[FairfieldLife] How Does Meditation Lead to the Siddhis?

2011-10-18 Thread John
In jyotish, the performance of meditation is represented by the 12th house, the 
field of loss.  In this particular case, the meditator is attempting to 
transcend or lose his or her thoughts.

By doing so, after several minutes, the meditator reaches samadhi or 
transcendental consciousness.  Samadhi is represented by the 9th house of 
higher knowledge.  As the 9th house is enhanced, this field casts an argala, or 
beneficial effect, to the 8th house.  Being the field of transformation and 
mystery, the 8th house is the residence of the kundalini.  Thus, over time, the 
siddhis are activated and developed.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread emptybill

Yep, and thanks for the correction. Goodrick-Clarke it is.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill" emptybill@ wrote:
> >
> >
> > Rather than perpetuating fantasies posing as truth, try Nicholas
> > Goodrick-Clark 's
> Minor correction, its: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke
> > The Occult Roots of Nazism. He is Professor of Western
> > Esotericism and Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of
> > Esotericism (EXESESO), at the University of Exeter, U.K.
> >
> PDF of the book
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread tartbrain
He also wrote:

Hitler's Priestess: Savitri Devi, the Hindu-Aryan Myth and Neo-Nazism, 
...1998-2000 - ISBN 0-8147-3111-2 .


Unknown Sources: National Socialism and the Occult, co-authored with Hans 
Thomas Hakl - ISBN 1-55818-470-8 .

Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity, ...2002 
- ISBN 0-8147-3155-4 .

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Rather than perpetuating fantasies posing as truth, try Nicholas
> > Goodrick-Clark 's 
>  Minor correction, its: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 
> > The Occult Roots of Nazism. He is Professor of Western
> > Esotericism and Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of
> > Esotericism (EXESESO), at the University of Exeter, U.K.
> > 
> PDF of the book
> >http://knizky.mahdi.cz/75_Goodrick_Clarcke___The_Occult_Roots_of_Nazism.pdf
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread tartbrain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "emptybill"  wrote:
> Rather than perpetuating fantasies posing as truth, try Nicholas
> Goodrick-Clark 's 

 Minor correction, its: Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke 

> The Occult Roots of Nazism. He is Professor of Western
> Esotericism and Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of
> Esotericism (EXESESO), at the University of Exeter, U.K.
PDF of the book



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
Lol.. Thanks for the laughs, Judy.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 5:34 PM, "authfriend"  wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> >
> > No way - Judy, you smoke?
> Let's put it this way: I am *smokin'*.
> (No, I used to smoke but I don't now.)
> > If you do it would be real cool to meet you at
> > least once, smoke together
> You 'n' me, smokin' together--outtasight!
> > and laugh about
> > (Dumb)az grey and Vakra Buddhi.
> Goodness knows we've smoked 'em out time after
> time here...
> > On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:36 AM, azgrey wrote:
> > > 
> > >> At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > >> My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> > >> exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Does Judy smoke?
> > > 
> > > Not so surprising I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread shukra69
Really, $700 plus to wear a little brown bead or curio?$700 plus for something 
that is NOT going to worn against the skin or soaked and drank? Thats 
fundamentally dishonest of you to pretend that anyone would pay that to do 
anything else with it. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> Thanks, that's a good point. I really have no interest in having people 
> endanger their health. People do that everyday, drinking, smoking etc...So 
> they don't need my help. 
> Some former MMY students/teachers told me about Kaleshwar and from there I 
> was fortunate to "get a connection" to Shirdi Sai Baba. 
> Baba of course was neither Hindu nor Moslem ... my non-commercial FB site for 
> Baba and my small work as healer is 
> https://www.facebook.com/DivineEnergyHealing
> This is the "official" site maintained by the Trustees of Baba's Samadhai 
> https://www.shrisaibabasansthan.org/INDEX.HTML
> Thanks you
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> > >
> > > Of course one would never recommend actually
> > > drinking the water the beads soak in.
> > 
> > It looks like that's exactly what you're doing
> > on the Web site, though.
> > 
> > You have a disclaimer on your Divine Energy
> > Healing site about consulting a physician and
> > always following medical advice. You need to
> > have something like that on the Navapashanam
> > site as well. Either that or remove the stuff
> > about drinking the bead-soaking water and
> > wearing the beads close to the skin.
> > 
> > BTW, the Divine Energy Healing site is very
> > nicely done, I think. I also looked at Swami
> > Kaleshwar's site, and his record of charitable
> > projects is impressive. I had never heard of
> > him or Shirdi Sai Baba. How did you become a
> > student of Swami Kaleshwar, if I may ask?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >  In India some people do, and they eat many funny things there too. 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > evananda, it would be a good idea for you
> > > > to put at the bottom of your navapashanam
> > > > site (every page) a disclaimer such as the
> > > > following (from another site that sells
> > > > navapashanam beads):
> > > > 
> > > > "IMPORTANT NOTICE Future Alchemy is
> > > > providing these extremely rare and
> > > > magical beads as talisman and blessing
> > > > substances ONLY. One's decision to wear
> > > > the bead next to the skin and/or soak
> > > > the bead in liquid and drink it is
> > > > entirely personal - THE OWNERS OF
> > > > ADVISE THIS PRACTICE. While we are
> > > > extremely pleased to offer such an
> > > > amazing alchemical substance, WE CANNOT
> > > > ITS USE."
> > > > 
> > > > Or better still, get a lawyer to write
> > > > an even more ironclad disclaimer for you.
> > > > 
> > > > Mike Doughney, Vaj, and others on this
> > > > forum would have no inhibitions about
> > > > notifying the FDA (which has its own
> > > > ideas as to what it wants to be involved
> > > > in; it doesn't matter what *you* think).
> > > > 
> > > > Even if this stuff *were* harmless, even if
> > > > it *did* bring about miraculous healing, 
> > > > you're on potentially dangerous legal ground,
> > > > at least in the U.S.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> No way - Judy, you smoke?

Let's put it this way: I am *smokin'*.

(No, I used to smoke but I don't now.)

> If you do it would be real cool to meet you at
> least once, smoke together

You 'n' me, smokin' together--outtasight!

> and laugh about
> (Dumb)az grey and Vakra Buddhi.

Goodness knows we've smoked 'em out time after
time here...

> On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Vaj  wrote:
> > 
> > On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:36 AM, azgrey wrote:
> > 
> >> At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> >> My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> >> exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > 
> > 
> > Does Judy smoke?
> > 
> > Not so surprising I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread emptybill

Whoever wrote this is ignorant of the actual history which is much more
complex. This is Illuminati styled pseudo-history which is full of even
more bullshit than Morning of the Magicians. This is the kind of stuff
people invent when they want to sell a story but don't want to know the
real history.

The actual story is more difficult to understand yet is also more
revealing in how it describes revolutionary movements, their acsendence
to power and the ruthlessness of their rule.

> They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
> taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well. The society
> openly put an ad in the papers: "We are looking for a dictator."
> When they found their man, Adolph Hitler, they bought him new clothes,
> taught him "high" German so he could pass in high places, and
> "educated" him with the help of psychotropic drugs such as mescalin
> weed. Then they bought him a newspaper and created a political party
> him. The money for all this came mostly from Wall Street. Prescot
> (Grandpa) Bush paid 100,000 mercenaries to crush opposition against
> in Germany.

If this is a "history" of Hitler being groomed by the Thule Society then
it is absurdly laughable. The person who actually trained Herr Hitler to
mesmerize crowds was the stage magician, Eric Jan Hanussen (real name:
Hermann Chaim Steinschneider), the famous/infamous "psychic". He is the
one who had a vision of the burning of the Reichstag in 1933. That
action was the immediate cause of the "Enabling Act of 1933" which help
Hitler grab total power over the government.

Rather than perpetuating fantasies posing as truth, try Nicholas
Goodrick-Clark 's The Occult Roots of Nazism. He is Professor of Western
Esotericism and Director of the Exeter Centre for the Study of
Esotericism (EXESESO), at the University of Exeter, U.K.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> If you haven't posted it already, here's a couple of clarifications
> regarding Farben. I've given you the short version--the story is much
> deeper and more complicated, but, in essence, it's the MO of the
> elite: install an evil dictator somewhere, get him to do your bidding
> you; bring the people and the economy under control; make money
selling him
> a war machine; let him play with it a little bit, and then make
> war against him, making the people believe you are liberating them
from the
> evil dude. In the process, you destroy the country and the economy,
> then make more money rebuilding it and making the place over into a
> "democratic" (capitalist) society. One of the dudes that helped to
> Hitler to power" went on to help install the Shah of Iran and then
> engineered two or three revolutions in China.
> Here's a slightly revised version of the story:
> I've been meaning to tell you this story because it's a great story
> make a fabulous movie) and it also illustrates the point that the
> between corporate power over government and fascism is nothing new.
> Klein (in The Shock Doctrine) claims that this kind of predatory
> "capitalism" is only about thirty years old. She is mistaken. I teach
> American history. The debacle we are looking at was foreseen by people
> in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth centuries when the
> class first began to gain power. The folks who opposed WWI (and went
> jail for it) knew that this war wasn't about making the world safe for
> democracy. It was, instead, to gain capitalist control of world
> But here's the story.
> A year after the Federal Reserve got created, it's first chief, Paul
> Warburg, was hanging out on Wall Street with a German buddy of his by
> name of Franz von Papen, a German "noble" man and a Papal Chamberlain
> an agent of the Vatican). Warburg,not so incidentally, had deep German
> roots. His brother, Max, was head of the German financial system and
> secret service under the Kaiser. Anyway, Franz and Paul were hanging
out and
> came up with a brilliant plan.
> They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
> taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well. The society
> openly put an ad in the papers: "We are looking for a dictator."
> When they found their man, Adolph Hitler, they bought him new clothes,
> taught him "high" German so he could pass in high places, and
> "educated" him with the help of psychotropic drugs such as mescalin
> weed. Then they bought him a newspaper and created a political party
> him. The money for all this came mostly from Wall Street. Prescot
> (Grandpa) Bush paid 100,000 mercenaries to crush opposition against
> in Germany. The vote for Hitler was mandated from the pulpit of every
> Catholic church in the country--other denominations as well. Religious
> fundamentalism was a great political tool then, as now.
> I

[FairfieldLife] Khandana Bhava Bandhana: Breaker of this World’s Chain By Swami Vivekananda

2011-10-18 Thread evananda108
Khandana Bhava Bandhana:
Breaker of this World’s Chain
By Swami Vivekananda

We adore you, O breaker of the bondage of the world, wor­shipped by all 
humankind! You are stain­less, yet have taken a human form. You are beyond all 
attrib­utes, yet are the embod­i­ment of all virtues.

O puri­fier of all defects! O gem of the world! O embod­i­ment of pure 
con­scious­ness! Your stain­less eyes, sanc­ti­fied by the col­lyrium of 
knowl­edge, remove our igno­rance at a mere glance.

You are ver­ily a sea of light and divine moods, ever filled with the waves of 
ine­bri­at­ing love. Your holy feet, attained through devo­tion, are the 
raft that car­ries us across the ocean of this world.

You are the Lord of the uni­verse, the man­i­fest incar­na­tion of the age 
and our guide along the path of yoga. We have real­ized this truth through 
your grace, you whose mind is estab­lished in samadhi.

O destroyer of the mass of suf­fer­ing! O embod­i­ment of com­pas­sion! O 
tremen­dous per­former of deeds! You have sac­ri­ficed your life to redeem 
the world and cut the bonds of the Kali Yuga.

You have con­quered lust and greed and have spurned the entice­ments of sense 
plea­sure. O Lord of renounc­ers! O best among men! Grant us love for your 
blessed feet.
You are beyond fear and free from doubt. Your mind is unwa­ver­ing in 
resolve. You have renounced all pride of birth and caste and, with­out any 
motive, are a refuge for all your devotees.

O gift of love and embod­i­ment of same-sightedness! Their suf­fer­ing 
van­ishes who look upon your holy feet as their great­est trea­sure. For 
them, this tran­si­tory world seems like the pud­dle that fills the 
hoof-print of the cow in the clay.

Salu­ta­tions to you, O Lord, salu­ta­tions to you! You are beyond mind and 
speech, and are also the ground of mind and speech. Light of all lights, you 
shine forth in the cave of the heart. Destroy the dark­ness of igno­rance 
there, O Lord, destroy the dark­ness of ignorance.

To the accom­pa­ni­ment of the mri­danga, with its rhyth­mic tones, your 
devo­tees are singing this arati to you: jaya jaya, hara, hara, shiva shiva.

We adore you, O breaker of the bondage of the world, wor­shipped by all 
mankind! You are stain­less, yet have taken a human form. You are beyond all 
attrib­utes, yet are the embod­i­ment of all virtues.

Vic­tory to the great guru!

from http://vedantadc.org/khandana-bhava-bandhana

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2011-10-18 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Oct 15 00:00:00 2011
End Date (UTC): Sat Oct 22 00:00:00 2011
492 messages as of (UTC) Tue Oct 18 23:55:22 2011

47 authfriend 
43 Ravi Yogi 
34 whynotnow7 
31 turquoiseb 
30 Tom Pall 
28 obbajeeba 
27 Yifu 
25 Buck 
23 Denise Evans 
20 Bhairitu 
17 evananda108 
16 curtisdeltablues 
14 nablusoss1008 
14 cardemaister 
13 Sal Sunshine 
12 Vaj 
12 Bob Price 
10 tartbrain 
10 Mike Doughney 
 8 John 
 7 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 6 maskedzebra 
 6 marekreavis 
 5 jpgillam 
 5 emptybill 
 5 at_man_and_brahman 
 5 Rick Archer 
 4 P Duff 
 3 richardwillytexwilliams 
 3 Susan 
 1 shukra69 
 1 russell sedman 
 1 pranamoocher 
 1 feste37 
 1 azgrey 
 1 William 
 1 Mark Landau 
 1 Jean 
 1 Alex Stanley 

Posters: 39
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Oct 18, 2011, at 5:48 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
>> On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
>>> Robin is having trouble posting this, so I'm doing it for him:
>> Maybe his email program is bored out of its
>> mind by his  mind-numbingly
>> long-winded posts, and has decided to rebel.
> Hey Sal,
> I have to take part of the credit or blame for the length since I produced my 
> half of it.  And I can certainly see how from the outside this beast is just 
> too much to bear!  Seriously.  But I defend the charge that Robin is just 
> sending out monologues to strangers here.
> This is one of the most interesting discussions I have engaged in here.  And 
> unfortunately it took a lot of words to suss out some key points of interest 
> to both Robin and me.  The driving force behind this exchange is a genuine 
> interest in understanding each other's process for approaching reality.  
> Because it engages our complete philosophies, it requires a lot of words.  
> What we are attempting is not simple.  And of course any conversation with me 
> is going to be lengthened by whatever improv comedy strikes me as I write, so 
> there we tack on even more.
> I am not making a case that this should be of interest to anyone else. I am 
> just owning my part in it.  

