[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditation vs. Vedantic Contemplation

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 Dear Swami, 
 As an aspirant, I have a few questions. If you're really a good Swami you 
 won't get bent out of shape if I don't agree with you or ask challenging 
 questions. You might even learn something new, since the best teachers always 
 learn more then their students. Right? 
 If you had a chance to teach millions of people meditation or a handful of 
 monks contemplation, would you prefer teaching many or a few?
 If you prefer teaching only a few monks contemplation, what is the relative 
 benefit to creating a peaceful world compared to teaching millions meditation?
 Do only monks practice contemplation because controlling the mind is a 
 difficult task that most people would bail on?
 Do you think contemplation is superior to meditation? Why?
 If one practices meditation and experiences samadhi, after some time of 
 witnessing the duality of self and non-self, there is a natural and 
 spontaneous desire to unify self and non-self. Love naturally draws the 
 meditator toward unity, effortlessly. Seems to me Thou are That would be 
 the result in either meditation (easy for many) or contemplation (difficult 
 for many). What say you?

Swami Rama died about 28 years after 
Thomas Merton.

You don't get out much do you Raunchy?

[FairfieldLife] What is kaivalya? Part 1 (draft version)

2009-04-03 Thread cardemaister
(This essay prolly contains lots of errors. I won't bother
checking out every minute detail.)

Levels of speech according to Sanskrit grammarians(?):

- vaikharii

- madhyamaa

- pasyantii

- paraa

The long vowel at the end of each word perhaps shows that the
implied head-word of those adjectives(?) is a feminine gender
noun, perhaps 'vaak' (speech), whose lemma (dictionary form)
is 'vaac' (pronunciation: vaach):

vAc f. speech, voice, sound, word, language, discourse; also speech 
personif. or the goddess of speech, Sarasvati1.

During mantrameditation, mantra prolly starts from the madhyamaa
(inner speech??) level, and hopefully dives all the way to
the paraa or transcendental level, and stays there for a shorter
or longer while.

The finest level of speech (paraa) prolly corresponds to
the alin.ga (a-ling-gah: not-lin.ga_ish) stage of the guNas:

suukSma-viSayatvaM caalin.ga-paryavasaanam (YS I 45)

Taimni's translation:

The province of /samaadhi/ concerned with subtle objects extends
up to the /alinga/ stage of the /guNas/.

aliGga  n. absence of marks Comm. on Nya1yad. , (mfn.) having no marks Nir. 
Mun2d2Up. c. ; (in Gr.) having no gender. 

(In Harvard-Kyoto transliteration scheme, 'G' represents
the velar nasal, English 'ng', as in 'thing')

[FairfieldLife] Re: A short message to Vaj naysayers

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

 Duveyoung wrote:
  Get a fucking grip all you Vaj-naysayers out there...
 Maybe you should get a grip!
 Vaj, like Barry, you're real good at swinging your 
 dick. But when it comes time for consummation, it 
 becomes as limp as an overcooked piece of cannned 
 Read more:
 From: Judy Stein
 Subject: Re: Inside the Jyotirmath
 Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
 Date: Fri, September 16 2005

So its all about dick for you and Judy?

Whats with that?

[FairfieldLife] Paul McCartney on the David Lynch Foundation

2009-04-03 Thread bob_brigante
Paul McCartney on the David Lynch Foundation

What is it about the goal of David Lynch's foundation that inspired you
to participate in this concert?
Paul: I like the idea of bringing an ancient practice into the modern
world. Who would have thought that by introducing meditation into the
education system you could lower people's aggression levels and get
a more peaceful society.

You traveled to India to study with Maharishi in 1968. What was the
single most important idea or experience or lesson you gained while you
were there?
Paul: Getting a mantra from Maharishi and then learning how to use it.
The rest is up to your self. So actually, being given a mantra and being
taught what to do with it was the most important aspect of the
trip—the rest was great fun.

What are your recollections of Maharishi? How would you describe him?
Paul: He was a very spiritual and intelligent man, but what made him so
endearing to me was his infectious sense of humor.

Why do you think it is valuable for young people to meditate? What do
you think they gain from the experience?
Paul: I think meditation offers a moment in your day to be at peace with
yourself and therefore the universe, which once was thought of as a
slightly silly hippie idea, but now it's much more accepted and even
fits with some of the most advanced scientific thinking.

Any particular message you would like to share with your fans?
Paul: Thanks for continuing to bother to listen to me! I wish you peace,
love, and laughter.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
Tell me your question is satirical John.


Ya know, like Doug in FF.

If not, I've got some rare Upanishads I'm
looking to sell. For you, because I like ya, 
I'll give you a good pricecuz you're
spiritual and all

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 Where did you learn to write Latin?  Were you a priest?
   So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
   commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
   excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
   irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
   Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
   duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
   consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
   cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
   dolor sit amet.
   Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
   id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
   sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
   Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
   Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
   in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
   irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
   adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
   anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
   quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
   reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
   magna aliqua.
   Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
   ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
   Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
   adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
   in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
   officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Carlos to Barack: legalize marry who anah!

2009-04-03 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: The TM Is Not A Religion Religion

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 1, 2009, at 8:28 PM, satvadude108 wrote:
  In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@  
  On Mar 25, 2009, at 11:42 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  They'll say ANYTHING rather than admit what
  MOST of them know to be the truth, that OF
  COURSE all of the TM dogma is based on Hindu
  dogma. They'll lie, they'll deny, they'll come
  with up excuses, they'll obfuscate, they'll
  attempt to distract, they'll do ANYTHING
  rather than violate this First Commandment.
  My personal fave, (paraphrased):
  We don't have to tell the kids what the
  underpinnings are, if people like John
  Knapp would just keep their mouths shut.
  Now there's a raving endorsement for the
  integrity of the teaching.
  And personally I'm getting a little tired of it.
  Not me, I still find it endlessly entertaining.
  Kinda tells you where the person who frequently says
  I *never* lie.
  sets the bar on her personal honesty.
  You might want to ask Sal about her personal
  honesty. Her paraphrase above, for example,
  is a knowing lie.
  I disagree. Sal did not knowingly lie.
 Aren't Judy's personal powers of mind-reading
 just mind-blowing?
 Frankly I think my little synopsis of her diatribes against
 TMO criticism is pretty accurate.

Your post was Zen like in it its accurate concise 
summation. You drew one arrow and put it right
thru the bulleye.

She knew what she was exposed doing and responded
the in only way she knows. Her teat was in a wringer so 
she lashed out and attacked. I'm surprised she didn't
twist it into your making a death threat.  ;-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Regime Change in America

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, margovon margovon@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers
President Obama has promised to change the way the government 
does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page 
from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with 
supporters whose soft -- though far from planted -- questions 
provided openings to discuss his preferred message of the day.
   No comparison to BushCo's un-American fascist tactics with their 
   'free speech zones'.
  Bush played hardball and got softball questions. Obama's 
  campaign workers played ball and gave Obama softball 
  questions. It's still softball and not the game as 
  advertised. ...we didn't screen anybody.
 Actually, I have it on good authority that
 there WAS screening going on.
 For health reasons, all PUMA members wanting
 to attend the Town Hall meeting were tested
 for rabies, and if they tested positive they
 were not allowed in the hall without being
 fitted for a muzzle.
 But I think it is important to remember that
 this was to protect the other Town Hall 
 attendees from the spread of the disease 
 should the PUMA folks start frothing at the 
 mouth and attempting to bite people, and was 
 NOT an exercise in the limitation of free 
 speech, as was practiced during the Bush era.
 It was the same with the requirement that
 radical feminists wear bright red T-shirts 
 with the letter 'F' printed on them during 
 the meeting. This was also a health measure, 
 designed to warn other attendees not to get 
 into discussions with them, because the 
 resulting shrieks and screaming on the part
 of the feminists has been proven to cause 
 tintinitis and sometimes total deafness. 
 Some of the radical feminists complained later
 that the T-shirts were a form of discrimination,
 and that the 'F' really stood for 'FUCKED,' 
 but most observers in the News media wrote 
 that off as hopeful projection, because the
 women saying it clearly hadn't been fucked
 in decades.
 Just trying to be helpful by providing some
 of the back story behind the headlines...

You seriously crack me up. 

Thank you for the laugh.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A surprise followup to Dr. Hagelin's previous announcement

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 From: Dr. John Hagelin development@
 Dear Meditators, Sidhas and Governors,
 By now you have probably heard that the 6,000 tickets
 for the upcoming April 4th Benefit Concert sold out
 within minutes of going on public sale! This has caused
 some confusion and backlash because as it turns out the
 Radio City Music Hall facility only holds 600 people.
 As a result, there is no room for most of the 6,000
 people who bought tickets, only for 600. As the Laws
 Of Nature would have it, that happens to be the *exact*
 number of people still remaining in the TM movement,
 so everything is fine. We plan on keeping the money
 so kindly contributed to the David Lynch Foundation
 by the other 5,400 ticket purchasers, but we will
 compensate them by giving a substantial 10% discount
 on Raja Raam's new book The Vedic Physiology
 Of Rock 'N Roll when and if it comes out.
 This seeming episode of bad planning was thus
 nothing of the sort. It was an example of how the
 Laws Of Nature intervene when something is not
 quite right. And it has a benefit that now all of the
 Rajas attending don't have to leave their crowns and
 robes at home to hide who they are. They can appear
 at the concert in all their cosmically resplendent
 finery, certain that no members of the News media
 will be there to photograph them.
 As reported earlier, the initial press coverage of
 the concert has already more than doubled the number
 of people calling our centers and wanting to learn
 the TM® technique. Those four new meditators will
 be given complimentary passes to the concert, as
 long as they stand outside in the lobby and don't
 try to mingle with the chosen.
 Also as reported earlier, in anticipation of this
 new wave of interest in the TM technique, we have
 upgraded the www. TM. org servers to support the
 expected increased volume. They can now handle up
 to ten people visiting the site worldwide a day.
 As you may know, we base our course fees primarily
 on the cost of service we provide. The more service
 we provide, the more it costs. Therefore the reduced
 course fees mentioned in the previous press release
 are only temporary, and we will make up for it by
 nickle-and-diming all these new meditators to death
 in future years. We are even considering charging for
 breathing, because as the Maharishi Effect continues
 to enliven the air, it will become more healthful *to*
 Please share this Gigormously Global Good News
 with your family, friends and associates. You will be
 doing them a Gigormously Global Great Service for
 which they will be forever Gigormously Grateful.
 Jai Guru Dev
 John Hagelin
 National Director
 ®Transcendental Meditation and TM are registered trademarks
 licensed to Maharishi Vedic Education Development Corporation,
 a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.

Now *that* was funny!

I think If FFL was a pay site I would subscribe
just to read you and Curtis. I don't know where
it bubbles up from, but Jon Stewart has nothin'
of youse guys.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote: 
  Oh, and I apologize to morons.
 And you know, we in the moron community do appreciate this, since we have 
 been so maligned throughout history.  We have turned down Richard's 
 application many times due to his not meeting our criteria for admission.  
 Technically he did achieve  the imbecile level of some of our entrance tests, 
 but upon farther review we felt that the designation idiot is probably closer 
 to the mental level being expressed here, although it is possible that the 
 tourettes interference is causing a slightly lower score. 
 On behalf of the moron community, thank you for your sensitivity to these 
 critical distinctions.  The Jim question has been forwarded to the gender 
 issues center for a more precise classification of what is going on there. 

I always have sensitivity in these matters. Payed
my dues man. Worked my way from simpleton, nitwit, 
and airhead to a schlemiel, dunderheaded

I'm hoping with the nice references I've gotten
from the old bat in Jersey that I can get my
Village Idiot status officially confirmed. 

