Re: Messages getting Stuck

2008-09-11 Thread Rob Davies

Hi Vivek,

this could well be a known bug - can you use 5.1 - or 5.2 (due out soon)


On 11 Sep 2008, at 16:31, krv wrote:


Sorry for posting this again,  about
the inequity and the tactics, and we joined them
in fighting them. I was on those picket lines, and
I'm here to tell you that there was nary a whiner
in the bunch. We didn't face the dogs and the cops
while whining that things weren't FAIR. *Of course*
things weren't fair...that's why we were there. Duh.
But we *were* there, and we refused to be deterred,
and we refused to whine, and things changed.

In the feminist movement, I have also watched and
participated to do whatever I can to right wrongs
and remove the glass ceilings that men (and other's good to remember that 60-70% of anti-
abortion activists are women) have used to keep
women down. And I've seen what works and what 

Pretending that there is some way that things should
be and whining when it isn't doesn't work. Looking
at things right here and now, as they are, honestly,
and then working to change them works.

 And I think it very likely that those ultra successful women 
 who never whine or talk about inequality are wired differently 
 than your average woman  - maybe more like a man...

Hold on a minute...that's simply not true. They just
wanted to achieve something, and DID. They faced MORE
obstacles than any man would have, and they DID IT
ANYWAY. I don't see this as a gender issue or a wired
issue, but simply a What you focus on you become
energy issue.

 ...especially since success itself changes the brain and 
 hormones and results in feelings of power, entitlement, and 
 dominance in most people.  

Not one of the women I had in mind when I wrote my 
first post on this subject was successful when they
started working towards success. Not one of them was
born with money or privilege or in some cases, not
even education. *Certainly* not entitlement. They
just worked for what they wanted. One of them got
a wild hair up her ass at age 30 (*far* too old for
someone to take up a sport and get great at it) to 
learn fencing, and wound up winning an Olympic gold
medal several years later. That's not about a sense
of entitlement, that's about DOING THE WORK.

 Studies in one of the apes show just that when a shift in 
 status within the group occurs.  

And I do not dispute that. But I'm talking about how these
women handled themselves ON THE WAY to success in their
various endeavors, not how they handled themselves after
having achieved it. Without exception, they DID THE
WORK and they didn't whine about the obstacles.

Is that being more like a man? I don't think so.
I think that's being Here And Now, and dealing with
the reality of WHAT IS, not some notion of what 
should be.

 In addition, most of us, male or female but especially male, 
 justify our success, once achieved. We think it was something 
 anyone could do if they just __(fill in the blank) 
 as I did.  

I knew the women I'm talking about BEFORE they achieved
what they achieved. The now CEO of a multimillion dollar
computer company was a victim of childhood sexual abuse
and ran away from home, never even finishing high school.

 I too know a few incredibly successful women, and all have 
 thought the entire feminist thing a waste of their time 
 since they made it without that support. 

Two issues here. First, the idea that *dwelling* 
on feminism is a waste of their time I would
agree with wholeheartedly, and so would the women
I am speaking about whom I know. They are all very
*pragmatic* women, and careful about where they
spend their time and their energy. Actions achieve
results; whining doesn't. Simple as that.

Second, the issue of making it with support. 
While support might be nice along the way, it has
NEVER been the factor that enabled or prevented a
person's success. In fact, most of the successful
women and men on this planet achieved what they
did *without* a great deal of support. 

They just got all Nike on the challenge. They put
on their JUST DO IT mindset and just did it.

 But that does not mean most women have not benefitted.  
 It sounds as if Rama was right, at a certain point 
 you need to get past it, but come on - real change, 
 not only of rules but of how people really feel, takes 
 a few generations.  


 So I think women are entitled to whine sometimes cause 
 things are not fair...

Entitled, yes. But is it *productive* to whine?
What you focus on you become. That is a standard
in almost every spiritual trip on the planet, and
I think it's as close to Truth as it gets.

I am a very pragmatic person. Whining wastes energy.
If you want to succeed, don't waste energy. End of

 I think your usual stance re Judy is causing you to take 
 this position.  



You're wrong. Really. But I understand how you could
believe that. This is a subject I have felt deeply
about long before anyone on this forum ever crossed

[FairfieldLife] ahaMkaara and asmitaa?

2008-09-11 Thread cardemaister

From Bhojadeva's comment on YS I 17:

na caahaMkaaraasmitayorbhedaH shan.kaniiyaH

An attempt at word-for-word translation:

not(na) and(ca) difference (bhedaH) between
ahaMkaara and asmitaa (ahaMkaara-asmitayoH)
to be doubtful (shan.kaniiyaH)

My guess is that might mean something like:

And the difference between ahaMkaara and asmitaa
should not be doubtful.

 zaGkanIya [= shan.kaniiya, i.e: shang-kaniiya] mfn. to be distrusted
or suspected or apprehended (n. impers.) , doubtful , questionable
Ka1v. Hit. Sarvad. c

Anyone know what is the difference? Bhoja tries to explain it to me
but it seems too difficult for me to even try to translate.

[FairfieldLife] A perspective on 9/11

2008-09-11 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
From Wikipedia:
David Ray Griffin (born 1939) is a retired professor of philosophy of religion 
and theology at Claremont Graduate University. Along with John B. Cobb, Jr. he 
is considered a foundational thinker in Process theology. A longtime resident 
of Santa Barbara, California, was a full-time academic from 1973 until April 
2004 and is currently a co-director of the Center for Process Studies, founded 
on the process philosophies of Alfred North Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne.
Griffin grew up in a small town in Oregon, where he was an active participant 
in his Disciples of Christ church. After deciding to become a minister, Griffin 
entered Northwest Christian College, but became disenchanted with the 
conservative-fundamentalist theology that was taught there. While getting his 
master’s degree in counseling from the University of Oregon, Griffin attended a 
lecture series delivered by Paul Tillich at the Graduate Theological Union in 
Berkeley, California. At this time, Griffin made his decision to focus on 
philosophical theology. He eventually attended the Claremont Graduate 
University, where Griffin received his Ph.D. in 1970.
As a student in Claremont, Griffin was initially interested in Eastern 
religions, particularly Vedanta. However, he started to become a process 
theologian while attending John B. Cobb's seminar on Whitehead’s philosophy. 
According to Griffin, process theology, as presented by Cobb, “provided a way 
between the old supernaturalism, according to which God miraculously 
interrupted the normal causal processes now and then, and a view according to 
which God is something like a cosmic hydraulic jack, exerting the same pressure 
always and everywhere (which described rather aptly the position to which I had 
come), (Primordial Truth and Postmodern Theology). While applying Whitehead’s 
thought to the traditional theological subjects of christology and theodicy, 
Griffin found that process theology also provided a sound basis for addressing 
contemporary social and ecological issues.
After teaching theology and Eastern religions at the University of Dayton, 
Griffin came to appreciate the distinctively postmodern aspects of Whitehead’s 
thought. In particular, Griffin found Whitehead’s nonsensationist epistemology 
and panexperientialist ontology immensely helpful in addressing the major 
problems of modern philosophy, including the problems of mind-body interaction, 
the interaction between free and determined things, the emergence of experience 
from nonexperiencing matter, and the emergence of time in the evolutionary 
process. In 1973, Griffin returned to Claremont to establish, with Cobb, the 
Center for Process Studies.
While on research leave in 1980-81 at Cambridge University and Berkeley, the 
contrast between modernity and postmodernity became central to his work. Many 
of Griffin’s writings are devoted to developing postmodern proposals for 
overcoming the conflicts between religion and modern science. Griffin came to 
believe that much of the tension between religion and science was not only the 
result of reactionary supernaturalism, but also the mechanistic worldview 
associated with the rise of modern science in the seventeenth century. In 1983, 
Griffin started the Center for a Postmodern World in Santa Barbara, and became 
editor of the SUNY Series in Constructive Postmodern Philosophy.


[FairfieldLife] Cell as modem?

2008-09-11 Thread bob_brigante

Penny-pinchers who can get high-speed cell service at home may be
tempted to scrap their Internet providers and use their phones as
wireless modems. Nic Covey, an analyst with Nielsen Mobile, said:
If you're on a 3G network, it becomes an interesting

The networks certainly like the fact that more people connect to the Web
with their cellphones. Mr. Covey said that 43 percent of those with
mobile data cards use them most often at home, and 59 percent of them
might ditch their home Internet providers as a result.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I will never forgive NBC, for letting these two disgusting
 women-hating Obama strokers launch daily characters assassination 
 on Hillary and now another woman, Palin.

I try to ignore this turkey, but seeing her name
in the From line is like standing by the railroad
tracks and seeing them broken and hearing a train
in the distance. Part of you wants to watch the
latest train wreck.

'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
woman could be this stupid.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US 
  president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.
  Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 
  22,500 people polled in 22 countries.
  More here:
  So will this news make dumb-dumbs even more belligerent?
 Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world 
 opinion doesn't count.

It's not often on this forum that a seemingly
rhetorical question is so definitively answered. :-)

Anyone who believes that what the world thinks
of America doesn't count has lost touch with
reality. America owes its rape-the-planet-so-
that-we-can-drive-big-cars lifestyle to the
willingness of the rest of the world to be 
raped. The former victims are starting to 
carry Mace and fight back. And what they think
doesn't count?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
TurquoiseB This one is for you

--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  I will never forgive NBC, for letting these two disgusting
  women-hating Obama strokers launch daily characters assassination 
  on Hillary and now another woman, Palin.
 I try to ignore this turkey, but seeing her name
 in the From line is like standing by the railroad
 tracks and seeing them broken and hearing a train
 in the distance. Part of you wants to watch the
 latest train wreck.
 'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
 I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
 woman could be this stupid.

[FairfieldLife] Scary two-headed monster

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB

[FairfieldLife] LHC?

2008-09-11 Thread guyfawkes91
I'm surprised that the start up of the LHC at CERN hasn't been
mentioned on this forum. We should Google it and remind ourselves of
things that can end up being really important. 

For the first time in a generation physicists will have new data to
compare against new theories. Depending on what they do or don't find
there, there might be an awful lot of Unified Field charts heading for
the trash can. If Unified Field charts have to be trashed where does
that leave MUM and the TMO? Will they be able to raise millions to
keep themselves in crowns, gowns and live satellite shows if there's
no Higgs Boson? 

Belief in the ME is tenuous enough as it is. People have to change
their mantras to I believe in the Maharishi Effect just to keep
their belief alive. The economy has tanked, hurricanes are doing their
normal thing, this year has been the record for tornadoes and pretty
close to a record on floods. India has flooding so bad  the river Kosi
has changed course affecting millions. The War Party might win the
presidency on the back of someone who has good hair, believes the
world was created in seven days six thousand years ago and thinks that
killing people is doing God's will. 

To cap it all Stephen Hawking has a $100 bet with someone that there
isn't a Higgs. The TMO has taken a greater than $100 million dollar
bet on there being both a Higgs and supersymmetry. There might be a
lot of embarrassing explaining to do. 

Things could get interesting. 

[FairfieldLife] One of McCain's houses repossessed - Doonesbury

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
I don't know how many of you follow Doonesbury,
but Trudeau is having a field day with McCain
this week. Start here, and click through the
whole week:


Why this is so funny is that it's EXACTLY
the kind of bone-headed stunt that would
occur to him, and that he'd think he could
get away with.

[FairfieldLife] Sarah Palin (Gina Gershon) answers her critics

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Hilarious video:

Sarah Palin...if she shoots you in the face,
it's because she was aiming for it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread guyfawkes91
An important point
 It's not often on this forum that a seemingly
 rhetorical question is so definitively answered. :-)
 Anyone who believes that what the world thinks
 of America doesn't count has lost touch with
 reality. America owes its rape-the-planet-so-
 that-we-can-drive-big-cars lifestyle to the
 willingness of the rest of the world to be 
 raped. The former victims are starting to 
 carry Mace and fight back. And what they think
 doesn't count?

The rest of the world has been waiting for the US to recover from what
it hoped was a temporary bout of insanity. But it looks like it might
be getting worse. The rest of the world is waking up to the reality
that that the US is going to go through one of those phases of
insanity that countries go through, where the world is topsy turvy, up
is down, down is sideways, the rapture is about to start, dinosaurs
roamed the earth 5,000 years ago and you can add an insulating blanket
of C02 to the world without it warming up, beat up dissidents, lock
people away without trial. It's rather like realizing that your
protective parent needs psychiatric help and that now you're on your
own and have to look after your own interests. No help from Daddy.

