Re: [FairfieldLife] Tomorrow's world yesterday...

2015-05-14 Thread salyavin808


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 I just love the better mousetrap.  :-)

 Foolproof and so adaptable, I'm building one for my peanut butter cupboard. 
I'd better track down the patent holder first though...

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Tomorrow's world yesterday...

 Now I know what's missing from my life: an oscillating bath tub. How come 
these never made it into production?

 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in pictures
 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in...
 Historic patents from the early 20th century show how aspiring inventors 
predicted that humans would fly

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
certifiable at this point? 

 if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you heard other 
people talking about *their* experiences or saw some chart that suggested they 
were actually *having* experiences. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. Same thing. Same dynamic. 

Sure, when Rick started the forum, it was intended as a safe forum for people 
who had gripes with the TMO to express them, and some of that has determined 
the character and the nature of the forum ever since. But for a smaller number 
of FFL participants, this was a place where they could come and act out the two 
sides of the dome sharing experience in cyberspace. 

Those who were hungry for attention could talk about their supposedly 
spiritual experiences, and a few people would go Woo and they'd get some 
attention. There is no need to name these people, because 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
So, fifteen subscribers, including all the women, left the group to protest the 
degrading, malicious and demeaning slurs, but it's all Buck's fault for 
complaining about it. And, now you want to talk about spiritual experiences. 
Can you spell delusional? Go figure.
---In, wrote :

 It was you who insinuated that this place wasn't a place to talk about 
spiritual things. 

---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 It is just their usual toxic meme abusing and demeaning people here at FFL 
they get to rant calling people 'whiners' degrading and humiliating folks by 
slur that folks are, 'hallucinating' and 'hysterical'. Correction: It was you 
who insinuated that this place wasn't a place to talk about spiritual things. 
And you did that instead of reacting to a clear prompt from a newbie to discuss 
your experiences in transcendence. And you did it by slagging off everyone else 
in your usual whiny fashion (much like the rest of your post here). And in case 
you hadn't noticed, we actually managed to turn it into just the sort of 
discussion about meditation that you claim is lacking round here. Go figure. 
This is why we think you are hallucinating. 
 ..asserting large strawman-like assumptions in method about people and then 
using the opportunity to publicly degrade and humiliate folks here with the 
insinuating slur. It is formulaic meme with them here in a writing methodically 
to abuse and hurt people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines that way, it is simply toxic to the community of the group here. 
Rick as owner of this yahoo-group should set in motion something and do 
something about this. Enforcing the Yahoo-groups guidelines should improve the 
forum of this yahoo-group.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 certifiable at this point? 

 if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Have you had an experience of higher states of consciousness? Please FORWARD!

2015-05-14 Thread salyavin808


---In, s3raphita@... wrote :

 Re But what would an experience of ultimate reality actually involve?:

 It would be an experience of pure consciousness - pure subjectivity. I put 
experience in scare quotes because in this case there is no division between 
an experiencer and the experience, as is usually the case. And the tasting of a 
pure state of consciousness would indeed be an experience of ultimate reality 
because literally everything else is simply a modification of consciousness.

 Yup, that's what I said. Everything is what is going on in our brains - neural 
noise - and higher states are part of our normal repertoire of emotions, just 
experienced in a different or original way.

 Can one not be too - way, way too - humble about this whole issue? If 
experiencing ultimate reality isn't the most blindingly obvious, undeniable 
event it can't have been ultimate reality one experienced! Isn't that logically 

 Ah, if you'd asked me this twenty years ago when I first had the experience 
I'd be saying it was the most awesome thing I'd ever known. But after repeated 
exposure it becomes familiar in the way a favourite song does. It loses it's 
novelty and sooner or later it's just a bit more Meh...

 They say that enlightenment is when this awesome profoundness becomes 
integrated into everyday awareness and maybe they are right but you don't keep 
the opinion or experience of walking around in an infinite sea of bliss and 
awareness, not at all. You wouldn't get anything done if you did, which doesn't 
mean there aren't nice aspects to it but if you bought the line that Marshy was 
walking around in a state of high union with god and that you could too, I'm 
afraid you brought a baited hook. Unless I'm doing it all wrong, but it all 
seems so natural I doubt that I am.

 What interests me more now is how to get an explanation of higher states 
that stems from an evolutionary understanding of consciousness. To have this 
latent talent is an interesting poser yes? 

 And being able to do by closing my eyes and thinking a sanskrit word made me 
turn away from a pure a Darwinian perspective and delve into the religious 
cosmology of the reesh. but not for long I'm happy to say. Still time for a 
conversion though, I just need a bit of evidence that something irreducible is 
happening and I'll eat my yoga mat.


 The neural noise you refer to must be noticed by an awareness to be noise so 
must itself be an object. It's the awareness that is ultimate and it is 
completely and totally empty and boundless (what could enclose it?).

 Has to be, if there was no awareness you'd be unconscious. I'm not going to 
use the word ultimate because - as with terms like higher and god 
consciousness - it comes too laden with expectation or a pre-decided value that 
it may turn out not to have.

 The boundlessness is an illusion in that you aren't experiencing anything 
infinite but rather that the normal way your brain constructs it's vision of 
the world is changed by having its Cartesian sense of objects placed within a 
space altered by removing the objects. What we see is the machinery we have to 
see but without anything there. It sounds like the same thing as the mystics 
but I'm saying we shouldn't spin it with this idea that consciousness is 
infinite or some sort of other thing whether it's our normal day to day minds 
or expanded and higher states.

 It makes it all sound rather mundane but it's great fun, and knowing how it 
works won't stop the experiences, at least it hasn't for me because - like 
everything - it's just neural stuff and will work whatever explanation or 
designation I come up with for it. That's a telling thing about consciousness, 
you can't switch it on or off, it's part of what happens when we are awake, 
that's what is cool about it. It can be altered with drugs and meditation or 
reduced by lack of sleep but it's not a thing, it's an action. It's what our 
brains do. There is no unified field for it to be a part of, no screen of 
ultimate reality that will be revealed to us. There is no such thing as 



---In, wrote :

  I think I did this survey before or something very similar. I was a TB at the 
time and revelled in the depth of my god head experiences. This time I can't 
stop quibbling about the terms like God or Ultimate reality, god is 
nonsense ( or at least the idea that we can experience it using the stuff in 
out heads, confuse it with some sort of god perhaps but it's all kiddology I 

 But what would an experience of ultimate reality actually involve? 
Everything I see is a virtual reality programme running in my head and 
spiritual experiences are part of that illusion but why we think we need to 
invoke such aggrandising terms is a mystery to me now. It wasn't then though, 
maybe because the highs were fresh and 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread salyavin808


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :

 It is just their usual toxic meme abusing and demeaning people here at FFL 
they get to rant calling people 'whiners' degrading and humiliating folks by 
slur that folks are, 'hallucinating' and 'hysterical'. Correction: It was you 
who insinuated that this place wasn't a place to talk about spiritual things. 
And you did that instead of reacting to a clear prompt from a newbie to discuss 
your experiences in transcendence. And you did it by slagging off everyone else 
in your usual whiny fashion (much like the rest of your post here). And in case 
you hadn't noticed, we actually managed to turn it into just the sort of 
discussion about meditation that you claim is lacking round here. Go figure. 
This is why we think you are hallucinating. 
 ..asserting large strawman-like assumptions in method about people and then 
using the opportunity to publicly degrade and humiliate folks here with the 
insinuating slur. It is formulaic meme with them here in a writing methodically 
to abuse and hurt people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups 
guidelines that way, it is simply toxic to the community of the group here. 
Rick as owner of this yahoo-group should set in motion something and do 
something about this. Enforcing the Yahoo-groups guidelines should improve the 
forum of this yahoo-group.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 certifiable at this point? 

 if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It is just their usual toxic meme abusing and demeaning people here at FFL they 
get to rant calling people 'whiners' degrading and humiliating folks by slur 
that folks are, 'hallucinating' and 'hysterical'. ..asserting large 
strawman-like assumptions in method about people and then using the opportunity 
to publicly degrade and humiliate folks here with the insinuating slur. It is 
formulaic meme with them here in a writing methodically to abuse and hurt 
people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups guidelines that way, it 
is simply toxic to the community of the group here. Rick as owner of this 
yahoo-group should set in motion something and do something about this. 
Enforcing the Yahoo-groups guidelines should improve the forum of this 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 certifiable at this point? 

 if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread salyavin808

I think you are correct and I think it's pathological to insist that a chat 
room is not spiritual enough and then stay there dragging the place down 
instead of thinking of relevant contributions, especially when you have a ready 
made alternative just a mouse click away where all is sweetness and light. 