Gender issues like Flanegin ain't my thang.
Homey don't swing that way.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willytex@ 
  but if the prayers they said were in Latin 
  it wouldn't have been religious. Right? 
 How would you know if it was in Latin? 

   dude wrote:
uva uvam videndo varia fit

Willy, you musta learnt that in your altar boy 
days. chuckle
   Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?
  Pretty obvious isn't it?
  Are you some kinda moron Willy? I got called out here 
  for insulting bats so I won't mention being your being
  bat-shit insane.
  Oh, and I apologize to morons.
   Of course I know Latin, and Sanskrit, and Tibetan, 
   and Urdu - I know almost all the common aryan and 
   prakrit languages, and some Far-Eastern languages
   as well, (I can tell the difference between Chinese
   and Japanese) and many esoteric phonemes and quasi 
   phonemes. Didn't you know that I've been studying 
   with Mullquist for nearly nine years?
   So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
   commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
   excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
   irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
   Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
   duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
   consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
   cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
   dolor sit amet.
   Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
   id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
   sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
   Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
   Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
   in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
   irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
   adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
   anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
   quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
   reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
   magna aliqua.
   Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
   ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
   Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
   adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
   in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
   officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread satvadude108

Quit whining and form a Guild dude.

Village Idiots get respect.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 Here we go again.
 Those fucking morons think they're so special.
 Always lording it over us idiots and imbeciles. 
 Elitist bastards!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote: 
   Oh, and I apologize to morons.
  And you know, we in the moron community do appreciate this, since we have 
  been so maligned throughout history.  We have turned down Richard's 
  application many times due to his not meeting our criteria for admission.  
  Technically he did achieve  the imbecile level of some of our entrance 
  tests, but upon farther review we felt that the designation idiot is 
  probably closer to the mental level being expressed here, although it is 
  possible that the tourettes interference is causing a slightly lower score. 
  On behalf of the moron community, thank you for your sensitivity to these 
  critical distinctions.  The Jim question has been forwarded to the gender 
  issues center for a more precise classification of what is going on there. 

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willytex@ 
   but if the prayers they said were in Latin 
   it wouldn't have been religious. Right? 
  How would you know if it was in Latin? 
dude wrote:
 uva uvam videndo varia fit
 Willy, you musta learnt that in your altar boy 
 days. chuckle

Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?
   Pretty obvious isn't it?
   Are you some kinda moron Willy? I got called out here 
   for insulting bats so I won't mention being your being
   bat-shit insane.
   Oh, and I apologize to morons.

Of course I know Latin, and Sanskrit, and Tibetan, 
and Urdu - I know almost all the common aryan and 
prakrit languages, and some Far-Eastern languages
as well, (I can tell the difference between Chinese
and Japanese) and many esoteric phonemes and quasi 
phonemes. Didn't you know that I've been studying 
with Mullquist for nearly nine years?

So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
dolor sit amet.

Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
magna aliqua.

Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Eureka Machine works out Laws of Nature!

2009-04-03 Thread Hugo

Scientists have created a Eureka machine that can work out the laws of nature 
by observing the world around it – a development that could dramatically speed 
up the discovery of new scientific truths.

The machine took only hours to come up with the basic laws of motion, a task 
that occupied Sir Isaac Newton for years after he was inspired by an apple 
falling from a tree.

Scientists at Cornell University in New York have already pointed the machine 
at baffling problems in biology and plan to use it to tackle questions in 
cosmology and social behaviour.

The work marks a turning point in the way science is done. Eureka moments, 
which supposedly began in Archimedes' bath more than 2,000 years ago, might 
soon be happening not in the minds of geniuses, but through the warm hum of 
electronic circuitry.

We've reached a point in science where there's a lot of data to deal with. 
It's not Newton looking at an apple, or Galileo looking at heavenly bodies any 
more, it's more complex than that, said Hod Lipson, the computer engineer who 
led the project. 

This takes the grunt out of science by sifting through data and looking for 
the laws that govern how something behaves.

Details of the machine are described in the US journal Science. The study 
appears alongside a report from scientists at the universities of Aberystwyth 
and Cambridge describing the first discovery of new scientific knowledge by a 
laboratory robot.

The robot, called Adam, devised and performed experiments to investigate the 
genetics of bakers' yeast. When scientists did their own experiments, they came 
to the same conclusions. Ross's team is already working on a second robot 
called Eve.

Together, the papers raise the question of how the role of scientists will 
change over the coming decades. For now, scientists believe the new technology 
will work alongside them rather than relegate them to technicians who tap in 
data and perform maintenance tasks, but leave the real thinking to the machines.

The Cornell machine uses a computer program that can search through huge 
amounts of data and look for underlying patterns. For example, a falling apple 
will abide by Newton's second law, which is often stated as F=ma, where F is 
the force acting on an object, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration. When 
fed information on the mass of the apple and its velocity as it falls, the 
machine would be able to work out the equation.

Lipson tested the machine by giving it information from basic lab experiments, 
such as swinging pendulums and tiny cars that moved up and down tracks on a 
cushion of air. After crunching through the data, the machine pinged and 
displayed several laws of motion and conservation of momentum.

The system runs its own checks to decide whether the laws it has found are 
likely to be interesting. In the pendulum test, for example, the tip of the 
pendulum is always the same distance from the pivot, but this does not shed any 
light on the underlying physics.

After proving that the machine worked, Lipson's team set it to work on the 
complex problem of metabolism in biological cells. The computer produced some 
equations, which the scientists are still trying to make sense of.

It's like going to an oracle and asking what's going on. You are given an 
equation, but you need to work out what it means before you can understand 
what's really going on, said Lipson.

The team say they also plan to look at problems in cosmology and even social 
behaviour, which could reveal the underlying laws at play when people form 
social networks on the internet.

The real test now is whether it can discover new laws of nature and I believe 
it will. There's no way forward in a lot of sciences without tools like this, 
Lipson said.



[FairfieldLife] Wassup Surya?

2009-04-03 Thread Richard M
Our star is behaving strangely...

The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just 
when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower.

2008 was a bear. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year's 
366 days (73%). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all 
the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days: Prompted by these 
numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom 
in 2008.

Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 
31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days (87%).

It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: We're experiencing a very 
deep solar minimum, says solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard 
Space Flight Center.

This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century, agrees 
sunspot expert David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center.

* A 50-year low in solar wind pressure
* A 12-year low in solar irradiance
* A 55-year low in solar radio emissions


[FairfieldLife] Re: Wassup Surya?

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung
Spotty Theories:

1. The spots are leaving the Sun like the dolphins are leaving Earth to join 
their space brothers.

2. The spots are storms, so the obvious answer is that the Maharishi Effect 
DOES affect the universe -- not just Fairfield.  The Sun is quietening down and 
taking it's spots just like any other spot comes.  It is easy?   This is taking 
the spots as they come.  It's a simple natural process.  When a spot comes we 
do not try to keep the spot from changing, we take it as it comes.

3. The ME is sorta like acne cream, and so,our Sun is passing the teenage stage 
at last.

4. God is reading aloud a line from Lady Macbeth?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard M compost...@... wrote:

 Our star is behaving strangely...
 The sunspot cycle is behaving a little like the stock market. Just 
 when you think it has hit bottom, it goes even lower.
 2008 was a bear. There were no sunspots observed on 266 of the year's 
 366 days (73%). To find a year with more blank suns, you have to go all 
 the way back to 1913, which had 311 spotless days: Prompted by these 
 numbers, some observers suggested that the solar cycle had hit bottom 
 in 2008.
 Maybe not. Sunspot counts for 2009 have dropped even lower. As of March 
 31st, there were no sunspots on 78 of the year's 90 days (87%).
 It adds up to one inescapable conclusion: We're experiencing a very 
 deep solar minimum, says solar physicist Dean Pesnell of the Goddard 
 Space Flight Center.
 This is the quietest sun we've seen in almost a century, agrees 
 sunspot expert David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center.
 * A 50-year low in solar wind pressure
 * A 12-year low in solar irradiance
 * A 55-year low in solar radio emissions

[FairfieldLife] Live web news conference, Friday 3 April 2009 - Paul McCartney,

2009-04-03 Thread michael
Live web news conference, Friday 3 April 2009 - Paul McCartney, other stars to 
launch David Lynch Foundation global initiative for at-risk youth

David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace    
Translate This Article
2 April 2009

WATCH LIVE! Friday, April 3, 12 noon to 1 pm EDT 

* Paul McCartney 
* Ringo Starr 
* David Lynch 
* Russell Simmons 

Coming together to teach one million at-risk youth to meditate 


To watch the live online news conference, click here. 

This online news conference will launch the David Lynch Foundation's global 
initiative to teach one million at-risk youth to meditate. Funds for the 
initiative will be raised during the 'Change Begins Within'' benefit concert at 
Radio City Music Hall on Saturday, April 4. 

Donovan, Paul Horn, Bettye LaVette, and Mike Love will attend to support the 
initiative as well. 

Experts to explain the benefits of meditation for young people 

John Hagelin, Ph.D. President of the David Lynch Foundation, Harvard-trained 
quantum physicist, educator, author, and leading researcher on the effects of 
meditation on health and brain development 

Carmen N'Namdi Chief education officer of a Detroit middle school where more 
than 300 students and teachers practice the TM technique twice daily as part of 
the school's wellness program 

Father Gabriel Mejia Catholic missionary who directs 47 shelters for homeless 
children in Colombia where over 3600 young people meditate twice daily 

Gary Kaplan, M.D., Ph.D. Associate professor of clinical neurology at New York 
University School of Medicine; recipient of the Albert H. Douglas Award from 
the Medical Society of the State of New York 

Norman E. Rosenthal, M.D. Senior researcher in psychiatry and psychobiology for 
20 years at the National Institute of Mental Health; clinical professor of 
psychiatry at Georgetown University 

William Stixrud, Ph.D. Clinical neuropsychologist specializing in the 
evaluation and treatment of children, adolescents, and adults with learning, 
attention, and/or social/emotional difficulties; associate clinical professor 
of psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical Center 

Robert Schneider, M.D., F.A.C.C. Director of the National Institutes of 
Health-funded Institute of Natural Medicine and Prevention; recipient of $24 
million from the NIH [National Institutes of Health, US] to investigate the 
effects of the Transcendental Meditation technique on cardiovascular disease 

The David Lynch Foundation will use BitGravity's BG Live™ highly-scalable 
flash-based video stream service. 

Presented by the David Lynch Foundation 

Find out more about the Transcendental Meditation program: TM.org 

© Copyright 2009 David Lynch Foundation 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Eureka Machine works out Laws of Nature!

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung
Phihhh! This is only the beginning.  

The Singularity is coming!
The Singularity is coming!

Actually, I think the below is mostly hype.  I would call the below brain an 
expert system, rather than the long sought programming that could pass the 
Turing Test.  Expert systems have been around for decades - the legal and 
medical professions have some rather cool computer helpers these days, but we 
don't see any lawyers falling in love with the minds of these systems.  

How does the world end?  Not with a bang but a whimper.  

How does the coming new world begin?  In the case of an artificially 
intelligent singularity (there's other kinds) it won't start off with a bang 
but, instead, a whimper.

Did you hear that whimper?