Point taken.  And thanks for that 6KB 
response. :)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Most relaxing "musical" track created

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
Its OK for ambient music. Its a hard genre to assess because it is meant to be 
soundtrack for life music, not center seats at a concert.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 3:27 PM, turquoiseb wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049948/Most-relaxing-song-UK-band-Boffins.html
> > >
> > > Finally there is something even more sleep inducing than a
> > > post from RC or psycho-Ravi or a lecture from Dr. BM.
> >
> > Hideous. I currently live with a number of wonderful
> > people whom I love deeply despite their faults. They
> > return the favor, which is why we get along.
> >
> > One of the faults I most have to overlook is their
> > choice of dinner music.
> >
> Maharishi says that listening to music while doing any other ?voluntary
> muscle? activity divides the mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:
> > Robin is having trouble posting this, so I'm doing it for him:
> Maybe his email program is bored out of its
> mind by his  mind-numbingly
> long-winded posts, and has decided to rebel.

Hey Sal,

I have to take part of the credit or blame for the length since I produced my 
half of it.  And I can certainly see how from the outside this beast is just 
too much to bear!  Seriously.  But I defend the charge that Robin is just 
sending out monologues to strangers here.

This is one of the most interesting discussions I have engaged in here.  And 
unfortunately it took a lot of words to suss out some key points of interest to 
both Robin and me.  The driving force behind this exchange is a genuine 
interest in understanding each other's process for approaching reality.  
Because it engages our complete philosophies, it requires a lot of words.  What 
we are attempting is not simple.  And of course any conversation with me is 
going to be lengthened by whatever improv comedy strikes me as I write, so 
there we tack on even more.

I am not making a case that this should be of interest to anyone else. I am 
just owning my part in it.  

> The average post here is 
> maybe 5-10 Kbs, this one alone is 125.  While 
> this might be his longest to date, it's hardly
> an aberration.  I don't get it.  Too bad 
> MDG is no longer here to explain how and why 
> someone would take the trouble, day after day,
> to write these endless monologues to a bunch of almost
> complete strangers.
> Sal

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Kidding? Huh! ; )
> > How do I know either of you are a man or woman?
> Well, maybe you haven't been reading the forum for
> long enough. I think our respective genders are
> pretty obvious from our posts.
> > Believe me, I have listened to same gender puppy love
> > bashing and it is the same as hetero. LOL. Absolutely!
> Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm just saying that if we *were*
> the same gender, it probably wouldn't occur to most
> people here to think there was anything going on
> beyond mutual dislike. I mean, nobody's suggested
> that Barry and whynotnow, or Barry and Ravi, or Barry
> and Robin have a secret attraction.
> And only Barry could imagine that Sal and I or Ruth
> and I were romantically inclined. ;-)

I am kidding with you, Judy. It is cute how you both interact.
You have good chemistry with him? LOL

Barry wishes he can imagine 3 women or more getting romantically inclined 
because he says he is neither man or woman as he reaches into his "bag of 
popcorn" at the theatre. lol
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2oEmPP5dTM
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > P.S.: I know you're just kidding around. But
> > > this has come up on a regular basis, over and
> > > over, and I think some people have a lingering
> > > suspicion there must be something to it.
> > > 
> > > If we were two men, or two women, I doubt it
> > > would even occur to anybody to make the
> > > suggestion. But somehow because we're of
> > > opposite genders, folks seem to think there
> > > must be some underlying attraction.
> > > 
> > > There isn't.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > > > > or are you two having?
> > > > 
> > > > Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> > > > the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> > > > 
> > > > For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> > > > each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> > > > somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> > > > How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> > > > him as a fraud and a phony?
> > > > 
> > > > We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> > > > alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> > > > each other has only *declined* over the years,
> > > > it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> > > > 
> > > > 'Nuff said.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > > > > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came 
> > > > > out?  
> > > > >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most 
> > > > > likely sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all 
> > > > > this. Barry, puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey 
> > > > > hair fluffing out as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, 
> > > > > stroking the ever graceful polite compliments he suggests.
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > > > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > > > > :-)
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> >
> > Simple, starting at birth, you clear two bio-energetic channels a day for 
> > the rest of your life, and by the time you are 98 years or old, you will 
> > have cleared all 72,000, and be too old to care, or already dead. This path 
> > has never been known to fail. :-)
> Hey, I only get 71,589 cleared after 98 years (365.25 days x 98 x 2)
> I seem to have a large number of bio-phlegmatic channels too, how do I clear 
> those?

Cough up the phlegm into a kleenex.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> > >  
> > > > > Vaj:
> > > > > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > > > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > > > > beings...
> > > > > >
> > > > > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > No, very different.
> > > > 
> > > > The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation,  
> > > > they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the  
> > > > 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human  
> > > > physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a  
> > > > pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one  
> > > > could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such  
> > > > purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse,  
> > > > deadly (not to mention unreliable).
> > > 
> > > How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels 
> > > by which consciousness mounts the human physiology?
> > >
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Conversation between Curtis & Robin

2011-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Oct 18, 2011, at 4:37 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

> Robin is having trouble posting this, so I’m doing it for him:

Maybe his email program is bored out of its
mind by his  mind-numbingly
long-winded posts, and has decided to rebel.
The average post here is 
maybe 5-10 Kbs, this one alone is 125.  While 
this might be his longest to date, it's hardly
an aberration.  I don't get it.  Too bad 
MDG is no longer here to explain how and why 
someone would take the trouble, day after day,
to write these endless monologues to a bunch of almost
complete strangers.


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[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
I'm selling the sizzle, not the steak. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> >
> > Simple, starting at birth, you clear two bio-energetic channels a day for 
> > the rest of your life, and by the time you are 98 years or old, you will 
> > have cleared all 72,000, and be too old to care, or already dead. This path 
> > has never been known to fail. :-)
> Hey, I only get 71,589 cleared after 98 years (365.25 days x 98 x 2)
> I seem to have a large number of bio-phlegmatic channels too, how do I clear 
> those?
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > > On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> > >  
> > > > > Vaj:
> > > > > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > > > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > > > > beings...
> > > > > >
> > > > > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > No, very different.
> > > > 
> > > > The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation,  
> > > > they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the  
> > > > 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human  
> > > > physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a  
> > > > pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one  
> > > > could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such  
> > > > purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse,  
> > > > deadly (not to mention unreliable).
> > > 
> > > How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels 
> > > by which consciousness mounts the human physiology?
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> Simple, starting at birth, you clear two bio-energetic channels a day for the 
> rest of your life, and by the time you are 98 years or old, you will have 
> cleared all 72,000, and be too old to care, or already dead. This path has 
> never been known to fail. :-)

Hey, I only get 71,589 cleared after 98 years (365.25 days x 98 x 2)

I seem to have a large number of bio-phlegmatic channels too, how do I clear 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> >  
> > > > Vaj:
> > > > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > > > beings...
> > > > >
> > > > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > No, very different.
> > > 
> > > The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation,  
> > > they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the  
> > > 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human  
> > > physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a  
> > > pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one  
> > > could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such  
> > > purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse,  
> > > deadly (not to mention unreliable).
> > 
> > How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels by 
> > which consciousness mounts the human physiology?
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
And Jim, watch how technical, painful and unreachable goal your friend :-) 
Vakrabuddhi, the one trick parrot, choking on parroted shit trick, makes 
enlightenment seem.

Whatever makes him sleep well at night.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:55 PM, "whynotnow7"  wrote:

> Simple, starting at birth, you clear two bio-energetic channels a day for the 
> rest of your life, and by the time you are 98 years or old, you will have 
> cleared all 72,000, and be too old to care, or already dead. This path has 
> never been known to fail. :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > > On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> > 
> > > > Vaj:
> > > > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > > > beings...
> > > > >
> > > > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> > > 
> > > 
> > > No, very different.
> > > 
> > > The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation, 
> > > they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the 
> > > 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human 
> > > physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a 
> > > pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one 
> > > could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such 
> > > purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse, 
> > > deadly (not to mention unreliable).
> > 
> > How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels by 
> > which consciousness mounts the human physiology?
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
Simple, starting at birth, you clear two bio-energetic channels a day for the 
rest of your life, and by the time you are 98 years or old, you will have 
cleared all 72,000, and be too old to care, or already dead. This path has 
never been known to fail. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> > On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> > > Vaj:
> > > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > > beings...
> > > >
> > > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> > 
> > 
> > No, very different.
> > 
> > The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation,  
> > they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the  
> > 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human  
> > physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a  
> > pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one  
> > could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such  
> > purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse,  
> > deadly (not to mention unreliable).
> How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels by 
> which consciousness mounts the human physiology?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
No way - Judy, you smoke? If you do it would be real cool to meet you at least 
once, smoke together and laugh about (Dumb)az grey and Vakra Buddhi.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:31 PM, Vaj  wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:36 AM, azgrey wrote:
>> At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
>> My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
>> exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> Does Judy smoke?
> Not so surprising I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
This is good advice. It pays to be cautious. Others making offerings in the 
land of woo have found unanticipated legal difficulties. Look at the TM 
disclaimers on their materials. You basically have to sign off on legally 
agreeing that you agree whatever-it-is does not work even though at least for 
some of the things, there will be effects, and some beneficial ones too, if you 
purchase the product or service or whatever. If you are offering anything for 
remuneration, use a disclaimer, it does not matter if you are commercial or 
non-profit, or think you are in some other category.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> evananda, it would be a good idea for you
> to put at the bottom of your navapashanam
> site (every page) a disclaimer such as the
> following (from another site that sells
> navapashanam beads):
> "IMPORTANT NOTICE Future Alchemy is
> providing these extremely rare and
> magical beads as talisman and blessing
> substances ONLY. One's decision to wear
> the bead next to the skin and/or soak
> the bead in liquid and drink it is
> entirely personal - THE OWNERS OF
> extremely pleased to offer such an
> amazing alchemical substance, WE CANNOT
> Or better still, get a lawyer to write
> an even more ironclad disclaimer for you.
> Mike Doughney, Vaj, and others on this
> forum would have no inhibitions about
> notifying the FDA (which has its own
> ideas as to what it wants to be involved
> in; it doesn't matter what *you* think).
> Even if this stuff *were* harmless, even if
> it *did* bring about miraculous healing, 
> you're on potentially dangerous legal ground,
> at least in the U.S.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> >
> > Siddha Pharmacy
> > 
> > Alchemical ideas dominate Siddha medicine. Although alchemy was not the 
> > primary aim of Siddha medicine, they wanted to evolve drugs that could 
> > arrest the decay of the body.  But this could not be achieved by drugs that 
> > which themselves are subject to decay such as drugs of vegetable origin.  
> > To prevent decay of the medicines began the preparation of medicines that 
> > do not lose their potency with the lapse of time.  These medicines can be 
> > administered in small doses.  They are available in all seasons and can be 
> > preserved.   The Siddhars knew of the occurrence of the metallic compounds, 
> > ores, and their knowledge was so advanced that they could prepare them from 
> > simpler materials (6).  Agasthiyar , Thirumular and Bogar are three of the 
> > Siddhars  in the lineage of the 18 Siddhars.  They have contributed to the 
> > preparation to these medicines.   As the universe is composed of the five 
> > Bhutas so are the medicines.   Some of the methods used by the Siddhas 
> > still survive under a veil of secrecy.  Certain mercury and arsenic 
> > compounds are manufactured only in certain families and the methods are a 
> > closely guarded secret.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Mercury
> > 
> > In North America, mercury based medicine are banned although the dental 
> > field still uses mercury amalgam fillings. Most practitioners would caution 
> > against using some Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Tibetan medicine due to the 
> > mercury and lead.  This is largely due to the ignorance, as the mercury 
> > used in these medicines are completely transformed into inert compound or 
> > ores (bhasma) through a 18 step process before being prescribed as 
> > medicine. (On the other hand it has been proven via X-ray that every time a 
> > person  with mercury amalgam fillings chew their food they swallow  a 
> > little of the mercury in their fillings.)
> > 
> > Mercury occupies a very high place in Siddha   medicine.  It is used as a 
> > catalytic agent in many of its medicines.  When mercury is used it is used 
> > in combination with sulfur.  The addition of sulfur is to control the 
> > fluidity of mercury this converts to mercuric sulfite which is insoluble in 
> > mineral acids. Siddhas used 5 forms of mercury. (1) Mercury metal-rasam (2) 
> > red sulfide of mercury-lingam (3) mercury chloride- veeram  (4) mercury 
> > subchloride (mercury chloride)-pooram  (5) red oxide of mercury-rasa 
> > chenduram.  Ordinary rasa chenduram (red oxide of mercury) is a poison but 
> > when it is processed as Poorna chandrodayam according to Siddha practice, 
> > it becomes ambrosia.  Research is necessary to solve such apparent riddles 
> > of the transformation of these admittedly poisonous compounds.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Doughney"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > I'm never disappointed when I visit Fairfield Life, as long as I  assume 
> > > beforehand that I'm going to encounter at least a few examples of 
> > > world-class stupidity, sometimes of the let's-go-wallow-in-h

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Vaj

On Oct 18, 2011, at 1:36 AM, azgrey wrote:

> At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.

Does Judy smoke?

Not so surprising I guess.

[FairfieldLife] Kevin Smith's "Red State" now on Netflix WI

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
Discussed this film a while back when it was on Vudu.com.  Now it's 
available same day as DVD/BD release streaming on Netflix.  I may watch 
it again:

Also John Carpenter's "The Ward":

[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2011, at 12:15 PM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> > Vaj:
> > > The messages bubbling up for the unconscious are
> > > taken as messages from important disincarnate
> > > beings...
> > >
> > Sort of like your Tibetan State Oracle of Nechung?
> No, very different.
> The Nechung oracles are not only masters of inner tantric meditation,  
> they've gone through the rather painful process of clearing the  
> 72,000 bioenergetic channels by which consciousness mounts the human  
> physiology and they can pass the outer and subtle inner signs of a  
> pure samadhi before the process is even seen as acceptable. So one  
> could say 'their mirror is perfectly clear.' Without such  
> purification, their possession is extremely painful and even worse,  
> deadly (not to mention unreliable).

