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2008-09-04 Thread malik ahmad
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[FairfieldLife] Female Demosthenes?

2008-09-04 Thread cardemaister

Just saw and heard a two-minute sample of Sarah's speech.
Must say she might be nothing short of a female Demosthenes
or Gaius Tullius Cicero!?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Female Demosthenes?

2008-09-04 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
here's how academically speaking it matches up:€
Hillary #1 in her class at Yale Law (Bill was #3) vs.
Obama editor of Law Review at$ harvard

Obama wins, hires roman senator
versus now
ok McCain 5th from bottom at Naval Acad crashes plane
hires comm. studies grad from U. of Idaho sportscaster beauty
Winner:  the kid who knocked up her daughter

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Female Demosthenes?
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 2:51 AM

Just saw and heard a two-minute sample of Sarah's speech.
Must say she might be nothing short of a female Demosthenes
or Gaius Tullius Cicero!?



[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?

2008-09-04 Thread John
--- In, Jonathan Chadwick 

 Leiberman lost the dem primary for his seat in '04 and was left for 
dead; it was the moderates and republicans who reelected him as an 

This is a good reason for Lieberman as a form of protest against his 
old party.  But he may be just adding salt to a wound.  In practical 
terms, it would be difficult for him to get any cooperation from the 
Democrats when he needs to sponsor a bill in the near future.

 --- On Wed, 9/3/08, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?
 Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 6:07 PM
 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Alex Stanley 
 j_alexander_ stanley@ .. wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
   --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, John jr_esq@ 

 To All:
 Lieberman is playing with fire by endorsing McCain which 
 obviously repudiates his previous loyalty with the 
 in the Senate. It would appear foolish to make such a move. 
 But there must a angle somewhere that is not apparent on 
 the surface.

Draw your own conclusions about Leiberman's character after 
you watch him here: com/watch? 
   Ok, here's one straight from the Twilight Zone,
   but it's been amusing me lately. What if Sarah
   Palin is McCain's sneaky way of defying Rove
   (whom he pretty much *has* to hate based on the 
   things Rove has done to McCain over the years)
   and getting Lieberman on the ticket anyway?
   Palin doesn't vet out, and has to do an Eagleton.
   Somebody has to fill the bill. Lieberman steps
   in. Karl fumes. McCain gets what he wanted in
   the first place, without having to take on Karl
   Rove head-to-head.
  http://groups. group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 188997
 McNuts is stuck with Palin until election day, no matter what. It's 
 just too close to the election, and a swapout would make Mc look 
 weak -- it just can't happen before Nov 4th. However, if Mc/Palin 
 win, then Mc can dump her (I don't think she really wants the job 
 anyway, so she would just announce a resignation for 
 reasons) and pick whoever.
 Also, the Palin choice was made to energize the Christian right and 
 get em to the polls to vote for a unified antiabortion ticket. Mc 
 simply cannot pick Lieberman or Ridge, who is also prochoice:
 http://tinyurl. com/5a637v from:
 http://blogs. politicalpunch/ 2008/08/pro- choice-
ridg. html

[FairfieldLife] Turq's Prediction for what to expect in the rest of the campaign

2008-09-04 Thread TurquoiseB
Ok, so now we all know that Sarah Palin, given 
a week of several-hours-a-day coaching by flack
catchers and campaign speech consultants, can
deliver a script with the best of them. Better
than John McCain, in my estimation.

And we know that the Republicans CAN'T run on
their record. Even their strongest supporters
know that the economy is in a shambles and that
Iraq is an unwinnable black hole into which 
America will continue to throw money until it
bankrupts them.

So what do you DO, if you're Karl Rove and want
to win the election?

In my opinion, the key is to keep the daily polls
close enough so that the rigged voting machines,
when they give the election to McCain, are some-
what believable. That can't happen unless the 
polls leading up to election day are somewhat 
50-50, with no clear leader. 

I mean, if the polls for the month preceding the
election show Obama leading McCain in all of the
polls 70-30, then even Americans -- as provably
stupid as they are -- are going to raise a ruckus
when the rigged voting machines show the final
totals at 51-49 for McCain.

So what do you DO to keep the polls somewhat 

If you're Karl Rove, and you have the whole of
the existing US executive branch willing to do
whatever you tell them to to support McCain, you
do what you've always done -- you create a 

Americans have a proven history of swinging
conservative when they are fearful. So to KEEP
them fearful, all that George W. Bush and the
rest of the Rove Political Machine (sometimes 
called the Executive Branch) have to do is to
manufacture one international crusis after 
another. If the polls start to swing too far to
Obama, manufacture an actual terrorist event.

Voila. The polls stay balanced, and the rigged
voting machines carry the election.

If you think this is paranoid or a conspiracy
theory, just watch. JUST as they manufactured the
Georgia-Russia situation to benefit McCain, JUST
as they manufactured the missile confrontation
in Poland to benefit McCain, they will manufacture
six or seven more crises before the election, to
keep Americans FEARFUL.

When Americans are FEARFUL, they have been trained
to turn to braggarts and strutting faux soldiers
and those who talk tough. They have been trained
to ignore those who talk reason. And so the polls
will stay somewhat 50-50, and the rigged voting
machines and the hundreds of thousands of carefully
scrubbed voter lists will do the rest. 

Now let me end by saying that I truly HOPE this 
all doesn't happen. I'd like to believe that America
is still capable of having a fair election. But I
don't think that's going to happen. I've been watching
Karl Rove and his bag of dirty tricks for some time
now, and based on his *past* history, this is what
I think he'll do with America's future.

And the saddest thing is that saying stuff like this,
even if it turns out to be true and works out *exactly*
as I am predicting, won't help a bit. Americans are so
stupid that they would prefer to believe that they
are so smart they can't be deceived by dirty tricks
like this. But history proves otherwise, and I suspect
it will again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Turq's Prediction for what to expect in the rest of the campaign

2008-09-04 Thread guyfawkes91

 If you think this is paranoid or a conspiracy
 theory, just watch. JUST as they manufactured the
 Georgia-Russia situation to benefit McCain, JUST
 as they manufactured the missile confrontation
 in Poland to benefit McCain, they will manufacture
 six or seven more crises before the election, to
 keep Americans FEARFUL.

You know I didn't buy the idea that Bush-Cheney manufactured the
Georgian war to boost McCain until Cheney turned up in Georgia with a
$1Bn payoff. Now I'm not so sure. It certainly looks like it's a
payback for doing some dirty work for the Bush-Cheney team (a.k.a Axis
of Evil). My guess is that without the $1Bn of tax dollars the
Georgians will start talking, hence the urgency. Why else would he
rush there cash in hand just before the convention? Cheney does not do
things like that for charity or because he feels the pain of all those
people who've lost their homes and their loved ones. He does it solely
for personal interest. They took more time to come up with cash for
Katrina survivors. 

Latest news is that the Dutch have withdrawn their agents from Iran
because they're expecting a US raid sometime soon.


[FairfieldLife] An interview of Benjamin Creme by Adele Ryan McDowell

2008-09-04 Thread nablusoss1008
Benjamin Creme

At the end of July, I accompany my meditation leader into New York 
City to hear Benjamin Creme's lecture, The Time of Change has come. 
Are you ready? 

Benjamin Creme is a most interesting fellow. He is 85 years of age, 
with a peaceful, intelligent face and beautiful, wavy white hair. 
Creme was born in Scotland; today, he lives in London with his wife 
and works as an artist, esotericist and editor of Share 

Following the foot steps of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Alice Bailey 
and Helena Roerich, Creme has worked to expand and update 
the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, which are an ancient body of 
spiritual teaching underlying all the world's religions. Mr. Creme 
has been a long-time student of the esoteric and personally trained 
by his Master (as in mastery over the physical, mental and astral 
bodies); their communication is telepathic.

Since 1974, Creme's primary role has been that of messenger for the 
imminent return of the Maitreya, the World Teacher and his group, the 
Masters of Wisdom.

Additionally, Creme has written 14 books, lectured world-wide and 
been interviewed extensively. And Creme does this all gratis; he 
receives no payment for his work.

The night of the lecture, the auditorium is buzzing with excitement. 
The audience has more woman than men. Given the assorted languages I 
hear spoken, this is a fairly international crowd. I would guess 
there are close to 600 people in attendance.

The lecture begins with a blessing from Maitreya that is given 
through Mr. Creme. During this blessing, I begin to get heated; I 
think I am having another hot flash. I flick my hair off the back of 
my neck; I wave my hands like fans in front of my face. My hands turn 
hot, really hot. I place them on my injured left knee, and my knee 
soaks up the heated energy. I find myself in an altered state for the 
next hour. I am listening, but keep closing my eyes, not so much out 
of fatigue, but as in maintaining the expanded state. The blessing is 
very powerful.

Creme begins by saying he is presenting information for our 
consideration. He reports there are three simultaneous events that 
will transform the world. Briefly, they are:

1. There is a cosmic change in the solar system. Astronomically 
speaking, we are moving out of the Piscean Age and into the Aquarian 
Age. This signifies a move towards working through groups (vs. 
individuality of the Piscean Age) and synthesis.

2. There is the return to the earth of the esoteric spiritual 
hierarchy for the first time in 98,000 years; and, by this, Creme is 
referring to the Ascended Masters, some of whom will take physical 
form to guide us through current-day challenges.

3. There is the awakening of humanity, and this indicates a desire to 
create peace, end war, end terrorism, support justice, eradicate 
world hunger and create a global community predicated on the sharing 
of resources. 

Mr. Creme's talk is filled with facts and figures covering the 
political, economic and environmental situations. These global 
problems are spiritual, and he makes a compelling case: If this world 
is to survive, we must come together and share our resources. 
Everyone deserves food, housing, education and healthcare. 

The Interview

Following the lecture, I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Creme 
for this article. I found him to be a very down-to-earth and patient; 
he was also authentic, clear and strong in relaying his information. 

Creme is fiercely adamant that we must share or die. He says it is 
the only solution for the salvation of the planet; there is no 
alternative. He allows that only sharing creates trust. This makes 
sense to me. There are too many rampant, interconnecting problems. It 
is time to look at the whole of planet earth. We all know that the 
tissue-thin butterfly wings beating on one part of the globe can 
influence what is happening in our very own back yards. Just think 
what those wings look like economically, environmentally and 

I did have some specific concerns, however. I can agree with the 
majority of what he has to say, but I have two overriding 

The first issue I have is with one of the core tenets, and that is 
the emergence of a World Teacher. Perhaps it's my own idiosyncratic 
reaction to my Catholic background, but this smacks of a messiah. 

When I asked Creme about this and why Maitreya needed to materialize 
in physical form, he said, He does not come to save; only we can 
save ourselves … [Maitreya helps us] become the souls we essentially 
are. Creme allows nobody can do this, i.e., save our planet, for us. 
There is always free will. Further, the physical plane is dense; 
humanity needs a physical form (vs. subtle energies) to respond to 
before the planet destroys itself.

My second objection, as you may well guess, has to do with the sexism 
of the language. Creme explained that the Masters use language 
specifically and sparingly. It is 

[FairfieldLife] OSHO, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramtirtha, Swami RamaKrishna, krishnamurti .........

2008-09-04 Thread subhash madhukar
Free OSHO, Swami Vivekananda, Swami Ramtirtha, Swami RamaKrishna, krishnamurti 
and many masters books and discourses. 
All books are selected one guides people to achieve ultimate goal of life. 
do read at least a few books.