The below article is exactly such a murmur.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes...@... wrote:

 Scientists have created a Eureka machine that can work out the laws of 
 nature by observing the world around it – a development that could 
 dramatically speed up the discovery of new scientific truths.
 The machine took only hours to come up with the basic laws of motion, a task 
 that occupied Sir Isaac Newton for years after he was inspired by an apple 
 falling from a tree.
 Scientists at Cornell University in New York have already pointed the machine 
 at baffling problems in biology and plan to use it to tackle questions in 
 cosmology and social behaviour.
 The work marks a turning point in the way science is done. Eureka moments, 
 which supposedly began in Archimedes' bath more than 2,000 years ago, might 
 soon be happening not in the minds of geniuses, but through the warm hum of 
 electronic circuitry.
 We've reached a point in science where there's a lot of data to deal with. 
 It's not Newton looking at an apple, or Galileo looking at heavenly bodies 
 any more, it's more complex than that, said Hod Lipson, the computer 
 engineer who led the project. 
 This takes the grunt out of science by sifting through data and looking for 
 the laws that govern how something behaves.
 Details of the machine are described in the US journal Science. The study 
 appears alongside a report from scientists at the universities of Aberystwyth 
 and Cambridge describing the first discovery of new scientific knowledge by a 
 laboratory robot.
 The robot, called Adam, devised and performed experiments to investigate the 
 genetics of bakers' yeast. When scientists did their own experiments, they 
 came to the same conclusions. Ross's team is already working on a second 
 robot called Eve.
 Together, the papers raise the question of how the role of scientists will 
 change over the coming decades. For now, scientists believe the new 
 technology will work alongside them rather than relegate them to technicians 
 who tap in data and perform maintenance tasks, but leave the real thinking to 
 the machines.
 The Cornell machine uses a computer program that can search through huge 
 amounts of data and look for underlying patterns. For example, a falling 
 apple will abide by Newton's second law, which is often stated as F=ma, where 
 F is the force acting on an object, m is its mass, and a is its acceleration. 
 When fed information on the mass of the apple and its velocity as it falls, 
 the machine would be able to work out the equation.
 Lipson tested the machine by giving it information from basic lab 
 experiments, such as swinging pendulums and tiny cars that moved up and down 
 tracks on a cushion of air. After crunching through the data, the machine 
 pinged and displayed several laws of motion and conservation of momentum.
 The system runs its own checks to decide whether the laws it has found are 
 likely to be interesting. In the pendulum test, for example, the tip of the 
 pendulum is always the same distance from the pivot, but this does not shed 
 any light on the underlying physics.
 After proving that the machine worked, Lipson's team set it to work on the 
 complex problem of metabolism in biological cells. The computer produced some 
 equations, which the scientists are still trying to make sense of.
 It's like going to an oracle and asking what's going on. You are given an 
 equation, but you need to work out what it means before you can understand 
 what's really going on, said Lipson.
 The team say they also plan to look at problems in cosmology and even social 
 behaviour, which could reveal the underlying laws at play when people form 
 social networks on the internet.
 The real test now is whether it can discover new laws of nature and I 
 believe it will. There's no way forward in a lot of sciences without tools 
 like this, Lipson said.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Eureka Machine works out Laws of Nature!

2009-04-03 Thread Kirk
Adam and Eve
put that one in

- Original Message - 
From: Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 3:27 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Eureka Machine works out Laws of Nature!

Scientists have created a Eureka machine that can work out the laws of 
nature by observing the world around it - a development that could 
dramatically speed up the discovery of new scientific truths.

The machine took only hours to come up with the basic laws of motion, a task 
that occupied Sir Isaac Newton for years after he was inspired by an apple 
falling from a tree.

Scientists at Cornell University in New York have already pointed the 
machine at baffling problems in biology and plan to use it to tackle 
questions in cosmology and social behaviour.

The work marks a turning point in the way science is done. Eureka moments, 
which supposedly began in Archimedes' bath more than 2,000 years ago, might 
soon be happening not in the minds of geniuses, but through the warm hum of 
electronic circuitry.

We've reached a point in science where there's a lot of data to deal with. 
It's not Newton looking at an apple, or Galileo looking at heavenly bodies 
any more, it's more complex than that, said Hod Lipson, the computer 
engineer who led the project.

This takes the grunt out of science by sifting through data and looking for 
the laws that govern how something behaves.

Details of the machine are described in the US journal Science. The study 
appears alongside a report from scientists at the universities of 
Aberystwyth and Cambridge describing the first discovery of new scientific 
knowledge by a laboratory robot.

The robot, called Adam, devised and performed experiments to investigate the 
genetics of bakers' yeast. When scientists did their own experiments, they 
came to the same conclusions. Ross's team is already working on a second 
robot called Eve.

Together, the papers raise the question of how the role of scientists will 
change over the coming decades. For now, scientists believe the new 
technology will work alongside them rather than relegate them to technicians 
who tap in data and perform maintenance tasks, but leave the real thinking 
to the machines.

The Cornell machine uses a computer program that can search through huge 
amounts of data and look for underlying patterns. For example, a falling 
apple will abide by Newton's second law, which is often stated as F=ma, 
where F is the force acting on an object, m is its mass, and a is its 
acceleration. When fed information on the mass of the apple and its velocity 
as it falls, the machine would be able to work out the equation.

Lipson tested the machine by giving it information from basic lab 
experiments, such as swinging pendulums and tiny cars that moved up and down 
tracks on a cushion of air. After crunching through the data, the machine 
pinged and displayed several laws of motion and conservation of momentum.

The system runs its own checks to decide whether the laws it has found are 
likely to be interesting. In the pendulum test, for example, the tip of the 
pendulum is always the same distance from the pivot, but this does not shed 
any light on the underlying physics.

After proving that the machine worked, Lipson's team set it to work on the 
complex problem of metabolism in biological cells. The computer produced 
some equations, which the scientists are still trying to make sense of.

It's like going to an oracle and asking what's going on. You are given an 
equation, but you need to work out what it means before you can understand 
what's really going on, said Lipson.

The team say they also plan to look at problems in cosmology and even social 
behaviour, which could reveal the underlying laws at play when people form 
social networks on the internet.

The real test now is whether it can discover new laws of nature and I 
believe it will. There's no way forward in a lot of sciences without tools 
like this, Lipson said.



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[FairfieldLife] Mark Morford smacks the Pope a good one

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung

Pope, extra ribbed, Benedict says condoms make AIDS worse. God recoils in shame

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist  

What sort of wretched deity is this? What sort of tormented, clenched God must 
you believe in to cause you to openly promote ignorance and death for the sake 
of power and ideology and fear -- always, always a deep fear -- of love and sex 
and basic human connection?

Let me try to be a little more specific: Is it not some form of strange 
self-torture, a kind of brutal spiritual immolation, to believe that God is 
this gloomy, obsessive micromanager, so petty and vindictive regarding what you 
do with your body that you/he will let people die for the sake of it? Do you 
have any sort of answer?

Shall we ask the pope?

The 81-year-old Benedict doesn't mingle with reporters individually but stands 
before them in the rear section of the plane flanked by aides, and responds 
drily to the questions.

What a touching image. It's just one of the takeaway lines I took away from the 
recent story about Pope Benedict and his first, troubled trip to Africa, 
about how he generally handles -- or rather, mishandles -- questions about the 
grand scheme of worldly things like the soul, war, the role of God in everyday 
life and whether or not he might be some sort of dangerous underworld automaton 
sent from the Netherrealms of Ignorance to inflict guilt and desolation upon 
the world.

It must be true. It's a question I'd want to pose, anyway, were I standing at 
the back of that papal aircraft staring down this dour and ideologically 
archaic man who seems very intent on not merely cementing slippery human 
divinity in the hard concrete of 1500, but also shoving it off a bridge to 
watch it sink to the bottom, just for good measure.

Perhaps you think I'm out of line. Perhaps you think I'm being too hard on the 
ultraconservative, disengaged 81-year-old pontiff.

Perhaps you did not read about how Benedict once again condemned condom usage 
in AIDS-ravaged Africa, apparently one of the last continents still deeply 
susceptible to the Vatican's insidious, pre-historic sexual ideology, and 
apparently the one major region that's singlehandedly keeping the church in the 
news these days because, dear God, are the rest of us not just about done with 
this sort of myopic sexual hysteria and dangerous misinformation? It would be 
nice to think so.

But wait, there's more. The pope did not merely say, as the church has yawned 
for a thousand years, that any form of contraception is wrong. Would that he 
were so quaint and easily dismissed.

Benedict actually took it a shocking, deadly step further and announced to 
sick, poor, dying Africans -- 22.5 million cases of HIV and counting fast -- 
that condoms could actually make AIDS worse, and that everyone should, instead, 
do what he and his sour band of unhappies have done for the past 2,000 very 
repressed years and simply not have sex, unless you are married and unsoiled 
and maybe not even then, because if there's one thing his very cruel God will 
not tolerate, it's humans doing things with their bodies in any way other than 
what some vindictive bishop scribbled into an insufferable rulebook about a 
thousand years ago.

Still out of line? Are you thinking, come on, the pope might not be all that 
hip to the basic health issues of this lifetime, but so what? He's largely 
irrelevant to the lives of everyday Catholics. He's just a surreal figurehead, 
a sad spectacle parading through the streets of foreign cities in his 
gold-dipped shoes and a scepter made of tears. Who cares about his harmful 
lies, really?

Perhaps you're right. Perhaps we shouldn't really give a damn for places where 
people are dying of diseases that could, at least in part, be easily prevented 
by simple sexual information and education, but which are instead being made 
worse by the appalling lies of someone who claims to have the Almighty on speed 
dial. What does it matter? Don't we have larger issues to worry about? Have you 
seen the housing market?

Perhaps you wish to point out all the good the church does in the world, the 
various charities and outreach programs and shelters for the poor and so on. 
And you know what? You are absolutely right. There are some lovely people at 
play in the fields of the lord, even if that lord is a bit of a domineering, 
patriarchal megalomaniac who's never really satisfied.

There is other good news: Some bishops already operate in open defiance of the 
Vatican's ignorance and publicly disagree with the pope's silly pronouncements. 
What's more, plenty of Catholic charities already freely distribute condoms to 
those living with AIDS (though of course, not to schools or to healthy sinners).

Very well then. Perhaps we should look at it differently, and use Benedict as 
our grand reminder that the general Rule of Divinity still holds true: the more 
you claim to be some sort of inviolable authority on things sacred and holy, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert - speakers and how to register for the webcast

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung
I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a charity-entertainment 
for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world travail, don't we all know that 
they could fill a stadium with folks who paid serious bucks for the tickets? 
Lots of baby boomers out there. 

Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled?  

To me, knowing the history of the TMO, it is a sore thumb flagging us to note 
that they were so lacking in confidence that they could get even 6,000 warm 
bodies to fill the space that they couldn't imagine renting a larger venue.  If 
they thought they could get more response, we all know they would have rented 
the Orange Bowl (most satvic fruit) and glorified to the world that they had so 
many followers.  

And don't give me the argument that the TV showings of this event will be 
reaching a larger audiencecuz, if it were held in the Orange Bowl, there'd 
be an even larger audience tuning into it on TV.

Nope, these are the latter day saints of the TMO gathering for one last hit of 
personal satisfaction that they done the world such a solid.  

And the fun part is: they're messing with a money milking machine that's a tar 
baby they know not of -- these rich folks think the TMO is getting the word out 
to the world by riding their celebrity coattails, but the truth is that the TMO 
is getting the word INTO the minds of these easy marks, and soon enough they'll 
be fully prepped to be shamed into a large donation for some TM cause (Girish 
is hungry.)


