[FairfieldLife] Obama

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
Was this included in what Maharishi meant when he said his work was done?


[FairfieldLife] Re: From the Los Angeles Times-Ayurvedic Medicines Often Contaminated By Toxic Metal

2008-08-29 Thread bob_brigante
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 bob_brigante wrote:
  If you order products from MAPI in Colorado Springs, I'm sure 
you're OK
  -- they claim that they test all products imported from India both
  before shipment and on arrival in the U.S.:
  However, MAPI USA was negligent in not warning people about not 
  direct from MAPI companies in India, which apparently don't test 
  have the heavy metal problems, which is why MAPI USA was sued (by 
  longtime movement stalwart living in Vedic City) for failure to 
  about these problems:
  I almost ordered stuff from MAPI-INDIA via a banner ad that I 
saw, and I
  certainly would have pissed if I had bought this stuff -- I use 
  in my car, and that's definitely my preference in food 
supplements too.

 The big problem is that our increasingly moronic citizenry (partly 
 too much fluoride and mercury in other things) will want to ban 
 altogether.  Do you really expect them to understand that what is 
 talked about is the preparations that contain metals? They 
 can't ban preparations that contain just herbs like ginger, 
 cardomon, etc,  but don't underestimate the ability for big pharma 
 manipulate the ignorance of the public.

Currently, Federal law is very favorable towards dietary supplements:

While pharmaceutical companies are required to prove the safety or 
effectiveness of their products, supplement manufacturers are not, 
and the FDA can take action only after a dietary supplement has been 
proven harmful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_supplement

Yeah, there may be some blowback over this ayurveda/heavy metal 
thing, but I don't think so. There are too few people interested in 
AV for there to be widespread concern, I believe, and although people 
do express an interest in greater regulation of dietary supplements, 
lobbying efforts by the supplement industry have been very 
successful, abetted by the wariness that most people have towards 
Western organized medicine and big pharma.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 430 Gay executions in liberated Iraq.

2008-08-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   Amazing that even in a topic completely unrelated to TM and 
   MMY, this poster still feels compelled to launch an attack. 
  Amazing that although I commented on *Maharishi*,
  not you, you feel you have to respond as if I had
  attacked you. Some attachment issues goin' on?  :-)
 Most amazing of all, there is *absolutely
 nothing* in Feste's post that suggests he
 took Barry's attack on MMY personally.
 Barry made that up out of whole cloth, as
 he does most of his attacks on TMers.

I see that Ms. I Don't Care What Anyone 
Says, I'm Still Going To Throw My Vote Away 
To Spite Obama For Having W..W..W..Won The
Nomination is having as enjoyable a vacation 
as she always does, and has as meaningful 
and content-filled things to contribute to 
FFL as she always does. :-)

Even *Feste* realized that he had responded
to me basically *telling the truth about
Maharishi* and then extrapolating on that
truth NOT by posting something to counter 
what I said about him, but by ATTACKING ME. 
I called him on his classic True Believer 
behavior, and in his next post he belatedly 
said something with some actual content about 
what I actually said about MMY. 

That followup post, presenting his view of
why he didn't think that Maharishi was as
homophobic as I do, was completely appropriate
and I said nothing in reply BECAUSE it was
appropriate. The first post, attacking me 
but with zero content, I pointed out as what
it was -- classic TM TB kneejerkism. Now
Judy is angry with me for pointing it out.

Please note that JUDY doesn't say anything
to counter what I said about Maharishi, 
either. All she does is jerk her ugly knees. :-)

Feste got his somebody said something I 
don't like about Maharishi buttons pushed,
and reacted the way he'd been taught to,
by the TMO and by role models for this kind
of mindless behavior on FFL, like...dare I 
say it...Judy herself. He reacted NOT by 
addressed the criticism itself but by 
trying to trash the critic.

And please note that Judy's ONLY reason for
...uh...contributing to this thread is 
once again to trash the critic. She says abso-
lutely NOTHING about the original criticism. 
She can't, because 1) she was never there 
in the room with Maharishi to hear what he 
said about gays, and 2) if she was honest 
with herself she'd agree with me, based on
what she *has* heard second hand, that he
*was* rabidly homophobic. 

The ONLY thing she finds worth saying, up at 
1:00 a.m. in the morning with a screaming 
need to trash someone, anyone, is to replay
another of her endless Gotta Trash Barry 
posts. This behavior is getting even older
than she is, and that's OLD.  :-)

To be honest, that is why I posted what I
did in the first place. I wanted to see who 
was still so lost in TM True Believer Mode 
that they'd come out of the woodwork to 
shoot the messenger over a comment about
Maharishi that is basically TRUE.

Feste's response to my comment about MMY 
*was* an attack on me. That's ALL it was. 
There was no other content in his post. 

There was no other content in Judy's post.

This is how they responded. Me suggesting
that the REASON they respond this way is
that they cannot tell the difference 
between someone saying critical about MMY
or another TMer and someone attacking 
them personally is conjecture.

But I'll still stand on that conjecture,
because their everyday behavior screams it 
more loudly than any of their pathetic 
attempts to deny it.

[FairfieldLife] free spiritual masters books and mp3

2008-08-29 Thread subhash madhukar
Free spiritual books and discourses 
All books are selected one gives insight in your life; do read at least a few.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama?

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Dobson and other evangelicals have been asking for the past few weeks
 for their followers to pray for rain tonite during Obama's outdoor
 speech.  But the forecast is for nice weather in denver.  Plus
 hurricane gustav is now predicted to hit near new orleans next week,
 just in time to distract from the start of the republican convention
 and remind the country about how competent the heck of a job
 republicans are. 
  What does this tell you about who God is supporting???

God is much bigger than the Repubican agenda, which is the agenda of 
ego reinforcement.

Reminds me what the H-man decided to invade Russia;
I wonder what God H-man was praying to: The God of Division and 
I wonder what God General Eisenhower, when on the fateful 'D-Day;
The weather was 'touch and go'...
General Eisenhower to decided to go, and take the beach at Normandy...
This was the turning point of WWII.

The time of the divisive politics of Rove and Dobson and Bush and 
Reagan and all of those who pray to the 'God of Ego'...
Their days have ended.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Was this included in what Maharishi meant when he said his work was 

So many 'torches' have been passed in recent months;
To a new generation of leadership...

I remember on the emotional day the Maharishi passed,
It was on Tues, Feb 5th...
In a place far away, in the Country that Maharishi had called the:
'Most creative country in the world'...
That day, was also called 'Super-Tuesday' in American politics.
That was the turning point, when Barck Obama became a viable 
candidate, and so this was the timing, that I remember clearly.
And is documented by history.

[FairfieldLife] 'Hillary Played the 'Alpha-Male Card'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
In this election, Hillary played the 'Alpha Male' big-time!
She was going to prove, that she was a 'Tough and Alpha'-
As any man;
She downed that whiskey shot, like John Wayne.
She dodged bullets in foriegn lands,
Someone said, She has the 'Balls to be President.

Many of her fans were typicl man-haters

Hillary was challenged to compete with a candidate who has his 
masculine and feminine side balanced.

The Clinton's mixed up feminine and masuline energy, manifested 
itself within her campaign, as the theme flopped from advisor to 
advisor, no one in charge...no central theme. 

Her husband freaked out, that his Over the top alpha attack,
 and he attempted to minimize the damage, but the damage was done.
Clinton lost his magic, he was the angry past president.

What went wrong with the Clinton campaign, is the same problem the 
Bush team has had...
In attempting to be the leader- 'The Alpha-Male of the Bushie Clan...
It revealed itself to  be an empty shell with Shakti on empty.

[FairfieldLife] 'Rachael Maddow- Alpha Female'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
Rachael Maddon is one of those rare breeds, that has the bravery, to 
stand up to the Opposition, and is a perfect balance to challenge the 
subtle BS., that can sometimes slide by the less aware.
I think she is a hard working devoted reported, and I wish her well, 
in her new positon, with MSNBC and the main competetors of 'The Fox 
Brainwashing Machine'

[FairfieldLife] 'Om Namah Shivaya'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
This is the mantra, that Muktananda used on all of his literature...

Also, what about 'ET'- Remember how important it was for him to phone 

Using the sound OM out load, and seeing how long you can extend your 
voice. This cultures the ability to develope your voice, and 
strengthen your ability to hold a note for a long time.
It is a way to find your 'Natural Voice' also...
Find the voice quality and pitch, which you can extend for the longest 
time. This is your natural voice; not too high or low.
It can help your singing voice.
AAA  MMM can especially be extended in this way, to see how long 
you can extend your voice; after practice, you will be surprise, at 
how long you can go...
Doing this with more than one person is fun also.

'Go OM, Jo jo..'

[FairfieldLife] 'David Brooks Converts'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
My fellow Americans, it is an honor to address the Democratic National 
Convention at this defining moment in history. We stand at a crossroads at a 
pivot point, near a fork in the road on the edge of a precipice in the midst of 
the most consequential election since last year’s “American Idol.” 
One path before us leads to the past, and the extinction of the human race. The 
other path leads to the future, when we will all be dead. We must choose wisely.
We must close the book on the bleeding wounds of the old politics of division 
and sail our ship up a mountain of hope and plant our flag on the sunrise of a 
thousand tomorrows with an American promise that will never die! For this 
election isn’t about the past or the present, or even the pluperfect 
conditional. It’s about the future, and Barack Obama loves the future because 
that’s where all his accomplishments are.
We meet today to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans, a generation 
that came of age amidst iced chais and mocha strawberry Frappuccinos®, a 
generation with a historical memory that doesn’t extend back past Coke Zero. 
We meet today to heal the divisions that have torn this country. For we are all 
one country and one American family, whether we are caring and thoughtful 
Democrats or hate-filled and war-crazed Republicans. We must bring together 
left and right, marinara and carbonara, John and Elizabeth Edwards. On United 
we stand, on US Airways, there’s a 25-minute delay.
Ladies and gentleman, I never expected to be speaking before you today. Like so 
many of our speakers at this convention, I come from a hard-working, 
middle-class family. I was leading a miserable little life, but, nevertheless, 
overcame great odds to live the American Dream. My great-grandfather fought in 
Patton’s Army, along with Barack Obama’s great-grand uncles’ fourth cousin once 
As a child, I was abandoned by my parents and lived with a colony of ants. We 
didn’t have much in the way of material possession, but we did have each other 
and the ability to carry far more than our own body weights. When I was young, 
I was temporarily paralyzed in a horrible anteater accident, but I never gave 
up my dream: the dream of speaking at a national political convention so my 
speech could be talked over by Wolf Blitzer and a gang of pundits.
And today we Democrats meet in Denver, a suburb of Boulder, a city whose motto 
is, “A Taxi? You Must be Dreaming.” 
And in Denver, we Democrats showed America that we have cute daughters who will 
someday provide us with prestigious car-window stickers. We heard Hillary 
Clinton’s ringing endorsement of “the weak-looking thin guy who’s bound to 
We heard from Joe Biden, whose 643 years in the Senate make him uniquely 
qualified to talk to the middle class, whose family has been riding the Acela 
and before that the Metroliner for generations, who has been given a lifetime 
ban from the quiet car and who is himself a verbal train wreck waiting to 
We got to know Barack and Michelle Obama, two tall, thin, rich, beautiful 
people who don’t perspire, but who nonetheless feel compassion for their 
squatter and smellier fellow citizens. We know that Barack could have gone to a 
prestigious law firm, like his big donors in the luxury boxes, but he chose to 
put his ego aside to become a professional politician, president of the United 
States and redeemer of the human race. We heard about his time as a community 
organizer, the three most fulfilling months of his life. 
We were thrilled by his speech in front of the Greek columns, which were 
conscientiously recycled from the concert, “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis.” We 
were honored by his pledge, that if elected president, he will serve at least 
four months before running for higher office. We were moved by his campaign 
slogan, “Vote Obama: He’s better than you’ll ever be.” We were inspired by 
dozens of Democratic senators who declared their lifelong love of John McCain 
before denouncing him as a reactionary opportunist who would destroy the 
No, this country cannot afford to elect John Bushmccain. Under Republican rule, 
locusts have stripped the land, adults wear crocs in public and MM’s have lost 
their flavor. We must instead ride to the uplands of hope! 
For as Barack Obama suggested Thursday night, wherever there is a president who 
needs to tap our natural-gas reserves, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a need 
for a capital-gains readjustment for targeted small businesses, I’ll be there. 
Wherever there is a president committed to direct diplomacy with nuclear 
proliferators, I’ll be there, too! God bless the Democrats, and God Bless 


[FairfieldLife] 'Minimal Cross-Winds in Gulf'(Wind Shear)

2008-08-29 Thread Robert

Updated 6:00 AM GMT on August 28, 2008

Expand Map
Stop Animation


[FairfieldLife] 'Pratical-Lean and Tough by Joe Klein'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert

By JOE KLEIN/DENVER 1 hour, 15 minutes ago 

Barack Obama's acceptance speech tonight wasn't what people have come to expect 
from a Barack Obama speech. It wasn't filled with lofty rhetoric or grand 
cadences. It did not induce tears or euphoria. It didn't have the forced, 
kitschy call and response tropes - and that's the change we need! - that 
defaced nearly every other major speech at this convention. At 43 minutes, 
nailing his dismount at 10:53 pm, it wasn't even very long. It was lean, 
efficient, practical and very very tough.

if(window.yzq_d==null)window.yzq_d=new Object();

It was the perfect speech for a skeptical nation. In some ways, the heart of it 
was near the end, when Obama directly confronted a country that has lost faith 
in government - and an opposing party that preys on that cynicism:

I know there are those who dismiss such beliefs as happy talk. They claim that 
our insistence on something larger, something firmer and more honest in our 
public life is just a Trojan Horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of 
traditional values. And that's to be expected. Because if you don't have any 
fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare the voters. If you don't have 
a record to run on, then you paint your opponent as someone people should run 

You make a big election about small things. 

And you know what - it's worked before. Because it feeds into the cynicism we 
all have about government. When Washington doesn't work, all its promises seem 
empty. If your hopes have been dashed again and again, then it's best to stop 
hoping, and settle for what you already know.

I get it.

He delivered that, I get it, perfectly, conversationally: It said, I know 
what you guys are thinking. And the rest of the speech - every sentence, every 
paragraph - reflected that knowledge. His mission was to win over a doubtful 
nation, to convince us that he was a pragmatist, not a dreamer. Indeed, he used 
the word dream only once or twice. He didn't even talk about the American 
Dream. He called it the American Promise. He didn't tell us that he was 
different from Martin Luther King and the civil rights generation of black 
leadership; he showed us.

He began by setting the predicate, with a sleek prÉcis of the Bush failures and 
John McCain's complicity. Eight [years] is enough, he said. It was time for a 
change. His stories of the problems of the people he met along the way, the 
collateral damage of the Bush presidency, came closest to clichÉ - they weren't 
nearly as convincing as the stunning parade of Average Americans that preceded 
his speech, including a laid-off factory worker named Barney Smith who 
delivered the immortal line, We need a government that cares more about Barney 
Smith than Smith Barney.

But Obama went through his domestic policy solutions to their problems without 
making it seem like a laundry list - and then he simply hammered John McCain on 
McCain's perceived strength, foreign policy. This is something that Republicans 
do and Democrats shy away from - challenging their opponents on perceived 
strength. At a moment when Americans are sick of the foreign entanglements that 
John McCain seems to seek at every turn, it seems a potentially profitable 
maneuver for Obama.