What will happen is that countries will increasingly be making
agreements with each other without involving the US. The idea will be
Why spend 10 years arguing over some treaty with the US acting as
spoiler, when we can all agree right now, leave the US out of it, and
just get on with things?. Leave them alone to live in their own
reality preparing for the rapture. 

There are lots of areas where exasperation is near breaking point and
people have basically been waiting for sanity to return and hoping to
have a sensible person at the helm they can reach agreements with. If
that's not going to happen then countries will just leave the US out
of the loop. It'll be hard because the US economy is so big. But the
rest of the world is investing in new capital assets, growing their
economies, developing deep markets. The US is blowing money (3 Trill
and counting) on war, just as much on dealing with the financial
fallout from the war, e.g. nationalizing US mortgages, or if you strip
away all the fancy words, nationalizing US land ownership. It's not
spending that money on wise investments. So over the decades China,
India, Russia, Eastern Europe will have a greater balance of wealth.
Those countries are creating wealth, the US is burning it.

It's not a gradual process, there will be lots of crises along the
way. When will Kuwait and the UAE break the dollar link? What happens
when they do? Can the world find an alternative currency to replace
the dollar? (no NOT the Raam!) It really needs to because buying
dollars is not a good investment. Can the world reach an agreement to
curb global warming? Everyone else knows we have to, US leaders think
there's no need because the rapture is coming. People will just leave
the US out.

[FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj
Which imperfections are TMers taught to cling to? Satsangers often  
indulge in the imperfections.

The Ten Imperfections of Insight (vipassanupakilesas):
An inexperienced meditator may be confused by any of the following  
experiences, mistakenly believing that he or she has reached nibbana.  
Though not in themselves obstacles, the meditator may be tempted to  
cling to these experiences, believing them to be important, rather  
than continuing to note the arising and passing away of mental and  
physical phenomena in the present moment. At such time the guidance  
of a teacher is invaluable.

Obhasa (illumination)
Obhasa is the first defilement of insight.
The meditator may be aware of the following manifestations of light:
a. He may see a light similar to a firefly, a torch or a car headlamp.
b. The room may be lit up, enabling the meditator to see his or her  
own body.

c. He or she may be aware of light that seems to pass through the wall.
d. There may be a light enabling one to see various places before  
one's eyes.
e. There may be a bright light as though a door had opened. Some  
meditators lift up their hands as if to shut it; others open their  
eyes to see what caused the light.

f. A vision of brightly colored flowers surrounded by light may be seen.
g. Miles and miles of sea may be seen.
h. Rays of light seem to emit from the meditator's heart and body.
i. Hallucinations such as seeing an elephant may occur.

Piti (Joy or rapture)
Piti is the second defilement of insight. There are five kinds of piti.
1. Khuddaka piti (minor rapture)
This state is characterized by the following:
a. The meditator may be aware of a white color.
b. There may be a feeling of coolness or dizziness and the hairs of  
the body may stand on end.

c. The meditator may cry or feel terrified.

2. Khanika piti (momentary rapture)
Characteristics of this piti include:
a. Seeing flashes of light.
b. Seeing sparks.
c. Nervous twitching.
d. A feeling of stiffness all over the body.
e. A feeling as if ants were crawling on the body.
f. A feeling of heat all over the body.
g. Shivering.
h. Seeing red colors.
i. The hair on the body rising slightly.
j. Itchiness as if ants were crawling on one's face and body.

3. Okkantika piti (flood of joy)
In this piti:
a. The body may shake and tremble.
b. The face, hands and feet may twitch.
c. There may be violent shaking as if the bed is going to turn upside  

d. Nausea and at times actual vomiting may occur.
e. There may be a rhythmic feeling like waves breaking on the shore.
f. Ripples of energy may seem to flow over the body.
g. The body may vibrate like a stick which is fixed in a flowing stream.
h. A light yellow color may be observed.
i. The body may bend to and fro.

4. Ubbenka piti (uplifting joy)
In this piti:
a. The body feels as if it is extending or moving upwards.
b. There may be a feeling as though lice are climbing on the face and  

c. Diarrhea may occur.
d. The body may bend forwards or backwards.
e. One may feel that one's head has been moved backwards and forwards  
by somebody.

f. There may be a chewing movement with the mouth either open or closed.
g. The body sways like a tree being blown by the wind.
h. The body bends forwards and may fall down.
i. There may be fidgeting movements of the body.
j. There may be jumping movements of the body.
k. Arms and legs may be raised or may twitch.
l. The body may bend forwards or may recline.
m. A silver gray color may be observed.

5. Pharana piti (pervading rapture)
In this piti:
a. A feeling of coldness spreads through the body.
b. Peace of mind sets in occasionally.
c. There may be itchy feelings all over the body.
d. There may be drowsy feelings and the meditator may not wish to  
open his or her eyes.

e. The meditator has no wish to move.
f. There may be a flushing sensation from feet to head or vice versa.
g. The body may feel cool as if taking a bath or touching ice.
h. The meditator may see blue or emerald green colors.
i. An itchy feeling as though lice are crawling on the face may occur.

3. Passadhi
The third defilement of vipassana is passadhi which means  
tranquility of mental factors and consciousness. It is  
characterized as follows:
a. There may be a quiet, peaceful state resembling the attainment of  

b. There will be no restlessness or mental rambling.
c. Mindful acknowledgement is easy.
d. The meditator feels comfortably cool and does not fidget.
e. The meditator feels satisfied with his powers of acknowledgement.
f. There may be a feeling similar to falling asleep.
g. There may be a feeling of lightness.
h. Concentration is good and there is no forgetfulness.
i. Thoughts are quite clear.
j. A cruel, harsh or merciless person will realize that the dhamma is  
k. A criminal or drunkard will be able to give up bad habits and will  
change into quite a different person.

4. Sukha
The fourth defilement of vipassana is sukha which means bliss and  
has the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Hi All

2008-09-11 Thread sparaig
--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Imaze Technology imazetech@
  Hi All,
  I am new member of this group. I am too much interested in 
  the subject on which the group is created.
  I will be posting some good articles on the same subject.
  Thanks and Regards.
 Oh goodie. Would that subject be TM, the trials and 
 tribulations of the TM Movement, diverse teachers such 
 as Ammachi, Eckhart Tolle, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Byron 
 Katie, Dalai Lama, Jesus Christ, Buddha, Ramana Maharshi, 
 Nisargadatta, Shankara, spirituality, politics, economics, 
 morality and higher states of consciousness, drug laws, 
 evolution vs. creationism, enlightenment, advaita, 
 reincarnation, karma, Jyotish (Vedic astrology), yagya, 
 Ayurveda, dzogchen, tantra, channeling, vegetarianism, 
 kundalini, celibacy, sexuality, homosexuality, abortion, 
 racism, UFOs, Buddhism, Hinduism, Veda, Christianity, 
 Islam, Judaism, or Scientology?
 All of these subjects are mentioned on the group's
 home page. If you hope to post an article that discusses
 all of them at once, I just can't wait to read it.  :-)

Seems you already did.


RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer

From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:41 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman


'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
woman could be this stupid.

I am honor-bound to protect the anonymity of FFL members, and unless I am
adequately bribed, I will continue to do so.

[FairfieldLife] Email I received (because I'm a moderator): Regarding your Spirituality group on

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer

Dear Organiser,

I stumbled upon your name at the Spirituality group on
Excellent presentation! I enjoyed it very much.

I'm working to improve Spirituality group experience for a young startup
company that just launched a brand new website that brings group
experience to the next level. The url is of the website is . 

Your knowledge of Spirituality makes me believe that you will be a valuable 

member of Spirituality influencers for designing new web property. 


Looking forward to your feedback!




Preeti Sharma 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread frosty . mage
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:41 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
 'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
 I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
 woman could be this stupid.
 I am honor-bound to protect the anonymity of FFL members, and 
unless I am
 adequately bribed, I will continue to do so.

How many ardent Hillary supporters do you have email contact with?

[FairfieldLife] Palin primary qualification is she hasn't had an abortion

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked
Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate whose
primary qualification seems to be that she hasn't had an abortion. 

Palin is an opponent of abortion rights and gave birth to her fifth
child, Trig, earlier this year after finding out during her pregnancy
that the baby had Down syndrome.

Fowler told my colleague Alex Burns in an interview that the selection
of an opponent of abortion rights would not boost McCain among many women.

Among Democratic women and even among independent women, I don't
think it helped him, she said. 

Told of McCain's boost in the new ABC/Washington Post among white
women following the Palin pick, Fowler said: Just anecdotally, I
believe that those white women are Republican women anyway.

 UPDATE -- Carol Fowler releases a statement of apology: I personally
admire and respect the difficult choices that women make everyday, and
I apologize to anyone who finds my comment offensive. I clumsily was
making a point about people in South Carolina who may vote based on a
single issue. Whether it's the environment, the economy, the war or a
woman's right to choose, there are people who will cast their vote
based on a single issue. That was the only point I was attempting to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Peter
I've had all of these. Does this mean I get a dome parking spot?

--- On Thu, 9/11/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 7:56 AM

Which imperfections are TMers taught to cling to? Satsangers often indulge in 
the imperfections.

The Ten Imperfections of Insight (vipassanupakilesas):
An inexperienced meditator may be confused by any of the following experiences, 
mistakenly believing that he or she has reached nibbana. Though not in 
themselves obstacles, the meditator may be tempted to cling to these 
experiences, believing them to be important, rather than continuing to note the 
arising and passing away of mental and physical phenomena in the present 
moment. At such time the guidance of a teacher is invaluable.

Obhasa (illumination)
Obhasa is the first defilement of insight.
The meditator may be aware of the following manifestations of light:
a. He may see a light similar to a firefly, a torch or a car headlamp.
b. The room may be lit up, enabling the meditator to see his or her own body.
c. He or she may be aware of light that seems to pass through the wall.
d. There may be a light enabling one to see various places before one's eyes.
e. There may be a bright light as though a door had opened. Some meditators 
lift up their hands as if to shut it; others open their eyes to see what caused 
the light.
f. A vision of brightly colored flowers surrounded by light may be seen.
g. Miles and miles of sea may be seen.
h. Rays of light seem to emit from the meditator's heart and body.
i. Hallucinations such as seeing an elephant may occur.

Piti (Joy or rapture)
Piti is the second defilement of insight. There are five kinds of piti.
1. Khuddaka piti (minor rapture)
This state is characterized by the following:
a. The meditator may be aware of a white color.
b. There may be a feeling of coolness or dizziness and the hairs of the body 
may stand on end.
c. The meditator may cry or feel terrified.

2. Khanika piti (momentary rapture)
Characteristics of this piti include:
a. Seeing flashes of light.
b. Seeing sparks.
c. Nervous twitching.
d. A feeling of stiffness all over the body.
e. A feeling as if ants were crawling on the body.
f. A feeling of heat all over the body.
g. Shivering.
h. Seeing red colors.
i. The hair on the body rising slightly.
j. Itchiness as if ants were crawling on one's face and body.

3. Okkantika piti (flood of joy)
In this piti:
a. The body may shake and tremble.
b. The face, hands and feet may twitch.
c. There may be violent shaking as if the bed is going to turn upside down.
d. Nausea and at times actual vomiting may occur.
e. There may be a rhythmic feeling like waves breaking on the shore.
f. Ripples of energy may seem to flow over the body.
g. The body may vibrate like a stick which is fixed in a flowing stream.
h. A light yellow color may be observed.
i. The body may bend to and fro.

4. Ubbenka piti (uplifting joy)
In this piti:
a. The body feels as if it is extending or moving upwards.
b. There may be a feeling as though lice are climbing on the face and body.
c. Diarrhea may occur.
d. The body may bend forwards or backwards.
e. One may feel that one's head has been moved backwards and forwards by 
f. There may be a chewing movement with the mouth either open or closed.
g. The body sways like a tree being blown by the wind.
h. The body bends forwards and may fall down.
i. There may be fidgeting movements of the body.
j. There may be jumping movements of the body.
k. Arms and legs may be raised or may twitch.
l. The body may bend forwards or may recline.
m. A silver gray color may be observed.