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamer...@... wrote:

 On Friday, April 3, 2009 there will be a press conference at the Radio City 
 Music Hall in New York City regarding the program to teach one million 
 students the Transcendental Meditation technique. David Lynch, Paul McCartney 
 and Ringo Starr will make statements as to why they are supporting this 
 initiative. All of the other performing musicians will also make statements 
 of support.
 To register to watch the webcast of the press conference for the David Lynch 
 Foundation Benefit Concert, please 
 visit http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/new-york-press-conference-registration.html.
 Here some more interesting points:
 David Lynch recently edited a two-minute video showing the Beatles in India 
 with Maharishi. When he showed it to Paul McCartney there were tears in his 
 eyes. People in Paul's office said they haven't seen him this happy in 20 
 After the concert, Paul is going to auction a signed guitar, Ringo will 
 auction signed drum skins, and Donovan a guitar that he said was George 
 Harrison's favorite.
 During the concert Jerry Seinfeld is also going to speak for 3 minutes; he 
 has been meditating since the age of 19.
 Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio is paying for 130 people to attend 
 the concert. He is encouraging all his guests to donate generously. He will 
 speak at the end of the concert, indicating that TM has been instrumental to 
 his success.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_re...@... wrote:

 I always have sensitivity in these matters. Payed
 my dues man. Worked my way from simpleton, nitwit, 
 and airhead to a schlemiel, dunderheaded

Excellent list.  Sound like my nicknames from every girlfriend I have ever had.

 I'm hoping with the nice references I've gotten
 from the old bat in Jersey that I can get my
 Village Idiot status officially confirmed. 
 Gender issues like Flanegin ain't my thang.
 Homey don't swing that way.

Thanks for the kind words about Turq's and my humor.  You are definitely 
holding your own, contributing to the general tomfoolery!  I say, if nobody is 
getting enlightened anyway, we might as well laugh!


 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote: 
   Oh, and I apologize to morons.
  And you know, we in the moron community do appreciate this, since we have 
  been so maligned throughout history.  We have turned down Richard's 
  application many times due to his not meeting our criteria for admission.  
  Technically he did achieve  the imbecile level of some of our entrance 
  tests, but upon farther review we felt that the designation idiot is 
  probably closer to the mental level being expressed here, although it is 
  possible that the tourettes interference is causing a slightly lower score. 
  On behalf of the moron community, thank you for your sensitivity to these 
  critical distinctions.  The Jim question has been forwarded to the gender 
  issues center for a more precise classification of what is going on there. 
 I always have sensitivity in these matters. Payed
 my dues man. Worked my way from simpleton, nitwit, 
 and airhead to a schlemiel, dunderheaded
 I'm hoping with the nice references I've gotten
 from the old bat in Jersey that I can get my
 Village Idiot status officially confirmed. 
 Gender issues like Flanegin ain't my thang.
 Homey don't swing that way.

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willytex@ 
   but if the prayers they said were in Latin 
   it wouldn't have been religious. Right? 
  How would you know if it was in Latin? 
dude wrote:
 uva uvam videndo varia fit
 Willy, you musta learnt that in your altar boy 
 days. chuckle

Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?
   Pretty obvious isn't it?
   Are you some kinda moron Willy? I got called out here 
   for insulting bats so I won't mention being your being
   bat-shit insane.
   Oh, and I apologize to morons.

Of course I know Latin, and Sanskrit, and Tibetan, 
and Urdu - I know almost all the common aryan and 
prakrit languages, and some Far-Eastern languages
as well, (I can tell the difference between Chinese
and Japanese) and many esoteric phonemes and quasi 
phonemes. Didn't you know that I've been studying 
with Mullquist for nearly nine years?

So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
dolor sit amet.

Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
magna aliqua.

Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert - speakers and how to register for the webcast

2009-04-03 Thread BillyG.
I think it's adorable that they've been able to reach all of these children 
with TM. This simple form of meditation is a great beginning to the spiritual 
life and will change their outlook on life, some of them will go on to be great 
in some way..

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamer...@... wrote:

 On Friday, April 3, 2009 there will be a press conference at the Radio City 
 Music Hall in New York City regarding the program to teach one million 
 students the Transcendental Meditation technique. David Lynch, Paul McCartney 
 and Ringo Starr will make statements as to why they are supporting this 
 initiative. All of the other performing musicians will also make statements 
 of support.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung

I agree with Curtis, and I was pleased to see you posting so many blurbs today. 
 You got a really nice mellow wit and considerable writing skills.  Pat, pat, 
patty pat on your good head.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote:
  I always have sensitivity in these matters. Payed
  my dues man. Worked my way from simpleton, nitwit, 
  and airhead to a schlemiel, dunderheaded
 Excellent list.  Sound like my nicknames from every girlfriend I have ever 
  I'm hoping with the nice references I've gotten
  from the old bat in Jersey that I can get my
  Village Idiot status officially confirmed. 
  Gender issues like Flanegin ain't my thang.
  Homey don't swing that way.
 Thanks for the kind words about Turq's and my humor.  You are definitely 
 holding your own, contributing to the general tomfoolery!  I say, if nobody 
 is getting enlightened anyway, we might as well laugh!
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, satvadude108 no_reply@ wrote: 
Oh, and I apologize to morons.
   And you know, we in the moron community do appreciate this, since we have 
   been so maligned throughout history.  We have turned down Richard's 
   application many times due to his not meeting our criteria for admission. 
Technically he did achieve  the imbecile level of some of our entrance 
   tests, but upon farther review we felt that the designation idiot is 
   probably closer to the mental level being expressed here, although it is 
   possible that the tourettes interference is causing a slightly lower 
   On behalf of the moron community, thank you for your sensitivity to these 
   critical distinctions.  The Jim question has been forwarded to the 
   gender issues center for a more precise classification of what is going 
   on there. 
  I always have sensitivity in these matters. Payed
  my dues man. Worked my way from simpleton, nitwit, 
  and airhead to a schlemiel, dunderheaded
  I'm hoping with the nice references I've gotten
  from the old bat in Jersey that I can get my
  Village Idiot status officially confirmed. 
  Gender issues like Flanegin ain't my thang.
  Homey don't swing that way.
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willytex@ 

but if the prayers they said were in Latin 
it wouldn't have been religious. Right? 
   How would you know if it was in Latin? 
 dude wrote:
  uva uvam videndo varia fit
  Willy, you musta learnt that in your altar boy 
  days. chuckle
 Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?

Pretty obvious isn't it?

Are you some kinda moron Willy? I got called out here 
for insulting bats so I won't mention being your being
bat-shit insane.

Oh, and I apologize to morons.
 Of course I know Latin, and Sanskrit, and Tibetan, 
 and Urdu - I know almost all the common aryan and 
 prakrit languages, and some Far-Eastern languages
 as well, (I can tell the difference between Chinese
 and Japanese) and many esoteric phonemes and quasi 
 phonemes. Didn't you know that I've been studying 
 with Mullquist for nearly nine years?
 So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
 commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
 excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
 irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
 Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
 duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
 consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
 cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
 dolor sit amet.
 Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
 id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
 sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
 Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
 Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
 in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
 irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
 adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
 anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
 quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
 reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
 magna aliqua.
 Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
 ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
 Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
 adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
 in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert - speakers and how to register for the webcast

2009-04-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
 charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
 travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks who paid 
 serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out there. 
 Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 

Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  

 To me, knowing the history of the TMO, it is a sore thumb flagging us to note 
 that they were so lacking in confidence that they could get even 6,000 warm 
 bodies to fill the space that they couldn't imagine renting a larger venue.  
 If they thought they could get more response, we all know they would have 
 rented the Orange Bowl (most satvic fruit) and glorified to the world that 
 they had so many followers.  
 And don't give me the argument that the TV showings of this event will be 
 reaching a larger audiencecuz, if it were held in the Orange Bowl, 
 there'd be an even larger audience tuning into it on TV.
 Nope, these are the latter day saints of the TMO gathering for one last hit 
 of personal satisfaction that they done the world such a solid.  
 And the fun part is: they're messing with a money milking machine that's a 
 tar baby they know not of -- these rich folks think the TMO is getting the 
 word out to the world by riding their celebrity coattails, but the truth is 
 that the TMO is getting the word INTO the minds of these easy marks, and soon 
 enough they'll be fully prepped to be shamed into a large donation for some 
 TM cause (Girish is hungry.)
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamerlin@ wrote:
  On Friday, April 3, 2009 there will be a press conference at the Radio City 
  Music Hall in New York City regarding the program to teach one million 
  students the Transcendental Meditation technique. David Lynch, Paul 
  McCartney and Ringo Starr will make statements as to why they are 
  supporting this initiative. All of the other performing musicians will also 
  make statements of support.
  To register to watch the webcast of the press conference for the David 
  Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert, please 
  visit http://www.davidlynchfoundation.org/new-york-press-conference-registration.html.
  Here some more interesting points:
  David Lynch recently edited a two-minute video showing the Beatles in India 
  with Maharishi. When he showed it to Paul McCartney there were tears in his 
  eyes. People in Paul's office said they haven't seen him this happy in 20 
  After the concert, Paul is going to auction a signed guitar, Ringo will 
  auction signed drum skins, and Donovan a guitar that he said was George 
  Harrison's favorite.
  During the concert Jerry Seinfeld is also going to speak for 3 minutes; he 
  has been meditating since the age of 19.
  Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio is paying for 130 people to attend 
  the concert. He is encouraging all his guests to donate generously. He will 
  speak at the end of the concert, indicating that TM has been instrumental 
  to his success.

[FairfieldLife] Questions and Answers

2009-04-03 Thread raunchydog
What to do? Swami Rama is dead and Vaj has gone into silence contemplating a 
body part. Since I can't get them to answer my questions, I'll answer myself. 
Anyone can chime in. Inquiring minds want to know.

Q. If you had a chance to teach millions of people meditation or a handful of 
monks contemplation, would you prefer teaching many or a few?
A. Many

Q. If you prefer teaching only a few monks contemplation, what is the relative 
benefit to creating a peaceful world compared to teaching millions meditation?
A. Everyone wants a peaceful world but it seems to be in our DNA to fight to 
establish dominance for me and mine. Although torn between altruism and 
self-interest, TM makes it possible to resolve our conflicts by finding common 
ground in the consciousness we share as humans. Since nothing else has ever 
worked, if TM can create a peaceful world, and I believe that it can, why not 
give peace a chance? A few monks contemplating can help create world peace but 
millions practicing TM will carry the day. If there's a better, easier way to 
create world peace, I'd like to hear about it.

Q. Do only monks practice contemplation because controlling the mind is a 
difficult task that most people would bail on?
A. Of course, most people would prefer TM because it is easy to do.

Q. Do you think contemplation is superior to meditation? Why?
A. One isn't inferior or superior than the other, just different. TM is easy 
and contemplation is difficult.

Q. If one practices meditation and experiences samadhi, after some time of 
witnessing the duality of self and non-self, there is a natural and spontaneous 
desire to unify self and non-self. Love naturally draws the meditator toward 
unity, effortlessly. Seems to me Thou are That would be the result in either 
meditation (easy for many) or contemplation (difficult for many). What say you?
A. Maharishi has said that the concept of a path is for the ignorant: The 
range for creative intelligence is from here to here. In other words, there is 
no path and nowhere to go. Thou art [already] That. Tat Tvam Asi. TM is an 
effortless path to Thou art That.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions and Answers

2009-04-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 What to do? Swami Rama is dead and Vaj has gone into silence contemplating a 
 body part. Since I can't get them to answer my questions, I'll answer myself. 
 Anyone can chime in. Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm in , nice discussion piece. 

 Q. If you had a chance to teach millions of people meditation or a handful of 
 monks contemplation, would you prefer teaching many or a few?
 A. Many

1972 just called and wants it's World Plan back.  Remember what happened when 
we all pitched in to try this?  Recap: TM became a fad, endorsed by a few 
celebrities (oddly skewed by macho guys like Clint and Bert who needed to 
soften their off screen image) a bunch of people took TM (40,000 a month at the 
peak) and then within a few years they all stopped (with the exception of 3 
people who went to MIU).  So it turns out that you can teach meditation to 
hundreds of thousands of people but when Jane Fonda came out with her exercise 
tape fad, they all drop TM for the next new thing that will make their lives 
 Q. If you prefer teaching only a few monks contemplation, what is the 
 relative benefit to creating a peaceful world compared to teaching millions 
 A. Everyone wants a peaceful world but it seems to be in our DNA to fight to 
 establish dominance for me and mine. Although torn between altruism and 
 self-interest, TM makes it possible to resolve our conflicts by finding 
 common ground in the consciousness we share as humans. 