Obama went bluntly up into McCain's grill, time and time again - challenging 
him on the sort of campaign he was running, and especially on the sleazy tactic 
of questioning Obama's patriotism:

The times are too serious, the stakes are too high for this same partisan 
playbook. So let us agree that patriotism has no party. I love this country, 
and so do you, and so does John McCain. The men and women who serve in our 
battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and Independents, but they have 
fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud 
flag. They have not served a Red America or a Blue America – they have served 
the United States of America.

So I've got news for you, John McCain. We all put our country first.

He delivered that line well, too. 

In a normal year, a year when the public would have a week or two to digest 
this night, my guess is that this speech would have a dramatic impact on the 
race - and it still might. But by tomorrow night, it won't even be the lead 
story on the evening news. McCain's vice presidential selection will be. And 
then McCain will have the luxury of going second - batting last - next week, 
staging a convention that will, no doubt, lacerate Obama and the Democrats and 
then climax with McCain telling his incredible life story. By this time next 
week, Obama's speech will be a distant memory to those of us in the media. By 
this time two weeks from now, I wouldn't be surprised if John McCain were ahead 
in the polls.

But Barack Obama laid down an important marker at Invesco 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Obama

2008-08-29 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ 
  Was this included in what Maharishi meant when he said his work 
 So many 'torches' have been passed in recent months;
 To a new generation of leadership...
 I remember on the emotional day the Maharishi passed,
 It was on Tues, Feb 5th...
 In a place far away, in the Country that Maharishi had called the:
 'Most creative country in the world'...
 That day, was also called 'Super-Tuesday' in American politics.
 That was the turning point, when Barck Obama became a viable 
 candidate, and so this was the timing, that I remember clearly.
 And is documented by history.

That's certainly an interesting thought, though I think much greater 
happenings will follow in the footprints of Maharishi than simply a 
change of a President.

AND the fellow is not yet elected. For him to get elected something 
dramatic must have occurred in the american collective consciousness. 
I am not yet convinced this has happened though I may be wrong. If it 
has it certainly is a happy turn of events.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Godless Meditators Democrats

2008-08-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
Lawson wroteL 
 Is there something about chruch that it 
 has be in the morning? I know some sects 
 have such requirements, but this sounds 
 like simply complaining for no reason.
Most churches have services twice a week.
But is there anything in the Bible about 
going to church on the Sun's Day?

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pratical-Lean and Tough by Joe Klein'

2008-08-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It was the perfect speech for a skeptical nation. In some 
 ways, the heart of it was near the end, when Obama directly 
 confronted a country that has lost faith in government - and 
 an opposing party that preys on that cynicism:
 I know there are those who dismiss such beliefs as happy 
 talk. They claim that our insistence on something larger, 
 something firmer and more honest in our public life is just 
 a Trojan Horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of 
 traditional values. And that's to be expected. Because if 
 you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics 
 to scare the voters. If you don't have a record to run on, 
 then you paint your opponent as someone people should run 

Obama's words make an excellent point, one that a
number of us have been trying to make here on FFL.
That is, that the language used by his detractors,
whether they be dyed-in-the-wool Reduh!licans like
BillyG and Shemp, or Nouveau Reduh!licans like Judy, 
is almost *always* phrased negatively. They're sell-
ing FEAR and DISTRUST because they don't have anything 
else to sell.

They go *ballistic* when Obama or anyone on this
forum says something that is about what they hope
to achieve and plan to achieve, and phrases it in 
positive terms, as something they are FOR. It's as 
if their rant buttons get pushed by the very
*appearance* of hope and positivity in a speech
or in an FFL post.

I'm including Judy in the Reduh!lican camp because
SHE'S BEEN ACTING LIKE ONE. Can anyone here 
remember *anything* she has said since this election
season started that was phrased positively? Or 
that ever indicated what she was FOR?

I can't. She is seemingly *incapable* of stating
what she is for *without* stating what she is against.
Her whole campaign to discredit and demonize Obama 
here (and that IS what it's been) has been an attempt 
to appeal to the *exact* same emotions that the 
Reduh!licans use -- fear and distrust. 

At the same time, does anyone here remember her
saying *anything* about the things that the person
or persons she is considering voting for instead
of Obama will actually do that is *positive*?

If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use 
stale tactics to scare the voters. 

True when spoken about politics and the Reduh!lican
Party. Even truer on Fairfield Life, when someone
who paints themselves as a liberal can't find it
in themselves to be FOR anything, only AGAINST. 

And if she claims this isn't true, I DARE her to
spend an *entire* post saying *exactly* what she is
FOR and what she would like to see achieved for the
U.S. and the world in the next four years, and to do
so in *completely* positive terms. 

ANY negativity in the post invalidates it where this 
dare is concerned, even something like Prosecute the
people in the Bush administration who have committed
crimes. That's just more negativity and scape-
goating. What I'm after in this dare is whether
she is CAPABLE of presenting, say, ten things she
is FOR, without ONE WORD about what she is AGAINST,
or ONE WORD assigning blame or scapegoating or 
screaming for retribution.

I don't think she can do it.

I think she'll come up with some excuse to not
even try.

That's why I call her a Nouveau Reduh!lican. She
certainly isn't a Democrat. Democrats can actually 
put the things they want to achieve into words.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama?

2008-08-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
Robert wrote:
 The time of the divisive politics of 
 Rove and Dobson and Bush and Reagan 
 and all of those who pray to the 'God 
 of Ego'...Their days have ended.
Wright! Goddamn America.

By the time Mr. Wright had finished 
speaking, he had proved Mr. Axelrod's 
point. And also one made by Chuck Todd, 
the NBC political director who summed 
up Mr. Wright's apologia by paraphrasing 
a Carly Simon song: You're so vain, I 
bet you think this campaign is about 

Read more:

'Not Speaking for Obama, Pastor Speaks 
for Himself, at Length'
By Alessandra Stanley
New York Times, April 29, 2008

[FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama?

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

 Robert wrote:
  The time of the divisive politics of 
  Rove and Dobson and Bush and Reagan 
  and all of those who pray to the 'God 
  of Ego'...Their days have ended.
 Wright! Goddamn America.

Maybe you don't get it Tex...
Rev. Wright, is the same as your friends Bush, Dobson and McCain...
He's the 'Black Version of the same Level of Consciousness'...

Barack Obama is at a higher level of Consciousness, than Rev.Wright, 
George W. Bush and John McCain...

Listen, with the two Presidents that got us into to disasterous wars...
LBJ and George Bush,
Plus the fact that JFK was assasinated in Dallas;
I don't have a whole lot of faith in the Collective Consciousness of 
The State of Texas, and the influence it has on the 'Natives of State 
of Texas',
Which prides itself in being 'Different' than all the other 'Inferior 
Prideful, arrogant and toxic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama?

2008-08-29 Thread Peter
Any state, town or person that talks about how special or different they are 
has a bit of an inferiority complex. I remember when I lived in Iowa City, the 
town next door, Coralville, started a PR campaign for itself with the slogan, 
Can't hide that Coralville pride. Oh my!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama?
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 7:51 AM
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J.
  Robert wrote:
   The time of the divisive politics of 
   Rove and Dobson and Bush and Reagan 
   and all of those who pray to the 'God 
   of Ego'...Their days have ended.
  Wright! Goddamn America.
 Maybe you don't get it Tex...
 Rev. Wright, is the same as your friends Bush, Dobson and
 He's the 'Black Version of the same Level of
 Barack Obama is at a higher level of Consciousness, than
 George W. Bush and John McCain...
 Listen, with the two Presidents that got us into to
 disasterous wars...
 LBJ and George Bush,
 Plus the fact that JFK was assasinated in Dallas;
 I don't have a whole lot of faith in the Collective
 Consciousness of 
 The State of Texas, and the influence it has on the
 'Natives of State 
 of Texas',
 Which prides itself in being 'Different' than all
 the other 'Inferior 
 Prideful, arrogant and toxic.
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 Or go to: 
 and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Does God Favor Obama/ Obviously!

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any state, town or person that talks about how special or different 
they are has a bit of an inferiority complex. I remember when I lived 
in Iowa City, the town next door, Coralville, started a PR campaign 
for itself with the slogan, Can't hide that Coralville pride. Oh my!
'Is Texas seperate, in some way, from the rest of the United States...?
On some level, do they pride themselves, as Texans first?

'Don't Mess With Texas'
'Is Texas a Police State?'
'Why does Texas execute the most people of any State?
'Why is this?'

We all offer our prayers for Texas,
Did they steal this land from Mexico?

We offer our prayers, to bring a higher vibration to the people of 
Texas, to throw off the mentality of the 'Military/Corporate takeover 
of America.

We pray this in the Name of Jeshua/Krisha/Moses/Maharishi/Guru Dev...
And all other Holy Saints of the Holy Tradition, and all men and women 
of Peace throughout time, and throughout the world...

[FairfieldLife] The Positivity Dare -- Turq's Platform

2008-08-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use 
 stale tactics to scare the voters. 
 True when spoken about politics and the Reduh!lican
 Party. Even truer on Fairfield Life, when someone
 who paints themselves as a liberal can't find it
 in themselves to be FOR anything, only AGAINST. 
 And if she claims this isn't true, I DARE her to
 spend an *entire* post saying *exactly* what she is
 FOR and what she would like to see achieved for the
 U.S. and the world in the next four years, and to do
 so in *completely* positive terms. 
 ANY negativity in the post invalidates it where this 
 dare is concerned, even something like Prosecute the
 people in the Bush administration who have committed
 crimes. That's just more negativity and scape-
 goating. What I'm after in this dare is whether
 she is CAPABLE of presenting, say, ten things she
 is FOR, without ONE WORD about what she is AGAINST,
 or ONE WORD assigning blame or scapegoating or 
 screaming for retribution.
 I don't think she can do it.
 I think she'll come up with some excuse to not
 even try.
 That's why I call her a Nouveau Reduh!lican. She
 certainly isn't a Democrat. Democrats can actually 
 put the things they want to achieve into words.

Since I created this dare, I might as well do it myself.
I don't claim that the following ten points of the Turq 
Platform are completely 100% positive, but they are my 
best shot at positivity given the ten minutes I gave 
myself to write them, off the top of my head.

My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.

1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
most corporations pay no taxes. 
As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 

2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
needed to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
when? Then abide by the decision of the people. Isn't that 
what democracy is supposed to be about?

3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
this money to create a massive research program to find 
and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
to succeed. 

4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
the United States?

5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
making the availability of a basic level of food and 
shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
is too many; three million is *far* too many.

6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
children is far more important than filling the media 
with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.

7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
have their software audited by independent computer 
specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
paper trail that is verified against the electronic 
totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
election are finalized.

8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 
the election. Any candidate who violates this and spends 
a penny to distribute print ads, TV commercials or even 
printed campaign materials by mail earlier than the three-
month limit has to immediately withdraw from the election. 

9. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
in the health care and 

[FairfieldLife] It's looking like McCain will choose a woman for his running mate - all indications pointed to Palin

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool


...but mountain doesn't move!


[FairfieldLife] Latest Obama scandal to overshadow Wright scandal

2008-08-29 Thread shempmcgurk
[This is my 50th for the week so I will not be able to respond until 
later today]

Has anyone heard about this?  I just heard a mention of it yesterday 
and the details are sketchy but apparently a journalist, Stanly 
Kurtz, is exposing Ayers/Obama as more than just Barack playing 
footsies with a self-admitted and unrepentant Weatherman 
terrorist...and it's going to make the Jeremiah Wright affair look 
like Mother Theresa sat down for tea with Barack. 

Barack and Ayers got together to raise funds for some community 
project.  But there is $50 million or $100 million that Ayers and 
Obama both, together, applied for and got in public funding for the 
project that has apparently disappeared. No one seems to know where 
it is.

So much for successful community organizing.

I haven't read the whole thing (you know, my attention span being 
what it is) but here's an interesting article that Kurtz wrote about 
the terrorist and Obama: http://tinyurl.com/5v4twh .

Re: [FairfieldLife] MCCain chooses Sarah Plain, Alaska governor

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] It's looking like McCain will choose a woman for his 
running mate - all indications pointed to Palin
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:14 AM


...but mountain doesn't move!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 29, 2008, at 9:13 AM, Peter wrote:

Very interesting find, Vaj. BPD patients can be emotionally  
draining to work with. Its as if they are emotionally stuck a 3  
years of age in interpersonal relationships.

And that's different from the average person here how,
exactly, Peter?

Oh, wait!   Most of us are stuck at about 4-5 years of age,
or is that being too optimistic?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] MCCain chooses Sarah Plain, Alaska governor
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:38 AM

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] It's looking like McCain will choose a woman for his 
running mate - all indications pointed to Palin
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:14 AM


...but mountain doesn't move!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

Oh, wait!   Most of us are stuck at about 4-5 years of age,
or is that being too optimistic?
Right, Sal, but some of us live in the sophisticated east coast cities, which 
should definitely make us a more urbane (and jaded) 4-5 years of age, don't you 
...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality 
Disorder discorvered
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:38 AM

On Aug 29, 2008, at 9:13 AM, Peter wrote:

Very interesting find, Vaj. BPD patients can be emotionally draining to work 
with. Its as if they are emotionally stuck a 3 years of age in interpersonal 

And that's different from the average person here how, 
exactly, Peter?

Oh, wait!   Most of us are stuck at about 4-5 years of age,
or is that being too optimistic?




Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

Now that's sure a winning ticket.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Very interesting find, Vaj. BPD patients can be emotionally draining
to work with. Its as if they are emotionally stuck a 3 years of age in
interpersonal relationships.

I guess it might be like e.g. trying to teach a colo(u)r blind
person to see colo(u)rs... : /

 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality
Disorder discorvered
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 9:23 AM
 Interesting that the findings center around the insula, the part of
the brain responsible for feelings of disgust. Thus BPD sufferers lack
gut feeling in judgments, a basic human instinct.
 Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder
 King-Casas et al. carry out interesting experiments in which they
recruited 55 individuals afflicted with borderline personality
disorder (BPD) to play a multiround economic exchange game with
healthy partners. Imaging experiments were also performed that
revealed different patterns of insula activation in BPD subjects. Here
is the abstract, followed by a figure from an accompanying review by
Meyer-Lindenberg.To sustain or repair cooperation during a social
exchange, adaptive creatures must understand social gestures and the
consequences when shared expectations about fair exchange are violated
by accident or intent. We recruited 55 individuals afflicted with
borderline personality disorder (BPD) to play a multiround economic
exchange game with healthy partners. Behaviorally, individuals with
BPD showed a profound incapacity to maintain cooperation, and were
impaired in their ability to repair broken cooperation on the basis of
a quantitative measure of
  coaxing. Neurally, activity in the anterior insula, a region known
to respond to norm violations across affective, interoceptive,
economic, and social dimensions, strongly differentiated healthy
participants from individuals with BPD. Healthy subjects showed a
strong linear relation between anterior insula response and both
magnitude of monetary offer received from their partner (input) and
the amount of money repaid to their partner (output). In stark
contrast, activity in the anterior insula of BPD participants was
related only to the magnitude of repayment sent back to their partner
(output), not to the magnitude of offers received (input). These
neural and behavioral data suggest that norms used in perception of
social gestures are pathologically perturbed or missing altogether
among individuals with BPD. This game-theoretic approach to
psychopathology may open doors to new ways of characterizing and
studying a range of mental illnesses. 
 (Click to enlarge). Activation of the anterior insula is observed
during an economic trust game in individuals with borderline
personality disorder and healthy controls. Both groups show higher
activation in response to stingy repayments they are about to make.
However, only players with the disorder have no differential response
to low offers from an investor (upper left graph), indicating that
they lack the gut feeling that the relationship (cooperation) is in

Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
I think Michael Palin would be funnier.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM

Now that's sure a winning ticket.




