[FairfieldLife] Re: The Grand Unified Fair Field Life

2009-10-16 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Dear Turq,

Ammachi will be nearby you shortly
on her European tour.  Can just walk in
and hang out and sit with it.  No fees.
Often great music while her older swamis sing.
Is all quite a scene biblical otherwise.


  Yes, Yes.  It is the chakra school of cosmology.  The membrane is the 
  fabric light of the chakra, of the fibration of consciousness in wave and 
  light form.  The light body.  Also at that point in the old TM bubble 
  diagram where thought comes out.  There, Hagelin's string, Hugo's Brane 
  membrane, and Turq's buddhistic, and TM unified.  The Grand Unified Fair 
  Field Life.  The GUFFL. Or UFFL for short.  
 Ammachi teaches shat is a very nice advanced meditation for TM'ers.  Her IAM 
 teaching is of this.  Is quite integrative, encompassing and practically also 
 of that chakra school like Haglin is talking about.  Even non-sectarian.   Is 
 really well taught and cheap to learn through Ammachi.  
 Can learn it at some of the venues on her tour schedule and some of her 
 centers.  Look on her web pages.  A lot of people have learned it in 
 Fairfield and use it also as they meditate.  Is very useful.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie Review: (500) Days Of Summer

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 Me too, loved it; although I like most movies.  

There's even a 1% chance that Zooey is a TMer,
so this isn't a total non-sequitur on this forum. :-)

Her father Caleb Deschanel (Academy Award-winning
cinematographer) was active in the LA TM center 
back when I was teaching there. So if the drop
out statistics that Curtis and others have reported
here (in their experience, when calling mailing lists
of TMers, 90% had quit) are true, then there is a 10%
chance that he would have passed it along to his
kids, and another 10% chance she would have kept 
meditating. I think that's how the math works. :-)

But whatever she is, she's cute as a button...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  OPENING NARRATION: This is a story of boy meets
  girl. The boy, Tom Hansen of Margate, New Jersey,
  grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until
  the day he met The One. This belief stemmed from early
  exposure to sad British pop music and a total misreading
  of the movie 'The Graduate.' The girl, Summer Finn of
  Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. Since
  the disintegration of her parent's marriage she'd only
  loved two things. The first was her long dark hair. The
  second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a
  thing. Tom meets Summer on January 8th. He knows
  almost immediately she is who he has been searching for.
  This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know
  upfront, this is not a love story.
  But this review is. I am in love with this film.
  I have been in love with it ever since seeing the trailer
  a few months ago. Watching a workprint of the film tonight
  not only did not dampen my ardor, it deepened it. And this
  is not an adolescent-crush-love-is-blind love on my part.
  I have my reasons for it.
  First, there is Zooey Deschanel.
  Second, how can you not love a film that starts with the
  following lines printed onscreen before the credits?
  AUTHOR'S NOTE: The following is a work of fiction.
  Any resemblance to persons living or dead
  is purely coincidental.
  Especially you Jenny Beckman.
  Third, there is Zooey Deschanel.
  In one pithy phrase, (500) Days Of Summer is easily the
  best romantic comedy in years. The writing is fabulous,
  containing more funny lines per minute than any film of
  this type I can think of since When Harry Met Sally.
  And there is Zooey Deschanel. A star is born.
  Not that Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't great. He follows up
  his excellent work in The Lookout and Killshot and
  other films with a film that will probably jumpstart his
  career as well. But hey! I'm a guy, and Zooey stole my
  heart just as effectively as she steals his.
  Besides, it's a story told out of order, which I love.
  (500) Days Of Summer is exactly what the title implies it
  is, a tale composed of vignettes from the 500 days of an
  unforgettable love affair. But one of the things that
  makes this unforgettable love affair memorable is that
  these vignettes are presented not in sequence, as they
  happened, but in the order they need to be in to tell
  the story properly.
  I give it 500 stars.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@...

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Given your proximity to the issue and your calling
  in this regard, Ruth, I'd really love to hear what
  you have to say about the whole scene that's been
  going down in the US over health care reform.
  I would completely understand if you don't want to
  or can't talk about it, but I for one would love to
  hear your perspective. Living where I do, in a country
  with a sane approach to health care, it's been hard
  for me to get a handle on what I see in the US news.
  It's as if I'm watching a country that has collectively
  What's your assessment, being on the front lines?
  WTF can people who repeat the Death Panels meme
  be *thinking*? Do they really not understand that
  they are describing the present system, and the
  insurance companies that run it?

  Too busy and can't really talk much about things. Plus, I need more
distance.  Sometimes I am amazed at how little people know about how the
insurance markets work and thus how health care reform may work if we
tweak this or that. There is a lot of exhaustion right now, with a
few senators working hard to push, push, push to final legislation. 
Merging the Finance and Health committee bills is a bear, though I have
a lot of confidence in Reid. Plus there are a number of unintended
consequence holes that need to be plugged, which is tedious work.  And
then comes the House and the Senate.

 Posturing has been tiresome, but with the August recess in dim memory
it is less of an immediate problem.  I do love hearing statements like
we have the best health care system in the whole world.  Yippee
America, we are number one!  Yup, if you are insured and live in the
right community.  El Paso Texas vs. McAllen Texas.

 I worry about how to reduce health care inflation, but as soon as
people hear about controlling cost they think rationing.  Or that that
someone might interfere with their doctor/patient relationship.  (Of
course, insurance companies already interfere in that relationship and
gasp doctors aren't always going to make the best decision or be
efficient.) Killing Medicare Advantage subsidies is a small first step
that is clearly warranted, but even that gets people up in arms. We need
to get new reimbursement mechanisms in place to reward the practice of
good medicine.  We also need to strengthen our primary care system. I
like a public option because it can experiment with reimbursement in
ways insurance companies have been unwilling to try. We also need to
experiment more with Medicare and reimbursement.  This is not easy, the
Swiss have struggled with their requirement which limits coverage to
effective, appropriate, and efficient treatment.  It often isn't
formulaic so it can be difficult.  But some things are formulaic and
simple.  Tell a hospital it will not get Medicare money unless it has a
checklist system in place for reducing infections.  It is proven to
work. No question. But we shouldn't need a law for that, just give
Medicare (and any other public plan) the ability to reward what needs to
be rewarded.

 I can barely touch on it, but Medicare has to get control over drug
costs and be allowed to bargain on drug prices. In large part economists
are telling me that things are expensive in the US simply because they
can be.  But we aren't a country like Japan, willing to address cost by
having a system where government decides how much will be paid for x,y
or z.

 Like it or not, we are not a country of collectivists,  and the
current distrust of government is not helping.

 Anyway, I am rambling a bit on this gloomy evening.

Thanks for taking the time to ramble, Ruth. It
helps to put things into perspective for someone
like myself who is far away from the issues, not
nose to the grindstone with them like you are.

Good luck. It's one of the most pressing issues
of our time, or any time. As someone once said
(wasn't it...uh...Jeeezus?), Ye shall know them
by how they treat the least among them. The
United States of America seems to want not
only the least among its citizens to just die
quietly, quickly, and inexpensively, it helps
them to do so.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Michael, you seem on the ground there.  Who schedules and who 
 coordinates these things?  Does it come from movement Raja's 
 sitting in parliament declaring the movement should do these 
 yagya things and promote them? Or does this kind of seeming 
 new public policy happen to come from smaller exec. committee?  
 Select Rajas or some Purusaha operating on their own enthusiastic 
 Just wondering.

I have heard that such decisions about yagyas and
other similar practices are made by the Ministry
Of Hypocrisy, which is a division of the Ministry
Of Redundancy Ministry. 

 Om, thanks for the clarification.  What part of the official
 Transcendental Meditation movement is behind scheduling
 these things?  Maharishi University of Management, The David
 Lynch Foundation,  The Indian TM movement,  The TM Global
 Country with its Rajas,  Raja Emmanuel and Bevan?  John Hagelin?

Thank you for pointing out the oversight in my
previous clarifications, Doug. Yes, I did leave out
the definition of one term, MERU. That stands
for Maharishi European Research University, the
official home of the TM movement in Holland.
Here is what it looks like:

   Thanks,  it looks all very interlocking.
   I did not see John Hagelin's or David Lynch's name at that 
   level.  Are they not included anymore? 

And here's an interesting Web page that talks about
a conference at MERU that in fact uses the same
non-religious image of Dhanvantari that I used in
my clarification post.


Thank you for helping me to clear up all these
misconceptions that the TMO is either a religion
or promoting religious practices.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  For lurkers who may not be familiar with the non-religious names and
  terms used in this announcement:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamerlin@ wrote:
   Betreff:  time of upcoming Pujas in Holland
  Pūjā (Devanagari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari
  पूजा) (alternative transliteration
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transliteration  Pooja
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pooja , Sanskrit
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit : reverence
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverence , honour
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honour , adoration
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adoration , or worship
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worship ) is a ceremony of gratitude
or a
  religious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion  ritual
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual  performed as an offering to
  various deities, distinguished persons, or special guests. It is
done on
  a variety of occasions and settings, from daily puja done in the
  to temple ceremonies and large festivals, or to begin a new venture.
  Puja is modeled on the idea of giving a gift or offering to a deity
  important person and receiving their blessing. - Wikipedia
   Here are the likely starting times (Holland time)
  of Rashtra Geet at the beginning
   of the upcoming grand global Pujas:
   15 October, Dhanvantari Puja: 13:30h
  Dhanvantari (incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu -- It is common
  practice in Hinduism for worshipers to pray to Lord Dhanvantari
  his blessings for sound health for themselves and/or others. -
   16 October, Hanuman Puja: 14:00h
  Hanuman (personification of bhakti
  [devotion to God] in Hinduism):

[FairfieldLife] Re: Afghan War is a Quagmire for the US

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   If NATO can't win a war in Afghanistan, how could 
   they win a regional war in Europe? 
 Hugo wrote: 
  America is part of NATO, it stands for North Atlantic 
  Treaty Organisation...
 But, you really didn't answer my question, Hugo. If NATO 
 can't win a war in Afghanistan, how could they win a 
 regional war in Europe? 

It would depend on what the war was about and who they
were fighting.

The Afghan war continues even though all of it's original
justifications have disappeared, capture of Bin Laden,
erradication of opium trade, establishment of womens rights,
establishment of democracy- this last is a particularly
sad joke, all those people dead to defend a corrupt farce
like the recent election. No wonder no-one has ever defeated
the Afghans the only reason we are still there is to prevent
losing face. I'm sure we'll bow out sooner rather than later
and the world will continue on it's path. You can't wage
war on ideas, you could kill all Islamists but others will
take their place simply because of the effrontery of a bunch
of westeners enforcing their way of life where it doesn't 
belong. The endless war indeed.

 If the U.S. were to pull out of Afghanistan, then the 
 U.S. would be withdrawing from NATO agreements. At that 
 point, Europe would probably be helpless from a foreign 
 attack, since everyone knows that the U.S. pays for over 
 half of NATO expenses. If the U.S. withdraws troops from 
 Afghanistan, why not withdraw all U.S. forces from Europe?
 The September 11 attacks caused NATO to invoke Article 
 5 of the NATO Charter for the first time in its history. 
 The Article says that an attack on any member shall be 
 considered to be an attack on all...

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Michael, you seem on the ground there.  Who schedules and who coordinates 
 these things?  Does it come from movement Raja's sitting in parliament 
 declaring the movement should do these yagya things and promote them? Or does 
 this kind of seeming new public policy happen to come from smaller exec. 
 committee?  Select Rajas or some Purusaha operating on their own enthusiastic 
 Just wondering.

According to the Marshy channel the vedic calendar wasn't
written by man but by nature itself. What this means,
or perhaps what they *think* it means, is that certain days
and times of the year are more powerful than others for
certain things you may want to do. Aspects of natural law
are allegedly enlivened by conjunctions of planets against
a randomly chosen background of stars. At these times you
can chant Indian hymns (apparently present somewhere in the 
quantum field but you won't be hearing about it from CERN
very much) to give you more luck in your endeavours, create
world peace, even improve your health and get a better job.

It's got nothing to do with us, they say, it's just
part of the great unfolding cosmic plan. All you need to work
out this divinely inspired schedule is a model of the solar 
system with Earth at the centre being orbitted by the sun 
and planets but with some of the outer planets missing - 
the ancients didn't have telescopes and didn't know there
was anything beyond Saturn you see but it can't affect the 
overall predictions can it?

Cheekily, when you see astrology on the channel they always
say The nine planets as though they are including them all
when they are using four of the nodes of the moon to make
up the numbers. They even have a model of the brain with
the planets and moon-nodes linked to the areas they affect
even though it don't addd up with what's out there! Chortle.

A cynic might say that they are just praying to the Gods
and mixing it up with sciencey-sounding phrases to con
the unwary into thinking it has some sort of rational basis.
The evidence is that believers are going to be a bit more 
likely to cough-up the readies if it comes from a world 
renowned phycisist. And, let's face it, this stuff aint 

I'm not a cynic though and I prefer to judge things on 
whether or not they actually work.. Still waiting.

 -D in FF  

 Om, thanks for the clarification.  What part of the official
 Transcendental Meditation movement is behind scheduling
 these things?  Maharishi University of Management, The David
 Lynch Foundation,  The Indian TM movement,  The TM Global
 Country with its Rajas,  Raja Emmanuel and Bevan?  John Hagelin?

Thank you for pointing out the oversight in my
previous clarifications, Doug. Yes, I did leave out
the definition of one term, MERU. That stands
for Maharishi European Research University, the
official home of the TM movement in Holland.
Here is what it looks like:

   Thanks,  it looks all very interlocking.
   I did not see John Hagelin's or David Lynch's name at that 
   level.  Are they not included anymore? 

And here's an interesting Web page that talks about
a conference at MERU that in fact uses the same
non-religious image of Dhanvantari that I used in
my clarification post.


Thank you for helping me to clear up all these
misconceptions that the TMO is either a religion
or promoting religious practices.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  For lurkers who may not be familiar with the non-religious names and
  terms used in this announcement:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamerlin@ wrote:
   Betreff:  time of upcoming Pujas in Holland
  Pūjā (Devanagari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari
  पूजा) (alternative transliteration

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
  These sound like scientific procedures to me! Are they from 
  a book on Quantum Physics?
 Chuckle. It's a source of endless amusement to me that the 
 TMO insist that its use of Hindu deities in rituals is 
 something to do with them being aspects of natural law.

I'm not sure I'm amused by it after four decades.
For me it brings up feelings of sadness at the
sheer SPINELESSNESS of long-term TMers. 

They are still defending the TM is not a religion
meme WHILE attending TMO-sponsored yagyas that make
offerings to *specific* Hindu deities. 

IMO it's *just fine* to believe in a bunch of gods
and goddesses and to believe that they are so petty
and vain that they would be swayed into bestowing
favors on humans stupid enough to offer them rice
and ghee. It's superstition, but hey! *lots* of
people on this rock are superstitious.

Jews believe in a God who is an old man with a hoary
white beard dispensing punishment to people who do
horrible things like using the same kitchen to prepare
meat and milk dishes. Catholics believe not only in
a big male God with a hoary beard, but that he has
by his side his son, whom God killed savagely for 
their sins, and whose blood and flesh they symbol-
ically consume every Sunday in church. 

But these people are at least HONEST about their
religious beliefs and practices. TMers attend these
yagyas, pray to Hindu gods and goddesses and try to
bribe them into bestowing favors on them, and then
go out and give an intro lecture or talk to a school
system and tell them with a straight face that the
TMO is promoting no religious practices.