I get as giddy as the next aging hippie from the Kumbaya vibe (wait that 
campfire smoke might be weed) but let's face facts.  This doesn't even happen 
here on FFL between long term meditators and non meditators.  I'm not one to 
say that meditators are worse at anything because they meditate (well cooking a 
kickass osso buco might be an Achilles' heel) but come one!  You guys are 
normal intelligent funny people with no more ability to find common ground than 
anyone else I interact with.  You even have your resident misanthropes.  TM has 
done nothing to promote anyone's ability to love others more.  Even when you 
all get together at MUM you break into cliques like everyone else and are 
capable of the buttholish behavior that is part of being human.

Since nothing else has ever worked, if TM can create a peaceful world, and I 
believe that it can, why not give peace a chance? 

Because it has been tried and didn't work even in all TM communities.

A few monks contemplating can help create world peace but millions practicing 
TM will carry the day. If there's a better, easier way to create world peace, 
I'd like to hear about it.

Maharishi had one.  Get thousands of Indians to send their kid to pundit school 
(cuts down on the grocery bill) and teach them the triumphalist religious songs 
of the conquering Aryans crowing about driving the darker skinned Drauvidians 
to the South of India.  Maharishi gave up on the World Plan, didn't you get the 
memo?  Now world peace comes from chanting by monks according to the movement.

 Q. Do only monks practice contemplation because controlling the mind is a 
 difficult task that most people would bail on?
 A. Of course, most people would prefer TM because it is easy to do.

I think you are making some assumptions about what monks do but I didn't read 
all your exchanges with Vaj, maybe he said this.  But the criteria of easy to 
do is a line from direct mail marketing and has very little to do with what I 
value in life.  Everything great in my life takes effort.  Long term 
relationships take work, any art takes constant effort.  The easiest thing is 
to go through a drive-thru at Mcshit burger.  Cooking a meal with the 
international ingredients from the home of some far off country takes time and 
effort, but the results are soo worth it. Kayaking down the Potomac is full 
of pain in the ass effort just to get to the river.  But have you seen the sun 
set on that big river bathing the water around you with orange flames? 

Oh yeah, and don't forget about the hundreds of thousands of people who bailed 
on the supposedly easy TM.  That myth has been busted.

 Q. Do you think contemplation is superior to meditation? Why?
 A. One isn't inferior or superior than the other, just different. TM is easy 
 and contemplation is difficult.

Whao, the flying monkeys of MERU are on their way.  This is total heresy and I 
seriously doubt you believe it.  In any case it is one of the only techniques 
mentioned by name in the prep where it is claimed to keep the mind of the 

 Q. If one practices meditation and experiences samadhi, after some time of 
 witnessing the duality of self and non-self, there is a natural and 
 spontaneous desire to unify self and non-self. Love naturally draws the 
 meditator toward unity, effortlessly. 

I like the poetic rephrase.  I doubt this is what is going on in any way 
differently than in other 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
  charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
  travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks who 
  paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out there. 
  Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 
 Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  

Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages for donors at 
the afterparty.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
  charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
  travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks who 
  paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out there. 
  Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 
 Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  

Sir Paul has yet to wear a cream-colored suit. McCartney wears dark-colored 
suits. At today's press conference, Hagelin sported a SIMS-like Navy-colored 
suit, as did nearly everyone who strutted onto the stage.

  To me, knowing the history of the TMO, it is a sore thumb flagging us to 
  note that they were so lacking in confidence that they could get even 6,000 
  warm bodies to fill the space that they couldn't imagine renting a larger 
  venue.  If they thought they could get more response, we all know they 
  would have rented the Orange Bowl (most satvic fruit) and glorified to the 
  world that they had so many followers.  
  And don't give me the argument that the TV showings of this event will be 
  reaching a larger audiencecuz, if it were held in the Orange Bowl, 
  there'd be an even larger audience tuning into it on TV.
  Nope, these are the latter day saints of the TMO gathering for one last hit 
  of personal satisfaction that they done the world such a solid.  
  And the fun part is: they're messing with a money milking machine that's a 
  tar baby they know not of -- these rich folks think the TMO is getting the 
  word out to the world by riding their celebrity coattails, but the truth is 
  that the TMO is getting the word INTO the minds of these easy marks, and 
  soon enough they'll be fully prepped to be shamed into a large donation for 
  some TM cause (Girish is hungry.)
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamerlin@ wrote:
   On Friday, April 3, 2009 there will be a press conference at the Radio 
   City Music Hall in New York City regarding the program to teach one 
   million students the Transcendental Meditation technique. David Lynch, 
   Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr will make statements as to why they are 
   supporting this initiative. All of the other performing musicians will 
   also make statements of support.



   To register to watch the webcast of the press conference for the David 
   Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert, please visit 

   Here some more interesting points:

   David Lynch recently edited a two-minute video showing the Beatles in 
   India with Maharishi. When he showed it to Paul McCartney there were 
   tears in his eyes. People in Paul's office said they haven't seen him 
   this happy in 20 years.

   After the concert, Paul is going to auction a signed guitar, Ringo will 
   auction signed drum skins, and Donovan a guitar that he said was George 
   Harrison's favorite.

   During the concert Jerry Seinfeld is also going to speak for 3 minutes; 
   he has been meditating since the age of 19.

   Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager Ray Dalio is paying for 130 people to 
   attend the concert. He is encouraging all his guests to donate 
   generously. He will speak at the end of the concert, indicating that TM 
   has been instrumental to his success.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
   I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
   charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
   travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks who 
   paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out there. 
   Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 
  Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  
 Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages for donors 
 at  the afterparty.

I don't know what it is like in your city but when Paul comes to DC alone, 
people pay these prices and higher for the good seats without the charity 
angle. And two Beatles together? I think the public smells something.

Ticket prices for him at the Hard Rock in Vegas this month:



Don't forget that we are saying that out of the millions initiated,this is how 
many still believe in TM's value in schools this much.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
  curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks 
who paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out there. 

Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 
   Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  

  Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages for 
  donors at  the afterparty.
 I don't know what it is like in your city but when Paul comes to DC alone, 
 people pay these prices and higher for the good seats without the charity 
 angle. And two Beatles together? I think the public smells something.
 Ticket prices for him at the Hard Rock in Vegas this month:
 Don't forget that we are saying that out of the millions initiated,this is 
 how many still believe in TM's value in schools this much.

Eh, the goal is to raise $600 million.. Shrugs.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Questions and Answers

2009-04-03 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  What to do? Swami Rama is dead and Vaj has gone into 
  silence contemplating a body part. Since I can't get 
  them to answer my questions, I'll answer myself. 
  Anyone can chime in. Inquiring minds want to know.
 I'm in , nice discussion piece. 

I'll bite. 

  Q. If you had a chance to teach millions of people 
  meditation or a handful of monks contemplation, would 
  you prefer teaching many or a few?
  A. Many
 1972 just called and wants it's World Plan back.  
 Remember what happened when we all pitched in to 
 try this?  Recap: TM became a fad, endorsed by a 
 few celebrities (oddly skewed by macho guys like 
 Clint and Bert who needed to soften their off 
 screen image) a bunch of people took TM (40,000 
 a month at the peak) and then within a few years 
 they all stopped (with the exception of 3 people 
 who went to MIU).  So it turns out that you can 
 teach meditation to hundreds of thousands of 
 people but when Jane Fonda came out with her 
 exercise tape fad, they all drop TM for the next 
 new thing that will make their lives great.

Count me in for a few. A very select few.

For several reasons. First, were I foolish
enough to teach again, I would want to make
sure that the even more foolish people who
wanted to learn something from me would do
so. That means -- for me -- limiting the
number of students. I've done both the mass
thing and the small thing, and greatly pre-
fer the small thing.

Second, wanting to teach *everyone* to medi-
tate smacks of hubris to me. It's way up 
there with the Boddhisattva Vow in terms of
Lack Of Humility. 

Third, I would be teaching things other than
basic meditation, and most people wouldn't
be interested in the more occult practices.

  Q. If you prefer teaching only a few monks contemplation, 
  what is the relative benefit to creating a peaceful world 
  compared to teaching millions meditation?
  A. Everyone wants a peaceful world but it seems to be in 
  our DNA to fight to establish dominance for me and mine. 
  Although torn between altruism and self-interest, TM makes 
  it possible to resolve our conflicts by finding common 
  ground in the consciousness we share as humans. 
 I get as giddy as the next aging hippie from the Kumbaya 
 vibe (wait that campfire smoke might be weed) but let's 
 face facts.  This doesn't even happen here on FFL between 
 long term meditators and non meditators.  

In fact, many of the TMers -- including *yourself*,
Raunchy -- actively wish ill to those they disagree
with. I see no evidence -- here, in the larger TM
community, or in the world -- that TM benefits any-
one other than the person who practices it, and not
even that consistently.

The Maharishi Effect is a joke. So, in my opinion,
is the idea that becoming enlightened yourself is
going to radiate goodness cooties to the world and
benefit others. But if people want to pursue enlight-
enment themselves, and they hurt no one else in the
process and occasionally even do some good for others
in the form of selfless service, I'm all for it, on
a one on one basis. I do not believe in Magical Woo
Woo Rays that affect the world just because you're
so Special.

  Q. Do only monks practice contemplation because controlling 
  the mind is a difficult task that most people would bail on?
  A. Of course, most people would prefer TM because it is 
  easy to do.
 I think you are making some assumptions about what monks 
 do but I didn't read all your exchanges with Vaj, maybe 
 he said this.  

He didn't. Anyone can practice contemplation, and
as easily as they think the TM mantra. Raunchydog
has just never tried any other form of meditation,
so she's assuming. Incorrectly.

 But the criteria of easy to do is a line from direct mail 
 marketing and has very little to do with what I value in life.  
 Everything great in my life takes effort.  

Exactly. Do less and accomplish more turned out
in the end to mean, Do as little as possible and
after 40 years, accomplish as little as possible.
IMO, of course. You can disagree if you look around
you and see a world at peace.

  Q. Do you think contemplation is superior to meditation? Why?
  A. One isn't inferior or superior than the other, just 
 different. TM is easy and contemplation is difficult.
 Whao, the flying monkeys of MERU are on their way. This 
 is total heresy and I seriously doubt you believe it.  

What she says is also NOT TRUE, but that's never
stopped Raunchy in the past.  :-)

 In any case it is one of the only techniques mentioned by 
 name in the prep where it is claimed to keep the mind of 
 the surface.

And, as anyone who has practiced *the form of con-
templation Vaj is talking about*, that's not even
true. The only thing that Raunchy said that was 
true is that the forms are different. 

  Q. If one practices meditation and experiences 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefit Concert - speakers and how to register for the webcast

2009-04-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamer...@... wrote:

 Here some more interesting points:
 David Lynch recently edited a two-minute video showing the Beatles in India 
 with Maharishi. When he showed it to Paul McCartney there were tears in his 
 eyes. People in Paul's office said they haven't seen him this happy in 20 
 After the concert, Paul is going to auction a signed guitar, Ringo will 
 auction signed drum skins, and Donovan a guitar that he said was George 
 Harrison's favorite.
 During the concert Jerry Seinfeld is also going to speak for 3 minutes; he 
 has been meditating since the age of 19.

Very nice, thanks for posting this !