[FairfieldLife] Re: Latest Obama scandal to overshadow Wright scandal

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
Just another attempt at a smear by some desperate right-wing hack. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 [This is my 50th for the week so I will not be able to respond until 
 later today]
 Has anyone heard about this?  I just heard a mention of it yesterday 
 and the details are sketchy but apparently a journalist, Stanly 
 Kurtz, is exposing Ayers/Obama as more than just Barack playing 
 footsies with a self-admitted and unrepentant Weatherman 
 terrorist...and it's going to make the Jeremiah Wright affair look 
 like Mother Theresa sat down for tea with Barack. 
 Barack and Ayers got together to raise funds for some community 
 project.  But there is $50 million or $100 million that Ayers and 
 Obama both, together, applied for and got in public funding for the 
 project that has apparently disappeared. No one seems to know where 
 it is.
 So much for successful community organizing.
 I haven't read the whole thing (you know, my attention span being 
 what it is) but here's an interesting article that Kurtz wrote about 
 the terrorist and Obama: http://tinyurl.com/5v4twh .

[FairfieldLife] From Mike Scozzari

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer

Hey Rick,

Could you post this on FFL for me?  For me it's more enjoyable to teach
meditation then debate it.  The video link is for a Fox TV show done


Mike Scozzari

TSM Fox Show Now on the Internet
- Visit Facebook TSM Group

Facebook Site Designed to Give Global Access to Consciousness-Based Program

Here are 2 news items:

Recent News
Our center in Deerfield Beach, Florida just completed a very complete
medical feature with WSVN Fox News Channel 7, in Miami. The show was
edited and aired August 28 and is posted on their website, wsvn.com. It
was shown within the 5 PM Newscast.

Special guest - Robert Dollinger, M.D., Florida International University
Medical School Director



Click on Watch the Video

This is now in the archived Medical Reports listing.

Short edited show review from WSVN TV:
Doctors say it's a way to reduce stress, alleviate depression and even
improve some heart conditions without drugs or surgery. Seven's Diana Diaz
shows us how meditation is making its mark in the medical world.

Reported by:
Christine Cruz; Producer: Janna Owen -Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
View all archived#8232;Medical Reports reports

WSVN -- What do Heather Graham, Richard Gere and Al Gore have in common?
They all take time out of their busy day to meditate.
Mike Scozzari: So I think what I would like to do today is practice a
little bit of the technique of meditation.
Mike Scozzari has been a meditation coach for more than 30 years. He says
meditation is a way to calm the cluttered mind.
Mike Scozzari: We take the normal thinking process and we give it a
direction to move within itself so the mind can settle down.
Even though it looks like the person is sleeping, the body is actually
achieving a state of restful alertness.
Mike Scozzari: You are deeply rested, sometimes deeper than sleep and
you're still awake according to brain wave studies.
A number of studies have shown meditation does have a major impact on our
brains and our bodies.
Dr. Robert Dollinger, FIU New College of Medicine: I see a big, big
number of people including some of my patients resort to meditation as a
way to deal with stress.
Dr Dollinger says meditation actually changes the way our brains work and
deal with stress. Other studies have shown it can help people suffering
from hyperactivity and attention-deficit disorder by training the mind to
focus. It has also been show to be effective for chronic pain and even
Dr. Robert Dollinger: People can lower their blood pressure, particularly
their systolic blood pressure by 10, 20 points, simply through
Jonelle Milton herniated several discs in her back in an accident. She
says meditation helped her work through the pain without medication.
Jonelle Milton: Had a compressed fracture and when the orthopedic surgeon
prescribed medication, Oxycontin, I knew I didn't have to take it.
Meditation has been shown to boost seratonin, a hormone that aids in sleep
and relieving depression.
Mike Scozzari: What meditation does is it gives you a tool so that you
can reduce stress, help the body heal, and come out and perform better.
Diana Diaz: There are different forms of meditation. Although it is
usually practiced for about 20 minutes, twice a day.

Transcendental Stress Management#8232;
Mike Scozzari#8232; - Tel: (954) 354-0804#8232;

Additional Article
WSVN Channel 7 Miami - READ Meditation Article From their site
Click here
Meditation, Yoga Might Switch Off Stress Genes

Designed to Give Global Access to Consciousness-Based Program

Once you join Facebook (username and password is all you need to submit)
please go to the search bar and enter:
Transcendental Stress Management Meditation

This will take you to our new Facebook Group, designed to help us
communicate with everyone.  It's fun and easy.  There is no obligation to
join the group but we hope you will.  By doing so our members will receive
updates and new video posts of interest.  Stay tuned!

Mike Scozzari
Transcendental Stress Management

Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:13 AM, Peter wrote:

Very interesting find, Vaj. BPD patients can be emotionally  
draining to work with. Its as if they are emotionally stuck a 3  
years of age in interpersonal relationships.

What was always fascinating to me was how stuck someone could be in  
black-white thinking and how once one fell into the black or  
negatively perceived side of the BPD persons perception, they were  
automatically devalued and distrusted, often completely missing the  
gut feeling that would fill in the gray area that makes up most  
of human experience. Couple that with the fact that the emotional  
areas of the brain regulate, indeed often override the brains  
intellectual circuitry by emotionally appealing to perceived  
fairness. Thus one who has damage to the ant. insula is stuck relying  
on mere intellect and can't tie into their innate moral reasoning,  
thus it becomes yes or no, black or white. A sense of moral  
disgust forces one into what they believe is a moral necessity while  
blocking out overriding emotional appeals that fill in the  
counterbalancing and perspective-giving gray (or color).

Here's another interesting study on this phenomenon:

Are humans hardwired for fairness?

Is fairness simply a ruse, something we adopt only when we secretly  
see an
advantage in it for ourselves Many psychologists have in recent  
years moved
away from this purely utilitarian view, dismissing it as too  
simplistic. Recent
advances in both cognitive science and neuroscience now allow  
psychologists to

approach this question in some different ways, and they are getting some
intriguing results.

UCLA psychologist Golnaz Tabibnia, and colleagues Ajay Satpute and  
Lieberman, used a psychological test called the ultimatum game to  
fairness and self-interest in the laboratory. In this particular  
version of the
test, Person A has a pot of money, say $23, which they can divide in  
any way
they want with Person B. All Person B can do is look at the offer and  
accept or
reject it; there is no negotiation. If Person B rejects the offer,  
neither of

them gets any money.

Whatever Person A offers to Person B is an unearned windfall, even if  
it's a
miserly $5 out of $23, so a strict utilitarian would take the money  
and run. But
that's not exactly what happens in the laboratory. The UCLA  
scientists ran the
experiment so sometimes $5 was stingy and other times fair, say $5  
out of a
total stake of $10. The idea was to make sure the subjects were  
responding to

the fairness of the offer, not to the amount of the windfall.

When they did this, and asked the subjects to rate themselves on  
scales of
happiness and contempt, they had some interesting findings: Even when  
they stood
to gain exactly the same dollar amount of free money, the subjects  
were much

happier with the fair offers and much more disdainful of deals that were
lopsided and self-centered.

The psychologists wanted to know if there is something inherently  

about being treated decently. So, they scanned several parts of the
participants' brains while they were in the act of weighing both fair  
miserly offers. Consistent with previous results, the researchers  
found that a
region previously associated with negative emotions such as moral  
disgust (the
anterior insula) was activated during unfair treatment. However,  
they also found that regions associated with reward (including the  

striatum) were activated during fair treatment even though there was no
additional money to be gained.

As reported in the April issue of the journal Psychological Science,  
a journal
of the Association for Psychological Science, the brain finds self- 
behavior emotionally unpleasant, but a different bundle of neurons  
also finds
genuine fairness uplifting. What's more, these emotional firings  
occur in brain
structures that are fast and automatic, so it appears that the  
emotional brain
is overruling the more deliberate, rational mind. Faced with a  
conflict, the

brain's default position is to demand a fair deal.

Furthermore, when the scientists scanned the brains of those who were
swallowing their pride for the sake of cash, the brain showed a  

pattern of neuronal activity. It appears that the unconscious mind can
temporarily damp down the brain's contempt response, in effect  
allowing the

rational, utilitarian brain to rule, at least momentarily.

Source: Association for Psychological Science

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits quite nicely
into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're so stuck in your negative
views that you can't see beyond them, no matter what evidence is

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What was always fascinating to me was how stuck someone could be in  
 black-white thinking and how once one fell into the black or  
 negatively perceived side of the BPD persons perception, they were  
 automatically devalued and distrusted, often completely missing the  
 gut feeling that would fill in the gray area that makes up most  
 of human experience. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Latest Obama scandal to overshadow Wright scandal

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
If this was true he would be in jail a long time ago.  Look he got passed the 
Clinton Machin they looked him up and down.

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Latest Obama scandal to overshadow Wright scandal
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:56 AM

Just another attempt at a smear by some desperate right-wing hack. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, shempmcgurk

 [This is my 50th for the week so I will not be able to respond until 
 later today]
 Has anyone heard about this?  I just heard a mention of it yesterday 
 and the details are sketchy but apparently a journalist, Stanly 
 Kurtz, is exposing Ayers/Obama as more than just Barack playing 
 footsies with a self-admitted and unrepentant Weatherman 
 terrorist...and it's going to make the Jeremiah Wright affair look 
 like Mother Theresa sat down for tea with Barack. 
 Barack and Ayers got together to raise funds for some community 
 project.  But there is $50 million or $100 million that Ayers and 
 Obama both, together, applied for and got in public funding for the 
 project that has apparently disappeared. No one seems to know where 
 it is.
 So much for successful community organizing.
 I haven't read the whole thing (you know, my attention span being 
 what it is) but here's an interesting article that Kurtz wrote about 
 the terrorist and Obama: http://tinyurl.com/5v4twh .

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and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:

Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits quite nicely
into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're so stuck in your negative
views that you can't see beyond them, no matter what evidence is

Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:

--that ALL of my views of M. are negative,

--and that I don't see M's system of practice and metaphysics in a  
larger and fuller context, a spectrum of practice if you will.

--that I don't see through evidence presented as good, positive or  
even 'remarkable' as bad or poor, negative in terms of it's deception  
or just ho-hum.

According to a slew of psychological testing I've (of my own accord)  
taken over the years, I'm a very psychologically healthy and balanced  
human being. And I will often say what others are afraid to say.

But I do have an intolerance of self-appointed gurus who deceive and  
harm others.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread wayback71
One of my sisters has BPD.  It has been a very difficult situation for our 
family, both as I 
was growing up and continuing on now.  My parents were at a total loss as to 
how to 
handle her, so just gave in to anything she demanded.  Family therapy was not 
really even 
considered in those days (the 50's and 60's) among our friends.  Over the 
years, the family 
has struggled to stay together, but some bonds are broken for good, and my 
grieves while protecting my sister and leaving everyone's inheritance to her.  
What is 
astounding, is that my sister with BPD does not really get what she has done, 
or the 
consequences of her actions over the years. She can rage about what someone 
else is 
doing and how unfair or unhealthy it is etc, then turn around and do the exact 
same thing 
herself without recognizing it - no shame, no guilt, honestly and truly no 
understanding. I 
always thought it was as if there is a large portion of her brain just gone 
missing - despite 
being intelligent and kind (if her interests are being met first and she is 
secure that my 
parents love her the most and she can live with them). It was such a shock to 
finally see 
this - as if she has blinders on even in the most obvious and egregious 
situations.  It has 
been a devastating, crazy ride for all of us.  Took me years and lots of 
therapy to learn to 
deal with it.  ONe sister just emotionally left her relationship with my 
parents and BPD 
sister.  My brother has ignored it all until recently.  I sure hope it can be 
figured out.  For 
my sister it has gotten only very slightly better over the course of 56 years.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Interesting that the findings center around the insula, the part of  
 the brain responsible for feelings of disgust. Thus BPD sufferers  
 lack gut feeling in judgments, a basic human instinct.
 Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder
 King-Casas et al. carry out interesting experiments in which they  
 recruited 55 individuals afflicted with borderline personality  
 disorder (BPD) to play a multiround economic exchange game with  
 healthy partners. Imaging experiments were also performed that  
 revealed different patterns of insula activation in BPD subjects.  
 Here is the abstract, followed by a figure from an accompanying  
 review by Meyer-Lindenberg.
 To sustain or repair cooperation during a social exchange, adaptive  
 creatures must understand social gestures and the consequences when  
 shared expectations about fair exchange are violated by accident or  
 intent. We recruited 55 individuals afflicted with borderline  
 personality disorder (BPD) to play a multiround economic exchange  
 game with healthy partners. Behaviorally, individuals with BPD showed  
 a profound incapacity to maintain cooperation, and were impaired in  
 their ability to repair broken cooperation on the basis of a  
 quantitative measure of coaxing. Neurally, activity in the anterior  
 insula, a region known to respond to norm violations across  
 affective, interoceptive, economic, and social dimensions, strongly  
 differentiated healthy participants from individuals with BPD.  
 Healthy subjects showed a strong linear relation between anterior  
 insula response and both magnitude of monetary offer received from  
 their partner (input) and the amount of money repaid to their partner  
 (output). In stark contrast, activity in the anterior insula of BPD  
 participants was related only to the magnitude of repayment sent back  
 to their partner (output), not to the magnitude of offers received  
 (input). These neural and behavioral data suggest that norms used in  
 perception of social gestures are pathologically perturbed or missing  
 altogether among individuals with BPD. This game-theoretic approach  
 to psychopathology may open doors to new ways of characterizing and  
 studying a range of mental illnesses.
 (Click to enlarge). Activation of the anterior insula is observed  
 during an economic trust game in individuals with borderline  
 personality disorder and healthy controls. Both groups show higher  
 activation in response to stingy repayments they are about to make.  
 However, only players with the disorder have no differential response  
 to low offers from an investor (upper left graph), indicating that  
 they lack the gut feeling that the relationship (cooperation) is in  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

On the news just now, they said Palin is pro-life and the Christian 
fundamentalists love her. The McCain camp is hoping she will bring in the 
Cathloic vote.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:32 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:37 AM, wayback71 wrote:

One of my sisters has BPD.  It has been a very difficult situation  
for our family, both as I
was growing up and continuing on now.  My parents were at a total  
loss as to how to
handle her, so just gave in to anything she demanded.  Family  
therapy was not really even
considered in those days (the 50's and 60's) among our friends.   
Over the years, the family
has struggled to stay together, but some bonds are broken for good,  
and my mother
grieves while protecting my sister and leaving everyone's  
inheritance to her.  What is
astounding, is that my sister with BPD does not really get what  
she has done, or the
consequences of her actions over the years. She can rage about what  
someone else is
doing and how unfair or unhealthy it is etc, then turn around and  
do the exact same thing
herself without recognizing it - no shame, no guilt, honestly and  
truly no understanding. I
always thought it was as if there is a large portion of her brain  
just gone missing - despite
being intelligent and kind (if her interests are being met first  
and she is secure that my
parents love her the most and she can live with them). It was such  
a shock to finally see
this - as if she has blinders on even in the most obvious and  
egregious situations.  It has
been a devastating, crazy ride for all of us.  Took me years and  
lots of therapy to learn to
deal with it.  ONe sister just emotionally left her relationship  
with my parents and BPD
sister.  My brother has ignored it all until recently.  I sure hope  
it can be figured out.  For
my sister it has gotten only very slightly better over the course  
of 56 years.