Not only is this hypocritical to the max, it is 
cowardly and spineless. It's *OK* to believe in
supernatural beings; what's less OK is to believe
in them and lie about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sallysunshine01 salsunshine@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   In this post Barry provides hard evidence for
   what I suggested yesterday in a comment to John:
  And in this post Judy provides hard evidence
  --once again--that not only is she totally obsessed with Barry,
  but that she can't restrain herself
  from using up many if not most of her weekly posts
  on this obsession.
 Another week, another early 'post out' by the perpetual 
 stalker and disgustingly mean-spiritied authors.nag.
 'Obsessed and bitter is, as obsessed and bitter does.'
 [W/apologies to Forest Gump]

Thanks for noticing, and commenting, but there's
really nothing I or you or seemingly anyone else 
can do about this stalking thang except to prac-
tice Message View FFL reading:

1. See the dogshit.
2. Step around the dogshit.
3. Keep walking, and continue on one's Way.
4. Leave the dogshit to fester in its own stink.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread raunchydog
Thanks for posting, Ruth. It's great to get a perspective from someone who 
knows what they're talking about. Sometimes I wonder about Harry Reid's 
commitment to a robust public option. Why is it so important for him to have 
Olympia Snow's vote to move the Senate Finance health care bill out of 
committee and on to the floor when all she wants are is a trigger' to make 
sure the public option is ineffectual? She probably won't vote for ANY bill 
that hits the floor anyway. Since have a filibuster proof Senate with 60 
votes,Reid should move for cloture NOW and ask for an up or down vote for a 
public option. What Democratic senator in his right mind would vote against it? 
Reid has to show more leadership and whip the vote. Check out this report from 
Firedoglake. It makes you wonder why Arlen Specter shows more chutzpah to get 
cloture than Reid and why Reid is seemingly dragging his feet. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ruthsimplicity no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  Given your proximity to the issue and your calling
  in this regard, Ruth, I'd really love to hear what
  you have to say about the whole scene that's been
  going down in the US over health care reform. 
  I would completely understand if you don't want to
  or can't talk about it, but I for one would love to
  hear your perspective. Living where I do, in a country
  with a sane approach to health care, it's been hard 
  for me to get a handle on what I see in the US news.
  It's as if I'm watching a country that has collectively
  What's your assessment, being on the front lines?
  WTF can people who repeat the Death Panels meme
  be *thinking*? Do they really not understand that
  they are describing the present system, and the
  insurance companies that run it?
  Too busy and can't really talk much about things. Plus, I need more 
 distance.  Sometimes I am amazed at how little people know about how the 
 insurance markets work and thus how health care reform may work if we tweak 
 this or that. There is a lot of exhaustion right now, with a few senators 
 working hard to push, push, push to final legislation.  Merging the Finance 
 and Health committee bills is a bear, though I have a lot of confidence in 
 Reid. Plus there are a number of unintended consequence holes that need to be 
 plugged, which is tedious work.  And then comes the House and the Senate.
 Posturing has been tiresome, but with the August recess in dim memory it is 
 less of an immediate problem.  I do love hearing statements like we have the 
 best health care system in the whole world.  Yippee America, we are number 
 one!  Yup, if you are insured and live in the right community.  El Paso Texas 
 vs. McAllen Texas.
 I worry about how to reduce health care inflation, but as soon as people hear 
 about controlling cost they think rationing.  Or that that someone might 
 interfere with their doctor/patient relationship.  (Of course, insurance 
 companies already interfere in that relationship and gasp doctors aren't 
 always going to make the best decision or be efficient.) Killing Medicare 
 Advantage subsidies is a small first step that is clearly warranted, but even 
 that gets people up in arms. We need to get new reimbursement mechanisms in 
 place to reward the practice of good medicine.  We also need to strengthen 
 our primary care system. I like a public option because it can experiment 
 with reimbursement in ways insurance companies have been unwilling to try. We 
 also need to experiment more with Medicare and reimbursement.  This is not 
 easy, the Swiss have struggled with their requirement which limits coverage 
 to effective, appropriate, and efficient treatment.  It often isn't 
 formulaic so it can be difficult.  But some things are formulaic and simple.  
 Tell a hospital it will not get Medicare money unless it has a checklist 
 system in place for reducing infections.  It is proven to work. No question. 
 But we shouldn't need a law for that, just give Medicare (and any other 
 public plan) the ability to reward what needs to be rewarded.  
 I can barely touch on it, but Medicare has to get control over drug costs and 
 be allowed to bargain on drug prices. In large part economists are telling me 
 that things are expensive in the US simply because they can be.  But we 
 aren't a country like Japan, willing to address cost by having a system where 
 government decides how much will be paid for x,y or z. 
 Like it or not, we are not a country of collectivists,  and the current 
 distrust of government is not helping. 
 Anyway, I am rambling a bit on this gloomy evening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread Vaj

On Oct 16, 2009, at 6:31 AM, raunchydog wrote:

Thanks for posting, Ruth. It's great to get a perspective from  
someone who knows what they're talking about. Sometimes I wonder  
about Harry Reid's commitment to a robust public option. Why is it  
so important for him to have Olympia Snow's vote to move the Senate  
Finance health care bill out of committee and on to the floor when  
all she wants are is a trigger' to make sure the public option is  
ineffectual? She probably won't vote for ANY bill that hits the  
floor anyway.

Huh! Wait till you find out your insurer is L.L. Bean! Then it'll all  
make sense...


[FairfieldLife] Indian dinosaurs were the first to die!

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

No yagyas in those days.


Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: I voted no

2009-10-16 Thread WLeed3

-Original Message-
From: wle...@aol.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 11:35 pm
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: I voted no

-Original Message-
From: Orrin Hatch or...@hatchforsenate.com
To: William Leed wle...@aol.com
Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 3:14 pm
Subject: I voted no

William --

More spending... more government... more taxes... un-constitutional... 
mis-guided... rushed... unpopular... $1 trillion... 

Those are just a few of the phrases that describe the health care bill I voted 
against Tuesday.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that only 34%* of Americans support the 
Democrats' headlong rush toward this government takeover of our heath care, 
President Obama and his liberal allies are doubling-down in their efforts to 
impose this bill on us.

Will you help me stop the government takeover of our health care?

Let me be clear, what the Democrats are trying to jam down our throats is 
government control of our lives...

... through higher taxes, more government spending, federal government 
bureaucrats controlling our health care decisions and unconstitutional mandates 
enforced by the IRS.

I need your help to fight back!

To make matters worse, a study released Monday by PricewaterhouseCoopers found 
that the typical American family could pay $4,000 more for health insurance in 
2019 if the Democrats' health care bill is enacted -- meaning that the average 
family would pay $25,900 per year for insurance under the plan.

With Democrat leaders promising to force this so-called reform through Congress 
as soon as next week, we need to have the resources on hand to get the facts 
out about President Obama's health care agenda.

Please donate $25, $50, $100 or even $250 today to stop this government 

Thank you for making your voice heard in this important debate.


Senator Orrin Hatch

P.S. I need you to step up and fight back against President Obama's plan to 
take over our health care. Please contribute $25 today.

*Pew Research Center (9/30-10/4/2009; 1,500 adults, +/- 3% margin of error) Link

Website | Donate


Paid for by Hatch Election Committee Inc.

175 S. West Temple, Suite 650 | Salt Lake City, UT 84101

This email was sent to: wle...@aol.com
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[FairfieldLife] 2012 prophecy is Cosmophobia says NASA scientist

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

2012 doomsday prediction nothing but a hoax.

A NASA scientist has said that the prophecy by the ancient Mayans that the 
world might end in the year 2012, is nothing but a hoax, which is only helping 
the promoters of the conspiracy theory to rake in huge profits.

NASA scientist David Morrison's concise summary of the claims and the 
scientific response to the widespread Internet belief that December 21, 2012, 
will be doomsday for planet Earth, determines that the whole thing is nothing 
but a hoax.

For several months, NASA and many astronomers have received increasingly 
worried letters and e-mails from members of the public about the possibility, 
widely touted on the Internet that the world will end in 2012.

Many mechanisms for doomsday are being proposed, including a collision with a 
fictional planet called Nibiru, deadly activity on the surface of the Sun that 
lashes out at Earth, alignments with the center of our galaxy, and many more.

David Morrison has coined the term cosmophobia - fear of the cosmos - for 
these concerns, and has seen a huge increase in the phenomenon this year.

Dr. Morrison, a world-renowned expert on the solar system (and asteroid 
impacts), also serves as the public scientist for NASA's Ask an 
Astrobiologist service, where he answers questions for the public.

He has received so many questions about 2012 and the end of the world, that he 
felt he had to investigate and set the record straight.

One of his most interesting findings is that the distributors of the science 
fiction motion picture 2012, to be released this November, are purposely 
feeding the flames of the Internet panic, in what is called a viral marketing 

They have created fake science websites and encouraging people to search for 
2012 on the Web, all for the sake of some publicity for the movie, the 
findings indicate.

Also, most of the sites based on the 2012 theory are full of nonsense and 
misunderstanding, often by people who have written books on coming disaster 
that they are trying to sell, the findings reveal.

From here:


RE: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
Barack Obama
Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since January.
Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little, and
now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been more
in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much

[FairfieldLife] Re: Indian dinosaurs were the first to die!

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes...@... wrote:

 No yagyas in those days.

OTOH if the dinosaurs did have access to the Infinite organising
power of natural law and could thus have Averted the danger that
had not yet come the human race would never have evolved. So we 
should be thankful for these small mercies.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
 Barack Obama
 Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
 Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
 current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since January.
 Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little, and
 now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
 Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been more
 in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
 Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much

The approval comparison is bogus simply because the specifics of their 
obligations to the nation are completely different.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Nablusoss,  someone was telling me this morning in a line in FF while waiting 
for coffee that Tony Nadar recently gave an excellent lecture explaining the 
science of the devata nature.   Said it was a very good talk.  Demystifying.   
Is that linked on the global family chats?
Or somewhere?   Just wondering.

Doug in FF

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
   These sound like scientific procedures to me! Are they from 
   a book on Quantum Physics?
  Chuckle. It's a source of endless amusement to me that the 
  TMO insist that its use of Hindu deities in rituals is 
  something to do with them being aspects of natural law.
 I'm not sure I'm amused by it after four decades.
 For me it brings up feelings of sadness at the
 sheer SPINELESSNESS of long-term TMers. 
 They are still defending the TM is not a religion
 meme WHILE attending TMO-sponsored yagyas that make
 offerings to *specific* Hindu deities. 
 IMO it's *just fine* to believe in a bunch of gods
 and goddesses and to believe that they are so petty
 and vain that they would be swayed into bestowing
 favors on humans stupid enough to offer them rice
 and ghee. It's superstition, but hey! *lots* of
 people on this rock are superstitious.
 Jews believe in a God who is an old man with a hoary
 white beard dispensing punishment to people who do
 horrible things like using the same kitchen to prepare
 meat and milk dishes. Catholics believe not only in
 a big male God with a hoary beard, but that he has
 by his side his son, whom God killed savagely for 
 their sins, and whose blood and flesh they symbol-
 ically consume every Sunday in church. 
 But these people are at least HONEST about their
 religious beliefs and practices. TMers attend these
 yagyas, pray to Hindu gods and goddesses and try to
 bribe them into bestowing favors on them, and then
 go out and give an intro lecture or talk to a school
 system and tell them with a straight face that the
 TMO is promoting no religious practices.
 Not only is this hypocritical to the max, it is 
 cowardly and spineless. It's *OK* to believe in
 supernatural beings; what's less OK is to believe
 in them and lie about it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread WillyTex
TurquoiseB wrote:
  It's as if I'm watching a country that 
  has collectively LOST ITS FUCKING MIND...
Maybe you're comparing apples to oranges. 

Barry lives in Spain where immigrant health
care is a big issue, as it is all over Europe.
From what I've read, there's an enormous 
backlash against providing illegal immigrants 
with free health care.

Maybe Barry should tell us more about his
health care insurance plan, if he has one.

Apparently almost every country that has 
socialized medicine in Europe has soem form
of 'death panels'. It could be that Barry 
doesn't know this, but if so, he wouldn't be 
very much prepared to understand the system
of insurance in the U.S.A.

 Yup, if you are insured and live in the 
 right community.  El Paso Texas vs. McAllen 
Is it a fact that U.S. citizens living in 
McAllen, Texas have sub-standard levels of 
health care or need health care insurance 
reform? None of the reforms going through
congress guarantee free health care for 
illegal immigrants in McAllen or El Paso or
anywhere else.

But it's a fact that a large number of 
illegal immigrants get real good care in the 
McAllen emergency room, all paid for by U.S. 

It's probably the responsibility of the 
Mexican government to care for their own 
people. I don't know how Barry is able to 
get on the Spanish health care system
making all the money he supposedly earns.

 Medicare has to get control over drug 
 costs and be allowed to bargain on drug 

The last time I checked, Obama and many
Dems were opposed to discount medications
being available in the U.S., It's illegal 
for individuals to import discount drugs 
into the U.S. from other countries. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Truthers and Birthers

2009-10-16 Thread WillyTex
  I've never seen the original because it 
  obviously doesn't exist
R.D. wrote:
 I have no idea what he's hiding or why, but 
 whatever it is, IMO he was born in the USA 
 and not Kenya...  
Apparently some of Obama's Kenyan relatives 
have stated, under oath, that they were present 
at Obama's birth in Kenya. Go figure.

So, it's not really 'crazy' to ask where Obama 
was was really born.

  Read more:
  'How Crazy are those Birthers?'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
 Barack Obama
 Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
 Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
 current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since January.
 Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little, and
 now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
 Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been more
 in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
 Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much

Don't be so sure. Perhaps it's comforting for Obots to think Hillary's approval 
would have tanked had she been president, because they can't believe anyone 
could possibly like her. But, we'll never know.

The other day Hillary said that had she won the presidency she would have asked 
Obama to serve in her cabinet. I doubt she would have chosen him for Secretary 
of State. Such a position requires work not window dressing.  Let's face it, 
the reason Hillary has a higher favorability rating compared to Obama is that 
people see her as the workhorse and Obama as the show pony.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Truthers and Birthers

2009-10-16 Thread WillyTex
Even though we all watched in shock, as hijacked 
planes flew into the twin towers, the Pentagon and 
a Pennsylvania field, these folks imagined that 
someone in Washington DC might have blown up those 
buildings instead...

So, what's up with the 'Truthers'? Are they 'crazy'
or what? We already know that the 'Birthers' are
crazy for asking where Obama was born. If so, then
the 'Truthers' must be totally insane!

Read more:

'Debunking 9/11 Myths'
Popular Mechanics, March 2005 

'How Crazy are those Birthers?'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread WillyTex
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Good luck. It's one of the most pressing issues
 of our time, or any time. As someone once said
 (wasn't it...uh...Jeeezus?), Ye shall know them
 by how they treat the least among them. The
 United States of America seems to want not
 only the least among its citizens to just die
 quietly, quickly, and inexpensively, it helps
 them to do so.

We'll see how 'the least of them' are treated when
the H1N1 virus breaks out in European jails and

Barry has his 'antibiotics' stash, so he's got some 
protection, but what about all the others? 

My guess is that the U.S. is going to be much more 
prepared for the 'Swine Flu' epidemic than most 
other countries are. 

I'd say that the countries with poor socialist 
economies and socialized medicine are going to take 
a very big hit, in the millions. 

You might even see anarchy in Europe because of high 
job unemployment, flu epidemics, and violence from 
illegal immigrants and jihadists. There are no 
secure borders in Europe.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 8:57 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
Barack Obama
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com

 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
 Barack Obama
 Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
 Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
 current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since
 Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little,
 now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
 Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been
 in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
 Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much

Don't be so sure. Perhaps it's comforting for Obots to think Hillary's
approval would have tanked had she been president, because they can't
believe anyone could possibly like her. But, we'll never know.