[FairfieldLife] Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread TurquoiseB
By comedian Andy Borowitz, who just nails it:

Dear Dude,

There is some seriously WEIRD FUCKIN SHIT goin on up in here!!!

So I get off the plane in Minnesota and the first thing I know some
creepy old dude who smells like my grandma is gettin up in my grille.
I am totally goin to give him a righteous beat-down and then I see
it's that John McCain dude from TV who's always approvin his fuckin

So I give him this look like, Don't get in my face or I will
SERIOUSLY fuck you up, and dude looks back at me like, I've ate Viet
Cong bigger than you for breakfast. So I like totally back off. Dude,
if I'm gonna get fucked up no way am I gonna get fucked up by someone
older than Larry King.

Things go from weird to fuckin WEIRD AS ALL SHIT as I get like the
totally evil eye from Bristol's old man Todd who looks like he wants
to shove an oil pipeline up my fuckin ass. Shit, I said I'd marry her,
what the fuck is wrong with you, dude??? Back off or I'll fuck you up.

So I TOTALLY try to stay out of the way of Bristol's mom, who looks
like she's gonna go medieval on my ass, like do me way worse than that
trooper she got canned. For a minute I feel like I am TOTALLY GOING TO
SHIT MYSELF, but than I think of thoughts to calm me down, like that
time in middle school when I fucked that guy up who tried to fuck with me.

Dude, the one thing I don't like understand at all is why Bristol's
mom even WANTS to be fuckin vice-president and all. Right now, being
Governor of Alaska and shit, she could totally invade Russia if she
wanted to. It's that fuckin close.

With all this crazy shit going on I didn't even like get a chance to
talk to Bristol. I wanted to ask her how her summer was, shit like
that, but every time I opened my mouth that McCain dude gave me
another look like, You say word one and I will rearrange your fuckin
face you fuckin piece of hockey shit. So I don't say a fuckin thing.

Gotta go now. One thing's for sure, dude - when this week is over I am
totally getting wasted!

Peace out,

L to the J

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well she was a cheerleader.   It was a pep rally.   She really uses
her kids, she exploits them.   I dont think Obama exploits his kids.

Lou,  you simply will have to come up with something better than this. 
The kid part for  both of them was about the same, and pretty
spontaneous as I could see.  You of course will see what you want to

  Yet but now we have to see what happens next.  I think she has opened
the door for a real whippin.  Not just from Obama/Biden/Clinton but to
Keith and who Knows who else Campbell Brown will get her chance I am
sure.   Good Luck Sara

 --- On Thu, 9/4/08, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles
 Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 12:15 AM

 Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by some
 town football rally tonight. But no, what looked like a skit out of
 Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance speech. Did
 anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding ding
 each sentence? Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP office to
 Paris Hilton. She has more experience delivering lines on national TV.

 I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low. We can call
 them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is over and
 Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left of the
 Republican Party with her back to Alaska. Lord knows that's where they


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[FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?

2008-09-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000

--- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Jonathan Chadwick
 jochadw1@ wrote:
  Leiberman lost the dem primary for his seat in '04 and was left for
 dead; it was the moderates and republicans who reelected him as an

 This is a good reason for Lieberman as a form of protest against his
 old party. But he may be just adding salt to a wound. In practical
 terms, it would be difficult for him to get any cooperation from the
 Democrats when he needs to sponsor a bill in the near future.

I hear then shun him in the lunch room.  Seriously.

  --- On Wed, 9/3/08, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?
  Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 6:07 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Alex Stanley
  j_alexander_ stanley@ .. wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@
--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, do.rflex do.rflex@

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, John jr_esq@
  To All:
  Lieberman is playing with fire by endorsing McCain which
  obviously repudiates his previous loyalty with the
  in the Senate. It would appear foolish to make such a move.
  But there must a angle somewhere that is not apparent on
  the surface.

 Draw your own conclusions about Leiberman's character after
 you watch him here: com/watch?
Ok, here's one straight from the Twilight Zone,
but it's been amusing me lately. What if Sarah
Palin is McCain's sneaky way of defying Rove
(whom he pretty much *has* to hate based on the
things Rove has done to McCain over the years)
and getting Lieberman on the ticket anyway?
Palin doesn't vet out, and has to do an Eagleton.
Somebody has to fill the bill. Lieberman steps
in. Karl fumes. McCain gets what he wanted in
the first place, without having to take on Karl
Rove head-to-head.
   http://groups. group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 188997
  McNuts is stuck with Palin until election day, no matter what. It's
  just too close to the election, and a swapout would make Mc look
  weak -- it just can't happen before Nov 4th. However, if Mc/Palin
  win, then Mc can dump her (I don't think she really wants the job
  anyway, so she would just announce a resignation for
  reasons) and pick whoever.
  Also, the Palin choice was made to energize the Christian right and
  get em to the polls to vote for a unified antiabortion ticket. Mc
  simply cannot pick Lieberman or Ridge, who is also prochoice:
  http://tinyurl. com/5a637v from:
  http://blogs. politicalpunch/ 2008/08/pro- choice-
 ridg. html

Re: [FairfieldLife] Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread Vaj

On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by some  

town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a skit out of
Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance speech.  Did
anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding ding  

each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP office to
Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on national  

I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  We can call
them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is over and
Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left of the
Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows that's where  


Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a return to a  
real America being run by real Americans, rather than by glorified  
CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys club and  
someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires club: an  
average American. This is actually what many conservatives have  
longed for.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread feste37
I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which 
citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer America
to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And
that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many Americans
so hostile to intelligence and education? 

Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.

So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
government of the United States of America? Just where did this idea
come from? I find it bizarre. 

--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by some  
  town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a skit out of
  Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance speech.  Did
  anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding ding  
  each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP office to
  Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on national  
  I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  We can call
  them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is over and
  Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left of the
  Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows that's where  
 Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a return to a  
 real America being run by real Americans, rather than by glorified  
 CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys club and  
 someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires club: an  
 average American. This is actually what many conservatives have  
 longed for.

[FairfieldLife] 18,000 fill stadium for Ron Paul at RNC

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings

Ron Paul steals McCain's thunder:

Reported on Russia Today:


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Well, consider yourself at odds with Thomas Jefferson.  It was his 
idea that politicians WOULD come from average citizens like farmers, 
teachers, small business owners who would serve and then return to 
their communities.  

--- In, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
 American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which 
 citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer 
 to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. 
 that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many 
 so hostile to intelligence and education? 
 Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
 Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
 Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
 average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
 Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.
 So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
 government of the United States of America? Just where did this 
 come from? I find it bizarre. 
 --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
   Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by 
   town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a skit 
out of
   Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance 
speech.  Did
   anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding 
   each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP 
office to
   Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on 
   I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  We 
can call
   them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is 
over and
   Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left 
of the
   Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows that's 
  Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a return 
to a  
  real America being run by real Americans, rather than by 
  CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys club 
  someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires club: 
  average American. This is actually what many conservatives have  
  longed for.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Brits view on Palin

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , Tom [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Always interesting to me to see the difference.\

Tom, the Sun is the equivalant of that newspaper you have here at check
out stands that has pictures of Aliens over the Pyramids and Baby
Born with Angel Wings.
This is more like a spoof than a news report, and actually damages
Palin's rep.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread Vaj

On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:25 AM, feste37 wrote:

I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which
citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer America
to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And
that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many Americans
so hostile to intelligence and education?

I don't think average means average intelligence or education,  
instead it means someone from the middle class or someone not of  
privileged status: prep school boys whose daddy got them into an Ivy  
league school. It could be a farmer who knows how to run a farm or a  
small business owner. It could be a college professor like our one  
senator from Maine. It could be an engineer or a physician.

Let's face it, any of these people can create a cabinet and a gaggle  
of advisors, the advisors and cabinet being the creme de la creme of  
each area, providing expert advice as needed.

Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.

So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
government of the United States of America? Just where did this idea
come from? I find it bizarre.

Well she's playing it as if she were an average hockey mom. She's  
clearly not.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread feste37
The federal government has got a lot bigger since those days. Is the
average hockey mom supposed to be able to run a huge bureaucracy?
Does this mean that the average hockey mom could just walk into,
say, General Electric, and be the CEO? No, that's a job that needs
qualifications and experience. Surely the job of president of the
United States requires at least as much. 

--- In, lurkernomore20002000

 Well, consider yourself at odds with Thomas Jefferson.  It was his 
 idea that politicians WOULD come from average citizens like farmers, 
 teachers, small business owners who would serve and then return to 
 their communities.  
 --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
  I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
  American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which 
  citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer 
  to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. 
  that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many 
  so hostile to intelligence and education? 
  Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
  Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
  Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
  average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
  Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.
  So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
  government of the United States of America? Just where did this 
  come from? I find it bizarre. 
  --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by 
town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a skit 
 out of
Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance 
 speech.  Did
anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding 
each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP 
 office to
Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on 
I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  We 
 can call
them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is 
 over and
Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left 
 of the
Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows that's 
   Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a return 
 to a  
   real America being run by real Americans, rather than by 
   CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys club 
   someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires club: 
   average American. This is actually what many conservatives have  
   longed for.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000
Well, that's true.  Here in the midwest, we seem to have more 
candidates for Governor who are a little closer to being average 
citizens than you might have elsewhere.  And it is the Governor's 
office that is often the stepping stone to the presidency.  So 
perhaps in this way you might get someone who might be more grounded 
in middle class values.  

On the other hand, much of what Jefferson said is still applies 
today, so I'm not ready to say its outdated. 

--- In, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The federal government has got a lot bigger since those days. Is 
 average hockey mom supposed to be able to run a huge bureaucracy?
 Does this mean that the average hockey mom could just walk into,
 say, General Electric, and be the CEO? No, that's a job that needs
 qualifications and experience. Surely the job of president of the
 United States requires at least as much. 
 --- In, lurkernomore20002000
 steve.sundur@ wrote:
  Well, consider yourself at odds with Thomas Jefferson.  It was 
  idea that politicians WOULD come from average citizens like 
  teachers, small business owners who would serve and then return 
  their communities.  
  --- In, feste37 feste37@ wrote:
   I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
   American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in 
   citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer 
   to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real 
   that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many 
   so hostile to intelligence and education? 
   Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin 
   Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at 
   Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
   average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic 
   Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.
   So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of 
   government of the United States of America? Just where did 
   come from? I find it bizarre. 
   --- In, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:

On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

 Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted 
 town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a 
  out of
 Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance 
  speech.  Did
 anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding 
 each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the 
  office to
 Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on 

 I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  
  can call
 them the gooberville Republicans and when the election 
  over and
 Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is 
  of the
 Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows 

Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a 
  to a  
real America being run by real Americans, rather than by 
CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys 
someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires 
average American. This is actually what many conservatives 
longed for.

[FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread raunchydog

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Louis McKenzie
How nice

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 10:08 AM

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread Louis McKenzie
Well now she has started the war, lets see where it takes her.   There is a 
saying; People who live in glass houses should not throw stones   Sara Palin 
in her youthful energetic pep rally challenged the press as well as the dems 
and barack and joe Biden she has set the scene for a real gang bang.   McCain 
doesn't even have the nerve to go that far.    Oh BOY!