How does one know and count that there are '72,000 bioenergetic channels by 
which consciousness mounts the human physiology?

[FairfieldLife] Re: The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> These days in an effort to "monetize" web sites I find
> many sites overloaded with ads.  These really bog down
> browsers especially if there is some script code involved
> in serving them.

My biggest peeve is ads with audio that plays
automatically. One time I had my speakers on with
nothing playing, clicked on an FFL post and
scrolled down to read it, and suddenly heard a
bird chirping loudly right behind me. Scared the
daylights out of me. Took me several minutes to
figure out what it was--a banner ad with stereo
audio. I couldn't see it because it had scrolled
off the screen.

I wrote Yahoo a nasty email, which I'm sure they
found hilarious. But it hasn't happened again.

[FairfieldLife] Re: The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> It's not that they were in the posts, the ads were being
> dynamically presented - they probably just removed that code.

Ah, I see. I thought it might be something along those
lines but didn't know the technical lingo for it. Glad
they're gone, at any rate, and I devoutly hope it's for

> On Oct 18, 2011, at 7:10 AM, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > From the post windows, at least. Must not have gone over
> > too well among the users. They're no longer even in the
> > posts they were in originally.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Kidding? Huh! ; )
> How do I know either of you are a man or woman?

Well, maybe you haven't been reading the forum for
long enough. I think our respective genders are
pretty obvious from our posts.

> Believe me, I have listened to same gender puppy love
> bashing and it is the same as hetero. LOL. Absolutely!

Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm just saying that if we *were*
the same gender, it probably wouldn't occur to most
people here to think there was anything going on
beyond mutual dislike. I mean, nobody's suggested
that Barry and whynotnow, or Barry and Ravi, or Barry
and Robin have a secret attraction.

And only Barry could imagine that Sal and I or Ruth
and I were romantically inclined. ;-)

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2oEmPP5dTM
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > P.S.: I know you're just kidding around. But
> > this has come up on a regular basis, over and
> > over, and I think some people have a lingering
> > suspicion there must be something to it.
> > 
> > If we were two men, or two women, I doubt it
> > would even occur to anybody to make the
> > suggestion. But somehow because we're of
> > opposite genders, folks seem to think there
> > must be some underlying attraction.
> > 
> > There isn't.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > > > or are you two having?
> > > 
> > > Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> > > the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> > > 
> > > For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> > > each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> > > somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> > > How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> > > him as a fraud and a phony?
> > > 
> > > We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> > > alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> > > each other has only *declined* over the years,
> > > it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> > > 
> > > 'Nuff said.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > > > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came 
> > > > out?  
> > > >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most 
> > > > likely sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all 
> > > > this. Barry, puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey 
> > > > hair fluffing out as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, 
> > > > stroking the ever graceful polite compliments he suggests.
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > > > :-)
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: "You don't believe what we believe, therefore you hate it...and us"

2011-10-18 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius"  
> wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> > >  wrote:
> > > 
> > > > I take this criticism of a portion my post as valid and
> > > > stand corrected. I suppose I have trouble dealing with
> > > > the level of detail you always manage to eek out of
> > > > material,
> > > 
> > > By "level of detail," you mean the list I made of the
> > > accusations in Barry's post? What *did* you deal with
> > > in that paragraph from his post when you read it, such
> > > that you didn't think it warranted any comment when you
> > > expressed your lack of comprehension of my response?
> > 
> > No. I was referring to your manner of precisely expressing
> > the way words are used, trying to quote exactly what someone
> > said and that sort of thing. Detailed and pointed responses
> > of that sort.
> And how exactly did your difficulty dealing with this
> result in your failure to quote what I was responding
> to?

It had nothing to do with it. It was a general comment about how I view your 
approach to interacting on the forum.
> > > Did it not occur to you, when you quoted my post, that
> > > I *was* responding to something? Did you think it just
> > > emerged from a vacuum?
> > 
> > Indeed you were responding to something, but that was not
> > my point in quoting you.
> How can you evaluate what I wrote without the context
> in which I wrote it?

Suppose in a series of posts I wrote the word 'colour' and you wrote the word 
'color', the American spelling - means the same thing but the spelling is 
different. Say we were discussing fish. Now if I wanted to write something 
about variations in spelling of words around the world, I might take an example 
from my posts about fish and an example from your posts as an illustration. The 
original context of discussing fish is really not germane to the issue of how 
people spell words. The context of my first post to which you responded was 
conceptual interfaces, not what we are discussing here in these follow-ups 
which concerns your issues with the context of the posts from which I extracted 
your quote.
> > Whatever that argument was, was not what I was responding to.
> You didn't have to respond to the argument, merely take
> into account the nature of what I was commenting on.

I do not see why it is necessary to do that. It would have been if I was 
following that thread and wanted to comment on it, but I wasn't. Does 
everything you say have to be set in a jeweled box of contextual relevance that 
reflects what you were trying to convey at the time you wrote it? My quoting 
you was not an attempt to 'put you down'. I was interested in what Vaj said. 
Perhaps I should have quoted Julius Caesar or George Washington. On this forum 
however, it is hard not to notice Judy and Barry, so I picked those. I quoted 
Barry, who was responding to Vaj, but I was not concerned with whatever Barry 
was interested in when he wrote, I lifted it the same way I used yours, as an 
example of what I was thinking about.

> > I was responding to the idea Vaj brought up about interfaces
> > via which we interact with the world around us, and quoting
> > you was, in my mind, an illustration of this. You said:
> > 
> >>Lovely wishful thinking, Barry. You're projecting your
> >>own terror that your fellow TM critic may be exposed as
> >>a liar regarding his qualifications as a critic. And
> >>you're also projecting your own terror at the idea that
> >>I'm not the TB you keep trying to portray me as.
> > 
> > Here you say, 'Barry. You're projecting your own terror
> > that your...' and in the paragraph below you are saying
> > 'Neither Barry nor I was projecting.' You cannot have it
> > both ways unless you can convince people that there is a
> > rule that says contradictions are true.
> If you wanted to be straightforward, you could just
> have left off everything after "ways" above.

A contradiction in logic is a false statement.
> I'll get to the "contradiction" in a moment.
> First allow me to quote again what Barry had said
> about me:
> > > W.r.t Vaj, the fact that you are still so terrified of
> > > saying something that isn't in the approved catechism of
> > > TM dogma *does not mean* that Vaj should be or has to be
> > > similarly terrified. He has learned something you have not,
> > > the ability to think for himself. You suggesting that this
> > > is a sin merely reveals how strongly you believe that
> > > thinking for yourself IS a sin.
> You didn't admit to any difficulty in grasping how
> Barry interprets what I say to mean that: 

I paid no attention to this. Looking at it now, I would say it is pretty 
fanciful thinking, this is Barry's own interface projecting an unreality onto 
you. Barry's digs at you are l

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/18/2011 10:29 AM, richardwillytexwilliams wrote:
> nablusoss1008:
>> The "meditation" techniques are well known to be "Buddistic"
> "One of the most important lessons Dad taught us was not to
> feel like victims. He never felt like a victim; he never talked
> like a victim. And both of our parents taught us not to think
> that the government owed us something. They didn't teach us to
> be mad at this country." - Herman Cain

Really, Hermie?  Of course when your dad grew up the government really 
didn't do much at all for blacks.  That took the civil rights movement.  
The people is supposed to own the government so why shouldn't it do 
things for them.  Apparently Hermie thinks the government should be 
owned by big corporations and the rest of us are just their chattel.

> "Our kids are competing with Asian kids who go to cram school
> and practice the violin in the afternoon. This isn't going to
> be easy, and the sooner we decide to roll up our sleeves and
> get back to work instead of looking for bankers to blame, the
> better our chances of coming back."

The Asian culture is WAY different from European culture which many of 
our ancestors immigrated from.  Asians have a long tradition of working 
for themselves where as Europeans were often slaves or serfs of the 
wealthy landholders.   Running a business is not for everyone.  Probably 
only about 20% of the population fits into that hole.  And yes the 
bankers are to blame.  They ran their banks like con men.  If you don't 
understand that you don't understand economics.  They need to pay dearly 
for that.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Most relaxing "musical" track created

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 3:27 PM, turquoiseb wrote:

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> >
> >
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049948/Most-relaxing-song-UK-band-Boffins.html
> >
> > Finally there is something even more sleep inducing than a
> > post from RC or psycho-Ravi or a lecture from Dr. BM.
> Hideous. I currently live with a number of wonderful
> people whom I love deeply despite their faults. They
> return the favor, which is why we get along.
> One of the faults I most have to overlook is their
> choice of dinner music.

Maharishi says that listening to music while doing any other ?voluntary
muscle? activity divides the mind.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Most relaxing "musical" track created

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049948/Most-relaxing-song-UK-band-Boffins.html
> Finally there is something even more sleep inducing than a 
> post from RC or psycho-Ravi or a lecture from Dr. BM.

Hideous. I currently live with a number of wonderful
people whom I love deeply despite their faults. They
return the favor, which is why we get along. 

One of the faults I most have to overlook is their 
choice of dinner music. They tune their iPod to some
Internet radio station that plays ambient or "chill"
music. They like it. With them (although some on this
forum may find this hard to believe) I am tactful and
compassionate enough to have led them to believe that
I actually enjoy this music, too. This despite the
fact that often I find myself eating while suppressing
the feeling that I'd rather pull my own teeth than 
listen to another second of this dreck.

I grew up on HEAVY electronic music, the avant-garde
of the classical world who discovered synthesizers 
long before pop music did. Later I discovered artists
like Tangerine Dream and Jean Michel Jarre, who basic-
ally invented the musical genre we now think of as 
techno or electronica. But these guys had BALLS. Tan 
Dream were Germans, ferchrissakes, from Berlin. These 
were not New Age wusses; they were purebred Germans, 
with all of the drama about their personalities and 
their music that you would associate with Wagner or 
any of the great Germanic composers. Jarre was French, 
son of a famous film composer, and far more trendy and 
pop, but he too was not afraid to use electronica 
as a medium for creating art, and not just as a way 
to appeal to Newagers. Their stuff just ROCKED. It

The newer ambient electronica I hear? In a word, BORING.
Like the track associated with this article. Zero content.
Zero composition. Just people fiddling around with sounds
that Tan Dream and Jarre invented decades earlier, which 
are now canned and available at the flick of a switch on 
their store-bought synths. 

Tan Dream and Jarre used to perform live. In the case of
TD, the three of them would sit up onstage surrounded by
dozens of synths and just WING IT. In the early days, 
they would walk out on stage without any clear idea of
what they were going to play, and then just see what
happened. It was magic, and it had ENERGY. Most modern
"New Age" music puts me to sleep faster than the track
in the article. 

[FairfieldLife] Episode 2 of "Enlightened" -- my take

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
The show seems to be getting more into the territory of "Office Space" 
or mocking corporate America, especially "big" corporations.  Amy was 
sent to "purgatory" in episode two and made to do menial data entry as 
some kind of punishment or a position given to her to avoid a possible 
"unlawful termination" suit (see episode 1, in the meeting scene what 
appears to be the company counsel whispering in the ear of the HR 
head).  Dern and White seem to be exploring some interesting phenomena 
here.  (Spoiler alert) where in one scene Amy's mother tells her "you 
can't have fun all your life" but then proceeds to sit and watch an old 
TV series and when Amy tells her mother her life doesn't amount to much, 
her mother responds, "I do what I want to do" which is a contradiction 
to what she just told Amy.

The show is also exploring what happens when someone takes a turn off 
the beaten track of the masses and what kind of conflicts occur.  
Everyone here should be able to relate to that.  So will the Mike White 
character become Amy's new partner in crime?  Tune in next week. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
Like dogs some FFL'ers seem to want the sniff the butt of a newcomer.  
Remember this IS the "Funny Farm Lounge." :-D

On 10/18/2011 10:34 AM, evananda108 wrote:
> I got exactly the reception I expected... I have been aware of FFL and your 
> "community" for many years.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
>> In the second episode of HBO's "Enlightened," Amy shows up for her first
>> day back at Abaddon. While waiting to be ushered to her new office, she
>> meditates in a conference room, closing her eyes and envisioning the
>> high-level PR/Customer Liaison job she assumes she will be filling, and
>> the effect it will have on both the company and the world. The voiceover
>> lets us know what's going on in her head:
>> "At Open Air, they taught me that by visualizing change you summon it to
>> you. I see myself speaking articulately for once. [visuals of a roomful
>> of co-workers, listening to her raptly] All the executives of the
>> company are there; they can't deny the truth of my message. I draw the
>> connections between our selfish behaviors and the destruction they
>> cause. It lights a fire that builds into an explosion of knowledge, and
>> action. [visuals of the executives giving her a standing ovation] Change
>> is coming. [visuals of Amy presenting her imagined line of "Clean Meds"
>> at a trade show] I see Clean Meds becoming a beacon, and illuminating a
>> path to a better future for the community, the nation, the planet.
>> [visuals of crowds applauding, and chanting "Amy! Amy! Amy!]"
>> At this point her real boss walks in, says "We have a position for you,"
>> and then shows her to what her real job will be, as shown in the
>> following clip:
>> http://www.hbo.com/enlightened/index.html#/enlightened/episodes/1/02-now\
>> -or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0x\
>> JzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==
>> > w-or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0\
>> xJzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==>
>> or
>> http://goo.gl/rhV9w
>> Again, the brilliance of Laura Dern and Mike White's vision for the
>> series asserts itself. (Mike is the blonde guy in the clip.) When it
>> comes to enlightenment, there are the movies that play in the Supposedly
>> Enlightened person's head, and then there is real life. The two are
>> rarely the same.
>> Now flash back to Fairfield Life Last Night, and the sudden (and brief)
>> appearance of Evananda.
>> It's not as if he announced himself as enlightened (although it wouldn't
>> surprise me in the least if he did). But he did breeze into town as
>> pretty much the Avatar Of Cluelessness. First, he out-Robins Robin by
>> trying to invoke his more-special-than-thou past as a FF oil brokerage
>> huckster, assuming that will impress us. Then he announces himself as a
>> "healer," with accompanying cheezy website. Finally he tries to sell us
>> poison, by citing yet another cheezy website.
>> The connection I'm trying to make is that I think we all know that in
>> Evananda's mind he was "supposed" to be greeted here with applause and
>> reverent awe, followed by people lining up to buy his poison. It never
>> even *occurred* to him that people might be smart enough to see him as
>> the clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life in Fairfield, Iowa and a
>> lifetime in the TMO does for you. His inner vision of what he *expected*
>> to happen was all that he could see. My bet is that he still sees it
>> that way, and thinks that WE are the ones who are somehow "off" in
>> rejecting him and the wonderful things he could do for us.
>> At the end of the episode, stuck in her basement dungeon entering data
>> endlessly, Amy feels the same way. She thinks, "Change WILL come. Maybe
>> not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come. You have to believe. I
>> close my eyes and see a better world. [visuals of the beach ashram in
>> Hawaii, only now the people there are all of the dweeds in the basement
>> with her, and her ex, and her mother, and all of the other people who've
>> treated her since her enlightenment as if she was as crazy now as she
>> was before] People there are fearless, and connected. They are my
>> friends. I'm there. I'm free."
>> Sure you are, Amy. Sure you are, Evan. You just keep those eyes closed,
>> and focus on your inner vision. That'll make everything work out
>> right...for you, for the people around you, and for the world. Squeeze
>> those eyes tightly closed now and just hope.