The other day Hillary said that had she won the presidency she would have
asked Obama to serve in her cabinet. I doubt she would have chosen him for
Secretary of State. Such a position requires work not window dressing. Let's
face it, the reason Hillary has a higher favorability rating compared to
Obama is that people see her as the workhorse and Obama as the show pony.
In your dreams. Hillary has always attracted criticism like a lightening
rod, and she would be getting ripped to shreds as president. She's just not
in a position now to attract much criticism. She's not making controversial
decisions and is largely out of the public eye. Your comment above implies
that Obama is not working hard. I'll bet you would take a week to recover
from having to live through one of his days.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread jpgillam

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero wrote:

  Of course the TM Puja is religious!! How 
 ridiculous and disingenuous to say otherwise.  

yifuxero, if you don't mind my asking, what is 
your basis for saying the puja is religious? I 
mean, do you see gods when you sing the puja, 
or something?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Afghan War is a Quagmire for the US

2009-10-16 Thread WillyTex
  But, you really didn't answer my question, Hugo. If 
  NATO can't win a war in Afghanistan, how could they 
  win a regional war in Europe? 
Hugo wrote:
 It would depend on what the war was about and who they
 were fighting.
Let's say that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden had training
camps in Afghanistan and they sent out suicide bombers 
to destroy the Houses of Parliament and Fleet Street with
a nuclear device.

I wonder how NATO would win a war against the terrorists
in Europe, when it can't win a war now in Afghanistan?

 The Afghan war continues even though all of it's original
 justifications have disappeared, capture of Bin Laden,
 erradication of opium trade, establishment of womens rights,
 establishment of democracy- this last is a particularly
 sad joke, all those people dead to defend a corrupt farce
 like the recent election. No wonder no-one has ever defeated
 the Afghans the only reason we are still there is to prevent
 losing face. I'm sure we'll bow out sooner rather than later

We? You mean that the EU would withdraw from NATO and leave
the U.S. to win the war in Afghanistan? Or, that the U.S.
would opt out of NATO and let the EU lose the war?

 and the world will continue on it's path. You can't wage
 war on ideas, you could kill all Islamists but others will
 take their place simply because of the effrontery of a bunch
 of westeners enforcing their way of life where it doesn't 
 belong. The endless war indeed.
So, you're thinking that the U.S. should pull all it's
forces out of NATO and out of Europe because NATO can't
win the war against the terrorists; that winning the war is 
an 'effrontery' to the radical Islamic fundamentalists. 

Go figure.
  If the U.S. were to pull out of Afghanistan, then the 
  U.S. would be withdrawing from NATO agreements. At that 
  point, Europe would probably be helpless from a foreign 
  attack, since everyone knows that the U.S. pays for over 
  half of NATO expenses. If the U.S. withdraws troops from 
  Afghanistan, why not withdraw all U.S. forces from Europe?
  The September 11 attacks caused NATO to invoke Article 
  5 of the NATO Charter for the first time in its history. 
  The Article says that an attack on any member shall be 
  considered to be an attack on all...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
  On Behalf Of raunchydog
  Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
  Barack Obama

  Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
  Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
  current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since January.
  Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little, and
  now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
  Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been more
  in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
  Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much
 Don't be so sure. Perhaps it's comforting for Obots to think Hillary's 
 approval would have tanked had she been president, because they can't believe 
 anyone could possibly like her. But, we'll never know.
 The other day Hillary said that had she won the presidency she would have 
 asked Obama to serve in her cabinet. I doubt she would have chosen him for 
 Secretary of State. Such a position requires work not window dressing.  Let's 
 face it, the reason Hillary has a higher favorability rating compared to 
 Obama is that people see her as the workhorse and Obama as the show pony.


Michelle Obama has higher approval ratings than Hillary. It means nothing 
however, because they have completely different specific roles - just like your 
bogus comparison of Hillary with Barack.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread Vaj

On Oct 16, 2009, at 10:30 AM, WillyTex wrote:

You might even see anarchy in Europe because of high
job unemployment, flu epidemics, and violence from
illegal immigrants and jihadists. There are no
secure borders in Europe.

Or Texas LOL. :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread mainstream20016

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 8:57 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
 Barack Obama
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com ]
  On Behalf Of raunchydog
  Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 12:13 AM
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
  Barack Obama
  Hillary Clinton lost the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination to Barack
  Obama, but in one respect she now ranks ahead of Obama. The president's
  current favorable rating of 56% is down 22 percentage points since
  Over the same time span, Clinton's favorable rating has changed little,
  now, at 62%, it exceeds Obama's. 
  Probably because Obama has been on the firing line and Hillary has been
  in the background. If she had become President and Obama had become
  Secretary of State, her popularity would have tanked and his would be much
 Don't be so sure. Perhaps it's comforting for Obots to think Hillary's
 approval would have tanked had she been president, because they can't
 believe anyone could possibly like her. But, we'll never know.
 The other day Hillary said that had she won the presidency she would have
 asked Obama to serve in her cabinet. I doubt she would have chosen him for
 Secretary of State. Such a position requires work not window dressing. Let's
 face it, the reason Hillary has a higher favorability rating compared to
 Obama is that people see her as the workhorse and Obama as the show pony.
 In your dreams. Hillary has always attracted criticism like a lightening
 rod, and she would be getting ripped to shreds as president. She's just not
 in a position now to attract much criticism. She's not making controversial
 decisions and is largely out of the public eye. Your comment above implies
 that Obama is not working hard. I'll bet you would take a week to recover
 from having to live through one of his days.

Rick,   raunchy is advocating HIllary's abilities, not her own.  Contrasting 
HIllary's approval ratings with Obama's is an irrelevant exercise, except to 
salve the perpetually open-wounds of Hillary supporters.   The idea that 
Hillary is still publicly commenting on how she would have dealt with Obama had 
she won says so much about Hillary's continuing sense of entitlement. 
 Hillary's performance and high approval ratings as Obama's Sec. of State is 
aided by Obama's outstanding level of support internationally.  Obama's 
handling of Hillary has been, and continues to be masterful.  

[FairfieldLife] YouTube - Barack Obama celebrates Diwali in White House

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Re: Afghan War is a Quagmire for the US

2009-10-16 Thread Hugo

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

   But, you really didn't answer my question, Hugo. If 
   NATO can't win a war in Afghanistan, how could they 
   win a regional war in Europe? 
 Hugo wrote:
  It would depend on what the war was about and who they
  were fighting.
 Let's say that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden had training
 camps in Afghanistan and they sent out suicide bombers 
 to destroy the Houses of Parliament and Fleet Street with
 a nuclear device.

That wouldn't be a regional war in Europe. That would be the
sort of thing they are/were doing. Thing is al quaeda are trying
to do it from elsewhere now that they can't function in Afghanistan.

 I wonder how NATO would win a war against the terrorists
 in Europe, when it can't win a war now in Afghanistan?

Almost easier to win in Europe because it involves more
targetted surveilance then arresting the suspects. Whereas
in Afghanistan everyone seems to have forgotten what they
are fighting for, is it to capture al queada, establish a 
democracy, end the opium trade? whichever way you look at 
it it isn't going well. 

  The Afghan war continues even though all of it's original
  justifications have disappeared, capture of Bin Laden,
  erradication of opium trade, establishment of womens rights,
  establishment of democracy- this last is a particularly
  sad joke, all those people dead to defend a corrupt farce
  like the recent election. No wonder no-one has ever defeated
  the Afghans the only reason we are still there is to prevent
  losing face. I'm sure we'll bow out sooner rather than later
 We? You mean that the EU would withdraw from NATO and leave
 the U.S. to win the war in Afghanistan? Or, that the U.S.
 would opt out of NATO and let the EU lose the war?

Neither, I mean both UK and US will pull out of Afghanistan
before much longer.

  and the world will continue on it's path. You can't wage
  war on ideas, you could kill all Islamists but others will
  take their place simply because of the effrontery of a bunch
  of westeners enforcing their way of life where it doesn't 
  belong. The endless war indeed.
 So, you're thinking that the U.S. should pull all it's
 forces out of NATO and out of Europe because NATO can't
 win the war against the terrorists; that winning the war is 
 an 'effrontery' to the radical Islamic fundamentalists. 

Invading Islamic countries is the effrontery that drives
so many to the cause of removing the crusaders. I think
US  UK will pull out soon because they can't win if they
haven't really defined what win means in this situation.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread It's just a ride
On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 10:19 AM, mainstream20016
mainstream20...@yahoo.com wrote:

 Rick,   raunchy is advocating HIllary's abilities, not her own.  Contrasting 
 HIllary's approval ratings with Obama's is an irrelevant exercise, except to 
 salve the perpetually open-wounds of Hillary supporters.   The idea that 
 Hillary is still publicly commenting on how she would have dealt with Obama 
 had she won says so much about Hillary's continuing sense of entitlement.
  Hillary's performance and high approval ratings as Obama's Sec. of State is 
 aided by Obama's outstanding level of support internationally.  Obama's 
 handling of Hillary has been, and continues to be masterful.

Indeed deserving or not, Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize.  Hilary
didn't win it.  If Hilary were such hot shit, the Nobel committee
would have awarded her the prize, IMO.  I agree that this is more of
the Obama stole the nomination from Hilary.  More of the Hilary as
entitled to be president of the United States.  Remember before Hilary
was selected as Secretary of State, we thought of how best to declaw
the Arkansas Hillbillies?  Appoint Hilary to a cabinet position,
making her Obama's minion.  Well, that's what he did.  Lincoln
appointed his enemies to cabinet posts, ostensibly to get the most
diverse point of view and put the best and the brightest in office.
It also declawed them, as they now had to do what Lincoln said and
weren't independent to speak against him.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Fwd: I voted no

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
So what is Hatch's solution?  He doesn't seem to have one does he?  He 
just squeals like pig.  A capitalist pig.  He probably wants Wall Street 
to run everything.

wle...@aol.com wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: Orrin Hatch or...@hatchforsenate.com
 To: William Leed wle...@aol.com
 Sent: Thu, Oct 15, 2009 3:14 pm
 Subject: I voted no

 William --

 More spending... more government... more taxes... un-constitutional... 
 mis-guided... rushed... unpopular... $1 trillion... 

 Those are just a few of the phrases that describe the health care bill I 
 voted against Tuesday.

 Unfortunately, despite the fact that only 34%* of Americans support the 
 Democrats' headlong rush toward this government takeover of our heath care, 
 President Obama and his liberal allies are doubling-down in their efforts to 
 impose this bill on us.

 Will you help me stop the government takeover of our health care?

 Let me be clear, what the Democrats are trying to jam down our throats is 
 government control of our lives...

 ... through higher taxes, more government spending, federal government 
 bureaucrats controlling our health care decisions and unconstitutional 
 mandates enforced by the IRS.

 I need your help to fight back!

 To make matters worse, a study released Monday by PricewaterhouseCoopers 
 found that the typical American family could pay $4,000 more for health 
 insurance in 2019 if the Democrats' health care bill is enacted -- meaning 
 that the average family would pay $25,900 per year for insurance under the 

 With Democrat leaders promising to force this so-called reform through 
 Congress as soon as next week, we need to have the resources on hand to get 
 the facts out about President Obama's health care agenda.

 Please donate $25, $50, $100 or even $250 today to stop this government 

 Thank you for making your voice heard in this important debate.


 Senator Orrin Hatch

 P.S. I need you to step up and fight back against President Obama's plan to 
 take over our health care. Please contribute $25 today.

 *Pew Research Center (9/30-10/4/2009; 1,500 adults, +/- 3% margin of error) 

 Website | Donate


 Paid for by Hatch Election Committee Inc.

 175 S. West Temple, Suite 650 | Salt Lake City, UT 84101

 This email was sent to: wle...@aol.com
 Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie Review: (500) Days Of Summer

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:
 Me too, loved it; although I like most movies.  

 There's even a 1% chance that Zooey is a TMer,
 so this isn't a total non-sequitur on this forum. :-)

 Her father Caleb Deschanel (Academy Award-winning
 cinematographer) was active in the LA TM center 
 back when I was teaching there. So if the drop
 out statistics that Curtis and others have reported
 here (in their experience, when calling mailing lists
 of TMers, 90% had quit) are true, then there is a 10%
 chance that he would have passed it along to his
 kids, and another 10% chance she would have kept 
 meditating. I think that's how the math works. :-)

 But whatever she is, she's cute as a button...

I always featured her cast in a completely different kind  of role as a 
serial killer.  She would look very unsuspecting.  I bet she would like 
the challenge too.

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
Uh, maybe because it is Diwali? All they are doing is some traditional 
pujas that many Indians perform at this time. Maharishi was not good at 
teaching these traditions or protocols.

My teacher told me to get some clay pots for oil lamps. Fortunately the 
local Indian grocery was selling them. I already had some red candles 
from a previous Diwali.

dhamiltony2k5 wrote:
 Om, thanks for the clarification.  What part of the official Ttranscendental 
 Meditation movement is behind scheduling these things?  Maharishi University 
 of Management, The David Lynch Foundation,  The Indian TM movement,  The TM 
 Global Country with its Rajas,  Raja Emmanuel and Bevan?  John Hagelin? 

 -D in FF

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:
 For lurkers who may not be familiar with the non-religious names and
 terms used in this announcement:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, michael vedamerlin@ wrote:
 Betreff:  time of upcoming Pujas in Holland
 Pūj� (Devanagari http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devanagari :
 पूजा) (alternative transliteration
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transliteration  Pooja
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pooja , Sanskrit
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanskrit : reverence
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverence , honour
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honour , adoration
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adoration , or worship
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worship ) is a ceremony of gratitude or a
 religious http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion  ritual
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ritual  performed as an offering to
 various deities, distinguished persons, or special guests. It is done on
 a variety of occasions and settings, from daily puja done in the home,
 to temple ceremonies and large festivals, or to begin a new venture.
 Puja is modeled on the idea of giving a gift or offering to a deity or
 important person and receiving their blessing. - Wikipedia

 Here are the likely starting times (Holland time)
of Rashtra Geet at the beginning
 of the upcoming grand global Pujas:

 15 October, Dhanvantari Puja: 13:30h
 Dhanvantari (incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu -- It is common
 practice in Hinduism for worshipers to pray to Lord Dhanvantari seeking
 his blessings for sound health for themselves and/or others. -

 16 October, Hanuman Puja: 14:00h
 Hanuman (personification of bhakti http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhakti
 [devotion to God] in Hinduism):

 17 October, Mahalakshmi Puja: 15:50h
 Lakshmi (Hindu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu  goddess
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goddess  of wealth
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth , prosperity, wisdom, fortune):

 Jai Guru Dev


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 Good luck. It's one of the most pressing issues
 of our time, or any time. As someone once said
 (wasn't it...uh...Jeeezus?), Ye shall know them
 by how they treat the least among them. The
 United States of America seems to want not
 only the least among its citizens to just die
 quietly, quickly, and inexpensively, it helps
 them to do so.

And soon too so they can bulldoze the least apartments and houses to 
build their new castles.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgil...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero wrote:
   Of course the TM Puja is religious!! How 
  ridiculous and disingenuous to say otherwise.  
 yifuxero, if you don't mind my asking, what is 
 your basis for saying the puja is religious? 

The word puja itself means worship. Do you know the actual translation of 
the TM puja, jpgillam? 

Here are a few examples from the text:

To the glory of the Lord I bow down again and again, at whose door the whole 
galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night.

White as camphor, the incarnation of kindness, the essence of creation 
garlanded by the Serpent-King. Ever dwelling in the lotus of my heart, LORD 

GURU in the glory of BRAHMA, GURU in the glory of VISHNU, GURU in the glory of 
the great LORD SHIVA, GURU in the glory of the personified transcendental 
fullness of BRAHMAN, to Him, to SHRI GURU DEV adorned with glory, I bow down. 
- -

No rational, honest person can say that the above isn't religious.

