[FairfieldLife] Re: my generic TM response to http://www.reddit.com/r/meditation questions

2012-05-31 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@... wrote:

 What I was trying to convey with my wasted my life 
 rhetoric was just that I was acknowledging the possibility 
 that I might be wrong.
 Barry and Vaj, on  the other hand, seem certain that they 
 are correct, period. I suspect that Barry, at least, had 
 that same attitude when he was a TM teacher. 

Lawson, you disappoint me. I thought you were a better
perceiver than this. A cultist perceiver, true, but a 
better one. :-)

Vaj can speak for himself; he might have things he is 
certain about. I have nothing. Nada. Bupkus. I would
suggest that you and he are far more alike than differ-
ent, in that you both DO have things you're seemingly
certain about, and are both willing to turn them into
battles that need to be won.

I do not. I have never once on this forum tried to 
sell or promote any technique of meditation or self
development. Same with spiritual teachers. The most I
have ever done is to mention things I might have encoun-
tered and present my viewpoint on them, especially if
they are being misrepresented by others. 

When it comes down to who wins the lucrative
guvmint contract to supply humanity services to the
military, I hope they choose to provide simple instruc-
tion in BOTH some kind of sitting meditation (not neces-
sarily TM, because I think they could do better for less
money) and in mindfulness. If it came down to a battle 
between TM and mindfulness, well OF COURSE mindfulness 
is going to win at this point, for several practical 
reasons, the most important of which are that it can be 
taught free of any dogma or supporting indoctrination
(TM cannot), and that it arrives (unlike TM) not carrying 
around decades of baggage as a notorious cult. 

In an ideal world, soldiers would have a choice of learn-
ing *not* one or the other, but both. In that same ideal
world (as I see it), TM teachers would be *prohibited by
law* from having any contact with soldiers they'd taught
the basic TM technique to, except for checking sessions.
No advanced lectures, no sales pitches for the siddhis.

Would YOU agree to these conditions for TM taught in
groups to schoolkids and/or soldiers? If my father -- an
Air Force Colonel who was in charge of procuring goods
and services for most of the bases he was stationed on --
had drawn up a contract for TM to be taught onbase, that
clause would definitely have been in the contract. And
it would have been enforced to the letter. 

I think a similar contract needs to be in place for any
TM course taught in large groups and paid for by a con-
tracting agency such as a school or the military. I feel
that, given the history of the TMO, it would be criminal
of the contracting agency to NOT have such a clause in
their contracts. Otherwise they put themselves in the 
position of exposing their students or their troops to
recruiters for a cultic religion. 

Teach TM. Period. Leave it at TM. Period. No philosophy,
no siddhis, no ayurveda, no S-V, no yagyas, no gods, no
goddesses, nada. Just TM. In other words, sell only what
you claim to be selling. Attempt to sell more, lose the 
contract. That's the way it should work. It's the only
way it *CAN* work. Something needs to be written into 
the basic contracts to prevent TM teachers from fucking
up a good thing by being what they were taught to be 
by Maharishi -- non-stop salespeople and evangelists.

[FairfieldLife] International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
why oh why oh why
do I hear -yes  why
hear the laughter of butterflies
about to flutter by
International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
Intelligence [;)]
TM was founded as the International Meditation Society for the Science
of Creative Intelligence in 1961.:
Mere Transcendental Meditation:The basic concepts of neo-Vedanta
philosophy(et Kennedy, John W; Hexham., Irving (January 8, 2001). Field
of TM dreams. Christianity Today 45 (1): pp. 74–79.)
and now in Wiki
In 1961, the Maharishi created the International Meditation Society
for the Science of Creative Intelligence

[FairfieldLife] Re: Philip Goldberg: A Big Day in the Life: When Sgt. Pepper Blew Our Minds

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
Because TM worked, lives were changed; because lives were changed,
research was done; because the research findings were impressive,
doctors and psychotherapists started recommending meditation. Within a
few years, Eastern philosophy and its repertoire of mind-body practices
would enter the mainstream. Spirituality in America would never be the


In mine and many other teaching-experience in beginning  and  in
founding constructing different forms of the movement in the 60/70s not
s many  [:D] start TM because  Sgt. Pepper defined the opulent
revolutionary optimism of psychedelia and instantly spread the gospel of
love, acid, Eastern spirituality and electric guitars around the globe
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:




[FairfieldLife] Can subliminal messages change your life?

2012-05-31 Thread cardemaister


[FairfieldLife] Re: my generic TM response to http://www.reddit.com/r/meditation questions

2012-05-31 Thread sparaig
In fact, in the context of the DLF sponsored TM in the schools, teaching basic 
TM is all the teachers can do, though, if the parents choose to drag their kids 
to the local TM center, that's their business, isn't it, and the kids can deal 
with their parents' silliness on their own time.

In the context of the Norwich University experiment, it's the same thing: the 
teachers teach, regularly show up to check meditation, and that's it. The day 
to day meditation sessions are overseen by the squad leader (himself a student) 
and, as far as I know, there's no advanced lectures in either setting. 
Certainly, in the US public schools, there can't be since that is what led to 
the Malnak v Yogi court case in the first place: introducing advanced TM theory 
in the public school system to a captive audience.

And I agree: mindfulness training has its place, especially in the US military. 
The question here is mostly: given limited time resources available to people, 
what is the most effective use of their time, given that they have time to 
learn one thing and practice it regularly? Obviously, I believe that TM should 
be that one thing, and I believe that the Norwich University and VA studies 
will support my beliefs.

BTW, TM is free in the public schools via the DLF and it is free to the cadets 
at Norwich University. And the DLF's payment goes directly to the TM teacher 
and not to the national or international organization, which never sees any 
part of it, last I heard. For kids, the DLF pays the teachers $300 per student 
and they do monthly checking with each student. For veterans, the DLF pays $375 
per vet.

The national TM organization doesn't get any money from the TM teachers as far 
as I know.

[1 post left]


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, sparaig LEnglish5@ wrote:
  What I was trying to convey with my wasted my life 
  rhetoric was just that I was acknowledging the possibility 
  that I might be wrong.
  Barry and Vaj, on  the other hand, seem certain that they 
  are correct, period. I suspect that Barry, at least, had 
  that same attitude when he was a TM teacher. 
 Lawson, you disappoint me. I thought you were a better
 perceiver than this. A cultist perceiver, true, but a 
 better one. :-)
 Vaj can speak for himself; he might have things he is 
 certain about. I have nothing. Nada. Bupkus. I would
 suggest that you and he are far more alike than differ-
 ent, in that you both DO have things you're seemingly
 certain about, and are both willing to turn them into
 battles that need to be won.
 I do not. I have never once on this forum tried to 
 sell or promote any technique of meditation or self
 development. Same with spiritual teachers. The most I
 have ever done is to mention things I might have encoun-
 tered and present my viewpoint on them, especially if
 they are being misrepresented by others. 
 When it comes down to who wins the lucrative
 guvmint contract to supply humanity services to the
 military, I hope they choose to provide simple instruc-
 tion in BOTH some kind of sitting meditation (not neces-
 sarily TM, because I think they could do better for less
 money) and in mindfulness. If it came down to a battle 
 between TM and mindfulness, well OF COURSE mindfulness 
 is going to win at this point, for several practical 
 reasons, the most important of which are that it can be 
 taught free of any dogma or supporting indoctrination
 (TM cannot), and that it arrives (unlike TM) not carrying 
 around decades of baggage as a notorious cult. 
 In an ideal world, soldiers would have a choice of learn-
 ing *not* one or the other, but both. In that same ideal
 world (as I see it), TM teachers would be *prohibited by
 law* from having any contact with soldiers they'd taught
 the basic TM technique to, except for checking sessions.
 No advanced lectures, no sales pitches for the siddhis.
 Would YOU agree to these conditions for TM taught in
 groups to schoolkids and/or soldiers? If my father -- an
 Air Force Colonel who was in charge of procuring goods
 and services for most of the bases he was stationed on --
 had drawn up a contract for TM to be taught onbase, that
 clause would definitely have been in the contract. And
 it would have been enforced to the letter. 
 I think a similar contract needs to be in place for any
 TM course taught in large groups and paid for by a con-
 tracting agency such as a school or the military. I feel
 that, given the history of the TMO, it would be criminal
 of the contracting agency to NOT have such a clause in
 their contracts. Otherwise they put themselves in the 
 position of exposing their students or their troops to
 recruiters for a cultic religion. 
 Teach TM. Period. Leave it at TM. Period. No philosophy,
 no siddhis, no ayurveda, no S-V, no yagyas, no gods, no
 goddesses, nada. Just TM. In other words, sell only what
 you claim to be 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Philip Goldberg: A Big Day in the Life: When Sgt. Pepper Blew Our Minds

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
Because TM worked, lives were changed; because  lives were changed,
research was done; because the research findings  were impressive,
doctors and psychotherapists started recommending  meditation. Within a
few years, Eastern philosophy and its repertoire of  mind-body practices
would enter the mainstream. Spirituality in America  would never be the


In humble  mine and many many others teaching-experience in beginning 
and  in founding  constructing different forms of the movement in the
60/70s not s  many  [:D] start  TM because  Sgt. Pepper defined the
opulent revolutionary optimism of  psychedelia and instantly spread the
gospel of love, acid, Eastern  spirituality and electric guitars around
the globe [:D] Respecting the Hippie memoria et reminiscentia of Philip
Goldberg Interfaith Minister, author of 'American Veda: How Indian
Spirituality Changed the West':Could it be because sometimes even
mentioning the connection in the TM-Intro was counterproductive (in the
long run, at least)?
Where are the Saint (Chili )Peppers in the movement now and what was
their impact?
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:




[FairfieldLife] Celebrity TMer musicians play prom date in 1971

2012-05-31 Thread turquoiseb
I just love this. But then, when it comes to TMers who are
celebrities, there are only two in the world I'd like to meet, because
out of the whole lot of them Dusty and Billy seem to be the only ones
who are nice guys and might have cool stories to tell. Like the one
about having to play a gig at a high school prom, shortly after your
first single hits the Billboard Hot 100? Priceless.
ZZ Top Prom: Photo Seems To Show Band At High School Dance
Emerging today from the annals of the internet: a photo that appears to
show ZZ Top at a school prom.
The picture, available below, shows Dusty Hill, Frank Beard and Billy 
Gibbons as men who would appear to be in their early 20s. Though we 
can't verify it at this time, the photo matches up with an account of a
1971 appearance at the Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School prom
?keyword=topstory . That performance took place two years after the
band was formed.

People were actually crashing our prom, one student recounted.
People were trying to sneak in anyway they could just to see these
guys  perform. It was really funny.

UPDATE: A Redditor posted the following comment
e_zee_top_1969/c4ttqac , which seems to verify the Little
Cypress-Mauriceville High School connection:
This is from my dad's senior prom in May 1971! This was taken at Little
Cypress-Mauriceville High School in Orange, Texas.
Apparently some time between signing the contract to play for the  dance
and the actual prom itself, the band broke out big. They tried to  get
out of the contract, but the school couldn't find a replacement on  such
short notice so ZZ Top still performed. My dad said that people  were
climbing through the windows, crashing their prom, just to hear the 
band play. This was all at a really small school with a graduating 
class of around 100, maybe less. I'll try to get him to scan his 
yearbook that has this exact picture in it.

The Reddit thread on which the image originally appeared
e_zee_top_1969/  identified the photo as being taken in 1969, but Hill
didn't join the band until 1970.

Were you at the prom? If so, leave a comment and we'll update our post

  [zz top prom]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Philip Goldberg: A Big Day in the Life: When Sgt. Pepper Blew Our Minds

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
This YouTube by a certain HELTERFUCKINGSKELTER summarize IMHO the
article nicely.