Re: [FairfieldLife] "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
It's a natural function of mind to fantasize, it's a great utility like the 

Mind is no longer a burden once enlightened - it's a beatiful utility like any 

Being enlightened does not mean you lose desires and fantasies. Enlightenment 
creates a distance, a silent witness to the data from the mind and the senses.

May be the enlightened will indulge in the fantasies or not, or just silently 
enjoy witnessing the mind, but the inner silence is untouched similar to a 
lotus in the muddy pond.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 2:56 AM, turquoiseb  wrote:

> In the second episode of HBO's "Enlightened," Amy shows up for her first day 
> back at Abaddon. While waiting to be ushered to her new office, she meditates 
> in a conference room, closing her eyes and envisioning the high-level 
> PR/Customer Liaison job she assumes she will be filling, and the effect it 
> will have on both the company and the world. The voiceover lets us know 
> what's going on in her head:
> "At Open Air, they taught me that by visualizing change you summon it to you. 
> I see myself speaking articulately for once. [visuals of a roomful of 
> co-workers, listening to her raptly] All the executives of the company are 
> there; they can't deny the truth of my message. I draw the connections 
> between our selfish behaviors and the destruction they cause. It lights a 
> fire that builds into an explosion of knowledge, and action. [visuals of the 
> executives giving her a standing ovation] Change is coming. [visuals of Amy 
> presenting her imagined line of "Clean Meds" at a trade show] I see Clean 
> Meds becoming a beacon, and illuminating a path to a better future for the 
> community, the nation, the planet. [visuals of crowds applauding, and 
> chanting "Amy! Amy! Amy!]"
> At this point her real boss walks in, says "We have a position for you," and 
> then shows her to what her real job will be, as shown in the following clip:
> http://www.hbo.com/enlightened/index.html#/enlightened/episodes/1/02-now-or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0xJzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==
> or
> http://goo.gl/rhV9w 
> Again, the brilliance of Laura Dern and Mike White's vision for the series 
> asserts itself. (Mike is the blonde guy in the clip.) When it comes to 
> enlightenment, there are the movies that play in the Supposedly Enlightened 
> person's head, and then there is real life. The two are rarely the same.
> Now flash back to Fairfield Life Last Night, and the sudden (and brief) 
> appearance of Evananda. 
> It's not as if he announced himself as enlightened (although it wouldn't 
> surprise me in the least if he did). But he did breeze into town as pretty 
> much the Avatar Of Cluelessness. First, he out-Robins Robin by trying to 
> invoke his more-special-than-thou past as a FF oil brokerage huckster, 
> assuming that will impress us. Then he announces himself as a "healer," with 
> accompanying cheezy website. Finally he tries to sell us poison, by citing 
> yet another cheezy website. 
> The connection I'm trying to make is that I think we all know that in 
> Evananda's mind he was "supposed" to be greeted here with applause and 
> reverent awe, followed by people lining up to buy his poison. It never even 
> *occurred* to him that people might be smart enough to see him as the 
> clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life in Fairfield, Iowa and a lifetime 
> in the TMO does for you. His inner vision of what he *expected* to happen was 
> all that he could see. My bet is that he still sees it that way, and thinks 
> that WE are the ones who are somehow "off" in rejecting him and the wonderful 
> things he could do for us. 
> At the end of the episode, stuck in her basement dungeon entering data 
> endlessly, Amy feels the same way. She thinks, "Change WILL come. Maybe not 
> today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come. You have to believe. I close my 
> eyes and see a better world. [visuals of the beach ashram in Hawaii, only now 
> the people there are all of the dweeds in the basement with her, and her ex, 
> and her mother, and all of the other people who've treated her since her 
> enlightenment as if she was as crazy now as she was before] People there are 
> fearless, and connected. They are my friends. I'm there. I'm free."
> Sure you are, Amy. Sure you are, Evan. You just keep those eyes closed, and 
> focus on your inner vision. That'll make everything work out right...for you, 
> for the people around you, and for the world. Squeeze those eyes tightly 
> closed now and just hope. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Most relaxing "musical" track created

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
I'm glad you are looking for treatment options Tommy boy - but does it help us 
- the practitioners of unconditional hatred?

On Oct 18, 2011, at 11:28 AM, Tom Pall  wrote:

> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2049948/Most-relaxing-song-UK-band-Boffins.html
> Finally there is something even more sleep inducing than a post from RC or 
> psycho-Ravi or a lecture from Dr. BM.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Moving Secularism Forward Conference

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Yifu"  wrote:
> March 1-4, Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport
> http://www.centerforinquiry.net/events/moving_secularism_forward/
> Brochure says "Why Florida?" "Florida will host one of 2012's 
> most dramatic church-state battles.  "...a measure on Florida's 
> Nov. 2012 ballot would amend the state constitution to jettison 
> language that forbids state funding of religious institutions".
> "...more than 35 other states have similar constitutional 
> provisions (often called "Blaine Amendments") that bar state 
> aid to religious groups in language stronger than the US 
> Constitution's First Amendment"

Sounds to me as if the Other Corporations -- the churches --
have realized the success their brother corporations have had
sucking billions out of the government and want to get 
into the act.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Tom Pall  wrote:
> Cats are very nice.  I like them as much as Alf did.
> Cat. The other white meat.

I currently live in a household that involves both my dogs and,
to their dismay, cats. So I have developed an appreciation for
both species. My all-time favorite cat thang is this classic
Kliban cartoon:


[FairfieldLife] Rebecca Goldstein and Steven Pinker, proud Athiests

2011-10-18 Thread Yifu
Speakers at the Moving Secularism Forward Conference, 3-1-12 to 3-4-12:

Goldstein is author of "36 Arguments for the Existence of God: A Work of 
Fiction", 2010 Pantheon.  Named Humanist of the Year by the American Humanist 
Association in 2011.  PhD in philosophy from Princeton.

[FairfieldLife] Most relaxing "musical" track created

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall

Finally there is something even more sleep inducing than a post from RC or
psycho-Ravi or a lecture from Dr. BM.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi

Let's make it easy from now on - just provide a list of things you don't hate - 
a real short and sweet list. Or admit you are the angel of unconditional hatred 
and that no such list exists..LOL..

On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:43 AM, Tom Pall  wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:20 PM, whynotnow7  wrote:
> I like the kitties too - we have several that use our yard for lounging, 
> drinking and hunting. A big orange one likes to rest on the birdbath right 
> next to the Buddha. We also have several hummingbirds, one of my favorite 
> creatures ever. So precise, going for each drop of nectar in each flower, 
> without a wasted movement - amazing! Their iridescent feathers are beautiful 
> too, emerald colored.
> Cats are very nice.  I like them as much as Alf did.Cat.  The other white 
> meat.

[FairfieldLife] Moving Secularism Forward Conference

2011-10-18 Thread Yifu
March 1-4, Hyatt Regency Orlando Airport

Brochure says "Why Florida?" "Florida will host one of 2012's most dramatic 
church-state battles.  "...a measure on Florida's Nov. 2012 ballot would amend 
the state constitution to jettison language that forbids state funding of 
religious institutions".

"...more than 35 other states have similar constitutional provisions (often 
called "Blaine Amendments") that bar state aid to religious groups in language 
stronger than the US Constitution's First Amendment" 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
>From one angle, its like a perpetual motion machine: Barry ignores the gorilla 
>next to him, causing inadvertent leakage onto FFL, which you immediately 
>detect and point out, which he then must inhibit as an outlet, so pressure 
>from you, AND the unacknowledged gorilla right next to him, squeezes him up 
>pretty tight. Which he then releases through leakage onto FFL...and the cycle 
>repeats itself. 

Endless fuel for pointing out, or an endless supply of clay pigeons for 
shooting down, or whatever. Just don't look at the gorilla, whatever you do, 
don't look. It is a fascinating game he plays. Unknowingly I am sure, and yet, 
there he is behind his glass curtain, tapping away. :-) 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > or are you two having?
> Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> him as a fraud and a phony?
> We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> each other has only *declined* over the years,
> it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> 'Nuff said.
> >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
> >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
> > sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
> > puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out 
> > as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful 
> > polite compliments he suggests.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
Not really, you just stumbled upon turq the community asshole - bad luck. The 
rest of us are nicer, though maybe not needing to be healed right now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> I got exactly the reception I expected... I have been aware of FFL and your 
> "community" for many years. 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > In the second episode of HBO's "Enlightened," Amy shows up for her first
> > day back at Abaddon. While waiting to be ushered to her new office, she
> > meditates in a conference room, closing her eyes and envisioning the
> > high-level PR/Customer Liaison job she assumes she will be filling, and
> > the effect it will have on both the company and the world. The voiceover
> > lets us know what's going on in her head:
> > 
> > "At Open Air, they taught me that by visualizing change you summon it to
> > you. I see myself speaking articulately for once. [visuals of a roomful
> > of co-workers, listening to her raptly] All the executives of the
> > company are there; they can't deny the truth of my message. I draw the
> > connections between our selfish behaviors and the destruction they
> > cause. It lights a fire that builds into an explosion of knowledge, and
> > action. [visuals of the executives giving her a standing ovation] Change
> > is coming. [visuals of Amy presenting her imagined line of "Clean Meds"
> > at a trade show] I see Clean Meds becoming a beacon, and illuminating a
> > path to a better future for the community, the nation, the planet.
> > [visuals of crowds applauding, and chanting "Amy! Amy! Amy!]"
> > 
> > At this point her real boss walks in, says "We have a position for you,"
> > and then shows her to what her real job will be, as shown in the
> > following clip:
> > 
> > http://www.hbo.com/enlightened/index.html#/enlightened/episodes/1/02-now\
> > -or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0x\
> > JzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==
> >  > w-or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0\
> > xJzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==>
> > or
> > http://goo.gl/rhV9w 
> > 
> > Again, the brilliance of Laura Dern and Mike White's vision for the
> > series asserts itself. (Mike is the blonde guy in the clip.) When it
> > comes to enlightenment, there are the movies that play in the Supposedly
> > Enlightened person's head, and then there is real life. The two are
> > rarely the same.
> > 
> > Now flash back to Fairfield Life Last Night, and the sudden (and brief)
> > appearance of Evananda.
> > 
> > It's not as if he announced himself as enlightened (although it wouldn't
> > surprise me in the least if he did). But he did breeze into town as
> > pretty much the Avatar Of Cluelessness. First, he out-Robins Robin by
> > trying to invoke his more-special-than-thou past as a FF oil brokerage
> > huckster, assuming that will impress us. Then he announces himself as a
> > "healer," with accompanying cheezy website. Finally he tries to sell us
> > poison, by citing yet another cheezy website.
> > 
> > The connection I'm trying to make is that I think we all know that in
> > Evananda's mind he was "supposed" to be greeted here with applause and
> > reverent awe, followed by people lining up to buy his poison. It never
> > even *occurred* to him that people might be smart enough to see him as
> > the clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life in Fairfield, Iowa and a
> > lifetime in the TMO does for you. His inner vision of what he *expected*
> > to happen was all that he could see. My bet is that he still sees it
> > that way, and thinks that WE are the ones who are somehow "off" in
> > rejecting him and the wonderful things he could do for us.
> > 
> > At the end of the episode, stuck in her basement dungeon entering data
> > endlessly, Amy feels the same way. She thinks, "Change WILL come. Maybe
> > not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come. You have to believe. I
> > close my eyes and see a better world. [visuals of the beach ashram in
> > Hawaii, only now the people there are all of the dweeds in the basement
> > with her, and her ex, and her mother, and all of the other people who've
> > treated her since her enlightenment as if she was as crazy now as she
> > was before] People there are fearless, and connected. They are my
> > friends. I'm there. I'm free."
> > 
> > Sure you are, Amy. Sure you are, Evan. You just keep those eyes closed,
> > and focus on your inner vision. That'll make everything work out
> > right...for you, for the people around you, and for the world. Squeeze
> > those eyes tightly closed now and just hope.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:20 PM, whynotnow7  wrote:

> I like the kitties too - we have several that use our yard for lounging,
> drinking and hunting. A big orange one likes to rest on the birdbath right
> next to the Buddha. We also have several hummingbirds, one of my favorite
> creatures ever. So precise, going for each drop of nectar in each flower,
> without a wasted movement - amazing! Their iridescent feathers are beautiful
> too, emerald colored.
Cats are very nice.  I like them as much as Alf did.Cat.  The other
white meat.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread evananda108
I got exactly the reception I expected... I have been aware of FFL and your 
"community" for many years. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> In the second episode of HBO's "Enlightened," Amy shows up for her first
> day back at Abaddon. While waiting to be ushered to her new office, she
> meditates in a conference room, closing her eyes and envisioning the
> high-level PR/Customer Liaison job she assumes she will be filling, and
> the effect it will have on both the company and the world. The voiceover
> lets us know what's going on in her head:
> "At Open Air, they taught me that by visualizing change you summon it to
> you. I see myself speaking articulately for once. [visuals of a roomful
> of co-workers, listening to her raptly] All the executives of the
> company are there; they can't deny the truth of my message. I draw the
> connections between our selfish behaviors and the destruction they
> cause. It lights a fire that builds into an explosion of knowledge, and
> action. [visuals of the executives giving her a standing ovation] Change
> is coming. [visuals of Amy presenting her imagined line of "Clean Meds"
> at a trade show] I see Clean Meds becoming a beacon, and illuminating a
> path to a better future for the community, the nation, the planet.
> [visuals of crowds applauding, and chanting "Amy! Amy! Amy!]"
> At this point her real boss walks in, says "We have a position for you,"
> and then shows her to what her real job will be, as shown in the
> following clip:
> http://www.hbo.com/enlightened/index.html#/enlightened/episodes/1/02-now\
> -or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0x\
> JzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==
>  w-or-never/video/preview.html/eNrjcmbOUM-PSXHMS8ypLMlMDkhMT-VLzE1lLtQsy0\
> xJzYeJO+fnlaRWlDDnszGySSeWluQX5CRW2pYUlaayMXIyMgIAacUXOA==>
> or
> http://goo.gl/rhV9w 
> Again, the brilliance of Laura Dern and Mike White's vision for the
> series asserts itself. (Mike is the blonde guy in the clip.) When it
> comes to enlightenment, there are the movies that play in the Supposedly
> Enlightened person's head, and then there is real life. The two are
> rarely the same.
> Now flash back to Fairfield Life Last Night, and the sudden (and brief)
> appearance of Evananda.
> It's not as if he announced himself as enlightened (although it wouldn't
> surprise me in the least if he did). But he did breeze into town as
> pretty much the Avatar Of Cluelessness. First, he out-Robins Robin by
> trying to invoke his more-special-than-thou past as a FF oil brokerage
> huckster, assuming that will impress us. Then he announces himself as a
> "healer," with accompanying cheezy website. Finally he tries to sell us
> poison, by citing yet another cheezy website.
> The connection I'm trying to make is that I think we all know that in
> Evananda's mind he was "supposed" to be greeted here with applause and
> reverent awe, followed by people lining up to buy his poison. It never
> even *occurred* to him that people might be smart enough to see him as
> the clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life in Fairfield, Iowa and a
> lifetime in the TMO does for you. His inner vision of what he *expected*
> to happen was all that he could see. My bet is that he still sees it
> that way, and thinks that WE are the ones who are somehow "off" in
> rejecting him and the wonderful things he could do for us.
> At the end of the episode, stuck in her basement dungeon entering data
> endlessly, Amy feels the same way. She thinks, "Change WILL come. Maybe
> not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come. You have to believe. I
> close my eyes and see a better world. [visuals of the beach ashram in
> Hawaii, only now the people there are all of the dweeds in the basement
> with her, and her ex, and her mother, and all of the other people who've
> treated her since her enlightenment as if she was as crazy now as she
> was before] People there are fearless, and connected. They are my
> friends. I'm there. I'm free."
> Sure you are, Amy. Sure you are, Evan. You just keep those eyes closed,
> and focus on your inner vision. That'll make everything work out
> right...for you, for the people around you, and for the world. Squeeze
> those eyes tightly closed now and just hope.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yes they were so precious. Oh and I love Orange tabbies. I once took in a 
Orange tabby who seemed to have been obviously abandoned. He was loving but he 
would fart really terribly lying down right next to my face :-), but I couldn't 
push him away since he was so loving.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 10:20 AM, "whynotnow7"  wrote:

> I like the kitties too - we have several that use our yard for lounging, 
> drinking and hunting. A big orange one likes to rest on the birdbath right 
> next to the Buddha. We also have several hummingbirds, one of my favorite 
> creatures ever. So precise, going for each drop of nectar in each flower, 
> without a wasted movement - amazing! Their iridescent feathers are beautiful 
> too, emerald colored.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> >
> > A beautiful picture Barry, all those beautiful cats going to the beautiful 
> > nice crazy lady Judy :-)
> > 
> > 
> > Begin forwarded message:
> > 
> > > From: turquoiseb 
> > > Date: October 18, 2011 12:59:18 AM PDT
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > > Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > 
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > > > > 
> > > > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> > > > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > > > 
> > > > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > > > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > > > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > > > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> > > > 
> > > > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old 
> > > > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > > > and what happens? The authorities come and take away 
> > > > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But 
> > > > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires 
> > > > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her 
> > > > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL, 
> > > > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> > > > 
> > > > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > > > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > > > argue with her. Then she starts another argument 
> > > > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > > > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > > > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > > > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > > > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > > > I have already prepared." :-)
> > > > 
> > > > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much 
> > > > everything.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread evananda108
Thanks, that's a good point. I really have no interest in having people 
endanger their health. People do that everyday, drinking, smoking etc...So they 
don't need my help. 

Some former MMY students/teachers told me about Kaleshwar and from there I was 
fortunate to "get a connection" to Shirdi Sai Baba. 

Baba of course was neither Hindu nor Moslem ... my non-commercial FB site for 
Baba and my small work as healer is https://www.facebook.com/DivineEnergyHealing

This is the "official" site maintained by the Trustees of Baba's Samadhai 

Thanks you

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> >
> > Of course one would never recommend actually
> > drinking the water the beads soak in.
> It looks like that's exactly what you're doing
> on the Web site, though.
> You have a disclaimer on your Divine Energy
> Healing site about consulting a physician and
> always following medical advice. You need to
> have something like that on the Navapashanam
> site as well. Either that or remove the stuff
> about drinking the bead-soaking water and
> wearing the beads close to the skin.
> BTW, the Divine Energy Healing site is very
> nicely done, I think. I also looked at Swami
> Kaleshwar's site, and his record of charitable
> projects is impressive. I had never heard of
> him or Shirdi Sai Baba. How did you become a
> student of Swami Kaleshwar, if I may ask?
>  In India some people do, and they eat many funny things there too. 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > evananda, it would be a good idea for you
> > > to put at the bottom of your navapashanam
> > > site (every page) a disclaimer such as the
> > > following (from another site that sells
> > > navapashanam beads):
> > > 
> > > "IMPORTANT NOTICE Future Alchemy is
> > > providing these extremely rare and
> > > magical beads as talisman and blessing
> > > substances ONLY. One's decision to wear
> > > the bead next to the skin and/or soak
> > > the bead in liquid and drink it is
> > > entirely personal - THE OWNERS OF
> > > ADVISE THIS PRACTICE. While we are
> > > extremely pleased to offer such an
> > > amazing alchemical substance, WE CANNOT
> > > ITS USE."
> > > 
> > > Or better still, get a lawyer to write
> > > an even more ironclad disclaimer for you.
> > > 
> > > Mike Doughney, Vaj, and others on this
> > > forum would have no inhibitions about
> > > notifying the FDA (which has its own
> > > ideas as to what it wants to be involved
> > > in; it doesn't matter what *you* think).
> > > 
> > > Even if this stuff *were* harmless, even if
> > > it *did* bring about miraculous healing, 
> > > you're on potentially dangerous legal ground,
> > > at least in the U.S.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread richardwillytexwilliams

> The "meditation" techniques are well known to be "Buddistic"
"One of the most important lessons Dad taught us was not to 
feel like victims. He never felt like a victim; he never talked 
like a victim. And both of our parents taught us not to think 
that the government owed us something. They didn't teach us to 
be mad at this country." - Herman Cain

"Our kids are competing with Asian kids who go to cram school 
and practice the violin in the afternoon. This isn't going to 
be easy, and the sooner we decide to roll up our sleeves and 
get back to work instead of looking for bankers to blame, the 
better our chances of coming back."

Here's the story of the People's Ponzi scheme in a nutshell:

Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7
I like the kitties too - we have several that use our yard for lounging, 
drinking and hunting. A big orange one likes to rest on the birdbath right next 
to the Buddha. We also have several hummingbirds, one of my favorite creatures 
ever. So precise, going for each drop of nectar in each flower, without a 
wasted movement - amazing! Their iridescent feathers are beautiful too, emerald 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> A beautiful picture Barry, all those beautiful cats going to the beautiful 
> nice crazy lady Judy :-)
> Begin forwarded message:
> > From: turquoiseb 
> > Date: October 18, 2011 12:59:18 AM PDT
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > > > 
> > > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> > > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > > 
> > > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> > > 
> > > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old 
> > > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > > and what happens? The authorities come and take away 
> > > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But 
> > > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires 
> > > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her 
> > > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL, 
> > > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> > > 
> > > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > > argue with her. Then she starts another argument 
> > > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > > I have already prepared." :-)
> > > 
> > > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much 
> > > everything.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> Sri Kaleshwar has not represented himself to be celibate, he is himself 
> married and has been for years and has a child. 
> I won't ever refer to my "website" again ... perhaps you might stop promoting 
> it. As MMY said ... "any publicity is good publicity".

It was Phineas Taylor Barnum who coined that phrase, same church, different pew.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> > >
> > > On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > "Concept of Siddha treatment:-
> > > > > 
> > > > [snip]
> > > > 
> > > > Speaking as moderator around here, please stop promoting 
> > > > your commercial website. 
> > > > 
> > > > Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic 
> > > > woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals 
> > > > are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen 
> > > > people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended 
> > > > up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from 
> > > > taking rasayanas they got in India. 
> > > 
> > > Darwin Award winners, for sure.
> > 
> > To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
> > guru, Swami Kaleshwar:
> > 
> > http://goo.gl/YF70q
> > 
> > A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
> > that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
> > ing with a number of his Western students. Turns out
> > that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
> > a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause 
> > the police to have raided his ashram recently. 
> > 
> > Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
> > the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 12:56 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

> These days in an effort to "monetize" web sites I find many sites
> overloaded with ads.  These really bog down browsers especially if there
> is some script code involved in serving them.  Worst offenders are some
> of the news sites.  They make Firefox turn pale grey and lock up.  Can't
> turn off scripts to help because then the pages will be missing things.
> My conspiratorial side says the big corporations are doing this on
> purpose so you'll WANT Net Inequality instead of Neutrality.  Scumbags!
> On one site I frequently visit I mentioned on their feedback section
> that not only was a particular ad server slowing things down but that it
> was making the site fail to load.  The webmaster thanked me and said
> they wanted to know about any ad or server that does that as they will
> drop them until it gets fixed.
If U use Firefox you can add plugins which filter all this stuff both off
the website and from your email.   I see a very minimal presentation of the
group's postings in Gmail/Firefox.  Ads, contacts, chat, all sorts of
useless options, gone.  In place nice color coding, color changes as I mouse
over messages.  That's the good news.   The bad news is that these plugins
aren't all that stable and every once in a while I have to actually do a
mash finger reboot using the on/off switch because the Java runs wild and
takes over my CPUs and disk I/O.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread whynotnow7

Creative Commons license: Public Domain

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Ravi Yogi  wrote:
> Yaay !!!
> On Oct 17, 2011, at 11:47 PM, Denise Evans  wrote:
> > Yikes!  Thanks Ravi, I need to fuckin' wake up.  Maybe that immersion 
> > weekend with Amma did some good after all.  Started to shock me right out 
> > of my years-long depressed reverie :)
> > 
> > From: Ravi Yogi 
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 9:23 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> > >
> > > Damn! Â I thought I had something figured out :) Â  Â 
> > > 
> > > Ya'll are so far out of my league...I knew that for sure when someone 
> > > posted the Osho video (George Carlin originating) on the many 
> > > uses/meanings of the word "f..k" Â after one of my sad rants. Â (Kinda 
> > > like the word love, actually.) Â Pulled me right out of the massive 
> > > shame attack I was in.
> > 
> > That would be me and I said - "If fuck is your favorite word, you are not 
> > having an intellectual hard-on :-) ".
> > 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/286402
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOOYb_xlcNc
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > From: authfriend jstein@
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 7:37 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Â  
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > The comedy routines today are just LOL
> > > > funny (at least in the level of
> > > > multiverse I'm residing in).  
> > > 
> > > Thank you, thank you. We'll be here all
> > > week.
> > > 
> > > > And, come on now..."the bait" was 
> > > > definitely directed at "her."
> > > 
> > > Don't think so, Denise. He knows I'm not a
> > > wallower in heavy metals. And it sure never
> > > occurred to me that anything he said in that
> > > first post was directed at me. I think he
> > > was just stuck for a putdown in response to
> > > my editorial comments.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > From: Mike Doughney mike@
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > > Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 6:31 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > >   
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Doughney"  wrote:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > You couldn't resist taking the bait, could you?
> > > > > 
> > > > > Oh, stinging response, Mike! 
> > > > 
> > > > That "bait" was a tiny bit of deliberately exaggerated hyperbole that 
> > > > was in no way directed at you, but I had a pretty good idea it would 
> > > > very likely result in you running up your post count before the end of 
> > > > the evening.
> > > > 
> > > > "Pushing" your "buttons" is barely avoidable, since for more than a 
> > > > decade and a half you've instantly reacted to such barely noticeable 
> > > > bits of rhetoric from certain individuals, and had an insatiable need 
> > > > to tell me and others what we already know. None of it actually has 
> > > > anything to do with you, except in your own warped and narcissistic 
> > > > head. Just like Ravi, you're proud to be an asshole, and not much else, 
> > > > here.
> > > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 10:10 AM, authfriend  wrote:

> From the post windows, at least. Must not have gone over
> too well among the users. They're no longer even in the
> posts they were in originally.
I sent one of my last night's bitchograms both to FFL and to Rick.  Half an
hour Alex appeared on the scene.

Managed to get complaints to the FDA yesterday before COB via every media
they offer to us.

Re: [FairfieldLife] It ain't peanuts

2011-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Oct 17, 2011, at 8:23 PM, P Duff wrote:

> I don't know when your course was, but on mine ('75) we had lentils on 
> Phase III.  Gawd, did we have lentils, every meal, IIRC.  I don't 
> remember anything else about the food.  Wait, I think there was water to wash 
> down the lentils.

PD, the soup today at Revelations, one of our
local eateries, is Indian Lentil.  Just thought
you might like to know~~you know, for old time's
sake. :)  And I'm sure they've got plenty of water
to wash it down with.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread evananda108
Sri Kaleshwar has not represented himself to be celibate, he is himself married 
and has been for years and has a child. 

I won't ever refer to my "website" again ... perhaps you might stop promoting 
it. As MMY said ... "any publicity is good publicity".