 I mean, do you see gods when you sing the puja, 
 or something?

Some TM teachers indeed say that they have. I have directly perceived Guru Dev 
during the TM puja.

[FairfieldLife] Colin Powell Warned of a Terror Industrial Complex.

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
So much of what the TSA and DHS does is useless security theater to 
keep the public frightened so they are willing to give up their rights. 
Seems that filmmaker Terry Gilliam on Keith Olbermann's show pointed out 
that Colin Powell had warned of a terror industrial complex in a 
speech at the University of Oklahoma back in 2007.

What is the greatest threat facing us now? Powell asked. People will 
say it’s terrorism. But are there any terrorists in the world who can 
change the American way of life or our political system? No. ... The 
only thing that can really destroy us is us. We shouldn’t do it to 
ourselves, and we shouldn’t use fear for political purposes—scaring 
people to death so they will vote for you, or scaring people to death so 
that we create a terror-industrial complex.

More here:

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Movie Review: (500) Days Of Summer

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 TurquoiseB wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:

   Me too, loved it; although I like most movies.  
  There's even a 1% chance that Zooey is a TMer,
  so this isn't a total non-sequitur on this forum. :-)
  Her father Caleb Deschanel (Academy Award-winning
  cinematographer) was active in the LA TM center 
  back when I was teaching there. So if the drop
  out statistics that Curtis and others have reported
  here (in their experience, when calling mailing lists
  of TMers, 90% had quit) are true, then there is a 10%
  chance that he would have passed it along to his
  kids, and another 10% chance she would have kept 
  meditating. I think that's how the math works. :-)
  But whatever she is, she's cute as a button...
 I always featured her cast in a completely different kind  
 of role as a serial killer. She would look very unsuspecting.  
 I bet she would like the challenge too.

I think so, too. I looked her up in the IMDB
and was surprised to find that at age 28 she
has been in 39 movies or TV shows. To be honest,
the only character I remember is Trillian in the
movie version of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The
Galaxy, but I certainly remember her from that.

Her next movie is a fantasy, but she plays a char-
acter named Belladonna, so maybe you'll get your
wish.  :-)

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread pranamoocher
You're allowed to drink coffee in FF now?
The horror!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Nablusoss,  someone was telling me this morning in a line in FF while
waiting for coffee that Tony Nadar recently gave an excellent lecture
explaining the science of the devata nature.   Said it was a very good
talk.  Demystifying.   Is that linked on the global family chats?
 Or somewhere?   Just wondering.

 Doug in FF

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
These sound like scientific procedures to me! Are they from
a book on Quantum Physics?
   Chuckle. It's a source of endless amusement to me that the
   TMO insist that its use of Hindu deities in rituals is
   something to do with them being aspects of natural law.
  I'm not sure I'm amused by it after four decades.
  For me it brings up feelings of sadness at the
  sheer SPINELESSNESS of long-term TMers.
  They are still defending the TM is not a religion
  meme WHILE attending TMO-sponsored yagyas that make
  offerings to *specific* Hindu deities.
  IMO it's *just fine* to believe in a bunch of gods
  and goddesses and to believe that they are so petty
  and vain that they would be swayed into bestowing
  favors on humans stupid enough to offer them rice
  and ghee. It's superstition, but hey! *lots* of
  people on this rock are superstitious.
  Jews believe in a God who is an old man with a hoary
  white beard dispensing punishment to people who do
  horrible things like using the same kitchen to prepare
  meat and milk dishes. Catholics believe not only in
  a big male God with a hoary beard, but that he has
  by his side his son, whom God killed savagely for
  their sins, and whose blood and flesh they symbol-
  ically consume every Sunday in church.
  But these people are at least HONEST about their
  religious beliefs and practices. TMers attend these
  yagyas, pray to Hindu gods and goddesses and try to
  bribe them into bestowing favors on them, and then
  go out and give an intro lecture or talk to a school
  system and tell them with a straight face that the
  TMO is promoting no religious practices.
  Not only is this hypocritical to the max, it is
  cowardly and spineless. It's *OK* to believe in
  supernatural beings; what's less OK is to believe
  in them and lie about it.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread do.rflex

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, jpgillam jpgil...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero wrote:
   Of course the TM Puja is religious!! How
  ridiculous and disingenuous to say otherwise.

 yifuxero, if you don't mind my asking, what is
 your basis for saying the puja is religious? I
 mean, do you see gods when you sing the puja,
 or something?

The word puja itself means worship. Do you know the actual
translation of the TM puja, jpgillam?

Here are a few examples from the text:

To the glory of the Lord I bow down again and again, at whose door the
whole galaxy of gods pray for perfection day and night.

White as camphor, the incarnation of kindness, the essence of creation
garlanded by the Serpent-King. Ever dwelling in the lotus of my heart,

GURU in the glory of BRAHMA, GURU in the glory of VISHNU, GURU in the
glory of the great LORD SHIVA, GURU in the glory of the personified
transcendental fullness of BRAHMAN, to Him, to SHRI GURU DEV adorned
with glory, I bow down.
- -

No rational, honest person can say that the above isn't religious.

 I mean, do you see gods when you sing the puja,
 or something?

Some TM teachers indeed say that they have. I have directly perceived
Guru Dev during the TM puja.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread raunchydog
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20...@... 
 Rick, raunchy is advocating HIllary's abilities, not her own.  Contrasting 
 HIllary's approval ratings with Obama's is an irrelevant exercise, except to 
 salve the perpetually open-wounds of Hillary supporters.   

Apparently the folks at Gallup think contrasting Hillary's approval with 
Obama's IS relevant or they would not have taken the poll.

It's interesting how agitated the Obots on FFLife become whenever I post 
ANYTHING that puts Hillary in a favorable light. Their knee-jerk need to smack 
her down at every turn boarders on a clinical phobia of all things Hillary. Why 
is it so difficult to admit that people actually like her?

 The idea that Hillary is still publicly commenting on how she would have 
 dealt with Obama had she won says so much about Hillary's continuing sense of 

In ABC News' Cynthia McFadden's interview with Hillary in Moscow, Oct. 14, 2009 
Cynthia ASKED if Hillary would have picked Obama to serve as a member of her 
cabinet. Sorry, to break the news to you but your Hillary's entitlement meme 
falls apart. Here's the transcript:


  Hillary's performance and high approval ratings as Obama's Sec. of State is 
 aided by Obama's outstanding level of support internationally.  Obama's 
 handling of Hillary has been, and continues to be masterful.

Hillary's approval rating was based on polling Americans and has nothing to do 
with Obama's support internationally. What do you mean by handling Hillary?  
Is she so wild, powerful and deceptive that she must be controlled by Obama? 
What the hell are you talking about?

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5
dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Nablusoss, someone was telling me this morning in a line in FF while
waiting for coffee that Tony Nadar recently gave an excellent lecture
explaining the science of the devata nature. Said it was a very good
talk. Demystifying. Is that linked on the global family chats?
 Or somewhere? Just wondering.

 Doug in FF

Don't know Doug, stay posted to Global Family Chat:

October 14th http://streaming.mou.org/MOU/Chat/14_oct_09.wmv  Raja
Paul introduced Dr Albert Baruh who reported on developments in Turkey,
and Dr Theodore Pazanis reported on progress towards invincibility in
Raja Bruce introduced Drs Alain and Marie Courvoisier who gave a
beautiful presentation on their recent visit to Seychelles, outlining
the progress towards starting projects in schools and the prison, with
the support of local meditators.

October 13th http://streaming.mou.org/MOU/Chat/13_oct_09.wmv  Dr Bobby
Roth updated on the success of the distinguished lecturer series, the
programme to create 10,000 young TM teachers in the next 10 years, David
Lynch's forthcoming trip to India, and the book 'Transcendence ' by Dr
Norman Rosenthal.
Raja Luis explained the parental approach of the Brazilian government
outlining the tradition of TM teaching; the possibilities for
large-scale Vastu construction; and very large conference soon to be
held by Fr Gabriel Mejia on elimination of violence.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread John

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
  This post is non-sequitur.
 I'm sorry you were unable to follow the train
 of thought, John, but the fact that *you* were
 unable to follow it does not make it not follow
 (the definition of a non-sequitur).
 You post supposedly scientific articles to 
 support your often-stated-on-this-forum belief
 that the Vedic literature is not only true but
 truth. So I thought you'd appreciate a link
 to an article that allows you to do that with
 the descriptions in that literature of Krishna
 as having blue skin.

As indicated in an earlier post, I was presenting a scientific theory by a 
physicist from Stanford Univerdity.  A YouTube link was provided for everyone 
to see and confirm the ideas being presented in the lecture.  I did not discuss 
any references to the vedic literature.
 But you may clarify your beliefs if you want.
 Did Krishna really have blue skin? Did such a
 being as Krishna ever really exist? Did the
 events described in the Bhagavad-Gita ever
 really take place? If you believe he existed,
 was Krishna really able to multiply himself and 
 his...uh...flute sufficiently to sexually sat-
 isfy dozens of gopis (milkmaids) at once? Did 
 he (as stated in the Bhagavata Purana, really
 marry 16,108 wives? (That's one heckuva flute 
 the guy had if this is all true.)

I'm not going to discuss any theological discussion about the validity of 
Krishna as an historical figure.  This is not the forum for this topic.  If you 
are interested in these, you should read the Srimad Bhagavatam which discusses 
all of the points you asked.

 I was poking fun at your tendency to state in
 many posts that you believe that the Vedic
 literature is not only true but cosmic truth
 and imply that if science disagrees with it that 
 it's science that's wrong (or that it hasn't
 caught up to the cosmic knowledge expressed
 in the Vedas yet), and then later claim that
 posting a precis of a science article that
 just accidentally happens to use the same
 language to describe the birth/death of the
 universe that the Vedic literature uses
 doesn't represent your beliefs and wasn't
 intended to prove those beliefs.

To repeat once again, the posting has nothing to do vedic literature.  As 
indicated in the lecture,  Dr. Susskind was presenting a challenge to other 
physicists about their own theories relating to the creation of the universe.

 I think you'd like to have it both ways, John.
 You'd like to be a fundamentalist believer in
 the Vedas but not be perceived as a fundament-
 alist. Could you follow the logic in *that* 

You missed the whole point, Barry.

  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
   Since you like these confirmation bias articles,
   John, here's one that proves that Krishna could
   have existed just as described in the Vedic 
   literature.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 16, 2009, at 5:17 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sallysunshine01  
salsunshine@ wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:

In this post Barry provides hard evidence for
what I suggested yesterday in a comment to John:

And in this post Judy provides hard evidence
--once again--that not only is she totally obsessed with Barry,
but that she can't restrain herself
from using up many if not most of her weekly posts
on this obsession.

Another week, another early 'post out' by the perpetual
stalker and disgustingly mean-spiritied authors.nag.

'Obsessed and bitter is, as obsessed and bitter does.'

[W/apologies to Forest Gump]

Thanks for noticing, and commenting, but there's
really nothing I or you or seemingly anyone else
can do about this stalking thang except to prac-
tice Message View FFL reading:

1. See the dogshit.
2. Step around the dogshit

See Judy.
See Judy come back, swinging.
See most people ignore Judy.
See Judy keep swinging.
See Judy post out early, yet again,
having used up most of her posts on attacks.
Bye Judy.


[FairfieldLife] Obama celebrates Diwali!

2009-10-16 Thread Dick Mays



Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May All Beings Be Happy

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  But you may clarify your beliefs if you want.
  Did Krishna really have blue skin? Did such a
  being as Krishna ever really exist? Did the
  events described in the Bhagavad-Gita ever
  really take place? If you believe he existed,
  was Krishna really able to multiply himself and 
  his...uh...flute sufficiently to sexually sat-
  isfy dozens of gopis (milkmaids) at once? Did 
  he (as stated in the Bhagavata Purana, really
  marry 16,108 wives? (That's one heckuva flute 
  the guy had if this is all true.)
 I'm not going to discuss any theological discussion about 
 the validity of Krishna as an historical figure. This is 
 not the forum for this topic.  

Why not? 

Which forum is?

Could it possibly be one on which everyone
is already programmed to agree with you?

John, all I'm getting at is that you really
do give the impression that you believe that
the Vedic literature is not only true, but
truth incarnate. (If only we could understand
it as it should be understood.) You may 
claim that you *don't* believe this, but
look at what you say below:

 If you are interested in these, you should read the Srimad 
 Bhagavatam which discusses all of the points you asked.

So you're saying that the definitive text
that answers the questions I asked above is 
this scripture, so you don't have to answer? 

I rest my case.

As I suggested in another post today, it's 
*OK* to believe in things like gods and
goddesses and guys with blue skin. What is
a little less OK in my book is to believe
in those things and be afraid to admit it.

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 11:53 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than
Barack Obama
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , mainstream20016
mainstream20...@... wrote:
 Rick, raunchy is advocating HIllary's abilities, not her own. Contrasting
HIllary's approval ratings with Obama's is an irrelevant exercise, except to
salve the perpetually open-wounds of Hillary supporters. 

Apparently the folks at Gallup think contrasting Hillary's approval with
Obama's IS relevant or they would not have taken the poll.

It's interesting how agitated the Obots on FFLife become whenever I post
ANYTHING that puts Hillary in a favorable light. Their knee-jerk need to
smack her down at every turn boarders on a clinical phobia of all things
Hillary. Why is it so difficult to admit that people actually like her?
I like her. I'm just trying to cast a realistic light on the poll, which
seems meaningless for reasons I and others mentioned. She seems to be doing
a good job as Secretary of State. She'd be facing a constant firestorm of
criticism if she were president, and her poll numbers would be way below
what they are now.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bh...@... wrote:

 You're allowed to drink coffee in FF now?
 The horror!
I think you must have Fairfield confused with Salt Lake City.

[FairfieldLife] MUM professor calls Victor Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken, Misinformed and Misleading

2009-10-16 Thread Vaj
MUM physics professor David Scharf will be speaking at the Science  
and Nonduality new age conference in California.

David Scharf, Pseudoscience and Victor Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken,
Misinformed and Misleading

(Physics, Maharishi University of Management)

Quantum spirituality—the idea that some aspect of consciousness plays  
a fundamental
role in the universe and that advanced physics should be interpreted  
as having to some
extent already incorporated this principle—has had distinguished  
representation among
both physicists and philosophers. It has generated an upsurge of  
grassroots enthusiasm
because of the widespread sense that science and spirituality, rather  
than being
fundamentally separate or even opposed, are in fact deeply connected  
and mutually
reinforcing. Victor Stenger’s purpose in writing Quantum Gods:  
Creation, Chaos, and the
Search for Cosmic Consciousness is to “debunk” this idea—but  
attention to the details
shows that it is actually Stenger’s arguments that need the  
debunking. Stenger—a retired
physicist who is leveraging his scientific background to try to  
discredit anything and
everything that smacks of spirituality—doesn’t respect his  
intellectual opponents enough
to get their positions right; in some instances he appears to  
deliberately misrepresent their
views; and, most important, his own reasoning is characterized by  
carelessness. Moreover, there is a method to his carelessness—it  
enables him to
systematically avoid addressing the tough arguments of his opponents.  
Hence we find
him frequently setting up a straw man by misrepresenting the debate  
as a simple matter of
science and reason versus superstition. Once having defined this as  
the issue, all he needs
to do is assume the attitude of an outraged scientist and heap on the  
ridicule. But if he had
done his homework and gotten his opponents’ positions right, he would  
have discovered
that it is harder to dismiss quantum spirituality than he had  
imagined. Indeed, the more
carefully—and yes, critically—one considers the relevant issues, the  
more one finds that
quantum spirituality is founded on intelligent and plausible ideas,  
and eminently worthy

of serious consideration.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gallup: Hillary Clinton Now More Popular Than Barack Obama

2009-10-16 Thread mainstream20016

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, mainstream20016 mainstream20016@ 
  Rick, raunchy is advocating HIllary's abilities, not her own.  Contrasting 
  HIllary's approval ratings with Obama's is an irrelevant exercise, except 
  to salve the perpetually open-wounds of Hillary supporters.   
 Apparently the folks at Gallup think contrasting Hillary's approval with 
 Obama's IS relevant or they would not have taken the poll.
 It's interesting how agitated the Obots on FFLife become whenever I post 
 ANYTHING that puts Hillary in a favorable light. Their knee-jerk need to 
 smack her down at every turn boarders on a clinical phobia of all things 
 Hillary. Why is it so difficult to admit that people actually like her?