In humble  mine and many many others teaching-experience in beginning 
and  in founding constructing different forms of the movement in the
60/70s not s many [:D]  start and stay-in TM because  Sgt. Pepper
defined the opulent revolutionary optimism of psychedelia and instantly
spread the gospel of love, acid, Eastern spirituality and electric
guitars around the globe [:D]  Respecting the Hippie memoria et
reminiscentia of Philip Goldberg Interfaith Minister, author of
'American Veda: How Indian Spirituality Changed the West':Could it be
because sometimes even mentioning the connection in a non-initiate-and
-run TM-Intro [;)]  was counterproductive (in the long run, at least)?
Where are the Saint (Chili )Peppers in the movement now and what was and
is their impact?

Because TM worked, lives were changed; because lives were changed,
research was done; because the research findings were impressive,
doctors and psychotherapists started recommending meditation. Within a
few years, Eastern philosophy and its repertoire of mind-body practices
would enter the mainstream. Spirituality in America would never be the
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@... wrote:




[FairfieldLife] Re: Philip Goldberg: A Big Day in the Life: When Sgt. Pepper Blew Our Minds

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
a  certainly nice article
-nice-Latin nescius  ignorant, incapable, equivalent to ne-  negative
prefix + sci-  (stem of scīre  to know; see
science)Origin:1250–1300; Middle English:  foolish, stupid  Old
French:  silly, simple
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 This YouTube by a certain HELTERFUCKINGSKELTER summarize IMHO the
 article nicely.

 In humble  mine and many many others teaching-experience in beginning
 and  in founding constructing different forms of the movement in the
 60/70s not s many [:D]  start and stay-in TM because  Sgt. Pepper
 defined the opulent revolutionary optimism of psychedelia and
 spread the gospel of love, acid, Eastern spirituality and electric
 guitars around the globe [:D]  Respecting the Hippie memoria et
 reminiscentia of Philip Goldberg Interfaith Minister, author of
 'American Veda: How Indian Spirituality Changed the West':Could it be
 because sometimes even mentioning the connection in a
 -run TM-Intro [;)]  was counterproductive (in the long run, at
 Where are the Saint (Chili )Peppers in the movement now and what was
 is their impact?

 Because TM worked, lives were changed; because lives were changed,
 research was done; because the research findings were impressive,
 doctors and psychotherapists started recommending meditation. Within a
 few years, Eastern philosophy and its repertoire of mind-body
 would enter the mainstream. Spirituality in America would never be the
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:




[FairfieldLife] Re: Celebrity TMer musicians play prom date in 1971

2012-05-31 Thread cardemaister

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I just love this. But then, when it comes to TMers who are
 celebrities, there are only two in the world I'd like to meet, because
 out of the whole lot of them Dusty and Billy seem to be the only ones
 who are nice guys and might have cool stories to tell. Like the one
 about having to play a gig at a high school prom, shortly after your
 first single hits the Billboard Hot 100? Priceless.
 ZZ Top Prom: Photo Seems To Show Band At High School Dance
 Emerging today from the annals of the internet: a photo that appears to
 show ZZ Top at a school prom.
 The picture, available below, shows Dusty Hill, Frank Beard and Billy 
 Gibbons as men who would appear to be in their early 20s. Though we 
 can't verify it at this time, the photo matches up with an account of a
 1971 appearance at the Little Cypress-Mauriceville High School prom
 ?keyword=topstory . That performance took place two years after the
 band was formed.
 People were actually crashing our prom, one student recounted.
 People were trying to sneak in anyway they could just to see these
 guys  perform. It was really funny.
 UPDATE: A Redditor posted the following comment
 e_zee_top_1969/c4ttqac , which seems to verify the Little
 Cypress-Mauriceville High School connection:
 This is from my dad's senior prom in May 1971! This was taken at Little
 Cypress-Mauriceville High School in Orange, Texas.
 Apparently some time between signing the contract to play for the  dance
 and the actual prom itself, the band broke out big. They tried to  get
 out of the contract, but the school couldn't find a replacement on  such
 short notice so ZZ Top still performed. My dad said that people  were
 climbing through the windows, crashing their prom, just to hear the 
 band play. This was all at a really small school with a graduating 
 class of around 100, maybe less. I'll try to get him to scan his 
 yearbook that has this exact picture in it.
 The Reddit thread on which the image originally appeared
 e_zee_top_1969/  identified the photo as being taken in 1969, but Hill
 didn't join the band until 1970.
 Were you at the prom? If so, leave a comment and we'll update our post
   [zz top prom]

Well, at least Frank doesn't seem to have a Beard... LoL!

[FairfieldLife] Re: International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@... wrote:

 why oh why oh why
 do I hear -yes  why
 hear the laughter of butterflies
 about to flutter by
 International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
 Intelligence [;)]
 TM was founded as the International Meditation Society for the Science
 of Creative Intelligence in 1961.:
 Mere Transcendental Meditation:The basic concepts of neo-Vedanta
 philosophy(et Kennedy, John W; Hexham., Irving (January 8, 2001). Field
 of TM dreams. Christianity Today 45 (1): pp. 74–79.)
 and now in Wiki
 In 1961, the Maharishi created the International Meditation Society
 for the Science of Creative Intelligence

Meru, I been called a lot of things but never a 'neo-Vedantain'.
-Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: ATT: BUCK

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 Very nice blog post: a journalist takes part in a Civil War reenactment in 
 Tennessee. The contingent from Iowa gets a lot of space:

Thanks for the heads-up post.  I had heard about this.
They certainly did it up righteous.  Set a standard.  In the 'western theatre' 
here I have always looked at the Mississippi River and thought we should arrive 
that way at some of the events along the River.   The re-enacting community is 
going through the series of 150- anniversaries.  Camping in costume with 
history as a theme.
-Buck in the Dome 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:
  Yes I caught that too.
  I enjoyed this Taps link a lot.  I also liked the side link that Youtube 
  then offered of all the bugle calls. 
  When I was a younger meditator I was in the cavalry.  I rode with a guy who 
  was like this bugler.  Only the guy did it bugling continuously from the 
  saddle riding next to the officers relaying their commands.  
  You'd be in awe just watching the guy bugle that way while on the move even 
  in skirmish.  One time we were assigned to support an artillery gun with 
  its crew pulled by six mules.  The gun crew with their mules would deploy 
  their gun and we would screen them while they ran and fired their gun.  Our 
  company formed skirmish lines ahead of them and would open and close the 
  line as they would load, fire, reload and then re-set the gun with their 
  mule hitch.  The whole thing was large choreography ongoing between them 
  and us.  The whole time our bugler was bugling the commands of our officers 
  as he rode with them shifting with us.  The guy was incredible,  both in 
  great quick mind and a dexterity in so many ways.
  -Buck in the Dome   
 Thanks Buck. I never realized there were so many calls or that the bugler was 
 responsible for communicating commands to such an extent.

Yep, the bugle in the pre-electronic age communication.  In the cavalry line 
moving the bugle was very much integral to it.  Imagine a hundred horses and 
troopers to a company, ten companies to a regiment and three regiments to a 
brigade.  The 'evolutions of the drill' on horseback moving groups of horsemen 
around are a beautiful sight to behold and fabulously glorious to be in the 
middle of when they are well practiced, led and executed.  It becomes dressage 
in motion or the highest of 'western' riding in expression.  It is just 
beautiful to be in the middle of the human and animal of it.  A trained and 
experienced warhorse is something special to know in life.  I've been blessed 
in my life.
-Buck in the Dome
 My brother played a trumpet. I could squeak out a few notes, and then my 
 cheeks would hurt. A bugle is way more difficult. There aren't any keys or 
 valves, you rely on lip action. My brother learned to play trumpet at Higgins 
 Elementary School in Detroit, which is just half a block from a fabulous old 
 cemetery, Woodmere Cemetery.
 Our family burial plot is there, but besides that, it holds many memories for 
 me. I almost drove my boyfriend's car into a pond learning to drive, scared 
 the ducks. There are crypts and mausoleums, ornate headstone as well as many 
 simple markers, slightly raised from the ground. The landscaping is 
 beautiful. It has an amazing variety of trees, perfect for the grade school 
 leaf collection I gathered and pressed between sheets of wax paper. The 
 coolest leaf ever was the Ginkgo. 
 Every Memorial Day, the kids took a short walk from the school to the 
 gravesite of the soldiers who died in WWI and WWII, a hillside dotted with 
 rows and rows of white crosses. One year my brother had his picture in the 
 newspaper. He was dressed in his adorable blue Cub Scout uniform on the 
 hillside of white crosses. He played taps for the soldiers on Memorial Day. I 
 wonder if he thought about that moment today as I have. 
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   I learned something as wellthe words safety, honor, closure, sacred 
   stand out.  It is a thoughtful tune, no doubt.  Prayer is prayer, in 
   the end.  
From: Buck 
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Monday, May 28, 2012 4:59 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:

   Emily, thought full link.  Thanks.  It's the day and the holiday too.  I 
   am remembering also old friends and comrades who have gone before us.  In 
   TM There have been a lot of old initiators, great meditators, gone before 
   and in this year just even past. 
   There was a really nice Memorial Day public service this morning on the 
   Fairfield square.   It was extremely appropriate, except possibly for 
   some of the non-secular praying by mainline Christian clergy types 
   brought in to try to further solemnize an already solemn and well done 
   public civic event.  They could have left the clergy out as being a 
   needlessly divisive element in a civic program.  Or gotten a Rabbi, 
   Muslim, Hindoo, and Buddhist to share equal time.
   -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Hello

2012-05-31 Thread Jim Weidle

this is pretty awesome you should look into this 

[FairfieldLife] Re: International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
Neo-Vedanta Buck [:D]
This will now stuck
On you
Seems shifting attention from FFL to Wikipedia becomes more and more
International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
Intelligencemissing the  --uhh-mmh-President's name :Swami Sri Sri
Henry Nyburg-ananda ?
or President :Swami Sri Sri Charlie Lutes-ananda?
or even President :Swami Sri Sri Dr. John S. Hislop-ananda?
yea man
Neo-Vedanta Buck
This will now stuck
On you  [:D]
Wikipedia relied on and quoted these sources and was again quoted here
on this very very FFL forum as a fact
Neo-Vedanta Buck you as a conservative American (meditator?) and 
unified-field-cavalry-man you will not question the authority of the
Christianity Todaymagazine ?
Will-y You?
   And its founder

* Billy Graham who is taking the conservative theological position
but a definite liberal approach to social problems only ?or

*  Irving Hexham Professor of Religious Studies at the University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,elected Fellow of the Centre for Military and
Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and author of Forget
about academic fraud? Were you sexually harassed? incl.'The Origin
of Yogic Religions,' ,
? Will(y) You?

Irving Hexham
How about a unified-field-cavalry attack
  or with real(Trojan ) horses
hex...@ucalgary.ca (Irving Hexham's email)
against the Germans--uh -Canada- uhhh-UK Apologetics with War Horse
something to sit up mindful:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
  why oh why oh why
  do I hear -yes  why
  hear the laughter of butterflies
  about to flutter by
  International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
  Intelligence [;)]
  TM was founded as the International Meditation Society for the
  of Creative Intelligence in 1961.:
  Mere Transcendental Meditation:The basic concepts of neo-Vedanta
  philosophy(et Kennedy, John W; Hexham., Irving (January 8, 2001).
  of TM dreams. Christianity Today 45 (1): pp. 74–79.)
  and now in Wiki
  In 1961, the Maharishi created the International Meditation
  for the Science of Creative Intelligence

 Meru, I been called a lot of things but never a 'neo-Vedantain'.
 -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence

2012-05-31 Thread merudanda
Neo-Vedanta Buck [:D]
This will now stuck
On you
Seems shifting attention from FFL to Wikipedia becomes more and more
International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
Intelligencemissing the  --uhh-mmh-President's name :Swami Sri Sri
Henry Nyburg-ananda ?
or President :Swami Sri Sri Charlie Lutes-ananda?
or even President :Swami Sri Sri Dr. John S. Hislop-ananda?
yea man
Neo-Vedanta Buck
This will now stuck
On you  [:D]
Wikipedia relied on and quoted these sources and was again quoted here
on this very very FFL forum as a fact
Neo-Vedanta Buck you as a conservative American (meditator?) and 
unified-field-cavalry-man you will not question the authority of the
Christianity Todaymagazine ?
Will-y You?
   And its founder

* Billy Graham who is taking the conservative theological position
but a definite liberal approach to social problems only ?or

*  Irving Hexham Professor of Religious Studies at the University of
Calgary, Alberta, Canada,elected Fellow of the Centre for Military and
Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary and author of Forget
about academic fraud? Were you sexually harassed? incl.'The Origin of
Yogic Religions,' ,
? Will(y) You?