5. Pharana piti (pervading rapture)
In this piti:
a. A feeling of coldness spreads through the body.
b. Peace of mind sets in occasionally.
c. There may be itchy feelings all over the body.
d. There may be drowsy feelings and the meditator may not wish to open his or 
her eyes.
e. The meditator has no wish to move.
f. There may be a flushing sensation from feet to head or vice versa.
g. The body may feel cool as if taking a bath or touching ice.
h. The meditator may see blue or emerald green colors.
i. An itchy feeling as though lice are crawling on the face may occur.

3. Passadhi
The third defilement of vipassana is passadhi which means tranquility of 
mental factors and consciousness. It is characterized as follows:
a. There may be a quiet, peaceful state resembling the attainment of insight.
b. There will be no restlessness or mental rambling.
c. Mindful acknowledgement is easy.
d. The meditator feels comfortably cool and does not fidget.
e. The meditator feels satisfied with his powers of acknowledgement.
f. There may be a feeling similar to falling asleep.
g. There may be a feeling of lightness.
h. Concentration is good and there is no forgetfulness.
i. Thoughts are quite clear.
j. A cruel, harsh or merciless 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Jonathan Chadwick
Well it is not no. 6! (by the way that is a great website).

--- On Thu, 9/11/08, Vaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008, 7:56 AM

Which imperfections are TMers taught to cling to? Satsangers often indulge in 
the imperfections.

The Ten Imperfections of Insight (vipassanupakilesas ):
An inexperienced meditator may be confused by any of the following experiences, 
mistakenly believing that he or she has reached nibbana. Though not in 
themselves obstacles, the meditator may be tempted to cling to these 
experiences, believing them to be important, rather than continuing to note the 
arising and passing away of mental and physical phenomena in the present 
moment. At such time the guidance of a teacher is invaluable.

Obhasa (illumination)
Obhasa is the first defilement of insight.
The meditator may be aware of the following manifestations of light:
a. He may see a light similar to a firefly, a torch or a car headlamp.
b. The room may be lit up, enabling the meditator to see his or her own body.
c. He or she may be aware of light that seems to pass through the wall.
d. There may be a light enabling one to see various places before one's eyes.
e. There may be a bright light as though a door had opened. Some meditators 
lift up their hands as if to shut it; others open their eyes to see what caused 
the light.
f. A vision of brightly colored flowers surrounded by light may be seen.
g. Miles and miles of sea may be seen.
h. Rays of light seem to emit from the meditator's heart and body.
i. Hallucinations such as seeing an elephant may occur.

Piti (Joy or rapture)
Piti is the second defilement of insight. There are five kinds of piti.
1. Khuddaka piti (minor rapture)
This state is characterized by the following:
a. The meditator may be aware of a white color.
b. There may be a feeling of coolness or dizziness and the hairs of the body 
may stand on end.
c. The meditator may cry or feel terrified.

2. Khanika piti (momentary rapture)
Characteristics of this piti include:
a. Seeing flashes of light.
b. Seeing sparks.
c. Nervous twitching.
d. A feeling of stiffness all over the body.
e. A feeling as if ants were crawling on the body.
f. A feeling of heat all over the body.
g. Shivering.
h. Seeing red colors.
i. The hair on the body rising slightly.
j. Itchiness as if ants were crawling on one's face and body.

3. Okkantika piti (flood of joy)
In this piti:
a. The body may shake and tremble.
b. The face, hands and feet may twitch.
c. There may be violent shaking as if the bed is going to turn upside down.
d. Nausea and at times actual vomiting may occur.
e. There may be a rhythmic feeling like waves breaking on the shore.
f. Ripples of energy may seem to flow over the body.
g. The body may vibrate like a stick which is fixed in a flowing stream.
h. A light yellow color may be observed.
i. The body may bend to and fro.

4. Ubbenka piti (uplifting joy)
In this piti:
a. The body feels as if it is extending or moving upwards.
b. There may be a feeling as though lice are climbing on the face and body.
c. Diarrhea may occur.
d. The body may bend forwards or backwards.
e. One may feel that one's head has been moved backwards and forwards by 
f. There may be a chewing movement with the mouth either open or closed.
g. The body sways like a tree being blown by the wind.
h. The body bends forwards and may fall down.
i. There may be fidgeting movements of the body.
j. There may be jumping movements of the body.
k. Arms and legs may be raised or may twitch.
l. The body may bend forwards or may recline.
m. A silver gray color may be observed.

5. Pharana piti (pervading rapture)
In this piti:
a. A feeling of coldness spreads through the body.
b. Peace of mind sets in occasionally.
c. There may be itchy feelings all over the body.
d. There may be drowsy feelings and the meditator may not wish to open his or 
her eyes.
e. The meditator has no wish to move.
f. There may be a flushing sensation from feet to head or vice versa.
g. The body may feel cool as if taking a bath or touching ice.
h. The meditator may see blue or emerald green colors.
i. An itchy feeling as though lice are crawling on the face may occur.

3. Passadhi
The third defilement of vipassana is passadhi which means tranquility of 
mental factors and consciousness.  It is characterized as follows:
a. There may be a quiet, peaceful state resembling the attainment of insight.
b. There will be no restlessness or mental rambling.
c. Mindful acknowledgement is easy.
d. The meditator feels comfortably cool and does not fidget.
e. The meditator feels satisfied with his powers of acknowledgement.
f. There may be a feeling similar to falling asleep.
g. There may be a feeling of lightness.
h. Concentration is good and there is no forgetfulness.
i. Thoughts are quite clear.
j. A cruel, harsh or merciless 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 9:22 AM, Peter wrote:

I've had all of these. Does this mean I get a dome parking spot?

Sorry, just a star on your badge and seat in the mood-making  
section. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
Ardent Hillary supporters are out there but not here for obvious
reasons. Do you really think Rick would out Hillary supporters on this
site? If my privacy isn't secure, neither is yours. Since posting the
last few days I have been called stupid, an idiot, accused of
wallowing in negativity, and suspected of being a cross-dressing
man(very funny). That's right, a woman who has a strong opinions can't
possibly be a woman. Give me a break. My favorite was like watching a
trainwreck which is actually a complement, meaning my posts are
compelling enough to read even though it is uncomfortable to do so. 

As for myself I didn't come here expecting to popular for bursting
anyone's bubble. But since this is an echo chamber for Obama, a few
wee opposing voices does add some color to the place. Free speech,
right? Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down. Open wide.

--- In, frosty.mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:41 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
  'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
  I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
  woman could be this stupid.
  I am honor-bound to protect the anonymity of FFL members, and 
 unless I am
  adequately bribed, I will continue to do so.
 How many ardent Hillary supporters do you have email contact with?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Classic Borderline Personality Disorder,
compounded with sexual identity issues.
It (don't want to presume about gender
and be accused of misogyny) deserves an 
entire chapter in the DSM-IV.

--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ardent Hillary supporters are out there but not here for obvious
 reasons. Do you really think Rick would out Hillary supporters on 
 this site? If my privacy isn't secure, neither is yours. Since 
 posting the last few days I have been called stupid, an idiot, 
 accused of wallowing in negativity, and suspected of being a 
 cross-dressing man(very funny). That's right, a woman who has a 
 strong opinions can't possibly be a woman. Give me a break. My 
 favorite was like watching a trainwreck which is actually a 
 complement, meaning my posts are compelling enough to read even 
 though it is uncomfortable to do so. 
 As for myself I didn't come here expecting to popular for bursting
 anyone's bubble. But since this is an echo chamber for Obama, a few
 wee opposing voices does add some color to the place. Free speech,
 right? Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down. 
 Open wide.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unfit for High Office

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 10, 2008, at 8:24 PM, do.rflex wrote:
  And today McCain comes out with this rancid, race-baiting ad based on
  another lie. Willie Horton looks mild by comparison. (And remember,
  President George H.W. Bush never ran the Willie Horton ad himself. It
  was an outside group. He wasn't willing to degrade himself that far.)
  As TPM Reader JM said below, at least Horton actually was released on
  a furlough. This is ugly stuff. And this is an ugly person. There's
  clearly no level of sleaze this guy won't stoop to to win this  
 Here's the response from the Obama campaign, and I think
 it's a pretty good one:
 It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use  
 a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual  
 predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a  
 father of two young girls - a position that his friend Mitt Romney  
 also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't  
 define what honor was. Now we know why.
 No kidding.

GOP 'Family Values'  

As is plain as day, Sal, McCain/Palin can't run on their actual
records or the issues because they really have nothing credibly better
to offer than Obama/Biden does - and under scrutiny, their respective
records betray the lie that they're agents of change. 

Going negative is all they have left and they're making history in the
degree of bold mendacity and gutter personal assault and insinuation.

I read somewhere that the McCain top people don't even care that their
lies have been debunked because it doesn't matter as long as their
'message' gets out there and is repeated over and over.
Lovely. Sounds eerily like the selling the Iraq invasion by lying
repeatedly and often about a  non-existent imminent WMD threat to the
world, along with Saddam being in cahoots with Osama bin Laden on
9/11. Those fuckwits define evil.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
How many psychoanalysts does it take to change to light bulb?
Only one but it can take from seven to ten years.

--- In, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Classic Borderline Personality Disorder,
 compounded with sexual identity issues.
 It (don't want to presume about gender
 and be accused of misogyny) deserves an 
 entire chapter in the DSM-IV.
 --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  Ardent Hillary supporters are out there but not here for obvious
  reasons. Do you really think Rick would out Hillary supporters on 
  this site? If my privacy isn't secure, neither is yours. Since 
  posting the last few days I have been called stupid, an idiot, 
  accused of wallowing in negativity, and suspected of being a 
  cross-dressing man(very funny). That's right, a woman who has a 
  strong opinions can't possibly be a woman. Give me a break. My 
  favorite was like watching a trainwreck which is actually a 
  complement, meaning my posts are compelling enough to read even 
  though it is uncomfortable to do so. 
  As for myself I didn't come here expecting to popular for bursting
  anyone's bubble. But since this is an echo chamber for Obama, a few
  wee opposing voices does add some color to the place. Free speech,
  right? Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down. 
  Open wide.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra: Palin is the reverse of Barack Obama

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Janet Luise [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for posting that. I was so disappointed to see that Palin got
 so many more votes than my man Biden on some recent poll. I'm about to
 believe our New York Friend who thinks most Americans live in
 Dumbf8ckistan -- a place where you want everyone to think the same way
 you do  would rather have a President you could having a beer with
 rather than one who was a lot SMARTER than you might be.  The
 Republicans are saying so many lies  don't even care that they're
 lies because people are going to vote on personality or some emotional
 This article sort of cheered me up.  Maharishi  always insisted that a
 country gets what they deserve.  in 2000 we were so equally divided in
 the US.  Who's winning now?  DIdn't he say American would get what
 they deserved in 2008? I'm trying to remind myself that this is a
 LESSON WORLD to put us through whatever lessons we need to learn in
 order to get closer to God realization...

Apparently some of the lessons can be whoppers. However . . .

Having become a devotee of God one can never remain unhappy. This is
our experience. 
~~  Swami Brahmananda Saraswati, Guru Dev

Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain scanners trying to pinpoint our virtues within

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

What about those of us who don't *have* any virtues, Vaj?
We're just a bunch of walking neuroses and contradictions.
Does the scan just run on empty?


[FairfieldLife] Heather Mallick: Liberal Elitist Attacks Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
Just when one thought the personal attacks against Sarah Palin
couldn't get any worse, and this is the most vile one yet, from a
Canadian no less. If you can't get through the article, here's a summary: 
...Sarah Palin ... fit of pique ... the white trash vote ... sexual
inadequates ... she isn't even female really ... Alaska hillbilly ...
white trash ... trailer trash ... rural, loud, proudly unlettered
... toned-down version of the porn actress ... overtreated hair, puffy
lips ... pramface ... roughneck fuckin' redneck ... prodding his
daughter ... ratboy ... fizzing with rage and revenge ... vicious and
profoundly dishonest ... good fast listing... nervous wreck with
deeply strange hair ... the hick vote ... ordinary hillbilly ...
racism? ... racism ... rectal fissure ... tense no-hoper ladies ...
white female marginals ...

Chalk up another one for the liberal elite brand of politics that
never wins elections. When will they ever learn? Women vote and they
don't like sexist smears on a female candidate.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Brain scanners trying to pinpoint our virtues within

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:50 AM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

What about those of us who don't *have* any virtues, Vaj?
We're just a bunch of walking neuroses and contradictions.
Does the scan just run on empty?