Because the favorable-to-Hillary  posts sound like we're listening to the 
Jaimini Sutras:
On the Other Hand. followed by a put-down of Obama.  Got it ???   
  The idea that Hillary is still publicly commenting on how she would have 
  dealt with Obama had she won says so much about Hillary's continuing sense 
  of entitlement. 
 In ABC News' Cynthia McFadden's interview with Hillary in Moscow, Oct. 14, 
 2009 Cynthia ASKED if Hillary would have picked Obama to serve as a member of 
 her cabinet. Sorry, to break the news to you but your Hillary's entitlement 
 meme falls apart. Here's the transcript:
   Hillary's performance and high approval ratings as Obama's Sec. of State 
  is aided by Obama's outstanding level of support internationally.  Obama's 
  handling of Hillary has been, and continues to be masterful.
 Hillary's approval rating was based on polling Americans and has nothing to 
 do with Obama's support internationally. What do you mean by handling 
 Hillary?  Is she so wild, powerful and deceptive that she must be controlled 
 by Obama? What the hell are you talking about?

from FFL #158920  (and YouTube):
See the most memorable one-liner of the campaign. Barak Obama put Hillary in
his rear-view mirror with this one. Hillary got what she had coming. This is 
from the
Dec. 13th (2007)debate in Des Moines.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop with the friggin' om business, will you?

2009-10-16 Thread meowthirteen
(puts in 2 cents)

I'm all for more words of 

I think Om
fits this criteria

I think it is good for the mind to be thinking in kind to all sprits and 
physical life

Om jogs the mind to remember this, no?

Or arrests the body to remember higher things
nobler things
gives honor 

I m sorry it is poking you

perhaps look along the stem of the word, so to say, and see the bloom, the 
blossum, the Rose at the end of that thorn you have been irritated by

Just sayin'



For Real tho!

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willy...@... wrote:

 Shemp McGurk wrote:
  Hey, I want to have sexual intercourse with many 
  of the women I see on the street but my coming up 
  to them and saying fuck me! I suspect won't get 
  me any nearer to bedding them.
 Why not try saying Shemp McGurk, and see what kind
 of response you get?

Re: [FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Oct 16, 2009, at 10:46 AM, pranamoocher wrote:

You're allowed to drink coffee in FF now?
The horror!

Only on Fridays, and that's only because
we're not allowed to eat meat.


[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
There's plenty of Kool-Aid to go around in both places.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
  You're allowed to drink coffee in FF now?
  The horror!
 I think you must have Fairfield confused with Salt Lake City.

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM professor calls Victor Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken, Misinformed and Misleading

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
No...I'm siding with Stenger for the time being.  In addition, if one reads his 
books, you'll see that he admits of some shortcomings to his own conclusions; 
and there are some actual real flaws in some of his arguments, to be 
 However, the Scharf essay below fails to counter Stenger on specifics, instead 
opting for an over-generalization without any details as to why Stenger's 
points are wrong.
 For those unfamiliar with Stenger, he spends a number of pages debunking 
Hagelin and Goswami in the chapter What the Bleep is the Secret (Wuantum 
Gods: Creation, Chaos, and the Search for Cosmic Consciousness), Prometheus 
Books, - I have a copy in front of me.,
To be brief, Scharf says basically that quantum-mysticism has distinguished 
representation among physicists  Not true.; but may be true at MUM obviously, 
and among a few scattered physicists such as Goswami (an initiate of Sant Mat).

Actually, if one does a brief search into the subject, geniuses like Einstein, 
Bohr, Schroedinger, Dirac, and others have already delved into the subject of 
quantum mysticism and found no cause and effect relationship between 
Mysticism and QM.

Stenger - being an experimental phycicist - naturally emphasizes the importance 
of experimental evidence; and for starters, heavily disses MMY and Hagelin 
starting on page 55, The Guru of Guts - The McDonald's of Meditation.

At the end of the chapter, he mentions experiments which refuted Hagelin's 
(SU(5) (Involving proton decay, conducted in deep underground salt mines; one 
near Cleveland, and another in Kamioka, Japan).

On page 60, he states, The demise of minimal SU(5) did not cause GUTs to 
disappear from TM literature. [GUT = unified field theories].;
...continuing on page 61: While flipped SU(5) was a promising theory, it was 
hardly the answer to Einstein's dream of a unified field theory.
 Concerning string theory in general [my note: Stanford's Susskind is a string 
theorist, btw], Stenger says Today's unification attempts such as string 
theory and various proposals for quantum gravity seek a theory of everything 
(TOE) that includes all four forces.  It remains to be seen whether any of 
these attempts will succeed.
 To conclude, Stenger is an experimentalist, and is basically challenging 
Hagelin to come up with any evidence whatsoever connecting physics to Quantum 
Sharf hasn't provided any counter arguments to Stenger.
...This is not to say that Stenger's pov has no flaws or shortcomings.  He 
admits of some shortcomings, not not relating to Hagelin.
An out for models that differ from Stenger's [or for that matter Hagelin's] 
would be possible through FTL signals [faster-than-Light];
and a possible alterntive to prevailing theories of QM based on FTL signals was 
provided by David Bohm, not Hagelin.
Bohm died some time ago in a cancer clinic in Tijuana.  I was thinking of 
visiting him but he passed away;...too bad; another genius gone.
I'd say that Hagelin and Schar are the mistaken, misinformed, and misleading 
persons based on the works of Stenger then comparing the two pov's.
...to be continued.  Haven't had time yet to outline the shortcomings of 
Stenger's pov; but will in due time.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 MUM physics professor David Scharf will be speaking at the Science  
 and Nonduality new age conference in California.
 David Scharf, Pseudoscience and Victor Stenger's Quantum Gods: Mistaken,
 Misinformed and Misleading
 (Physics, Maharishi University of Management)
 Quantum spirituality—the idea that some aspect of consciousness plays  
 a fundamental
 role in the universe and that advanced physics should be interpreted  
 as having to some
 extent already incorporated this principle—has had distinguished  
 representation among
 both physicists and philosophers. It has generated an upsurge of  
 grassroots enthusiasm
 because of the widespread sense that science and spirituality, rather  
 than being
 fundamentally separate or even opposed, are in fact deeply connected  
 and mutually
 reinforcing. Victor Stenger's purpose in writing Quantum Gods:  
 Creation, Chaos, and the
 Search for Cosmic Consciousness is to debunk this idea—but  
 attention to the details
 shows that it is actually Stenger's arguments that need the  
 debunking. Stenger—a retired
 physicist who is leveraging his scientific background to try to  
 discredit anything and
 everything that smacks of spirituality—doesn't respect his  
 intellectual opponents enough
 to get their positions right; in some instances he appears to  
 deliberately misrepresent their
 views; and, most important, his own reasoning is characterized by  
 carelessness. Moreover, there is a method to his carelessness—it  
 enables him to
 systematically avoid addressing the tough arguments of his opponents.  
 Hence we find
 him frequently setting up a straw man by misrepresenting the debate  
 as a 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Obama celebrates Diwali!

2009-10-16 Thread Mike Dixon
I bet lighting that lamp worked up an appetite for a nice Prime Rib!

From: Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, October 16, 2009 10:41:41 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Obama celebrates Diwali!


http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=jsJUy_ZMYuY

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu ~ May All Beings Be Happy


[FairfieldLife] All Hail the Corporatist in Chief

2009-10-16 Thread raunchydog
How much longer can our national wealth and legislative process support people 
that basically do nothing for a living but act as cost inducing middle men in 
markets?  Insurance companies  and  Investment bankers have very little value 
added.  They just run up costs between the real customers and the real 
producers of the goods and services.  Why are they being protected and why is 
their profit grabbing ability being enhanced by the democrats in Washington?

read more:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop with the friggin' om business, will you?

2009-10-16 Thread ShempMcGurk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, meowthirteen meowthirt...@... wrote:

 (puts in 2 cents)
 I'm all for more words of 
 I think Om
 fits this criteria
 I think it is good for the mind to be thinking in kind to all sprits and 
 physical life
 Om jogs the mind to remember this, no?
 Or arrests the body to remember higher things
 nobler things
 gives honor 
 I m sorry it is poking you
 perhaps look along the stem of the word, so to say, and see the bloom, the 
 blossum, the Rose at the end of that thorn you have been irritated by
 Just sayin'
 For Real tho!

1) Your snicker comment pretty much debases every point you tried to make; and

2) Doug is a TMer.  It is my understanding of the TM Program that it is during 
the 15-20 minute period twice daily in which the meditator contacts the source 
of spirituality.  This is called the inward stroke of TM.

The meditator then goes out in the world to do activity.  This is referred to 
as the outward stroke.

In TM we don't jog the mind to remember spirituality during the outward 
stroke.  Indeed, it is only through immersing ourselves in the outward stroke 
that the inner value gets stuck, so to speak, in daily life.  Repeating 
mantras during the outward stroke is, according to my understanding of the TM 
Program, counterproductive to this process.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willytex@ wrote:
  Shemp McGurk wrote:
   Hey, I want to have sexual intercourse with many 
   of the women I see on the street but my coming up 
   to them and saying fuck me! I suspect won't get 
   me any nearer to bedding them.
  Why not try saying Shemp McGurk, and see what kind
  of response you get?

RE: [FairfieldLife] All Hail the Corporatist in Chief

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
On Behalf Of raunchydog
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 3:12 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] All Hail the Corporatist in Chief
How much longer can our national wealth and legislative process support
people that basically do nothing for a living but act as cost inducing
middle men in markets? Insurance companies and Investment bankers have very
little value added. They just run up costs between the real customers and
the real producers of the goods and services. Why are they being protected
and why is their profit grabbing ability being enhanced by the democrats in

read more:
I agree. I don't know much about investment banking, but I say the health
insurance companies deserve to die.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
Swami Muktananda claimed to have often seen The Blue Man...but gave him no 
proper Name.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, John jr_esq@ wrote:
   This post is non-sequitur.
  I'm sorry you were unable to follow the train
  of thought, John, but the fact that *you* were
  unable to follow it does not make it not follow
  (the definition of a non-sequitur).
  You post supposedly scientific articles to 
  support your often-stated-on-this-forum belief
  that the Vedic literature is not only true but
  truth. So I thought you'd appreciate a link
  to an article that allows you to do that with
  the descriptions in that literature of Krishna
  as having blue skin.
 As indicated in an earlier post, I was presenting a scientific theory by a 
 physicist from Stanford Univerdity.  A YouTube link was provided for everyone 
 to see and confirm the ideas being presented in the lecture.  I did not 
 discuss any references to the vedic literature.
  But you may clarify your beliefs if you want.
  Did Krishna really have blue skin? Did such a
  being as Krishna ever really exist? Did the
  events described in the Bhagavad-Gita ever
  really take place? If you believe he existed,
  was Krishna really able to multiply himself and 
  his...uh...flute sufficiently to sexually sat-
  isfy dozens of gopis (milkmaids) at once? Did 
  he (as stated in the Bhagavata Purana, really
  marry 16,108 wives? (That's one heckuva flute 
  the guy had if this is all true.)
 I'm not going to discuss any theological discussion about the validity of 
 Krishna as an historical figure.  This is not the forum for this topic.  If 
 you are interested in these, you should read the Srimad Bhagavatam which 
 discusses all of the points you asked.
  I was poking fun at your tendency to state in
  many posts that you believe that the Vedic
  literature is not only true but cosmic truth
  and imply that if science disagrees with it that 
  it's science that's wrong (or that it hasn't
  caught up to the cosmic knowledge expressed
  in the Vedas yet), and then later claim that
  posting a precis of a science article that
  just accidentally happens to use the same
  language to describe the birth/death of the
  universe that the Vedic literature uses
  doesn't represent your beliefs and wasn't
  intended to prove those beliefs.
 To repeat once again, the posting has nothing to do vedic literature.  As 
 indicated in the lecture,  Dr. Susskind was presenting a challenge to other 
 physicists about their own theories relating to the creation of the universe.
  I think you'd like to have it both ways, John.
  You'd like to be a fundamentalist believer in
  the Vedas but not be perceived as a fundament-
  alist. Could you follow the logic in *that* 
 You missed the whole point, Barry.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
Since you like these confirmation bias articles,
John, here's one that proves that Krishna could
have existed just as described in the Vedic 
literature.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] YouTube - Return of the Ancestors SACRED FIRE Our Gratitude

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Movie Review: (500) Days Of Summer

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:
 TurquoiseB wrote:
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifuxero@ wrote:
 Me too, loved it; although I like most movies.  
 There's even a 1% chance that Zooey is a TMer,
 so this isn't a total non-sequitur on this forum. :-)

 Her father Caleb Deschanel (Academy Award-winning
 cinematographer) was active in the LA TM center 
 back when I was teaching there. So if the drop
 out statistics that Curtis and others have reported
 here (in their experience, when calling mailing lists
 of TMers, 90% had quit) are true, then there is a 10%
 chance that he would have passed it along to his
 kids, and another 10% chance she would have kept 
 meditating. I think that's how the math works. :-)

 But whatever she is, she's cute as a button...
 I always featured her cast in a completely different kind  
 of role as a serial killer. She would look very unsuspecting.  
 I bet she would like the challenge too.

 I think so, too. I looked her up in the IMDB
 and was surprised to find that at age 28 she
 has been in 39 movies or TV shows. To be honest,
 the only character I remember is Trillian in the
 movie version of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The
 Galaxy, but I certainly remember her from that.

 Her next movie is a fantasy, but she plays a char-
 acter named Belladonna, so maybe you'll get your
 wish.  :-)

I've seen her in a lot of things.  She had a character in Weeds, season 
2 I think.   Might have been a guest star on Pushing Daisies.   Her 
sister has her own series Bones.

Re: [FairfieldLife] YouTube - Return of the Ancestors SACRED FIRE Our Gratitude

2009-10-16 Thread Mike Dixon
Hoka Hey...Kemo Sabe!

From: Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, October 16, 2009 2:29:26 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] YouTube - Return of the Ancestors SACRED FIRE Our 

http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=IBjxwkz8sgEfeature=player_ embedded 

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [FairfieldLife] All Hail the Corporatist in Chief

2009-10-16 Thread Bhairitu
Rick Archer wrote:
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:fairfieldl...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of raunchydog
 Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 3:12 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] All Hail the Corporatist in Chief
 How much longer can our national wealth and legislative process support
 people that basically do nothing for a living but act as cost inducing
 middle men in markets? Insurance companies and Investment bankers have very
 little value added. They just run up costs between the real customers and
 the real producers of the goods and services. Why are they being protected
 and why is their profit grabbing ability being enhanced by the democrats in

 read more:
 I agree. I don't know much about investment banking, but I say the health
 insurance companies deserve to die.

We need a million member march on Wall Street with pitchforks and 
torches.  I think that MIGHT get the message across.