 The need to stick around and bitch is symptomatic of something but I can't be 
bothered to do any research into it because it's so dull. I really hope there's 
no such thing as a life review when we die, because the three whining trolls 
here are going to really hate seeing how much of their lives they've spent 
saying the same thing over and over again. And to no effect. I wouldn't wish it 
on anyone.

 And one thing is really for sure, this aint spiritual behaviour. Or I read the 
wrong books...

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Freedom Summit

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Foriegn policy  will probably be the big issue in the next U.S. presidential 
election. We will examine all aspects in the coming debates and they better 
have a good plan to protect America, considering that the enemies of the open 
society are  are already at the gates and working from the inside.

Laying out a hawkish foreign policy vision repudiating the Obama era, Sen. 
Marco Rubio declared in Manhattan today that America’s physical and ideological 
strength had “deteriorated” since Mr. Obama took office in 2009...

Marco Rubio Says America's Physical Strength Has 'Deteriorated' Under Obama
 Marco Rubio Says America's Physical Strength Has ...
 Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida laid out his foreign policy vision in Manhattan 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 OMG! The likely Republican presidential candidate will instead attend a 
competing event, the RedState Gathering in Atlanta, the day of the Iowa event, 
GOP sources in Iowa told The Des Moines Register...

Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll
 Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll
 Jeb Bush will instead attend a competing GOP event in Atlanta.

 View on www.desmoinesregis...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, richard@... wrote :

 “I really think this is going to be a national security election, really for 
the first time since 2004,” said Sam Clovis, a college professor and 
influential political activist in Iowa.

 Perry sets focus on military, foreign policy
 Perry sets focus on military, foreign policy
 AUSTIN — For 14 years, Rick Perry led the biggest Republican state in America, 
spearheading dozens of tax cuts, landmark tort reform and some of the na...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, richard@... wrote :

 “There's no clear Republican front-runner in the New Hampshire presidential 
nominating contest, while Hillary Clinton retains an overwhelming advantage 
among Democrats in the Granite State's first-in-the-nation primary.”

 New Hampshire Poll: 

 New Hampshire Poll: Republican Field Tightens, Hillary Clinton Still Out in 
Front Among Democrats
 New Hampshire Poll: Republican Field Tightens, H...
 General election match-ups are tightening as three Republican hopefuls come 
within striking distance of Clinton.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, richard@... wrote :

 Huckabee, who won Iowa’s 2008 caucuses, aims to become the second person to 
win two contested Iowa caucuses. 

Mike Huckabee’s appalling crusade
 Mike Huckabee’s appalling crusade 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It looks like they're tilting at windmills, Buck - flailing around trying to 
find someone to blame for their own spiritual failures. Apparently they were 
not able to even practice a simple, easy meditation technique. Go figure.  
---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote :
 It is just their usual toxic meme abusing and demeaning people here at FFL 
they get to rant calling people 'whiners' degrading and humiliating folks by 
slur that folks are, 'hallucinating' and 'hysterical'.

Not everyone is ready to be a spiritual teacher. They probably can't even 
remember the words to the initiation or even their mantra to meditate on. 
Failure is sometimes a tough reality to admit.
  ..asserting large strawman-like assumptions in method about people and then 
using the opportunity to publicly degrade and humiliate folks here with the 
insinuating slur. 

A straw man or straw person, also known in the UK as an Aunt Sally, is a type 
of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an 
opponent's position...

It is formulaic meme with them here in a writing methodically to abuse and hurt 
people. Often in complete violation of the Yahoo-groups guidelines that way, it 
is simply toxic to the community of the group here. Rick as owner of this 
yahoo-group should set in motion something and do something about this. 
Enforcing the Yahoo-groups guidelines should improve the forum of this 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 certifiable at this point? 

 if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

I think you are correct and I think it's pathological to insist that a chat 
room is not spiritual enough and then stay there dragging the place down 
instead of thinking of relevant contributions, especially when you have a ready 
made alternative just a mouse click away where all is sweetness and light.
The word for it is, in fact, pathological. We've been pointing out to Steve 
and Doug (the only two of the 3 worth even bothering to try to interact with) 
for well over a year now, trying to get them to step back and realize that in 
all that time they haven't posted ANYTHING positive and spiritual to this 
supposedly spiritual forum they keep whining about. And they're *still* doing 
it, even though there is an alternative place to post where supposedly none of 
the obstacles to them revealing their spiritual sides exist. I think that 
anyone sane has to deduce from this that they don't actually *have* a 
spiritual side. They just like to bitch and harass people they consider their 
enemies. What a sad fuckin' life. 

Meanwhile, you and I and Michael and Anartaxius and aryavazhi and others they 
dump on have made dozens -- possibly hundreds -- of posts about spiritual 

THEY HAVEN'T. I'm pointing this out so that it's right in their faces and they 
have to deal with it or lose all credibility whatsoever. I don't think any of 
them CAN post anything completely positive and spiritual at this point. They've 
dwelled so long in gray, lower-astral hate mindstates that they can't extract 
themselves from them. 

The need to stick around and bitch is symptomatic of something but I can't be 
bothered to do any research into it because it's so dull. I really hope there's 
no such thing as a life review when we die, because the three whining trolls 
here are going to really hate seeing how much of their lives they've spent 
saying the same thing over and over again. And to no effect. I wouldn't wish it 
on anyone.

And one thing is really for sure, this aint spiritual behaviour. Or I read the 
wrong books.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person took 
a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Ellison

2015-05-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
This is great! Thanks for posting it. 

  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:05 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ellison
    Great find. Harlan is arguably the world's greatest curmudgeon.  :-)  Here 
he is with (of all people) Robin Wlliams (possibly one of the only people whose 
mind worked at the same speed as Harlan's), telling the story of how L. Ron 
Hubbard invented Scientology:

Harlan Ellison  Robin Williams discuss LRH

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| Harlan Ellison  Robin Williams discuss LRH |
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 From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ellison
    Harlan Ellison on God
Harlan Ellison on God
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| Harlan Ellison on God |
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
He sounds very JELLOS of you Steve. You've obviously reached a whole new state 
of spiritual insight and you've got your own family and a successful business 
that is a going concern. Like I was telling Jim, enlightenment means being 
happy and enjoying success in all your desires and goals - the proof of the 
pudding is in the eating.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :
 certifiable at this point?

Thanks for trying to help the poor TurqB.  Where is Dr. Pete when we need him? 
Obviously he is trying to reach out. Some people feel better when they have 
someone to talk to. 
You may be his only connection with reality these days, Steve. He may be 
delusional at this point. Who knows what kind of deprivation and peer pressure 
he's going through over there at those leftist bohemian cafes. 


 if anyone even reads it.