My heart goes out to you are your family. Kudos to you for having the  
determination to stick in there.

All of my children were adopted and/or are foster kids and thus we  
never had any choice over the type or style of development they were  
exposed to. In some cases the developmental damage was so pervasive,  
i.e. children who were severely neglected and abused at that key  
point of brain development, the 2-4 years of age sweet spot, that  
they would totally lose the ability empathize with other humans and  
they had no ability to emotionally bond to others. In some cases  
these kids never can escape their own pathology, as it's actually  
hardwired into their little brains.

On a more positive note, we are having some success with one of the  
most difficult children using mindfulness meditation as envisioned by  
one of the leading experts in human attachment.

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Mike Scozzari

2008-08-29 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Mike Scozzari
 Transcendental Stress Management

Did he steal that technique from Maharishi ?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
Its called the Marylin Monroe approach

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:44 PM

On the news just now, they said Palin is pro-life and the Christian 
fundamentalists love her. The McCain camp is hoping she will bring in the 
Cathloic vote.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:32 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
Its called the Marylin Monroe approach it shows just what he thinks of women.  
Totally goes along with his voting record..on women in the work place and 
so forth

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:44 PM

On the news just now, they said Palin is pro-life and the Christian 
fundamentalists love her. The McCain camp is hoping she will bring in the 
Cathloic vote.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:32 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
Well from this day they are either going to find some dynamite marksmen because 
they will not win any other way

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 7:38 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ 
  Was this included in what Maharishi meant when he said his work 
 So many 'torches' have been passed in recent months;
 To a new generation of leadership...
 I remember on the emotional day the Maharishi passed,
 It was on Tues, Feb 5th...
 In a place far away, in the Country that Maharishi had called the:
 'Most creative country in the world'...
 That day, was also called 'Super-Tuesday' in American politics.
 That was the turning point, when Barck Obama became a viable 
 candidate, and so this was the timing, that I remember clearly.
 And is documented by history.

That's certainly an interesting thought, though I think much greater 
happenings will follow in the footprints of Maharishi than simply a 
change of a President.

AND the fellow is not yet elected. For him to get elected something 
dramatic must have occurred in the american collective consciousness. 
I am not yet convinced this has happened though I may be wrong. If it 
has it certainly is a happy turn of events.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread gullible fool

If McCain wins the election, Palin will be a shoe-in for the republican 
nomination after McCain leaves office. The incumbents are always heavily 
favored to get the nominaion. Perhaps we will end up with a woman for president 
in the not too distant future. 

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:01 PM

Its called the Marylin Monroe approach it shows just what he thinks of women.  
Totally goes along with his voting record..on women in the work place and 
so forth

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:44 PM

On the news just now, they said Palin is pro-life and the Christian 
fundamentalists love her. The McCain camp is hoping she will bring in the 
Cathloic vote.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:32 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that
 McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
The timing is interesting, isn't it.  Designed to get the media 
spotlight off Obama.  This election will get very bittter before it is 
over.  These selfish ones will stop at nothing.

gullible fool wrote:
 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.

 ...but mountain doesn't move!

 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM

 Now that's sure a winning ticket.




Re: [FairfieldLife] The Positivity Dare -- Turq's Platform

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Since I created this dare, I might as well do it myself.
 I don't claim that the following ten points of the Turq 
 Platform are completely 100% positive, but they are my 
 best shot at positivity given the ten minutes I gave 
 myself to write them, off the top of my head.

 My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.

 1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
 corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
 in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
 those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
 most corporations pay no taxes. 
 As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
 share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 

 2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
 needed to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
 and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
 should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
 Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
 well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
 the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
 2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
 when? Then abide by the decision of the people. Isn't that 
 what democracy is supposed to be about?

 3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
 to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
 throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
 fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
 this money to create a massive research program to find 
 and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
 nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
 it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
 to succeed. 

 4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
 level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
 care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
 they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
 Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
 with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
 of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
 the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
 nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
 the United States?

 5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
 stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
 making the availability of a basic level of food and 
 shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
 is too many; three million is *far* too many.

 6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
 rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
 Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
 make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
 children is far more important than filling the media 
 with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.

 7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
 have their software audited by independent computer 
 specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
 paper trail that is verified against the electronic 
 totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
 election are finalized.

 8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
 to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 
 the election. Any candidate who violates this and spends 
 a penny to distribute print ads, TV commercials or even 
 printed campaign materials by mail earlier than the three-
 month limit has to immediately withdraw from the election. 

 9. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Make the 
 penalty for breaking these laws a minimum of 20 years in 
 prison, without possibility of parole.

 10. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the defense industry and for any materials provider or 
 contractor who defrauds or overcharges the U.S. government. 
 Make the penalty for breaking these laws life in prison, 
 without the possibility of parole.
Lots of good ideas there.

I think that Obama laid out some pretty good plans last night.   I like 
the overall idea of going after the corporations who've had too much of 
a free ride.  People will say that they'll just move out of the 
country.  I've got a couple ideas of what should happen if they do: take 
away their exclusive patents (some which should have never been granted 
anyway) and copyrights for one.   And two: give their offices and 
factories over to the workers just like is happening in Argentina. 

We know the corporate goons will be all over trying to keep Obama out of 
office.  On #7 those systems should run on Linux not Windows.  This 
makes them cheaper as there is no license to purchase and plenty of eyes 
on the source code just for the operating system.   And the actual 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:32 AM, boo_lives wrote:

Now that's sure a winning ticket.

I think Michael Palin would be funnier.

...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist  

Plus she's from Alaska, which should net McCain
about 3 extra votes.

I wonder if part of the reason they didn't pick her was so
Biden would be forced to go easy  in the debates and
make her look smarter than she is.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Louis McKenzie
choices:  Obama/ Biden   McCain/Monroe    Bob Barr  Ru Paul

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 1:08 PM

If McCain wins the election, Palin will be a shoe-in for the republican 
nomination after McCain leaves office. The incumbents are always heavily 
favored to get the nominaion. Perhaps we will end up with a woman for president 
in the not too distant future. 

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:01 PM

Its called the Marylin Monroe approach it shows just what he thinks of women.  
Totally goes along with his voting record..on women in the work place and 
so forth

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 12:44 PM

On the news just now, they said Palin is pro-life and the Christian 
fundamentalists love her. The McCain camp is hoping she will bring in the 
Cathloic vote.

...but mountain doesn't move!

--- On Fri, 8/29/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 11:32 AM

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Now that's sure a winning ticket. 
 I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
 ...but mountain doesn't move!

A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist
 --- On Fri, 8/29/08, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Make that
 McCain and Palin :)
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 10:49 AM
 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread John
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Now that's sure a winning ticket.

McCain may be thinking that Palin can get the women votes, particularly 
the disgruntled Hillary supporters.  McCain probably thinks that he can 
win the South all by his own charisma and reputation.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Positivity Dare -- Turq's Platform

2008-08-29 Thread John
Barry, you should run for president and find out how many votes you 
can get.  But you may have to select a female VP to get the female 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use 
  stale tactics to scare the voters. 
  True when spoken about politics and the Reduh!lican
  Party. Even truer on Fairfield Life, when someone
  who paints themselves as a liberal can't find it
  in themselves to be FOR anything, only AGAINST. 
  And if she claims this isn't true, I DARE her to
  spend an *entire* post saying *exactly* what she is
  FOR and what she would like to see achieved for the
  U.S. and the world in the next four years, and to do
  so in *completely* positive terms. 
  ANY negativity in the post invalidates it where this 
  dare is concerned, even something like Prosecute the
  people in the Bush administration who have committed
  crimes. That's just more negativity and scape-
  goating. What I'm after in this dare is whether
  she is CAPABLE of presenting, say, ten things she
  is FOR, without ONE WORD about what she is AGAINST,
  or ONE WORD assigning blame or scapegoating or 
  screaming for retribution.
  I don't think she can do it.
  I think she'll come up with some excuse to not
  even try.
  That's why I call her a Nouveau Reduh!lican. She
  certainly isn't a Democrat. Democrats can actually 
  put the things they want to achieve into words.
 Since I created this dare, I might as well do it myself.
 I don't claim that the following ten points of the Turq 
 Platform are completely 100% positive, but they are my 
 best shot at positivity given the ten minutes I gave 
 myself to write them, off the top of my head.
 My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.
 1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
 corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
 in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
 those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
 most corporations pay no taxes. 
 As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
 share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 
 2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
 needed to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
 and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
 should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
 Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
 well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
 the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
 2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
 when? Then abide by the decision of the people. Isn't that 
 what democracy is supposed to be about?
 3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
 to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
 throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
 fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
 this money to create a massive research program to find 
 and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
 nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
 it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
 to succeed. 
 4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
 level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
 care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
 they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
 Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
 with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
 of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
 the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
 nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
 the United States?
 5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
 stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
 making the availability of a basic level of food and 
 shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
 is too many; three million is *far* too many.
 6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
 rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
 Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
 make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
 children is far more important than filling the media 
 with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.
 7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
 have their software audited by independent computer 
 specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
 paper trail that is verified against the electronic 
 totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
 election are finalized.
 8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
 to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 

[FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain her invisible step-sisters

2008-08-29 Thread mainstream20016
Cindy McCain's family values deserve close inspection.


[FairfieldLife] $1 million for Vedic education program at U of Massachusetts

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

$1 million for Vedic education program at U of Massachusetts


August 17, 2008

$1 Million Endowment at UMass Dartmouth to Leverage Super Accelerated

Learning Techniques from Vedic Traditions for 21st Century Education

On Friday, August 15, as Indian students and community celebrated

India’s independence day UMass Dartmouth announced that the Three Rs

Foundation has pledged $1 million to support the university's Center

for Indic Studies to initiate an innovative educational pedagogy

rooted in India’s Vedic traditions. The donation will support the

Center's mission to connect the university, region and Commonwealth to

India's growing economy and world influence.

The announcement made with a celebration of India Independence Day

and featured presentations by students from India, and a guest speech

from Dr. Subramanian Swamy, visiting Harvard Professor and President

of Janata Party in India. Our university, our students, and our

region are enriched by experiencing diverse cultures,'' Chancellor

MacCormack said. The history, art, music and religion of India hold

important lessons for all of us as we strive to be better citizens of

our own community and the world. On behalf of UMass Dartmouth, I thank

the Three Rs Foundation for its exemplary generosity. Pandit

Ramadheen Ramsamooj, Director of Three Rs Foundation, said, We are

excited to be part of this educational initiative that will allow

UMass Dartmouth students to learn about India at a time when the

information super highway and global economy are creating important

East-West connections. Among our highest priorities is to develop

innovative teaching strategies, rooted in Indian culture. The Three

Rs Foundation is the lead sponsor of the Super Accelerated Learning

Theory (SALT), a school model that emphasizes whole brain education.

Preceding the announcement, the Board of Governors of the Center for

Indic Studies unanimously approved the Memorandum of Understanding

with Three Rs Foundation.

The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Center, Mr. Rajiv

Malhotra, said that the accelerated learning movements across USA

regard Georgi Lozanov, a Bulgarian educator and neuroscientist, as

their founding father. What is seldom considered is that Lozanov had

studied traditional Vedic learning systems in India in the 1960s under

UNESCO programs, to figure out how Vedic pandits were able to memorize

and impeccably recite tens of thousands of verses. Malhotra said,

“Today, the Three R's Foundation is reviving that learning system

from its source, and creating a program which could be a breakthrough

even beyond Lozanov's. This deserves all our encouragement and support.”

Mr. Braham Agarwal from Orlando, Fl, the General Secretary of Indic

Governing Board agreed saying, “this is a good beginning for the

Center.” The Center for Indic Studies is planning several major

academic and scholarly initiatives in the coming years. In its Board

of Governors meeting, Dr. William Hogan suggested including graduate

education as part of the Three Rs Foundation’s agenda in Indic

Studies. He agreed with the Board Chairman’s suggestion to

distinguish Indic Studies from South Asian Studies, the latter being

adopted by many US universities for general area study that handicaps

them from getting into deeper understanding of Indic traditions and  

An endowment of this size to bridge ancient civilization of India to

the most modern civilization of United States through education is a

most powerful statement to society,'' said Dr. Bal Ram Singh, director

of the Center of Indic Studies. I am thrilled at this opportunity and

look forward to facilitating the engagement of my colleagues in this

educational mission.

With more than one billion people, India represents over 15 percent

of the world's population. Only China has a larger population. India's

median age is 25, one of the youngest among large economies. India and

the United States are the two largest democracies in the world. With

an average GDP growth of 7 percent over the last decade, India is one

of the fastest growing economies in the world. It is leveraging its

large number of well-educated and English-speaking people to become a

major exporter of software services and software workers. According

the U.S. Census Bureau India also now ranks 4th in Massachusetts as a

nation of origin of foreign born residents in 2006 with 40,000

residents of Massachusetts. In 2000, India ranked 9th, and in 1990 did

not rank in the top 10. India is the top country of origin for

international students on the UMass Dartmouth campus. This fall there

will be approximately 150 students from India on the campus.

The Center for Indic Studies was established in 2001 to disseminate

understanding of issues relating to the arts, philosophy, culture,

societal values, and customs of India. For more information, visit



[FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain cuts half-sister out of inheritance

2008-08-29 Thread mainstream20016
Cindy McCain's inheritance is supposedly valued at $100 mil or more.  On the 
day their father 
died, Cindy, controlling his estate, effectively stopped her father's natural 
daughter ( Cindy's 
half-sister ) from using a credit card that supplemented a modest lifestyle.
Family values ?   Read on:


[FairfieldLife] Eigenfunctions of fractal drums

2008-08-29 Thread yifuxero

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:
  Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits quite nicely
  into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're so stuck in your negative
  views that you can't see beyond them, no matter what evidence is
 Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:
 --that ALL of my views of M. are negative,
OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one. 

 --and that I don't see M's system of practice and metaphysics in a  
 larger and fuller context, a spectrum of practice if you will.
 --that I don't see through evidence presented as good, positive or  
 even 'remarkable' as bad or poor, negative in terms of it's deception  
 or just ho-hum.
 According to a slew of psychological testing I've (of my own accord)  
 taken over the years, I'm a very psychologically healthy and balanced  
 human being. And I will often say what others are afraid to say.
 But I do have an intolerance of self-appointed gurus who deceive and  
 harm others.

There you go again!

[FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain - saw her dad when she met McCain ?

2008-08-29 Thread mainstream20016
from NPR:
Jim Hensley was a bombardier on a B-17, flying over Europe during World War II.

He was injured and sent to a facility in West Virginia to recuperate. During 
that time, while 
still married to Mary Jeanne, Hensley met another woman — Marguerite Smith. Jim 
Mary Jeanne and married Marguerite in 1945.

Cindy Lou Hensley was born nine years later, in 1954

Hanoi HIlton John McCain and Jim Hensley, Cindy McCain's father, have 
similarities beyond  
'war injuries'. Both men abandoned their wives, and while married, began 
relationships with 
women they eventually married.   When Cindy met John, perhaps the 'family 
values' of her 
father guided her to marry John. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

On Aug 29, 2008, at 2:34 PM, feste37 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:

Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits quite nicely
into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're so stuck in your  

views that you can't see beyond them, no matter what evidence is

Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:

--that ALL of my views of M. are negative,

OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one.