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 9:35 AM

On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:25 AM, feste37 wrote:
I find the idea that this country should be run by an average American quite 
amazing. Surely there is no other country in which  citizens think like this 
about their leaders?  I would prefer America to be run by people who are 
outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And that's certainly not the average 
American. Why are so many Americans so hostile to intelligence and education? 
I don't think average means average intelligence or education, instead it 
means someone from the middle class or someone not of privileged status: prep 
school boys whose daddy got them into an Ivy league school. It could be a 
farmer who knows how to run a farm or a small business owner. It could be a 
college professor like our one senator from Maine. It could be an engineer or a 
Let's face it, any of these people can create a cabinet and a gaggle of 
advisors, the advisors and cabinet being the creme de la creme of each area, 
providing expert advice as needed.
 Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska 
introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the Republican National 
Convention on Wednesday night as `just your average hockey mom' who was as 
qualified as the Democratic nominee, Senator Barack Obama, to be president of 
the United States. 
 So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the government of 
the United States of America? Just where did this idea come from? I find it 
Well she's playing it as if she were an average hockey mom. She's clearly not.


[FairfieldLife] Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

2008-09-04 Thread Vaj
Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' TheoryAUGUST 17, 2005 | KANSAS CITY, KS—As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held "theory of gravity" is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.ENLARGE IMAGE Rev. Gabriel Burdett explains Intelligent Falling."Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down," said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.Burdett added: "Gravity—which is taught to our children as a law—is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain that force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may all depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of nature in vain.' Of course, he is alluding to a higher power."Founded in 1987, the ECFR is the world's leading institution of evangelical physics, a branch of physics based on literal interpretation of the Bible.According to the ECFR paper published simultaneously this week in the International Journal Of Science and the adolescent magazine God's Word For Teens!, there are many phenomena that cannot be explained by secular gravity alone, including such mysteries as how angels fly, how Jesus ascended into Heaven, and how Satan fell when cast out of Paradise.The ECFR, in conjunction with the Christian Coalition and other Christian conservative action groups, is calling for public-school curriculums to give equal time to the Intelligent Falling theory. They insist they are not asking that the theory of gravity be banned from schools, but only that students be offered both sides of the issue "so they can make an informed decision.""We just want the best possible education for Kansas' kids," Burdett said.Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different theories used by secular physicists to explain gravity are not internally consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that Einstein's ideas about gravity are mathematically irreconcilable with quantum mechanics. This fact, Intelligent Falling proponents say, proves that gravity is a theory in crisis."Let's take a look at the evidence," said ECFR senior fellow Gregory Lunsden."In Matthew 15:14, Jesus says, 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.' He says nothing about some gravity making them fall—just that they will fall. Then, in Job 5:7, we read, 'But mankind is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upwards.' If gravity is pulling everything down, why do the sparks fly upwards with great surety? This clearly indicates that a conscious intelligence governs all falling."Critics of Intelligent Falling point out that gravity is a provable law based on empirical observations of natural phenomena. Evangelical physicists, however, insist that there is no conflict between Newton's mathematics and Holy Scripture."Closed-minded gravitists cannot find a way to make Einstein's general relativity match up with the subatomic quantum world," said Dr. Ellen Carson, a leading Intelligent Falling expert known for her work with the Kansan Youth Ministry. "They've been trying to do it for the better part of a century now, and despite all their empirical observation and carefully compiled data, they still don't know how.""Traditional scientists admit that they cannot explain how gravitation is supposed to work," Carson said. "What the gravity-agenda scientists need to realize is that 'gravity waves' and 'gravitons' are just secular words for 'God can do whatever He wants.'"Some evangelical physicists propose that Intelligent Falling provides an elegant solution to the central problem of modern physics."Anti-falling physicists have been theorizing for decades about the 'electromagnetic force,' the 'weak nuclear force,' the 'strong nuclear force,' and so-called 'force of gravity,'" Burdett said. "And they tilt their findings toward trying to unite them into one force. But readers of the Bible have already known for millennia what this one, unified force is: His name is Jesus."

Re: [FairfieldLife] Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

2008-09-04 Thread Peter
Looks like a piece from the Onion!--- On Thu, 9/4/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [FairfieldLife] Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' TheoryTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 9:37 AMEvangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' TheoryAUGUST 17, 2005 |KANSAS CITY, KS—As the debate over the teaching of evolution in public schools continues, a new controversy over the science curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state. Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning are now asserting that the long-held "theory of gravity" is flawed, and they have responded to it with a new theory of
 Intelligent Falling.ENLARGE IMAGE Rev. Gabriel Burdett explains Intelligent Falling."Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is pushing them down," said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts University.Burdett added: "Gravity—which is
 taught to our children as a law—is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain that force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may all depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of nature in vain.' Of course, he is alluding to a higher power."Founded in 1987, the ECFR is the world's leading institution of evangelical physics, a branch of physics based on literal interpretation of the Bible.According to the ECFR paper published simultaneously this week in the International Journal Of Science and the adolescent magazine God's Word For Teens!, there are many phenomena that cannot be explained by secular gravity alone, including such mysteries as how angels fly, how Jesus ascended into Heaven, and how Satan fell when cast out of Paradise.The ECFR, in conjunction with the Christian Coalition and other Christian conservative action groups, is calling for public-school curriculums to give equal time to the
 Intelligent Falling theory. They insist they are not asking that the theory of gravity be banned from schools, but only that students be offered both sides of the issue "so they can make an informed decision.""We just want the best possible education for Kansas' kids," Burdett said.Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different theories used by secular physicists to
 explain gravity are not internally consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that Einstein's ideas about gravity are mathematically irreconcilable with quantum mechanics. This fact, Intelligent Falling proponents say, proves that gravity is a theory in crisis."Let's take a look at the evidence," said ECFR senior fellow Gregory Lunsden."In Matthew 15:14, Jesus says, 'And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.' He says nothing about some gravity making them fall—just that they will fall. Then, in Job 5:7, we read, 'But mankind is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly upwards.' If gravity is pulling everything down, why do the
 sparks fly upwards with great surety? This clearly indicates that a conscious intelligence governs all falling."Critics of Intelligent Falling point out that gravity is a provable law based on empirical observations of natural phenomena. Evangelical physicists, however, insist that there is no conflict between Newton's mathematics and Holy Scripture."Closed-minded gravitists
 cannot find a way to make Einstein's general relativity match up with the subatomic quantum world," said Dr. Ellen Carson, a leading Intelligent Falling expert known for her work with the Kansan Youth Ministry. "They've been trying to do it for the better part of a century now, and despite all their empirical observation and carefully compiled data, they still don't know how.""Traditional scientists admit that they cannot explain how gravitation is supposed to work," Carson said. "What the gravity-agenda scientists need to realize is that 'gravity waves' and 'gravitons' are just secular words for 'God can do whatever He wants.'"Some evangelical physicists propose that Intelligent Falling provides an elegant solution to the central problem of modern physics."Anti-falling physicists have been theorizing for decades about the 'electromagnetic force,' the 'weak nuclear force,' the 'strong nuclear force,' and so-called 'force of gravity,'" Burdett said. "And they tilt their findings toward trying to unite them into one force. But readers of the
 Bible have already known for millennia what this one, unified force is: His name is Jesus."


Re: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Peter
This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the American 
electorate. We're a country of yahoos.

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin
 Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 9:08 AM
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:

This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the  
American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.

I thought it was a satire at first.


[FairfieldLife] God, Gustav, and Cheney

2008-09-04 Thread lurkernomore20002000
You got to give God credit.  Knows how to make a surgical outcome.  
Arranges for Gustav to rear its' head enough to make the Repubs 
curtail, or cancel their first convention night when Cheney was to 
appear, and requiring rescheduling Bush at a time when no one is tuned 

Then has Gustav all but miss NO. Only a few deaths and the 
inconvenience of relocating two million people.  

Really though, I am sorry for all those people being forced to leave, 
but someone could spin the God factor if they wanted.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?

2008-09-04 Thread gullible fool

I hear then shun him in the lunch room.  Seriously.
Just like in junior high school. Maybe they all get together on Monday nights 
to watch Gossip Girl.

...have you posted out yet?

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

From: lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 7:56 AM

--- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Jonathan Chadwick 
 jochadw1@ wrote:
  Leiberman lost the dem primary for his seat in '04 and was left for 
 dead; it was the moderates and republicans who reelected him as an 
 This is a good reason for Lieberman as a form of protest against his 
 old party. But he may be just adding salt to a wound. In practical 
 terms, it would be difficult for him to get any cooperation from the 
 Democrats when he needs to sponsor a bill in the near future.
I hear then shun him in the lunch room.  Seriously.
  --- On Wed, 9/3/08, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: What's Up with Joe Lieberman Anyway?
  Date: Wednesday, September 3, 2008, 6:07 PM
  --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, Alex Stanley 
  j_alexander_ stanley@ .. wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ 
--- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, do.rflex do.rflex@ 

 --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, John jr_esq@ 
  To All:
  Lieberman is playing with fire by endorsing McCain which 
  obviously repudiates his previous loyalty with the 
  in the Senate. It would appear foolish to make such a move. 
  But there must a angle somewhere that is not apparent on 
  the surface.
 Draw your own conclusions about Leiberman's character after 
 you watch him here: com/watch? 

Ok, here's one straight from the Twilight Zone,
but it's been amusing me lately. What if Sarah
Palin is McCain's sneaky way of defying Rove
(whom he pretty much *has* to hate based on the 
things Rove has done to McCain over the years)
and getting Lieberman on the ticket anyway?

Palin doesn't vet out, and has to do an Eagleton.
Somebody has to fill the bill. Lieberman steps
in. Karl fumes. McCain gets what he wanted in
the first place, without having to take on Karl
Rove head-to-head.
   http://groups. group/FairfieldL ife/message/ 188997
  McNuts is stuck with Palin until election day, no matter what. It's 
  just too close to the election, and a swapout would make Mc look 
  weak -- it just can't happen before Nov 4th. However, if Mc/Palin 
  win, then Mc can dump her (I don't think she really wants the job 
  anyway, so she would just announce a resignation for 
  reasons) and pick whoever.
  Also, the Palin choice was made to energize the Christian right and 
  get em to the polls to vote for a unified antiabortion ticket. Mc 
  simply cannot pick Lieberman or Ridge, who is also prochoice:
  http://tinyurl. com/5a637v from:
  http://blogs. politicalpunch/ 2008/08/pro- choice-
 ridg. html