Irving Hexham

How about a unified-field-cavalry attack
  or with real(Trojan ) horses
hexham@... (Irving Hexham's email at  ucalgary.ca)
against the Germans--uh -Canada- uhhh-UK Apologetics Hexham with War
something to sit up mindful:
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
  why oh why oh why
  do I hear -yes  why
  hear the laughter of butterflies
  about to flutter by
  International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative
  Intelligence [;)]
  TM was founded as the International Meditation Society for the
  of Creative Intelligence in 1961.:
  Mere Transcendental Meditation:The basic concepts of neo-Vedanta
  philosophy(et Kennedy, John W; Hexham., Irving (January 8, 2001).
  of TM dreams. Christianity Today 45 (1): pp. 74–79.)
  and now in Wiki
  In 1961, the Maharishi created the International Meditation
  for the Science of Creative Intelligence

 Meru, I been called a lot of things but never a 'neo-Vedantain'.
 -Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: my generic TM response to http://www.reddit.com/r/meditation questions

2012-05-31 Thread Richard J. Williams

 Maharishi taped the 33 lessons for the SCI course in 
 June of 1972 in Fiuggi Fonte, Italy. This is a fact.  

My point was that MMY talked about the 'Science of Being' 
and made films and recordingd since at least 1959; later 
he called it 'SCI', but there's nothing in SCI that MMY 
covered before. But, in 1964 when I was with JJ at SIMS 
there were many recordings available in which the science 
was explained. 

How could Barry have missed out on the science part?

   Back when I started TM, there was no science 
   to back it up. That only began to appear long 
   after I'd learned TM...
  MMY created the International Meditation Society 
  for the Science of Creative Intelligence back in 
  1961 and 1971 was termed by SIMS as Maharishi's 
  Year of Science of Creative Intelligence. 
  The Second International Symposium on the Science 
  of Creative Intelligence was held in 1971 at the 
  Humboldt State University campus in California.
  When I started TM with back in 1964 at SIMS, SCI 
  was already a sophisticated thirty-three section 
  course. You must have been sleeping. R.K. Wallace's 
  TM research article appeared in Scientific American 
  magazine in 1972. The Relaxation Response by 
  Herbert Benson was published in 1975.

[FairfieldLife] Cyprus: TV, radio interviews bring T M to a wide audience

2012-05-31 Thread merlin
Cyprus: TV, radio interviews bring 

Transcendental Meditation to a wide audience
by Global Good News staff writer

Global Good News   
28 May 2012

In addition to visiting five universities on the island of Cyprus, Dr 
Bevan Morris gave several television and radio interviews during his 
time there. 

Dr Morris, president of Maharishi University of Management, toured Cyprus with 
the same purpose as in every location on his recent tour of Africa and other 
Mediterranean countries. The tour was designed to bring the knowledge and 
technologies of consciousness of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi—including the 
Transcendental Meditation Programme—to the attention of the leadership of the 
country, as a means of solving problems and promoting permanent peace and 
prosperity. To 
this end, he met with local and national media outlets to talk about 
these programmes. 

In northern Cyprus, the part of the island 
affiliated with Turkey, Dr Morris gave one radio and two television 
interviews. About one interview he commented that the journalist 'was 
very interested, very curious' about the whole programme. 

Morris also went to a television station in the city of Nicosia. He 
noted that the experience of being interviewed is always an interesting 

'As [the reporter] is listening you can feel their mind 
shift from being an interviewer to being a human being, and they begin 
to think, ''I should do this [Transcendental Meditation] because it just
 sounds so important.'' ' 

That television show 'goes out on 
cable television in Turkey and anywhere Turkic people are, which is all 
through central Asia. So [the interview] may have had fairly 
far-reaching influence.' 

As well as giving media interviews, Dr
 Morris also had a meeting with the president of northern Cyprus, adding
 that the president's translator had travelled and studied in Iowa, USA,
 and felt an instant connection with the delegation representing 
Maharishi University of Management, which is located in Fairfield, Iowa. 

The president listened closely to the presentation, Dr Morris said. 

Theodore Pizanis, director of the Transcendental Meditation Programme 
in southern Cyprus, commented upon Dr Morris's visit as a catalyst for 
promoting harmony and integration in the country. 

'We look 
forward to materializing all these things . . . in both the north and 
the south, and working together to make the island a peaceful, 
harmonious, and well-integrated place again.' 

© Copyright 2012 Global Good News® 

[FairfieldLife] Sign Petition on Water Meter Opt Out: Status Report

2012-05-31 Thread Rick Archer
-- Forwarded Message
From: Brian Horsfield brhorsfi...@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 07:45:22 -0500
To: Fairfield SafeMeters fairfieldsafemet...@gmail.com
Subject: Water Meter Opt Out: Status Report

I copy below the email from Michael Halley regarding the status of the opt
out plan. Fairfield residents who want to opt out of the city's preferred
choice of the Neptune E-Coder radio read water meter will be given the
choice to opt out to the Neptune touchpad meter for an extra fee described
below.  This Touchpad option is what most Fairfield residents have now and
is offered as an opt out to the E-Coder in another city, St Paul MN for no
extra charge. See http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19769476/StPaulPioneer.pdf

The City Council's proposal will be given 2 more public readings at the next
2 City Council meetings (held every 2 weeks). You are very welcome to come
and comment. You can also email or phone your City Council member, contact
info posted at: http://cityoffairfieldiowa.com/index.aspx?nid=114

My personal view is that the Touchpad option should be free, and should be
the preferred choice of the City not the E-Coder. The cost savings haven't
been clearly presented, we are told it costs the City $100 to purchase plus
$75 an hour to have a touchpad installed and $10 extra a month to read it,
but will cost the customer nothing to have the E-Coder installed as this is
the preferred meter the City wants to use.  The touchpad requires a meter
reader to walk up to the house and touch a pad on the exterior of the house
to get a reading once a month, instead of getting a reading transmitted to
the truck passing in the street once a month in the case of the E-Coder.
They anticipate if all homes had E-Coders the city would need to employ one
meter reader instead of two.

The longer term option the City is interested in due to the opposition to
the E-Coder is the wired solution using the internet or phone lines to
transmit the data. This is actually quite complex and requires a deep
collaboration and cooperation amongst 4 parties involved:
1) The meter manufacturers: Neptune and Badger. (they may not be cooperative
if they see this as a competition to the higher priced E-Coder)
2) A specialist firm supplying equipment to extract data from the meters for
wired transmission
3) The Waterworks Dept accounting system
4) The Customer, with many different types of phone and internet hardware
systems, and some homes that have no internet or landline phone.

My opinion is that Touchpad is the best of the available options right now,
and the cost savings of eliminating one meter reader's job must be offset
against the health risks to customers of having E-Coders pulsing RF signals
every 14 seconds inside their home, and also the higher cost of purchasing
and installing these more sophisticated meters.  Against these costs I think
the cost of a years salary for a meter will be small in comparison.

The petition is still open and closing in on 10% of Fairfield residents now.
Please encourage your friends to sign. And check often as I am posting
regular news updates there at:
or the shortened version: http://tinyurl.com/FairfieldSmartMeterPetition

Thanks for supporting Safer Water Meters in Fairfield!


Brian Horsfield, PhD.
E-mail: fairfieldsafemet...@gmail.com

Dear All,

Tuesday night the city council voted unanimously to move the wireless meter
opt-out program from its first to second of three readings. This is the
first step in addressing citizen concerns about possible health effects from
the meters. Our opt out program should be ready to go in the next few weeks.

The second step is to look at possibilities of using a wired system of meter
reading, replacing the need for any wireless meters. We council members on
the Environment Committee will continue to work with a spokesperson from the
citizen meter group on exploring affordable wired options that can fit
within the waterworks department's budget. We will keep everyone posted on
our progress as things unfold.

My request to all of you is to please respect the process and refrain from
sending emotionally-charged, alarmist messages to your elected officials. We
all want to protect our citizens' rights, which is why we're moving so
quickly on the opt-out program. The secondary goal of finding an alternative
to all wireless meters will most likely come to fruition by allowing work to
be done through the proper channels (i.e. citizens to committee, committee
to waterworks dept, etc.). I sincerely want to find a solution that everyone
can feel good about so please be supportive of our work towards that

Thank you all for having the courage and conviction to express your views on
this topic. We, your public servants, will continue to work 

[FairfieldLife] Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck
The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  The ME. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New movie: Memorial Day Celebration

2012-05-31 Thread Bhairitu
On 05/30/2012 10:13 PM, raunchydog wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 05/29/2012 08:48 PM, raunchydog wrote:
 I graduated from the Flip. After talking to the guys at Best Buy I decided 
 to get a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V instead of a clunky camcorder that 
 doesn't take good pictures. The Sony zooms to 20X, it has terrific 
 resolution, 18.2 mega pixels.  It's perfect for short clips. I finally got 
 the hang of Windows Movie Maker, and I'm feeling more confident trying out 
 fancier effects. It turns out WMM is actually less cumbersome to use than 
 Flip editor. http://youtu.be/iVuqYEjWLjQ

 Nice.  I wonder why Sony doesn't do 24fps? Everyone else does.  And they
 didn't give you at least a SE of their editor (as stripped down version
 of Vegas)?

 I downloaded Sony's editing software. The file organizer was similar to 
 windows live photo gallery, but it was wonky, files appeared and disappeared 
 for no apparent reason, nothing was where I thought it was supposed to be. 
 Strike one. Sony linked to a Youtube editing demo, which recommended giving 
 access to my entire collection of photos and videos for online storage. 
 Strike two. I'm adverse to anything cloud. Here's the kicker: the editor 
 needs a play station in order to work. Cost, $244. Strike three!

 I recently shopped and compared video editors and decided against getting 
 one. I figured that since there would be a learning curve with anything I 
 purchased, I might as well suck it up and learn how to use Windows Movie 
 Maker for free.

 Now that I'm feeling my oats and Windows Movie Maker has been showing me a 
 good time, I've ditched Flip for a better looking 18.2 mega pixel high 
 resolution hottie, a sweet young thing that can Zoom 20X and never get tired. 
 Sorry Flip, Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX30V is just too sexy, too sexy for my love.

I never liked the Sony software either other than it DID have color 
curves in it which is a very powerful tool for adjusting colors.  Their 
consumer level product is Sony Movie Studio and Vegas is probably the 
one they wanted you to buy for $244 though it is usually more like 
$500.  Any editor is going to have it's learning curve but once learned 
becomes very powerful.  BTW, I know someone who was on the project team 
for that editor and told me it was a mess under the hood. :-D

Adobe Premiere was my first editor and updates were quite cheap for 
awhile.  It was buggy though and would crash occasionally.  But it had a 
lot of nice features and movies are being edited with it these days.

My main editor for quite awhile stretching into the HD period was Ulead 
Media Studio Pro which made frame editing great.  But Ulead more or less 
discontinued the product and then Corel bought them.

Since Magix Movie Magic Plus was cheap I tried it and I now used version 
17 of that which cost all of $20 but has a lot of features.  I have also 
used the Avid consumer editor which I didn't like either.  Avid seemed 
to have no clue about how to do a consumer product though they are big 
standard in feature films and TV editing.

To give you an idea of the candy store I have a mere 8 miles away 
where I can pick up deals on stuff here's Fry's ad.  It is electronics 
store based on the slim profit margin supermarket model.  No wonder, the 
Fry's family who are from this town, started out running a grocery chain 
and later started adding electronics then sold off the grocery chain and 
focused on electronics.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

 The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
 a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  The ME.

Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed 
to be important for the success of the community. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Emily Reyn
Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender (unless 
it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I 
haven't done any research to answer it myself.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  

 From: marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't sleep 
 but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are laying down 
 and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
 In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How they 
 do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off to them.
 PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
 you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and whip 
 the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape up or ship 
 out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a wrathful and 
 vengeful god?
 Marek in the water.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  You know, both from experience and evidently the science I am full of hope 
  for the Dome group meditation program but damit, some overseer needs to be 
  going along and summarily ask the nodders masquerading as meditators to 
  leave the dome. What a bunch of nodding duds. Spiritual slugs. 
  There it was again, an area of the dome I sat in this morning has fifteen 
  people sitting, only a third of them were awake. Jeezus.
  It's this way up and down the line further. Two thirds to three quarters 
  asleep at their posts.
  There should at least be black tea service at the Dome before meditation or 
  kick the sleepers and nodders out as the drag they are on world 
  consciousness. Contribute or get out. Sit the heck up and meditate or go 
  -Buck in the Dome
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   That is sooo funny and sooo perfect.  No excuse! :)
From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:18 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
   xiaang(rï¾Æ'。ng) baan- kyï¾…è¡Å'aku
I know people who say that they love going to the dome because they 
sleep so well there.

A rather arrogant attitude, IMO.

Nablusoss is correct on that.
I think it is incredibly disrespectful of the whole group meditation 
whence some would come in and just lay down.  Yep it's just a wont of 
character in those laying down in the Dome during meditation.Shows 
a blight of character.  It's like they just give up.  This needs a 
General Patton to come along and slap them up on the side of their dumb 
knuckle heads.  Help them get their spiritual self-respect back.
-Buck in the Dome 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:55 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com , Rick Archer rick@ 
   Om, dare we use the words, Sit up and 'mindfully' attend to the
  meditation. ? I've been 

[FairfieldLife] Eating well: Moringa on Dr. Oz Show

2012-05-31 Thread fraakind
Dear friends,

We often hear the lies about how productive GMO food is, or how necessary 
pesticides are. In reality, there are many plants who are - by nature - 
resilient and can adapt to different climates and flourish even if there are 
parasites around. But guess what, information about these source of green, 
sustainable food are often hidden from the main-stream media. Is it because, in 
the information age of Internet, no one knows about it? Or because they prefer 
to keep us ignoring these healthy, sustainable and affordable options? Please 
share with us other plants etc. with high nutrition value and that can be grown 
for personal use, on a small scale. We are compiling a list of them. Also, 
please share this email with your closests friends, because you are the only 
one who can. If you don't, the stream of information stops here. Thanks.

For now, we released a book (free as we write) about Moringa Oleifera. It is 
one of the most useful tree in the world. With highly nutritious leaves,it 
provides significant amounts of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, protein, 
iron and potassium. It is GMO-free, does not require pesticides and it grows 
with little/no fertilizers (for small scale, personal use). The more we learn 
and share about it online, the more mainstream media will have to talk about 
it. It has been featured on Dr. Show in April 2012, a video can be found on 

You can discover how you can benefit from Moringa Oleifera, and get an overview 
of how to grow it if you decide to, with the book (free as we write):

Thanks for reading and sharing. Jai Guru Dev.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender 
 (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
 philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I 
 haven't done any research to answer it myself.  

Emily, you got it. There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
also PR and rumors about what was going on inside, and there is an element of 
caste and dis-empowering by divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  
It's a small top-down organization where the top and access was strictly 
limited, actively doled out and a lot of subjugating happening in process.  
Someone was saying the other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  
Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their own way and filter 
the annoying stuff.  In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight 
remnant of what it once was. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
  sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
  laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
  In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How 
  they do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off to 
  PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
  you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and whip 
  the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape up or 
  ship out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a 
  wrathful and vengeful god?
  Marek in the water.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   You know, both from experience and evidently the science I am full of 
   hope for the Dome group meditation program but damit, some overseer needs 
   to be going along and summarily ask the nodders masquerading as 
   meditators to leave the dome. What a bunch of nodding duds. Spiritual 
   There it was again, an area of the dome I sat in this morning has fifteen 
   people sitting, only a third of them were awake. Jeezus.
   It's this way up and down the line further. Two thirds to three quarters 
   asleep at their posts.
   There should at least be black tea service at the Dome before meditation 
   or kick the sleepers and nodders out as the drag they are on world 
   consciousness. Contribute or get out. Sit the heck up and meditate or go 
   -Buck in the Dome
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
That is sooo funny and sooo perfect.  No excuse! :)

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
Sounding Taps

xiaang(rï¾Æ'。ng) baan- kyï¾…è¡Å'aku

 I know people who say that they love going to the dome because they 
 sleep so well there.
 A rather arrogant attitude, IMO.
 Nablusoss is correct on that.
 I think it is incredibly disrespectful of the whole group meditation 
 whence some would come in and just lay down.  Yep it's just a wont of 
 character in those laying down in the Dome during meditation.
 Shows a blight of 

[FairfieldLife] GURU PURNIMA 2012 Global Summer Assembly

2012-05-31 Thread merlin


GURU PURNIMA 2012 Global Summer Assembly  
web page | PDF 

Click to image to see the video presentation

Global Summer Assembly  
The Rajas, Raj Rajeshwaris, and Ministers of the Global Country of World Peace 
warmly invite all Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators from all countries to 
participate in the Global Summer Assembly, celebrating the full sunshine of 
Pure Knowledge at MERU, Holland.
* Full Assembly (29 June – 15 July) includes all programmes detailed in 
this announcement.
* Phase 1 of the Assembly (29 June – 8 July) will also include a 
special conference for all National Directors under the guidance of Maharaja 
Adhiraj Rajaraam, Guru Purnima celebrations on 3 July including Rudrabhishek 
Peace Yagya by Maharishi Vedic Pandits. Also on 29, 30 June, and 1 July 
everyone will enjoy fabulous Maharishi Gandharva Veda concerts.
* Short Assembly (29 June – 4 July) will include Guru Purnima 
celebrations on 3 July including Rudra­bhishek Peace Yagya, and from 29 June to 
1 July, fabulous Maharishi Gan­dharva Veda concerts.
* GMDO Directors and ladies who would like to participate in the 
all-ladies assembly can enjoy an enlightening GMDO Fifth International Congress 
2012 (22 – 28 June) with the Raj Rajeshwaris and Mother Divine. Participants 
will have the option to extend and attend the Guru Purnima assemblies described 
Daily Highlights 
* Group Programme—‘Every individual should be full of life, very highly 
energetic with the light of life from within, and then all advancement in every 
field of man's concern will be possible. For this opportunity, for this 
possibility of human existence that man could be advancing more, he could be 
more—he could accept the challenge of time and would not give in to defeat of 
advancement and progress, no. Progress will be more and more, advancement will 
be more and more, civilization will be better and better, and for this we ring 
the bell of every home, “come on, meditate”.’ —Maharishi
* Daily Enlightening Historic Video Lectures by Maharishi
* Recitations by the Maharishi Vedic Pandits—Enlivening the impulses of 
Creative Intelligence that reside in your own self-referral awareness by 
enjoying daily recitations performed by Maharishi Vedic Pandits. 

Guru Purnima Day at MERU—3 July 2012
A Warm Invitation for Your Presence at
The Annual Global Celebration of Guru Purnima—
Celebrating the Eternal Vedic Tradition of Knowledge
Featuring Rudrabhishek Yagya for World Peace 
 Guru Purnima is that special full moon day in the year when we come together 
to offer all our gratitude and our year’s achievements to Guru Dev, Maharishi, 
and the Holy Tradition of Masters. 
Participants at the MERU Assembly will have the unique opportunity to attend 
global Guru Puja and enjoy an historic Guru­Purnima address by Maharishi.
An additional highlight of the Assembly will be live performance of a 
Rudrabhishek Peace Yagya by Maharishi Vedic Pandits. This will be performed 
outside in front of Maharishi’s House on a stage over the pond with the 
audience comfortably seated in a covered grandstand and surrounded by the 
beautiful natural environment of the Meinweg Forest.
Rudrabhishek is that powerful Yagya which is especially vital for creating 
peace in the world and connects the flow of human life on earth with its silent 
source in the field of the Transcendent—the field of eternal peace.  
Global National Directors’ Conference—29 June – 8 July 

 National Directors and the 12 Directors of the Global Country of World Peace 
from all countries are invited to join this conference to offer their 
achievements and enliven the future success of Maharishi's Movement everywhere.

The Global Conference from 29 June – 8 July will be presided overby Maharaja 
Adhiraj Rajaraam.
Prime Minister Bevan Morris will guide the proceedings in the presence of the 
Rajas and Ministers.   
‘Let us be together, let us eat together, let us be vital together, let us be 
radiating truth, radiating the light of life. Never shall we denounce anyone, 
never entertain negativity.’ —Taittiriya Upanishad
The conference will have a rich programme and include many presentations on 
different subjects. This will be a great opportunity for National Directors to 
consolidate and strengthen their countries' activities in the presence of their 

Global Mother Divine Organisation
Fifth International Congress, 22 – 28 June 2012
 with option to extend and attend the
Guru Purnima Assembly as a special guest of GMDO 
The Raj Rajeshwaris of the Global Country of World Peace warmly welcome all 
lady Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators to join us for our Fifth International 
Congress of the Global Mother Divine Organisation (GMDO). 
We hope that every country will send a delegation, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Share Long
To that I'd say that the question might be relevant even if you haven't done 
any research on it.  Asking is a form of research, yes?

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:32 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender (unless 
it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I 
haven't done any research to answer it myself.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 

 From: Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  

 From: marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't sleep 
 but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are laying down 
 and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
 In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How they 
 do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off to them.
 PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
 you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and whip 
 the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape up or ship 
 out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a wrathful and 
 vengeful god?
 Marek in the water.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  You know, both from experience and evidently the science I am full of hope 
  for the Dome group meditation program but damit, some overseer needs to be 
  going along and summarily ask the nodders masquerading as meditators to 
  leave the dome. What a bunch of nodding duds. Spiritual slugs. 
  There it was again, an area of the dome I sat in this morning has fifteen 
  people sitting, only a third of them were awake. Jeezus.
  It's this way up and down the line further. Two thirds to three quarters 
  asleep at their posts.
  There should at least be black tea service at the Dome before meditation or 
  kick the sleepers and nodders out as the drag they are on world 
  consciousness. Contribute or get out. Sit the heck up and meditate or go 
  -Buck in the Dome
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   That is sooo funny and sooo perfect.  No excuse! :)
From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:18 AM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
   xiaang(rï¾Æ'。ng) baan- kyï¾…è¡Å'aku
I know people who say that they love going to the dome because they 
sleep so well there.

A rather arrogant attitude, IMO.

Nablusoss is correct on that.
I think it is incredibly disrespectful of the whole group meditation 
whence some would come in and just lay down.  Yep it's just a wont of 
character in those laying down in the Dome during meditation.Shows 
a blight of character.  It's like they just give up.  This needs a 
General Patton to come along and slap them up on the side of their dumb 
knuckle heads.  Help them get their spiritual self-respect back.
-Buck in the Dome 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Rick Archer rick@ wrote:

 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
 Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2012 12:55 PM

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Share Long
Maybe dividing by gender was just an easy way to avoid having to build one 
gigantic Dome.

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender 
 (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
 philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I 
 haven't done any research to answer it myself.  