He popularized the idea that meditating, and doing so regularly, is a  
good thing.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pratical-Lean and Tough by Joe Klein'

2008-08-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
  It was the perfect speech for a skeptical nation. In some 
  ways, the heart of it was near the end, when Obama directly 
  confronted a country that has lost faith in government - and 
  an opposing party that preys on that cynicism:
  I know there are those who dismiss such beliefs as happy 
  talk. They claim that our insistence on something larger, 
  something firmer and more honest in our public life is just 
  a Trojan Horse for higher taxes and the abandonment of 
  traditional values. And that's to be expected. Because if 
  you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics 
  to scare the voters. If you don't have a record to run on, 
  then you paint your opponent as someone people should run 
 Obama's words make an excellent point, one that a
 number of us have been trying to make here on FFL.
 That is, that the language used by his detractors,
 whether they be dyed-in-the-wool Reduh!licans like
 BillyG and Shemp, or Nouveau Reduh!licans like Judy, 
 is almost *always* phrased negatively. They're sell-
 ing FEAR and DISTRUST because they don't have anything 
 else to sell.
 They go *ballistic* when Obama or anyone on this
 forum says something that is about what they hope
 to achieve and plan to achieve, and phrases it in 
 positive terms, as something they are FOR. It's as 
 if their rant buttons get pushed by the very
 *appearance* of hope and positivity in a speech
 or in an FFL post.

Well, no, that isn't the case. If we didn't all know
that Barry is not to be held accountable for anything
he says, I'd ask him to prove his claim, but of course
such a request would be pointless.

 I'm including Judy in the Reduh!lican camp because
 SHE'S BEEN ACTING LIKE ONE. Can anyone here 
 remember *anything* she has said since this election
 season started that was phrased positively? Or 
 that ever indicated what she was FOR?

You have to forgive Barry. He has a memory like a
sieve for anything that doesn't conform to what he
prefers to believe, especially about me.

 I can't. She is seemingly *incapable* of stating
 what she is for *without* stating what she is against.
 Her whole campaign to discredit and demonize Obama 
 here (and that IS what it's been)

No, that hasn't been what it's been, as the record

 has been an attempt 
 to appeal to the *exact* same emotions that the 
 Reduh!licans use -- fear and distrust.

Is Barry so sunk in delusion that he truly believes
Democrats--including Obama--don't use those exact
same emotions against Republicans?

Barry started this post quoting a high-minded
paragraph from Obama's speech about not painting
your opponent as someone you should run from.

Here are several other paragraphs from the same
speech which do precisely that:

John McCain has voted with George Bush ninety percent of the time. 
Senator McCain likes to talk about judgment, but really, what does it 
say about your judgment when you think George Bush has been right 
more than ninety percent of the time? I don't know about you, but I'm 
not ready to take a ten percent chance on change.
The truth is, on issue after issue that would make a difference in 
your lives - on health care and education and the economy - Senator 
McCain has been anything but independent. He said that our economy 
has made great progress under this President. He said that the 
fundamentals of the economy are strong

For over two decades, he's subscribed to that old, discredited 
Republican philosophy - give more and more to those with the most and 
hope that prosperity trickles down to everyone else. In Washington, 
they call this the Ownership Society, but what it really means is - 
you're on your own. Out of work? Tough luck. No health care? The 
market will fix it. Born into poverty? Pull yourself up by your own 
bootstraps - even if you don't have boots. You're on your own

And today, as my call for a time frame to remove our troops from Iraq 
has been echoed by the Iraqi government and even the Bush 
Administration, even after we learned that Iraq has a $79 billion 
surplus while we're wallowing in deficits, John McCain stands alone 
in his stubborn refusal to end a misguided war.
That's not the judgment we need. That won't keep America safe. We 
need a President who can face the threats of the future, not keep 
grasping at the ideas of the past.
You don't defeat a terrorist network that operates in eighty 
countries by occupying Iraq. You don't protect Israel and deter Iran 
just by talking tough in Washington. You can't truly stand up for 
Georgia when you've strained our oldest alliances. If John McCain 
wants to follow George Bush with more tough talk and bad strategy, 
that is his choice - but it is not the change we need.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Pratical-Lean and Tough by Joe Klein'

2008-08-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use 
 stale tactics to scare the voters. 
 True when spoken about politics and the Reduh!lican
 Party. Even truer on Fairfield Life, when someone
 who paints themselves as a liberal can't find it
 in themselves to be FOR anything, only AGAINST.]
 And if she claims this isn't true, I DARE her to
 spend an *entire* post saying *exactly* what she is
 FOR and what she would like to see achieved for the
 U.S. and the world in the next four years, and to do
 so in *completely* positive terms.

It's not true, of course, and I feel no obligation
to attempt to prove it's false to somebody who is
determined to believe it despite all the evidence
against it here over the past months. It's like
trying to prove to someone who believes he's Napoleon
that he really isn't. Barry's delusional, and there's
no way to change that.

 That's why I call her a Nouveau Reduh!lican. She
 certainly isn't a Democrat. Democrats can actually 
 put the things they want to achieve into words.

I've already *done* it, Barry, many times. You've 
just blocked it out.

[FairfieldLife] 'Swift Boaters on McCain's Trail'

2008-08-29 Thread Robert
 John McCain is not the Hero POW he wants us to believe either. Go to 
WWW.VIETNAMVETERANSAGAINSTJOHNMCCANE.COM and read the full transcripts of his 
POW activities.

Former Congressmen Warn Troops: As Senator McCain Abandoned American POWs 
Trapped in Indochina; as President He'll Abandon You
Special to the U.S. Veteran Dispatch
By former U.S. Congressmen Bill Hendon (R-NC)
and John LeBoutillier (R-NY)
August 16, 2008 

Ted Sampley, a Vietnam Veteran and former Green Beret, issued a CHALLENGE to 
John McCain If you can show us that the information presented in our mailer is 
untruthful . . . we will Stand Down 

This CHALLENGE was issued during an interview with INSIDE EDITION on January 
17, 2008.
John, family members of Vietnam POW/MIA(s) have been waiting for more then 14 
years for you to have the courage to face them eye to eye in front of the 
American Public - Here is your opportunity for some STRAIGHT TALK. Stop 
hiding behind your fabricated War Hero persona. You know we can prove your 
collaborations with declassified government documents . . . It is time for the 
American people to get to know the REAL John McCain - the John McCain that the 
POW/MIA families witnessed during the 1991-93 US Senate Select Committee on 
POW/MIA Affairs . 
Bring It On John!
Here is our number 

In case you don't know who Ted Sampley is he also helped Swift Boat John Kerry 
in 2004, his only agenda is the truth.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 29, 2008, at 2:34 PM, feste37 wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:
  Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits quite nicely
  into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're so stuck in your  
  views that you can't see beyond them, no matter what evidence is
  Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:
  --that ALL of my views of M. are negative,
  OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one.
 He popularized the idea that meditating, and doing so regularly, is a  
 good thing.

I'll take it! Well done. 

[FairfieldLife] The Ideology and Mechanics of Overseas Expansion in the Mata Amritanandamayi Mission

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
Scholarly article: http://tinyurl.com/5r92hz

[FairfieldLife] The Demise of Buddhism in Asia - An informative book review

2008-08-29 Thread Vaj

Below is the first portion (half or so) of a fascinating book review -
the whole thing can be found at:



The Demise of Buddhism in Asia - An informative book review
Reviewed by Allen Carr
June 2008

Peoples of the Buddhist World by Paul Hattaway, Piquant Editions,
Carlisle, 2004.
Reviewed by Allen Carr

Some Western drug companies spend millions of dollars developing and
marketing a new drug only to have the health authorities later discover
that it has dangerous side-effects and then ban it. Needing to recover
their investment and unable to sell their drug in the West some of these
companies try to market their dangerous products in the Third World
where public awareness of health issues is low and indifferent
governments can be brought off. Some might say that Christianity is a
bit like this.

Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now
beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic
world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist knows
that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The
obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of Asia.
There are now several evangelical organizations dedicated just too
evangelizing Buddhists. The Asia Pacific Institute of Buddhist Studies
in the Philippines offers missionaries in-depth courses in Buddhist
doctrine, the languages of Buddhist countries and the sociology of
various Buddhist communities – the better to know the enemy.

The Central Asia Fellowship is geared specifically to spreading the
Gospel amongst Tibetans. The Overseas Missionary Fellowship is 'an
acknowledged authority on Buddhism' and 'is available to conduct
training sessions and seminars, give presentations and speak on how
Christians can work effectively in the Buddhist world.' The Sonrise
Centre for Buddhist Studies and the South Asia Network are both on-line
communities providing missionaries with detailed, accurate and
up-to-date information useful for evangelizing Buddhists. Make no
mistake, these are not small ad-hoc groups. They are large,
well-financed, superbly run organizations staffed by highly motivated
and totally dedicated people and they are in it for the long haul.

A book called Peoples of the Buddhist World has recently been published
by one of the leaders of this new evangelical assault on Buddhism. The
book's 453 pages offer missionaries and interested Christians a complete
profile of 316 Buddhist ethnic and linguistic groups in Asia, from the
Nyenpa of central Bhutan to the Kui of northern Cambodia, from the
Buriats of the Russian Far East to the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka.

There is a detailed breakdown of the size of each group, how many call
themselves Buddhists and how many actually know and practice it, which
languages they speak, their strengths and how to overcome them, their
weaknesses and how to take advantage of them, an overview of their
history, their culture and the best ways to evangelize them.

The book is filled with fascinating and beautiful color photos of all of
these peoples, many of them little-known. It makes one very sad to think
that these gentle, smiling, innocent folk are in now in the sights of
worldly-wise missionaries determined to undermine their faith and
destroy their ancient cultures. However, Hattaway book is also
interesting for the lurid glimpse it gives into the bizarre mentality
and the equally bizarre theology of the evangelical Christians. In the
preface Hattaway asks, Does it break God's heart today that hundreds of
millions of Buddhists are marching to hell with little or no gospel
witness? Does it break the Savior's heart that millions worship lifeless
idols instead of the true, glorious Heavenly Father?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:
   Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits 
   quite nicely into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're 
   so stuck in your negative views that you can't see beyond 
   them, no matter what evidence is presented.
  Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:
  --that ALL of my views of M. are negative,
 OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one. 

I'm not Vaj, but I'll step up to the plate for
my last post this week. And I won't stop at one.
I'll give it exactly as much time as I gave
myself for the ten positive planks of my
political platform.

-- He made meditation a household word in the West.
This is never to be discounted, and IMO should be
his legacy. 

-- He reintroduced a great number of multi-lifetime
spiritual seekers who had been reborn in the West
to the spiritual path, one that they would otherwise
not easily have found.

-- He gave many of those multi-lifetime seekers an
opportunity that is rare and in my opinion one of
the greatest gifts a spiritual teacher can bestow
on a spiritual seeker: the right to teach basic
meditation. We weren't *ready* to teach, and he
knew it, but he let us have a go at it anyway, and
to learn from that experience. This is the thing 
I am most grateful to him for. 

-- The checking procedure, as AI-based and non-
respectful of the individual as it is, is a pretty 
neat thing. For the type of technique he taught, I 
cannot think of one competitive tradition that has 
anything nearly as effective in terms of recentering 
effortless meditation. 

-- He gave a lot of us the opportunity to do long
meditations in a retreat setting. We called them
courses and called what we did rounding, but 
it is an experience that few on this planet have
had, and we should treasure it.

-- He gave a lot of us who were about to get burned
out on the promise of the Sixties something other
than sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll to focus on in
our mind's natural tendency to seek more.

-- He enabled me to travel to a lot of exotic locales,
even though my memories of many of them are limited
to what the inside of my hotel room looked like.

-- He sponsored some WAY magical moments that still
rank WAY up there in my list of cool moments. Whether
they were at a course in the mountains or in an 
initiation room in Los Angeles, they were way cool
shiny moments, and I thank him for them.

-- He provided me with a dumbed-down but remarkably
effective language and set of buzzwords with which
to describe the spiritual process, one that is easily
understood by many people, and which probably comes
as close as any language and set of buzzwords in
the biz to being able to describe the indescribable.

-- He introduced me, through his organization, to 
some of the most beautiful women in the world, some
of whom still rank up there in my list of WAY cool
moments along with the spiritual experiences.

-- He introduced me similarly to some really neat
fellow seekers, many of whom I still treasure to this
day as friends.

-- By allowing me to teach, he forced me the fuck
out of my self, and allowed me for brief periods of
time to experience selflessness, and putting someone
else's welfare ahead of my own. I know I said this
before, but that's a really big deal.

-- He had an infectious laugh, and infected me with
it often. That is never to be dismissed or overlooked
in any human being, let alone a spiritual teacher.

-- His techniques, plus probably a lot of work in 
previous lives, facilitated my first clear experience
of enlightenment in this lifetime. That is also not
to be overlooked or forgotten or regarded with anything
but gratitude.

-- In the end, he taught me one of the greatest lessons
one can possibly learn along the spiritual path. That
is, by walking away from it you are sometimes really
still following it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Demise of Buddhism in Asia - An informative book review

2008-08-29 Thread yifuxero
--Interesting! Thanks for posting this.
  When push comes to shove and a destitute family is grasping for 
straws just to survive, the welfare handouts of Evangelical 
organizations will go a long way in conversions to Christianity. 
(cultural Christianity that is).
 But this says nothing about addressing the fundamental Ontological 
conflict between orthodox (dualist) Christianity and the 
impersonalist, non-dualist religions.  Down the road at some point, 
the seeker will have to choose one model above the other: (either 
dualism - say Christianity, much of Vaisnavism; vs what Wilber and 
Adi Da call The Great Tradition: the combined nondualist Traditions 
of Buddhism and Saivite Hinduism).
 But this is philosophical initially, and will take a back seat to 
feeding one's family.
 Oprah's embrace of Eckart Tolle has definitely turned away hordes of 
Evangelicals who might have been cozy to the big O. If what Tolle 
says is true about Jesus; then the whole Salvation purpose of Jesus 
would be invalidated.  No need for the Cross!
 Such are some of the irreconciliable differences between nondualist 
religions and the dualist.  