[FairfieldLife] Re: Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

2008-09-04 Thread Hugo
--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent 
 AUGUST 17, 2005 |
 KANSAS CITY, KSâ€As the debate over the teaching of evolution in  
 public schools continues, a new controversy over the science  
 curriculum arose Monday in this embattled Midwestern state.  
 Scientists from the Evangelical Center For Faith-Based Reasoning 
 now asserting that the long-held theory of gravity is flawed, 
 they have responded to it with a new theory of Intelligent Falling.
 Rev. Gabriel Burdett explains Intelligent Falling.
 Things fall not because they are acted upon by some gravitational  
 force, but because a higher intelligence, 'God' if you will, is  
 pushing them down, said Gabriel Burdett, who holds degrees in  
 education, applied Scripture, and physics from Oral Roberts 
 Burdett added: Gravityâ€which is taught to our children as a 
 is founded on great gaps in understanding. The laws predict the  
 mutual force between all bodies of mass, but they cannot explain 
 force. Isaac Newton himself said, 'I suspect that my theories may 
 depend upon a force for which philosophers have searched all of  
 nature in vain.' Of course, he is alluding to a higher power.
 Founded in 1987, the ECFR is the world's leading institution of  
 evangelical physics, a branch of physics based on literal  
 interpretation of the Bible.
 According to the ECFR paper published simultaneously this week in 
 International Journal Of Science and the adolescent magazine God's  
 Word For Teens!, there are many phenomena that cannot be explained 
 secular gravity alone, including such mysteries as how angels fly,  
 how Jesus ascended into Heaven, and how Satan fell when cast out 
 The ECFR, in conjunction with the Christian Coalition and other  
 Christian conservative action groups, is calling for public-school  
 curriculums to give equal time to the Intelligent Falling theory.  
 They insist they are not asking that the theory of gravity be 
 from schools, but only that students be offered both sides of the  
 issue so they can make an informed decision.
 We just want the best possible education for Kansas' kids, 
 Proponents of Intelligent Falling assert that the different 
 used by secular physicists to explain gravity are not internally  
 consistent. Even critics of Intelligent Falling admit that 
 ideas about gravity are mathematically irreconcilable with quantum  
 mechanics. This fact, Intelligent Falling proponents say, proves 
 gravity is a theory in crisis.
 Let's take a look at the evidence, said ECFR senior fellow 
 Lunsden.In Matthew 15:14, Jesus says, 'And if the blind lead the  
 blind, both shall fall into the ditch.' He says nothing about some  
 gravity making them fallâ€just that they will fall. Then, in Job 
 we read, 'But mankind is born to trouble, as surely as sparks fly  
 upwards.' If gravity is pulling everything down, why do the sparks  
 fly upwards with great surety? This clearly indicates that a  
 conscious intelligence governs all falling.
 Critics of Intelligent Falling point out that gravity is a 
 law based on empirical observations of natural phenomena. 
 physicists, however, insist that there is no conflict between  
 Newton's mathematics and Holy Scripture.
 Closed-minded gravitists cannot find a way to make Einstein's  
 general relativity match up with the subatomic quantum world, 
 Dr. Ellen Carson, a leading Intelligent Falling expert known for 
 work with the Kansan Youth Ministry. They've been trying to do it  
 for the better part of a century now, and despite all their 
 observation and carefully compiled data, they still don't know how.
 Traditional scientists admit that they cannot explain how  
 gravitation is supposed to work, Carson said. What the gravity- 
 agenda scientists need to realize is that 'gravity waves' and  
 'gravitons' are just secular words for 'God can do whatever He 
 Some evangelical physicists propose that Intelligent Falling 
 an elegant solution to the central problem of modern physics.
 Anti-falling physicists have been theorizing for decades about 
 'electromagnetic force,' the 'weak nuclear force,' the 'strong  
 nuclear force,' and so-called 'force of gravity,' Burdett 
said. And  
 they tilt their findings toward trying to unite them into one 
 But readers of the Bible have already known for millennia what 
 one, unified force is: His name is Jesus.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the
American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.

Yeah. People who buy into that reflect this cultural norm:

I'm a fuckin' redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.
But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the
boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckn' chillin' I guess.

Ya fuck with me I'll kick [your] ass, he added. He also claims to be
in a relationship, but states, I don't want kids.

~~  On his MySpace page Levi Johnston, father-to-be of 5 months
pregnant Bristol Palin, daughter of McCain VP pick Sarah Palin


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Hugo
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:
  This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the  
  American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.
 I thought it was a satire at first.

Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight? 

She looks like a natural leader to me and even though I would
oppose her on every policy I've heard her opinion on I would 
still swap her for Gordon Brown, in fact the entire UK govern-
ment. I think all people want is someone they can trust and feel 
inspired by.

She is going to press enough of the right buttons in the 
election. I think McCain has picked a winner.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings


 --- In , Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:
   This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the
   American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.
  I thought it was a satire at first.

 Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight?

 She looks like a natural leader to me 

That is true. She DOES look like a natural leader of fundamentalist,
arrogant, aggressive, hate-mongering, women-oppressing, uneducated
born-again christians, as well as old men that want to fantasize about


[FairfieldLife] Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
From a friend:

Nice article.
People can gossip again.
But Rick, did you know, that on my 6 months course a french guy
really came up in slow motion, stayed few secs, and than came down in slowmo
Only once. And maybe he himself never got it, that he actually was floating.


09/03/08 - Video - Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed 
KeelyNetAccounts of Indian Guru Yogis performing acts of levitation have
been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures were
published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar, an Indian Guru, levitating for
4 minutes in front of some 150 witnesses, a serious interest into Yogis and
their power of levitation. However, even when Yogi Pullavar performed his
trick there was some questions into why he was hidden in the tent before and
after actually levitating in the air. A recent video has surfaced that
uncovers at least one method that Gurus use to Levitate in front of
audiences and it may be the secret behind Indian Guru Levitation. -
n-revealed Source


RE: [FairfieldLife] Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New 'Intelligent Falling' Theory

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Evangelical Scientists Refute Gravity With New
'Intelligent Falling' Theory


Looks like a piece from the Onion!

It is:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Hugo wrote:

--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:

This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the
American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.

I thought it was a satire at first.


Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight?

She looks like a natural leader to me

Really, Hugo?  Things must be worse off in England
than they look from afar.

I didn't hear one substantive point about policy or
what they'd do to pull the economy out of the tank.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread guyfawkes91

 But Rick, did you know, that on my 6 months course a french guy
 really came up in slow motion, stayed few secs, and than came down
in slowmo
 Only once. And maybe he himself never got it, that he actually was

He came up in slow mo, hung there for about 1 second and then gravity
switched back on and he fell at 9.81 m/sec/sec

[FairfieldLife] Is Off in FFL?

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
Hey Off,


My heart skipped a beat yesterday. I saw a car with Vermont plates, a Ron
Paul bumper sticker, and another sticker that read I'm from Vermont. I do
what I want. Not yours by any chance, is it?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread pranamoocher
Actually, Peter's explanation of levitation has been clearly documented
on YouTube for some time now.
There was some confidential footage of this filmed a while ago, posted

--- In, Peter Sutphen [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yes, he's my asian cousin. The photos are fake. He ate
 some bad sushi and you see the result.

 --- anonymousff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Anyone heard of this guy?
  Japanese Yogi Levitating
  Here's the yoga part
  Here's the orgainization
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Peter
I got one of those brace thingies on my governer training course in '77 but I lost mine during a move. --- On Thu, 9/4/08, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:From: Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: [FairfieldLife] LevitationTo: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.comDate: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 11:17 AM


From a friend:

Nice article.
People can gossip again.
But Rick, did you know, that on my 6 months course a french guy
really came up in slow motion, stayed few secs, and than came down in slowmo
Only once. And maybe he himself never got it, that he actually was floating. 


09/03/08 - Video - Secret Behind Indian
Guru Levitation Revealed 
Accounts of Indian Guru
Yogis performing acts of levitation have been documented as far back as 1884,
but when a report and pictures were published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah
Pullavar, an Indian Guru, levitating for 4 minutes in front of some 150
witnesses, a serious interest into Yogis and their power of levitation. However,
even when Yogi Pullavar performed his trick there was some questions into why
he was hidden in the tent before and after actually levitating in the air. A
recent video has surfaced that uncovers at least one method that Gurus use to
Levitate in front of audiences and it may be the secret behind Indian Guru
Levitation. - Source 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Hugo
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 9:49 AM, Hugo wrote:
  --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:
  This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the
  American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.
  I thought it was a satire at first.
  Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight?
  She looks like a natural leader to me
 Really, Hugo?  Things must be worse off in England
 than they look from afar.

Oh yes Sal, indeed they are, Gordon Brown is heart-
breakingly useless. He spent ten years in Blairs' shadow
whining about how much better he would be as PM and when
he finally gets his chance? Nothing, no new ideas, no big 
plan, he just pinched a few of the opposition's tax plans
because they were popular and that's it. It's more like 
damage limitation than government now.

Their only hope is to get rid of him. Trouble is they 
haven't a teaspoon full of charisma between them, so who to
replace him with?

 I didn't hear one substantive point about policy or
 what they'd do to pull the economy out of the tank.

I think politics is all image nowadays, they spend ages
getting the right feelgood factor across, someone who 
everyone feels comfortable with and policy comes later.

The conservative leader David Cameron is a case in point,
they've spent hundreds of thousands on a slick PR campaign
to get the public to like him without even mentioning what
he would do when he gets into power, which he will now. It's
a triumph of style over substance. We'll be learning this 
to our cost yet again at the next election, but when there
is no alternative.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is Off in FFL?

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hey Off,

 My heart skipped a beat yesterday. I saw a car with Vermont plates, a
 Paul bumper sticker, and another sticker that read I'm from Vermont.
I do
 what I want. Not yours by any chance, is it?

Ha hanah...I never leave Vermont.  Its all downhill from here.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 From a friend:\

 Nice article.
 People can gossip again.
 But Rick, did you know, that on my 6 months course a french guy
 really came up in slow motion, stayed few secs, and than came down in
 Only once. And maybe he himself never got it, that he actually was

 09/03/08 - Video - Secret Behind Indian Guru Levitation Revealed
 KeelyNetAccounts of Indian Guru Yogis performing acts of levitation
 been documented as far back as 1884, but when a report and pictures
 published in 1936 of Yogi Subbayah Pullavar, an Indian Guru,
levitating for
 4 minutes in front of some 150 witnesses, a serious interest into
Yogis and
 their power of levitation. However, even when Yogi Pullavar performed
 trick there was some questions into why he was hidden in the tent
before and
 after actually levitating in the air. A recent video has surfaced that
 uncovers at least one method that Gurus use to Levitate in front of
 audiences and it may be the secret behind Indian Guru Levitation. -\
 n-revealed Source

From experiences of hopping in Yogic Flying, the power is so great that
I expect that if it ever turned into actual levitation - if that is
actually possible - then the power surrounding the individual would be
so great that bystanders would likely puke up, faint, or go blank, in
face of that incredible cosmic force.

I don't think we will see anyone levitate unless the whole world
literally and physically transforms at one and the same time.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread BillyG.
--- In, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:
   This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the  
   American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.
  I thought it was a satire at first.
 Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight? 
 She looks like a natural leader to me and even though I would
 oppose her on every policy I've heard her opinion on I would 
 still swap her for Gordon Brown, in fact the entire UK govern-
 ment. I think all people want is someone they can trust and feel 
 inspired by.
 She is going to press enough of the right buttons in the 
 election. I think McCain has picked a winner.

Your candidness is refreshing! I think she upstaged even Obama with
all of his eloquence, much like 'he' upstaged Hillary

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread feste37
This is hilarious. But the question I ask about Levi is, does he
really WANT to marry this Bristol girl? Did anyone ever ask him? Was
he ever given a choice? I believe in a man's right to choose. If he
wants to dump a pregnant girlfriend or tell her to get an abortion,
he should have that right. It's his life, after all. It's sad to see
this fine young man sacrificed on the altar of his future
mother-in-law's shameless political ambition. 