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread mainstream20016
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig lengli...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues curtisdeltablues@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 
   curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:

 I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a 
 charity-entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world 
 travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with folks 
 who paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby boomers out 
 Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled? 

Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number? WTF?  


   Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages for 
   donors at  the afterparty.
  I don't know what it is like in your city but when Paul comes to DC alone, 
  people pay these prices and higher for the good seats without the charity 
  angle. And two Beatles together? I think the public smells something.
  Ticket prices for him at the Hard Rock in Vegas this month:
  Don't forget that we are saying that out of the millions initiated,this is 
  how many still believe in TM's value in schools this much.
 Eh, the goal is to raise $600 million.. Shrugs.

The goal is to pretend the TMO is SIMS, which assured that
TM 20 X 2 is all you do for full effectiveness of the technique.

Until a Western-style SIMS organization arises, one independent of confiscatory 
constraints of the Indian TMO, success will be very limited.  


[FairfieldLife] Suicide Gunman in NY!

2009-04-03 Thread Arhata Osho
Now it's at least 13!

Apr 3, 2009

6 shot, hostages taken in N.Y.
As many as 41 people have been taken hostage at an immigration center in 
Binghamton, N.Y.. » Report


[FairfieldLife] New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread nablusoss1008
Can be viewd here :

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 3, 2009, at 12:03 PM, sparaig wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  
curtisdeltabl...@... wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:

I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a charity- 
entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world  
travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with  
folks who paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby  
boomers out there.

Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled?

Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number?  

Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages  
for donors at

the afterparty.

Um, that number is totally bogus, spare.  I heard they
started at $75...don't know what the most expensive were,
but it's seriously unlikely they came anywhere near that.

They can't even get anywhere near that much scalping them.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Google reveals is formerly secret data servers

2009-04-03 Thread guyfawkes91
Note the date on the article

 12 volt batteries on each server instead of a big UPS.  Server rooms or
 Sun Microsystems style shipping containers.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@...  
 Um, that number is totally bogus, spare.  I heard they
 started at $75...don't know what the most expensive were,
 but it's seriously unlikely they came anywhere near that.
 They can't even get anywhere near that much scalping them.

And Sal's anger, frustration and envy is becoming more subtle by the hour...

[FairfieldLife] A Beautiful Quote from Maharishi

2009-04-03 Thread wvosteen
I haven't been on FFL too mcuh so this may have already been posted. My 
apologies if so.

Bill Vosteen

A Beautiful Quote from Maharishi

(Related by Raja Steven Rubin as part of the 12th January 2009 celebration)

Maharishi repeating the question: …It's a beautiful question and very sweet, 
the question is and still is: Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened. Now 
after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just Absolute. Then how 
do we invoke and to whom? And if there is nobody to be invoked, then what is 
the use?

Then Maharishi said: Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what 
happened was, naturally, people came to the Ashram from all over India to pay 
their respects to Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own 

And when they would come, they would narrate all sorts of stories: the child 
was sick or they had a lawsuit, all sorts of difficulties, and then, thinking 
of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared.

And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru Dev: What 
is this? These people don't even write to Guru Dev. Guru Dev doesn't even know 
they are in difficulty on the surface of life, and then how do they report that 
they had a vision or they had some thought of Guru Dev and from that time 
everything started to be smooth? If they wrote a letter and the difficulty came 
to the notice of Guru Dev, and then they got out of their difficulties, I could 
understand it. But they didn't write letters, they just have the devotion to 
Guru Dev, and they have some thought of Guru Dev.

And Guru Dev's reply was: It's the department of the Almighty, and He does it!

And Maharishi went on to say: It took me about 2 years to understand, because I 
quite remember the time, what was meant by It's the department of the 

Maharishi said: How I understand it was this: We Have the picture of Guru Dev, 
as when we do puja, and that form, that photo, that picture, is the physical 
expression of the form, which had a mind which was fully enlightened and 
omnipresent. So once we see the form our eyes associate with the form very 
naturally because the physical and mental run parallel.

And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our mind 
gets in tune with the mind, which occupied that form once upon a time. The form 
was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all-time reality, eternal, the barriers 
of time are no barrier for it, continuum.

The body is no more but the form is there, and once we tune our eyes, our 
vision, our perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by the mind 
that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune. And because that mind 
was and is and will forever be omnipresent, immediately our mind gets in tune 
with the omnipresent, and right away the help comes from where we are.

The help comes from Absolute Being which is the nature of our own mind, but 
that image, that picture, becomes a positive and concrete medium to have that 
mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own being, but because 
it comes through that form, naturally our Devotion is to That. And that is the 
department of the Almighty, which does it: It's not the individual, it's the 
department. And it's the only way, it's not two ways, it's one way. The help is 
not given, it's received, it's received by our ability to attune with That, and 
that ability develops with Devotion, Surrender and Service – these three things.

Automatically one is elevated to that level and help doesn't come from outside, 
it comes right where we are, from our own Being. But those unaware of one's own 
Being have these mechanics to help them.

And Maharishi went on to say: This is true for all the saints in all the times 
throughout the world.

Jai Guru Dev

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
thanks for posting this-- the actual news conference begins about 20 mins. in. 
it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo and the others talk so openly and 
honestly about the lifetime benefits of TM. really brings out the dynamic truth 
of the expression, knowledge is structured in consciousness. liked ringo's 
t-shirt too...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 Can be viewd here :

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Beautiful Quote from Maharishi

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung
Nice quote -- wish I'd seen it years earlier.

So, now we know.  Guru Dev is dead.

I saw someone get up to the mike in Fuiggi and ask in various ways about Guru 
Dev's existence, and Maharishi was anything but as forthcoming as he is in the 
quote below.  In fact, get this, they stopped the questioning and told the 
questioner to leave the mike, and the energy in the tone of voice said it all: 
stop bugging Maharishi.  It was, I believe, Max Fleisher?  Fisher?...the guy 
who helped write the Holy Tradition booklet?

So much for Maharishi's integrity to always give the fullest expression of 
truth.  This was in 1972, so back then, it seems, they didn't want to disabuse 
all us hippies about the true nature of enlightenment -- that is: everything 
you identify with now goes poof.  Ain't no afterlife you fools.

Store not your treasures where rust and moth doeth corrupt.  Put your 
identificationing aside -- it's a child's plaything only.

The only thing to grasp, cannot be grasped, so stop trying, and voila, that'll 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, wvosteen monr...@... wrote:

 I haven't been on FFL too mcuh so this may have already been posted. My 
 apologies if so.
 Bill Vosteen
 A Beautiful Quote from Maharishi
 (Related by Raja Steven Rubin as part of the 12th January 2009 celebration)
 Maharishi repeating the question: …It's a beautiful question and very sweet, 
 the question is and still is: Guru Dev must have been fully enlightened. Now 
 after leaving the body nothing remains in the Relative, just Absolute. Then 
 how do we invoke and to whom? And if there is nobody to be invoked, then what 
 is the use?
 Then Maharishi said: Some such similar question I asked Guru Dev once, what 
 happened was, naturally, people came to the Ashram from all over India to pay 
 their respects to Guru Dev, once or twice a year according to their own 
 And when they would come, they would narrate all sorts of stories: the child 
 was sick or they had a lawsuit, all sorts of difficulties, and then, thinking 
 of Guru Dev, that thing disappeared.
 And hearing all these things for a long time, one night I asked Guru Dev: 
 What is this? These people don't even write to Guru Dev. Guru Dev doesn't 
 even know they are in difficulty on the surface of life, and then how do they 
 report that they had a vision or they had some thought of Guru Dev and from 
 that time everything started to be smooth? If they wrote a letter and the 
 difficulty came to the notice of Guru Dev, and then they got out of their 
 difficulties, I could understand it. But they didn't write letters, they just 
 have the devotion to Guru Dev, and they have some thought of Guru Dev.
 And Guru Dev's reply was: It's the department of the Almighty, and He does 
 And Maharishi went on to say: It took me about 2 years to understand, because 
 I quite remember the time, what was meant by It's the department of the 
 Maharishi said: How I understand it was this: We Have the picture of Guru 
 Dev, as when we do puja, and that form, that photo, that picture, is the 
 physical expression of the form, which had a mind which was fully enlightened 
 and omnipresent. So once we see the form our eyes associate with the form 
 very naturally because the physical and mental run parallel.
 And once the form is in our vision, in our awareness, then naturally our mind 
 gets in tune with the mind, which occupied that form once upon a time. The 
 form was occupied by a mind, that mind is an all-time reality, eternal, the 
 barriers of time are no barrier for it, continuum.
 The body is no more but the form is there, and once we tune our eyes, our 
 vision, our perception, cognition to that, because that was held up by the 
 mind that was enlightened, naturally our mind gets in tune. And because that 
 mind was and is and will forever be omnipresent, immediately our mind gets in 
 tune with the omnipresent, and right away the help comes from where we are.
 The help comes from Absolute Being which is the nature of our own mind, but 
 that image, that picture, becomes a positive and concrete medium to have that 
 mechanics performed for our mind. So help comes from our own being, but 
 because it comes through that form, naturally our Devotion is to That. And 
 that is the department of the Almighty, which does it: It's not the 
 individual, it's the department. And it's the only way, it's not two ways, 
 it's one way. The help is not given, it's received, it's received by our 
 ability to attune with That, and that ability develops with Devotion, 
 Surrender and Service – these three things.
 Automatically one is elevated to that level and help doesn't come from 
 outside, it comes right where we are, from our own Being. But those unaware 
 of one's own Being have these mechanics to help them.
 And Maharishi went on to say: This is true for all the saints in all the 
 times throughout the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread Duveyoung
 enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
 thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
 and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of TM. 
 really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
 structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...


Bull fucking shit.  Anyone in their position, set-up as they, groomed as they, 
know what to say and when to say it when they have to pony up for a few minutes 
on a mike.  It's all role-playing performances.  

Let's see Lynch tell why TM didn't dent his smoking habit or why Paul couldn't 
even please a one-legged wife, or why John's bad karma wasn't avoided, or why 
George was stabbed and died early, or why Ringo, well, why he still looks like 

All TM teachers have proudly proclaimed in their lectures the existence of 
things they simply have not experienced, and these rich celebrities are as 
sheltered from the real world as can be -- would even one of these folks be 
touting TM if they knew the money side of it?  

Think about it, these folks are coming out to stand up for TM just like Tom 
Cruise for Scientology -- they're taking their professional images and putting 
them at great risk should the instructions ever begin in public schools and 
THEN and ONLY THEN do they see what they've associated themselves with.  

Once the lawsuits start flying, you won't find these folks clamoring to be 
exponents of consciousness or apologists for TM -- they'll say, TM?  Oh, I 
tried that once, I think.  You know, just exactly what you'd do if your asking 
price for your services were suddenly about to go from $10,000,000 a picture 
down to $5,000,000.  

I feel sorry for the celebrities -- they're going to be ripped off and then 
embarrassed in the public eye, and they're just not trained to handle the 
questions about the underbelly of the TMO -- they'll be fodder for the tabloids 
if they try to come off as wise and guru-ish.  

Headline:  David Lynch loses millions to cult scam


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

  enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
  and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of 
  TM. really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
  structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...

 Bull fucking shit.  

Edg, why did you discard your medication ?

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread enlightened_dawn11
i'll let Vaj and Barry and Curtis and Sal reply to you. they are far more 
experienced and eloquent with regard to the pitfalls and dangers and drawbacks 
and shortcomings and downfalls and lies and half-truths related to TM, the 
Maharishi, and the TMO than i am.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

  enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
  and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of 
  TM. really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
  structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...
 Bull fucking shit.  Anyone in their position, set-up as they, groomed as 
 they, know what to say and when to say it when they have to pony up for a few 
 minutes on a mike.  It's all role-playing performances.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@... wrote:

 thanks for posting this-- the actual news conference begins about 20 mins. 
 in. it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo and the others talk so openly 
 and honestly about the lifetime benefits of TM. really brings out the dynamic 
 truth of the expression, knowledge is structured in consciousness. liked 
 ringo's t-shirt too...
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
  Can be viewd here :

Ringo has said some pretty interesting things about his encounters with 
Maharishi. Some fellows thought he was just the hairdresser amongst the 
Beatles, and the first to check out of Rishikesh. 