In people who've had no neuroplastic changes or hyperperfusion from  
meditation in the brain areas associated with the various virtues,  
those areas of the brain would simply not light up during the scan  
in comparison to baseline controls.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How many psychoanalysts does it take to change to light bulb?
 Only one but it can take from seven to ten years.

How many snarky replies to the new BPD poster
does it take to get him/her/it to go over the
posting limit and have to sit out next week?

Only two or three.

 --- In, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Classic Borderline Personality Disorder,
  compounded with sexual identity issues.
  It (don't want to presume about gender
  and be accused of misogyny) deserves an 
  entire chapter in the DSM-IV.
  --- In, raunchydog raunchydog@
   Ardent Hillary supporters are out there but not here for obvious
   reasons. Do you really think Rick would out Hillary supporters on 
   this site? If my privacy isn't secure, neither is yours. Since 
   posting the last few days I have been called stupid, an idiot, 
   accused of wallowing in negativity, and suspected of being a 
   cross-dressing man(very funny). That's right, a woman who has a 
   strong opinions can't possibly be a woman. Give me a break. My 
   favorite was like watching a trainwreck which is actually a 
   complement, meaning my posts are compelling enough to read even 
   though it is uncomfortable to do so. 
   As for myself I didn't come here expecting to popular for bursting
   anyone's bubble. But since this is an echo chamber for Obama, a few
   wee opposing voices does add some color to the place. Free speech,
   right? Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down. 
   Open wide.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of frosty.mage
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:09 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman


--- In , Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[ ]
 On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:41 AM

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
 'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
 I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
 woman could be this stupid.
 I am honor-bound to protect the anonymity of FFL members, and 
unless I am
 adequately bribed, I will continue to do so.

How many ardent Hillary supporters do you have email contact with?

I have email contact with all sorts of people. As moderator, I don't have
privileged access to the identities of FFL members, but I know who many of
them are, through friendships, email contact outside FFL, etc. I also know
quite a few who lurk and never post - some of whom have never joined. But
regardless of whether I agree or disagree with these folks on political or
other matters, I respect and will protect their right to remain anonymous.

[FairfieldLife] Under Palin, Wasilla charged rape victims for exam

2008-09-11 Thread frosty . mage
 Two state leaders lashed out at the public record of Gov. Sarah 
Palin on Wednesday as witnesses in a new Alaska Mythbusters forum 
coordinated by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack 

Speaking to a teleconference audience of reporters around the nation, 
former Gov. Tony Knowles and current Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein -- 
both Democrats -- accused Palin of misleading the public in her new 
role as the vice presidential running mate of Arizona Sen. John 

While some of their complaints have already been aired, Knowles broke 
new ground while answering a reporter's question on whether Wasilla 
forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic tests when Palin 
was mayor.

True, Knowles said.

Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical 
exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill -- 
signed into law by Knowles -- that banned the practice statewide.

There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and 
that was Wasilla, Knowles said

A May 23, 2000, article in Wasilla's newspaper, The Frontiersman, 
noted that Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies 
regularly pay for such exams, which cost between $300 and $1,200 

(But) the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of 
sexual assault for the tests, the newspaper reported.

It also quoted Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon objecting to the 
law. Fannon was appointed to his position by Palin after her 
dismissal of the previous police chief. He said it would cost Wasilla 
$5,000 to $14,000 a year if the city had to foot the bill for rape 

In the past we've charged the cost of exams to the victims' 
insurance company when possible, Fannon told the newspaper. I just 
don't want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer.

An effort to reach Fannon by phone Wednesday was not successful.

Knowles and Weinstein also went after the Republican ticket on 
several statements now airing in campaign ads around the nation, 
including Palin's claim that she opposed federal money for 
the bridge to nowhere.

The governor has refused to acknowledge her explicit support for the 
$230 million Gravina Island Access Project in her effort to sound 
more like an anti-earmark reformer to a national audience, Weinstein 

And she still supports spending $400 million to $600 million on the 
other Bridge to Nowhere, the Knik Arm Crossing, which would provide 
residents in Palin's hometown of Wasilla faster access to Anchorage, 
Knowles added.

That project is moving right ahead, said Knowles, who served as 
governor of Alaska from 1994 to 2002. The money for that project was 
not diverted anywhere else. ... So (for her) to say she 
said, 'Thanks, but no thanks' I would say she said, 'Thanks!'

A phone call to Meg Stapleton, a spokeswoman for the Alaska office of 
the McCain-Palin campaign, was not returned Wednesday.

However, the Republican side lost little time in organizing a 
national truth squad of its own to battle what it considers smears 
of Palin by Democrats. A list of the names of more than 50 members of 
a Palin truth team, posted Monday on the Atlantic Monthly magazine 
Web site, included three Alaskans: Stapleton (a former Palin aide); 
Kristan Cole, a longtime friend; and Republican Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell.

As a former governor, Knowles said, he's reluctant to criticize an 
active governor. But he decided to make an exception with Palin.

In this situation it's not just a sitting governor, he said. Our 
current governor is a candidate for the vice presidency and a 
heartbeat away from the presidency.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

How many snarky replies to the new BPD poster
does it take to get him/her/it to go over the
posting limit and have to sit out next week?

Only two or three.

Over by two!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
Thanks Rick. Dr. TurquoiseB doesn't like Lucy? Now he wants me banned? I thought he would
appreciate a little laugh at himself.

--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of frosty.mage
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 8:09 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
 --- In , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
 [ ]
  On Behalf Of TurquoiseB
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:41 AM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
  'Fess up, Rick. raunchydog is really a male wish-
  I'd-been-born-a-woman crossdresser, right? No real
  woman could be this stupid.
  I am honor-bound to protect the anonymity of FFL members, and 
 unless I am
  adequately bribed, I will continue to do so.
 How many ardent Hillary supporters do you have email contact with?
 I have email contact with all sorts of people. As moderator, I don't
 privileged access to the identities of FFL members, but I know who
many of
 them are, through friendships, email contact outside FFL, etc. I
also know
 quite a few who lurk and never post - some of whom have never
joined. But
 regardless of whether I agree or disagree with these folks on
political or
 other matters, I respect and will protect their right to remain

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread raunchydog
Ooops. Sorry, I didn't know the rules. When do I get a reprieve? 

--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  How many snarky replies to the new BPD poster
  does it take to get him/her/it to go over the
  posting limit and have to sit out next week?
  Only two or three.
 Over by two!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Under Palin, Wasilla charged rape victims for exam

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
Forget the lying and the now we're
used to that. Just run the numbers:

--- In, frosty.mage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical 
 exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill -- 
 signed into law by Knowles -- that banned the practice statewide.
 There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, 
 and that was Wasilla, Knowles said
 A May 23, 2000, article in Wasilla's newspaper, The Frontiersman, 
 noted that Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies 
 regularly pay for such exams, which cost between $300 and $1,200 
 (But) the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of 
 sexual assault for the tests, the newspaper reported.
 It also quoted Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon objecting to 
 the law. Fannon was appointed to his position by Palin after her 
 dismissal of the previous police chief. He said it would cost 
 Wasilla $5,000 to $14,000 a year if the city had to foot the bill 
 for rape exams.

That's a minumum of 11.66 and a maximum of 16.66
rapes per year. Call it 15, just for easy figuring.

In a town of 9,000, assuming half are women, that
is one rape per year per every 300 men. So, again
for ease assuming no serial rapists, 1 in every
300 men in Wasilla are rapists.

And Sarah Palin wanted to protect them by charging
the victims of their rapes for their rape kit tests.

That's some brand of frontier feminist they grow 
up there in Alaska.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ooops. Sorry, I didn't know the rules. When do I get a reprieve? 

Whine about the unfair treatment of Hillary.

Whine about the unfair treatment of herself.

The only way Borderline Personality Disorder
victims can learn to control their outbursts
is to be sat in the corner for a time unable
to make any. 

I say follow the rules that she should have
read if she'd had any respect for anyone here,
and we'll see her again on September 20.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
The rules are emailed out to all new members, and discussed here often. What
do you say, group? Shall we give her a break 'cause she didn't know the
rule, or give her a week's hiatus?


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:39 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman


Ooops. Sorry, I didn't know the rules. When do I get a reprieve? 

--- In , Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  How many snarky replies to the new BPD poster
  does it take to get him/her/it to go over the
  posting limit and have to sit out next week?
  Only two or three.
 Over by two!


No virus found in this incoming message.
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[FairfieldLife] A tribute to Maharishi

2008-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Re: LHC?

2008-09-11 Thread John
--- In, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 I'm surprised that the start up of the LHC at CERN hasn't been
 mentioned on this forum. We should Google it and remind ourselves of
 things that can end up being really important. 
 For the first time in a generation physicists will have new data to
 compare against new theories. Depending on what they do or don't 
 there, there might be an awful lot of Unified Field charts heading 
 the trash can. If Unified Field charts have to be trashed where does
 that leave MUM and the TMO? Will they be able to raise millions to
 keep themselves in crowns, gowns and live satellite shows if there's
 no Higgs Boson?

It sounds like you're jumping the gun a little bit.  We should wait 
and find out what the scientists discover.  
 Belief in the ME is tenuous enough as it is. People have to change
 their mantras to I believe in the Maharishi Effect just to keep
 their belief alive. The economy has tanked, hurricanes are doing 
 normal thing, this year has been the record for tornadoes and pretty
 close to a record on floods. India has flooding so bad  the river 
 has changed course affecting millions. The War Party might win the
 presidency on the back of someone who has good hair, believes the
 world was created in seven days six thousand years ago and thinks 
 killing people is doing God's will. 
 To cap it all Stephen Hawking has a $100 bet with someone that there
 isn't a Higgs. The TMO has taken a greater than $100 million dollar
 bet on there being both a Higgs and supersymmetry. There might be a
 lot of embarrassing explaining to do.

Hawking doesn't appear to be confident with his bet.  He could bet 
the whole house if he's certain of his conjecture.

 Things could get interesting.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
I guess according to you I should have said:
So will this news make the brilliant genius mass population of America 
even more belligerent?

Some how that misses the mark, doggy-poo.

raunchydog wrote:
 dumb-dumbs Insulting the American voter from an elitist ivory tower
 doesn't win votes for Obama. 
 --- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
 People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US 
 ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.

 Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 
 people polled in 22 countries.

 More here:

 So will this news make dumb-dumbs even more belligerent?

 Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world opinion doesn't 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
 Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world opinion doesn't 
Wrong.  They may not be able to vote but they hold our debt.  And how we 
get along with them is very important.  American is the new Nazi Germany 
to many foreign countries our reputation is so bad.  We've let a few 
maniac NeoCons spoil things for us and the apathetic dumbed down 
populace let it happen.  BTW, how's your Russian, Chinese and Arabic.  
They'll probably be at your door soon enough to collect your share of 
the debt soon enough.  I'm sure you've got that cash on hand, right?

[FairfieldLife] Artist Jim Shrosbee on the TM-Sidhi Programme

2008-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Lawrence Sheaff on TM and Yogic Flying

2008-09-11 Thread nablusoss1008

Re: [FairfieldLife] One of McCain's houses repossessed - Doonesbury

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 I don't know how many of you follow Doonesbury,
 but Trudeau is having a field day with McCain
 this week. Start here, and click through the
 whole week:


 Why this is so funny is that it's EXACTLY
 the kind of bone-headed stunt that would
 occur to him, and that he'd think he could
 get away with.
As another sign of the times my San Francisco Chronicle bill arrived 
with a 260% increase.  Guess who dropped his subscription?  I get most 
of my news online anyway and mainly was getting the weekend edition 
mainly for the Sunday ads.  I should be paid for reading those.  Plus I 
can pick up tossed copies at the local Starbucks anyway.   That also 
gets rid of a lot of pesky plastic bags which aren't recyclable the 
community seems to give the newspapers a pass on while wanting to ban 
the recyclable plastic grocery bags.

So I'll have to read Doonesbury and Opus online from now on.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
 BTW, how's your Russian, Chinese and Arabic.  
 They'll probably be at your door soon enough to collect your share of 
 the debt soon enough.  I'm sure you've got that cash on hand, right?