--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 By comedian Andy Borowitz, who just nails it:
 Dear Dude,
 There is some seriously WEIRD FUCKIN SHIT goin on up in here!!!
 So I get off the plane in Minnesota and the first thing I know some
 creepy old dude who smells like my grandma is gettin up in my grille.
 I am totally goin to give him a righteous beat-down and then I see
 it's that John McCain dude from TV who's always approvin his fuckin
 So I give him this look like, Don't get in my face or I will
 SERIOUSLY fuck you up, and dude looks back at me like, I've ate Viet
 Cong bigger than you for breakfast. So I like totally back off. Dude,
 if I'm gonna get fucked up no way am I gonna get fucked up by someone
 older than Larry King.
 Things go from weird to fuckin WEIRD AS ALL SHIT as I get like the
 totally evil eye from Bristol's old man Todd who looks like he wants
 to shove an oil pipeline up my fuckin ass. Shit, I said I'd marry her,
 what the fuck is wrong with you, dude??? Back off or I'll fuck you up.
 So I TOTALLY try to stay out of the way of Bristol's mom, who looks
 like she's gonna go medieval on my ass, like do me way worse than that
 trooper she got canned. For a minute I feel like I am TOTALLY GOING TO
 SHIT MYSELF, but than I think of thoughts to calm me down, like that
 time in middle school when I fucked that guy up who tried to fuck
with me.
 Dude, the one thing I don't like understand at all is why Bristol's
 mom even WANTS to be fuckin vice-president and all. Right now, being
 Governor of Alaska and shit, she could totally invade Russia if she
 wanted to. It's that fuckin close.
 With all this crazy shit going on I didn't even like get a chance to
 talk to Bristol. I wanted to ask her how her summer was, shit like
 that, but every time I opened my mouth that McCain dude gave me
 another look like, You say word one and I will rearrange your fuckin
 face you fuckin piece of hockey shit. So I don't say a fuckin thing.
 Gotta go now. One thing's for sure, dude - when this week is over I am
 totally getting wasted!
 Peace out,
 L to the J

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread Bhairitu
Do yourself a favor and rent the Mike Judge movie Idiocracy and you'll 
see where the US is going.  We can already see the virus is infecting 
members here on FFL.

feste37 wrote:
 I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
 American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which 
 citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer America
 to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And
 that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many Americans
 so hostile to intelligence and education? 

 Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
 Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
 Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
 average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
 Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.

 So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
 government of the United States of America? Just where did this idea
 come from? I find it bizarre. 


[FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's attack on elites

2008-09-04 Thread boo_lives
Vanity Fair tallied up the  cost of Cindy McCain's outfit on her night
at the GOP convention:

Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000

Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500

Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000

Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000-$25,000

Shoes, designer unknown: $600

Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Bhairitu
raunchydog wrote:

Yup, Idiocracy on the move.  Sarah Palin is governor of a state with 
less population than the county I live in.  :D  Maybe it is fitting to 
have a rube like this in office because the country is bankrupt anyway.  
The fiscal year is up on the 30th and that may be the end of it.  The 
neocons are suiciding us into WW III.  If they can't have the world than 
nobody can have it.  How did they even get so much power: Idiocracy.

As far as being average, what about her boss, McCain?  His wife wore a 
$300K dress at the convention:

Honestly I sit back and laugh at the whole show.

[FairfieldLife] Food for thought about Palin The Real Sarah Palin Scandal

2008-09-04 Thread Louis McKenzie


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[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 raunchydog wrote:
 Yup, Idiocracy on the move.  Sarah Palin is governor of a 
 state with less population than the county I live in.  :D  
 Maybe it is fitting to have a rube like this in office 
 because the country is bankrupt anyway. The fiscal year is 
 up on the 30th and that may be the end of it.  The neocons 
 are suiciding us into WW III.  If they can't have the world 
 than nobody can have it.  How did they even get so much power: 
 As far as being average, what about her boss, McCain? His 
 wife wore a $300K dress at the convention:
 Honestly I sit back and laugh at the whole show.

As do I, from over here, but it's probably no
laughing matter. If they fuck over the global
economy *or* start a major shooting war, I'm
going to be affected, too. The Pyrenees are 
looking better every day.  :-)

But I do disagree with you about them wanting
to win. A smart group of people would *love*
to bail right now and leave the Democrats stuck
with the mess they've created. But I honestly
don't think that these people think that way.

They're into raping the country and raping the
planet, and they're really INTO it. They don't
want to stop humping now.

Four more years of being able to rack up wealth
that they can't take with them would suit them
just fine.

And, as someone pointed out, Cheney doesn't fly
off to Georgia and give them a billion bucks if
they think they're leaving power. He's just making
sure that they've got another crisis starter on
the payroll for when they need another crisis.

As for Cindy McCain, it was a 300K *outfit*, not
a dress. Now if you want someone who wears 300K
dresses, you probably have to look to Carla Bruni
Sarkozy. She got to keep all the clothes she wore
while modeling for Vogue or other magazines.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's attack on elites

2008-09-04 Thread Peter
$280,000 is a little high for 3 carat diamond earrings, to say the least!

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's 
 attack on elites
 Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 12:47 PM
 Vanity Fair tallied up the  cost of Cindy McCain's
 outfit on her night
 at the GOP convention:
 Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
 Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
 Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
 Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000-$25,000
 Shoes, designer unknown: $600
 Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 11:29 AM, feste37 wrote:

This is hilarious. But the question I ask about Levi is, does he
really WANT to marry this Bristol girl? Did anyone ever ask him? Was
he ever given a choice? I believe in a man's right to choose. If he
wants to dump a pregnant girlfriend or tell her to get an abortion,
he should have that right. It's his life, after all. It's sad to see
this fine young man sacrificed on the altar of his future
mother-in-law's shameless political ambition.

I agree about the right to choose, feste, but if this kid
strikes you as a fine young man I think you need to
get out a whole lot more.  From the My Space selections
I've read, he sounds one step above a semi-literate
felon-in-the-making, just the kind of fine young man
everyone wants their daughter to marry.

The bigger question, IMO, is why her parents would
essentially force their daughter to marry him.  She
made a mistake, now they're just compounding it
for the sake of image.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
I asked the guy who sent me the levitation thing: Did you see the French
guy do that? I believe it can happen and has happened, but it certainly
hasn't turned out as MMY predicted and hoped it would.


And he said...


Hi Rick,

ya, it was at the very beginning of all that.
He was exploding during relaxing time, and some
course leaders adviced him, to just sit down.
There he came to rest, and suddenly got up.

Maybe I was the only one, to see it.
It was never talked about later.
So I assume, the guy didnt notice it himself.

Also I never got to talk to him.
For me it was at that time a big push, and I could
inspire people do really go on those courses.

Stopped hopping myself in 1985.
Than all my experiences got deeper and more

But true, didn`t came out as predicted.
And M. himself gave completely nonsensical
advice later. Like hopp higher etc.
And all these olympics.

So he hit at this first stage, but didn`t know how to
teach the next stages.
Like someone fooling on a piano.
Sure there are some sounds. But to make it
into fluidly stage-appearance, you have to get
constant professional input.

Besides all the hype about ancient mental abilties.
Most of them are not applicable today. Like running
100 km during one night with breathing control, like they did
in Tibet for the information system. No longer any substantial
ability in the age of cars and helicopters.

[FairfieldLife] Idiocracy

2008-09-04 Thread TurquoiseB
Since Bhairitu brought it up again, I have to
throw my hat into the geopolitical ring and vote
a big thumbs up for this film, too. 

It's got some wise and witty things to say about
the dumbed-down-ant-getting-dumber trend we see 
around us. The premise itself is hilarious. A 
couple of people *chosen* for their mediocrity
and their place right at the center of the intel-
lectual bell curve get put into cold storage, to
be theoretically thawed out a year later. Cut to
them waking up 500 years later, and finding them-
selves the smartest people on the planet.

Luke Wilson is absolutely *tremendous* as the
Median Intelligence Connecticut Yankee thrown into 
King Duh's court. (And Terry Crews isn't half bad
himself as King Duh himself (President Camacho).

The storefronts of this future age are To Die For,
and I won't spoil your enjoyment of what names of
chains like Fuddruckers have 'evolved' into. Suffice
it to say that at Carl's Jr. (still Carl's Jr.), the
cashiers say, Enjoy your EXTRA BIG ASS FRIES! The
dialog between the President and his fellow legis-
lators sounds like this:

President Camacho: Shit. I know shit's bad right now, 
with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, 
and we are running out of french fries and burrito 
coverings. But I got a solution.

South Carolina Representative #1: That's what you said 
last time, dipshit!

South Carolina Representative #2: Yeah, I got a solution, 
you're a dick! South Carolina, what's up! 

That's why the riff I posted earlier about what must
be going through Levi Johnston's head is so funny. 
It probably IS what's going through Levi Johnston's

Take no heed of the title of this film. It is not for
idiots. They wouldn't get it. 

It is intelligent, well-written, well-conceived, and
has some of the smartest stuff to say about the world
we live in as any film I have seen in recent years.

Besides, it's really, really, really, really FUNNY.
How many films can you say that about these days?

[FairfieldLife] Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread BillyG.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread feste37
Hey, Sal, it's called being satirical! 

--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 11:29 AM, feste37 wrote:
  This is hilarious. But the question I ask about Levi is, does he
  really WANT to marry this Bristol girl? Did anyone ever ask him? Was
  he ever given a choice? I believe in a man's right to choose. If he
  wants to dump a pregnant girlfriend or tell her to get an abortion,
  he should have that right. It's his life, after all. It's sad to see
  this fine young man sacrificed on the altar of his future
  mother-in-law's shameless political ambition.
 I agree about the right to choose, feste, but if this kid
 strikes you as a fine young man I think you need to
 get out a whole lot more.  From the My Space selections
 I've read, he sounds one step above a semi-literate
 felon-in-the-making, just the kind of fine young man
 everyone wants their daughter to marry.
 The bigger question, IMO, is why her parents would
 essentially force their daughter to marry him.  She
 made a mistake, now they're just compounding it
 for the sake of image.

[FairfieldLife] America's Greenest Schools - Sierra Club

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
MUM didn't make the list: 

The top 10:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Vaj

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

Besides all the hype about ancient mental abilties.
Most of them are not applicable today. Like running
100 km during one night with breathing control, like they did
in Tibet for the information system. No longer any substantial
ability in the age of cars and helicopters.

Lung-gom-pa Runners of Tibet

The Marathon monks of Japan are quite similar to the Lung-gom-pa  
runners of old Tibet. There have been many records kept of these  
amazing running monks who appear to fly when they run. Across grassy  
plains, they seem to float apparently in a trance. They are said to  
travel nonstop for forty-eight hours or more and can cover more than  
200 miles a day. Many are said to be faster than horses and at times  
they were used to convey messages across a country.

In order to qualify as a lung-gom-pa runner, the trainee must first  
learn to master seated meditation. They had lots of emphasis on  
breath control and visualization techniques. They had to be able to  
imagine their own bodies as being light as a feather.

Other techniques they had to master required them to watch a single  
star in the sky intently for days, never allowing themselves to be  
distracted. When they have attained this ability of moving  
meditation, they are able to fly like the wind.

The term lung-gom is used for the kind of training that develops  
uncommon nimbleness and gives them the ability to make  
extraordinarily long tramps with amazing rapidity. They run at a  
rapid pace without ever having to stop for days. They do not run  
short, quick races but have the ability to go far distances in a  
quick amount of time.

The Way of the White Clouds by Lama Anagarika Govinda explains that  
the word Lung, pronounced rlun, signifies the state of air as well as  
vital energy or psychic force. Gom means meditation, contemplation,  
concentration of mind and soul upon a certain subject. It has to do  
with the emptying of one’s mind of all subject-object relationships.  
This means that a lung-gom-pa runner is not a man who has the ability  
to fly through air, but one who can control his energy, re-channel  
and concentrate it in a new direction. These lung-gom-pa runners  
follow the ancient practice of pranayama. They follow the idea of  
completely anonymity and therefore no one is allowed to talk to them  
or see any part of their bodies.

True lung-gom-pa runners are very rare for it is very difficult to  
really master their skills. In the book, Magic and Mystery in Tibet  
the author, Alexandra David_Neel, mentions how she encountered her  
first lung-gom-pa runner in Northern Tibet. This is a wild, grassy  
region where a few tribes live in tents. There are few people in this  
area, and when they spotted the lung-gom- pa runner, he was alone in  
a plain and was the first person they had spotted in more than ten  
days of traveling. Thinking the man to be lost and wandering on the  
plain, they were going to go retrieve him and take him with them. As  
they grew closer they realized he was traveling at a remarkably swift  
speed and was one of the so-called lung-gom-pa runners. David_Neel  
was told not to speak to the runner because they were not allowed to  
break their meditation while running. The God that lives within him  
would then escape and the runner would die. Just witnessing this was  
enough to amaze her though.