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> >
> > On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > "Concept of Siddha treatment:-
> > > > 
> > > [snip]
> > > 
> > > Speaking as moderator around here, please stop promoting 
> > > your commercial website. 
> > > 
> > > Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic 
> > > woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals 
> > > are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen 
> > > people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended 
> > > up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from 
> > > taking rasayanas they got in India. 
> > 
> > Darwin Award winners, for sure.
> To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
> guru, Swami Kaleshwar:
> http://goo.gl/YF70q
> A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
> that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
> ing with a number of his Western students. Turns out
> that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
> a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause 
> the police to have raided his ashram recently. 
> Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
> the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
These days in an effort to "monetize" web sites I find many sites 
overloaded with ads.  These really bog down browsers especially if there 
is some script code involved in serving them.  Worst offenders are some 
of the news sites.  They make Firefox turn pale grey and lock up.  Can't 
turn off scripts to help because then the pages will be missing things.  
My conspiratorial side says the big corporations are doing this on 
purpose so you'll WANT Net Inequality instead of Neutrality.  Scumbags!

On one site I frequently visit I mentioned on their feedback section 
that not only was a particular ad server slowing things down but that it 
was making the site fail to load.  The webmaster thanked me and said 
they wanted to know about any ad or server that does that as they will 
drop them until it gets fixed.

On 10/18/2011 09:41 AM, Ravi Yogi wrote:
> It's not that they were in the posts, the ads were being dynamically 
> presented - they probably just removed that code.
> On Oct 18, 2011, at 7:10 AM, "authfriend"  wrote:
>>  From the post windows, at least. Must not have gone over
>> too well among the users. They're no longer even in the
>> posts they were in originally.

Re: [FairfieldLife] The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
It's not that they were in the posts, the ads were being dynamically presented 
- they probably just removed that code.

On Oct 18, 2011, at 7:10 AM, "authfriend"  wrote:

> From the post windows, at least. Must not have gone over
> too well among the users. They're no longer even in the
> posts they were in originally.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
Yaay !!!

On Oct 17, 2011, at 11:47 PM, Denise Evans  wrote:

> Yikes!  Thanks Ravi, I need to fuckin' wake up.  Maybe that immersion weekend 
> with Amma did some good after all.  Started to shock me right out of my 
> years-long depressed reverie :)
> From: Ravi Yogi 
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 9:23 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> >
> > Damn! Â I thought I had something figured out :) Â  Â 
> > 
> > Ya'll are so far out of my league...I knew that for sure when someone 
> > posted the Osho video (George Carlin originating) on the many uses/meanings 
> > of the word "f..k" Â after one of my sad rants. Â (Kinda like the word 
> > love, actually.) Â Pulled me right out of the massive shame attack I was in.
> That would be me and I said - "If fuck is your favorite word, you are not 
> having an intellectual hard-on :-) ".
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/286402
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOOYb_xlcNc
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: authfriend jstein@...
> > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 7:37 PM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > 
> > 
> > Â  
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans dmevans365@ wrote:
> > >
> > > The comedy routines today are just LOL
> > > funny (at least in the level of
> > > multiverse I'm residing in).  
> > 
> > Thank you, thank you. We'll be here all
> > week.
> > 
> > > And, come on now..."the bait" was 
> > > definitely directed at "her."
> > 
> > Don't think so, Denise. He knows I'm not a
> > wallower in heavy metals. And it sure never
> > occurred to me that anything he said in that
> > first post was directed at me. I think he
> > was just stuck for a putdown in response to
> > my editorial comments.
> > 
> > 
> > > From: Mike Doughney mike@
> > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> > > Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 6:31 PM
> > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> > > 
> > > 
> > >   
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Mike Doughney"  wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > You couldn't resist taking the bait, could you?
> > > > 
> > > > Oh, stinging response, Mike! 
> > > 
> > > That "bait" was a tiny bit of deliberately exaggerated hyperbole that was 
> > > in no way directed at you, but I had a pretty good idea it would very 
> > > likely result in you running up your post count before the end of the 
> > > evening.
> > > 
> > > "Pushing" your "buttons" is barely avoidable, since for more than a 
> > > decade and a half you've instantly reacted to such barely noticeable bits 
> > > of rhetoric from certain individuals, and had an insatiable need to tell 
> > > me and others what we already know. None of it actually has anything to 
> > > do with you, except in your own warped and narcissistic head. Just like 
> > > Ravi, you're proud to be an asshole, and not much else, here.
> > >
> >

Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Ravi Yogi
A beautiful picture Barry, all those beautiful cats going to the beautiful nice 
crazy lady Judy :-)

Begin forwarded message:

> From: turquoiseb 
> Date: October 18, 2011 12:59:18 AM PDT
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing
> Reply-To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > > 
> > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > 
> > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> > 
> > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old 
> > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > and what happens? The authorities come and take away 
> > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But 
> > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires 
> > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her 
> > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL, 
> > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> > 
> > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > argue with her. Then she starts another argument 
> > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > I have already prepared." :-)
> > 
> > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much 
> > everything.

Re: [FairfieldLife] It ain't peanuts

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/17/2011 06:23 PM, P Duff wrote:
> Sal Sunshine wrote:
>> On Oct 16, 2011, at 3:51 PM, Tom Pall wrote:
>>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
>>> On Oct 16, 2011, at 3:36 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
 On TTC we had fish or chicken twice a week.  Eggs were available every
 morning. And Thursdays tuna for sandwiches was available.  I understand
 things got a bit more austere in later courses. :-D
> I don't know when your course was, but on mine ('75) we had lentils on
> Phase III.  Gawd, did we have lentils, every meal, IIRC.  I don't
> remember anything else about the food.  Wait, I think there was water to
> wash down the lentils.

It was cauliflower on my course.  We often had an Indian dinner on "guru 
day" or Thursday and they would have piles of cauliflower pakoras which 
we would all dutifully eat as they were one of the more appetizing ways 
to have cauliflower.  Good thing the videos the rest of the evening were 
just filler and nothing one needed to take notes on.;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread Bhairitu
On 10/18/2011 08:11 AM, Rick Archer wrote:
> If you haven't posted it already, here's a couple of clarifications
> regarding Farben.  I've given you the short version--the story is much
> deeper and more complicated, but, in essence, it's the MO of the ruling
> elite: install an evil dictator somewhere, get him to do your bidding for
> you; bring the people and the economy under control; make money selling him
> a war machine; let him play with it a little bit, and then make profitable
> war against him, making the people believe you are liberating them from the
> evil dude.  In the process, you destroy the country and the economy, and
> then make more money rebuilding it and making the place over into a
> "democratic" (capitalist) society.  One of the dudes that helped to "bring
> Hitler to power" went on to help install the Shah of Iran and then
> engineered two or three revolutions in China.
> Here's a slightly revised version of the story:
> I've been meaning to tell you this story because it's a great story (would
> make a fabulous movie) and it also illustrates the point that the equation
> between corporate power over government and fascism is nothing new. Naomi
> Klein (in The Shock Doctrine) claims that this kind of predatory
> "capitalism" is only about thirty years old.  She is mistaken.  I teach
> American history.  The debacle we are looking at was foreseen by people back
> in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth centuries when the mercantile
> class first began to gain power.  The folks who opposed WWI (and went to
> jail for it) knew that this war wasn't about making the world safe for
> democracy.  It was, instead, to gain capitalist control of world markets.
> But here's the story.
> A year after the Federal Reserve got created, it's first chief, Paul
> Warburg, was hanging out on Wall Street with a German buddy of his by the
> name of Franz von Papen, a German "noble" man and a Papal Chamberlain (i.e.
> an agent of the Vatican).  Warburg,not so incidentally, had deep German
> roots.  His brother, Max, was head of the German financial system and its
> secret service under the Kaiser. Anyway, Franz and Paul were hanging out and
> came up with a brilliant plan.
> They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
> taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well.  The society then
> openly put an ad in the papers: "We are looking for a dictator."
> When they found their man, Adolph Hitler, they bought him new clothes,
> taught him "high" German so he could pass in high places, and generally
> "educated" him with the help of psychotropic drugs such as mescalin and
> weed.  Then they bought him a newspaper and created a political party for
> him.  The money for all this came mostly from Wall Street.  Prescot
> (Grandpa) Bush paid 100,000 mercenaries to crush opposition against Hitler
> in Germany.  The vote for Hitler was mandated from the pulpit of every
> Catholic church in the country--other denominations as well.  Religious
> fundamentalism was a great political tool then, as now.
> In 1947 Senator Homer T. Bone (really) told the U.S. Congress, "Hitler was
> Farben and Farben was Hitler."  "Farben" (I. G. Farben) was the German
> corporation --funded mostly by Wall Street-that was the money and the power
> behind Hitler.  They made, among other things, the poison gases that were
> used in the death camps.
> And here's the clincher: Senator Bone could have said the same thing
> literally about a hundred other American corporations, especially General
> Electric, that, as we all know, brings good things to life.
> And last, but not least, here's a couple of mind-bending details: remember
> the Papal Chamberlain, Franz von Papen?  He became Hitler's vice
> chancellor--i.e. the power behind the throne.  He wrote in Hitler's
> newspaper that he, Hitler, "re-instituted the high principles of the
> Vatican" that had been so damaged in the French Revolution--namely, the
> divine right of rulership.  And his buddy, Paul Warburg, well, he was on the
> board of directors of I.G. Farben.

Predatory capitalism has been going on for centuries.  Most people when 
you tell them about it think you are a conspiracy theorist.  Why bother 
thinking about it when there's sports and pop music to occupy one's mind?

Here's Chris Hedges about the corporate coup d'etat:

This is why corporations should not be allowed to get too big nor 
individuals to have too much wealth.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Kidding? Huh! ; )
> How do I know either of you are a man or woman?

An excellent point. I, for example, am neither.

> Believe me, I have listened to same gender puppy love
> bashing and it is the same as hetero. LOL. Absolutely!

Several have suggested that such same-gender issues
might be at the root of her feuds with Sal and Ruth.
I have never believed this, because I know what both
Sal and Ruth look like, and there is no possibility
that Judy would stand a chance with either of them.

Personally, I think a perfect match for Jude might
be Val Kilmer. Have you seen him lately? He already
looks like an aging lesbian, so it would cover all
the bases.  :-)


[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread obbajeeba
Kidding? Huh! ; )
How do I know either of you are a man or woman? 
Believe me, I have listened to same gender puppy love bashing and it is the 
same as hetero. LOL. Absolutely!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> P.S.: I know you're just kidding around. But
> this has come up on a regular basis, over and
> over, and I think some people have a lingering
> suspicion there must be something to it.
> If we were two men, or two women, I doubt it
> would even occur to anybody to make the
> suggestion. But somehow because we're of
> opposite genders, folks seem to think there
> must be some underlying attraction.
> There isn't.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > > or are you two having?
> > 
> > Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> > the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> > 
> > For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> > each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> > somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> > How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> > him as a fraud and a phony?
> > 
> > We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> > alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> > each other has only *declined* over the years,
> > it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> > 
> > 'Nuff said.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
> > >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most 
> > > likely sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all 
> > > this. Barry, puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey 
> > > hair fluffing out as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, 
> > > stroking the ever graceful polite compliments he suggests.
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > 
> > > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > > :-)
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:
> If you haven't posted it already, here's a couple of clarifications
> regarding Farben.  I've given you the short version--the story is much
> deeper and more complicated, but, in essence, it's the MO of the ruling
> elite: install an evil dictator somewhere, get him to do your bidding for
> you; bring the people and the economy under control; make money selling him
> a war machine; let him play with it a little bit, and then make profitable
> war against him, making the people believe you are liberating them from the
> evil dude.  In the process, you destroy the country and the economy, and
> then make more money rebuilding it and making the place over into a
> "democratic" (capitalist) society.  One of the dudes that helped to "bring
> Hitler to power" went on to help install the Shah of Iran and then
> engineered two or three revolutions in China.
> Here's a slightly revised version of the story:
> I've been meaning to tell you this story because it's a great story (would
> make a fabulous movie) and it also illustrates the point that the equation
> between corporate power over government and fascism is nothing new. Naomi
> Klein (in The Shock Doctrine) claims that this kind of predatory
> "capitalism" is only about thirty years old.  She is mistaken.  I teach
> American history.  The debacle we are looking at was foreseen by people back
> in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth centuries when the mercantile
> class first began to gain power.  The folks who opposed WWI (and went to
> jail for it) knew that this war wasn't about making the world safe for
> democracy.  It was, instead, to gain capitalist control of world markets.
> But here's the story.
> A year after the Federal Reserve got created, it's first chief, Paul
> Warburg, was hanging out on Wall Street with a German buddy of his by the
> name of Franz von Papen, a German "noble" man and a Papal Chamberlain (i.e.
> an agent of the Vatican).  Warburg,not so incidentally, had deep German
> roots.  His brother, Max, was head of the German financial system and its
> secret service under the Kaiser. Anyway, Franz and Paul were hanging out and
> came up with a brilliant plan. 
> They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
> taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well.  

The "meditation" techniques are well known to be "Buddistic"

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread obbajeeba
Opposites attract? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xweiQukBM_k&ob=av3e

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > or are you two having?
> Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> him as a fraud and a phony?
> We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> each other has only *declined* over the years,
> it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> 'Nuff said.
> >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
> >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
> > sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
> > puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out 
> > as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful 
> > polite compliments he suggests.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer"  wrote:

> And last, but not least, here's a couple of mind-bending details: remember
> the Papal Chamberlain, Franz von Papen?  He became Hitler's vice
> chancellor--i.e. the power behind the throne.  He wrote in Hitler's
> newspaper that he, Hitler, "re-instituted the high principles of the
> Vatican" that had been so damaged in the French Revolution--namely, the
> divine right of rulership.  

Sounds like Bush and his gang...

And his buddy, Paul Warburg, well, he was on the
> board of directors of I.G. Farben.

RE: [FairfieldLife] A History Lesson

2011-10-18 Thread Rick Archer
If you haven't posted it already, here's a couple of clarifications
regarding Farben.  I've given you the short version--the story is much
deeper and more complicated, but, in essence, it's the MO of the ruling
elite: install an evil dictator somewhere, get him to do your bidding for
you; bring the people and the economy under control; make money selling him
a war machine; let him play with it a little bit, and then make profitable
war against him, making the people believe you are liberating them from the
evil dude.  In the process, you destroy the country and the economy, and
then make more money rebuilding it and making the place over into a
"democratic" (capitalist) society.  One of the dudes that helped to "bring
Hitler to power" went on to help install the Shah of Iran and then
engineered two or three revolutions in China.

Here's a slightly revised version of the story:

I've been meaning to tell you this story because it's a great story (would
make a fabulous movie) and it also illustrates the point that the equation
between corporate power over government and fascism is nothing new. Naomi
Klein (in The Shock Doctrine) claims that this kind of predatory
"capitalism" is only about thirty years old.  She is mistaken.  I teach
American history.  The debacle we are looking at was foreseen by people back
in the late seventeenth, early eighteenth centuries when the mercantile
class first began to gain power.  The folks who opposed WWI (and went to
jail for it) knew that this war wasn't about making the world safe for
democracy.  It was, instead, to gain capitalist control of world markets.