[FairfieldLife] YouTube - President Obama's Diwali Message

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer

[FairfieldLife] Barack Obama celebrates Diwali in White House

2009-10-16 Thread michael
Barack Obama celebrates Diwali in White House


[FairfieldLife] World's Angriest Dipper: Viral Video Film School

2009-10-16 Thread do.rflex

~~ Warning: May be harmful to your happy evening ~~ Do not watch while eating ~~

The F.D.A. recently outlawed flavored tobacco, and in doing so, enraged the 
entire YouTube Dipping Community. Yes, apparently that is a real thing, and 
yes, those irate Dippers are the subject of this week's Viral Video Film 

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzCm4gFzd1U

[FairfieldLife] Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dies

2009-10-16 Thread Rick Archer
October 16, 2009


BOZEMAN, MONTANA - Church Universal and Triumphant leader Elizabeth Clare
Prophet has died in Bozeman. She was 70.

Prophet's legal guardian, Murray Steinman, says she suffered from advanced
Alzheimer's disease and died at her apartment Thursday night.

Prophet was the spiritual leader for a church that at one time boasted
50,000 members. In the late 1980s, assault rifles and armored vehicles were
amassed in preparation for a nuclear missile strike that Prophet predicted
was on the way.

The sect combined icons from the world's major religions, mixing western
philosophy and mysticism.

Wikipedia On Elizabeth Clare Prophet:

Official Church Universal  Triumphant Website:

NHNE Wavemaker News List:

Send Some Green Love To NHNE:

To subscribe, send a message to:

To unsubscribe, send a message to:

To review current posts:

NHNE's Mother Ship:

NHNE Pulse:

Sunfellow  NHNE on Twitter:

Integral NHNE:

Published by David Sunfellow
NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)
eMail: n...@nhne.org mailto:nhne%40nhne.org 
Phone: (928) 257-3200
Fax: (815) 642-0117

P.O. Box 2242
Sedona, AZ 86339

[FairfieldLife] Re: Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dies

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
thx for the info.  I pray for the deceased as much as possible; but make no 
judgements as to their worthiness.(that's up to Kali).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 October 16, 2009
 BOZEMAN, MONTANA - Church Universal and Triumphant leader Elizabeth Clare
 Prophet has died in Bozeman. She was 70.
 Prophet's legal guardian, Murray Steinman, says she suffered from advanced
 Alzheimer's disease and died at her apartment Thursday night.
 Prophet was the spiritual leader for a church that at one time boasted
 50,000 members. In the late 1980s, assault rifles and armored vehicles were
 amassed in preparation for a nuclear missile strike that Prophet predicted
 was on the way.
 The sect combined icons from the world's major religions, mixing western
 philosophy and mysticism.
 Wikipedia On Elizabeth Clare Prophet:
 Official Church Universal  Triumphant Website:
 NHNE Wavemaker News List:
 Send Some Green Love To NHNE:
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 To unsubscribe, send a message to:
 To review current posts:
 NHNE's Mother Ship:
 NHNE Pulse:
 Sunfellow  NHNE on Twitter:
 Integral NHNE:
 Published by David Sunfellow
 NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)
 eMail: n...@... mailto:nhne%40nhne.org 
 Phone: (928) 257-3200
 Fax: (815) 642-0117
 P.O. Box 2242
 Sedona, AZ 86339

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 There's plenty of Kool-Aid to go around in both places.

There's actually a Mormon Ru subculture in Fairfield. My guess is that the LDS 
church doesn't care about the Ru stuff as long as the church still gets 10% of 
their income.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, pranamoocher bhrma@ wrote:
   You're allowed to drink coffee in FF now?
   The horror!
  I think you must have Fairfield confused with Salt Lake City.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: MUM professor calls Victo r Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken, Misinformed and Misleading

2009-10-16 Thread Vaj

On Oct 16, 2009, at 3:33 PM, yifuxero wrote:

An out for models that differ from Stenger's [or for that matter  
Hagelin's] would be possible through FTL signals [faster-than-Light];
and a possible alterntive to prevailing theories of QM based on FTL  
signals was provided by David Bohm, not Hagelin.
Bohm died some time ago in a cancer clinic in Tijuana. I was  
thinking of visiting him but he passed away;...too bad; another  
genius gone.

Perhaps HH the Dalai Lama knows? He and Bohm were old friends. It was  
actually Bohm who, in one of their many chats in a long friendship,  
explained the intricacies of the special theory of relativity to him.  
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall as he and Bohm  
talked into the wee hours of the morning, a brilliant physicist, a  
great yogi and expert on Dzogchen ati-yoga and the Body of Light  
laughing and talking on the mysteries of the inner and outer universe...

Really we'd have to hear all of Scharf's talk to get a better idea of  
all of his arguments, but the gut feeling from the abstract is one of  
a kid who finds out the tooth fairy or Santa Claus aren't real, but  
still wants to believe.

Thanks for the interesting comments. Interesting how we never hear of  
the death of Hagelin's failed theory from the TMO.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2009-10-16 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Oct 10 00:00:00 2009
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 17 00:00:00 2009
531 messages as of (UTC) Fri Oct 16 23:34:16 2009

50 authfriend jst...@panix.com
48 WillyTex willy...@yahoo.com
43 do.rflex do.rf...@yahoo.com
39 TurquoiseB no_re...@yahoogroups.com
33 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
29 ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@netscape.net
29 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
27 dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
27 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
25 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
24 yifuxero yifux...@yahoo.com
20 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
17 Hugo richardhughes...@hotmail.com
15 It's just a ride bill.hicks.all.a.r...@gmail.com
13 Mike Dixon mdixon.6...@yahoo.com
12 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
 9 Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@lisco.com
 9 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 8 jpgillam jpgil...@yahoo.com
 8 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 5 michael vedamer...@yahoo.de
 4 ruthsimplicity no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 3 shukra69 shukr...@yahoo.ca
 3 meowthirteen meowthirt...@yahoo.com
 3 wle...@aol.com
 3 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com
 2 sgrayatlarge no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 off_world_beings no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 mainstream20016 mainstream20...@yahoo.com
 2 PaliGap compost...@yahoo.co.uk
 2 FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 2 Duveyoung no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 sallysunshine01 salsunsh...@lisco.com
 1 pranamoocher bh...@hotmail.com
 1 j_alexander_stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 1 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 1 eustace10679 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 azgrey no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 1 anatol_zinc anatol_z...@yahoo.com
 1 Premanand premanandp...@yahoo.co.uk
 1 Nilima nilim...@yahoo.co.in
 1 Neha Bhasin n...@moneytroops.info
 1 MinP min.p...@yahoo.com

Posters: 45
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread Robert
his scripture, so you don't have to answer? 
 I rest my case.
 As I suggested in another post today, it's 
 *OK* to believe in things like gods and
 goddesses and guys with blue skin. What is
 a little less OK in my book is to believe
 in those things and be afraid to admit it.

I do remember, when my son was born...

On, that day, His Holiness Maharishi Yogi, had left Fairfield, Iowa, USA...
for the last time...

He had been there, Maharishi had been there, for 6 weeks, for the 'Taste of 
Utopia' course...

When my baby boy, was born, I was there, to witness the event...

Two other doctors were present, and his mother were there, also...
It was a very smooth and quiet delivery, as my wife was practice in the 'Art of 

He came out a 'Blue Color', Jeffrey did...
Until he took his first breath, and then the color changed to pink...

I have noticed sometimes, that my current incarnation of Vishnu..
The 'Illustrious Barack Obama'...
Sometimes, appears to have blue lips...?

Maybe it was to the 'Cold Iowa Air'..

Vahu Be With Yu...

And Vishnu Also...

Robert Jeffrey Gimbel, Somewhere in Wisconsin

[FairfieldLife] Re: Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dies

2009-10-16 Thread lurkernomore20002000
I googled Michael Weinless about a year ago and got a hit on this successor 
group, or at least the group claiming to carry the mantle of the Saint Germain 
teaching.  I sent them an e-mail and they responded in a very friendly way 
letting me know that Michael was basically their IT person.  They suggested I 
contact him via e-mail to say hello.  I did not, but I was glad to see that he 
found someplace to settle.  I of course was fascinated by him and thought he 
was a genius.  Looking back I don't know if that was an accurate assesment, or 
just part of the idealistic way I tended to view movement people at that time.  

I'd enjoy hearing about any other comments people had about Michael Weinless.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer r...@... wrote:

 October 16, 2009
 BOZEMAN, MONTANA - Church Universal and Triumphant leader Elizabeth Clare
 Prophet has died in Bozeman. She was 70.
 Prophet's legal guardian, Murray Steinman, says she suffered from advanced
 Alzheimer's disease and died at her apartment Thursday night.
 Prophet was the spiritual leader for a church that at one time boasted
 50,000 members. In the late 1980s, assault rifles and armored vehicles were
 amassed in preparation for a nuclear missile strike that Prophet predicted
 was on the way.
 The sect combined icons from the world's major religions, mixing western
 philosophy and mysticism.
 Wikipedia On Elizabeth Clare Prophet:
 Official Church Universal  Triumphant Website:
 NHNE Wavemaker News List:
 Send Some Green Love To NHNE:
 To subscribe, send a message to:
 To unsubscribe, send a message to:
 To review current posts:
 NHNE's Mother Ship:
 NHNE Pulse:
 Sunfellow  NHNE on Twitter:
 Integral NHNE:
 Published by David Sunfellow
 NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)
 eMail: n...@... mailto:nhne%40nhne.org 
 Phone: (928) 257-3200
 Fax: (815) 642-0117
 P.O. Box 2242
 Sedona, AZ 86339

[FairfieldLife] 'Chaotic Nodes and Dimensional Attunements'

2009-10-16 Thread Robert

Chaotic Nodes

In one of our previous communications we discussed the
concept of chaotic nodes. From our perspective we believe you
are on the cusp of one such node.

When predicting chaotic events, one is presented with an
enigma, since by its very nature chaos is unpredictable. Yet
within the flow of chaotic events there is a substructure
that feeds the flow of chaos, as you experience it. Based
upon our understanding of this sub-structure (the
quantum-field), we predict that a Chaotic Node will manifest
somewhere in the next 90 days. In reality it could appear
within hours of this message or weeks past the window we have
predicted. (Note: see previous Hathor message entitled,
Chaotic Nodes: http://tomkenyon.com/chaotic-nodes/.)

Nevertheless, regardless of the actual timing of this Chaotic
Node, we believe that it will present itself in multiple
ways, involving international finance, challenges to physical
and mental health, planetary earth changes, including
earthquake and volcanic activity, and increased weather
anomalies. All of these events will strain the resources that
your governments have to cope with such things.

As we said previously, the nature of Chaotic Nodes is such
that there are multiple effects that cannot be predicted, and
so we do not wish to address the specific aspects of chaos
that we believe will arise, but rather we wish to discuss
strategies for dealing with the chaos, energetically and

We suggest you shift your perspective regarding chaos and
view it not as an inconvenience and a difficulty, but rather
as an evolutionary catalyst. How such events affect you
resides in how you view them.

What we mean by this is that there is a tendency for human
consciousness to get stuck in a rut, to anticipate what
things are going to be like, and to take actions based upon
those predictions. And for most people, when the reality does
not match expectation this creates great internal travail,
and yet by the very nature of Chaotic Nodes your predictive
abilities collapse in the midst of multiple probabilities.

For most persons, chaotic events generate a fear response,
since the stability that one counts on to predict appropriate
action has seemingly disappeared. And while fear is certainly
an understandable response, it is only one of many possible
responses. Thus, we encourage you to train your mind to jump
out of the habitual rut of self-limitation and expectation,
on a moment's notice, whenever confronted with unexpected

From an energetic standpoint, what happens to you in a given
situation has more to do with your vibrational frequency,
meaning the state of your consciousness, than where you are
physically located.

Thus, two people in the same location experiencing chaotic
events can have vastly different emotional responses. Whereas
one person might be paralyzed with fear, anger, and
resentment, the other person might experience the moment as
humorous. He or she gets the cosmic joke, which is the
sudden and unexpected realization that the reality everyone
experiences as real is nothing more than the fabrication of
their own minds.

When chaotic events disturb the status quo, a doorway briefly
appears, an opportunity if you will, to jump upward in
consciousness, to wake up from the dream spell. But waking up
from the collective dream only occurs if you are prepared to
step across the threshold.

For a person who is prepared mentally and emotionally to
embrace chaotic events as evolutionary catalysts, the near
future will be full of amusing incidents, unexpected
serendipity, and a feeling of waking up from a mass dream
that has gripped humanity for the last several thousand

So here is the line in the sand, so to speak. For those who
wish to continue blaming others for the problems they are
facing, for those who would rather die than wake up from the
dream that they are collectively dreaming, this coming
Chaotic Node will be extremely difficult to contend with, and
as we have said, this is just the first of many such nodes to
come. But for a person who has embraced the idea that Chaotic
Nodes are evolutionary catalysts, it will be a different

Again, it is not where you are physically located that
matters, it is your vibratory frequency, the state of your

In the past we have given many tools to assist you as you
move through these portals that are a necessary and
unavoidable aspect to the ascent of earth and humanity. Some
of these methods we have shared involve sacred geometry. Some
of them involve emotional mastery and what we call ecstasy
and the heart. We would suggest that you refer to these
previous messages and work with the tools we have given.

For although we have said it twice already, we shall say it a
third time. It is a fundamental principal we would like you
to understand.

It does not matter where you are physically located. It is
the state of your vibratory frequency, your state of
consciousness that matters most.

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread shukra69
it would be in the Global Family Chats, I think if you look for Maharaja visits 
USA it would likely be in that.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

 Nablusoss,  someone was telling me this morning in a line in FF while waiting 
 for coffee that Tony Nadar recently gave an excellent lecture explaining the 
 science of the devata nature.   Said it was a very good talk.  Demystifying.  
  Is that linked on the global family chats?
 Or somewhere?   Just wondering.
 Doug in FF
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_reply@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Hugo richardhughes103@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradhatu@ wrote:
These sound like scientific procedures to me! Are they from 
a book on Quantum Physics?
   Chuckle. It's a source of endless amusement to me that the 
   TMO insist that its use of Hindu deities in rituals is 
   something to do with them being aspects of natural law.
  I'm not sure I'm amused by it after four decades.
  For me it brings up feelings of sadness at the
  sheer SPINELESSNESS of long-term TMers. 
  They are still defending the TM is not a religion
  meme WHILE attending TMO-sponsored yagyas that make
  offerings to *specific* Hindu deities. 
  IMO it's *just fine* to believe in a bunch of gods
  and goddesses and to believe that they are so petty
  and vain that they would be swayed into bestowing
  favors on humans stupid enough to offer them rice
  and ghee. It's superstition, but hey! *lots* of
  people on this rock are superstitious.
  Jews believe in a God who is an old man with a hoary
  white beard dispensing punishment to people who do
  horrible things like using the same kitchen to prepare
  meat and milk dishes. Catholics believe not only in
  a big male God with a hoary beard, but that he has
  by his side his son, whom God killed savagely for 
  their sins, and whose blood and flesh they symbol-
  ically consume every Sunday in church. 
  But these people are at least HONEST about their
  religious beliefs and practices. TMers attend these
  yagyas, pray to Hindu gods and goddesses and try to
  bribe them into bestowing favors on them, and then
  go out and give an intro lecture or talk to a school
  system and tell them with a straight face that the
  TMO is promoting no religious practices.
  Not only is this hypocritical to the max, it is 
  cowardly and spineless. It's *OK* to believe in
  supernatural beings; what's less OK is to believe
  in them and lie about it.

[FairfieldLife] [S[pace~Time~and~Such'...

2009-10-16 Thread Robert

The Spiritual Dimensions section is a very deep area of study, but one that is
key to understanding some of the most difficult areas of Scripture, such as
those verses in Revelation where the text seems to shift between events on earth
and in the heavenlies, as well as not follow a linear time line.