By that time he had nearly reached us; I could clearly see his  
perfectly calm impassive face and wide-open eyes with their gaze  
fixed on some invisible far distant object situated somewhere high up  
in space. The man did not run. He seemed to lift himself from the  
ground, proceeding by leaps. It look as if he had been endowed with  
the elasticity of a ball and rebounded each time his feet touched the  

The lung-gom-pa runner can also be called a Maheketang. The word  
mahe is from the fearless buffalo, which they had been know to  
ride. To aspire to be a part of Maheketang, there is a lot of  
training. This includes breathing exercises that are practiced during  
a seclusion period in complete darkness, which lasts three years and  
three months.

The student must sit cross-legged on a large cushion. He inhales and  
allows his body to fill with air. Then holding his breath, he jumps  
up with legs still crossed using no hands to support him. He repeats  
this always remaining in the same position. This method enables them  
to become extremely light, almost weightless. The lung-gom method  
does not aim at training the disciple by strengthening his muscles,  
but by developing in him psychic states that make these extraordinary  
marches possible.

Only after years of drilling oneself with different types of  
breathing exercises are they permitted to attempt the actual racing  
performance itself. When he finally reaches this point in time, he  
must completely concentrate on the walk, the in and out breathing  

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
Another comment from the guy:  He didnt drop, he came down in slowmo.
Most amazing and majestic event I ever saw.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:36 PM, feste37 wrote:

Hey, Sal, it's called being satirical!

Whew...I really should have picked up on that,
given what you were responding to.
Guess my humor meter needs some resetting!


[FairfieldLife] Thom Hartmann and Ron Reagan Jr. on Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Bhairitu
Ron Reagan Jr was on Thom Hartmann's show today discussing Sarah Palin.  
Reagan pointed out that though claiming she would be an advocate for 
special needs children she actually slashed spending on those programs 
in Alaska.  Reagan also commented on how they were putting the camera a 
lot on her kid with downs syndrome and that he was being passed around 
like a bong at a party. :D

Podcast here probably sometime this afternoon:
Thom Hartmann -- Reagan on the second hour.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread off_world_beings

--- In , Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Another comment from the guy:  He didnt drop, he came down in slowmo.
 Most amazing and majestic event I ever saw.

I read a reporter in a magazine witnessed an African Shaman levitate in
front of about 20 people, many Westerners and reporters inside a big
tent. But the reporter concluded that somehow they had all had a
mass-halucination of the same thing, but he did not say it was any less
significant for it. He was completely amazed and respectful of what the
Shaman did, even though he believed it was a mass-halluniation (not a
trick, nor real levitation.) He also said everyone said they felt so
peaceful and blissful at the time of the event too.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 And, as someone pointed out, Cheney doesn't fly
 off to Georgia and give them a billion bucks if
 they think they're leaving power. 
Why not?  It's not their money anyway.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Sarah is simply not telling the truth, BillyG. 

I'm surprised that with your apparent sensitivity to spiritual truth
that you're allowing yourself to get suckered by the self-serving
Republican propaganda machine.

Here are some FACTS about the Polar Bear population:

In areas where long-term studies are available, populations are
showing signs of stress due to shrinking sea ice. Canada's Western
Hudson Bay population has dropped 22% since the early 1980s.

The declines have been directly linked to an earlier ice break-up on
Hudson Bay. A long-term study of the Southern Beaufort Sea population,
which spans the northern coast of Alaska and western Canada, has
revealed a decline in cub survival rates and in the weight and skull
size of adult males. Such declines were observed in Western Hudson Bay
bears prior to the population drop there. 

Another population listed as declining is Baffin Bay. According to the
most recent report from the Polar Bear Specialist Group, the harvest
levels from Nunavut when combined with those from Greenland (which
were thought to be much lower than they actually are) has resulted in
this shared population being in a non-sustainable harvest situation,
meaning the population is at great risk of a serious decline. The
harvest is thought to be several times above what is sustainable.

The IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group reclassified the polar bear as a
vulnerable species on the IUCN's Red List of Endangered Species at
their most recent meeting (Seattle, 2005).

They reported that of the 19 subpopulations of polar bears, five are
declining, five are stable, two are increasing, and seven have
insufficient data on which to base a decision.

On May 14, 2008, the U.S. Department of the Interior reclassified the
polar bear as a Threatened Species under the Endangered Species Act,
citing concerns about sea ice loss. Canada and Russia list the polar
bear as a species of concern.

Some Native communities in Canada have been reporting increasing
numbers of polar bears on land. Traditional hunters believe this
indicates an increased population, although the increased presence on
land may, in fact, be related to shrinking sea ice and changes in the
bears' distribution patterns.

Data is needed to understand the change. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service states, In the declining polar bear population of Canada's
Western Hudson Bay, extensive scientific studies have indicated that
the increased observation of bears on land is a result of changing
distribution patterns and a result of changes in the accessibility of
sea ice habitat.

Climate change is the main threat to polar bears today. A diminishing
ice pack directly affects polar bears, as sea ice is the platform from
which they hunt seals. Although the Arctic has experienced warm
periods before, the present shrinking of the Arctic's sea ice is rapid
and unprecedented.


From the US Government National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:

Technologically, researchers have been blessed in the last 30 years.
Advances in satellite telemetry allowed researchers to follow
individual bears over time and greatly enhanced our knowledge of
movements and population bounds...

In the past, one of the greatest saving graces for polar bear
populations was the fact that their habitat was relatively pristine
and secure from alteration...

Today, polar bear populations are facing threats previously
unprecedented during recorded history in the Arctic. Recent climate
change scenarios based upon modeling of climate trend data predict
that the Arctic region will experience major changes in the upcoming

On the most drastic end of the spectrum one model predicts that the
Arctic basin may be void of ice within 50 years. Other models have
shown that ice thickness has decreased by 40% during the past 30 years
and the average annual extent of ice coverage in the polar region has
diminished substantially, with an average annual reduction of over 1
million square kilometers.

While the ultimate or progressively evolving effects of climatic
change on polar bear populations is not certain, we do recognize that
even minor climate changes could likely have a profound effect on
polar bears. 

[FairfieldLife] ...a real gang bang?

2008-09-04 Thread Richard J. Williams
Louis McKenzie wrote:
 ...she has set the scene for a real gang bang.

Why does it always come back to sexism with you guys, 
even when you're talking about politics? Why do you 
insist on turning every conversation into an excuse 
for more thrusting? After calling all your sisters
whores and insinuating that Obama is a bastard, now 
you want to rape the Governor of Alaska? Maybe you
should be seeing Doctor Peter, Louis, or take some
'salt-peter'. You'll need a lot of Viagra too, if you
want to take on Sarah Barracuda.

This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] David Lynch tour a turning point for Latin America

2008-09-04 Thread michael

Do You Yahoo!?
Sie sind Spam leid? Yahoo! Mail verfügt über einen herausragenden Schutz gegen 

[FairfieldLife] Here is Palin speaking at her church

2008-09-04 Thread boo_lives

[FairfieldLife] Interview with one of the hardest supporters of BHO?

2008-09-04 Thread cardemaister

Ron Jeremy plays harmonica:

[FairfieldLife] Daily Show - Defining the word *hypocrisy*

2008-09-04 Thread do.rflex

[FairfieldLife] Re: ...a real gang bang?

2008-09-04 Thread feste37
This is because we have not yet achieved the kind of high evolutionary
level that you enjoy, Richard. When we see a woman, whether in the
flesh or on TV, our first thought, whether conscious or not, is Do I
want to have sex with her? Since with Governor Palin, the answer to
this question is obviously yes, this colors all our responses to any
issue concerning her. Perhaps you could offer us a good Texan recipe
for rising above these basic animal instincts? God knows, I've tried,
but darn it, I always fail!

--- In, Richard J. Williams

 Louis McKenzie wrote:
  ...she has set the scene for a real gang bang.
 Why does it always come back to sexism with you guys, 
 even when you're talking about politics? Why do you 
 insist on turning every conversation into an excuse 
 for more thrusting? After calling all your sisters
 whores and insinuating that Obama is a bastard, now 
 you want to rape the Governor of Alaska? Maybe you
 should be seeing Doctor Peter, Louis, or take some
 'salt-peter'. You'll need a lot of Viagra too, if you
 want to take on Sarah Barracuda.
 This is just outrageous!

[FairfieldLife] Vyagra (sandhi for 'vi + agra')

2008-09-04 Thread cardemaister

Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Search Results

1   vyagra  see s.v.
2   vyagra  mf(%{A})n. not attending to any one partic. point (opp. to
%{ekA7gra}) , distracted , inattentive ; bewildered , agitated ,
excited , alarmed MaitrUp. MBh. Ka1v. c. ; diverted from everything
else , intent on , engrossed by , eagerly occupied with or employed in 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread TurquoiseB
Interestingly, there are quite a number of accounts
of the Anasazi tribe of North America being able to
do the same thing. They were reputed to be able to
run hundreds of miles a day, in long, flying-like

Even more interestingly, there are tales from Tibet
that Padmasambhava banished the old Bon shamans of
Tibet who were trying to interfere with Buddhism by
sending them across the great water. These tales
are set in the exact same period in which the 
Anasazi stopped being nomadic and started building
cave dwellings and buildings that have slightly-
inward sloping outer walls, just like Tibetan 

Can you say group reincarnation? Doo dee doo doo...

--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 1:55 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
  Besides all the hype about ancient mental abilties.
  Most of them are not applicable today. Like running
  100 km during one night with breathing control, like they did
  in Tibet for the information system. No longer any substantial
  ability in the age of cars and helicopters.
 Lung-gom-pa Runners of Tibet
 The Marathon monks of Japan are quite similar to the Lung-gom-pa  
 runners of old Tibet. There have been many records kept of these  
 amazing running monks who appear to fly when they run. Across grassy  
 plains, they seem to float apparently in a trance. They are said to  
 travel nonstop for forty-eight hours or more and can cover more than  
 200 miles a day. Many are said to be faster than horses and at times  
 they were used to convey messages across a country.
 In order to qualify as a lung-gom-pa runner, the trainee must first  
 learn to master seated meditation. They had lots of emphasis on  
 breath control and visualization techniques. They had to be able to  
 imagine their own bodies as being light as a feather.
 Other techniques they had to master required them to watch a single  
 star in the sky intently for days, never allowing themselves to be  
 distracted. When they have attained this ability of moving  
 meditation, they are able to fly like the wind.
 The term lung-gom is used for the kind of training that develops  
 uncommon nimbleness and gives them the ability to make  
 extraordinarily long tramps with amazing rapidity. They run at a  
 rapid pace without ever having to stop for days. They do not run  
 short, quick races but have the ability to go far distances in a  
 quick amount of time.
 The Way of the White Clouds by Lama Anagarika Govinda explains that  
 the word Lung, pronounced rlun, signifies the state of air as well as  
 vital energy or psychic force. Gom means meditation, contemplation,  
 concentration of mind and soul upon a certain subject. It has to do  
 with the emptying of one's mind of all subject-object relationships.  
 This means that a lung-gom-pa runner is not a man who has the ability  
 to fly through air, but one who can control his energy, re-channel  
 and concentrate it in a new direction. These lung-gom-pa runners  
 follow the ancient practice of pranayama. They follow the idea of  
 completely anonymity and therefore no one is allowed to talk to them  
 or see any part of their bodies.
 True lung-gom-pa runners are very rare for it is very difficult to  
 really master their skills. In the book, Magic and Mystery in Tibet  
 the author, Alexandra David_Neel, mentions how she encountered her  
 first lung-gom-pa runner in Northern Tibet. This is a wild, grassy  
 region where a few tribes live in tents. There are few people in this  
 area, and when they spotted the lung-gom- pa runner, he was alone in  
 a plain and was the first person they had spotted in more than ten  
 days of traveling. Thinking the man to be lost and wandering on the  
 plain, they were going to go retrieve him and take him with them. As  
 they grew closer they realized he was traveling at a remarkably swift  
 speed and was one of the so-called lung-gom-pa runners. David_Neel  
 was told not to speak to the runner because they were not allowed to  
 break their meditation while running. The God that lives within him  
 would then escape and the runner would die. Just witnessing this was  
 enough to amaze her though.
 By that time he had nearly reached us; I could clearly see his  
 perfectly calm impassive face and wide-open eyes with their gaze  
 fixed on some invisible far distant object situated somewhere high up  
 in space. The man did not run. He seemed to lift himself from the  
 ground, proceeding by leaps. It look as if he had been endowed with  
 the elasticity of a ball and rebounded each time his feet touched the  
 The lung-gom-pa runner can also be called a Maheketang. The word  
 mahe is from the fearless buffalo, which they had been know to  
 ride. To aspire to be a part of Maheketang, there is a lot of  
 training. This includes breathing exercises that are practiced during  
 a seclusion period in complete darkness, which lasts 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread BillyG.
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:

 Sarah is simply not telling the truth, BillyG. 
 I'm surprised that with your apparent sensitivity to spiritual truth
 that you're allowing yourself to get suckered by the self-serving
 Republican propaganda machine.

Thanks to people like you Al Gore is a very, very rich man today!
Oh, and so is Michael Moore.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 3:42 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation


Interestingly, there are quite a number of accounts
of the Anasazi tribe of North America being able to
do the same thing. They were reputed to be able to
run hundreds of miles a day, in long, flying-like

Another thing about them is that they have the grain storage caves and stuff
way up on the sides of high cliffs. I guess they must have used ropes to get
up and down, but seeing them up there makes you think they could fly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  Sarah is simply not telling the truth, BillyG. 
  I'm surprised that with your apparent sensitivity to spiritual truth
  that you're allowing yourself to get suckered by the self-serving
  Republican propaganda machine.
 Thanks to people like you Al Gore is a very, very rich man today!

Most of the world and particularly the scientific community agrees
with Al Gore. He EARNED his money from his efforts. Isn't that the
American way?

 Oh, and so is Michael Moore.

Micheal Moore also EARNED his money by making world class documented

So are you going to ignore the factual documentation about the polar
bear population and believe Palin's lies instead, BillyG?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread BillyG.
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
  --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   Sarah is simply not telling the truth, BillyG. 
   I'm surprised that with your apparent sensitivity to spiritual truth
   that you're allowing yourself to get suckered by the self-serving
   Republican propaganda machine.
  Thanks to people like you Al Gore is a very, very rich man today!
 Most of the world and particularly the scientific community agrees
 with Al Gore. He EARNED his money from his efforts. Isn't that the
 American way?
  Oh, and so is Michael Moore.
 Micheal Moore also EARNED his money by making world class documented
 So are you going to ignore the factual documentation about the polar
 bear population and believe Palin's lies instead, BillyG?

Most of the world believed Saddam Hussien had WMD's too!

[FairfieldLife] Iraq to open Saddam abuse museum at Abu Ghraib

2008-09-04 Thread BillyG.

[FairfieldLife] DM Register article on FF

2008-09-04 Thread bob_brigante

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levitation

2008-09-04 Thread Vaj

On Sep 4, 2008, at 4:42 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

 Interestingly, there are quite a number of accounts
 of the Anasazi tribe of North America being able to
 do the same thing. They were reputed to be able to
 run hundreds of miles a day, in long, flying-like

 Even more interestingly, there are tales from Tibet
 that Padmasambhava banished the old Bon shamans of
 Tibet who were trying to interfere with Buddhism by
 sending them across the great water. These tales
 are set in the exact same period in which the
 Anasazi stopped being nomadic and started building
 cave dwellings and buildings that have slightly-
 inward sloping outer walls, just like Tibetan

 Can you say group reincarnation? Doo dee doo doo...

I grew up in a family replete with Native lore. There are many  
parallels, some quite striking between native American wisdom and  
Tibetan and Mongolian traditions. My grandfather had a collection of  
various early Native translations and one was a translation of an oral  
tradition of the Delaware, which was memorized, of the journey of the  
soul in the afterlife and was a cycle of 49 days through the various  
levels of the multiverse--just like found in the Tibetan Bardo  
tantras. I've also seen motifs, particularly the turtle with the 3 x 3  
magic square used in Tibetan astrology and Taoist Nine Star Chi,  
engraved on huge rocks in the mountains of Pennsylvania!

When I was later initiated into a Native clan at a sacred place in the  
wilds of Pennsylvania, the medicine man used traditional methods for  
sweat lodge building. It was in the shape of a giant turtle as well.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Polar Bears on the increase-Sarah Palin.

2008-09-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In, BillyG. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:
   --- In, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
--- In, BillyG. wgm4u@ wrote:


Sarah is simply not telling the truth, BillyG. 

I'm surprised that with your apparent sensitivity to spiritual
that you're allowing yourself to get suckered by the self-serving
Republican propaganda machine.
   Thanks to people like you Al Gore is a very, very rich man today!
  Most of the world and particularly the scientific community agrees
  with Al Gore. He EARNED his money from his efforts. Isn't that the
  American way?
   Oh, and so is Michael Moore.
  Micheal Moore also EARNED his money by making world class documented
  So are you going to ignore the factual documentation about the polar
  bear population and believe Palin's lies instead, BillyG?
 Most of the world believed Saddam Hussien had WMD's too!

That was because after 9/11 the Bush administration lied about it so
effectively. Most of the world DID NOT however, believe that Saddam
was enough of a threat to back the USA in invading Iraq.

Before 9/11 both Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice, respectively said
that Saddam had NOT developed any significant capability with regard
to weapons of mass destruction and that he was NOT a threat.

Watch the video:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 3, 2008, at 11:15 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
  Gee I thought the Republican Convention had been preempted by some  
  town football rally tonight.  But no, what looked like a skit out of
  Saturday Night Live was Sarah Palin giving her acceptance speech.  Did
  anyone else (who bothered to watch) notice the ding ding ding  
  each sentence?  Maybe John McCain should have offered the VP office to
  Paris Hilton.  She has more experience delivering lines on national  
  I would say the Republican Party has sunk to a new low.  We can call
  them the gooberville Republicans and when the election is over and
  Obama is in the White house maybe Palin can take what is left of the
  Republican Party with her back to Alaska.  Lord knows that's where  
 Numerous people, esp. women, I've spoken to see it as a return to a  
 real America being run by real Americans, rather than by glorified  
 CEO's. Sarah to them is a choice outside the good ole boys club and  
 someone who is clearly not a member of the millionaires club: an  
 average American. This is actually what many conservatives have  
 longed for.

Yourun in a different circle of friends. NONE of the women I have met think 

In fact, one woman was pointing out this specific issue: none of her friends
have average IQs and Sarah Palin was obviously picked to appeal to the under 100


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
 American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which 
 citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer America
 to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And
 that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many Americans
 so hostile to intelligence and education? 
 Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
 Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
 Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
 average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
 Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.
 So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
 government of the United States of America? Just where did this idea
 come from? I find it bizarre. 

Completely against the FOUnding Fathers who required that one be a 
land owner before being allowed to vote. The everyman champion (at least
in the eyes of a lot of conservative sci-fi fans), Robert Heinlein, proposed 
making military service the requirement for being allowed to vote. However,
in HIS military, the qualifications to enter were a bit more than for today's 
army (even more than pre-2001's all-volunteer army).


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: ...a real gang bang?

2008-09-04 Thread Louis McKenzie

The real deal is AIP is a racist segregationist organization.  They believe in 
the sovereignty of their state and that the conservative way is right.  If you 
go to their website you will find links to such groups as the southern party 
which believe in the sovereignty of 16 confederate states.   So what is really 
going on?   The conservative Reich is taking advantage of American lack of 
intelligence again.   They are not so interested in McCain they are interested 
in Palin with her along with McCain they will be insured to get the supreme 
courts they want as well as have someone who has very little inter racial 
expereince at all.   

The state of Alaska has nearly 670,000 residents.   Of that 3% is African 
American 3500 are Jewish Residents, no latinos, the native Alaskans hate her 
because she has goen as far as taking their lands away to be used for 
drilling.   Also the national monuments she wants to take fro drilling.  

Bottom line her husband is listed as a member of the AIP for 10 years, he 
pastor is also, she was listed but they erased it.   So guys we must not let 
her and Mccain win..

--- On Thu, 9/4/08, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: ...a real gang bang?
Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 5:31 PM

This is because we have not yet achieved the kind of high evolutionary
level that you enjoy, Richard. When we see a woman, whether in the
flesh or on TV, our first thought, whether conscious or not, is Do I
want to have sex with her? Since with Governor Palin, the answer to
this question is obviously yes, this colors all our responses to any
issue concerning her. Perhaps you could offer us a good Texan recipe
for rising above these basic animal instincts? God knows, I've tried,
but darn it, I always fail!

--- In, Richard J. Williams

 Louis McKenzie wrote:
  ...she has set the scene for a real gang bang.
 Why does it always come back to sexism with you guys, 
 even when you're talking about politics? Why do you 
 insist on turning every conversation into an excuse 
 for more thrusting? After calling all your sisters
 whores and insinuating that Obama is a bastard, now 
 you want to rape the Governor of Alaska? Maybe you
 should be seeing Doctor Peter, Louis, or take some
 'salt-peter'. You'll need a lot of Viagra too, if you
 want to take on Sarah Barracuda.
 This is just outrageous!

To subscribe, send a message to:

Or go to:
and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL 

 Well, consider yourself at odds with Thomas Jefferson.  It was his 
 idea that politicians WOULD come from average citizens like farmers, 
 teachers, small business owners who would serve and then return to 
 their communities.  

Guffaw, the BEST amongst them, not the worst.

Here's a hint: the highest IQs on record tend to be found in elementary
school teachers, not because teh demands are so high, intellectually, but
because there are so many of them compared to rocket scientists.


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Brits view on Palin

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --- In , Tom azgrey@ wrote:
  Always interesting to me to see the difference.\
 Tom, the Sun is the equivalant of that newspaper you have here at check
 out stands that has pictures of Aliens over the Pyramids and Baby
 Born with Angel Wings.
 This is more like a spoof than a news report, and actually damages
 Palin's rep.