But here's the story.
A year after the Federal Reserve got created, it's first chief, Paul
Warburg, was hanging out on Wall Street with a German buddy of his by the
name of Franz von Papen, a German "noble" man and a Papal Chamberlain (i.e.
an agent of the Vatican).  Warburg,not so incidentally, had deep German
roots.  His brother, Max, was head of the German financial system and its
secret service under the Kaiser. Anyway, Franz and Paul were hanging out and
came up with a brilliant plan. 

They sent a couple of agents to Munich to create a secret society that
taught meditation and some "advanced" techniques as well.  The society then
openly put an ad in the papers: "We are looking for a dictator."

When they found their man, Adolph Hitler, they bought him new clothes,
taught him "high" German so he could pass in high places, and generally
"educated" him with the help of psychotropic drugs such as mescalin and
weed.  Then they bought him a newspaper and created a political party for
him.  The money for all this came mostly from Wall Street.  Prescot
(Grandpa) Bush paid 100,000 mercenaries to crush opposition against Hitler
in Germany.  The vote for Hitler was mandated from the pulpit of every
Catholic church in the country--other denominations as well.  Religious
fundamentalism was a great political tool then, as now.

In 1947 Senator Homer T. Bone (really) told the U.S. Congress, "Hitler was
Farben and Farben was Hitler."  "Farben" (I. G. Farben) was the German
corporation --funded mostly by Wall Street-that was the money and the power
behind Hitler.  They made, among other things, the poison gases that were
used in the death camps.  

And here's the clincher: Senator Bone could have said the same thing
literally about a hundred other American corporations, especially General
Electric, that, as we all know, brings good things to life.

And last, but not least, here's a couple of mind-bending details: remember
the Papal Chamberlain, Franz von Papen?  He became Hitler's vice
chancellor--i.e. the power behind the throne.  He wrote in Hitler's
newspaper that he, Hitler, "re-instituted the high principles of the
Vatican" that had been so damaged in the French Revolution--namely, the
divine right of rulership.  And his buddy, Paul Warburg, well, he was on the
board of directors of I.G. Farben.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
P.S.: I know you're just kidding around. But
this has come up on a regular basis, over and
over, and I think some people have a lingering
suspicion there must be something to it.

If we were two men, or two women, I doubt it
would even occur to anybody to make the
suggestion. But somehow because we're of
opposite genders, folks seem to think there
must be some underlying attraction.

There isn't.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> > or are you two having?
> Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
> the 50th person to make that suggestion.
> For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
> each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
> somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
> How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
> him as a fraud and a phony?
> We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
> alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
> each other has only *declined* over the years,
> it ain't likely ever to get much better.
> 'Nuff said.
> >  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> > Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
> >  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
> > sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
> > puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out 
> > as Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful 
> > polite compliments he suggests.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > > :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: David Wants to Fly

2011-10-18 Thread maskedzebra


Dear Bob Price,

You reference this article on Steve Jobs (as seen by John Sculley). I have 
finally finished reading it to the end. It is one of those rare experiences 
which makes me want to say [and I used to do this to my friends when I was much 
younger]: *You don't know anything really [in this case, about SJ] until you 
read THIS*.

Best extra on FFL ever. Steve Jobs was a Mozart. There is nothing going on in 
the 'spiritual' realm, the religious realm, which is as real and beautiful as 
the products SJ produced at Apple—and the context of design within which he 
functioned and lived, that too (this context) is closer to reality than any 
Eastern wisdom could ever be.

Imagine approaching *life* the way Steve Jobs approached Apple. But you see, 
Steve Jobs got the grace to do what he did at Apple, whereas there really isn't 
any grace anymore to know God, to know reality, to become a saint.

Steve Jobs, as a CEO was a saint—in this sense: he acted within an intention 
which was pure, uncompromising, beautiful, and real. Instead of making himself 
beautiful, he made technology beautiful. There is no one, in relationship to 
life, in relationship to themselves, that can produce spiritually what Steve 
Jobs produced at the level of design and engineering.

Saint Ignatius of Loyola was the very same—only he worked in the realm of 
self-design in relationship to his Creator. His "Spiritual Exercises" although 
utterly irrelevant now, were once (before Monte Cassino) better than the 
Iphone, Ipad, and the MacBook Pro all taken together. They WORKED.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did
> or are you two having?

Obbajeeba, that is so *old*. You're only about
the 50th person to make that suggestion.

For the record: Barry and I have *never* liked
each other. Trust me on this. How could I like
somebody I'm convinced is a fraud and a phony?
How could he like somebody who keeps exposing
him as a fraud and a phony?

We first encountered each other 16 years ago on
alt.meditation.transcendental. If our opinion of
each other has only *declined* over the years,
it ain't likely ever to get much better.

'Nuff said.

>  It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
> Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
>  Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
> sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
> puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out as 
> Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful 
> polite compliments he suggests.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> > azyCat_wh.jpg]
> > :-)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread obbajeeba
Judy and Barry, fess up. What kind of hot relationship did or are you two 
 It is obvious, there is some chemistry between you. 
Was Judy the one Barry was banging when the Merv show incident came out?  
 Barry is probably not in some coffee house in Amsterdam, he is most likely 
sitting right next to or Judy is sitting on his lap typing all this. Barry, 
puffing on a cigar, five o'clock shadow, robe open, grey hair fluffing out as 
Judy thinks kitty, rubs her hand on the keys, stroking the ever graceful polite 
compliments he suggests.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> [http://www.cats-on-tshirts.com/images/cat_designs_200x200/design_missCr\
> azyCat_wh.jpg]
> :-)
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > > >
> > > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were
> > > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> > >
> > > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> > >
> > > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old
> > > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > > and what happens? The authorities come and take away
> > > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But
> > > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires
> > > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her
> > > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL,
> > > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> > >
> > > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > > argue with her. Then she starts another argument
> > > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > > I have already prepared."  :-)
> > >
> > > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much
> > > everything.
> >
> > BREAKING NEWS! Barry is beginning to realize his
> > notions about me are fantasies! This is hopeful,
> > folks. Maybe he's making some progress at emerging
> > from his solipsistic Barryworld. Could be
> > overwhelming, though, for him to start confronting
> > reality after all these years; we need to be gentle
> > with him as he does so, or he may find it all too
> > much and retreat again.
> >
> > Can we dare to expect he'll bring az with him out
> > of the fog? Stay tuned...
> >

[FairfieldLife] The ads are gone!

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
>From the post windows, at least. Must not have gone over
too well among the users. They're no longer even in the
posts they were in originally.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Tom Pall
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Sal Sunshine  wrote:

> On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:42 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> >>> Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic
> >>> woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals
> >>> are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen
> >>> people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended
> >>> up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from
> >>> taking rasayanas they got in India.
> >>
> >> Darwin Award winners, for sure.
> >
> > To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
> > guru, Swami Kaleshwar:
> >
> > http://goo.gl/YF70q
> >
> > A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
> > that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
> > ing with a number of his Western students.
> Now there's a shocker.  Only Western ones?
> > Turns out
> > that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
> > a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause
> > the police to have raided his ashram recently.
> >
> > Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
> > the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.
U mean U very smart, learned people who still actually read books didn't
know these details?   Sorry, I would have pointed out the interesting
details about the Swami.

Sal, U ask if he was sleeping with his Western students?   Of course.
Opposites attract.   Hispanics and Middle Eastern people love blonds.   I
grew up with more fair haired people, so brunettes are my style.   Erma
Bombeck said it very well in the title of her book *The Grass is Always
Greener Over the Septic Tank*.

[FairfieldLife] Re: "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:

> It never even *occurred* to him that people
> might be smart enough to see him as the
> clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life
> in Fairfield, Iowa and a lifetime in the
> TMO does for you.

Ooops, a little backsliding here from Barry.
Evananda lives in the exclusive community of
Amagansett in the wealthy town of East 
Hampton on the south shore of Long Island,
and he hasn't been associated with the TMO
for quite some time.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> > >
> > > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > >
> > > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were
> > > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> >
> > I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> > theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> > why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> > the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> >
> > Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old
> > woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> > and what happens? The authorities come and take away
> > her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But
> > they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires
> > one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her
> > already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL,
> > thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> >
> > So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> > into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> > argue with her. Then she starts another argument
> > with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> > to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> > either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> > opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> > is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> > I have already prepared."  :-)
> >
> > Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much
> > everything.
> BREAKING NEWS! Barry is beginning to realize his
> notions about me are fantasies! This is hopeful,
> folks. Maybe he's making some progress at emerging
> from his solipsistic Barryworld. Could be
> overwhelming, though, for him to start confronting
> reality after all these years; we need to be gentle
> with him as he does so, or he may find it all too
> much and retreat again.
> Can we dare to expect he'll bring az with him out
> of the fog? Stay tuned...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> >
> > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> > 
> > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old 
> woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> and what happens? The authorities come and take away 
> her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But 
> they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires 
> one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her 
> already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL, 
> thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> argue with her. Then she starts another argument 
> with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> I have already prepared."  :-)
> Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much 
> everything.

BREAKING NEWS! Barry is beginning to realize his
notions about me are fantasies! This is hopeful,
folks. Maybe he's making some progress at emerging
from his solipsistic Barryworld. Could be 
overwhelming, though, for him to start confronting
reality after all these years; we need to be gentle
with him as he does so, or he may find it all too
much and retreat again.

Can we dare to expect he'll bring az with him out
of the fog? Stay tuned...

[FairfieldLife] Re: 100-Year Starship Study

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> Judy,
> I don't believe anyone has built any
> machines that could build humans in
> space.

John, I don't believe anyone has claimed
anyone has built such machines. Nobody
has built any of the starships they're
talking about either. If you actually
read the article, or even just the bit I
quoted from it, they're only tossing
around ideas at this point. Look at the
title of the project, "100-Year Starship
Study." Who knows what we'll be able to
do in 100 years? (Who knows whether
we'll even still be here in 100 years?)

> The other alternative is build millions of advanced computer probes from the 
> Moon to search for other life forms.  Then, these will replicate themselves 
> with the same multiples when they reach the various moons in the solar 
> system.  In the end, these probes will cover the entire galaxy in no time.
> This is the method that was represented by the monoliths in the classic 
> movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > From the NYTimes today:
> > 
> > Not Such a Stretch to Reach for the Stars
> > 
> > ORLANDO, Fla. — A starship without an engine? 
> > 
> > It may seem a fantastical notion, but hardly more so than the idea of 
> > building a starship of any kind, especially with NASA's future uncertain at 
> > best. 
> > 
> > Yet here in Orlando, not far from the launching site of the space program's 
> > most triumphant achievements, the government's Defense Advanced Research 
> > Projects Agency, or Darpa, drew hundreds this month to a symposium on the 
> > 100-Year Starship Study, which is devoted to ideas for visiting the stars. 
> > 
> > Participants — an eclectic mix of engineers, scientists, science fiction 
> > fans, students and dreamers — explored a mix of ideas, including how to 
> > organize and finance a century-long project; whether civilization would 
> > survive, because an engine to propel a starship could also be used for a 
> > weapon to obliterate the planet; and whether people need to go along for 
> > the trip. (Alternatively, machines could build humans at the destination, 
> > perhaps tweaked to live in non-Earth-like environs.)... 
> > 
> > Read more:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/18/science/space/18starship.html
> > 
> > http://tinyurl.com/44z7383
> > 
> > 
> > Somewhat to my surprise, I found this thrilling.
> > The article is illustrated by an absolutely stunning
> > illustration of the Icarus design for an unmanned
> > interstellar space probe. It's based on a 1970s 
> > model called Daedalus, which was a fusion-powered.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Denise Evans  wrote:
> Damn! I thought I had something figured
> out :)
> Ya'll are so far out of my league...

Naah. We've just been at it forever. It's
sort of like the one about the prisoners
who tell jokes by the number because they've
heard them so often, they've memorized them.

1ST INMATE: 803!


2ND INMATE: 385!




NEW INMATE: Why didn't anybody laugh?

OLD INMATE: Don't feel bad. You know, some
folks can tell a joke, some can't.

(Oldie but goodie.)

> I knew that for sure when someone
> posted the Osho video (George Carlin
> originating) on the many uses/meanings
> of the word "f..k" after one of my
> sad rants. (Kinda like the word love,
> actually.)


> Pulled me right out of the massive
> shame attack I was in.

Aw, Denise...hope you've stayed out of
it. You ain't got nuttin' to be ashamed
of. Such a useless and destructive
emotion, and you're such a bright light

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOOYb_xlcNc

But it won't hurt any of us to watch this
again. What a showman he was.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Anandamayi Ma Pictures and Videos

2011-10-18 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tartbrain  wrote:
> For those whom may enjoy.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rU5p1AzLAU4&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nj7oKmd8oLQ&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWv4ktbb33U&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M95GXK5VRa4&feature=related
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFnj_sml99M&feature=related

Very, very beautiful, thank you for posting this.
This is one of my favorites:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread Sal Sunshine
On Oct 18, 2011, at 6:42 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

>>> Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic 
>>> woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals 
>>> are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen 
>>> people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended 
>>> up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from 
>>> taking rasayanas they got in India. 
>> Darwin Award winners, for sure.
> To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
> guru, Swami Kaleshwar:
> http://goo.gl/YF70q
> A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
> that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
> ing with a number of his Western students.

Now there's a shocker.  Only Western ones?

> Turns out
> that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
> a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause 
> the police to have raided his ashram recently. 
> Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
> the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.

Maybe he's got mercury poisoning.