Emily, you got it. There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
also PR and rumors about what was going on inside, and there is an element of 
caste and dis-empowering by divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  
It's a small top-down organization where the top and access was strictly 
limited, actively doled out and a lot of subjugating happening in process.  
Someone was saying the other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  
Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their own way and filter 
the annoying stuff.  In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight 
remnant of what it once was. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
  sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
  laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
  In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How 
  they do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off to 
  PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
  you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and whip 
  the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape up or 
  ship out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a 
  wrathful and vengeful god?
  Marek in the water.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
   You know, both from experience and evidently the science I am full of 
   hope for the Dome group meditation program but damit, some overseer needs 
   to be going along and summarily ask the nodders masquerading as 
   meditators to leave the dome. What a bunch of nodding duds. Spiritual 
   There it was again, an area of the dome I sat in this morning has fifteen 
   people sitting, only a third of them were awake. Jeezus.
   It's this way up and down the line further. Two thirds to three quarters 
   asleep at their posts.
   There should at least be black tea service at the Dome before meditation 
   or kick the sleepers and nodders out as the drag they are on world 
   consciousness. Contribute or get out. Sit the heck up and meditate or go 
   -Buck in the Dome
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
That is sooo funny and sooo perfect.  No excuse! :)

 From: merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:18 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
Sounding Taps

xiaang(rï¾Æ'。ng) baan- kyï¾…è¡Å'aku

 I know people who say that they love going to the dome because they 
 sleep so well there.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating well: Moringa on Dr. Oz Show

2012-05-31 Thread Alex Stanley
I'm gonna let this one slide, but it's a wee bit more along the lines of a 
commercial advertisement than I like.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, fraakind fraakind@... wrote:

 Dear friends,
 We often hear the lies about how productive GMO food is, or how necessary 
 pesticides are. In reality, there are many plants who are - by nature - 
 resilient and can adapt to different climates and flourish even if there are 
 parasites around. But guess what, information about these source of green, 
 sustainable food are often hidden from the main-stream media. Is it because, 
 in the information age of Internet, no one knows about it? Or because they 
 prefer to keep us ignoring these healthy, sustainable and affordable options? 
 Please share with us other plants etc. with high nutrition value and that can 
 be grown for personal use, on a small scale. We are compiling a list of them. 
 Also, please share this email with your closests friends, because you are the 
 only one who can. If you don't, the stream of information stops here. Thanks.
 For now, we released a book (free as we write) about Moringa Oleifera. It is 
 one of the most useful tree in the world. With highly nutritious leaves,it 
 provides significant amounts of beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, protein, 
 iron and potassium. It is GMO-free, does not require pesticides and it grows 
 with little/no fertilizers (for small scale, personal use). The more we learn 
 and share about it online, the more mainstream media will have to talk about 
 it. It has been featured on Dr. Show in April 2012, a video can be found on 
 You can discover how you can benefit from Moringa Oleifera, and get an 
 overview of how to grow it if you decide to, with the book (free as we write):
 Thanks for reading and sharing. Jai Guru Dev.

[FairfieldLife] Sunday afternoon: Dr. Morris to speak on his tour of Africa

2012-05-31 Thread Dick Mays
During our IA Assembly's Experience Meeting, Bevan said this meeting should be 
open to our Community.

From: MUM Development Office developm...@mum.edu
Subject: Sunday afternoon: Dr. Morris to speak on his tour of Africa
Date: May 31, 2012 11:35:41 AM CDT

Dr. Bevan Morris will speak to the community this Sunday afternoon, June 3, at 
1:30 p.m. in Dalby Hall, showing slides of his recent 100-day tour of 14 
African nations and 5 Mediterranean nations.

During his tour, Dr. Morris met with two presidents, a prime minister, two 
meditating former presidents, 16 ministers and deputy ministers, and many other 
government leaders and educators -- and found an unparalleled level of 
receptivity to Consciousness-Based education and Maharishi's other programs. He 
also visited our Consciousness-Based schools in various countries in Africa. 

Come and enjoy the stories and pictures of this remarkable journey.

[FairfieldLife] Re: International Meditation Society for the Science of Creative Intelligence

2012-05-31 Thread Richard J. Williams
 In 1961, the Maharishi created the International 
 Meditation Society for the Science of Creative 
The definitive presentation of TM (1) as interpreted by the 
founder of the Science of Creative Intelligence (2) recorded 
live at Jones Hall, on Saturday, at 7:42 p.m. October 20, in 
Houston, Texas 1972.

The practice is to bring the transcendental conciousness 
out into activity. The practice establishes a permanent 
state of unbounded bliss conciousness (1). I owe all this 
knowledge to my Master. It is his teaching (2). - MMY

1. A Promise for the Family of Man
'An Introduction to SCI'
By Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Live, Jones Hall, Houston, 1972
VHS Video, 60 min. Color.
MIU Historic Film Series

2. Ibid. Video. VHS. Color. 60 min.
Historic Film Series
Maharishi International University

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Buck
Someone is going to get a thesis out of it sooner or later.  Women and 
Transcendental Meditation.  For instance, 

There's some books being researched and written on TM.  So far not much 
interest on the particular history of TM and gender.  I'm thinking some of the 
professional writers here in their free time, Turqb?, could pencil an abstract 
on the subject as a guide.
-Buck in the Dome  


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Maybe dividing by gender was just an easy way to avoid having to build one 
 gigantic Dome.
  From: Buck 
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:56 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender 
  (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
  philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as 
  I haven't done any research to answer it myself.  
 Emily, you got it. There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
 also PR and rumors about what was going on inside, and there is an element of 
 caste and dis-empowering by divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  
 It's a small top-down organization where the top and access was strictly 
 limited, actively doled out and a lot of subjugating happening in process.  
 Someone was saying the other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  
 Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their own way and 
 filter the annoying stuff.  In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny 
 tight remnant of what it once was. 
   From: Share Long sharelong60@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in 
  the Dome.
   From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I 
   don't sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high 
   schoolers are laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd 
   like to know.
   In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my 
   opinion.  How they do it day after day, year after year is beyond 
   me.  So hats off to them.
   PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
From: marekreavis reavismarek@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
   Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
   you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and 
   whip the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape 
   up or ship out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a 
   wrathful and vengeful god?
   Marek in the water.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
You know, both from experience and evidently the science I am full of 
hope for the Dome group meditation program but damit, some overseer 
needs to be going along and summarily ask the nodders masquerading as 
meditators to leave the dome. What a bunch of nodding duds. Spiritual 
There it was again, an area of the dome I sat in this morning has 
fifteen people sitting, only a third of them were awake. Jeezus.
It's this way up and down the line further. Two thirds to three 
quarters asleep at their posts.
There should at least be black tea service at the Dome before 
meditation or kick the sleepers and nodders out as the drag they are on 
world consciousness. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated 
  by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it 
  heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.  It's alright 
  though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
  research to answer it myself.  
 Emily, you got it. 

Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
Separation of the sexes has been a facet of the TMO 
since the mid-70s. ATR (advanced courses for TM 
teachers) and teacher training courses in Europe have 
been held at different facilities for men and women 
(I refuse to use the TM euphemism ladies) pretty 
much without exception since that time. 

In the US, back when I ran the Regional Office that
coordinated in-residence courses for TMers during that
period of time, International Staff in Switzerland
(read Bliss Nazis) demanded that we segregate our
courses as well. We refused, for pragmatic as well as
moral reasons. For example, the facilities we dealt
with would have ceased working with us if we'd asked
them to violate state laws by creating segregated
courses. International staff even at one point 
wanted us to prevent married couples from sharing 
a room; they became apoplectic over the phone when
we told them that the facilities we worked with had
no problem with unmarried couples (or gay couples)
sharing a room. We may have been TBs at the time, 
but even most of the TBs hated the Bliss Nazis. :-)

 There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
 also PR and rumors about what was going on inside...

Not all of them were rumors. :-) Not in flying domes,
which did not come into existence until I was leaving
the TMO, but on non-segregated ATR courses in the US
there was a completely normal indulgence in...uh...
fraternization and sex. On my last such course at Cobb
Mountain in Northern California, many participants
noted that they went there rather than to Europe 
because We can get laid here, and we can't there.
It was the Seventies, before AIDS and before the
Indian prudery had taken over the TMO completely. :-)

 ...and there is an element of caste and dis-empowering by 
 divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  

What Buck is trying NOT to say is that women have *never*
had any position of power within the TMO. Segregating 
the women physically was a reflection of this reality 
more than it was a strategy for enforcing it. 

 It's a small top-down organization where the top and access 
 was strictly limited, actively doled out and a lot of 
 subjugating happening in process.  Someone was saying the 
 other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  

I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.

 Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their 
 own way and filter the annoying stuff.  

Another way of saying this is that most people just 
STFU and accepted it, because of the all-important
mantra Maharishisez.

 In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight remnant 
 of what it once was. 

And yet, still the same as it ever was.

   From: Share Long sharelong60@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in 
  the Dome.
   From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
   sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
   laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
   In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How 
   they do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off 
   to them.
   PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
From: marekreavis reavismarek@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Someone is going to get a thesis out of it sooner or later.  
 Women and Transcendental Meditation.  For instance, 
 There's some books being researched and written on TM.  So 
 far not much interest on the particular history of TM and 
 gender.  I'm thinking some of the professional writers here 
 in their free time, Turqb?, could pencil an abstract on the 
 subject as a guide.
 -Buck in the Dome  

See the post that follows this one, Buck. 

If you still want me to write such a book, get back to me. :-)

I've encountered very few spiritual movements that treated
women as badly, and with as little respect, as the TMO. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: my generic TM response to http://www.reddit.com/r/meditation questions

2012-05-31 Thread Richard J. Williams

 And despite the TMO/MUM declaration that SCI was 
 founded in 1970, that is apocryphal rewrite of 
 history, I believe...

Apparently a lot of SIMS folks don't realize that SCI 
had been a part of MMY's SRM program by 1964. 

So, MMY created the International Meditation Society 
for the Science of Creative Intelligence in 1961. 

'Transcendental Meditation technique'

The SCI 'tapes' were recorded in 1972 and before that
hundreds of hours of film. But, somehow Barry missed 
out on all the science! Go figure.

An Annotated Reference:

On the level of common sense we INFER that there 
must be something underlying all activity. We are 
POSTULATING that at the basis of creation there is 
an unbounded reservoir of energy and intelligence 

Deep at the source of thought is unbounded bliss 
conciousness. The mind takes that direction 
spontaneously, NOT through practice. I am empahasizing 
the effortlessnes of Transcendental Meditation. It 
is NOT the practice of taking that direction. NOT 

It is the nature of the mind to move in a direction 
of greater happiness. The practice is NOT NEEDED to 
reach the goal. - MMY

1. 'A Promise for the Family of Man'
'An Introduction to SCI'
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Audio Cassette, 60 min.
SIMS Film and Tape Library 1972

2. Ibid. Audio Cassette Tape. 60 min.
MIU Film and Tape Library 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Richard J. Williams

  It's a small top-down organization where the top 
  and access was strictly limited, actively doled 
  out and a lot of subjugating happening in process.  
  Someone was saying the other day, no it was not 
  a cult, it is a culture...  
 I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.
Now isn't that the pot calling the kettle black!

From Pat:

You seem like some typical cult casualty of the 
sixties and seventies,most of your youth in cults, 
first Rama then TM, now some weird cynical Tantra
where you hide behind smilies to cover up your 
bitterness and agression while dumping your cynical 
opinions on everyone.

You still maintain phantasies about TM and Rama at 
the same time attacking both. At least Willytex 
believes he has found something authentic and has
stuck by it all these years and does not have the 
agression and bitterness you have. At least he is 
consistent; he might even have taken something in
TM and found something authentic for himself, who 

You are one mixed up sad old man embittered because 
you never found the holy grail you were falsely 
promised by your gurus. I doubt you will ever find
anything authentic spiritually for yourself; you 
need some guru to indoctrinate you with false 
promises; then you whinge like a baby when you
have invested all the time and money in your gurus 
and believe you have not got your candy.

You are cult fodder Unc. always wondering about 
your image and status, a herd mentality follower 
with a simplistic mind behind all the tantra stuff.
Hence your simplistic childish remarks dividing 
people up into losers and winners based on whether 
they go out before or after ten pm. Image and
status and how you are perceived are all important 
to you Unc.