The debt thing is one of our best protections from these countries. 
They need our markets as much as we need their cash.  They can't
afford to force us into a position to canceling our debt with them. 
So now we live as one big dysfunctional world family, pissing each
other off and talking smack, but always showing up for Thanksgiving

--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John wrote:
  Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world opinion
 Wrong.  They may not be able to vote but they hold our debt.  And
how we 
 get along with them is very important.  American is the new Nazi
 to many foreign countries our reputation is so bad.  We've let a few 
 maniac NeoCons spoil things for us and the apathetic dumbed down 
 populace let it happen.  BTW, how's your Russian, Chinese and Arabic.  
 They'll probably be at your door soon enough to collect your share of 
 the debt soon enough.  I'm sure you've got that cash on hand, right?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The rules are emailed out to all new members, and discussed here
often. What
 do you say, group? Shall we give her a break 'cause she didn't know the
 rule, or give her a week's hiatus?

I say a warning to a newbie is a nice welcome gesture.  Even old hands
here have had some adjustment troubles with the limits.  I am enjoying
disagreeing with the most of the posts and don't think a time-out is
the right vibe for a new person.

 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 10:39 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman
 Ooops. Sorry, I didn't know the rules. When do I get a reprieve? 
 --- In , Sal Sunshine salsunshine@
  On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:07 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
   How many snarky replies to the new BPD poster
   does it take to get him/her/it to go over the
   posting limit and have to sit out next week?
   Only two or three.
  Over by two!
 No virus found in this incoming message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 8.0.138 / Virus Database: 270.6.19/1664 - Release Date:
 6:00 AM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Little Houses ...

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
John wrote:
 This article is not realistic.  If a person has a family, the natural 
 progression in life is to have a bigger home to shelter the family 
 and children.  Thus, family life is a big responsibility.

 If the author wants a simple life, he should remain a bachelor and 
 can live as simply as he mentioned in the article.

Just what we need, more people on earth.  I'm for limiting the tax 
deduction for children to two as one incentive to keep families small 
and start on a program for humane reduction of the spread of a deadly 
virus called humanity on the planet.  Bigger houses as well as bigger 
vehicles became popular over the last few as that was a way to separate 
the populace and their money.  Maya was spun by the marketers to make 
this possible.  And of course our Mensa candidate mass population like 
to spit out children like rabbits.

I'm with new on this one.   I bought a four bedroom house 8 years ago.  
Didn't really need 4 bedrooms as I am a bachelor but work out of the 
house.  It was just that anything smaller at the time that was in good 
shape and decently priced was snatched up almost before it went on the 
market.  This house went back on the market after the buyers backed out 
(west face door I guess as they were Indian).  Two hours later it was 
mine.  Why didn't others snap it up?  It is a 60's style 4 bedroom, IOW 
small.  It's like a large apartment with a galley for a kitchen.  And 
that didn't suit buyers at the time  or at least the ones that saw it in 
the first couple hours.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Artist Jim Shrosbee on the TM-Sidhi Programme

2008-09-11 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In, nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Petra Stanley on TM and Art

[FairfieldLife] Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex

A pollster whose mathematical model has correctly predicted every
winner of the White House popular vote since 1988 is banking on a
decisive victory for Democrat Barack Obama in November.

Emory University political scientist Alan Abramowitz said Wednesday
that according to his time for change model, Obama would secure 54.3
percent of the popular vote against 45.7 percent for Republican John

That margin would virtually guarantee a crushing victory for the
Democrat in the state-by-state electoral college that actually selects
the next president, Abramowitz said... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 10:39 AM, raunchydog wrote:

Ooops. Sorry, I didn't know the rules. When do I get a reprieve?

Didn't you get an email about it when you first joined?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 11:09 AM, Rick Archer wrote:

The rules are emailed out to all new members, and discussed here  
often. What do you say, group? Shall we give her a break ‘cause she  
didn’t know the rule, or give her a week’s hiatus?

Rick, don't pull that one, please.  She got a copy of the
rules just like everyone else.  Are we all adults here
or not?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Artist Jim Shrosbee on the TM-Sidhi Programme

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Alex Stanley

 --- In, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
 Petra Stanley on TM and Art

Cool. Neat video.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 11:50 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

I say a warning to a newbie is a nice welcome gesture.  Even old hands
here have had some adjustment troubles with the limits.  I am enjoying
disagreeing with the most of the posts and don't think a time-out is
the right vibe for a new person.

For this new person it's exactly the right vibe, Curtis.  IMO.
Her vibe has been almost bloodthirsty.  (Dancing on
someone's grave because they knocked your heroine
off her pedestal?)  Good riddance.


[FairfieldLife] Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
Some think she should be banned. Some think leniency would be a nice gesture
'cause she's new. (These opinions include emails sent to me outside FFL.) I
try to be fair but not rigid with this. I didn't ban Shemp last week because
he made an innocent tallying mistake. Here's what I'll do this time. I won't
ban her, but if she goes over again she'll be out for two weeks. And she
can't post again this week 'cause she's already over the limit.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In, Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On Sep 11, 2008, at 11:50 AM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
  I say a warning to a newbie is a nice welcome gesture. Even 
  old hands here have had some adjustment troubles with the 
  limits.  I am enjoying disagreeing with the most of the 
  posts and don't think a time-out is the right vibe for 
  a new person.
 For this new person it's exactly the right vibe, Curtis.  IMO.
 Her vibe has been almost bloodthirsty.  (Dancing on
 someone's grave because they knocked your heroine
 off her pedestal?)  Good riddance.

I didn't even want to get involved, but since
she has all these fantasies about playing hard-
ball and giving us low-lives what she thinks we
deserve, I thought I'd show her what hardball was
really all about -- playing by the rules.

The fantasy here is all too familiar. This person
actually believes that we're taking her seriously,
and that her words *wound* those who dare to dis-
agree with her. In other words, she's a nutcase.

I think a little time on the bench might make her
realize that she rolled in here with an enormous
and laughter-inspiring chip on her shoulder. If
she wants to stay and teach us all our comeupance,
that is what she'll do come September 20th. If
she can lighten up a little, maybe she'll even-
tually be able to have a conversation with some-
one as if the other person is on her level. We'll

What pissed me off enough to get involved is her
and her sister in PUMAhood claiming to be concerned
about the Democratic Party while ACTING LIKE
REPUBLICANS. Their strategy is the same as McCain's
and Rove's -- every time someone here brings up one
of the actual issues, they try to pull the discussion
off into a diversion about misogyny. 

It makes me sick when the Repubs do it, and it makes
me sicker when human beings who've never done much
with their lives but still manage to look down upon
almost everyone they interact with do it.

It's time for a little Get real! action here IMO.
A few wannabee pundits are acting as if they're
somehow important enough to be paid attention to.
Let's put that in perspective, shall we?

The guy I posted the news URL about the other day 
got all over the American mainstream News media the 
other day for eating 26,000 Big Macs. My bet is that 
he got more face time in the press than any of these 
three BPD wannabees ever have or will ever have in 
their entire lifetimes, and yet they act as if we 

Not gonna happen. 

[FairfieldLife] If you are attracted to Scientific approach - join the OSHO_Science

2008-09-11 Thread Bodhi Sarango

The list is dedicated to Creative Science community, to all intelligent,
mature and rebellious explorers of truth. This is a invitation to share your
creativity, projects, experience, quotes, your sense of humor , all that
supports and practically integrates OSHO Vision developing foundations for A
New Earth.

Man is entering into a new phase; a new consciousness is to dawn. For at
least ten thousand years, as far as consciousness is concerned, nothing new
has happened. There have been Buddhas and there have been Albert Einsteins,
but we are still waiting for a Buddha who is also an Albert Einstein or an
Albert Einstein who is also a Buddha. The day is coming closer and closer.
Albert Einstein in his last days was very much interested in meditation and

Superconscious mind can be created by meditation very easily. And if at
least 200 people around the earth have created the superconscious mind, the
nineteenth missing system will be available. Only that much quantity of
superconscious mind will be enough to receive energies from other 50,000
planets with life

World Academy of Sciences for Creativity... This will be perhaps the
greatest synthesis ever... You can be a scientist and a meditator. In fact,
the more you go deeper into meditation, the more clarity, the more
intelligence, the more genius you will find flowering in you which can
create a totally new science.
I'm talking about is not a reaction against anything, but an overflowing
energy, intelligence, creativity...It is going to happen. Nobody can prevent

The real science has always been done without mind. All that is great in
science has come not through intellect but through intuition. All the great
discoveries, all the great breakthroughs, have come from the beyond - from
Archimedes to Albert Einstein.

The New Man will be a mystic, a poet, a scientist, all togetherThat is
my concept of a wholy man


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 12:46 PM, TurquoiseB wrote:

What pissed me off enough to get involved is her
and her sister in PUMAhood claiming to be concerned
about the Democratic Party while ACTING LIKE
REPUBLICANS. Their strategy is the same as McCain's
and Rove's -- every time someone here brings up one
of the actual issues, they try to pull the discussion
off into a diversion about misogyny.

A common tactic these days, when that's all that's left.
What got me was the almost threat-like tone of one
of her posts, which of course Judy agreed with whole-
heartedly.  I think she should be gone for a week, too,
but Rick has the final say.

Bet you anything  who the private email was from...


[FairfieldLife] Re: Vote for Keith Olberman

2008-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
Rick Archer wrote:
 The rules are emailed out to all new members, 
 and discussed here often. What do you say, 
 group? Shall we give her a break 'cause she 
 didn't know the rule, or give her a week's 
Well, I vote to kick Sal and Turq off the
forum for being trollish - that's my vote.

According to to the rules, respondents here
aren't supposed to be posting personal attacks
of a sexual nature. Sal and Turq are obviously
out-of-line on this one.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread John
--- In, guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 An important point
  It's not often on this forum that a seemingly
  rhetorical question is so definitively answered. :-)
  Anyone who believes that what the world thinks
  of America doesn't count has lost touch with
  reality. America owes its rape-the-planet-so-
  that-we-can-drive-big-cars lifestyle to the
  willingness of the rest of the world to be 
  raped. The former victims are starting to 
  carry Mace and fight back. And what they think
  doesn't count?
 The rest of the world has been waiting for the US to recover from 
 it hoped was a temporary bout of insanity. But it looks like it 
 be getting worse. The rest of the world is waking up to the reality
 that that the US is going to go through one of those phases of
 insanity that countries go through, where the world is topsy turvy, 
 is down, down is sideways, the rapture is about to start, dinosaurs
 roamed the earth 5,000 years ago and you can add an insulating 
 of C02 to the world without it warming up, beat up dissidents, lock
 people away without trial. It's rather like realizing that your
 protective parent needs psychiatric help and that now you're on your
 own and have to look after your own interests. No help from Daddy.

I agree with you about the USA's apparent insanity particularly in 
starting the war in Iraq.  However, it is not known when the rapture 
will be.  Non-Christians do not know what this term means.

Most Hindus believe that we are in Kali Yuga which will continue for 
another 430,000 years or so.  The end of Brahma's day is nowhere in 
sight.  So, cheer up.

 What will happen is that countries will increasingly be making
 agreements with each other without involving the US. The idea will 
 Why spend 10 years arguing over some treaty with the US acting as
 spoiler, when we can all agree right now, leave the US out of it, 
 just get on with things?. Leave them alone to live in their own
 reality preparing for the rapture. 

It will be difficult to exclude the US economy from trade.  Americans 
are the ones who buy the products from other countries.  So, it is to 
the other countries to continue their trade with the USA to make more 

 There are lots of areas where exasperation is near breaking point 
 people have basically been waiting for sanity to return and hoping 
 have a sensible person at the helm they can reach agreements with. 
 that's not going to happen then countries will just leave the US out
 of the loop. It'll be hard because the US economy is so big. But the
 rest of the world is investing in new capital assets, growing their
 economies, developing deep markets. The US is blowing money (3 Trill
 and counting) on war, just as much on dealing with the financial
 fallout from the war, e.g. nationalizing US mortgages, or if you 
 away all the fancy words, nationalizing US land ownership. It's not
 spending that money on wise investments. So over the decades China,
 India, Russia, Eastern Europe will have a greater balance of wealth.
 Those countries are creating wealth, the US is burning it.

This is very true.  Americans should realize that the trillion dollar 
debt is not good for the American style of living.  If unchecked, the 
USA would be bankrupt or unable to pay its debt.  Or, the USA could 
cause a global depression due to its own inability to control its own 
economy and finances.

 It's not a gradual process, there will be lots of crises along the
 way. When will Kuwait and the UAE break the dollar link? What 
 when they do? Can the world find an alternative currency to replace
 the dollar? (no NOT the Raam!) It really needs to because buying
 dollars is not a good investment. Can the world reach an agreement 
 curb global warming? Everyone else knows we have to, US leaders 
 there's no need because the rapture is coming. People will just 
 the US out.