Maybe you can understand now why they got kicked of the TMO - they suck as 
spiritual teachers. No new insight; they failed to reach enlightenment in 5-7 
years, or even a decade. They produced zero enlightened students in three 
decades of spiritual teaching. 

They promised us a lot more than they could deliver - from enlightenment to 
flying and levitation. If they mislead us for all those years, who would 
believe anything they say now?

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
weird, just plain weird.  agenda driven content for the kids.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 The quality that IMO most distinguishes the Neo-Advaitans (and some lesser 
dweebs like the ones we've run across on FFL before they ran away to form their 
own groups/religions) is self-sufficiency. 


 NOT in the good sense of actually *being* self-sufficient, but in the sense of 
allowing for no other interpretation of the nature of reality than their own. 
Their word -- describing *their* subjective experience -- is all the proof 
you should need of their exalted status. It doesn't matter whether they 
contradict themselves from moment to moment, it doesn't matter whether their 
actions are the complete opposite of how they claim they live their lives -- 
the only thing that matters is the thing they said the most recently. That is 
Truth. Because they spake it. 


 This, I believe, is one of the worst things Maharishi ever did for his 
followers -- convince them that their subjective experience is all they need to 
define being enlightened. There was never any external verification, because 
none is needed. You just know you're enlightened. And once you know, others 
should believe you, because...uh...because you said so, and what you say is 
Truth...because you're enlightened. So there. 

 Neo-assholes, is more like it...


 From: yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs
   Almost all of the Batgappers (imo) are Neo or Pseudo-Advaitins, the 
characteristerics of which are described in several excellent websites, if you 
google Neo-Advaita.  They have numerous common qualities, but it best serves 
us to provide some examples then identify the quallities of Neo-Advaita from 
there - examples, Gangaji and Andrew Cohen.  Many of them were devotees of HWL 
Poonja, but by now there is a new crop of them, growing like bacteria or mold 
on an old orange.:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!

   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:12 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
    certifiable at this point?
if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person took 
a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you heard other 
people talking about *their* experiences or saw some chart that suggested they 
were actually *having* experiences. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. Same thing. Same dynamic. 

Sure, when Rick started the forum, it was intended as a safe forum for people 
who had gripes with the TMO to express them, and some of that has determined 
the character and the nature of the forum ever since. But for a smaller number 
of FFL participants, this was a place 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Obviously we're not dealing here with informants that have had any spiritual 
experience, Steve. So, it will hardly be surprising to see them sending 
messages that don't make any sense. 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 weird, just plain weird. 

Apparently there are only three non-dualists still subscribing and posting to 
this list. It looks like the TurqB has succumbed to rank dualism and the other 
informant is a materialist. You can hardly blame them for not understanding 
transcendental idealism.   

agenda driven content for the kids.

There is no consciousness other than consciousness, or not. It's not 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 The quality that IMO most distinguishes the Neo-Advaitans (and some lesser 
dweebs like the ones we've run across on FFL before they ran away to form their 
own groups/religions) is self-sufficiency. 


 NOT in the good sense of actually *being* self-sufficient, but in the sense of 
allowing for no other interpretation of the nature of reality than their own. 
Their word -- describing *their* subjective experience -- is all the proof 
you should need of their exalted status. It doesn't matter whether they 
contradict themselves from moment to moment, it doesn't matter whether their 
actions are the complete opposite of how they claim they live their lives -- 
the only thing that matters is the thing they said the most recently. That is 
Truth. Because they spake it. 


 This, I believe, is one of the worst things Maharishi ever did for his 
followers -- convince them that their subjective experience is all they need to 
define being enlightened. There was never any external verification, because 
none is needed. You just know you're enlightened. And once you know, others 
should believe you, because...uh...because you said so, and what you say is 
Truth...because you're enlightened. So there. 

 Neo-assholes, is more like it...


 From: yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs
   Almost all of the Batgappers (imo) are Neo or Pseudo-Advaitins, the 
characteristerics of which are described in several excellent websites, if you 
google Neo-Advaita.  They have numerous common qualities, but it best serves 
us to provide some examples then identify the quallities of Neo-Advaita from 
there - examples, Gangaji and Andrew Cohen.  Many of them were devotees of HWL 
Poonja, but by now there is a new crop of them, growing like bacteria or mold 
on an old orange.:




---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 The quality that IMO most distinguishes the Neo-Advaitans (and some lesser 
dweebs like the ones we've run across on FFL before they ran away to form their 
own groups/religions) is self-sufficiency. 


 NOT in the good sense of actually *being* self-sufficient, but in the sense of 
allowing for no other interpretation of the nature of reality than their own. 
Their word -- describing *their* subjective experience -- is all the proof 
you should need of their exalted status. It doesn't matter whether they 
contradict themselves from moment to moment, it doesn't matter whether their 
actions are the complete opposite of how they claim they live their lives -- 
the only thing that matters is the thing they said the most recently. That is 
Truth. Because they spake it. 


 This, I believe, is one of the worst things Maharishi ever did for his 
followers -- convince them that their subjective experience is all they need to 
define being enlightened. There was never any external verification, because 
none is needed. You just know you're enlightened. And once you know, others 
should believe you, because...uh...because you said so, and what you say is 
Truth...because you're enlightened. So there. 

 Neo-assholes, is more like it...


 From: yifuxero@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs
   Almost all of the Batgappers (imo) are Neo or Pseudo-Advaitins, the 
characteristerics of which are described in several excellent websites, if you 
google Neo-Advaita.  They have numerous common qualities, but it best serves 
us to provide some examples then identify the quallities of Neo-Advaita from 
there - examples, Gangaji and Andrew Cohen.  Many of them were devotees of HWL 
Poonja, but by now there is a new crop of them, growing like bacteria or mold 
on an old orange.:



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Yeah but look who he was saying it about.  :-)
But I understand...some people have short attention spans, and can't read more 
than 30 words. This post is for them.  :-)

  From: Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
    As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!

   From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:12 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
    certifiable at this point?
if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person took 
a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Freedom Summit

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 RENO, Nev. — Jeb Bush came face-to-face here Wednesday with the perils of 
carrying a politically divisive family name, skirmishing with voters over the 
Iraq war and continuing to struggle with how to differentiate himself from his 

On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hopefuls pounce
 On Iraq question, Jeb Bush stumbles and the GOP hop...
 The former Florida governor still struggles with how to handle — and 
differentiate himself from — his brother’s legacy.
 View on www.washingtonpos...
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In, richard@... wrote :

 Foriegn policy  will probably be the big issue in the next U.S. presidential 
election. We will examine all aspects in the coming debates and they better 
have a good plan to protect America, considering that the enemies of the open 
society are  are already at the gates and working from the inside.

Laying out a hawkish foreign policy vision repudiating the Obama era, Sen. 
Marco Rubio declared in Manhattan today that America’s physical and ideological 
strength had “deteriorated” since Mr. Obama took office in 2009...

Marco Rubio Says America's Physical Strength Has 'Deteriorated' Under Obama
 Marco Rubio Says America's Physical Strength Has ...
 Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida laid out his foreign policy vision in Manhattan 

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, richard@... wrote :

 OMG! The likely Republican presidential candidate will instead attend a 
competing event, the RedState Gathering in Atlanta, the day of the Iowa event, 
GOP sources in Iowa told The Des Moines Register...

Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll
 Jeb Bush to skip Iowa Straw Poll
 Jeb Bush will instead attend a competing GOP event in Atlanta.