Read more:

Subject: Re: To Unc
Author: Pat
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: August 10, 2003 7:40 am

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  Someone is going to get a thesis out of it sooner or later.  
  Women and Transcendental Meditation.  For instance, 
  There's some books being researched and written on TM.  So 
  far not much interest on the particular history of TM and 
  gender.  I'm thinking some of the professional writers here 
  in their free time, Turqb?, could pencil an abstract on the 
  subject as a guide.
  -Buck in the Dome  
 See the post that follows this one, Buck. 
 If you still want me to write such a book, get back to me. :-)
 I've encountered very few spiritual movements that treated
 women as badly, and with as little respect, as the TMO.

Well, a quick read of yours and a search of the FFL archive someone is going to 
cut their academic teeth on something 'gender and TM':

[FairfieldLife] Re: Women and the Transcendental Meditation movement.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 Annual Conference,
 2012 Conference Theme: Women in Communes
 and Related Issues of Boundedness, Identity, and Standing
 OCTOBER 4 – 6, 2012
 The Communal Studies Association publishes a scholarly journal twice yearly 
 (spring and fall) containing peer-reviewed articles on communal groups past 
 and present, with an emphasis on those in the United States.   
  A Call for papers to be published:
  To examine the lives of women in communes, we invite papers that might 
  address, but are not limited to, such topics as: How were standards of 
  gender constructed in communes and how did they differ from dominant, 
  outside constructs? What were women's expectations and experiences of 
  community life? How do researchers get that information? Did the women have 
  access to personal and/or political power? Did women experience greater or 
  reduced opportunities for education and self-development in communes? To 
  what extent did communal women control their own bodies and duties? How 
  were decisions made—for them or by them? 
  The Communal Studies Association publishes a scholarly journal twice yearly 
  (spring and fall) containing peer-reviewed articles on communal groups past 
  and present, with an emphasis on those in the United States.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck  wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated 
   by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it 
   heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.  It's alright 
   though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
   research to answer it myself.  
  Emily, you got it. 
 Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
 Separation of the sexes has been a facet of the TMO 
 since the mid-70s. ATR (advanced courses for TM 
 teachers) and teacher training courses in Europe have 
 been held at different facilities for men and women 
 (I refuse to use the TM euphemism ladies) pretty 
 much without exception since that time. 
 In the US, back when I ran the Regional Office that
 coordinated in-residence courses for TMers during that
 period of time, International Staff in Switzerland
 (read Bliss Nazis) demanded that we segregate our
 courses as well. We refused, for pragmatic as well as
 moral reasons. For example, the facilities we dealt
 with would have ceased working with us if we'd asked
 them to violate state laws by creating segregated
 courses. International staff even at one point 
 wanted us to prevent married couples from sharing 
 a room; they became apoplectic over the phone when
 we told them that the facilities we worked with had
 no problem with unmarried couples (or gay couples)
 sharing a room. We may have been TBs at the time, 
 but even most of the TBs hated the Bliss Nazis. :-)
  There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
  also PR and rumors about what was going on inside...
 Not all of them were rumors. :-) Not in flying domes,
 which did not come into existence until I was leaving
 the TMO, but on non-segregated ATR courses in the US
 there was a completely normal indulgence in...uh...
 fraternization and sex. On my last such course at Cobb
 Mountain in Northern California, many participants
 noted that they went there rather than to Europe 
 because We can get laid here, and we can't there.
 It was the Seventies, before AIDS and before the
 Indian prudery had taken over the TMO completely. :-)

Well, as we've learned from the David Wants to Fly video, evidently the problem 
was from the top-down back in those days.
Yep, obviously free-love was so out of control then that more proper spiritual 
moral values needed to be re-instilled.  It seems to his credit that he brought 
an end to the wont promiscuity and brought things around.   
  ...and there is an element of caste and dis-empowering by 
  divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  
 What Buck is trying NOT to say is that women have *never*
 had any position of power within the TMO. Segregating 
 the women physically was a reflection of this reality 
 more than it was a strategy for enforcing it. 
  It's a small top-down organization where the top and access 
  was strictly limited, actively doled out and a lot of 
  subjugating happening in process.  Someone was saying the 
  other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  
 I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.
  Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their 
  own way and filter the annoying stuff.  
 Another way of saying this is that most people just 
 STFU and accepted it, because of the all-important
 mantra Maharishisez.
  In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight remnant 
  of what it once was. 
 And yet, still the same as it ever was.
From: Share Long sharelong60@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
   Sounding Taps

   It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in 
   the Dome.
From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
   Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
   Sounding Taps

   And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
From: marekreavis reavismarek@
   To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
   Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
   Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

   Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers 
are laying down and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Right...sorry. I'm not clear on why meditators are separated
 by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it
 heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.

Theoretically, males and females have a different quality
of vibes. That's not exactly an esoteric idea, but in
the TM context (and some other spiritual contexts as well)
it has practical implications not generally found in the
nonspiritual context.

The vibe differences are particularly important for group
practice of the TM-Sidhis, since the purpose of the practice
is to generate coherence (i.e., in the collective
consciousness, both among practitioners and in the outside
world). Presumably the coherence is more powerful if the folks
in the group generating it have similar vibes to begin with.

If men and women were to practice in the same group, their
respective vibes would not be in perfect harmony, and
the coherence generated by the practice would therefore not
be as powerful.

As I understand it, it's fine for a man and a woman in a
committed relationship to do their practice together because
the nature of that relationship harmonizes their contrasting
vibes. Not sure about other family relationships--a mother 
and a son, for instance. Maybe someone else knows. (This
assumes they're practicing by themselves rather than in a
big group.)

In addition to this, when it comes to the Yogic Flying part
of the practice, there's also an element similar to the
reasons some women might not feel entirely comfortable
working out in a gym along with men. Hopping is often not
very graceful, and men in particular tend to make various
undignified noises (although the directive for both men and
women is to make as little noise as possible). The sheer
physicality of it would be distracting in a mixed-gender

When I learned Yogic Flying at MUM (then MIU), I was very
scornful of the notion that men's and women's vibes
would conflict enough to warrant separation. We were seated
on opposite sides of the auditorium for lectures; men and
women weren't supposed to associate with each other even
during our free time. (The Yogic Flying part of the TM-
Sidhis course lasted for only two weeks, so I figured I
could live with it, silly as it was.)

At some point after the first week--we'd been doing lots
of meditation--I was out strolling after lunch with a few
of my female buddies when we ran into several of the men,
also out strolling. One of the women knew one of the men,
and we all stopped while they had a conversation.

Entirely unexpectedly and to my complete astonishment, I
had a very powerful sense of my own vibes being almost
violently disrupted by the vibes from these men, even
though I was just standing by, not interacting with them.
Hard to describe, but unmistakeable and quite unpleasant.
I could hardly wait until the conversation was finished
and my buddies and I could walk away. And these were
perfectly inoffensive men, not brutish or crude in any

So I had to conclude there might be a basis for keeping
men and women separated on TM courses or during heavy-duty
practice, as with the TM-Sidhis. I didn't like it much,
but I'd had a very vivid demonstration of it.

I hasten to add that that sense of disruption around men
didn't last once the course was over, thank goodness.
Having been immersed in meditation for days at a time
must have somehow enhanced my sensitivity to the
differences in male and female vibes on that level. As
to the ordinary, non-esoteric vibes in everyday life,
as they say, Vive la différence!

  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
research to answer it myself.  
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
  sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
  laying down and sleeping.  What's 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Richard J. Williams

  On my last such course at Cobb Mountain in Northern 
  California, many participants noted that they went 
  there rather than to Europe because We can get 
  laid here, and we can't there.
So, that's why you quit ATR and moved to Europe.

 Yep, obviously free-love was so out of control then 
 that more proper spiritual moral values needed to be 

Yep, but Turq can still dream!

So I'm in this dream, being systematically seduced 
by a buncha women who are using their obvious sex 
appeal to get me interested in their spiritual trip. 

Because I'm a weak-willed s.o.b., even in the dream 
plane, I go along with it, hoping to score a piece 
of astral...

Read more:

Subject: Strange lucid dream for Jer :-)
Author: Uncle Tantra
Newsgroups: alt.dreams.castaneda
Date: September 10, 2002 12:10 pm

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Emily Reyn
Share..Ha ha...that *is* humorous.  

Re:  relevance.  I didn't want to pose a question that is easily discovered by 
a simple google search (if that was the case).  It's like asking a 100 level 
question in a 400 level class, because one didn't bother to do the homework, 
for example.  My observation is that the vast majority of participants on this 
forum are quite intelligent, intellectual, experienced and well-educated in 
their various passions/practices - at least well enough to have hearty debates 
on the various aspects of spirituality.  

I arrived here through a different channel and have stayed because I get a fair 
amount out of the forum, even without having the specific context.  And, it 
helped pull me out of a pretty severe physical, mental and emotional collapse 
and attendant depression a year ago to where I am now - mostly by letting it 
all wash over and trying to read what was being written and follow the threads. 
 Overall, I find this place encouraging in many ways, challenging, informative, 
real, patient (at least with me) and endlessly humorous.   What Xeno said 
recently in his response to my post about starting Qi Gong was for me, 
brilliant, and spot on in terms of what I need to be doing at this point in my 
life.  Thank you also for sending me that link.

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

Maybe dividing by gender was just an easy way to avoid having to build one 
gigantic Dome.

 From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 11:56 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated by gender 
 (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it heralds back to Hindu 
 philosophy/dogma.  It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I 
 haven't done any research to answer it myself.  

Emily, you got it. There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
also PR and rumors about what was going on inside, and there is an element of 
caste and dis-empowering by divide-and-conquer in running a large movement.  
It's a small top-down organization where the top and access was strictly 
limited, actively doled out and a lot of subjugating happening in process.  
Someone was saying the other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture.  
Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their own way and filter 
the annoying stuff.  In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight 
remnant of what it once was. 

  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
  Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
  sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
  laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
  In any case, IA people are real spiritual warriors in my opinion.  How 
  they do it day after day, year after year is beyond me.  So hats off to 
  PS  Maybe a co-ed Dome would help people stay awake (-:
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 12:34 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Buck, apparently no one on this list goes to the domes to meditate except 
  you. Why don't you assign yourself the job of meditation overseer and whip 
  the spiritual slugs, as you call them, into shape. You know, shape up or 
  ship out. Don't be easy on them, either. Isn't your Unified Field a 
  wrathful and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Share Long
Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.

At least one tantric teacher, David Deida, used to teach that Hindu puritanism 
actually was not native at all.  It was foisted on them by the great foisters, 
the British.

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated 
  by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it 
  heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.  It's alright 
  though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
  research to answer it myself.  
 Emily, you got it. 

Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
Separation of the sexes has been a facet of the TMO 
since the mid-70s. ATR (advanced courses for TM 
teachers) and teacher training courses in Europe have 
been held at different facilities for men and women 
(I refuse to use the TM euphemism ladies) pretty 
much without exception since that time. 

In the US, back when I ran the Regional Office that
coordinated in-residence courses for TMers during that
period of time, International Staff in Switzerland
(read Bliss Nazis) demanded that we segregate our
courses as well. We refused, for pragmatic as well as
moral reasons. For example, the facilities we dealt
with would have ceased working with us if we'd asked
them to violate state laws by creating segregated
courses. International staff even at one point 
wanted us to prevent married couples from sharing 
a room; they became apoplectic over the phone when
we told them that the facilities we worked with had
no problem with unmarried couples (or gay couples)
sharing a room. We may have been TBs at the time, 
but even most of the TBs hated the Bliss Nazis. :-)

 There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
 also PR and rumors about what was going on inside...

Not all of them were rumors. :-) Not in flying domes,
which did not come into existence until I was leaving
the TMO, but on non-segregated ATR courses in the US
there was a completely normal indulgence in...uh...
fraternization and sex. On my last such course at Cobb
Mountain in Northern California, many participants
noted that they went there rather than to Europe 
because We can get laid here, and we can't there.
It was the Seventies, before AIDS and before the
Indian prudery had taken over the TMO completely. :-)

 ...and there is an element of caste and dis-empowering by 
 divide-and-conquer in running a large movement. 