We would hope that the American industry is more innovative than the 
other world economy.  So, the technological advantage should outweigh 
the inherent weaknesses mentioned above.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
Alex Stanley wrote:
 --- In, FFL PostCount
 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 06 00:00:00 2008
 End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 13 00:00:00 2008
 637 messages as of (UTC) Thu Sep 11 00:01:04 2008

 50 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 48 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 44 raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 41 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 37 TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 It's been brought to my attention that FFL PostCount seems off, so I
 checked in on the gmail account that receives the list traffic, and
 there were 7 FFL posts in the spam folder. One of them, a post from
 Barry, is from the current week's count, so I released it to the Inbox
 and deleted the other six. I then created a filter so that anything
 with To: FairfieldLife AT is never marked as spam.
 That should take care of it. 

 Of course, that's no guarantee that the posted post count is going to
 match the Yahoo search engine's post count. However, in this case, the
 Authoritative Almighty Jeebus is FFL PostCount and not the Yahoo
 search engine, which half the time gives me shit like Search server
 is busy (code=300). Please try again later. If you continue to
 experience trouble, please contact our Customer Care team. We
 apologize for this inconvenience. Gawd, Yahoo and Microsoft would
 have made such a perfect merger... like two peas in a pod.
Actually there already was a line of code to filter spam.  It seemed to 
work okay.  You appear to have added a line so that the FFL Postcount 
message doesn't get counted and maybe that allowed some spam to get 
through.  This stuff can be tricky.

A lot of this also depends apparently on your mail service.  I 
received at least two duplicate emails from Raunchy and Judy as well.  
And my mail service *is* Yahoo (for sbcglobal).  And remember I pointed 
out that when you do a search on Yahoo I often found it omitted some 
posts with the search that were clearly displayed in the regular message 
list.  So the Yahoo search isn't perfect either.   I should probably 
bring it to their attention and maybe when they pick themselves up off 
the floor from laughing about a Yahoo group that has posting limits 
they'll look into it. ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread cardemaister
--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A pollster whose mathematical model has correctly predicted every
 winner of the White House popular vote since 1988 is banking on a
 decisive victory for Democrat Barack Obama in November.

I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
and the rest of the world...  :'(

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread John
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John wrote:
  Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world opinion 
 Wrong.  They may not be able to vote but they hold our debt.  And how 
 get along with them is very important.  American is the new Nazi 
 to many foreign countries our reputation is so bad.  We've let a few 
 maniac NeoCons spoil things for us and the apathetic dumbed down 
 populace let it happen.  BTW, how's your Russian, Chinese and 
 They'll probably be at your door soon enough to collect your share of 
 the debt soon enough.  I'm sure you've got that cash on hand, right?

No, they won't do that.  It's to their advantage to trade with the 
USA.  We have a very strong potential to spend money.  They would 
gladly sell products to us.  They can get rich.

The Americans, on the hand, need to be more prudent in handling their 
money.  That is, the treasury debt should be reduced, and the annual 
fiscal budget should be balanced, without any deficit spending.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
guyfawkes wrote:
 The rest of the world has been waiting for 
 the US to recover from what it hoped was a 
 temporary bout of insanity. 

As far as I'm concerned, Europe can defend 
itself from now on, if it can, which I doubt. 

Let's see them raise an army to fight off the 
Russians. It's about time we brought all our 
troops home from Germany. 

Let's see how long the Europeans can last being 
dependent on Russian oil and gas. From what I've 
read, the Russians will be owning Europe in 
just a few years, if the Iranians don't blow 
the EU off the map before then. 

Does France even have an army anymore? 

The U.S. could make an alliance with India to 
wipe out the terrorists in Pakistan - who needs 
a bunch of feckless soldiers from the Netherlands 
or Spain to fight a war? I'd vote to for the U.S. 
to pull out of NATO and let the EU fend for itself. 

We saved their butts two times already - maybe 
it's about time for the Europeans to defend 
themselves and raise an army of their own.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Little Houses ...

2008-09-11 Thread John
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 John wrote:
  This article is not realistic.  If a person has a family, the 
  progression in life is to have a bigger home to shelter the 
  and children.  Thus, family life is a big responsibility.
  If the author wants a simple life, he should remain a bachelor 
  can live as simply as he mentioned in the article.

 Just what we need, more people on earth.  I'm for limiting the tax 
 deduction for children to two as one incentive to keep families 
 and start on a program for humane reduction of the spread of a 
 virus called humanity on the planet.  Bigger houses as well as 
 vehicles became popular over the last few as that was a way to 
 the populace and their money.  Maya was spun by the marketers to 
 this possible.  And of course our Mensa candidate mass population 
 to spit out children like rabbits.

One cannot legislate how many children a family or a person can 
have.  Hitler and his minions tried this by exterminating the Jews 
during WWII.

 I'm with new on this one.   I bought a four bedroom house 8 years 
 Didn't really need 4 bedrooms as I am a bachelor but work out of 
 house.  It was just that anything smaller at the time that was in 
 shape and decently priced was snatched up almost before it went on 
 market.  This house went back on the market after the buyers backed 
 (west face door I guess as they were Indian).  Two hours later it 
 mine.  Why didn't others snap it up?  It is a 60's style 4 bedroom, 
 small.  It's like a large apartment with a galley for a kitchen.  
 that didn't suit buyers at the time  or at least the ones that saw 
it in 
 the first couple hours.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of cardemaister
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:32 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama


--- In , do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 A pollster whose mathematical model has correctly predicted every
 winner of the White House popular vote since 1988 is banking on a
 decisive victory for Democrat Barack Obama in November.

I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
and the rest of the world... :'(


[FairfieldLife] Deepak Chopra on Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread amarnath
Subject: Deepak Chopra on Sarah  Palin :

This defines our mission so clearlytoremember who we are,
and stay balanced even in the midst of thisarchetypical struggle

Obama and ThePalin Effect
  From: Deepak Chopra | Posted: Friday, September 5th,2008

  Sometimes politics has the uncanny effect ofmirroring the
national psyche even when nobody intended to do that. Thisis
perfectly illustrated by the rousing effect that Gov. Sarah Palin had
on the Republican convention in Minneapolis this week. On the surface,
sheoutdoes former Vice President Dan Quayle as an unlikely
choice, given hernegligent parochial expertise in the complex
affairs of governing. Herstate of Alaska has less than 700,000
residents, which reduces the job ofgovernor to the scale of
running one-tenth of New York City. Bycomparison, Rudy Giuliani
is a towering international figure. Palin'spluck has been
admired, and her forthrightness, but her real appeal goesdeeper.

  She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essencehis shadow,
deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst   
impulses. In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche
that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision
with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence,
selfishness, and suspicion of the other. For millions of Americans,
Obama triggers those feelings, but they don't want to express them. He
iscalling for us to reach for our higher selves, and frankly,
that stirs uphidden reactions of an unsavory kind. (Just to be
perfectly clear, I amnot making a verbal play out of the fact
that Sen. Obama is black. Theshadow is a metaphor widely in use
before his arrival on thescene.)

  I recognize that psychological analysis ofpolitics is usually
not welcome by the public, but I believe such aperspective can
be helpful here to understand Palin's message. In heracceptance
speech Gov. Palin sent a rousing call to those who want to   
celebrate their resistance to change and a highervision.

  Look at what she standsfor:

  --Small town values -- a denial of America'sglobal role, a
return to petty, small-mindedparochialism.

  --Ignorance of world affairs -- arepudiation of the need to
repair America's imageabroad.

  --Family values -- a code for walling outanybody who makes a
claim for social justice. Such strangers, beingoutside the
family, don't need to be heeded.

  --Rigidstands on guns and abortion -- a scornful repudiation
that these issuescan be negotiated with those who disagree.

  --Patriotism-- the usual fallback in a failed war.

  --Reform -- anitalicized term, since in addition to cleaning
out corruption andexcessive spending, one also throws out anyone
who doesn't fit yourideology.

  Palin reinforces the overall message of thereactionary right,
which has been in play since 1980, that social justiceis
liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from
us pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too
much effort and globalism is a foreign threat. The radical right marches
under the banners of I'm all right, Jack, and Why change?
Everything'sOK as it is. The irony, of course, is that Gov.
Palin is a woman and areactionary at the same time. She can add
mom to apple pie on her resume,while blithely reversing forty
years of feminist progress. The irony issuperficial; there are
millions of women who stand on the side ofconservatism, however
obviously they are voting against their own good.The Republicans
have won multiple national elections by raising shadowissues
based on fear, rejection, hostility to change, and   
  Obama's call for higher ideals inpolitics can't be seen in a
vacuum. The shadow is real; it was bound torespond. Not just
conservatives possess a shadow -- we all do. So whatcomes next
is a contest between the two forces of progress and inertia.Will
the shadow win again, or has its furtive appeal become exhausted? No
one can predict. The best thing about Gov. Palin is that she brought
thisconflict to light, which makes the upcoming debate honest.
It would be ashame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling
persona was a stalking horsefor the reactionary forces that have
brought us to the demoralized statewe are in. We deserve to see
what we are getting, withoutdisguise.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread bettyblue109
No matter who is elected, that person will inherit problems of a very 
large magnitude, an enourmous looming debt, a stalling economy, 2 
wars, forgein relation problems, etc etcThe real question to ask 
is What sane person would want that job of president of USA?

--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of cardemaister
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees 
decisive Obama
 --- In , do.rflex do.rflex@ 
  A pollster whose mathematical model has correctly predicted every
  winner of the White House popular vote since 1988 is banking on a
  decisive victory for Democrat Barack Obama in November.
 I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
 to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
 and the rest of the world... :'(

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Some think she should be banned. Some think leniency would be a nice
 'cause she's new. (These opinions include emails sent to me outside
 try to be fair but not rigid with this. I didn't ban Shemp last week
 he made an innocent tallying mistake. Here's what I'll do this time.
I won't
 ban her, but if she goes over again she'll be out for two weeks. And she
 can't post again this week 'cause she's already over the limit.

Solomon. Well done, Rick.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
Rick Archer wrote:
 Some think she should be banned. Some think 
 leniency would be a nice gesture 'cause she's 
 new. (These opinions include emails sent to me 
 outside FFL.) I try to be fair but not rigid 
 with this. I didn't ban Shemp last week because
 he made an innocent tallying mistake. Here's 
 what I'll do this time. I won't ban her, but 
 if she goes over again she'll be out for two 
 weeks. And she can't post again this week 'cause 
 she's already over the limit.

Posting limits are pure 'TMO', in my opinion - 
typical of what Turq calls 'TBs' - they'll do 
almost anything to limit the free flow of 
information. Like the TMO, Yahoo! FFL is the 
laughing stock of the internet. Compared to FFL
Usenet rocks! I still can't understand why all
these trolls stalked me over here.

[FairfieldLife] Nanosolar's Breakthrough - Solar Now Cheaper than Coal | c elsias°

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of cardemaister
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:32 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive
 --- In , do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  A pollster whose mathematical model has correctly predicted every
  winner of the White House popular vote since 1988 is banking on a
  decisive victory for Democrat Barack Obama in November.
 I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
 to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
 and the rest of the world... :'(

Indeed. Why?

McCain/Palin appears to fit the above tragedy description very well.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of do.rflex
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:53 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama


 I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
 to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
 and the rest of the world... :'(

Indeed. Why?

McCain/Palin appears to fit the above tragedy description very well.

Maybe he's implying assassination. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2008-09-11 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In, Bhairitu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually there already was a line of code to filter spam. It
 seemed to work okay.  

I'm talking about the Gmail website's spam filter diverting FFL posts
from Gmail's INBOX into Gmail's Spam folder. I'm pretty sure that when
the script accesses the Gmail account via POP, it only sees the mail
in the INBOX. I think if your script is doing any spam filtering of
its own, it's limited to the mail it finds in the Gmail INBOX.

 You appear to have added a line so that the FFL Postcount 
 message doesn't get counted and maybe that allowed some spam
 to get through.  This stuff can be tricky.

Considering that I don't know the first thing about computer scripting
languages, it is highly unlikely that I added a line to your script.
In reality, all I did was edit your script per your directions.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Behalf Of do.rflex
 Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:53 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive
  I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
  to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
  and the rest of the world... :'(
 Indeed. Why?
 McCain/Palin appears to fit the above tragedy description very well.
 Maybe he's implying assassination.