 View on www.desmoinesregis...
 Preview by Yahoo 



---In, richard@... wrote :

 “I really think this is going to be a national security election, really for 
the first time since 2004,” said Sam Clovis, a college professor and 
influential political activist in Iowa.

 Perry sets focus on military, foreign policy
 Perry sets focus on military, foreign policy
 AUSTIN — For 14 years, Rick Perry led the biggest Republican state in America, 
spearheading dozens of tax cuts, landmark tort reform and some of the na...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, richard@... wrote :

 “There's no clear Republican front-runner in the New Hampshire presidential 
nominating contest, while Hillary Clinton retains an overwhelming advantage 
among Democrats in the Granite State's first-in-the-nation primary.”

 New Hampshire Poll: 

 New Hampshire Poll: Republican Field Tightens, Hillary Clinton Still Out in 
Front Among Democrats

[FairfieldLife] The rent Is too damn high!

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fees, regulations drive up housing costs
 Fees, regulations drive up housing costs
 San Antonio has historically been attractive to homebuyers and renters because 
of affordability and a thriving job market. A typical response is to call fo...
 View on www.mysanantonio...
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Sometimes you need an infographic to understand the problem

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Another powerful infographic:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: God speaketh...

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Never pass up an opportunity to use a tragedy if you think it will help you win 
a religious debate. Today let's rag on the Christians. 
---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Indeed. The whole schtick -- the things people believe in the name of religion 
-- is just so funny when you think of it. Just yesterday I stumbled upon an old 
comedy routine by the late Bill Hicks, in which he said (paraphrasing), 

Non sequitur.

Why is it that Christians wear crosses around their necks. 

In reality, there are crosses everywhere in nature, everywhere two lines 
intersect. The cross has nothing to do with the return of Jesus for Christians. 
You made that up. 

Do they really think that is what Jesus wants to see, and that will make him 

You should probably avoid subjects that you know nothing about. Christians 
believe in John: 3:16. Everyone knows that Barry. Get some smarts.

I mean, it's like walking up to Jackie Kennedy wearing a tiny sniper's rifle on 
a chain around your neck and saying 'Hey Jackie...I just wanted to tell you how 
much I loved John.'

Non sequitur.


 From: s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:15 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: God speaketh...
   That is the most succinct summary of what most Christians have taken as 
gospel it deserves a place in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

---In, wrote :




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 That's what I'm taking about!

---In, mdixon.6569@... wrote :

 As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!


 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:12 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
   certifiable at this point?

 if anyone even reads it.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you heard other 
people talking about *their* experiences or saw some chart that suggested they 
were actually *having* experiences. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. Same thing. Same dynamic. 

Sure, when Rick started the forum, it was intended as a safe forum for people 
who had gripes with the TMO to express them, and some of that has determined 
the character and the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The problem is, that with such a limited knowledge that humans like you have, 
you wouldn't know if you saw a replicant, if it was human. You don't even know 
for sure if you are dreaming or not. There is not one single experience that 
humans participate in that could not be experience in a dream. In dreams, doors 
are doors and tables are tables; you can run and jump and consultwith 
yourfriends. In dreams, doors are doors and tables are tables; in dreams you 
can run and jump and consult your friends.

The replicants in 'Blade Runner', based on the book by Phillip Dick, (Do 
Androids Dream of Electric Sheep), are created to exactly resemble humans. In 
San Francisco post WWT there is often confusion whether a humanoid is real or 
an android. Bounty hunters and others use the Voigt-Kampff test to distinguish 
humans from replicants.

This brings up the question of human consciousness, robot consciousness, and 
how they are similar and different from us thinking humanoids. 

The main theme of Phillip K. Dick's novel concerns similarity and difference; 
sentient robots that look identical to humans, but are not human at all. The 
central question is whether or not we can spot replicants in order to retire 
them. Looming in the background is the question: is Deckard himself a replicant?

Thinking like a replicant is the way Deckard explores his own consciousness and 
humanity. Replicants, that is, androids, make Deckard realize that he might not 
be so human after all. He actually becomes more inhuman than the replicants he 
is remorselessly hunting!


[FairfieldLife] Re: Tomorrow's world yesterday...

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
We call them hot  tubs over here - apparently Jacuzzi is a brand name. Go 
---In, wrote :


 Now I know what's missing from my life: an oscillating bath tub. How come 
these never made it into production?

 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in pictures
 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in...
 Historic patents from the early 20th century show how aspiring inventors 
predicted that humans would fly

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Powerful Stuff

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Fabulous Thunderbirds - Powerful Stuff (Jimmie Vaughan) 
 Fabulous Thunderbirds - Powerful Stuff (Jimmie Va... I loved this performance so much, I had to find it 
on the net when it disappeared on youtube and re-upload it for all to see. This 
is Jimmie's best performan...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: A cool, shiny, and...dare I say it...spiritual moment

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
We had just read A Separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda so we we down to Mexico 
to search for etheogens. We didn't find any magic mushrooms growing in the 
wild. However, at a party, someone, probably don Juan, gave me a taco to eat 
that was laced with 'fly agaric'. 

When I realized what I had just eaten, I almost gagged on the spot. I've always 
been a Cactus man, chased with Tequila. Anyway, although I spit out the 
offending fungus right away, it was too late; the psychoactive ingredients were 
already taking their effect on me: to alter my very state of consciousness.

Suddenly, all at once, in a flash of enlightenment, I transcended and I saw and 
experienced the entire cosmos as a Divine Bi-Unity, inter-related, just like 
the Net of Lord Indra. I realized that we are all inter-connected. I became 
enlightened on the spot. 

Then, standing right in front of me hovering in mid-air appeared the Creator 
God of Volcanoes El and His wife, the beautiful Wisdom Sophia, their son Baal, 
and their daughter Ashley. I realized that existence, is, in Reality, a great 
big family affair!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Since I've been chiding a couple of slackers for considering this a 
spiritual forum but never posting about any of their own spiritual moments, I 
think it's only fair that I post one of mine. This is a short cafe rap from a 
few days ago. 




A spiritual teacher I once worked with taught me something interesting about 
the nature of time. It's that some moments in the past are so cool and so shiny 
that they're not really IN the past. They're still happening, on some cool, 
shiny eternal level, and if you know how you can access them and tap into 
something of the cool, shiny state of mind you were wearing during the original 

Today in this cafe I'm accessing a few such cool, shiny moments spent walking 
with a silly, black, snaggle-toothed dog named Paris. 15 years ago, a friend 
found him in an animal shelter in Santa Fe, and his snaggle tooth was 
irresistible, so she brought him home. I was his first babysitter, and walked 
with him many times through the fragrant New Mexico countryside, which he 
clearly believed to be Sniff Heaven. Later I walked the same Paris the dog 
through Paris the city, when we all moved there. Paris loved walking through 
the Champs de Mars and took particular pleasure in peeing on the Eiffel Tower. 
A few years later we all moved again to a tiny village in the south of France, 
so Paris and I had many cool, shiny walks on cobblestoned medieval streets. And 
still later, moving to Sitges, Spain, Paris lived with me because I had a big 
back yard, and I took him on at least two walks a day along the boardwalk. We'd 
always go there because Paris liked to look at the topless female humans 
frolicking on the beach. At least that's what he told me psychically when I'd 
ask why he always wanted to go there. Since that time we've walked in many more 
cool, shiny places here in the Netherlands. And today we took our last walk 
together in here-and-now time, because the vet said that his kidney failure was 
near-total, and that it was time for him to move on. 

I'm sitting in my favorite writing cafe now, having just come from the vet, and 
that moving on ceremony. On a here-and-now level, I guess you'd expect me to 
feel pretty fuckin' bummed. 