Consider the following quote:

Time is an accident consequent upon motion and is necessarily attached to it.
Neither of them exists without the other. Motion does not exist except in time,
and time cannot be conceived by the intellect except together with motion. And
all that with regard to which no motion can be found, does not fall under time.

A brilliant insight from Albert Einstein, perhaps?

If you answered probably, you're only off by about 700 years.
In as much as the above quotation sounds like a 20th century theory of Einstein,
it is actually from Maimonides, the great Jewish Torah scholar of the twelfth
century. (1) Actually, Einstein and his colleagues probably were inspired by
Maimonides' writings, which were well ahead of their time.

The last sentence of Maimonides' quote actually pertains to God Himself. As
motion (as well as space) imply measurement and can only apply to physical
objects, and as God is not corporeal, then He is not confined by time or space.
Time was created by God, for us. He operates beyond time as we know it.


There are many ways that time and space can be shown to have a relationship.
A simple example is found in the game of chess. Chess strategy involves
interplay between space (how many of the 64 squares of the board you control),
and time (how many moves that you are ahead or behind your opponent).
Experienced players often trade space for time, having to use their intuition
as to whether they are getting the better end of the deal. Only after a
beginner understands this dimension, of the game, can he move forward to
becoming an advanced player.

In mathematics, there are complex equations that cannot be solved without
introducing a 4th dimension (something beyond the X, Y and Z coordinates in
3-dimensional space). Again, without expanding beyond the elementary and
obvious, one cannot advance to the next level of understanding.

Physics has shown that there are relationships between things like energy and
mass, as well as time and space, Einstein's famous equation, E=mc2 (Energy
equals mass times the constant of the speed of light, squared) was one of the
first to link two such elements. Experiments have been done sending atomic
clocks through the atmosphere in different directions, arriving at the same
destination at the same moment -- however when the clocks were checked, the
times were different, thus showing that speed through space affected time.


The concepts we call, time and space, as well as, light, mass, and
energy, are all part of God's creation and may be considered a reflection of
His attributes. As God is consistent in what He does, when studying the
Scriptures, we should not be surprised to find that there are corresponding
elements in the spiritual realm. The study of these spiritual elements plays a
key role in understanding who God is, who we are, what is to come, and how we
are to get there.

The following are offered for consideration:

• spiritual time, represented by repeated events not constricted to the
physical linear aspect of time, i.e., the Moedim (including Shabbat, Shemitta
and Yovel years, and the seven Feasts of God). Many of these are associated
with events in the Millennium or Olam Haba (the world to come).

• spiritual space, the dimension(s) beyond our physical one, including aspects
of those set on earth for us (i.e., the Tabernacle/Temple, a place where God
could reside among us on this sinful earth.) Spiritual space is necessary for
God's spiritual light to be transmitted, just as physical space is needed for
physical light.

• spiritual light, God's word and/or perfect will, either of which is a
constant. You are the light of the world, is an admonition for God's people to
teach others His Torah, which is His light. (Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105.) The glory of God is also represented
by light in Scripture.

• spiritual mass, any entity whose function is to implement the will of God
(i.e., angels, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), Messiah or the Shekinah). This
would also include evil angels (demons), including haSatan, who also
ultimately serve God's purpose.

• spiritual energy, the result of the work of; angels, the Ruach Ha Kodesh (Holy
Spirit), Messiah the Shekinah or demons -- i.e., miracles or revelation


The Sabbath is shown to have a time-transcending character, as seen in the
mystical teachings of the Zohar, and is directly tied to the Millenium/Olam

Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 88a - Therefore the Sabbath is more
precious than all other times and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread Vaj

On Oct 16, 2009, at 2:08 PM, yifuxero wrote:

Swami Muktananda claimed to have often seen The Blue Man...but  
gave him no proper Name.

In the yogas of inner vision, it's not unusual to see yogis as blue- 
skinned, with a light, delicate coating of ash. I remember seeing my  
Tsa-Lung teacher in his enlightened form, and that's just how he  
appeared. It was puzzling at first, and then I later found out from my  
teacher that once you've experienced rigpa, you not only begin to  
glimpse beings enlightenment-bodies, but you also begin to see those  
awakened as part of an underlying mandala.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Elizabeth Clare Prophet Dies

2009-10-16 Thread mainstream20016

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

 I googled Michael Weinless about a year ago and got a hit on this successor 
 group, or at least the group claiming to carry the mantle of the Saint 
 Germain teaching.  I sent them an e-mail and they responded in a very 
 friendly way letting me know that Michael was basically their IT person.  
 They suggested I contact him via e-mail to say hello.  I did not, but I was 
 glad to see that he found someplace to settle.  I of course was fascinated by 
 him and thought he was a genius.  Looking back I don't know if that was an 
 accurate assesment, or just part of the idealistic way I tended to view 
 movement people at that time.  
 I'd enjoy hearing about any other comments people had about Michael Weinless.

He was a huge St. Louis fan :  he would go on and on about very large 
Cardinals.  ;)

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:
  October 16, 2009
  BOZEMAN, MONTANA - Church Universal and Triumphant leader Elizabeth Clare
  Prophet has died in Bozeman. She was 70.
  Prophet's legal guardian, Murray Steinman, says she suffered from advanced
  Alzheimer's disease and died at her apartment Thursday night.
  Prophet was the spiritual leader for a church that at one time boasted
  50,000 members. In the late 1980s, assault rifles and armored vehicles were
  amassed in preparation for a nuclear missile strike that Prophet predicted
  was on the way.
  The sect combined icons from the world's major religions, mixing western
  philosophy and mysticism.
  Wikipedia On Elizabeth Clare Prophet:
  Official Church Universal  Triumphant Website:
  NHNE Wavemaker News List:
  Send Some Green Love To NHNE:
  To subscribe, send a message to:
  To unsubscribe, send a message to:
  To review current posts:
  NHNE's Mother Ship:
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  Sunfellow  NHNE on Twitter:
  Integral NHNE:
  Published by David Sunfellow
  NewHeavenNewEarth (NHNE)
  eMail: nhne@ mailto:nhne%40nhne.org 
  Phone: (928) 257-3200
  Fax: (815) 642-0117
  P.O. Box 2242
  Sedona, AZ 86339

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:
 See Judy.
 See Judy come back, swinging.
 See most people ignore Judy.

Yeah, except for Rick, Alex, Patrick, Hugo, Mike,
Shemp, Bhairitu, Edg, Card, Nabby, John, Raunchy,
Offworld, PaliGap, Robert, WillyTex, Meow13, even
Ruth sometimes (not to mention Sal, do.rkflex, 
Barry, and azgray). At least, that we know of,
because they all comment on my posts.

How many people comment on Sal's posts?

 See Judy keep swinging.
 See Judy post out early, yet again,

Right, one day early. Wow!

 having used up most of her posts on attacks.

Let's hear it for confirmation bias!

 Bye Judy.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Passing Health-Care Reform Could Change Political Landscape

2009-10-16 Thread ruthsimplicity

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 Thanks for posting, Ruth. It's great to get a perspective from someone who 
 knows what they're talking about. Sometimes I wonder about Harry Reid's 
 commitment to a robust public option. Why is it so important for him to have 
 Olympia Snow's vote to move the Senate Finance health care bill out of 
 committee and on to the floor when all she wants are is a trigger' to make 
 sure the public option is ineffectual? She probably won't vote for ANY bill 
 that hits the floor anyway. Since have a filibuster proof Senate with 60 
 votes,Reid should move for cloture NOW and ask for an up or down vote for a 
 public option. What Democratic senator in his right mind would vote against 
 it? Reid has to show more leadership and whip the vote. Check out this report 
 from Firedoglake. It makes you wonder why Arlen Specter shows more chutzpah 
 to get cloture than Reid and why Reid is seemingly dragging his feet. 

It is a dance Raunchy.   There isn't something to vote on yet as the bills 
aren't yet merged.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stop with the friggin' om business, will you?

2009-10-16 Thread meowthirteen

The snicker does not negate what I said

the snicker was in reaction to the amusing remarks
so often found here, such as on a Spritual type forum,(I am considering this 
one as such)the thought of sex -and it wasn't put in a spirit intertwining 
way-just a fleshly animal pleasure way-
was interjected;
something about spouting of' Fuck me 'like Tourrets ...

I find that worth a snicker.

my fault 

my intention did not come through, through my own buggling of sentence 

Hope it did not offend anyone.

OM is on t shirts and carved into hair picks(available on the FF square-)
I thought it good
and thought spoken also good

There are so many ugly mean words out there-

I like Om
the Divine coming in to our chats
in lieu of a dark cold word

that's all
and you guys are just funny
that is all


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, ShempMcGurk shempmcg...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, meowthirteen meowthirteen@ wrote:
  (puts in 2 cents)
  I'm all for more words of 
  I think Om
  fits this criteria
  I think it is good for the mind to be thinking in kind to all sprits and 
  physical life
  Om jogs the mind to remember this, no?
  Or arrests the body to remember higher things
  nobler things
  gives honor 
  I m sorry it is poking you
  perhaps look along the stem of the word, so to say, and see the bloom, the 
  blossum, the Rose at the end of that thorn you have been irritated by
  Just sayin'
  For Real tho!
 1) Your snicker comment pretty much debases every point you tried to make; 
 2) Doug is a TMer.  It is my understanding of the TM Program that it is 
 during the 15-20 minute period twice daily in which the meditator contacts 
 the source of spirituality.  This is called the inward stroke of TM.
 The meditator then goes out in the world to do activity.  This is referred to 
 as the outward stroke.
 In TM we don't jog the mind to remember spirituality during the outward 
 stroke.  Indeed, it is only through immersing ourselves in the outward stroke 
 that the inner value gets stuck, so to speak, in daily life.  Repeating 
 mantras during the outward stroke is, according to my understanding of the TM 
 Program, counterproductive to this process.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, WillyTex willytex@ wrote:
   Shemp McGurk wrote:
Hey, I want to have sexual intercourse with many 
of the women I see on the street but my coming up 
to them and saying fuck me! I suspect won't get 
me any nearer to bedding them.

   Why not try saying Shemp McGurk, and see what kind
   of response you get?

[FairfieldLife] TM is not a religion (was Re: times of upcoming Pujas in Meru)

2009-10-16 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 it would be in the Global Family Chats, I think if you look for Maharaja 
 visits USA it would likely be in that.

Where is the public portal for the global chats? URL?
  Nablusoss,  someone was telling me this morning in a line in FF while 
  waiting for coffee that Tony Nadar recently gave an excellent lecture 
  explaining the science of the devata nature.   Said it was a very good 
  talk.  Demystifying.   Is that linked on the global family chats?
  Or somewhere?   Just wondering.
  Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM professor calls Victor Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken, Misinformed and Misleading

2009-10-16 Thread dhamiltony2k5

 MUM physics professor David Scharf will be speaking at the Science  
 and Nonduality new age conference in California.
 David Scharf, Pseudoscience and Victor Stenger's Quantum Gods: Mistaken,
 Misinformed and Misleading
 (Physics, Maharishi University of Management)
 Quantum spirituality—the idea that some aspect of consciousness plays  
 a fundamental
 role in the universe and that advanced physics should be interpreted  
 as having to some
 extent already incorporated this principle—has had distinguished  
 representation among
 both physicists and philosophers. It has generated an upsurge of  
 grassroots enthusiasm
 because of the widespread sense that science and spirituality, rather  
 than being
 fundamentally separate or even opposed, are in fact deeply connected  
 and mutually
 reinforcing. Victor Stenger's purpose in writing Quantum Gods:  
 Creation, Chaos, and the
 Search for Cosmic Consciousness is to debunk this idea—but  
 attention to the details
 shows that it is actually Stenger's arguments that need the  
 debunking. Stenger—a retired
 physicist who is leveraging his scientific background to try to  
 discredit anything and
 everything that smacks of spirituality—doesn't respect his  
 intellectual opponents enough
 to get their positions right; in some instances he appears to  
 deliberately misrepresent their
 views; and, most important, his own reasoning is characterized by  
 carelessness. Moreover, there is a method to his carelessness—it  
 enables him to
 systematically avoid addressing the tough arguments of his opponents.  
 Hence we find
 him frequently setting up a straw man by misrepresenting the debate  
 as a simple matter of
 science and reason versus superstition. Once having defined this as  
 the issue, all he needs
 to do is assume the attitude of an outraged scientist and heap on the  
 ridicule. But if he had
 done his homework and gotten his opponents' positions right, he would  
 have discovered
 that it is harder to dismiss quantum spirituality than he had  
 imagined. Indeed, the more
 carefully—and yes, critically—one considers the relevant issues, the  
 more one finds that
 quantum spirituality is founded on intelligent and plausible ideas,  
 and eminently worthy
 of serious consideration.

Absolutely.  Quantum spirituality's been my experience, not yours?  Don't 
meditate?  Stenger could discipline himself a little more and then he'd know 
better.  That Victor Stenger guy by default obviously don't have a lot to say.

With Best Regards,
-Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Arctic ice is INCREASING

2009-10-16 Thread ShempMcGurk
Arctic Sea Ice Not Following Consensus
t-following-consensus/  September 20, 2009Posted by honestclimate in
Discussions http://en.wordpress.com/tag/discussions/ .
Tags: climate change http://en.wordpress.com/tag/climate-change/ ,
global warming http://en.wordpress.com/tag/global-warming/
Arctic Sea Ice Not Following Consensus

By Jeff Id
The Air Vent
g-consensus/ , September 18, 2009

From the NSIDC http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/ , Sea ice reaches
it's annual minimum extent growing by 370,000 square miles over
2007.  An area 1 1/2 times the size of Texas.  The recovery is 220,000
sq miles above last year alone yet the NSIDC claims below that the
scientists don't consider this a recovery.

They cite younger thinner ice again and a lower level than the 30 year
mean as the reasons this is not a recovery.  I have difficulty ignoring
a near 400,000 sq mile increase in ice level.  So I hope they don't
mind if I do consider it at least a partial recovery.

From a post on CA SteveM posted a graph from the NSIDC's compiled
2008 projections of sea ice by the different `experts' in the
field.  Since 2008 minimum is clearly marked and 220,000 sq miles is
equal to 570,000 sq kilometers of increase.  We can determine where on
the NSIDC graph the actual Arctic sea ice turned out.

All I can say is, be glad you're not an expert on sea ice.  The
linear trend is actually closer than the majority of the experts.
http://noconsensus.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/untitled-1.jpg Various
expert predictions of 2009 sea ice minimums. Green Line is

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
  See Judy.
  See Judy come back, swinging.
  See most people ignore Judy.
 Yeah, except for Rick, Alex, Patrick, Hugo, Mike,
 Shemp, Bhairitu, Edg, Card, Nabby, John, Raunchy,
 Offworld, PaliGap, Robert, WillyTex, Meow13, even
 Ruth sometimes (not to mention Sal, do.rkflex, 
 Barry, and azgray). At least, that we know of,
 because they all comment on my posts.

I don't grok the look at how we're ignoring Judy! posts at all. What's the 
point when posting them is explicitly *not* ignoring you? 