In reality he understood the knowledge quicker and more profoundly than most 

Check out the Official Biography of the Beatles to see what he says about the 
experience of meeting Maharishi and enjoying the effects; his firm 
understanding of the dynamics of TM and of the peace that TM brought him is 
obvious to all. 

His speech today was indeed very personal and very sweet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread Bhairitu
Duveyoung wrote:
  enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
 thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
 and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of 
 TM. really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
 structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...


 Bull fucking shit.  Anyone in their position, set-up as they, groomed as 
 they, know what to say and when to say it when they have to pony up for a few 
 minutes on a mike.  It's all role-playing performances.  

 Let's see Lynch tell why TM didn't dent his smoking habit or why Paul 
 couldn't even please a one-legged wife, or why John's bad karma wasn't 
 avoided, or why George was stabbed and died early, or why Ringo, well, why he 
 still looks like Ringo.

 All TM teachers have proudly proclaimed in their lectures the existence of 
 things they simply have not experienced, and these rich celebrities are as 
 sheltered from the real world as can be -- would even one of these folks be 
 touting TM if they knew the money side of it?  

 Think about it, these folks are coming out to stand up for TM just like Tom 
 Cruise for Scientology -- they're taking their professional images and 
 putting them at great risk should the instructions ever begin in public 
 schools and THEN and ONLY THEN do they see what they've associated themselves 

 Once the lawsuits start flying, you won't find these folks clamoring to be 
 exponents of consciousness or apologists for TM -- they'll say, TM?  Oh, I 
 tried that once, I think.  You know, just exactly what you'd do if your 
 asking price for your services were suddenly about to go from $10,000,000 a 
 picture down to $5,000,000.  

 I feel sorry for the celebrities -- they're going to be ripped off and then 
 embarrassed in the public eye, and they're just not trained to handle the 
 questions about the underbelly of the TMO -- they'll be fodder for the 
 tabloids if they try to come off as wise and guru-ish.  

 Headline:  David Lynch loses millions to cult scam

Good points, Edg.  If Lynch wants to promote meditation he should learn 
more about it OUTSIDE of the TMO.  He's probably be surprised about what 
he learns.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Republicans Grooming Jindal for Presidential Candidacy?

2009-04-03 Thread John
It just dawned on me that Richard may be an operative of the Opus Dei to spy on 
this forum's activities!  Notice the Latin he's using.

 So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
 commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
 excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
 irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
 Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
 duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
 consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
 cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
 incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
 dolor sit amet.
 Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
 id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
 sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
 Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
 Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
 in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
 irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
 adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
 anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
 quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
 reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
 magna aliqua.
 Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
 ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
 Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
 adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
 in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
 officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 3, 2009, at 12:03 PM, sparaig wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues  
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_reply@ wrote:
  I wonder:  if all these celebrities came together to do a charity- 
  entertainment for, say, raising public awareness of 3rd world  
  travail, don't we all know that they could fill a stadium with  
  folks who paid serious bucks for the tickets? Lots of baby  
  boomers out there.
  Instead, all we get is 6,000 seats filled?
  Ringo and Paul play together for charity and this is the number?  
  Er at $500-$1000 per ticket, not counting the $100 grand packages  
  for donors at
  the afterparty.
 Um, that number is totally bogus, spare.  I heard they
 started at $75...don't know what the most expensive were,
 but it's seriously unlikely they came anywhere near that.
 They can't even get anywhere near that much scalping them.

Guffaw. Rumors were that they sold out in just a few minutes and ended up being
scalped on ebay for close to $10 grand each.

You can pretned that 6000 seats in a charity concert sell for $75 each in NTC 
I think you're slightly out of your mind.


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 Duveyoung wrote:
   enlightened_dawn11 wrote:

  thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
  and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of 
  TM. really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
  structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...
  Bull fucking shit.  Anyone in their position, set-up as they, groomed as 
  they, know what to say and when to say it when they have to pony up for a 
  few minutes on a mike.  It's all role-playing performances.  
  Let's see Lynch tell why TM didn't dent his smoking habit or why Paul 
  couldn't even please a one-legged wife, or why John's bad karma wasn't 
  avoided, or why George was stabbed and died early, or why Ringo, well, why 
  he still looks like Ringo.
  All TM teachers have proudly proclaimed in their lectures the existence of 
  things they simply have not experienced, and these rich celebrities are as 
  sheltered from the real world as can be -- would even one of these folks be 
  touting TM if they knew the money side of it?  
  Think about it, these folks are coming out to stand up for TM just like Tom 
  Cruise for Scientology -- they're taking their professional images and 
  putting them at great risk should the instructions ever begin in public 
  schools and THEN and ONLY THEN do they see what they've associated 
  themselves with.  
  Once the lawsuits start flying, you won't find these folks clamoring to be 
  exponents of consciousness or apologists for TM -- they'll say, TM?  Oh, I 
  tried that once, I think.  You know, just exactly what you'd do if your 
  asking price for your services were suddenly about to go from $10,000,000 a 
  picture down to $5,000,000.  
  I feel sorry for the celebrities -- they're going to be ripped off and then 
  embarrassed in the public eye, and they're just not trained to handle the 
  questions about the underbelly of the TMO -- they'll be fodder for the 
  tabloids if they try to come off as wise and guru-ish.  
  Headline:  David Lynch loses millions to cult scam
 Good points, Edg.  If Lynch wants to promote meditation he should learn 
 more about it OUTSIDE of the TMO.  He's probably be surprised about what 
 he learns.

Like TM is the same as Benson's Relaxation Response or something?


[FairfieldLife] Re: Lorem ipsum

2009-04-03 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams willy...@... 

   Not me, how would YOU know it was in Latin?
 satvadude108 wrote:
  Pretty obvious isn't it?
 Yeah, I'm the moron, but you didn't recognize the
 Lorem ipsum. LOL!

I believe I did point out that I was a defrocked altar boy.
Sister Mary Romunda was never happy with my progress
in Latin class. 

You made good progress this week Willy, admitting you are
both a troll and a moron.  Next you can learn to count to 50.

You still aren't much of a Texan if you don't recognize

   uva uvam vivendo varia fit.

   So, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut aliquip ex ea 
   commodo consequat? Quis nostrud exercitation 
   excepteur sint occaecat sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt. Cupidatat non proident, duis aute 
   irure dolor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
   Ut enim ad minim veniam, excepteur sint occaecat 
   duis aute irure dolor. Ut aliquip ex ea commodo 
   consequat. Sunt in culpa ullamco laboris nisi 
   cupidatat non proident. Sed do eiusmod tempor 
   incididunt duis aute irure dolor lorem ipsum 
   dolor sit amet.
   Ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Mollit anim 
   id est laborum. Consectetur adipisicing elit, 
   sunt in culpa ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. 
   Cupidatat non proident, eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
   Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt in reprehenderit 
   in voluptate ullamco laboris nisi. Duis aute 
   irure dolor cupidatat non proident, consectetur 
   adipisicing elit. Excepteur sint occaecat mollit 
   anim id est laborum. Ut enim ad minim veniam, 
   quis nostrud exercitation sunt in culpa. In 
   reprehenderit in voluptate ut labore et dolore 
   magna aliqua.
   Qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi lorem 
   ipsum dolor sit amet. Quis nostrud exercitation. 
   Eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Consectetur 
   adipisicing elit, velit esse cillum dolore sunt 
   in culpa. In reprehenderit in voluptate qui 
   officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi!

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread BillyG.
thanks for the link that was great! David Lynch has the right approach, let's 
hope the Raja's don't torpedo the whole effort with their dos...I mean the last 
thing we need is a Renaissance pleasure fare for TM.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, enlightened_dawn11 no_reply@ wrote:
  thanks for posting this-- the actual news conference begins about 20 mins. 
  in. it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo and the others talk so openly 
  and honestly about the lifetime benefits of TM. really brings out the 
  dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is structured in consciousness. 
  liked ringo's t-shirt too...
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 no_reply@ wrote:
   Can be viewd here :
 Ringo has said some pretty interesting things about his encounters with 
 Maharishi. Some fellows thought he was just the hairdresser amongst the 
 Beatles, and the first to check out of Rishikesh. 
 In reality he understood the knowledge quicker and more profoundly than most 
 Check out the Official Biography of the Beatles to see what he says about the 
 experience of meeting Maharishi and enjoying the effects; his firm 
 understanding of the dynamics of TM and of the peace that TM brought him is 
 obvious to all. 
 His speech today was indeed very personal and very sweet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Free Web Event: To Protest McCartney/Lynch Benefit Concert CANCELLED

2009-04-03 Thread Tom
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert babajii_99@ wrote:
   I am really sorry you found it necessary to cancel your
   web event.  I believe this is simply intimidation on BG's/the TMO's
   part, and he/they don't have a legal leg to stand on.
  Bottom line, he obviously doesn't really believe in this cause, on some 
  deeper level that trumps the superficial dogmatic stuff...
 Are you really so out of it that you don't know what a legal bill can amount 
 to in a single day?  I do.  I'd embarrassed to admit what I have put out for 
 legal costs in the last ten years, but it's a serious serious OMG hunk, and I 
 thereby purchased an education in lawyers, let me tell you.  They can take 
 ten thousand dollars from you just to get up to speed enough to be able to 
 take action.  
 The legal arena is filled with lawyers delaying and/or causing more work for 
 chargeable hours, and the Lynch group certainly has the bux to spend if push 
 comes to shove, but the one thing they know is that an average Joe cannot 
 even begin to match the legal clout that a rich person can afford, and thus 
 they can intimidate almost anyone.  It would be extremely stupid to go toe to 
 toe even if one did know in one's bones that one could support every anti-TM 
 For the record, I'd say to the anti-TMers out there, why bother?
 This thing is so top-heavy that it's always way past the tipping point, and 
 this in-school meditation effort will blow up in a short time, because to 
 teach hundreds of thousands of kids takes a lot of teachers, and who here 
 doesn't know that TM teachers are all over the map, and not one, not two, but 
 many of them can be counted on to royally fuck up while administrating the 
 program?  The Christians are ready to throw TMers to the lions, so why not 
 let them take up the legal bills when some parent comes forth and says that 
 her son's TM teacher taught her kid about Krishna or whatever.  The shit 
 storm will happen in an instant if just one triggering event happens.  And it 
 I would say that anyone who takes up this fight will be looking at hundreds 
 of thousands to a million or more dollars in legal costs, and it will take a 
 decade or more to process.

AKA all the justice you can afford Edg.

A law-firm here has t-shirts with that as their logo.

They think its funny.