So, was this 2 page spread orginally on Page @  3 as they did with the Royal 

(the men were on page 2, while the women were on page 3 with the caption::
Pge 3 girl on page 7 today in tiny print)

Google Page 3 girl sun if you don't know what this means.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:25 AM, feste37 wrote:
  I find the idea that this country should be run by an average
  American quite amazing. Surely there is no other country in which
  citizens think like this about their leaders?  I would prefer America
  to be run by people who are outstanding, brilliant, real leaders. And
  that's certainly not the average American. Why are so many Americans
  so hostile to intelligence and education?
 I don't think average means average intelligence or education,  
 instead it means someone from the middle class or someone not of  
 privileged status: prep school boys whose daddy got them into an Ivy  
 league school. It could be a farmer who knows how to run a farm or a  
 small business owner. It could be a college professor like our one  
 senator from Maine. It could be an engineer or a physician.
 Let's face it, any of these people can create a cabinet and a gaggle  
 of advisors, the advisors and cabinet being the creme de la creme of  
 each area, providing expert advice as needed.
  Last night, according to the New York Times, Gov. Sarah Palin of
  Alaska introduced herself to America before a roaring crowd at the
  Republican National Convention on Wednesday night as `just your
  average hockey mom' who was as qualified as the Democratic nominee,
  Senator Barack Obama, to be president of the United States.
  So your average hockey mom is qualified to be in charge of the
  government of the United States of America? Just where did this idea
  come from? I find it bizarre.
 Well she's playing it as if she were an average hockey mom. She's  
 clearly not.

Well she is quite bright, but her value-system is quite trailer-park
 if you look at it closely.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Someone who ALWAYS votes the party line for 18 years is a prime candidate
to flipflop to the other side. No brains, no independent thought.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tribute to Sarah Palin

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Hugo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ 
  On Sep 4, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Peter wrote:
   This is incrediblepathetic. Just a sad commentary on the  
   American electorate. We're a country of yahoos.
  I thought it was a satire at first.
 Isn't it amazing how she's stolen the limelight? 
 She looks like a natural leader to me and even though I would
 oppose her on every policy I've heard her opinion on I would 
 still swap her for Gordon Brown, in fact the entire UK govern-
 ment. I think all people want is someone they can trust and feel 
 inspired by.
 She is going to press enough of the right buttons in the 
 election. I think McCain has picked a winner.

Like craszy, pro-life women who lecture, fly 10 hours, followed by 4 hours 
drives,and end up in the hospital 15 hours after their water braks (or they 
start leaking amninonic fluid)?

Jist shows to go ya that Brits can be as looney-tune as 'mericans.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread new . morning
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well she is quite bright, but her value-system is quite trailer-park
  if you look at it closely.

Whereas Bristol could probably party across class.

[FairfieldLife] No post count tonight

2008-09-04 Thread Alex Stanley
My fiber optic line went dark again today, so there won't be any post
count coming from my machine tonight. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's attack on elites

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 $280,000 is a little high for 3 carat diamond earrings, to say the least!

Actually, no. 

A highest-quality (D class) 3 carat diamond goes
for $54,000 PER CARAT:

That's 6x $54,000 = $324,000 for a pair, not counting the jewler's markup.


 --- On Thu, 9/4/08, boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From: boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's 
  attack on 
  Date: Thursday, September 4, 2008, 12:47 PM
  Vanity Fair tallied up the  cost of Cindy McCain's
  outfit on her night
  at the GOP convention:
  Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
  Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
  Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
  Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000-$25,000
  Shoes, designer unknown: $600
  Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  Or go to:
  and click 'Join This Group!'Yahoo! Groups Links

[FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sep 4, 2008, at 11:29 AM, feste37 wrote:
  This is hilarious. But the question I ask about Levi is, does he
  really WANT to marry this Bristol girl? Did anyone ever ask him? Was
  he ever given a choice? I believe in a man's right to choose. If he
  wants to dump a pregnant girlfriend or tell her to get an abortion,
  he should have that right. It's his life, after all. It's sad to see
  this fine young man sacrificed on the altar of his future
  mother-in-law's shameless political ambition.
 I agree about the right to choose, feste, but if this kid
 strikes you as a fine young man I think you need to
 get out a whole lot more.  From the My Space selections
 I've read, he sounds one step above a semi-literate
 felon-in-the-making, just the kind of fine young man
 everyone wants their daughter to marry.
 The bigger question, IMO, is why her parents would
 essentially force their daughter to marry him.  She
 made a mistake, now they're just compounding it
 for the sake of image.

That was the source of the specuation that the baby wasn't
Sarah Palin's in the first place. If not for the fact that a 17 year old
almost never has a Downs Syndrome baby, while a 44 year old has a 1/60 chance,
I would STILL be speculating there was some kind of double scam going on
in this situation.

As it is, Sarah Palin would rather humiliate her daughter, than supply medical
records about her own son.


[FairfieldLife] Re: America's Greenest Schools - Sierra Club

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 MUM didn't make the list: 
 The top 10:

What was the minimum size? An 850 undergrad school was mentioned. 
MUM has about 1K total. Does it even  qualify?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Cindy McCain in $300,000 oufit applauds Palin's attack on elites

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:37 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- In, Peter [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

$280,000 is a little high for 3 carat diamond earrings, to say the  

Actually, no.

A highest-quality (D class) 3 carat diamond goes
for $54,000 PER CARAT:

That's 6x $54,000 = $324,000 for a pair, not counting the jewler's  

Maybe Cindy got hers at the local Diamond
Bargain Basement.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Levi Johnston's Convention Diary

2008-09-04 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 4, 2008, at 6:39 PM, sparaig wrote:

That was the source of the specuation that the baby wasn't
Sarah Palin's in the first place. If not for the fact that a 17  
year old
almost never has a Downs Syndrome baby, while a 44 year old has a  
1/60 chance,
I would STILL be speculating there was some kind of double scam  
going on

in this situation.

As it is, Sarah Palin would rather humiliate her daughter, than  
supply medical records about her own son.

That's a totally mystifying decision to me as well.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Goobernator: The Sarah Palin Chroncles

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  Well she is quite bright, but her value-system is quite trailer-park
   if you look at it closely.
 Whereas Bristol could probably party across class.

I hope these were taken more than 5 months ago...


[FairfieldLife] Re: America's Greenest Schools - Sierra Club

2008-09-04 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  MUM didn't make the list: 
  The top 10:
 What was the minimum size? An 850 undergrad school was mentioned. 
 MUM has about 1K total. Does it even  qualify?


The Sierra Club list is pretty much a crock in terms of methodology:

How Does 'Sierra' Magazine Come Up With Its List of Greenest Colleges?
The recent release of Sierra magazine's list of greenest campuses got 
us thinking again about a question: How do they come up with that 
list? We have been critical of green rankings in the past — and this 
list, like others, sets off B.S. alarms. How did Oberlin College go 
from being the greenest school in 2007 to eighth place less than a year 
later? Harvard University, last year's No. 2, didn't even make this 
year's top-10 list. Duke University, Pennsylvania State University, 
and, geeze, the entire University of California system — all of which 
were in the 10 that get it last year — apparently don't get it 

So we picked up the phone and called Sierra. from:

another green ranking review:

If MUM actually builds their completely offthegrid bldg, I'm sure 
they'll get a lot of attention regardless of their rank in lists. 
Probably the main reason MUM is not ranked is because list editors 
don't think their readers are interested in attending MUM -- many 
students may be influenced in their choice of schools by its green 
committment -- and of course, they're right for the time being.

[FairfieldLife] Re: America's Greenest Schools - Sierra Club

2008-09-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
   MUM didn't make the list: 
   The top 10:
  What was the minimum size? An 850 undergrad school was mentioned. 
  MUM has about 1K total. Does it even  qualify?
 The Sierra Club list is pretty much a crock in terms of methodology:
 How Does 'Sierra' Magazine Come Up With Its List of Greenest Colleges?
 The recent release of Sierra magazine's list of greenest campuses got 
 us thinking again about a question: How do they come up with that 
 list? We have been critical of green rankings in the past � and this 
 list, like others, sets off B.S. alarms. How did Oberlin College go 
 from being the greenest school in 2007 to eighth place less than a year 
 later? Harvard University, last year's No. 2, didn't even make this 
 year's top-10 list. Duke University, Pennsylvania State University, 
 and, geeze, the entire University of California system � all of which 
 were in the 10 that get it last year � apparently don't get it 
 So we picked up the phone and called Sierra. from:
 another green ranking review:
 If MUM actually builds their completely offthegrid bldg, I'm sure 
 they'll get a lot of attention regardless of their rank in lists. 
 Probably the main reason MUM is not ranked is because list editors 
 don't think their readers are interested in attending MUM -- many 
 students may be influenced in their choice of schools by its green 
 committment -- and of course, they're right for the time being.

Doesn't MMY have a sustainable living PhD program?


[FairfieldLife] Just in case you did not read the gb post

2008-09-04 Thread Louis McKenzie

The real deal is AIP is a
racist segregationist organization.  They believe in the sovereignty of
their state and that the conservative way is right.  If you go to their
website you will find links to such groups as the southern party which
believe in the sovereignty of 16 confederate states.   So what is
really going on?   The conservative Reich is taking advantage of
American lack of intelligence again.   They are not so interested in
McCain they are interested in Palin
with her along with McCain they will be insured to get the supreme
courts they want as well as have someone who has very little inter
racial expereince at all.   

The state of Alaska has nearly 670,000 residents.   Of that 3% is African 
3500 are Jewish Residents, no latinos, the native Alaskans hate her
because she has goen as far as taking their lands away to be used for
drilling.   Also the national monuments she wants to take fro

line her husband is listed as a member of the AIP for 10 years, he
pastor is also, she was listed but they erased it.   So guys we must
not let her and Mccain win..


[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you did not read the gb post

2008-09-04 Thread new . morning
--- In, Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The real deal is AIP is a
 racist segregationist organization.  They believe in the sovereignty of
 their state and that the conservative way is right.  If you go to their
 website you will find links to such groups as the southern party which
 believe in the sovereignty of 16 confederate states.   

Why is an organization which has conservative values and the belief in
the freedom of states to leave an alliance / grouping with other
states -- why do these things make them racist or segregationist? 

ntage of
 American lack of intelligence again.   They are not so interested in
 McCain they are interested in Palin
 with her along with McCain they will be insured to get the supreme
 courts they want as well as have someone who has very little inter
 racial expereince at all.   
 The state of Alaska has nearly 670,000 residents.   Of that 3% is
African American
 3500 are Jewish Residents, no latinos, the native Alaskans hate her
 because she has goen as far as taking their lands away to be used for
 drilling.   Also the national monuments she wants to take fro
 line her husband is listed as a member of the AIP for 10 years, he
 pastor is also, she was listed but they erased it.   So guys we must
 not let her and Mccain win..

[FairfieldLife] Re: Just in case you did not read the gb post

2008-09-04 Thread pranamoocher
Do the words victim mentality have anything to do with this

--- In, new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Louis McKenzie ltm457@ wrote:
  The real deal is AIP is a
  racist segregationist organization.  They believe in the sovereignty
  their state and that the conservative way is right.  If you go to
  website you will find links to such groups as the southern party
  believe in the sovereignty of 16 confederate states.

 Why is an organization which has conservative values and the belief in
 the freedom of states to leave an alliance / grouping with other
 states -- why do these things make them racist or segregationist?

 ntage of
  American lack of intelligence again.   They are not so interested in
  McCain they are interested in Palin
  with her along with McCain they will be insured to get the supreme
  courts they want as well as have someone who has very little inter
  racial expereince at all.
  The state of Alaska has nearly 670,000 residents.   Of that 3% is
 African American
  3500 are Jewish Residents, no latinos, the native Alaskans hate her
  because she has goen as far as taking their lands away to be used
  drilling.   Also the national monuments she wants to take fro
  line her husband is listed as a member of the AIP for 10 years, he
  pastor is also, she was listed but they erased it.   So guys we must
  not let her and Mccain win..

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