 Below is the first portion (half or so) of a fascinating book 
review -
 the whole thing can be found at:
 The Demise of Buddhism in Asia - An informative book review
 Reviewed by Allen Carr
 June 2008
 Peoples of the Buddhist World by Paul Hattaway, Piquant Editions,
 Carlisle, 2004.
 Reviewed by Allen Carr
 Some Western drug companies spend millions of dollars developing and
 marketing a new drug only to have the health authorities later 
 that it has dangerous side-effects and then ban it. Needing to 
 their investment and unable to sell their drug in the West some of 
 companies try to market their dangerous products in the Third World
 where public awareness of health issues is low and indifferent
 governments can be brought off. Some might say that Christianity is 
 bit like this.
 Having lost much of their following in the West, churches are now
 beginning to look for opportunities elsewhere. Of course the Islamic
 world is out of the question. Even the most optimistic evangelist 
 that the chance of spreading the Gospel amongst Muslims is nil. The
 obvious targets are Africa, India and the Buddhist countries of 
 There are now several evangelical organizations dedicated just too
 evangelizing Buddhists. The Asia Pacific Institute of Buddhist 
 in the Philippines offers missionaries in-depth courses in Buddhist
 doctrine, the languages of Buddhist countries and the sociology of
 various Buddhist communities – the better to know the enemy.
 The Central Asia Fellowship is geared specifically to spreading the
 Gospel amongst Tibetans. The Overseas Missionary Fellowship is 'an
 acknowledged authority on Buddhism' and 'is available to conduct
 training sessions and seminars, give presentations and speak on how
 Christians can work effectively in the Buddhist world.' The Sonrise
 Centre for Buddhist Studies and the South Asia Network are both on-
 communities providing missionaries with detailed, accurate and
 up-to-date information useful for evangelizing Buddhists. Make no
 mistake, these are not small ad-hoc groups. They are large,
 well-financed, superbly run organizations staffed by highly 
 and totally dedicated people and they are in it for the long haul.
 A book called Peoples of the Buddhist World has recently been 
 by one of the leaders of this new evangelical assault on Buddhism. 
 book's 453 pages offer missionaries and interested Christians a 
 profile of 316 Buddhist ethnic and linguistic groups in Asia, from 
 Nyenpa of central Bhutan to the Kui of northern Cambodia, from the
 Buriats of the Russian Far East to the Sinhalese of Sri Lanka.
 There is a detailed breakdown of the size of each group, how many 
 themselves Buddhists and how many actually know and practice it, 
 languages they speak, their strengths and how to overcome them, 
 weaknesses and how to take advantage of them, an overview of their
 history, their culture and the best ways to evangelize them.
 The book is filled with fascinating and beautiful color photos of 
all of
 these peoples, many of them little-known. It makes one very sad to 
 that these gentle, smiling, innocent folk are in now in the sights 
 worldly-wise missionaries determined to undermine their faith and
 destroy their ancient cultures. However, Hattaway book is also
 interesting for the lurid glimpse it gives into the bizarre 
 and the equally bizarre theology of the evangelical Christians. In 
 preface Hattaway asks, Does it break God's heart today that 
hundreds of
 millions of Buddhists are marching to hell with little or no gospel

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
Turq, that's fantastic! I agree with every word. Your last point
reminds me of something Nietzsche said about Wagner, that the greatest
compliment a man could pay his teacher was to reject him. (Nietzsche
was originally one of Wagner's biggest fans, but later rejected him

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:
Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits 
quite nicely into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're 
so stuck in your negative views that you can't see beyond 
them, no matter what evidence is presented.
   Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:
   --that ALL of my views of M. are negative,
  OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one. 
 I'm not Vaj, but I'll step up to the plate for
 my last post this week. And I won't stop at one.
 I'll give it exactly as much time as I gave
 myself for the ten positive planks of my
 political platform.
 -- He made meditation a household word in the West.
 This is never to be discounted, and IMO should be
 his legacy. 
 -- He reintroduced a great number of multi-lifetime
 spiritual seekers who had been reborn in the West
 to the spiritual path, one that they would otherwise
 not easily have found.
 -- He gave many of those multi-lifetime seekers an
 opportunity that is rare and in my opinion one of
 the greatest gifts a spiritual teacher can bestow
 on a spiritual seeker: the right to teach basic
 meditation. We weren't *ready* to teach, and he
 knew it, but he let us have a go at it anyway, and
 to learn from that experience. This is the thing 
 I am most grateful to him for. 
 -- The checking procedure, as AI-based and non-
 respectful of the individual as it is, is a pretty 
 neat thing. For the type of technique he taught, I 
 cannot think of one competitive tradition that has 
 anything nearly as effective in terms of recentering 
 effortless meditation. 
 -- He gave a lot of us the opportunity to do long
 meditations in a retreat setting. We called them
 courses and called what we did rounding, but 
 it is an experience that few on this planet have
 had, and we should treasure it.
 -- He gave a lot of us who were about to get burned
 out on the promise of the Sixties something other
 than sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll to focus on in
 our mind's natural tendency to seek more.
 -- He enabled me to travel to a lot of exotic locales,
 even though my memories of many of them are limited
 to what the inside of my hotel room looked like.
 -- He sponsored some WAY magical moments that still
 rank WAY up there in my list of cool moments. Whether
 they were at a course in the mountains or in an 
 initiation room in Los Angeles, they were way cool
 shiny moments, and I thank him for them.
 -- He provided me with a dumbed-down but remarkably
 effective language and set of buzzwords with which
 to describe the spiritual process, one that is easily
 understood by many people, and which probably comes
 as close as any language and set of buzzwords in
 the biz to being able to describe the indescribable.
 -- He introduced me, through his organization, to 
 some of the most beautiful women in the world, some
 of whom still rank up there in my list of WAY cool
 moments along with the spiritual experiences.
 -- He introduced me similarly to some really neat
 fellow seekers, many of whom I still treasure to this
 day as friends.
 -- By allowing me to teach, he forced me the fuck
 out of my self, and allowed me for brief periods of
 time to experience selflessness, and putting someone
 else's welfare ahead of my own. I know I said this
 before, but that's a really big deal.
 -- He had an infectious laugh, and infected me with
 it often. That is never to be dismissed or overlooked
 in any human being, let alone a spiritual teacher.
 -- His techniques, plus probably a lot of work in 
 previous lives, facilitated my first clear experience
 of enlightenment in this lifetime. That is also not
 to be overlooked or forgotten or regarded with anything
 but gratitude.
 -- In the end, he taught me one of the greatest lessons
 one can possibly learn along the spiritual path. That
 is, by walking away from it you are sometimes really
 still following it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Positivity Dare -- Turq's Platform

2008-08-29 Thread Richard J. Williams
TurquoiseB wrote:
 My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.
So, you'd be willing to wager how much?

 1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
 corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
 in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
 those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
 most corporations pay no taxes. 
 As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
 share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 
So, you're in favor of progressive taxation.

 2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
 needed to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
 and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
 should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
 Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
 well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
 the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
 2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
 when? Then abide by the decision of the people. 
So, you're in favor of *heavily* monitoring polling places.

 Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about?

So, you're in favor of direct voting. 

 3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
 to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
 throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
 fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
 this money to create a massive research program to find 
 and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
 nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
 it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
 to succeed. 
So, you're in favor of redistributing wealth.

 4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
 level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
 care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
 they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
 Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
 with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
 of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
 the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
 nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
 the United States?
So, you're in favor of socialized medicine.

 5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
 stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
 making the availability of a basic level of food and 
 shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
 is too many; three million is *far* too many.
So, you're in favor of welfare.

 6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
 rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
 Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
 make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
 children is far more important than filling the media 
 with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.

So, you're in favor of raising property taxes.
 7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
 have their software audited by independent computer 
 specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
 paper trail that is verified against the electronic 
 totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
 election are finalized.
So, you're not in favor of voting.

 8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
 to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 
 the election. Any candidate who violates this and spends 
 a penny to distribute print ads, TV commercials or even 
 printed campaign materials by mail earlier than the three-
 month limit has to immediately withdraw from the election. 
So, you're not in favor of free speech.

 9. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Make the 
 penalty for breaking these laws a minimum of 20 years in 
 prison, without possibility of parole.
So, you're not in favor of profiting.

 10. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the defense industry and for any materials provider or 
 contractor who defrauds or overcharges the U.S. government. 
 Make the penalty for breaking these laws life in prison, 
 without the possibility of parole.

So, you're in favor of imprisonment.

When are you going to turn yourself in to the authorities?

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch to direct film on life of Maharishi

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
Dr David Lynch to direct film on the life of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

by Global Good News staff writer


Global Good News

28 August 2008


Speaking 20 August 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat
http://www.globalgoodnews.com/watch-live.html , Dr Robert Roth, National
Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace
http://www.globalcountry.org/ http://www.globalcountry.org/ in the
United States, gave details of the upcoming definitive film on Maharishi
Mahesh Yogi
, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, to be directed by
world-renowned film director Dr David Lynch. 


Dr Lynch has made great progress so far, reported Dr Roth, in planning for
his new film on Maharishi, which has recently received funding. The director
looked back to his interview with Maharishi a year and half ago, in which
Maharishi emphasized to him the significance of the Transcendental
Meditation Technique's  http://www.mum.edu/tm.html
http://www.mum.edu/tm.html  benefits for the individual, society, and
World Peace. Dr Lynch may use the main points from this interview as a
thematic outline for his film, added Dr Roth. 


As of now, continued Dr Roth, Dr Lynch has devised for three elements to be
included in the 2 hour, 10 minute film. First, he will use archived footage
of Maharishi's worldwide travels, which will provide a structure and
timeline for introducing the major points of Maharishi's knowledge. 


Other elements of the film will include a summary of Maharishi's impact on
the world in areas such as education
http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-education/ and health
care  http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-health/
http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-health/ , as well as
artistic computer graphics to illustrate Maharishi's knowledge points. 


Dr Lynch will be consulting leaders of the Global Country of World Peace,
including Prime Minister Dr Bevan Morris
http://excellenceinaction.globalgoodnews.com/2008/08-march/mar5.html ,
periodically during the making of his film. He has already gained valuable
guidance from Dr Peter Freund at Maharishi University of Management
http://www.mum.edu/ http://www.mum.edu/ , who has expert knowledge of
nearly every videotaped lecture made by Maharishi. 


'Dr Lynch hopes to finish the film by the end of his worldwide tour, perhaps
within the next year or year and a half,' said Dr Roth. 'His tour will
provide a great foundation of publicity and support leading to the film's


C Copyright 2008 Global Good NewsR


Global Good News comment:


For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a healthy,
happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global
Financial Capital of New York  http://www.globalfinancialcapitalny.org/
http://www.globalfinancialcapitalny.org/ .

[FairfieldLife] Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread BillyG.
At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)

Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:


[FairfieldLife] Is there a (real) Dr. in the house?

2008-08-29 Thread tizza . izza
Who are these people kidding with their Dr designation. They are as
fraudulent as the one Dr. John Gray uses.

I'm surprised no one has taken them to task. Of course perhaps no one
cares. But still, people with a real PhD had to work really hard to
earn the right to call themselves Dr


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dr David Lynch to direct film on the life of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
 by Global Good News staff writer
 Global Good News
 28 August 2008
 Speaking 20 August 2008 on Maharishi Global Family Chat
 http://www.globalgoodnews.com/watch-live.html , Dr Robert Roth,
 Director of Expansion for the Global Country of World Peace
 http://www.globalcountry.org/ http://www.globalcountry.org/ in the
 United States, gave details of the upcoming definitive film on Maharishi
 Mahesh Yogi


 , Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, to be directed by
 world-renowned film director Dr David Lynch. 
 Dr Lynch has made great progress so far, reported Dr Roth, in
planning for
 his new film on Maharishi, which has recently received funding. The
 looked back to his interview with Maharishi a year and half ago, in
 Maharishi emphasized to him the significance of the Transcendental
 Meditation Technique's  http://www.mum.edu/tm.html
 http://www.mum.edu/tm.html  benefits for the individual, society, and
 World Peace. Dr Lynch may use the main points from this interview as a
 thematic outline for his film, added Dr Roth. 
 As of now, continued Dr Roth, Dr Lynch has devised for three
elements to be
 included in the 2 hour, 10 minute film. First, he will use archived
 of Maharishi's worldwide travels, which will provide a structure and
 timeline for introducing the major points of Maharishi's knowledge. 
 Other elements of the film will include a summary of Maharishi's
impact on
 the world in areas such as education
and health
 care  http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-health/
 http://maharishi-programmes.globalgoodnews.com/vedic-health/ , as
well as
 artistic computer graphics to illustrate Maharishi's knowledge points. 
 Dr Lynch will be consulting leaders of the Global Country of World
 including Prime Minister Dr Bevan Morris
 http://excellenceinaction.globalgoodnews.com/2008/08-march/mar5.html ,
 periodically during the making of his film. He has already gained
 guidance from Dr Peter Freund at Maharishi University of Management
 http://www.mum.edu/ http://www.mum.edu/ , who has expert
knowledge of
 nearly every videotaped lecture made by Maharishi. 
 'Dr Lynch hopes to finish the film by the end of his worldwide tour,
 within the next year or year and a half,' said Dr Roth. 'His tour will
 provide a great foundation of publicity and support leading to the
 C Copyright 2008 Global Good NewsR
 Global Good News comment:
 For information about Maharishi's seven-point programme to create a
 happy, prosperous society, and a peaceful world, please visit: Global
 Financial Capital of New York 
 http://www.globalfinancialcapitalny.org/ .

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread wayback71
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:37 AM, wayback71 wrote:
  One of my sisters has BPD.  It has been a very difficult situation  
  for our family, both as I
  was growing up and continuing on now.  My parents were at a total  
  loss as to how to
  handle her, so just gave in to anything she demanded.  Family  
  therapy was not really even
  considered in those days (the 50's and 60's) among our friends.   
  Over the years, the family
  has struggled to stay together, but some bonds are broken for good,  
  and my mother
  grieves while protecting my sister and leaving everyone's  
  inheritance to her.  What is
  astounding, is that my sister with BPD does not really get what  
  she has done, or the
  consequences of her actions over the years. She can rage about what  
  someone else is
  doing and how unfair or unhealthy it is etc, then turn around and  
  do the exact same thing
  herself without recognizing it - no shame, no guilt, honestly and  
  truly no understanding. I
  always thought it was as if there is a large portion of her brain  
  just gone missing - despite
  being intelligent and kind (if her interests are being met first  
  and she is secure that my
  parents love her the most and she can live with them). It was such  
  a shock to finally see
  this - as if she has blinders on even in the most obvious and  
  egregious situations.  It has
  been a devastating, crazy ride for all of us.  Took me years and  
  lots of therapy to learn to
  deal with it.  ONe sister just emotionally left her relationship  
  with my parents and BPD
  sister.  My brother has ignored it all until recently.  I sure hope  
  it can be figured out.  For
  my sister it has gotten only very slightly better over the course  
  of 56 years.
 My heart goes out to you are your family. Kudos to you for having the  
 determination to stick in there.
 All of my children were adopted and/or are foster kids and thus we  
 never had any choice over the type or style of development they were  
 exposed to. In some cases the developmental damage was so pervasive,  
 i.e. children who were severely neglected and abused at that key  
 point of brain development, the 2-4 years of age sweet spot, that  
 they would totally lose the ability empathize with other humans and  
 they had no ability to emotionally bond to others. In some cases  
 these kids never can escape their own pathology, as it's actually  
 hardwired into their little brains.
 On a more positive note, we are having some success with one of the  
 most difficult children using mindfulness meditation as envisioned by  
 one of the leading experts in human attachment.