[FairfieldLife] Re: A Tale Of Four "Enlightened" People

2011-10-18 Thread William
True student teacher relationships are equal and respectful, though these are 
rare in the realms of spiritual groups or most any other organization. Maya 



--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7"  wrote:
> Yeah William, we wouldn't want to destroy the student/teacher unequal 
> relationship, would we? We wouldn't want to let others know that 
> self-realization can be achieved by anybody, would we?
> Better to keep everything hidden and secretive, unless we charge them money, 
> sex, or power to share it. THAT'S the way social progress is achieved, huh? 
> What a steaming pile of uncompassionate dung, William.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "William"  wrote:
> >
> > I think that this "tale" points out the short comings of the TM teachings 
> > and path. The focus is so much on personal experience that those who have 
> > some experience or perception out of the ordinary, feel special. This 
> > specialness and achievement is a focus of the TM philosophy. What would you 
> > expect to happen? Most true spiritual teachings teach humility and 
> > compassion, if you have "experiences" you should keep them to yourself or 
> > maybe share them with your teacher. This focus on experience and 
> > achievement increases ego and narcissism. 
> > 
> > The experiences, perceptions and realizations can be true, how we relate to 
> > them and process them makes all the difference.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > The example of a possibly enlightened person being featured in a weekly
> > > TV series on national television in the US presents us with a remarkable
> > > opportunity. In "Enlightened," the character of Amy shows us a person
> > > who was obviously, certifiably crazy (she was, in fact, "certified" --
> > > legally forced to seek therapy) having a subjective experience that she
> > > associates with "enlightenment," and then afterwards expects people
> > > around her to react to how she feels "inside" rather than how she acts
> > > on the outside, in real life. She considers herself an "agent of
> > > change," and expects everyone around her TO change, just as a result of
> > > coming into contact with her.
> > > 
> > > I think this fictional situation really begs to be compared TO real
> > > life, and how three other people have "acted on the outside" in real
> > > life, both in Fairfield and here on FFL. Let's compare Amy to Robin,
> > > Jim, and Ravi.
> > > 
> > > Robin is pretty much yer classic "spiritual crazy." Back in the day, he
> > > had some subjective experiences that he interpreted as enlightenment,
> > > and felt (and acted) as if everyone around him should react to his
> > > pronouncement of his own enlightenment not only as if him saying it was
> > > true made it true, but as if now he was some kind of "special" person,
> > > one whose words had "weight," and should be listened to and paid
> > > attention to as if he were really, really, REALLY special -- one of the
> > > enlightened whose wordiness is next to Godliness.
> > > 
> > > We all know how that worked out. Most people laughed at him. Heck, even
> > > Maharishi -- who he was expecting to climb onto the "Robin is
> > > enlightened" bus and support him -- regarded him as a crazy person. So
> > > how did he react to that? He acted even crazier. We are talking, after
> > > all, about someone so crazy and so convinced that everyone should regard
> > > what he said as Truth that he rented a plane and dropped leaflets of his
> > > own tracts on MIU. Crazy. Bedbug crazy. And now, years later, having
> > > disavowed the "enlightened" thang but still as narcissistic as it gets
> > > and still as convinced of his own specialnessitude, he writes long,
> > > long, long solipcistic tracts here and *still* expects everyone to not
> > > only read them, but treat them as the Truth he is convinced they are. If
> > > anyone (such as myself, or Tom, or others) suggests that he's still more
> > > than a little bedbug crazy, he lashes out at them and tries to portray
> > > them negatively and demonize them. THIS is the model of "enlightened
> > > behavior" that Robin presents to the world, and to us.
> > > 
> > > Now think Jim Flanegin. When he first appeared on FFL, pronouncing *his*
> > > enlightenment, he was laughed at, too. Suffice it to say he
> > > reacted...uh...badly. He launched into long, abusive tirades against
> > > anyone who failed to believe in his enlightenmentnessitude, so much so
> > > that he embarrassed himself thoroughly and finally skulked off of the
> > > forum in disgrace. Then, not content with that, he came back two more
> > > times, "anonymously." He made up new screen names and pretended that
> > > they weren't really him, and started the same abusive routine again,
> > > consistently lashing out at those who failed to treat him the way
> > > someone enlightened "should" be treated. Busted on both of those
> > > attempts to co

[FairfieldLife] Re: Demiurge

2011-10-18 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck"  wrote:
> Western Devata of the Unified Field
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demiurge

[FairfieldLife] Demiurge

2011-10-18 Thread Buck
Western Devata of the Unified Field


[FairfieldLife] Kumbh Mela

2011-10-18 Thread tartbrain














Kumbh Mela is the most sacred of all the pilgrimages. Thousands of holy men and 
women attend, and the auspiciousness of the festival is in part attributable to 

In the eight century, Shankara, a prominent Indian saint, popularized the 
Kumbha Mela among the common people, and soon the attendance began to grow to 
enormous proportions. Shankara placed special importance to the opportunity of 
associating with saintly persons while at Kumbha Mela. Both hearing from sadhus 
(holy men) and sacred bathing are still the two main focus at Kumbha Mela.

The major event of the festival is ritual bathing at the banks of the river in 
whichever town it is being held. Nasik has registered maximum visitors amounted 
nearly to 75 million. Other activities include religious discussions, 
devotional singing, mass feeding of holy men and women and the poor, and 
religious assemblies where doctrines are debated and standardized. 

Wave after wave, they formed a veritable river of humanity that flowed onto the 
banks of the Ganges at Allahabad to celebrate the greatest spiritual festival 
ever held in the history of the world, the Kumbha Mela.

At the head of the procession were the nagas, India's famed naked holy men. 
These holy men engage themselves in renunciation of the world in search of 
equilibrium. They hope to escape the world's concomitant reactions and 
suffering by their austere practices such as complete celibacy and 
non-accumulation of material possessions. Thus they are known as 
liberationists. With matted locks of hair, their bodies covered in ashes, and 
their tridents ( the symbol of a follower of Shiva) raised high, they descended 
upon the bathing area. Entering the water in a tumult, blowing conchshells and 
singing " Shiva ki jai, Ganga ki jai," they splashed the sacred waters upon 
each other and played just like children. Indeed, they are said to be the very 
children of the Ganges.

Next came the Vaisnava vairagis, the wandering mendicants who dedicate 
everything to Visnu, the Sustainer. These saints live a life of service and 
complete dedication.Then came the innumerable other sects of ascetics dressed 
in saffron colored cloth and carrying their staffs of renunciation. All the 
centuries gone by of India's spiritual evolution were simultaneously there 
together in the procession. Each in turn bathed in the sangam.

Kumbha Mela has gained international fame as "the world's most massive act of 
faith." Pilgrims come to this holy event with such tremendous faith and in such 
overwhelming numbers that it boggles the mind. Faith is the most important 
thing for the pilgrims at Kumbha Mela, they have an "unflinching trust in 
something sublime".

To understand the significance of the Kumbha Mela and the important role that 
it plays in the spirituality of India, it is helpful to know something about 
the background of the sacred Ganges River. The devout believe that simply by 
bathing in the Ganges one is freed from their past sins (karma), and thus one 
becomes eligible for liberation from the cycle of birth and death. Of course it 
is said that a pure lifestyle is also required after taking bath, otherwise one 
will again be burdened by karmic reactions .The pilgrims come from all walks of 
life, traveling long distances and tolerating many physical discomforts, such 
as sleeping in the open air in near freezing weather. They undergo these 
difficulties just to receive the benefit of taking a bath in the sacred river 
at Kumbha Mela.

The ancient origin of the Kumbha Mela is described in the time honored Vedic 
literatures of India as having evolved from bygone days of the universe when 
the demigods and the demons produced the nectar of immortality. 

This confluence of India's three most sacred rivers at Allahabad is called the 
sangam. The combined sanctity of the three holy rivers, coupled with the 
spiritual powers obtained from the pot of nectar of immortality, has earned 
Allahabad the rank of tirtharaja, the king of holy places.

The main highlight for most pilgrims during a Kumbha Mela is the o

[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine  wrote:
> On Oct 17, 2011, at 7:57 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "evananda108"  wrote:
> > > 
> > > "Concept of Siddha treatment:-
> > > 
> > [snip]
> > 
> > Speaking as moderator around here, please stop promoting 
> > your commercial website. 
> > 
> > Speaking as myself, no amount of ooga-booga Hindoo magic 
> > woo is going to change the very real fact that heavy metals 
> > are toxic. Within the last two years, there are half a dozen 
> > people in Fairfield who bought into such nonsense and ended 
> > up with very serious cases of heavy metal POISONING from 
> > taking rasayanas they got in India. 
> Darwin Award winners, for sure.

To put "Evananda" into some perspective, Google his
guru, Swami Kaleshwar:


A friend of mine studied with him until he discovered
that while presenting himself as celibate he was sleep-
ing with a number of his Western students. Turns out
that's just the tip of the iceberg, and that there are
a number of other scandals as well, enough to cause 
the police to have raided his ashram recently. 

Judging from Evananda's vibe and presentation here,
the nutcase doesn't fall far from the tree.

[FairfieldLife] "Enlightened" episode 2 - fantasy vs. reality

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
In the second episode of HBO's "Enlightened," Amy shows up for her first
day back at Abaddon. While waiting to be ushered to her new office, she
meditates in a conference room, closing her eyes and envisioning the
high-level PR/Customer Liaison job she assumes she will be filling, and
the effect it will have on both the company and the world. The voiceover
lets us know what's going on in her head:

"At Open Air, they taught me that by visualizing change you summon it to
you. I see myself speaking articulately for once. [visuals of a roomful
of co-workers, listening to her raptly] All the executives of the
company are there; they can't deny the truth of my message. I draw the
connections between our selfish behaviors and the destruction they
cause. It lights a fire that builds into an explosion of knowledge, and
action. [visuals of the executives giving her a standing ovation] Change
is coming. [visuals of Amy presenting her imagined line of "Clean Meds"
at a trade show] I see Clean Meds becoming a beacon, and illuminating a
path to a better future for the community, the nation, the planet.
[visuals of crowds applauding, and chanting "Amy! Amy! Amy!]"

At this point her real boss walks in, says "We have a position for you,"
and then shows her to what her real job will be, as shown in the
following clip:



Again, the brilliance of Laura Dern and Mike White's vision for the
series asserts itself. (Mike is the blonde guy in the clip.) When it
comes to enlightenment, there are the movies that play in the Supposedly
Enlightened person's head, and then there is real life. The two are
rarely the same.

Now flash back to Fairfield Life Last Night, and the sudden (and brief)
appearance of Evananda.

It's not as if he announced himself as enlightened (although it wouldn't
surprise me in the least if he did). But he did breeze into town as
pretty much the Avatar Of Cluelessness. First, he out-Robins Robin by
trying to invoke his more-special-than-thou past as a FF oil brokerage
huckster, assuming that will impress us. Then he announces himself as a
"healer," with accompanying cheezy website. Finally he tries to sell us
poison, by citing yet another cheezy website.

The connection I'm trying to make is that I think we all know that in
Evananda's mind he was "supposed" to be greeted here with applause and
reverent awe, followed by people lining up to buy his poison. It never
even *occurred* to him that people might be smart enough to see him as
the clueless dweeb he is. THAT is what a life in Fairfield, Iowa and a
lifetime in the TMO does for you. His inner vision of what he *expected*
to happen was all that he could see. My bet is that he still sees it
that way, and thinks that WE are the ones who are somehow "off" in
rejecting him and the wonderful things he could do for us.

At the end of the episode, stuck in her basement dungeon entering data
endlessly, Amy feels the same way. She thinks, "Change WILL come. Maybe
not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it will come. You have to believe. I
close my eyes and see a better world. [visuals of the beach ashram in
Hawaii, only now the people there are all of the dweeds in the basement
with her, and her ex, and her mother, and all of the other people who've
treated her since her enlightenment as if she was as crazy now as she
was before] People there are fearless, and connected. They are my
friends. I'm there. I'm free."

Sure you are, Amy. Sure you are, Evan. You just keep those eyes closed,
and focus on your inner vision. That'll make everything work out
right...for you, for the people around you, and for the world. Squeeze
those eyes tightly closed now and just hope.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Nokia for raaja_s?

2011-10-18 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> Vertu is Nokia's deluxe model:
> http://www.vertu.com/in-en/#in-en_
> The most expensive models cost tens of thousands of dollars...

>From Wiki:


Vertu designs and manufactures luxury mobile phones. The most expensive model 
it has ever made is the Signature Cobra, at £213,000 (~$310,000); the most 
expensive regular model is the Signature Diamond at £55,000 (~$83,000). Prices 
start at £3500 for the Constellation model.[1]


[FairfieldLife] Nokia for raaja_s?

2011-10-18 Thread cardemaister

Vertu is Nokia's deluxe model:


The most expensive models cost tens of thousands of dollars...

[FairfieldLife] Dubrovnik WPA coherence??

2011-10-18 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> > it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> > because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> > anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> > wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> >
> > At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> > My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were
> > exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.
> I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
> theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
> why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
> the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.
> Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old
> woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
> and what happens? The authorities come and take away
> her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But
> they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires
> one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her
> already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL,
> thinking, "I NEED an argument."
> So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
> into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
> argue with her. Then she starts another argument
> with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
> to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
> either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
> opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
> is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
> I have already prepared."  :-)
> Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much
> everything.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Siddha Medicine , Navapashanam & Healing

2011-10-18 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey  wrote:
> Always a pleasure to have you drop in Mr. Doughney, but
> it might be better if you provide some advance notice
> because Judy seems to develop symptoms of severe
> anxiety attacks that coincide with your arrival. Say, you
> wouldn't be related to that nice Mr. Skolnik would you?
> At least they won't let her have all those cats anymore.
> My speculation is all the secondhand smoke they were 
> exposed to resulted in some seriously unhappy kitties.

I have to admit, AZ, that among all of the many
theories proposed here on FFL to try to explain
why Judy is so chronically angry and why she acts
the way she does, your "cat lady" theory is the best.

Doesn't it just FIT? An already-angry 70-year-old 
woman with no friends, living alone in Buttfuck, NJ,
and what happens? The authorities come and take away 
her dozens of cats for public health reasons. But 
they don't take away the cigarettes, so she fires 
one up, allows the nicotine to further poison her 
already-poisonous system, and decides to post to FFL, 
thinking, "I NEED an argument."

So she starts one with Curtis, quickly turning it
into an opportunity to dump on Vaj, since he won't
argue with her. Then she starts another argument 
with Mike, quickly turning that into an opportunity
to dump on Barry, because he won't argue with her,
either. It's Maharishi-like: "Every post is a perfect
opportunity to start an argument, and every argument
is the perfect opportunity to re-run the obsessions
I have already prepared."  :-)

Good fantasy image of her. Explains pretty much 

[FairfieldLife] Re: B. Mullquist's quickies: pancaan.ga-yoga??

2011-10-18 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister  wrote:
> as usual, it is in the so called stem form; thus aSTau an.gaani,

In sandhi, that "of course" becomes 'aSTaav* an.gaani'

* The final diphthong is lengthened (in addition to being
"de-diphthongized"), because in Sanskrit
'au' (as in ~ how) represents former Indo-European 'aau'?