Strangely, I don't. Sitting here in the sun, meditating on many of my past 
cool, shiny moments with Paris, I find that they're all still there. I can 
access them any time I want, just by shifting my attention to them. And when I 
do, that same cool, shiny state of mind we wore on the original walk washes 
over me, and I wear it again. There is much smiling and woofing. 

A song lyric written by one of my favorite singer/songwriters (and first real 
hero in this lifetime) Richard Fariña pops into my mind, as forcefully as if it 
were demanding to be taken as a koan. So I present it as one: 

The gardens we share are never alone. 


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 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I can sorta relate to what PKD is talking about because I sometimes when 
I have fallen asleep late at night on the futon (yes, I still have one 
of those) in the living room when I wake up the room doesn't quite look 
the same. A few seconds later it does but this has happened enumerable 

And then along PKD's theme we have Salyvin's buddy, Mr. David the queen 
is a reptilian Icke on the world as a holographic projection.

This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that I 
had no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all 
experienced in my head.

In other watches I highly recommend to Netflixers The Liberator which 
is the story of Simon Bolivar.  This is a well crafted film about a 
personality most Americans know little about and as a friend said 
yesterday South America went a different route than the US but that's 
because Spain conquered there and oppressed the natives.  He was way 
ahead of his time and probably reincarnated as Bernie Sanders.

Also I recommend Extraterrestrials available on Netflix. This is the 
movie Spielberg should have made rather than the cutesy one. It too is 
well crafted as a cabin in the woods type of tail that takes a turn 
for the worse after a UFO crashes nearby.

Nabby would be jealous.

On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the story 
PKD tells at the first link:/*


*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

Would PKD love FFL?
Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)


Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

View on

Preview by Yahoo


Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview

View on

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] A cool, shiny, and...dare I say it...spiritual moment

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Since I've been chiding a couple of slackers for considering this a spiritual 
forum but never posting about any of their own spiritual moments, I think it's 
only fair that I post one of mine. This is a short cafe rap from a few days 


A spiritual teacher I once worked with taught me something interesting about 
the nature of time. It's that some moments in the past are so cool and so shiny 
that they're not really IN the past. They're still happening, on some cool, 
shiny eternal level, and if you know how you can access them and tap into 
something of the cool, shiny state of mind you were wearing during the original 

Today in this cafe I'm accessing a few such cool, shiny moments spent walking 
with a silly, black, snaggle-toothed dog named Paris. 15 years ago, a friend 
found him in an animal shelter in Santa Fe, and his snaggle tooth was 
irresistible, so she brought him home. I was his first babysitter, and walked 
with him many times through the fragrant New Mexico countryside, which he 
clearly believed to be Sniff Heaven. Later I walked the same Paris the dog 
through Paris the city, when we all moved there. Paris loved walking through 
the Champs de Mars and took particular pleasure in peeing on the Eiffel Tower. 
A few years later we all moved again to a tiny village in the south of France, 
so Paris and I had many cool, shiny walks on cobblestoned medieval streets. And 
still later, moving to Sitges, Spain, Paris lived with me because I had a big 
back yard, and I took him on at least two walks a day along the boardwalk. We'd 
always go there because Paris liked to look at the topless female humans 
frolicking on the beach. At least that's what he told me psychically when I'd 
ask why he always wanted to go there. Since that time we've walked in many more 
cool, shiny places here in the Netherlands. And today we took our last walk 
together in here-and-now time, because the vet said that his kidney failure was 
near-total, and that it was time for him to move on. 

I'm sitting in my favorite writing cafe now, having just come from the vet, and 
that moving on ceremony. On a here-and-now level, I guess you'd expect me to 
feel pretty fuckin' bummed. 

Strangely, I don't. Sitting here in the sun, meditating on many of my past 
cool, shiny moments with Paris, I find that they're all still there. I can 
access them any time I want, just by shifting my attention to them. And when I 
do, that same cool, shiny state of mind we wore on the original walk washes 
over me, and I wear it again. There is much smiling and woofing. 

A song lyric written by one of my favorite singer/songwriters (and first real 
hero in this lifetime) Richard Fariña pops into my mind, as forcefully as if it 
were demanding to be taken as a koan. So I present it as one: 

The gardens we share are never alone. 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

Correction Extraterrestrial is the film.  Not had my morning espresso yet.

On 05/14/2015 08:56 AM, Bhairitu [FairfieldLife] 

I can sorta relate to what PKD is talking about because I sometimes 
when I have fallen asleep late at night on the futon (yes, I still 
have one of those) in the living room when I wake up the room doesn't 
quite look the same. A few seconds later it does but this has happened 
enumerable times.

And then along PKD's theme we have Salyvin's buddy, Mr. David  the 
queen is a reptilian Icke on the world as a holographic projection.

This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that 
I had no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all 
experienced in my head.

In other watches I highly recommend to Netflixers The Liberator 
which is the story of Simon Bolivar.  This is a well crafted film 
about a personality most Americans know little about and as a friend 
said yesterday South America went a different route than the US but 
that's because Spain conquered there and oppressed the natives.  He 
was way ahead of his time and probably reincarnated as Bernie Sanders.

Also I recommend Extraterrestrials available on Netflix. This is the 
movie Spielberg should have made rather than the cutesy one.  It too 
is well crafted as a cabin in the woods type of tail that takes a 
turn for the worse after a UFO crashes nearby.

Nabby would be jealous.

On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
*/Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the 
story PKD tells at the first link:/*


*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

Would PKD love FFL?
Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)


Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

View on

Preview by Yahoo


Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 The only proof that you have about anything is that you are conscious and 
therefore self-conscious that you exist. The problem isn't proving the 
existence of consciousness; the problem is proving the existence of anything 
else. Consciousness is private and cannot be shared by others - it is the very 
constructed character of knowing. Without being conscious you are nothing.

Knowledge is structured in consciousness.  - MMY

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that I had 
no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all experienced in my 

According to Wilber, consciousness is a spectrum. Ordinary awareness is at one 
end, and more profound types of awareness are found at higher levels.

The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness:

Consciousness—The having of perceptions, thoughts, and feelings; awareness.

'The Spectrum of Consciousness'
by Ken Wilber
pp. 3–16
 On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the story PKD 
tells at the first link:
 From: Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech
   Would PKD love FFL?
 Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?
 Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
 Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)
 Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

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 Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview

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---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that I had 
no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all experienced in my 

For some TMers the most thorough account of the spiritual approach may be Ken 
Wilber's book The Spectrum of Consciousness. Wilber compares western and 
eastern ways of thinking about the mind and consciousness. According to Wilber, 
consciousness is a spectrum. Ordinary awareness is at one end, and more 
profound types of awareness are found at higher levels.

The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness:

Consciousness—The having of perceptions, thoughts, and feelings; awareness.

'The Spectrum of Consciousness'
by Ken Wilber
pp. 3–16
 On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the story PKD 
tells at the first link:
 From: Bhairitu noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech
   Would PKD love FFL?
 Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?
 Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
 Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)
 Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo

 Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview

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 Preview by Yahoo




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
I don't think it is short attention spans but time to read it.  We see 
long posts and think I'll read that later.  Nobody's posts on FFL are 
*so important* that they need to be read immediately, are they?  I mean 
that would be a narcissistic trait of the poster if there ever was one.

And BTW, it was Jeffery Jones character Emperoro Joseph II, who says 
too many notes in the film Amadeus not Salieri.  Another damn film I 
need to find a BD of as my DVD was letterboxed instead of anamorphic.

On 05/14/2015 07:21 AM, TurquoiseBee 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

*/Yeah but look who he was saying it about.  :-)/*

*/But I understand...some people have short attention spans, and can't 
read more than 30 words. This post is for them.  :-)


*From:* Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:14 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on 
FFL is Maharishi's fault

As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!