What Buck is trying NOT to say is that women have *never*
had any position of power within the TMO. Segregating 
the women physically was a reflection of this reality 
more than it was a strategy for enforcing it. 

 It's a small top-down organization where the top and access 
 was strictly limited, actively doled out and a lot of 
 subjugating happening in process.  Someone was saying the 
 other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture. 

I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.

 Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their 
 own way and filter the annoying stuff. 

Another way of saying this is that most people just 
STFU and accepted it, because of the all-important
mantra Maharishisez.

 In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight remnant 
 of what it once was. 

And yet, still the same as it ever was.

   From: Share Long sharelong60@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in 
  the Dome.
   From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
  Share, I agree, a co-ed dome would be the answer.
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
   Oy, Surfer Dude, I also go to the Dome, albeit the women's.  I don't 
   sleep but I do get dozy sitting up.  Heck even the high schoolers are 
   laying down and sleeping.  What's their excuse I'd like to know.
   In any case, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread sparaig

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long sharelong60@... wrote:

 Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
 At least one tantric teacher, David Deida, used to teach that Hindu 
 puritanism actually was not native at all.  It was foisted on them by the 
 great foisters, the British.

More accurately, when the British took over India, the continued their 
tradition of strict enforcement of local laws and customs, which included 
enforcement of Hindu Caste Law, which, until then, had been mostly custom 
encouraged by the Brahmin caste, but ignored by virtually everyone.

Before the British took over, it was quite common for people to marry upwards 
into a higher caste, or to migrate to another part of the country so that 
they could ply a new trade, thereby establishing themselves as being part of a 
different caste. However, with the central authority and records-keeping of the 
British, this became much more difficult, and Indian culture and tradition 

Before the British, only the Brahmin caste had an interest in rigid control. 
After the British, far more people thought it was the real Hindu way of doing 
things and started telling on each other for doing what was a tradition that 
probably was far closer to the original caste system than what the Brahmins 
insisted was proper.

BTW, as far as separation of sexes during yogic flying goes, regardless of any 
religious/cultural baggage, it makes perfect sense: 

People are far more inhibited in behavior and movement when they are in the 
presence of the opposite sex, and very few of us are dignified in how we 
bounce around, and trying to remain dignified would be counter to spontaneity  
which is part of TM-sidhis practice.

[see ya all Saturday -last post]


  From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 1:29 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
   Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated 
   by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it 
   heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.  It's alright 
   though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
   research to answer it myself.  
  Emily, you got it. 
 Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
 Separation of the sexes has been a facet of the TMO 
 since the mid-70s. ATR (advanced courses for TM 
 teachers) and teacher training courses in Europe have 
 been held at different facilities for men and women 
 (I refuse to use the TM euphemism ladies) pretty 
 much without exception since that time. 
 In the US, back when I ran the Regional Office that
 coordinated in-residence courses for TMers during that
 period of time, International Staff in Switzerland
 (read Bliss Nazis) demanded that we segregate our
 courses as well. We refused, for pragmatic as well as
 moral reasons. For example, the facilities we dealt
 with would have ceased working with us if we'd asked
 them to violate state laws by creating segregated
 courses. International staff even at one point 
 wanted us to prevent married couples from sharing 
 a room; they became apoplectic over the phone when
 we told them that the facilities we worked with had
 no problem with unmarried couples (or gay couples)
 sharing a room. We may have been TBs at the time, 
 but even most of the TBs hated the Bliss Nazis. :-)
  There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
  also PR and rumors about what was going on inside...
 Not all of them were rumors. :-) Not in flying domes,
 which did not come into existence until I was leaving
 the TMO, but on non-segregated ATR courses in the US
 there was a completely normal indulgence in...uh...
 fraternization and sex. On my last such course at Cobb
 Mountain in Northern California, many participants
 noted that they went there rather than to Europe 
 because We can get laid here, and we can't there.
 It was the Seventies, before AIDS and before the
 Indian prudery had taken over the TMO completely. :-)
  ...and there is an element of caste and dis-empowering by 
  divide-and-conquer in running a large movement. 
 What Buck is trying NOT to say is that women have *never*
 had any position of power within the TMO. Segregating 
 the women physically was a reflection of this reality 
 more than it was a strategy for enforcing it. 
  It's a small top-down organization where the top and access 
  was strictly limited, actively doled out and a lot of 
  subjugating happening in process.  Someone was saying the 
  other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture. 
 I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.
  Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their 
  own way 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread cardemaister

For starters, Finnish women are, I believe notoriously keenly
interested in foreign men, probably because 60 percent of
Finnish *men* (but not women) are not-so-attractive descendants
of Siberian mammoth hunters.

During my siddhis block, or whatever, a Polish immigrant governor
was playfully attacked by a female wanna-be-siddhaa. 

In addition
to the above mentioned reason, it might be that the attractiveness
of a male TM-sidha is greatly enhanced because of his yogic practices, as 
mentioned in at least yogatattvopaniSat (yoga-tattva-upanishad):

54. As a frog moves by leaps, so the Yogin sitting in the Padma posture moves 
on the earth. With a (further) increased practice, he is able to rise from the 

55. He, while seated in Padma posture, levitates. There arises to him the power 
to perform extraordinary feats.

56. He does (or should) not disclose to others his feats of great powers (in 
the path). Any pain small or great, does not affect the Yogin.

57. Then excretions and sleep are diminished; tears, rheum in the eye, salivary 
flow, sweat and bad smell in the mouth do not arise in him.

58-60. With a still further practice, he acquires great strength by which he 
attains Bhuchara Siddhi, which enables him to bring under his control all the 
creatures that tread this earth; tigers, Sarabhas (an animal with eight legs), 
elephants, with bulls or lions die on being struck by the palm of the Yogin. He 
becomes as beautiful as the god of love himself.

61-62. All females being taken up with the beauty of his person will desire to 
have intercourse with him. If he so keeps connection, his virility will be 
lost; so abandoning all copulation with women, he should continue his practice 
with great assiduity. By the preservation of the semen, a good odour pervades 
the body of the Yogin.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Right...sorry. I'm not clear on why meditators are separated
  by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it
  heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.
 Theoretically, males and females have a different quality
 of vibes. That's not exactly an esoteric idea, but in
 the TM context (and some other spiritual contexts as well)
 it has practical implications not generally found in the
 nonspiritual context.
 The vibe differences are particularly important for group
 practice of the TM-Sidhis, since the purpose of the practice
 is to generate coherence (i.e., in the collective
 consciousness, both among practitioners and in the outside
 world). Presumably the coherence is more powerful if the folks
 in the group generating it have similar vibes to begin with.
 If men and women were to practice in the same group, their
 respective vibes would not be in perfect harmony, and
 the coherence generated by the practice would therefore not
 be as powerful.
 As I understand it, it's fine for a man and a woman in a
 committed relationship to do their practice together because
 the nature of that relationship harmonizes their contrasting
 vibes. Not sure about other family relationships--a mother 
 and a son, for instance. Maybe someone else knows. (This
 assumes they're practicing by themselves rather than in a
 big group.)
 In addition to this, when it comes to the Yogic Flying part
 of the practice, there's also an element similar to the
 reasons some women might not feel entirely comfortable
 working out in a gym along with men. Hopping is often not
 very graceful, and men in particular tend to make various
 undignified noises (although the directive for both men and
 women is to make as little noise as possible). The sheer
 physicality of it would be distracting in a mixed-gender
 When I learned Yogic Flying at MUM (then MIU), I was very
 scornful of the notion that men's and women's vibes
 would conflict enough to warrant separation. We were seated
 on opposite sides of the auditorium for lectures; men and
 women weren't supposed to associate with each other even
 during our free time. (The Yogic Flying part of the TM-
 Sidhis course lasted for only two weeks, so I figured I
 could live with it, silly as it was.)
 At some point after the first week--we'd been doing lots
 of meditation--I was out strolling after lunch with a few
 of my female buddies when we ran into several of the men,
 also out strolling. One of the women knew one of the men,
 and we all stopped while they had a conversation.
 Entirely unexpectedly and to my complete astonishment, I
 had a very powerful sense of my own vibes being almost
 violently disrupted by the vibes from these men, even
 though I was just standing by, not interacting with them.
 Hard to describe, but unmistakeable and quite unpleasant.
 I could hardly wait until the conversation was finished
 and my buddies and I could walk away. And these were
 perfectly inoffensive men, not brutish or crude in any

[FairfieldLife] Re: Eating well: Moringa on Dr. Oz Show

2012-05-31 Thread martyboi
This tree is also called horseradish tree in many places. The leaves, roots and 
pods are prepared and eaten in different ways. I ate quite a lot of this plant 
when I was in traveling around the Philippines (PI). There, it is often served 
with steamed/boiled fish, sort of like spinach - and is similar in 
texture/flavor. In PI, it grows everywhere like (ahem...) a weed.

One thing I notice about PI, is once you get away from the large cities - the 
poor people are extremely healthy, muscular, fit and long-lived (Did I 
mention happy?). (Fish, veggies,fruit, sweet potato  just a little rice).

I did buy some moringa last week at the local Asian Market in the Bay 
Areajust for kicks. It was five dollars for a small branch. 

I do not believe in magic foods anymore, but,I think we all (Americans) 
probably need to eat more leaves and stuff...

[FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_reply@... wrote:

 For starters, Finnish women are, I believe notoriously keenly
 interested in foreign men, probably because 60 percent of
 Finnish *men* (but not women) are not-so-attractive descendants
 of Siberian mammoth hunters.
 During my siddhis block, or whatever, a Polish immigrant governor
 was playfully attacked by a female wanna-be-siddhaa. 

A finnish fellow presented his ex-girlfriend on a course and wanted me to have 
her with the words; mokkava vittu or something like that. I declined even 
though she was very beautiful. I never understood his words anyway :-)

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-05-31 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat May 26 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 02 00:00:00 2012
327 messages as of (UTC) Thu May 31 22:23:33 2012

49 sparaig lengli...@cox.net
37 Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
32 cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
22 Vaj vajradh...@earthlink.net
20 Richard J. Williams rich...@rwilliams.us
19 Emily Reyn emilymae.r...@yahoo.com
17 nablusoss1008 no_re...@yahoogroups.com
17 Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net
15 turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
14 raunchydog raunchy...@yahoo.com
14 merudanda no_re...@yahoogroups.com
12 authfriend jst...@panix.com
 9 Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
 7 marekreavis reavisma...@sbcglobal.net
 7 Rick Archer r...@searchsummit.com
 6 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartax...@yahoo.com
 5 merlin vedamer...@yahoo.de
 5 Jason jedi_sp...@yahoo.com
 3 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@yahoo.com
 2 wgm4u no_re...@yahoogroups.com
 2 Susan waybac...@yahoo.com
 1 wleed3 wle...@aol.com
 1 martyboi marty...@yahoo.com
 1 fraakind fraak...@yahoo.com
 1 feste37 fest...@yahoo.com
 1 emptybill emptyb...@yahoo.com
 1 ckrr777 ckrr...@yahoo.com
 1 Yifu yifux...@yahoo.com
 1 Robert babajii...@yahoo.com
 1 Richard rich...@infinitepie.net
 1 Paulo Barbosa tprob...@terra.com.br
 1 John jr_...@yahoo.com
 1 Jim Weidle jimwei...@yahoo.com
 1 Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com

Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Post Count

2012-05-31 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FFL PostCount ffl.postcount@... wrote:

 Fairfield Life Post Counter
 Start Date (UTC): Sat May 26 00:00:00 2012
 End Date (UTC): Sat Jun 02 00:00:00 2012
 327 messages as of (UTC) Thu May 31 22:23:33 2012
 49 sparaig LEnglish5@...

A manual count of my own Gmail feed says this is correct. So, you have one more 
post for the week. Use it well, young Skywalker.

