patrick
J. Murphy (Pa.), Ed
Perlmutter (Colo.), Carol
Shea-Porter (N.H.), Tim Walz (Minn.), Peter
Welch (Vt.) and John
Yarmuth (Ky.).  
Clinton has signed up just two lawmakers -- Gillibrand and Sestak -- 
who aretargeted by Republicans in 2008. Obama has gained support from six   
   vulnerables: Reps.
John Barrow (Ga.), Melissa
Bean (Ill.), Hill, Christopher Murphy (Conn.), Patrick Murphy   (Pa.) 
and Shea-Porter.  
These   vulnerables remain uncommitted: Sen.
Mary Landrieu (La.) and Reps.
Nancy Boyda (Kan.), Chris Carney (Pa.), Joe
Donnelly (Ind.), Gabrielle
Giffords (Ariz.), Nick
Lampson (Tex.), Tim
Mahoney (Fla.), Jim
Marshall (Ga.), Harry
E. Mitchell (Ariz.), Ciro
D. Rodriguez (Tex.) and Zack Space (Ohio).  
Foursenators elected in 2006 remain neutral: Sherrod
Brown (Ohio), Benjamin
L. Cardin (Md.), Jon
Tester (Mont.) and James
Webb (Va.). And these 2006 House members are uncommitted: Boyda (Kan.), 
Carney (Pa.), Courtney (Conn.), Donnelly (Ind.), Ellsworth  (Ind.), 
Giffords (Ariz.), Hirono (Hawaii), Klein (Fla.), Lampson(Tex.), Mahoney 
(Fla.), McNerney (Calif.), Mitchell (Ariz.),Rodriguez (Tex.), Sarbanes 
(Md.), Shuler (N.C.) and Wilson (Ohio).  


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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.  

[FairfieldLife] 'May the Best Voice Win!'

2008-05-03 Thread Robert

NORTH CAROLINA is proud of sending
into American life so many of its most beautiful voices: Thelonious
Monk, Ava Gardner, Nina Simone, a passel of garrulous novelists,
James Taylor, Edward R. Murrow. Not a bad list. 
But lately we’ve felt crowded by all
the performer-politicos auditioning here. Our being
eloquence-exporters raises local standards for outsiders’ arias. To
make your presidential agenda seem a cause, press mere speech into
full song! A tall order. I’ve attended many a primary shout-out.
Here are a few jotted moral-vocal reviews:
Why, just last week, while out for my
daily constitutional, I passed the home plate of our Little League
park and found it lightning-bugged with cameras. Yes, among spring’s
first green, I heard one husky baritone and there, in the back of a
blue pickup gummed with Hillary Clinton stickers, stood her husband.
You remember the former president? Sure you do. Four hundred of my
fellow citizens felt flattered into assembling. Schools let out so
students could do reports. 
Listening to his rasped spiel, you
find it impossible to blame the man, for anything — at least while
he’s here. His voice gets you into a headlock, then Dutch-rubs you
into loving him. He alternates between “aw, shucks” and those
public-policy stats he aurally cooks into piping-hot chicken pot
pies, enough for all. 
His pickup podium sits parked at home
base, an American flag decorates the backstop. Most folks don’t
look good under these conditions. But this man in gray (Armani?)
stands trim and tall; he understands how to be most utterly at home
While praising his wife’s “growth,”
he lifts one shoe — like Porter Wagoner leaning on some hay bale as
he strums an Opry spiritual. Foot propped on the truck’s ledge, an
ex-president tilts forward. And out of him springs basso-profundo
facts-figures (no notes, no sheet-music consulted). Good sense, it
spills our way like straw turned gold.
But he himself is not actually
running, is he? Still, he rates an A (alas). 
His wife is running. Next day, Mrs.
Clinton’s event proves staged to perfection. True, her starter
notes strike one as Midwestern-student-council sharp. Her peach-toned
pantsuit at first looks a wee bit Haz-Mat orange. But give her three
minutes and Senator Clinton’s bright hard mezzo asserts its raw
forward energy. A force, maybe not of Mozartian crystal-springs
talent but surely revealing a titanic Beethoven will. Her speech
proves as swift as it is friendly. Half-bawdy, she laughs at the
unfairness of her needing more time to get camera-ready than do her
male competitors. 
Unbelievably, Senator Clinton shows no
exhaustion. This speech might’ve started her campaign a full 18
months ago. If her factoids more resemble USA Today pie charts than
her husband’s baked-goods stories, she hits only salient points. I
want her to handle my finances. She reminds me of my tightly buttoned
secretly sexy favorite fourth-grade teacher, one whose lessons tasted
medicinal going down but have stayed right with me these Ice Ages
later. B+ (excellent diction, citizenship, cursive). 
Now we head, thundering with 20,000
other love-struck souls, to the one stadium big enough to hold Barack
Obama’s performance energy. I’m nervous as I enter Chapel Hill’s
basketball Valhalla, the Dean (Smith) Dome. Am I about to
sing-speak-preach? This is the most perfectly racially integrated
crowd I’ve ever been part of. Average age? Twenty-eight. I become
that young myself.
But three hours is forever amid
hot-dog and T-shirt vendors. Still, I wait. This is A+ history. After
an eternity of introducers introducing introducers, Senator Obama
hops up those stage steps, a semaphore for “youth.” He’s
elongated-sanctified as any El Greco saint. White shirt, his usual
ice-blue tie, you guess he’ll heat up soon. We’re finally in for
a little evangelical preaching worthy of this dark hour in American
We keel forward, ready to re-love our
country through him. Is he fatigued? And we aren’t? He puts in his
full 40 minutes. He punches a clock. That clock is 20,000 souls he
knew he had already. We’re people who left work early, paid costly
sitters, parked a mile away to hear one clarion goose-bumping grace
note from him. 
Is he smart? Yes. Tall? Check. Heat?
Sixty-eight degrees. We sit in his peanut gallery waiting to jump up
and scream ourselves hoarse with a backlog of “Amens.” We’ve
come for that. We never get it. 
His attitude, as a performer, as a
voice for justice and reason and peace, tonight seems that of a calm
if besieged martyr. At times he sounds a wifely tiredness; the old
“See everything I do for you, night after night?” And this is his
audition to compete against a grizzled no-nonsense P.O.W.? Is this
the snake charmer whose song we hope will purge that toxic nest
called the Bush White House? The rally ends. Grade? A hopeful
After eight sad years, whichever voice
inspires us to recall our Promised Land, that’s the song we’re
waiting for. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Breaking news : Raja Schiffgens identified as government agent

2008-05-03 Thread R.G.
 What would be the appropriate Vedic punishment? After all, we want to  
 be in accord with natural law!
 We were thinking ghee-boarding may be the way the go, but you know us  
 crazy Americans.
 Super Radiantly Yours,
I heard today, that water-boarding was only the first step, in the
techniques used by the CIA...
You know the US absorbed much of the information on torture, from the
Nazis who were practiced in the art of torture and other human
This was a very dark time in German history, and human history.
We are at a turning point, hopefully we can turn away from such animal
like reactions and become more human, as we supposedly  evolve...

As far as an appropriate punishment, we can leave that to the 'Lords
of Karma'...
They don't miss a beat, just waiting for the 'right time'.