*From:* [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:12 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault

certifiable at this point?

if anyone even reads it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

*/For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular 
person took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here 
to fuck off and die), the primary characteristic of the forum called 
Fairfield Life has IMO been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their 
version of Saint Joan to fight their battles for them against the 
invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the same thing themselves, and 
with disastrous results.

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them 
about the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their 
over-corpulent egos could express these thing freely here, they set 
about a non-stop snipe hunt in which they tried to demonize them and 
make them go away. That exercise in pettiness went so far that one of 
the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the line and resorted 
to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write officials 
in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off 
with his tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in 
which supposedly right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like 
himself could talk about spirituality without being interrupted by 
horrible heretics like myself. It took less than a month for him to 
throw the first person off of his new forum, for the sin of revealing 
what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd sworn he would 
never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a fuckin' 
soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one 
on which they can supposedly say anything they want about their 
so-called peak experiences, without anyone pissing in their 
cyberpunchbowl. One would think they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over 
there, where they claim things are so much better.

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to 
Fairfield Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same 
thing over and over and over: We don't like it over here, because a 
few people don't treat us with the respect we deserve when we talk 
about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, and should be made to 
go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences without fear of 
interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite 
some time.

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how 
they were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the 
one who taught these TM followers that the only safe way they could 
live in this world was to clump together in groups. If you were doing 
Maharishi's program correctly, you had to live in TM-only 
communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on your butts 
together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in which 
you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever.

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the 
sharing. A few people would have actual experiences to share, and if 
they were deemed #1 experiences, everybody would look at them in an 
envious way and inwardly go Woo!, and they'd actually get some 
attention. In the TMO, with its 

[FairfieldLife] Re: A cool, shiny, spiritual moment

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I am sitting in my home office on a dark grey chair. The walls are painted 
grey. There is a computer monitor in front of me, its frame, black. There are 
two speakers on the desk, their face, black. The desk is grey. The computer 
sits on the desk. It's black. There is a computer mouse, also black, as is the 
computer keyboard, and there is a cheap camera, again black. A battery charger. 
Black again. There are bills and receipts, which are white, so I suppose white 
is a colour that represents diminution of resources. But the spiritual clincher 
of this experience are two objects to my left: 1) A CD box containing a 
recording of Die Schöpfung (The Creation) by Joseph Haydn which is resting on, 
2) a book called The Quotable Atheist, ... for Nonbelievers ... and Those 
Generally Hell-Bound (to shorten a somewhat long secondary title for the book). 
The book's cover is about the same colour as dried blood.

 I don't have a dog. I don't miss not having a dog. The last time I had a dog 
was about 1952. I did however get a ride in a car yesterday, and there was a 
dog in that car.



Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that I had 
no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all experienced in my 
You really used to say stuff like that to your folks? Did they take you to a 
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech
 I can sorta relate to what PKD is talking about because I sometimes when I 
have fallen asleep late at night on the futon (yes, I still have one of those) 
in the living room when I wake up the room doesn't quite look the same. A few 
seconds later it does but this has happened enumerable times.
 And then along PKD's theme we have Salyvin's buddy, Mr. David  the queen is a 
reptilian Icke on the world as a holographic projection.
 This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that I had 
no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all experienced in my 
 In other watches I highly recommend to Netflixers The Liberator which is the 
story of Simon Bolivar.  This is a well crafted film about a personality most 
Americans know little about and as a friend said yesterday South America went 
a different route than the US but that's because Spain conquered there and 
oppressed the natives.  He was way ahead of his time and probably reincarnated 
as Bernie Sanders.
 Also I recommend Extraterrestrials available on Netflix. This is the movie 
Spielberg should have made rather than the cutesy one.  It too is well crafted 
as a cabin in the woods type of tail that takes a turn for the worse after a 
UFO crashes nearby.
 Nabby would be jealous.
 On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] 

     Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the story PKD 
tells at the first link:  
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech
    Would PKD love FFL?
 Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?
 Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
 Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)
|     |
|     ||     |     |     |     |     |
|   Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?   |
|  View on  |  Preview by Yahoo  |
|     |

|     |
|     ||     |     |     |     |     |
|   Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview   |
|  View on  |  Preview by Yahoo  |
|     |

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{text-decoration:none;}#yiv5582414776 blockquote {margin:0 0 0 
4px;}#yiv5582414776 .yiv5582414776bold 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

No, they thought those were good questions.

On 05/14/2015 01:33 PM, Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:
This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents 
that I had no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was 
all experienced in my head.

You really used to say stuff like that to your folks? Did they take 
you to a shrink?

*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:56 AM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

I can sorta relate to what PKD is talking about because I sometimes 
when I have fallen asleep late at night on the futon (yes, I still 
have one of those) in the living room when I wake up the room doesn't 
quite look the same. A few seconds later it does but this has happened 
enumerable times.

And then along PKD's theme we have Salyvin's buddy, Mr. David  the 
queen is a reptilian Icke on the world as a holographic projection.

This is a theme I've been on since I was a kid bugging my parents that 
I had no proof of what I was experiencing was real since it was all 
experienced in my head.

In other watches I highly recommend to Netflixers The Liberator 
which is the story of Simon Bolivar.  This is a well crafted film 
about a personality most Americans know little about and as a friend 
said yesterday South America went a different route than the US but 
that's because Spain conquered there and oppressed the natives.  He 
was way ahead of his time and probably reincarnated as Bernie Sanders.

Also I recommend Extraterrestrials available on Netflix. This is the 
movie Spielberg should have made rather than the cutesy one.  It too 
is well crafted as a cabin in the woods type of tail that takes a 
turn for the worse after a UFO crashes nearby.

Nabby would be jealous.

On 05/13/2015 11:32 PM, TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife] wrote:

*/Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the 
story PKD tells at the first link:/*


*From:* Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

*Sent:* Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
*Subject:* [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

Would PKD love FFL?
Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)


Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

View on

Preview by Yahoo


Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview

View on

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see with Barry is his own fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Will someone please tell Barry that he is welcome to submit his application to 
me, for membership over at The Peak, at any time. But I do have a small 
requirement for him first, not reflected in his writing below: mental 