That said, I have experienced being on the losing end of an intellectual battle 
with you, back in the AMT days, and my recollection is that my final response 
was a lame attempt to save face with a blustery comment, completely devoid of 
substance, when I knew damn well that I'd just had my ass handed to me on a 
platter. It's not fun being shredded by your unbelievably sharp intellect; it 
must be extremely frustrating to be shredded over and over again, year after 

On the flip side, I also had a real aha! experience one time when I was 
finally able to grasp some argument you were making that was totally a case of 
the devil being in the details. I think sometimes you juggle more facets of an 
issue than some people can handle. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM professor calls Victor Stenger’s Quantum Gods: Mistaken, Misinformed and Misleading

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
Right, Doug.  The claim is not that one can experience Spirituality; but 
rather that Mysticism has any causative connection to the Laws of physics: 
whether it be traditional Newtonian mechanics, Einsteinian laws of relativity, 
or QM; (or for that matter the physiology of the brain and/or how thoughts 
If so, what is the connection, and to which law(s)?. Be specific.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, dhamiltony2k5 dhamiltony...@... wrote:

  MUM physics professor David Scharf will be speaking at the Science  
  and Nonduality new age conference in California.
  David Scharf, Pseudoscience and Victor Stenger's Quantum Gods: Mistaken,
  Misinformed and Misleading
  (Physics, Maharishi University of Management)
  Quantum spirituality—the idea that some aspect of consciousness plays  
  a fundamental
  role in the universe and that advanced physics should be interpreted  
  as having to some
  extent already incorporated this principle—has had distinguished  
  representation among
  both physicists and philosophers. It has generated an upsurge of  
  grassroots enthusiasm
  because of the widespread sense that science and spirituality, rather  
  than being
  fundamentally separate or even opposed, are in fact deeply connected  
  and mutually
  reinforcing. Victor Stenger's purpose in writing Quantum Gods:  
  Creation, Chaos, and the
  Search for Cosmic Consciousness is to debunk this idea—but  
  attention to the details
  shows that it is actually Stenger's arguments that need the  
  debunking. Stenger—a retired
  physicist who is leveraging his scientific background to try to  
  discredit anything and
  everything that smacks of spirituality—doesn't respect his  
  intellectual opponents enough
  to get their positions right; in some instances he appears to  
  deliberately misrepresent their
  views; and, most important, his own reasoning is characterized by  
  carelessness. Moreover, there is a method to his carelessness—it  
  enables him to
  systematically avoid addressing the tough arguments of his opponents.  
  Hence we find
  him frequently setting up a straw man by misrepresenting the debate  
  as a simple matter of
  science and reason versus superstition. Once having defined this as  
  the issue, all he needs
  to do is assume the attitude of an outraged scientist and heap on the  
  ridicule. But if he had
  done his homework and gotten his opponents' positions right, he would  
  have discovered
  that it is harder to dismiss quantum spirituality than he had  
  imagined. Indeed, the more
  carefully—and yes, critically—one considers the relevant issues, the  
  more one finds that
  quantum spirituality is founded on intelligent and plausible ideas,  
  and eminently worthy
  of serious consideration.
 Absolutely.  Quantum spirituality's been my experience, not yours?  Don't 
 meditate?  Stenger could discipline himself a little more and then he'd know 
 better.  That Victor Stenger guy by default obviously don't have a lot to say.
 With Best Regards,
 -Doug in FF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread Robert
Yes, Grass-Hopper...you are now ready ...for the next level!!!

'The Dennis Hopper Technique'...

Pretend the 'World's a Stage'...and we're just the 'Players on It!'
Then yu might get along, with the trees, just fine, grasshopper...

See you, in Sedona!

Turn up the heat, Please?

Robert Jeffrey Gimbel  Somewhere in Wisconsin, USA

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj vajradh...@... wrote:

 On Oct 16, 2009, at 2:08 PM, yifuxero wrote:
  Swami Muktananda claimed to have often seen The Blue Man...but  
  gave him no proper Name.
 In the yogas of inner vision, it's not unusual to see yogis as blue- 
 skinned, with a light, delicate coating of ash. I remember seeing my  
 Tsa-Lung teacher in his enlightened form, and that's just how he  
 appeared. It was puzzling at first, and then I later found out from my  
 teacher that once you've experienced rigpa, you not only begin to  
 glimpse beings enlightenment-bodies, but you also begin to see those  
 awakened as part of an underlying mandala.

[FairfieldLife] [Buddha Be With You, and Also with You!]

2009-10-16 Thread Robert
Saturday 17 October 2009

}Restful Regeneration{

I have never claimed to be a perfect oracle; but my perception that the Afghan 
war was a serious mistake, which I tried to sell to all of you quite a few 
months ago, to the point of asking you to write to the President or your 
congressman or else leave the group, was correct. Even Thomas Friedman, the New 
York Times columnist who supported the Iraq war, is saying we need to 
reconsider Afghanistan and maybe just get out. From his latest column:  
Talking to Afghanistan experts in Kabul, Washington and Berlin, a picture is 
emerging:  The Karzai government has a lot in common with a Mafia family. . . . 
In 'Karzai World,' it appears, slots are either sold (to people who buy them in 
order to make a profit) or granted to cronies, or are given away to buy off 
rivals. . . . This is crazy. We have been way too polite, and too worried about 
looking like a colonial power, in dealing with Karzai. I would not add a single 
soldier there before this guy . . . takes
 visible steps to clean up his government in ways that would be respected by 
the Afghan people. . . . If Karzai says no, then there is only one answer: 
'You're on your own, pal. Have a nice life with the Taliban. We can't and will 
not put more American blood and treasure behind a government that behaves like 
a Mafia family. If you don't think we will leave--watch this.' (Cue the 

It shouldn't have taken Cosmic Piper, or any astrologer, to see this coming. It 
was self-evident. If you didn't write that letter before, you can now. We are 
being made fools of, or proving we are fools, by pursuing an endless stupid 
war, or rather endless bickering; fighting against ghosts of last week's 
enemy or phantoms of next week's,  going nowhere except to offend all decent 
people everywhere.

On Saturday the moon moves toward the sun, or the New Moon at 10:34p PT | 
1:34a(Su) | 5:34a(Su) UT. It's a winding-down day which should be quite 
pleasant. Maybe you have a right to relax, rest, and do what you please for a 

There is beauty and light-heartedness, if not light-headedness. You care about 
a major project, and need not abandon it, but your way of pursuing it could be 
spontaneous or vacillating, with no worries.

A solitary side of you may desire companionship but is not willing to settle 
for anything less than an ideal, and therefore content to dream away, perhaps 
sensuous or erotic dreams, rather than submit to relationships of a dreary kind.

You have enough personal dignity and self-respect to take your time moving 
toward basic goals. You know you will be respected if you are persistent and 

When feeling isolated, you still attempt to be a part of the human race, 
through entertainment perhaps or a religious-spiritual approach, ritual of a 

When you feel your talents are unrecognized and you are given too little in 
return for labor, you might feel resentful but are more likely to realize that 
resentment would just ruin your day. You know somewhere deep inside that your 
integrity, known to yourself, is enough to keep you happy, so you press on with 
activities and interests unworried about the world's opinion or reaction.

{Saturday}   {Restful Regeneration}

Cosmic Piper


[FairfieldLife] [Buddha Be With You, and Also with You!]

2009-10-16 Thread Robert
To: fairfieldlife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, October 16, 2009, 10:40 PM

Saturday 17 October 2009

}Restful Regeneration{
The Second Coming!
[Breaking News}
Jesus Returns as 'President Barack Obama!!!'
 EXtra, Read All About It!...! Berlin, 1933 /erik jan Hanussen...

Robert Jeffrey Gimbel  Somewhere in Wisconsin, USA...

I have never claimed to be a perfect oracle; but my perception that the Afghan 
war was a serious mistake, which I tried to sell to all of you quite a few 
months ago, to the point of asking you to write to the President or your 
congressman or else leave the group, was correct. Even Thomas Friedman, the New 
York Times columnist who supported the Iraq war, is saying we need to 
reconsider Afghanistan and maybe just get out. From his latest column:  
Talking to Afghanistan experts in Kabul, Washington and Berlin, a picture is 
emerging:  The Karzai government has a lot in common with a Mafia family. . . . 
In 'Karzai World,' it appears, slots are either sold (to people who buy them in 
order to make a profit) or granted to cronies, or are given away to buy off 
rivals. . . . This
 is crazy. We have been way too polite, and too worried about looking like a 
colonial power, in dealing with Karzai. I would not add a single soldier there 
before this guy . . . takes visible steps to clean up his government in ways 
that would be respected by the Afghan people. . . . If Karzai says no, then 
there is only one answer: 'You're on your own, pal. Have a nice life with the 
Taliban. We can't and will not put more American blood and treasure behind a 
government that behaves like a Mafia family. If you don't think we will 
leave--watch this.' (Cue the helicopters.)

It shouldn't have taken Cosmic Piper, or any astrologer, to see
 this coming. It was self-evident. If you didn't write that letter before, you 
can now. We are being made fools of, or proving we are fools, by pursuing an 
endless stupid war, or rather endless bickering; fighting against ghosts of 
last week's enemy or phantoms of next week's,  going nowhere except to offend 
all decent people everywhere.

On Saturday the moon moves toward the sun, or the New Moon at 10:34p PT | 
1:34a(Su) | 5:34a(Su) UT. It's a winding-down day which should be quite 
pleasant. Maybe you have a right to relax, rest, and do what you please for a 

There is beauty and light-heartedness, if not light-headedness. You care about 
a major project, and need not abandon it, but your way of pursuing it could be 
spontaneous or vacillating, with no worries.

A solitary side of you may desire companionship but is not willing to settle 
for anything less than an ideal, and therefore content to dream away, perhaps 
sensuous or
 erotic dreams, rather than submit to relationships of a dreary kind.

You have enough personal dignity and self-respect to take your time moving 
toward basic goals. You know you will be respected if you are persistent and 

When feeling isolated, you still attempt to be a part of the human race, through
 entertainment perhaps or a religious-spiritual approach, ritual of a sort.

When you feel your talents are unrecognized and you are given too little in 
return for labor, you might feel resentful but are more likely to realize that 
resentment would just ruin your day. You know somewhere deep inside that your 
integrity, known to yourself, is enough to keep you happy, so you press on with 
activities and interests unworried about the world's opinion or reaction.

{Saturday}   {Restful Regeneration}

Cosmic Piper



[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread lurkernomore20002000

 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... wrote:

 On the flip side, I also had a real aha! experience one time when I was 
 finally able to grasp some argument you were making that was totally a case 
 of the devil being in the details. I think sometimes you juggle more facets 
 of an issue than some people can handle.

I think you've nailed it.  Do I want to commit the amount of mind power it 
takes to engage Judy in the rigorous disecting she often brings to a 
discussion?  No, I'm not up to it. But often when people site some supposed 
egregious comment or intent on her part, I don't see it.  I do think that 
people get mad at being on the losing end of an argument with her.  On the 
other hand, it doesn't seem like much of victory or accomplishment to win these 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread yifuxero
I don't respond to Auth's posts since she's impeccably logical and has long 
been one of my teachers! A more fun pasttime is blasting the illogical 
people; but this is only for kicks...we're all companions in this ship of Fools.
 It looks like we're not getting Raptured, and we will be Left Behind; so 
there's not much to do but wait around to 12-31-12.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 

  Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  On the flip side, I also had a real aha! experience one time when I was 
  finally able to grasp some argument you were making that was totally a case 
  of the devil being in the details. I think sometimes you juggle more facets 
  of an issue than some people can handle.
 I think you've nailed it.  Do I want to commit the amount of mind power it 
 takes to engage Judy in the rigorous disecting she often brings to a 
 discussion?  No, I'm not up to it. But often when people site some supposed 
 egregious comment or intent on her part, I don't see it.  I do think that 
 people get mad at being on the losing end of an argument with her.  On the 
 other hand, it doesn't seem like much of victory or accomplishment to win 
 these skirmishes.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunshine@ wrote:
   See Judy.
   See Judy come back, swinging.
   See most people ignore Judy.
  Yeah, except for Rick, Alex, Patrick, Hugo, Mike,
  Shemp, Bhairitu, Edg, Card, Nabby, John, Raunchy,
  Offworld, PaliGap, Robert, WillyTex, Meow13, even
  Ruth sometimes (not to mention Sal, do.rkflex, 
  Barry, and azgray). At least, that we know of,
  because they all comment on my posts.
 I don't grok the look at how we're ignoring
 Judy! posts at all. What's the point when
 posting them is explicitly *not* ignoring you?

It's the adult equivalent of You can't see
me because I have my eyes closed. Inane.

 That said, I have experienced being on the
 losing end of an intellectual battle with
 you, back in the AMT days, and my
 recollection is that my final response was a
 lame attempt to save face with a blustery
 comment, completely devoid of substance,
 when I knew damn well that I'd just had my
 ass handed to me on a platter. It's not fun
 being shredded by your unbelievably sharp 
 intellect; it must be extremely frustrating
 to be shredded over and over again, year
 after year.

I can't imagine what I would have shredded
you for, of all people, but I'll take your
word for it. Sorry!

And I really don't think my intellect is all
*that* sharp; I'm no smarter than a lot of
folks here. Lawson's intelligence used to 
just blow me away. He's one of the smartest
people I've ever encountered. (Delia, back on
alt.m.t, is another. When she was into
dismantling somebody's arguments, she didn't
just shred, she *pulverized*.)

What I *do* see here is a great deal of
intellectual laziness and sloppiness, people
not using the brains they have. I just find
that appalling.

 On the flip side, I also had a real aha! 
 experience one time when I was finally able
 to grasp some argument you were making that
 was totally a case of the devil being in the 

Gee, I'd love to know what that was about--
do you remember at all?

 I think sometimes you juggle more facets of
 an issue than some people can handle.

Again, I don't believe they couldn't if they,
you know, put their minds to it. They're too
easily satisfied, too comfortable in their

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 steve.sun...@... 
  Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley@ wrote:
  On the flip side, I also had a real aha! experience
  one time when I was finally able to grasp some argument
  you were making that was totally a case of the devil
  being in the details. I think sometimes you juggle more
  facets of an issue than some people can handle.
 I think you've nailed it.  Do I want to commit the amount
 of mind power it takes to engage Judy in the rigorous
 disecting she often brings to a discussion?  No, I'm not
 up to it.

I don't believe you aren't up to it.

 But often when people site some supposed egregious
 comment or intent on her part, I don't see it.  I do
 think that people get mad at being on the losing end 
 of an argument with her.  On the other hand, it doesn't
 seem like much of victory or accomplishment to win
 these skirmishes.

It's not. It's not even a matter of winning.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Article for John (jr_esq)

2009-10-16 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, yifuxero yifux...@... wrote:

 I don't respond to Auth's posts since she's impeccably
 logical and has long been one of my teachers!


Back atcha.

[FairfieldLife] 'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves'

2009-10-16 Thread Robert
 'Ho White and the Seven Dwarves' beer advert angers Disney' 
A beer advertisment featuring a ranchy version of Snow White has reportedly 
raised the ire of Disney.  

Published: 7:00AM BST 16 Oct 2009

The link to Snow White in the advertisement has reportedly angered Disney. 
Photo: adelaidenow.com.au 
The x-rated advertisement, for Jamieson's Raspberry Ale, depicts the fairytale 
heroine blowing smoke rings while lying in bed with seven semi-clad dwarves.
In this Disney dystopia, Snow White has been renamed Ho White, while the 
loveable dwarves Sleepy, Happy and Doc are rebranded Filthy, Smarmy and Randy - 
supposedly to represent different types of drinkers.

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Campaign creators The Foundry claimed the idea was to convince Australian 
drinkers that the fruit-flavoured beer was anything but sweet.
However, the advertisement has reportedly angered Disney, the entertainment 
giant which licenses Snow White.
The Foundry said it had had a little bit of contact with Disney over the 
issue, according to Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper.
The Foundry's website had featured pictures of Ho White but links to the 
campaign appeared to have been disabled and the campaign's official website, 
anythingbutsweet.com, could not be accessed.
Australia's Food Week website speculated that this may be due to a copyright 
Disney, which released the famous animated Snow White feature in 1937, was not 
immediately available for comment.
However, it is unlikely that the company, which runs the family-friendly Disney 
theme parks and is known for its cartoon feature films aimed at children, would 
agree to Snow White's image being used to sell beer.