[FairfieldLife] HELLO

2012-05-31 Thread Share Long

this is cool http://www.granews.net/biz/?employment=5359335

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

  The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
  a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  The 
 Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are claimed 
 to be important for the success of the community.

You know, the Domes are really an extraordinary place to meditate.   It's there 
in the spiritual experience and so too says the science now.   '..the words 
safety, honor, closure, sacred stand out.'  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

   The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
   a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  The 
  Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are 
  claimed to be important for the success of the community.
 You know, the Domes are really an extraordinary place to meditate.   It's 
 there in the spiritual experience and so too says the science now.   '..the 
 words safety, honor, closure, sacred stand out.'

To me an old guard meditator I find it a complete blight of character in some 
meditators who would come to live here in Fairfield and not make use of the 
Domes.  Not contribute.  That people would even quit and then move away 
certainly gives one pause also.  But, to live in Fairfield and not go to the 
Dome for meditation while here?  That's a poverty of spirit and lack of civic 
virtue.  That's bad.

-Buck in the Dome

[FairfieldLife] Re: Sunday afternoon: Dr. Morris to speak on his tour of Africa

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Dick Mays dickmays@... wrote:

 During our IA Assembly's Experience Meeting, Bevan said this meeting should 
 be open to our Community.

When's he going to let someone else be President of the University?  Isn't 
'Prime Minister' enough and wouldn't president 'emeritus' president cover it?  
You know, give the actual job title to someone who would do something with it.  
Maybe give it to the person who is actually doing the job.  Like, let it go to 
a dedicated real academic from within the university community?
 From: MUM Development Office development@...
 Subject: Sunday afternoon: Dr. Morris to speak on his tour of Africa
 Date: May 31, 2012 11:35:41 AM CDT
 Dr. Bevan Morris will speak to the community this Sunday afternoon, June 3, 
 at 1:30 p.m. in Dalby Hall, showing slides of his recent 100-day tour of 14 
 African nations and 5 Mediterranean nations.
 During his tour, Dr. Morris met with two presidents, a prime minister, two 
 meditating former presidents, 16 ministers and deputy ministers, and many 
 other government leaders and educators -- and found an unparalleled level of 
 receptivity to Consciousness-Based education and Maharishi's other programs. 
 He also visited our Consciousness-Based schools in various countries in 
 Come and enjoy the stories and pictures of this remarkable journey.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  
The ME.
   Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are 
   claimed to be important for the success of the community.
  You know, the Domes are really an extraordinary place to meditate.   It's 
  there in the spiritual experience and so too says the science now.   '..the 
  words safety, honor, closure, sacred stand out.'
 To me an old guard meditator I find it a complete blight of character in some 
 meditators who would come to live here in Fairfield and not make use of the 
 Domes.  Not contribute.  That people would even quit and then move away 
 certainly gives one pause also.  But, to live in Fairfield and not go to the 
 Dome for meditation while here?  That's a poverty of spirit and lack of civic 
 virtue.  That's bad. -Buck in the Dome

In this Yoga, O joy of the Kurus,
the resolute intellect is one-
pointed, but many-branched and
endlessly diverse are the intellects
of the irresolute.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Emily Reyn
You see now, how funny is that as a comment, without even exploring the 
veracity of it.  *Extremely*,  and so apropo in so many contexts.  

 From: Share Long sharelon...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 

Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.

At least one tantric teacher, David Deida, used to teach that Hindu puritanism 
actually was not native at all.  It was foisted on them by the great foisters, 
the British.

 From: turquoiseb no_re...@yahoogroups.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 1:29 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck dhamiltony2k5@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@ wrote:
  Right...sorry.  I'm not clear on why meditators are separated 
  by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it 
  heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.  It's alright 
  though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
  research to answer it myself.  
 Emily, you got it. 

Yes, you did. It's based on Hindu philosophy and dogma.
Separation of the sexes has been a facet of the TMO 
since the mid-70s. ATR (advanced courses for TM 
teachers) and teacher training courses in Europe have 
been held at different facilities for men and women 
(I refuse to use the TM euphemism ladies) pretty 
much without exception since that time. 

In the US, back when I ran the Regional Office that
coordinated in-residence courses for TMers during that
period of time, International Staff in Switzerland
(read Bliss Nazis) demanded that we segregate our
courses as well. We refused, for pragmatic as well as
moral reasons. For example, the facilities we dealt
with would have ceased working with us if we'd asked
them to violate state laws by creating segregated
courses. International staff even at one point 
wanted us to prevent married couples from sharing 
a room; they became apoplectic over the phone when
we told them that the facilities we worked with had
no problem with unmarried couples (or gay couples)
sharing a room. We may have been TBs at the time, 
but even most of the TBs hated the Bliss Nazis. :-)

 There was an element of logistical privacy practicality, 
 also PR and rumors about what was going on inside...

Not all of them were rumors. :-) Not in flying domes,
which did not come into existence until I was leaving
the TMO, but on non-segregated ATR courses in the US
there was a completely normal indulgence in...uh...
fraternization and sex. On my last such course at Cobb
Mountain in Northern California, many participants
noted that they went there rather than to Europe 
because We can get laid here, and we can't there.
It was the Seventies, before AIDS and before the
Indian prudery had taken over the TMO completely. :-)

 ...and there is an element of caste and dis-empowering by 
 divide-and-conquer in running a large movement. 

What Buck is trying NOT to say is that women have *never*
had any position of power within the TMO. Segregating 
the women physically was a reflection of this reality 
more than it was a strategy for enforcing it. 

 It's a small top-down organization where the top and access 
 was strictly limited, actively doled out and a lot of 
 subjugating happening in process.  Someone was saying the 
 other day, no it was not a cult, it is a culture. 

I disagree. It was, and remains, a cult. YMMV.

 Like with so much, people dealt with the dissonance in their 
 own way and filter the annoying stuff. 

Another way of saying this is that most people just 
STFU and accepted it, because of the all-important
mantra Maharishisez.

 In consequence notice the TM movement is a tiny tight remnant 
 of what it once was. 

And yet, still the same as it ever was.

   From: Share Long sharelong60@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in 
  the Dome.
   From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 
  Sounding Taps
  And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
   From: marekreavis reavismarek@
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 1:17 PM
  Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Buck

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
 a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting state.  
 The ME.

Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are 
claimed to be important for the success of the community.
   You know, the Domes are really an extraordinary place to meditate.   It's 
   there in the spiritual experience and so too says the science now.   
   '..the words safety, honor, closure, sacred stand out.'
  To me an old guard meditator I find it a complete blight of character in 
  some meditators who would come to live here in Fairfield and not make use 
  of the Domes.  Not contribute.  That people would even quit and then move 
  away certainly gives one pause also.  But, to live in Fairfield and not go 
  to the Dome for meditation while here?  That's a poverty of spirit and lack 
  of civic virtue.  That's bad. -Buck in the Dome
 In this Yoga, O joy of the Kurus,
 the resolute intellect is one-
 pointed, but many-branched and
 endlessly diverse are the intellects
 of the irresolute.

When they quit and move away I can't remember their names.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

2012-05-31 Thread Emily Reyn
Very interesting and it does make sense in terms of vibes.  [I won't comment 
on coherence, of course :)]  Outside of the meditation context, the 
difference in vibes also holds true, energetically, IMHO.  

 From: authfriend jst...@panix.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 12:20 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding Taps

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@... wrote:

 Right...sorry. I'm not clear on why meditators are separated
 by gender (unless it is the distraction factor), but assume it
 heralds back to Hindu philosophy/dogma.

Theoretically, males and females have a different quality
of vibes. That's not exactly an esoteric idea, but in
the TM context (and some other spiritual contexts as well)
it has practical implications not generally found in the
nonspiritual context.

The vibe differences are particularly important for group
practice of the TM-Sidhis, since the purpose of the practice
is to generate coherence (i.e., in the collective
consciousness, both among practitioners and in the outside
world). Presumably the coherence is more powerful if the folks
in the group generating it have similar vibes to begin with.

If men and women were to practice in the same group, their
respective vibes would not be in perfect harmony, and
the coherence generated by the practice would therefore not
be as powerful.

As I understand it, it's fine for a man and a woman in a
committed relationship to do their practice together because
the nature of that relationship harmonizes their contrasting
vibes. Not sure about other family relationships--a mother 
and a son, for instance. Maybe someone else knows. (This
assumes they're practicing by themselves rather than in a
big group.)

In addition to this, when it comes to the Yogic Flying part
of the practice, there's also an element similar to the
reasons some women might not feel entirely comfortable
working out in a gym along with men. Hopping is often not
very graceful, and men in particular tend to make various
undignified noises (although the directive for both men and
women is to make as little noise as possible). The sheer
physicality of it would be distracting in a mixed-gender

When I learned Yogic Flying at MUM (then MIU), I was very
scornful of the notion that men's and women's vibes
would conflict enough to warrant separation. We were seated
on opposite sides of the auditorium for lectures; men and
women weren't supposed to associate with each other even
during our free time. (The Yogic Flying part of the TM-
Sidhis course lasted for only two weeks, so I figured I
could live with it, silly as it was.)

At some point after the first week--we'd been doing lots
of meditation--I was out strolling after lunch with a few
of my female buddies when we ran into several of the men,
also out strolling. One of the women knew one of the men,
and we all stopped while they had a conversation.

Entirely unexpectedly and to my complete astonishment, I
had a very powerful sense of my own vibes being almost
violently disrupted by the vibes from these men, even
though I was just standing by, not interacting with them.
Hard to describe, but unmistakeable and quite unpleasant.
I could hardly wait until the conversation was finished
and my buddies and I could walk away. And these were
perfectly inoffensive men, not brutish or crude in any

So I had to conclude there might be a basis for keeping
men and women separated on TM courses or during heavy-duty
practice, as with the TM-Sidhis. I didn't like it much,
but I'd had a very vivid demonstration of it.

I hasten to add that that sense of disruption around men
didn't last once the course was over, thank goodness.
Having been immersed in meditation for days at a time
must have somehow enhanced my sensitivity to the
differences in male and female vibes on that level. As
to the ordinary, non-esoteric vibes in everyday life,
as they say, Vive la différence!

 It's alright though..the question is not relevant as I haven't done any 
research to answer it myself.  
  From: Share Long sharelong60@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 5:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 It was a joke in answer to someone's concern that people are sleeping in the 
  From: Emily Reyn emilymae.reyn@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2012 6:57 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Taps The Bugler's Cry-The Origin of Sounding 
 And *why* would that matter?  Sounds like a distraction to me.  
  From: marekreavis reavismarek@...
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Wednesday, May 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

2012-05-31 Thread Emily Reyn
IMO, the attractiveness of Fairfield is due to its eclectic nature, emphasis on 
eclectic.  You are a part of that.  You can lead a horse to water, but you 
can't make it drink.  OR, People, like horses, will only do what they have a 
mind to do.

The reason you can't remember the names of those that left may be due to old 
age.  Ha.  Are you taking Lion's Mane yet?  


From: Buck dhamiltony...@yahoo.com
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2012 7:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditate and Radiate, The Golden Dome Program.

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Buck wrote:

 The 'Meissner effect' is an expulsion of a magnetic field from 
 a superconductor during its transition to the superconducting 
 state.  The ME.

Civic virtue is the cultivation of habits of personal living that are 
claimed to be important for the success of the community.
   You know, the Domes are really an extraordinary place to meditate.   It's 
   there in the spiritual experience and so too says the science now.   
   '..the words safety, honor, closure, sacred stand out.'
  To me an old guard meditator I find it a complete blight of character in 
  some meditators who would come to live here in Fairfield and not make use 
  of the Domes.  Not contribute.  That people would even quit and then move 
  away certainly gives one pause also.  But, to live in Fairfield and not go 
  to the Dome for meditation while here?  That's a poverty of spirit and lack 
  of civic virtue.  That's bad. -Buck in the Dome
 In this Yoga, O joy of the Kurus,
 the resolute intellect is one-
 pointed, but many-branched and
 endlessly diverse are the intellects
 of the irresolute.

When they quit and move away I can't remember their names.