 What's always boggled my mind is how many of the people who have *BEEN* kept 
in line by TM teachers and Governors of the Age of Enlightenment (I 
mean...just *think* about that term, and that people are *so* brainwashed that 
they take it for granted and never question it) react. Rather than resenting 
having been told what they can and cannot do and what they can and cannot think 
for years by these dweebs, *they aspire to be just like them*. Thus you find 
people like Jim Flanegin, who never had what it took to become a TM teacher, 
wanting to become just like them and impose his will on others and force them 
to live the way *he* wants them to. In a very real sense, this strikes me as 
the same kind of inherited behavior we see in victims of child abuse. Instead 
of growing up to hate such abuse, they tend to grow up to become abusers 
themselves. I find the very existence of The_Leak quite fascinating. It 
started because one person on FFL (Jim Flanegin) had a grudge against another 
person on FFL (moi) because he wouldn't buy into his (ludicrous) claims of 
being enlightened. Mr. Enlightened got angrier and angrier and angrier until 
one day I used a throwaway phrase to make a point, and Jimbo went fuckin' crazy 
over it and started slinging libel accusing me of being a pedophile, and 
encouraging people to sic the authorities on me in the real world. He *also* 
did the same thing that Doug/Buck is *still* doing, and started appealing to 
Rick Archer to have me thrown off of FFL, and created whole threads with this 
in the Subject line, thus smearing my name in search engines. Rick of course 
ignored him like the idiotic control freak he was acting like. Me, because what 
he was doing was ILLEGAL and the very definition of libel, I sicced the Dutch 
cops on his ass. Mr. Enlightened reacted by not only NOT apologizing for the 
libel, but by running away and forming his own group, where he has now 
developed a history of banning anyone who dares to say something he doesn't 
like. It's not just the COWARDICE of all of this that gets me, but the abused 
trying to become the abuser phenomenon that makes me roll my eyes. After all 
these years of being indoctrinated by the TM movement, it's understandable that 
someone with as weak an intellect as Jimbo's can no longer even *conceive* of 
thinking any way other than he's been told to think. What is less 
understandable is that he wants to be able to do to other people what was done 
to him. I guess he finally managed it, by creating a forum on which *HE* has 
the final word on what anyone can say and what they can't. I hope he's finally 
happy. That would be a first, in the entire time I've known him on the 
Internet. I honestly hope that Jimbo and his followers have a grand time over 
on The_Leak. He gets to finally be the control freak he's always wanted to be, 
and his followers get to feel superior to those they've left behind. But the 
bottom line is that they simply couldn't handle dealing with a forum on which 
people were allowed to express their own ideas as they wanted. They're only 
comfortable on a forum in which the ways they're *allowed* to interact with 
others is dictated to them. If anyone is looking to define the legacy of the 
TM movement, I would suggest that this is it. I did my weekly scan of The_Leak 
this morning as my Dutch cop friends have advised me to do, just to make sure 
that the weasel who created the group isn't still spouting libel about me. He 
doesn't seem to be, so it would seem that even the dumbest people can finally 
learn if you just hit them over the head with reality enough times. :-) 
However, scanning a few of the posts quickly just to get a feel for what they 
talk about over there, it occurs to me that a few of them are still holding 
onto grudges and fostering the notion that they were pushed out of FFL and 
forced to create another group because Rick didn't protect them and their 
interests on FFL. This strikes me as so delusional I felt I should discuss it a 
bit. First, Fairfield Life was NEVER created for them, meaning as a place of 
refuge (the actual word that Buck used in one of his latest gripes) for TM True 
Believers. It's ASTOUNDING that anyone could *possibly* believe that. FFL has 
-- since Day One -- been the *opposite* of a refuge for TBs. Its charter is 
right there on the home page for all to see. It is *by design* a place where 
one has the right to challenge anything and discuss it. FFL was, in fact, 
created as an *alternative* to the TM movement itself, where you could get 
yourself excommunicated just for expressing criticism or doubt about the 
official TM dogma, Maharishi, or even TM itself. How did these bozos who are 
now holding court 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess at some point, the hunter, becomes the hunted, so to speak. 

 He has bought in so heavily to this meme as Barry Wright, Cult Detective 
that this has, sort of overtaken his personality.

 His posting content consists of longer, and shorter versions of he same 

 I suppose he and Sal, and MJ could form their own little team of Cult Busters

 They've already got a ready made great song.  Just change that one word.

 They ain't afraid of no cult!

 Just Dance 2014 - Ghostbusters - 5* Stars 
 Just Dance 2014 - Ghostbusters - 5* Stars Facebook: - 
Twitter: Ghostbusters by Ray Parker, Jr. Difficulty: Medium
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 


---In, richard@... wrote :

 He sounds very JELLOS of you Steve. You've obviously reached a whole new state 
of spiritual insight and you've got your own family and a successful business 
that is a going concern. Like I was telling Jim, enlightenment means being 
happy and enjoying success in all your desires and goals - the proof of the 
pudding is in the eating.

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :
 certifiable at this point?

Thanks for trying to help the poor TurqB.  Where is Dr. Pete when we need him? 
Obviously he is trying to reach out. Some people feel better when they have 
someone to talk to. 
You may be his only connection with reality these days, Steve. He may be 
delusional at this point. Who knows what kind of deprivation and peer pressure 
he's going through over there at those leftist bohemian cafes. 


 if anyone even reads it.

Maybe you can understand now why they got kicked of the TMO - they suck as 
spiritual teachers. No new insight; they failed to reach enlightenment in 5-7 
years, or even a decade. They produced zero enlightened students in three 
decades of spiritual teaching. 

They promised us a lot more than they could deliver - from enlightenment to 
flying and levitation. If they mislead us for all those years, who would 
believe anything they say now?

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sal, look, the simple solution is to find a new home for all your fascinating 

 But, we all know why this won't happen, because your content is all about 
complaining about those, who are complaining about you, complaining about them.

 And plus, I find it sort of fun to push the buttons, of the self proclaimed 
called button pushers.

 That is, after all, how Barry refers to his participation here.

 It's all good Sal.

 Tea and crumpets, anyone?


---In, wrote :


I think you are correct and I think it's pathological to insist that a chat 
room is not spiritual enough and then stay there dragging the place down 
instead of thinking of relevant contributions, especially when you have a ready 
made alternative just a mouse click away where all is sweetness and light. 

 The need to stick around and bitch is symptomatic of something but I can't be 
bothered to do any research into it because it's so dull. I really hope there's 
no such thing as a life review when we die, because the three whining trolls 
here are going to really hate seeing how much of their lives they've spent 
saying the same thing over and over again. And to no effect. I wouldn't wish it 
on anyone.

 And one thing is really for sure, this aint spiritual behaviour. Or I read the 
wrong books...

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see with Barry is his own fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Maybe if we break it down, Jim, we can understand what he's talking about.  

---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

 Will someone please tell Barry that he is welcome to submit his application to 
me, for membership over at The Peak, at any time. But I do have a small 
requirement for him first, not reflected in his writing below: mental 


 What's always boggled my mind is how many of the people who have *BEEN* kept 
in line by TM teachers and Governors of the Age of Enlightenment

 (I mean...just *think* about that term, and that people are *so* brainwashed 
that they take it for granted and never question it) react. 


 Rather than resenting having been told what they can and cannot do and what 
they can and cannot think for years by these dweebs, *they aspire to be just 
like them*. 


 Thus you find people like Jim Flanegin, who never had what it took to become a 
TM teacher, wanting to become just like them and impose his will on others and 
force them to live the way *he* wants them to. 


 In a very real sense, this strikes me as the same kind of inherited behavior 
we see in victims of child abuse. 


 Instead of growing up to hate such abuse, they tend to grow up to become 
abusers themselves. 


 I find the very existence of The_Leak quite fascinating. 


 It started because one person on FFL (Jim Flanegin) had a grudge against 
another person on FFL (moi) because he wouldn't buy into his (ludicrous) claims 
of being enlightened. 


 Mr. Enlightened got angrier and angrier and angrier until one day I used a 
throwaway phrase to make a point, and Jimbo went fuckin' crazy over it and 
started slinging libel accusing me of being a pedophile, and encouraging people 
to sic the authorities on me in the real world. 


 He *also* did the same thing that Doug/Buck is *still* doing, and started 
appealing to Rick Archer to have me thrown off of FFL, and created whole 
threads with this in the Subject line, thus smearing my name in search engines. 


 Rick of course ignored him like the idiotic control freak he was acting like. 
Me, because what he was doing was ILLEGAL and the very definition of libel, I 
sicced the Dutch cops on his ass. 


 Mr. Enlightened reacted by not only NOT apologizing for the libel, but by 
running away and forming his own group, where he has now developed a history of 
banning anyone who dares to say something he doesn't like. 


 It's not just the COWARDICE of all of this that gets me, but the abused 
trying to become the abuser phenomenon that makes me roll my eyes. 