No surprise I got scratched by them as a juror last 


[FairfieldLife] Re: New Conference

2009-04-03 Thread BillyG.
Poor Edg..caught up in hyperbole, and wishful thinking to boot.  I think you 
blew your wad on the wrong horse Edg!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung no_re...@... wrote:

  enlightened_dawn11 wrote:
  thanks for posting this-- [snip] it is wonderful to hear paul m. and ringo 
  and the others talk so openly and honestly about the lifetime benefits of 
  TM. really brings out the dynamic truth of the expression, knowledge is 
  structured in consciousness. liked ringo's t-shirt too...
 Bull fucking shit.  Anyone in their position, set-up as they, groomed as 
 they, know what to say and when to say it when they have to pony up for a few 
 minutes on a mike.  It's all role-playing performances.  
 Let's see Lynch tell why TM didn't dent his smoking habit or why Paul 
 couldn't even please a one-legged wife, or why John's bad karma wasn't 
 avoided, or why George was stabbed and died early, or why Ringo, well, why he 
 still looks like Ringo.
 All TM teachers have proudly proclaimed in their lectures the existence of 
 things they simply have not experienced, and these rich celebrities are as 
 sheltered from the real world as can be -- would even one of these folks be 
 touting TM if they knew the money side of it?  
 Think about it, these folks are coming out to stand up for TM just like Tom 
 Cruise for Scientology -- they're taking their professional images and 
 putting them at great risk should the instructions ever begin in public 
 schools and THEN and ONLY THEN do they see what they've associated themselves 
 Once the lawsuits start flying, you won't find these folks clamoring to be 
 exponents of consciousness or apologists for TM -- they'll say, TM?  Oh, I 
 tried that once, I think.  You know, just exactly what you'd do if your 
 asking price for your services were suddenly about to go from $10,000,000 a 
 picture down to $5,000,000.  
 I feel sorry for the celebrities -- they're going to be ripped off and then 
 embarrassed in the public eye, and they're just not trained to handle the 
 questions about the underbelly of the TMO -- they'll be fodder for the 
 tabloids if they try to come off as wise and guru-ish.  
 Headline:  David Lynch loses millions to cult scam

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-04-03 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Mar 28 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Apr 04 00:00:00 2009
881 messages as of (UTC) Fri Apr 03 23:31:14 2009

51 Richard J. Williams willy...@yahoo.com
50 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
50 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
50 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
49 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
49 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
47 curtisdeltablues curtisdeltabl...@yahoo.com
44 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
41 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
32 Kirk kirk_bernha...@cox.net
31 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
26 I am the eternal l.shad...@gmail.com
24 enlightened_dawn11 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
21 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
21 Arhata Osho arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
20 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
18 grate.swan no_re...@yahoogroups.com
16 satvadude108 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 bob_brigante no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 Richard M compost...@yahoo.co.uk
13 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
13 arhatafreespe...@yahoo.com
13 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
13 Nelson nelsonriddle2...@yahoo.com
12 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
 8 BillyG. wg...@yahoo.com
 7 lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@sbcglobal.net
 7 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 6 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
 6 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
 5 boo_lives boo_li...@yahoo.com
 5 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 4 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 4 elanghorus elangho...@gmail.com
 4 Marek Reavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 4 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 4 David Fiske fiskeda...@hotmail.com
 4 John M. Knapp, LMSW jmknap...@gmail.com
 3 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
 3 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 3 jimjim5886 jimjim5...@yahoo.com
 3 guyfawkes91 guyfawke...@yahoo.com
 3 Tom azg...@yahoo.com
 3 Patrick Gillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 2 drpetersutphen drpetersutp...@yahoo.com
 1 wvosteen monr...@monroe-electronics.com
 1 wayback71 waybac...@yahoo.com
 1 shempmcgurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
 1 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 margovon margo...@yahoo.com
 1 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 Zoran Krneta krneta.zo...@gmail.com
 1 Paul Mason premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Barbara Thomas barbara_thoma...@yahoo.com
 1 min.pige min.p...@yahoo.com

Posters: 57
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[FairfieldLife] Wind turbines could more than meet U.S. electricity needs, report says

2009-04-03 Thread I am the eternal

Temperature difference caused by taking the power out of the wind would be
around 1 degree difference, about the same as the localized effect of a
city. *

*[image: Los Angeles Times] http://www.latimes.com/

The Interior Department report, which looks at the potential of wind
turbines off the U.S. coast, is part of the government's process to chart a
course for offshore energy development.
By Jim Tankersley
April 3, 2009
 Reporting from Arlington, Va. -- Wind turbines off U.S. coastlines could
potentially supply more than enough electricity to meet the nation's current
demand, the Interior Department reported Thursday.

Simply harnessing the wind in relatively shallow waters -- the most
accessible and technically feasible sites for offshore turbines -- could
produce at least 20% of the power demand for most coastal states, Interior
Secretary Ken Salazar said, unveiling a report by the Minerals Management
Service that details the potential for oil, gas and renewable development on
the outer continental shelf.

 The biggest wind potential lies off the nation's Atlantic coast, which the
Interior report estimates could produce 1,000 gigawatts of electricity --
enough to meet a quarter of the national demand.

The report also notes large potential in the Pacific, including off the
California coast, but said the area presented technical challenges.

The Interior Department released an executive
summaryhttp://www.doi.gov/ocs/ExecutiveSummary-final.pdfof the
report on Thursday.

It noted that strong wind resources also exist offshore California, Oregon,
Washington and Hawaii, but it appears that the majority of this resource
lies in deep waters where technology constraints are potentially
significant -- a sentiment Salazar echoed when asked about Pacific wind

The report also suggests vast oil and gas reserves off the Pacific coast:
the equivalent of 10 billion to 18 billion barrels of oil.

Salazar told attendees at the 25x'25 Summit in Virginia, a gathering of
agriculture and energy representatives exploring ways to cut carbon dioxide
emissions, that we are only beginning to tap the potential of offshore
renewable energy.

The report is a step in the Obama administration's mission to chart a course
for offshore energy development, an issue that gained urgency last year amid
high oil prices and chants of Drill, baby, drill at the Republican
National Convention.

Critics have accused President Obama and Salazar of dragging their feet on
new oil and gas drilling, and Thursday's report does little to rebut those

It includes no new estimates of potential oil and gas reserves offshore and
notes that some of the existing estimates are based on 25-year-old seismic

Meeting with reporters after his speech, Salazar said he would wait to
decide whether to commission new seismic studies until after he convened a
four-stop series of offshore energy hearings, which begin next week in
Atlantic City, N.J. In San Francisco, a hearing will be held April 16 at 9
a.m. at the Mission Bay Conference Center at UC San Francisco.

Drilling advocates say updated estimates could show even more offshore oil

In contrast, Salazar said he expected a push to expedite offshore wind
development to be one of the most significant aspects at the hearings.

He pledged to finalize guidelines for such development, which the Bush
administration failed to complete before leaving office, within about two


[FairfieldLife] Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:

2009-04-03 Thread off_world_beings

Reuters: Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:28 PM, sparaig wrote:

 Um, that number is totally bogus, spare.  I heard they
 started at $75...don't know what the most expensive were,
 but it's seriously unlikely they came anywhere near that.

 They can't even get anywhere near that much scalping them.


 Guffaw. Rumors were that they sold out in just a few minutes and  
 ended up being scalped on ebay for close to $10 grand each.

This is how urban legends are created...you
don't have to go by rumors, spare...here's the link:

Only a few left,  of course, but what they're going for now
is very representative of what they've been going
for all week.

 You can pretned that 6000 seats in a charity concert sell for $75  
 each in NTC but
 I think you're slightly out of your mind.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:

2009-04-03 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of off_world_beings
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 9:04 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize
Reuters: Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:
George once said that after Rishikesh, everyone's egos went crazy and it was
the beginning of the end.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Public Webcast of the Press Conference for the David Lynch Foundation Benefi

2009-04-03 Thread sparaig
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 3, 2009, at 6:28 PM, sparaig wrote:
  Um, that number is totally bogus, spare.  I heard they
  started at $75...don't know what the most expensive were,
  but it's seriously unlikely they came anywhere near that.
  They can't even get anywhere near that much scalping them.
  Guffaw. Rumors were that they sold out in just a few minutes and  
  ended up being scalped on ebay for close to $10 grand each.
 This is how urban legends are created...you
 don't have to go by rumors, spare...here's the link:
 Only a few left,  of course, but what they're going for now
 is very representative of what they've been going
 for all week.
  You can pretned that 6000 seats in a charity concert sell for $75  
  each in NTC but
  I think you're slightly out of your mind.

Well 9 grand might have been high, but you were saying $75


[FairfieldLife] Re: Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:

2009-04-03 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of off_world_beings
 Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 9:04 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize
 Reuters: Paul McCartney says meditation helped stabilize Beatles:

 George once said that after Rishikesh, everyone's egos went
 crazy and it was the beginning of the end.

The headline is misleading. Here's what Paul actually said:

For me, it came at a time when we were looking for
something to kind of stabilize us toward the end of
the crazy '60s.

[FairfieldLife] Conscious TV - Consciousness

2009-04-03 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wind turbines could more than meet U.S. electricity needs, report says

2009-04-03 Thread shempmcgurk
The problem with wind turbines is if you put up too many of them they will cut 
down all winds blowing across the world and this will cause our planet to stop 
spinning on its axis and we will all be throw into deep space along with 
planes, trains, automobiles, and anything else that isn't tethered to Mother 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, I am the eternal l.shad...@... wrote:

 Temperature difference caused by taking the power out of the wind would be
 around 1 degree difference, about the same as the localized effect of a
 city. *
 *[image: Los Angeles Times] http://www.latimes.com/
 The Interior Department report, which looks at the potential of wind
 turbines off the U.S. coast, is part of the government's process to chart a
 course for offshore energy development.
 By Jim Tankersley
 April 3, 2009
  Reporting from Arlington, Va. -- Wind turbines off U.S. coastlines could
 potentially supply more than enough electricity to meet the nation's current
 demand, the Interior Department reported Thursday.
 Simply harnessing the wind in relatively shallow waters -- the most
 accessible and technically feasible sites for offshore turbines -- could
 produce at least 20% of the power demand for most coastal states, Interior
 Secretary Ken Salazar said, unveiling a report by the Minerals Management
 Service that details the potential for oil, gas and renewable development on
 the outer continental shelf.
  The biggest wind potential lies off the nation's Atlantic coast, which the
 Interior report estimates could produce 1,000 gigawatts of electricity --
 enough to meet a quarter of the national demand.
 The report also notes large potential in the Pacific, including off the
 California coast, but said the area presented technical challenges.
 The Interior Department released an executive
 summaryhttp://www.doi.gov/ocs/ExecutiveSummary-final.pdfof the
 report on Thursday.
 It noted that strong wind resources also exist offshore California, Oregon,
 Washington and Hawaii, but it appears that the majority of this resource
 lies in deep waters where technology constraints are potentially
 significant -- a sentiment Salazar echoed when asked about Pacific wind
 The report also suggests vast oil and gas reserves off the Pacific coast:
 the equivalent of 10 billion to 18 billion barrels of oil.
 Salazar told attendees at the 25x'25 Summit in Virginia, a gathering of
 agriculture and energy representatives exploring ways to cut carbon dioxide
 emissions, that we are only beginning to tap the potential of offshore
 renewable energy.
 The report is a step in the Obama administration's mission to chart a course
 for offshore energy development, an issue that gained urgency last year amid
 high oil prices and chants of Drill, baby, drill at the Republican
 National Convention.
 Critics have accused President Obama and Salazar of dragging their feet on
 new oil and gas drilling, and Thursday's report does little to rebut those
 It includes no new estimates of potential oil and gas reserves offshore and
 notes that some of the existing estimates are based on 25-year-old seismic
 Meeting with reporters after his speech, Salazar said he would wait to
 decide whether to commission new seismic studies until after he convened a
 four-stop series of offshore energy hearings, which begin next week in
 Atlantic City, N.J. In San Francisco, a hearing will be held April 16 at 9
 a.m. at the Mission Bay Conference Center at UC San Francisco.
 Drilling advocates say updated estimates could show even more offshore oil
 In contrast, Salazar said he expected a push to expedite offshore wind
 development to be one of the most significant aspects at the hearings.
 He pledged to finalize guidelines for such development, which the Bush
 administration failed to complete before leaving office, within about two