Perhaps everyone else knows that you have adopted and foster children, but I 
did not.  
Now that is seva!  Those kids are lucky to have found you.  Best of luck and 
thanks for your 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Brain Correlates of Borderline Personality Disorder discorvered

2008-08-29 Thread wayback71
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Aug 29, 2008, at 11:17 AM, feste37 wrote:
Ever thought of applying that to yourself, Vaj? It fits 
quite nicely into your rigid views of TM and MMY. You're 
so stuck in your negative views that you can't see beyond 
them, no matter what evidence is presented.
   Your observation is based on a number of false assumptions:
   --that ALL of my views of M. are negative,
  OK, so tell me one positive thing about MMY. Just one. 
 I'm not Vaj, but I'll step up to the plate for
 my last post this week. And I won't stop at one.
 I'll give it exactly as much time as I gave
 myself for the ten positive planks of my
 political platform.
 -- He made meditation a household word in the West.
 This is never to be discounted, and IMO should be
 his legacy. 
 -- He reintroduced a great number of multi-lifetime
 spiritual seekers who had been reborn in the West
 to the spiritual path, one that they would otherwise
 not easily have found.
 -- He gave many of those multi-lifetime seekers an
 opportunity that is rare and in my opinion one of
 the greatest gifts a spiritual teacher can bestow
 on a spiritual seeker: the right to teach basic
 meditation. We weren't *ready* to teach, and he
 knew it, but he let us have a go at it anyway, and
 to learn from that experience. This is the thing 
 I am most grateful to him for. 
 -- The checking procedure, as AI-based and non-
 respectful of the individual as it is, is a pretty 
 neat thing. For the type of technique he taught, I 
 cannot think of one competitive tradition that has 
 anything nearly as effective in terms of recentering 
 effortless meditation. 
 -- He gave a lot of us the opportunity to do long
 meditations in a retreat setting. We called them
 courses and called what we did rounding, but 
 it is an experience that few on this planet have
 had, and we should treasure it.
 -- He gave a lot of us who were about to get burned
 out on the promise of the Sixties something other
 than sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll to focus on in
 our mind's natural tendency to seek more.
 -- He enabled me to travel to a lot of exotic locales,
 even though my memories of many of them are limited
 to what the inside of my hotel room looked like.
 -- He sponsored some WAY magical moments that still
 rank WAY up there in my list of cool moments. Whether
 they were at a course in the mountains or in an 
 initiation room in Los Angeles, they were way cool
 shiny moments, and I thank him for them.
 -- He provided me with a dumbed-down but remarkably
 effective language and set of buzzwords with which
 to describe the spiritual process, one that is easily
 understood by many people, and which probably comes
 as close as any language and set of buzzwords in
 the biz to being able to describe the indescribable.
 -- He introduced me, through his organization, to 
 some of the most beautiful women in the world, some
 of whom still rank up there in my list of WAY cool
 moments along with the spiritual experiences.
 -- He introduced me similarly to some really neat
 fellow seekers, many of whom I still treasure to this
 day as friends.
 -- By allowing me to teach, he forced me the fuck
 out of my self, and allowed me for brief periods of
 time to experience selflessness, and putting someone
 else's welfare ahead of my own. I know I said this
 before, but that's a really big deal.
 -- He had an infectious laugh, and infected me with
 it often. That is never to be dismissed or overlooked
 in any human being, let alone a spiritual teacher.
 -- His techniques, plus probably a lot of work in 
 previous lives, facilitated my first clear experience
 of enlightenment in this lifetime. That is also not
 to be overlooked or forgotten or regarded with anything
 but gratitude.
 -- In the end, he taught me one of the greatest lessons
 one can possibly learn along the spiritual path. That
 is, by walking away from it you are sometimes really
 still following it.

Fantastic list. Amen.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
 immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
 principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
 forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
 proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)
 Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:

McCain is 72, the oldest presidential candidate in history. He has a
history with cancer and reportedly [and observably] has frequent
'senior moments'. McCain is two years older than his father was when
he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. His grandfather died of a
heart attack at 61.

Sarah Palin has been governor of a low population state [670,053 in
2006] for 18 months and before that she was a mayor of a town of less
than 8000 people. Is she qualified on a national or international
level to be president in case McCain kicks the bucket?

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Mike Scozzari

2008-08-29 Thread tizza . izza
Mike Scozzari is a very longtime TM teacher who has taught thousands
of people the TM technique as taught by MMY. Years ago when the cost
of TM began to spiral upwards he chose to teach TM outside the TM
organization and was taken to court for it several years ago. He was
told he could keep teaching TM in the fashion he was but he could no
longer call what he was teaching, Transcendental Meditation as taught
by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi  The TM org and he mutually agreed that he
could call it something else and he now calls it Transcendental Stress

There is another very longtime TM teacher, Paul Brown, who has also
been been teaching TM as taught by MMY but teaching it outside the TM
org. and after a series of threatening letters by the TM org. he now
calls what he teaches something different (Vedic Meditation?). 

They are both still teaching TM as taught by but cannot legally
claim to be.

That is as I understand it. 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Mike Scozzari
  Transcendental Stress Management
 Did he steal that technique from Maharishi ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Mike Scozzari

2008-08-29 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  Mike Scozzari
  Transcendental Stress Management

 Did he steal that technique from Maharishi ?

You mean after Maharishi broke his agreement with him...?
How can a supposedly natural universal technique be stolen?

Does anyone know when re-recertification will begin?

Me, I just want to fund raise and sell real estate  ;)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
 immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
 principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
 forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
 proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)

 Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:

You're kidding, right?  If not I would like to know why you vote 
Republican?  Seems to be a dissonant choice for someone so interested in 
meditation and eastern philosophy.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Positivity Dare -- Turq's Platform

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
Richard J. Williams wrote:
 TurquoiseB wrote:
 My bet is that Judy cannot create such a list in ten hours.

 So, you'd be willing to wager how much?

 1. Create a completely new tax structure that ensures that 
 corporations and non-profit entities like churches that 
 in fact make huge profits cannot avoid paying taxes on 
 those profits. Currently, according to the US government, 
 most corporations pay no taxes. 
 As businesses and corporations begin to pay their fair 
 share, reduce taxes on individuals accordingly. 

 So, you're in favor of progressive taxation.

 2. In any country in which American troops are currently 
 needed to fight a war there, put democracy to the test 
 and allow the people of that country to decide whether we 
 should stay or withdraw. For example, since we claim that 
 Iraq and Afghanistan are now basically democracies, hold 
 well-publicized and *heavily* monitored elections, and ask 
 the people to vote on: 1) Should U.S. troops stay or withdraw? 
 2) If stay, for exactly how long? 3) If withdraw, exactly 
 when? Then abide by the decision of the people. 

 So, you're in favor of *heavily* monitoring polling places.

 Isn't that what democracy is supposed to be about?

 So, you're in favor of direct voting. 

 3. Given that both Iraq and Afghanistan will vote for us 
 to get the hell out of their countries and we won't be 
 throwing money into those black holes, and given that a 
 fairer tax structure will bring in more tax revenues, use 
 this money to create a massive research program to find 
 and exploit alternative and clean sources of energy. Do 
 nothing to bring down the price of gas; the more expensive 
 it gets, the more likely this new energy program will be 
 to succeed. 

 So, you're in favor of redistributing wealth.

 4. Establish a health care system that provides a basic 
 level of regular preventative (not just emergency) health 
 care for everyone in the country, regardless of whether 
 they work or not, or even if they are just visiting. 
 Individuals can *supplement* this basic level of care 
 with private insurance if they want to get higher levels 
 of service or specialties such as cosmetic surgery, but 
 the basic care is there for everyone. If most of the 
 nations of Europe and even Cuba can do this, why can't 
 the United States?

 So, you're in favor of socialized medicine.

 5. Another sizable chunk of the newly-increased revenue 
 stream should be aimed at eliminating homelessness, and 
 making the availability of a basic level of food and 
 shelter available to everyone. Even one homeless person 
 is too many; three million is *far* too many.

 So, you're in favor of welfare.

 6. Tie the salary rates of school teachers to the salary 
 rates of U.S. Representatives and Senators. Whatever the 
 Senators/Representatives make per year, teachers should 
 make 1% more than that per year. The education of our 
 children is far more important than filling the media 
 with a lot of hot air, and should be recognized as such.

 So, you're in favor of raising property taxes.
 7. Require that all electronic voting machines in America 
 have their software audited by independent computer 
 specialists, and that the machines have an incorruptible 
 paper trail that is verified against the electronic 
 totals and the actual ballots before results of any 
 election are finalized.

 So, you're not in favor of voting.

 8. Limit the ability of all parties in national elections 
 to campaign in the media to three calendar months before 
 the election. Any candidate who violates this and spends 
 a penny to distribute print ads, TV commercials or even 
 printed campaign materials by mail earlier than the three-
 month limit has to immediately withdraw from the election. 

 So, you're not in favor of free speech.

 9. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the health care and pharmaceutical industries. Make the 
 penalty for breaking these laws a minimum of 20 years in 
 prison, without possibility of parole.

 So, you're not in favor of profiting.

 10. Establish laws that define what constitutes profiteering 
 in the defense industry and for any materials provider or 
 contractor who defrauds or overcharges the U.S. government. 
 Make the penalty for breaking these laws life in prison, 
 without the possibility of parole.

 So, you're in favor of imprisonment.

 When are you going to turn yourself in to the authorities?
Probably about the same time as you turn yourself into Austin State 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
  immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
  principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
  forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
  proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)
  Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:
 McCain is 72, the oldest presidential candidate in history. He has a
 history with cancer and reportedly [and observably] has frequent
 'senior moments'. McCain is two years older than his father was when
 he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. His grandfather died of a
 heart attack at 61.
 Sarah Palin has been governor of a low population state [670,053 in
 2006] for 18 months and before that she was a mayor of a town of less
 than 8000 people. Is she qualified on a national or international
 level to be president in case McCain kicks the bucket?

She has as much or more experience than Obama who's on the top of the
Dem ticket!!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BillyG. wrote:
  At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
  immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
  principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
  forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
  proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)
  Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:

 You're kidding, right?  If not I would like to know why you vote 
 Republican?  Seems to be a dissonant choice for someone so
interested in 
 meditation and eastern philosophy.

I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay

[FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 29, 2008, at 10:32 AM, boo_lives wrote:
  Now that's sure a winning ticket.
  I think Michael Palin would be funnier.
  ...but mountain doesn't move!
  A few facts about palin - she's in favor of teaching creationism in
  science classes, does not believe insurance should cover
  contraception, and generally is true to the nuttiest fundamentalist  
 Plus she's from Alaska, which should net McCain
 about 3 extra votes.
 I wonder if part of the reason they didn't pick her was so
 Biden would be forced to go easy  in the debates and
 make her look smarter than she is.

I would encourage you to maybe not be so knee-jerk
in your reaction Sal. To do so is to significantly
underestimate the opposition. Have yas travelled
around Alaska and talked to folks or even discussed
her with close friends in AK? She holds a unique
constellation of qualities that makes her very
appealing to a large set of people in the lower 48.
You might be surprised. You might also be surprised to
find her a formidable opponent to Biden in a debate.
Not only does Biden poll towards being deficient in honesty
and warmth, Palin has a reputation of being fearless,
believable, and very well spoken. Comments made earlier 
here on FFL regarding her holding nutcase xtian 
fundamentalist views might also be more  than a little 

I remember reading notes here shortly after Super 
about how badly McCain was going to be beaten.
I sent a reply urging caution. Does it surprise
anyone how closely this race has been polling
with  70 days remaining?  
I may disagree with Sarah Palin on a great number of 
things, but I would never underestimate her effect on
an election that has been unlike any other in my 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
   immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
   principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
   forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding
choice. I'm
   proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)
   Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:
  McCain is 72, the oldest presidential candidate in history. He has a
  history with cancer and reportedly [and observably] has frequent
  'senior moments'. McCain is two years older than his father was when
  he died suddenly of a heart attack at 70. His grandfather died of a
  heart attack at 61.
  Sarah Palin has been governor of a low population state [670,053 in
  2006] for 18 months and before that she was a mayor of a town of less
  than 8000 people. Is she qualified on a national or international
  level to be president in case McCain kicks the bucket?
 She has as much or more experience than Obama who's on the top of the
 Dem ticket!!


---Two years in the U.S. Senate. Seven years in the Illinois Senate.
One loss in a primary election for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Obama's experience is broader than his time in elected office. He was
a community organizer in Chicago and led voter-registration drives. He
taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He lived for a
time in Indonesia, a Muslim country. He has traveled to the Middle
East, Africa and Iraq.

He has lived abroad and has relatives who are certainly not your
Mayflower Americans and understands different cultures, Dillard says.
Many presidents with foreign-policy experience have not lived
firsthand the type of life that Barack has.

USA TODAY: http://tinyurl.com/3xjseb

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 BillyG. wrote:
  At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
  immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
  principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
  forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
  proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)
  Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:
 You're kidding, right?  If not I would like to know why you vote 
 Republican?  Seems to be a dissonant choice for someone so
interested in 
 meditation and eastern philosophy.

Evil, in all of its forms, must be eliminated, (or stood up to)
whether it is in oneself or the environment in which you live. This is
true spiritual duty, and the essence of the Bhagavad Gita; standing up
to the evil Kuravas (sense tendencies of the kama rupa, desire body)
in oneself and also taking a position of 'righteous duty' (dharma)
against the evil tendencies in the World. 

WWII is a great example of  where America was an especially heroic
Country and truly lived up to its Dharma or righteous duty!

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of do.rflex
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:40 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-)
was Make that...


I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay

Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years, and who
told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis, that if
your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to have
wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.

[FairfieldLife] Sarah Palin Supports Teaching Creationism in Schools

2008-08-29 Thread do.rflex

PALIN: Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy
debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a
proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the
daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and
blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the
subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation
for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both
sides. [...]

The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools
popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican
Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside
evolution in the state's public classrooms.

Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion
of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said,
Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate
is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent
of teaching both.

Her main opponents, Democrat Tony Knowles and Independent Andrew
Halcro, said such alternatives to evolution should be kept out of
science classrooms. Halcro called such lessons religious-based and
said the place for them might be a philosophy or sociology class.

The question has divided local school boards in several places around
the country and has come up in Alaska before, including once before
the state Board of Education in 1993.

The teaching of creationism, which relies on the biblical account of
the creation of life, has been ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court as an
unconstitutional injection of religion into public education.

Last December, in a widely publicized local case, a federal judge in
Pennsylvania threw out a city school board's requirement that
intelligent design be mentioned briefly in science classes.
Intelligent design proposes that biological life is so complex that
some kind of intelligence must have shaped it.

In an interview Thursday, Palin said she meant only to say that
discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska

I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it
comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum.

She added that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of
Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state's
required curriculum.

Members of the state school board, which sets minimum requirements,
are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Legislature.

I won't have religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion
on evolution or creationism, Palin said.

Palin has occasionally discussed her lifelong Christian faith during
the governor's race but said teaching creationism is nothing she has
campaigned about or even given much thought to.

We're talking about the gas line and PERS/TERS, she said Thursday,
referring to the proposed natural gas pipeline and public employee and
teacher retirement systems.

The Republican Party of Alaska platform says, in its section on
education: We support giving Creation Science equal representation
with other theories of the origin of life. If evolution is taught, it
should be presented as only a theory. [...]

Full article - The Anchorage Daily News: http://tinyurl.com/6gf5gk 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread cardemaister
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...but mountain doesn't move!

But perhaps Palin is related, or stuff, to Saija [sigh-yah] Palin:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
BillyG. wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 BillyG. wrote:
 At first I balked, but after hearing her acceptance speech I was
 immediately on board. She's totally genuine with conservative
 principles AND even if the McCain ticket looses in November (God
 forbid) the Republicans can be proud of their outstanding choice. I'm
 proud to be a registered Republican!!  :-)

 Below is the McCain/Palin/Republican platform:

 You're kidding, right?  If not I would like to know why you vote 
 Republican?  Seems to be a dissonant choice for someone so
 interested in 
 meditation and eastern philosophy.