God forbid, that *would* be tragic.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread curtisdeltablues
 FFL is the laughing stock of the internet.

Yeah, we are the center of the whole world Richard, and they hang on
our every post.  I guess you are continuing your dead guru's tendency
for grandiose self-absorption, huh?  I mean BIG SELF! (also known as
the fat-assed self.)

--- In, Richard J. Williams

 Rick Archer wrote:
  Some think she should be banned. Some think 
  leniency would be a nice gesture 'cause she's 
  new. (These opinions include emails sent to me 
  outside FFL.) I try to be fair but not rigid 
  with this. I didn't ban Shemp last week because
  he made an innocent tallying mistake. Here's 
  what I'll do this time. I won't ban her, but 
  if she goes over again she'll be out for two 
  weeks. And she can't post again this week 'cause 
  she's already over the limit.
 Posting limits are pure 'TMO', in my opinion - 
 typical of what Turq calls 'TBs' - they'll do 
 almost anything to limit the free flow of 
 information. Like the TMO, Yahoo! FFL is the 
 laughing stock of the internet. Compared to FFL
 Usenet rocks! I still can't understand why all
 these trolls stalked me over here.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Nanosolar's Breakthrough - So lar Now Cheaper than Coal | celsias°

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 2:52 PM, Rick Archer wrote: 

I've been following Nanosolar with great interest for the last couple  
of years.

The only disturbing thing is the comment at the very bottom:

But, despite such advances, congress is trying to remove tax  
incentives for renewable energy

Does this represent the will of the American people? I strongly doubt  
it! Instead it represents the corpocracy we've become: USA, Inc.

[FairfieldLife] Palin, by her own definition

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex

[FairfieldLife] Building for 8,000 Vedic Pandits

2008-09-11 Thread michael
Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahma-Sthan (geographical centre) of 
India - Building for 8,000 Vedic Pandits
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News    Translate This Article
10 September 2008

Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India for the Global Country of World Peace, 
recently reported on the initiative to have a large group of Yogic Flying Vedic 
Pandits at the Brahma-Sthan—geographical centre—of the nation, creating 
permanent peace for the world, a project inspired by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, 
Founder of the Global Country of World Peace. 

Speaking on the Maharishi Global Family Chat he said that the immediate goal is 
to build for 8,000 Vedic Pandits and on that platform to have larger and larger 
groups there. Ultimately there will be 16,000 Vedic Pandits at the Brahma-Sthan 
and '320,000 Vedic Pandits all around India', he said. 'We're going to be 
building the 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagars*' as well, he said. 

Maharishi explained, Raja Kaplan said, that the transformation of Kali Yuga to 
Sat-Yuga** takes place on the basis of these groups. Groups of Yogic Flyers, he 
said, are the great hope of our time—and the fulfilment of that is destined to 

Right now, at the Global Capital of World Peace in the Brahma-Sthan of India, 
buildings have been constructed for at least 1,600 Vedic Pandits to live in 
dignified comfort, Raja Kaplan reported. The campus, as it has been completed 
thus far, includes a beautiful large lecture hall, a dairy, 132 large Mandaps 
for Vedic performances, and 35 compounds. Each compound consists of 6 buildings 
featuring a central Mandap. Currently over 5,000 Vedic Pandits can comfortably 
do their Vedic performances at the Brahma-Sthan. 

Dr Eike Hartmann, Minister of Global Reconstruction for the Global Country of 
World Peace, has designed large numbers of these marble-clad Mandaps, each for 
five Pandits, so that small groups can assemble and yet be close enough to hear 
each other. The design of the campus includes plans for construction of 686 new 
Mandaps, each for five Pandits, creating space for an additional 3,430 Vedic 
Pandits. Together with those Mandaps already built, approximately 8,500 Vedic 
Pandits will be able to conduct proper Yagyas there. 

The first priority in the next phase of building, Raja Kaplan said, is housing 
for the Vedic Pandits. The housing designs also include places for Yogic Flying 
and Vedic performances. 

*Maharishi has perfected his administrative organization in all the countries 
of the world by establishing an administrative structure centered around the 12 
sacred Jyotir Linga in India--each of the 12 Linga associated with four key 
cities of India, with a special administrative locale in the city known as the 
Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar in honour of Maharishi's Master—Shri Guru Dev, His 
Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, 
Himalayas. Each of these 48 cities maintains a relationship with four countries 
of the world, totalling 192 countries. 

**Kali Yuga: An era of life on Earth characterized by ignorance of the full 
potential of human consciousness. Sat Yuga: An era characterized by knowledge 
of the full potential of human consciousness. A time of all good for everyone, 
'Heaven on Earth'. 

Global Good News will feature the continuation of Raja Kaplan's talk in the 
coming days. 

© Copyright 2008 Global Good News® 

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[FairfieldLife] Thinking can make you fat!

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
I guess this settles it that America is a nation of brilliant people.

Thinking can make you fat, study shows

Too much thinking could make you fat, according to a study. Researchers 
found the stress of onerous mental tasks caused subjects to overeat.  
The results may help suggest how modern lifestyles have contributed to 
an obesity epidemic.

More here:


[FairfieldLife] What Makes People Vote Republican?

2008-09-11 Thread Bhairitu
Article on the subject which includes author's experience in India:

[FairfieldLife] Aryuvedic

2008-09-11 Thread Joe Smith

[FairfieldLife] Re: LHC?

2008-09-11 Thread bob_brigante
--- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, guyfawkes91 guyfawkes91@ 
  I'm surprised that the start up of the LHC at CERN hasn't been
  mentioned on this forum. We should Google it and remind ourselves 
  things that can end up being really important. 
  For the first time in a generation physicists will have new data 
  compare against new theories. Depending on what they do or don't 
  there, there might be an awful lot of Unified Field charts 
  the trash can. If Unified Field charts have to be trashed where 
  that leave MUM and the TMO? Will they be able to raise millions to
  keep themselves in crowns, gowns and live satellite shows if 
  no Higgs Boson?

 It sounds like you're jumping the gun a little bit.  We should wait 
 and find out what the scientists discover.  


It's ridiculous to think that by smashing stuff together, you can 
know anything worth knowing. In any event, the LHC is only 1/3 as 
powerful as the cancelled superconducting supercollider, so big 
science guys will soon start pissing and moaning about building even 
bigger toys when the LHC doesn't do anything but expand physics' 
field of ignorance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Unfit for High Office

2008-09-11 Thread bob_brigante
Lipstick on a wing nut

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 9:27 AM, Jonathan Chadwick wrote:

Well it is not no. 6! (by the way that is a great website).

Well, you might want to reconsider that.

Think of all the people who went on a 6 month course. Then another.  
Tapas, tapas, tapas: burnout.

That course in Spain (?) where the entire course went nutso.

Or the fact that MMY encouraged the women in the dome (2007) to fly  
for as long as possible, one woman flying for 5 hours. Inspired by  
that suggestion now the women's domes are open ALL NIGHT.

These are all recipes for burnout.

I also would question whether TM or the TMSP actually helps  
concentration, the ability to focus in a totally relaxed manner for  
long periods of time on a particular thing. Compare that to the  
shamatha practitioners in the Shamatha Project who could meditate for  
up to 12 hours, many hours of that undistracted by thoughts! And then  
they came out rejuvenated and ready for more...

6. Paggaha
The next defilement of vipassana is paggaha which means exertion or  
strenuousness and is defined as follows:

a. Sometimes the meditator may practice too strenuously.
b. He may intend to practice rigorously, even unto death.
c. The meditator overexerts himself so that attentiveness and clear  
comprehension are weak, causing distraction and lack of concentration

[FairfieldLife] Nine Inch Nails tour

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj
I've been hearing a lot of good things about the current Nine Inch  
Nails tour, esp. their incredible effects:

(...) went to see Nine Inch Nails on their “Lights in the Sky” tour  
last night at the Oracle Arena in Oakland [CA]. It was a phenomenal  
show. R has been to a lot more concerts over the last twenty or so  
years than I have but this one topped any that either of us have seen  
for presentation. As science fiction author, Peter Watts, reported a  
month ago, the light show that they did with the show was amazing. The  
engineer in me wanted to know what it was made out of but they had a  
screen behind the band and one that lowered in front of the band (and  
was moved away at times) that seemed to be a fully addressable light  
emitting array of some sort. When it wasn’t on, it was translucent,  
which allowed them to do all sorts of combination effects if the band  
was between the screens, in front of one only, or in front of both. It  
is pretty hard to describe but the combination effects for creating,  
at one point, landscapes around the band and, another, shimmering  
curtains of static with holes where band members were (all moving in  
real time) was really overwhelming.
You can see some bad handheld footage of this from the Seattle date of  
the tour on Youtube. The quality is low but it gives you an idea of  
the effects. One example of the screen in front is pretty clear about  
35 seconds into it but it is worth watching the whole thing as the  
creator cuts between various effects (turn the scratchy sound down a  
bit though…). Youtube seems to have a higher quality version of the  
video available if you go to the page for it and select the link.

Update: I found this comment on a review of another show in this tour  
“NIN’s stage technology and advanced graphical display was  
spectacular. The band employed two mesh LED screens on stage coupled  
with a normal video screen in the rear. This innovative display  
allowed the band to appear in front of graphics or immersed within  
them. I was very close to the stage, and I was continually attempting  
to figure out how the special effects were performed. It must have  
taken quite a bit of computer programming and enormous amounts of cash  
to design the show’s visuals.

So, it appears that they were LED-based, as I suspected.
Wow. I may go see their NH or Quebec show. The combined focus of a  
live show is always (with even normal shows), a big draw for me as you  
participate in the collective consciousness of an audience all sharing  
the same focus. A kind of microcosm of the world-at-large. It's a  
great way to share in something bigger-than-ourselves.
It'd be great to see some vintage effect bands do tours with this  
new technology. Peter Gabriel era Genesis or Pink Floyd?

Bernstein and the Philharmonic?
My gawd.
I saw Paul McCartney used similar LED-based screens in his last tour  
and friends who saw that tour just raved.
The projection-screen type effect-show has really just finally come of  

Check out the Seattle show mentioned above on YouTube:

[FairfieldLife] U.S. declines Israel's Iran-strike weapons request

2008-09-11 Thread bob_brigante

[FairfieldLife] Garrison Keillor interesting story. From his hometown~ Minn St Paul..

2008-09-11 Thread Rick Archer
Mr. McCain has decided to run as a former POW and a maverick, a maverick's
maverick, rather than Mr. Bush's best friend, and that's understandable, but
how can he not address the $3 trillion that got burned up in Iraq so far?
It's real money, it could've paid for a lot of windmills, a high-speed rail
line in Ohio, some serious RD. The Chinese, who have avoided foreign wars
for 50 years, are taking enormous leaps forward, investing in their economy,
and we are falling behind. We're wasting our chances.
The Republican culture of corruption in Washington hasn't helped.
And a former mayor of a town of 7,000 who hired a lobbyist to get $26
million in federal earmarks is now running against the old-boy network in
Washington who gave her that money to build the teen rec center and other
good things so she could keep taxes low in Wasilla. Stunning. And if you
question her qualifications to be the leader of the free world, you are an
elitist. This is a beautiful maneuver. I wish I had thought of it back in
school when I was forced to subject myself to a final exam in higher
algebra. I could have told Miss Mortenson, I am a Christian and when you
gave me a D, you only showed your contempt for the Lord and for the godly
hardworking people from whom I have sprung, you elitist battle ax you.
In school, you couldn't get away with that garbage because the taxpayers
know that if we don't uphold scholastic standards, we will wind up driving
on badly designed bridges and go in for a tonsillectomy and come out missing
our left lung, so we flunk the losers lest they gain power and hurt us, but
in politics we bring forth phonies and love them to death.
I must say, it was fun having the Republicans in St. Paul and to see it all
up close and firsthand. Security was, as one might expect, thin-lipped and
gimlet-eyed, but once you got through it, you found the folks you went to
high school with -- farm kids, jocks, the townies who ran the student
council, the cheerleaders, some of the bullies -- and they are as cohesive
now as they were back then, dedicated to school spirit, intolerant of
outsiders, able to jump up and down and holler for something they don't
actually believe. But oh Lord, what they brought forth this year. When you
check the actuarial tables on a 72-year-old guy who's had three bouts with
cancer, you guess you may be looking at the first woman president, a
hustling Evangelical with ethics issues and a chip on her shoulder who, not
counting Canada, has set foot outside the country once -- a trip to Germany,
Iraq and Kuwait in 2007 to visit Alaskans in the armed service. And who
listed a refueling stop in Ireland as a fourth country visited. She's like
the Current Occupant but with big hair.
If you want inexperience, there were better choices.
(Garrison Keillor's A Prairie Home Companion can be heard Saturday nights
on public radio stations across the country.)
C 2008 by Garrison Keillor. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune
Media Services, Inc.

[FairfieldLife] Re: World Poll Favors Obama 4 to 1

2008-09-11 Thread stealthprofile1
It seems like both candidates are all into spending lots of money we
don't have...

--- In, John [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitu noozguru@ wrote:
  John wrote:
   Only US citizens can vote for president.  So, the world opinion 
  Wrong.  They may not be able to vote but they hold our debt.  And how 
  get along with them is very important.  American is the new Nazi 
  to many foreign countries our reputation is so bad.  We've let a few 
  maniac NeoCons spoil things for us and the apathetic dumbed down 
  populace let it happen.  BTW, how's your Russian, Chinese and 
  They'll probably be at your door soon enough to collect your share of 
  the debt soon enough.  I'm sure you've got that cash on hand, right?
 No, they won't do that.  It's to their advantage to trade with the 
 USA.  We have a very strong potential to spend money.  They would 
 gladly sell products to us.  They can get rich.
 The Americans, on the hand, need to be more prudent in handling their 
 money.  That is, the treasury debt should be reduced, and the annual 
 fiscal budget should be balanced, without any deficit spending.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread stealthprofile1
Uh oh, you sure showed him.

--- In, curtisdeltablues

  FFL is the laughing stock of the internet.
 Yeah, we are the center of the whole world Richard, and they hang on
 our every post.  I guess you are continuing your dead guru's tendency
 for grandiose self-absorption, huh?  I mean BIG SELF! (also known as
 the fat-assed self.)
 --- In, Richard J. Williams
 willytex@ wrote:
  Rick Archer wrote:
   Some think she should be banned. Some think 
   leniency would be a nice gesture 'cause she's 
   new. (These opinions include emails sent to me 
   outside FFL.) I try to be fair but not rigid 
   with this. I didn't ban Shemp last week because
   he made an innocent tallying mistake. Here's 
   what I'll do this time. I won't ban her, but 
   if she goes over again she'll be out for two 
   weeks. And she can't post again this week 'cause 
   she's already over the limit.
  Posting limits are pure 'TMO', in my opinion - 
  typical of what Turq calls 'TBs' - they'll do 
  almost anything to limit the free flow of 
  information. Like the TMO, Yahoo! FFL is the 
  laughing stock of the internet. Compared to FFL
  Usenet rocks! I still can't understand why all
  these trolls stalked me over here.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Deepak Chopra on Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread ddeadlus
Yeah, that sounds about right.

--- In, amarnath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Subject: Deepak Chopra on Sarah  Palin :
 This defines our mission so clearlytoremember who we are,
 and stay balanced even in the midst of thisarchetypical struggle
 Obama and ThePalin Effect
   From: Deepak Chopra | Posted: Friday, September 5th,2008
   Sometimes politics has the uncanny effect ofmirroring the
 national psyche even when nobody intended to do that. Thisis
 perfectly illustrated by the rousing effect that Gov. Sarah Palin had
 on the Republican convention in Minneapolis this week. On the surface,
 sheoutdoes former Vice President Dan Quayle as an unlikely
 choice, given hernegligent parochial expertise in the complex
 affairs of governing. Herstate of Alaska has less than 700,000
 residents, which reduces the job ofgovernor to the scale of
 running one-tenth of New York City. Bycomparison, Rudy Giuliani
 is a towering international figure. Palin'spluck has been
 admired, and her forthrightness, but her real appeal goesdeeper.
   She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essencehis shadow,
 deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst   
 impulses. In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche
 that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision
 with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence,
 selfishness, and suspicion of the other. For millions of Americans,
 Obama triggers those feelings, but they don't want to express them. He
 iscalling for us to reach for our higher selves, and frankly,
 that stirs uphidden reactions of an unsavory kind. (Just to be
 perfectly clear, I amnot making a verbal play out of the fact
 that Sen. Obama is black. Theshadow is a metaphor widely in use
 before his arrival on thescene.)
   I recognize that psychological analysis ofpolitics is usually
 not welcome by the public, but I believe such aperspective can
 be helpful here to understand Palin's message. In heracceptance
 speech Gov. Palin sent a rousing call to those who want to   
 celebrate their resistance to change and a highervision.
   Look at what she standsfor:
   --Small town values -- a denial of America'sglobal role, a
 return to petty, small-mindedparochialism.
   --Ignorance of world affairs -- arepudiation of the need to
 repair America's imageabroad.
   --Family values -- a code for walling outanybody who makes a
 claim for social justice. Such strangers, beingoutside the
 family, don't need to be heeded.
   --Rigidstands on guns and abortion -- a scornful repudiation
 that these issuescan be negotiated with those who disagree.
   --Patriotism-- the usual fallback in a failed war.
   --Reform -- anitalicized term, since in addition to cleaning
 out corruption andexcessive spending, one also throws out anyone
 who doesn't fit yourideology.
   Palin reinforces the overall message of thereactionary right,
 which has been in play since 1980, that social justiceis
 liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from
 us pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too
 much effort and globalism is a foreign threat. The radical right marches
 under the banners of I'm all right, Jack, and Why change?
 Everything'sOK as it is. The irony, of course, is that Gov.
 Palin is a woman and areactionary at the same time. She can add
 mom to apple pie on her resume,while blithely reversing forty
 years of feminist progress. The irony issuperficial; there are
 millions of women who stand on the side ofconservatism, however
 obviously they are voting against their own good.The Republicans
 have won multiple national elections by raising shadowissues
 based on fear, rejection, hostility to change, and   
   Obama's call for higher ideals inpolitics can't be seen in a
 vacuum. The shadow is real; it was bound torespond. Not just
 conservatives possess a shadow -- we all do. So whatcomes next
 is a contest between the two forces of progress and inertia.Will
 the shadow win again, or has its furtive appeal become exhausted? No
 one can predict. The best thing about Gov. Palin is that she brought
 thisconflict to light, which makes the upcoming debate honest.
 It would be ashame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling
 persona was a stalking horsefor the reactionary forces that have
 brought us to the demoralized statewe are in. We deserve to see
 what we are getting, withoutdisguise.

[FairfieldLife] Roger Ebert 'Reviews' Sarah Palin

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex

Roger Ebert on Sarah Palin: The American Idol candidate,091008ebertpalin.article

[FairfieldLife] Spiritual Enlightenment

2008-09-11 Thread ddeadlus
Well, I was feeling pretty good and Enlightened and such, and then the
individual vanished. Poof. Total wholeness,  nothingness, or silence.
Deep rich nothingness silence wholeness. This is it...Cannot be
unfulfilled anymore...

This experience (for lack of a better word) is every description of
Brahman I've ever heard of, from Maharishi or otherwise. The
personality is certainly having some upheaval getting used to it, but
in an incredibly awesome way.  It's hard to describe, which I suppose
is the point - if it were purely describable, then it wouldn't be
completely whole...

Still I've heard that this group is wonderful for talking about it,
and poking people. I would love to have either...answering questions
about it, or hearing challenges, or whatever.

If you poke something long enough, the underlying truth falls out.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive Obama win

2008-09-11 Thread ddeadlus
Yeah. that would suck. I hope he wins and no one kills him. We ARE
stupid enough to do that though. But maybe making him a martyr would
have positive effects to. Who knows?

--- In, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  On Behalf Of do.rflex
  Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 1:53 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Number-crunching pollster sees decisive
   I'm sorry to say this, but Obama's victory might turn out
   to become a tragedy of immense proportions, both for the US of A,
   and the rest of the world... :'(
  Indeed. Why?
  McCain/Palin appears to fit the above tragedy description very well.
  Maybe he's implying assassination.
 God forbid, that *would* be tragic.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Sep 11, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Vaj wrote:

Tapas, tapas, tapas: burnout.

Sounds like a new recipe!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Cultivating Imperfections in TM/TMSP

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 7:02 PM, Sal Sunshine wrote:

On Sep 11, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Vaj wrote:

Tapas, tapas, tapas: burnout.

Sounds like a new recipe!

Someone's been to too many tapas bars. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Spiritual Enlightenment

2008-09-11 Thread Vaj

On Sep 11, 2008, at 6:48 PM, ddeadlus wrote:

 Well, I was feeling pretty good and Enlightened and such, and then the
 individual vanished. Poof. Total wholeness,  nothingness, or silence.
 Deep rich nothingness silence wholeness. This is it...Cannot be
 unfulfilled anymore...

 This experience (for lack of a better word) is every description of
 Brahman I've ever heard of, from Maharishi or otherwise. The
 personality is certainly having some upheaval getting used to it, but
 in an incredibly awesome way.  It's hard to describe, which I suppose
 is the point - if it were purely describable, then it wouldn't be
 completely whole...

 Still I've heard that this group is wonderful for talking about it,
 and poking people. I would love to have either...answering questions
 about it, or hearing challenges, or whatever.

 If you poke something long enough, the underlying truth falls out.

When you get pointing out instructions [of the nondual] from a legit  
master, they'll typically 'clue you in' to the new 'space' you're just  
beginning to grok--so I'd offer up those 4 sutras of pith advice:

It's too close, you can’t recognize it.

It's too profound, you can’t appreciate it.

It's too simple, you can’t believe it.

It's too good, you can’t accept it.

What's it and what's you?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Spiritual Enlightenment

2008-09-11 Thread do.rflex
--- In, ddeadlus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, I was feeling pretty good and Enlightened and such, and then the
 individual vanished. Poof. Total wholeness,  nothingness, or silence.
 Deep rich nothingness silence wholeness. This is it...Cannot be
 unfulfilled anymore...
 This experience (for lack of a better word) is every description of
 Brahman I've ever heard of, from Maharishi or otherwise. The
 personality is certainly having some upheaval getting used to it, but
 in an incredibly awesome way.  It's hard to describe, which I suppose
 is the point - if it were purely describable, then it wouldn't be
 completely whole...
 Still I've heard that this group is wonderful for talking about it,
 and poking people. I would love to have either...answering questions
 about it, or hearing challenges, or whatever.
 If you poke something long enough, the underlying truth falls out.

Looks like Jim Flanegan is back for another poking.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Raunchy Dog Hiatus?

2008-09-11 Thread Richard J. Williams
 FFL is the laughing stock of the internet.
Curtis wrote:
 I guess you are continuing your dead guru's 
 tendency for grandiose self-absorption, huh?

You ARE the 'TMO', Curtis. All I want to know
is what happened to all the money. Marshy was
your guru for what, twenty-five years? 

Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2008-09-11 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Sep 06 00:00:00 2008
End Date (UTC): Sat Sep 13 00:00:00 2008
767 messages as of (UTC) Thu Sep 11 23:31:19 2008

54 raunchydog [EMAIL PROTECTED]
50 authfriend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
49 shempmcgurk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
45 Richard J. Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
37 Sal Sunshine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
34 Rick Archer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
34 do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED]
29 sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED]
29 curtisdeltablues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
28 nablusoss1008 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
27 cardemaister [EMAIL PROTECTED]
25 bob_brigante [EMAIL PROTECTED]
22 mainstream20016 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
13 new.morning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
10 off_world_beings [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 boo_lives [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 9 Alex Stanley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 8 Jonathan Chadwick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 6 jyouells2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 6 frosty.mage [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 lurkernomore20002000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 geezerfreak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 5 Louis McKenzie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 yifuxero [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 guyfawkes91 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 4 tizza.izza [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 uns_tressor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 my3paths [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 gullible fool [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 ddeadlus [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 3 amarnath [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 stealthprofile1 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 sgrayatlarge [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 martyboi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 m2smart4u2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Richard Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 2 Janet Luise [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 transactual [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 pranamoocher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 michael [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 george_deforest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 gandalfaragorn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 bettyblue109 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 aztjbailey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 at_man_and_brahman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Imaze Technology [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Bodhi Sarango [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Barbara Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 1 Samadhi Is Much Closer Than You Think -- Really! -- It's A No-Brainer. 
Who'd've Thunk It? [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Posters: 65
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