 Evil, in all of its forms, must be eliminated, (or stood up to)
 whether it is in oneself or the environment in which you live. This is
 true spiritual duty, and the essence of the Bhagavad Gita; standing up
 to the evil Kuravas (sense tendencies of the kama rupa, desire body)
 in oneself and also taking a position of 'righteous duty' (dharma)
 against the evil tendencies in the World. 

 WWII is a great example of  where America was an especially heroic
 Country and truly lived up to its Dharma or righteous duty!
Then you must live in an alternate universe.  Look at what the 
Republicans have wrought in the last 8 years.  If anything they are the 
evil ones.  To me, Bush, Cheney and the neocons are superb examples of 
rakshasas which by modern Hindi definition means wicked person.  They 
are now willing to risk nuclear war with Russia in order to maintain US 
hegemony.  They do not have the support of the American people in this 
activity (certainly not those who are rational).  I would suggest you 
read the writing of a Republican who served in the Reagan White House, 
Paul Craig Roberts, whose articles I link to here on this group.  He is 
not a fan of what the Republican Party has become and especially not a 
fan of the Bush administration.

Your opinion is indeed VERY NAIVE.  But you are welcome to be as naive 
and stupid as you want in this world as well as suffer the consequences 
for it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
do.rflex wrote:
 I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
 Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
 of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
 loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
 lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay
The other night I watched the HBO movie Recount on DVD.  This was the 
critically praised movie about the Florida 2000 election recount.  It 
reminded me so poignantly of how demonic the Bush supporters and the 
Karl Rove operatives were on that occasion.  Rove is still unleashing 
his evil in this world.  We will undoubtedly see more of his crap in the 
next two months.  Maybe we'll be lucky though and he'll choke to death 
on a pretzel (or someone's dick).

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years, and who
 told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis, that if
 your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to have
 wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.
And I remember the TMO saying glowing things about Reagan when he took 
office and that's when I really decided the movement was run by a bunch 
of goofballs.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Make that McCain and Palin :)

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 29, 2008, at 4:41 PM, Tom wrote:

Plus she's from Alaska, which should net McCain
about 3 extra votes.

I wonder if part of the reason they didn't pick her was so
Biden would be forced to go easy  in the debates and
make her look smarter than she is.


I would encourage you to maybe not be so knee-jerk
in your reaction Sal.

You mean ruin my reputation by actually trying
to be nuanced and thoughtful, Tom?  (Shudder)

I was actually kind of kidding, sort of.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread BillyG.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 On Behalf Of do.rflex
 Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:40 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a
Republican!! :-)
 was Make that...
 I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
 Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
 of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
 loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
 lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay
 Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years,
and who
 told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis,
that if
 your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to have
 wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.

I can confirm that statement by MMY, as I have heard it from a friend
of mine who also made that exact statement!  That was back when MMY
was speaking more like a Yogi.  He made more sense to me in those days.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of BillyG.
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 5:30 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-)
was Make that...


 Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years,
and who
 told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis,
that if
 your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. (snip) I can
confirm that statement by MMY, as I have heard it from a friend
of mine who also made that exact statement! 

So can I 'cause I was there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin Supports Teaching Creationism in Schools

2008-08-29 Thread feste37
Clearly, this woman is stupid. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 PALIN: Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy
 debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a
 proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the
 daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and
 blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the
 subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation
 for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both
 sides. [...]
 The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools
 popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican
 Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside
 evolution in the state's public classrooms.
 Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion
 of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said,
 Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate
 is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent
 of teaching both.
 Her main opponents, Democrat Tony Knowles and Independent Andrew
 Halcro, said such alternatives to evolution should be kept out of
 science classrooms. Halcro called such lessons religious-based and
 said the place for them might be a philosophy or sociology class.
 The question has divided local school boards in several places around
 the country and has come up in Alaska before, including once before
 the state Board of Education in 1993.
 The teaching of creationism, which relies on the biblical account of
 the creation of life, has been ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court as an
 unconstitutional injection of religion into public education.
 Last December, in a widely publicized local case, a federal judge in
 Pennsylvania threw out a city school board's requirement that
 intelligent design be mentioned briefly in science classes.
 Intelligent design proposes that biological life is so complex that
 some kind of intelligence must have shaped it.
 In an interview Thursday, Palin said she meant only to say that
 discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska
 I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it
 comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum.
 She added that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of
 Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state's
 required curriculum.
 Members of the state school board, which sets minimum requirements,
 are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Legislature.
 I won't have religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion
 on evolution or creationism, Palin said.
 Palin has occasionally discussed her lifelong Christian faith during
 the governor's race but said teaching creationism is nothing she has
 campaigned about or even given much thought to.
 We're talking about the gas line and PERS/TERS, she said Thursday,
 referring to the proposed natural gas pipeline and public employee and
 teacher retirement systems.
 The Republican Party of Alaska platform says, in its section on
 education: We support giving Creation Science equal representation
 with other theories of the origin of life. If evolution is taught, it
 should be presented as only a theory. [...]
 Full article - The Anchorage Daily News: http://tinyurl.com/6gf5gk

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2008-08-29 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Aug 23 00:00:00 2008
End Date (UTC): Sat Aug 30 00:00:00 2008
860 messages as of (UTC) Fri Aug 29 23:32:42 2008

50 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
50 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
44 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
43 sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
40 off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
40 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
39 Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
36 gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
34 Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
29 do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
27 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
21 mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
21 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20 nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
16 feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 7 boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 sriswamijisadhaka [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 dhamiltony2k5 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 danfriedman2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 wayback71 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 subhash madhukar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 bettyblue109 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Brian Horsfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 tizza.izza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. 
Who'd've Thunk It? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 sgrayatlarge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 mynyzonedotcom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 m2smart4u2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 alan.kuntz [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posters: 55
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a Republican!! :-) was Make that...

2008-08-29 Thread jyouells2000

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  On Behalf Of do.rflex
  Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 4:40 PM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Yep-And a proud day to be a
 Republican!! :-)
  was Make that...
  I think BillyG took his lead from an unabashedly patriotic Charlie
  Lutes who [I believe] was a Republican and who [I know] was somewhat
  of homophobe. He often referred to gays as being 'light in the
  loafers'. Two lesbians got up and left in tears from one of his
  lectures I attended after he made some derogatory comments about gay
  Or from MMY, who was supportive of Nixon during the Watergate years,
 and who
  told the Amherst SCI Symposium, in the presence of General Davis,
 that if
  your enemy has the bomb, you should get a bigger bomb. He seems to
  wised up in his later years, with his condemnation of Bush.

 I can confirm that statement by MMY, as I have heard it from a friend
 of mine who also made that exact statement!  That was back when MMY
 was speaking more like a Yogi.  He made more sense to me in those

MAD was an effective response to an impossible situation, for quite a

Maharishi was certainly not worried about hurting peoples' feelings. He
dissed about 10,000 teachers and the entire British empire with a great
deal of gusto.


[FairfieldLife] McCain did the impossible...

2008-08-29 Thread shempmcgurk
...he actually made me a fan of his, something I wasn't until this 

His appointment of Sarah Palin is genius.

1) She is more qualified in terms of executive experience than all 
three of the men -- Osama, Biden, and McCain -- combined.

2) Regarding foreign policy experience: Barack Obama has zero going 
in to the presidency.  At least Palin will, as VP, have some on-the-
job experience.  The argument can also be made that, as the governor 
of the largest U.S. state and the ONLY one bordering a superpower, 
Russia (Obama's Illinois where he wasn't even governor or part of the 
government borders the lowly Canada, hardly a great challenge), that 
fact alone gives Palin an edge over both Obama and Biden when it 
comes to hands-on foreign policy experience (Biden spent his life in 
committees flapping his yap and his puny little state, Delaware, has 
a 3,000 mile ocean as a buffer zone to a foreign country!).

3) Union member, non-elitist, a basketball star from high school 
(let's see Barack take her on!), NRA member, hunter, fisher.  Wow!  
She's the big brother I never had!

4) Plus, she's a babe, mother of 5, and a hockey mom.

5) When she speaks she sound more sincere and genuine than McCain, 
Obama, and Biden combined.  A veritable Margaret Thatcher to the 
manor born!

6) What's that sound?  Hmmm...it's the sound of all the air being 
sucked out of Barack's speech last night, the Biden nomination, and 
the last 4 days in Denver...all thanks to one little Mom from Alaska.

You liberals have absolutely no idea how Americans in the heartland 
think because you believe the US media too much.  John McCain just 
won the election with his choice of Palin because the heartland (not 
to even mention a good portion of 18 million disaffected Hillary 
voters) will go for this genuine person in droves.

This genius choice on the part of McCain probably ensures that he'll 
win all 50 states, including Obama's home states of Illinois and 

McCain played Obama like a fiddle, leading him and everyone else into 
thinking he'd choose a man.  Had McCain let the cat out of the bag 
only a week earlier, Obama would have had to choose Hillary.  HA  
He hoodwinked everyone and left them peeing in their pants.

[FairfieldLife] McCain's adviser has a terrific solution for the uninsured

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

Now why didn't anyone think of this before now?  It's brilliant,
I tell ya.

So I have a solution. And it will cost not one thin dime, Mr.  
Goodman said. The next president of the United States should sign an  
executive order requiring the Census Bureau to cease and desist from  
describing any American – even illegal aliens – as uninsured.  
Instead, the bureau should categorize people according to the likely  
source of payment should they need care.

So, there you have it. Voila! Problem solved.

Well, at least he didn't say to kill everyone...


Re: [FairfieldLife] McCain did the impossible...

2008-08-29 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:25 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:

McCain played Obama like a fiddle, leading him and everyone else into
thinking he'd choose a man.  Had McCain let the cat out of the bag
only a week earlier, Obama would have had to choose Hillary.  HA
He hoodwinked everyone and left them peeing in their pants.

And on that note shemp goes back into his room with
the padded walls at Bellevue, where he continues to
entertain himself with fantasies that even most
right-wingers would shake their heads at.


[FairfieldLife] Re: McCain did the impossible...

2008-08-29 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Aug 29, 2008, at 7:25 PM, shempmcgurk wrote:
  McCain played Obama like a fiddle, leading him and everyone
  else into thinking he'd choose a man.  Had McCain let the cat
  out of the bag only a week earlier, Obama would have had to
  choose Hillary.  HA He hoodwinked everyone and left them
  peeing in their pants.
 And on that note shemp goes back into his room with
 the padded walls at Bellevue, where he continues to
 entertain himself with fantasies that even most
 right-wingers would shake their heads at.

Discounting Shemp's burbling hyperbole, he's 
right that Palin is a very savvy political choice
on McCain's part.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sarah Palin Supports Teaching Creationism in Schools

2008-08-29 Thread mainstream20016
McCain chose Palin because Repubs' support from the normally sheep-like 
wing is leaking like a New Orleans levee following Katrina. The Palin pick 
reveals the 
desperation of McCain, who stupidly thought that if he named any woman, the 
of Hillary would follow.  McCain tried to have it both ways with the Palin pick 
- renewed 
support from evangelicals plus the disaffected HIllary supporters. I suspect  
supporters are offended by Palin pick, and will quickly repatriate behind 

HIllary as McCain's VP was McCain's only  chance at victory.  For now,  Hillary 
gets credit 
for enticing McCain to pick a woman;  McCain's curiosity with HIllary led to 
McCain making 
the stupid move of picking Palin as his VP.  

The evangelicals' choice was Huckaby for Pres.  After Huckaby's surprise Iowa 
victory, the 
Repub establishment showed their true colors by castigating Huckaby, and the 
evangelicals are furious, and won't be led by the snout this year by 
Additionally, John and Cindy McCain are way short on family values, further 
evangelicals' support for the GOP this year. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Clearly, this woman is stupid. 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  PALIN: Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy
  debate is so important and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a
  proponent of teaching both. And you know, I say this too as the
  daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and
  blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the
  subject -- creationism and evolution. It's been a healthy foundation
  for me. But don't be afraid of information and let kids debate both
  sides. [...]
  The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools
  popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican
  Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside
  evolution in the state's public classrooms.
  Palin was answering a question from the moderator near the conclusion
  of Wednesday night's televised debate on KAKM Channel 7 when she said,
  Teach both. You know, don't be afraid of information. Healthy debate
  is so important, and it's so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent
  of teaching both.
  Her main opponents, Democrat Tony Knowles and Independent Andrew
  Halcro, said such alternatives to evolution should be kept out of
  science classrooms. Halcro called such lessons religious-based and
  said the place for them might be a philosophy or sociology class.
  The question has divided local school boards in several places around
  the country and has come up in Alaska before, including once before
  the state Board of Education in 1993.
  The teaching of creationism, which relies on the biblical account of
  the creation of life, has been ruled by the U.S. Supreme Court as an
  unconstitutional injection of religion into public education.
  Last December, in a widely publicized local case, a federal judge in
  Pennsylvania threw out a city school board's requirement that
  intelligent design be mentioned briefly in science classes.
  Intelligent design proposes that biological life is so complex that
  some kind of intelligence must have shaped it.
  In an interview Thursday, Palin said she meant only to say that
  discussion of alternative views should be allowed to arise in Alaska
  I don't think there should be a prohibition against debate if it
  comes up in class. It doesn't have to be part of the curriculum.
  She added that, if elected, she would not push the state Board of
  Education to add such creation-based alternatives to the state's
  required curriculum.
  Members of the state school board, which sets minimum requirements,
  are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Legislature.
  I won't have religion as a litmus test, or anybody's personal opinion
  on evolution or creationism, Palin said.
  Palin has occasionally discussed her lifelong Christian faith during
  the governor's race but said teaching creationism is nothing she has
  campaigned about or even given much thought to.
  We're talking about the gas line and PERS/TERS, she said Thursday,
  referring to the proposed natural gas pipeline and public employee and
  teacher retirement systems.
  The Republican Party of Alaska platform says, in its section on
  education: We support giving Creation Science equal representation
  with other theories of the origin of life. If evolution is taught, it
  should be presented as only a theory. [...]
  Full article - The Anchorage Daily News: http://tinyurl.com/6gf5gk

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Samskaras Work 101 -- Lesson 1

2008-08-29 Thread authfriend
Some unfinished business from last week:

I know, and Barry knows, and anybody who follows
my posts knows that none--not one--of the
patterns Barry describes in the post I quote
below accurately characterizes my behavior (with
regard to documentable *facts*, not mere opinion).

Rather than taking the time to refute each of his
claims, I'm just going to take one example as
representative; the other claims are equally untrue.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 * A tendency to mindlessly believe that the things 
 that Hillary Clinton has said are not only true, but 
 Truth. Whereas almost everything said by her opponents 
 are lies.

Just totally made up out of thin air. Neither, of
course, is even remotely true, as the record shows.

 * A tendency to be unable to see evidence that these
 things are *not* true, and to come up with outlandish
 explanations for why they're really true. (Video foot-
 age of Hillary lying about being under fire can be 
 somehow explained away, as can video footage of the
 event itself.)

Of course, I never suggested her story about being
under fire was true. Barry made that up out of
thin air as well.

Whether she was lying (which would make no sense
whatsoever, given the coverage her Tuzla visit
received) or just misremembering, at least she
ultimately acknowledged the error--entirely unlike
Barry, who lies continually without the slightest
hesitation, let alone remorse, and virtually never
even admits to having been wrong.

With the possible exception of Huey, Dewey, and
Louie, Barry's three little yapping attack 
Yorkies, anybody who reads my posts could easily
provide rebuttals to the rest of Barry's claims.

But if anybody's interested, I'll be happy to
respond to any of the others.

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