 After all these years of being indoctrinated by the TM movement, it's 
understandable that someone with as weak an intellect as Jimbo's can no longer 
even *conceive* of thinking any way other than he's been told to think. 


 What is less understandable is that he wants to be able to do to other people 
what was done to him. 


 I guess he finally managed it, by creating a forum on which *HE* has the final 
word on what anyone can say and what they can't. 


 I hope he's finally happy. 


 That would be a first, in the entire time I've known him on the Internet. 


 I honestly hope that Jimbo and his followers have a grand time over on 


 He gets to finally be the control freak he's always wanted to be, and his 
followers get to feel superior to those they've left behind. 


 But the bottom line is that they simply couldn't handle dealing with a forum 
on which people were allowed to express their own ideas as they wanted. 


 They're only comfortable on a forum in which the ways they're *allowed* to 
interact with others is dictated to them. 


 If anyone is looking to define the legacy of the TM movement, I would 
suggest that this is it. 


 I did my weekly scan of The_Leak this morning as my Dutch cop friends have 
advised me to do, just to make sure that the weasel who created the group isn't 
still spouting libel about me. 


 He doesn't seem to be, so it would seem that even the dumbest people can 
finally learn if you just hit them over the head with reality enough times. :-) 


 However, scanning a few of the posts quickly just to get a feel for what they 
talk about over there, it occurs to me that a few of them are still holding 
onto grudges and fostering the notion that they were pushed out of FFL and 
forced to create another group because Rick didn't protect them and their 
interests on FFL. 


 This strikes me as so delusional I felt I should discuss it a bit. 


 First, Fairfield Life was NEVER created for them, meaning as a place of 
refuge (the actual word that Buck used in one of his latest gripes) for TM True 


 It's ASTOUNDING that anyone could *possibly* believe that. FFL has -- since 
Day One -- been the *opposite* of a refuge for TBs. Its charter is right there 
on the home page for all to see. 


 It is *by design* a place where one has the right 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF Mental Health Alliance: Shifting Cultural Attitudes Subcommittee

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Dear MJ thanks for your empathy and support on this. There is a lot of good 
work being done around community mental health in Fairfield, Iowa. It is work 
in progress and certainly there yet are still some tough nuts to crack within 
this work but good work by a lot of good people is being done on many fronts.   

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Excellent, go for it and may all those with problems in Fairfield and 
surrounding environs get the help they need.

 From: dhamiltony2k5@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:20 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: FF Mental Health Alliance: Shifting Cultural 
Attitudes Subcommittee

Ongoing Items
 Happy Mothers Day!
 Anxiety Lecture: We are well underway with many initiatives in preparation for 
the event - with special thanks to stellar volunteer Patrick Williams. Attached 
below is an Event Tracker to offer a perspective of all that is underway. 
Please review and let us know if we are missing anything of if you have any 
suggestions. Most notable is publicity in the form of articles in the Weekly 
Reader and the Fairfield Ledger last week! Posters are also up on campus and 
around town. Regional Mental Health Professionals: FMHA would like to feature 
properly credentialed mental health professionals. Send us your info and we 
will add you to our list on LetsGoJeffCo, where we have a list started, along 
with other regional resources. ( resources/mind.html Organization Focus: We will 
temporarily suspend larger group meetings. In the meantime, the Steering 
Committee will meet to focus on strengthening the core of the organization so 
that we may be poised to grow with a more solid foundation. Other active 
volunteers are warmly invited to participate. Details to follow. New Meeting 
Location: We may have gotten the Sondheim Center as a location to host meetings 
once a month. Confirmation and details to follow. Ongoing outreach: If you have 
any ideas, skills, or support to make this group better, contact us. scott@... 
mailto:scott@... Attachments and Links: Anxiety Lecture Event Tracker
 Anxiety Lecture Poster
 Download and post it on Facebook, email to friends, etc... Strategic Plan
 which contains all of our goals Archives of Mental Health Matters with Dr. 
Scott Terry
 Mental Health Page  
 Craig and Scott wishing you well - and reminding you of how powerful you can 
be to make a difference in our world today.


---In, dhamiltony2k5@... wrote : 

 [November 2014]


 Towards Actionable Plans..

 Dear Committee Members;
The focus of the next working meeting will be on implementation of the stage 
plans of the various subgroups. [currently 11.11.2014] We are now at the point 
of developing an implementation of each of the goals. Come join us. We want you 
to join us.

This is being sent this out to all so you know what the Shifting Cultural 
Attitudes Subcommittee is working on. This 'Cultural Group' is working through 
a process of creating a Strategic Plan so we can take all the wonderful ideas 
we have been banging around and create an actionable plan out of them. Find 
attached an explanation of writing SMART goals and a template for the team 
leader to fill out for the goals your group were working on during Tuesday 
night's meeting. When the team leader has entered the information into the 
actionable plan template, please forward to Ken Daley for inclusion in the 
Strategic Plan.
 At previous Alliance working meetings two working subgroups formed and met — 
the “MUM/MSAE” group and the “Outreach and Education” group. Those two groups 
met again last week. Thank you to everyone in those groups for stepping up and 
contributing in this way. Please contact your group liaison to check on if you 
are meeting this coming week, and on what work needs to be done between the 

 Template Explanation:
 Writing SMART Goals
STEP 1: Understanding the nature of SMART goal writing
There are several variations of the mnemonic SMART.  For the purposes of our 
Mental Health Alliance exercise we will use the following.
S pecific
M easurable
A ttainable
R elevant
T ime Bound
Specific: The more specific and detailed your description, the 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 15-May-15 00:15:08 UTC

2015-05-14 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 05/09/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 05/16/15 00:00:00
233 messages as of (UTC) 05/14/15 22:27:40

 64 richard
 27 dhamiltony2k5
 26 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 26 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 13 steve.sundur
 12 salyavin808 
 10 aryavazhi 
 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 10 Bhairitu noozguru
  9 yifuxero
  7 s3raphita
  4 jr_esq
  4 anartaxius
  2 srijau
  2 reverse_archery
  2 merudanda 
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 hepa7
  1 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  1 Diane arlingtonlife
Posters: 20
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] The Gateway Drug to Addiction:

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Really interesting research setting the record straight on gateways..
 The Record Straight On The Phrase 'Gateway Drug'
 Setting The Record Straight On The Phrase 'Gateway Drug'
 Denise Kandel coined the term, often associated with marijuana, in a research 
paper 40 years ago. But her work suggested nicotine, not pot, was most likely 
to lead to the use of harder drugs.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] New file uploaded to FairfieldLife

2015-05-14 Thread FairfieldLife


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife

  File: /PressRelease Lists 5-4-15-1.pdf
  Uploaded by : mail_uzer
  Description : Press Release New TM Center Bethlehem  Lehigh Valley

You can access this file at the URL:

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A cool, shiny, spiritual moment

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Exactly. Sometimes spiritual is just sitting somewhere writing about what is 
going on in one's life at the moment. My little rap about Paris was simply the 
way someone who has followed a path such as mine processes loss, finding a way 
to turn it from sorrow into joy. 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 9:44 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A cool, shiny, spiritual moment
    I am sitting in my home office on a dark grey chair. The walls are painted 
grey. There is a computer monitor in front of me, its frame, black. There are 
two speakers on the desk, their face, black. The desk is grey. The computer 
sits on the desk. It's black. There is a computer mouse, also black, as is the 
computer keyboard, and there is a cheap camera, again black. A battery charger. 
Black again. There are bills and receipts, which are white, so I suppose white 
is a colour that represents diminution of resources. But the spiritual clincher 
of this experience are two objects to my left: 1) A CD box containing a 
recording of Die Schöpfung (The Creation) by Joseph Haydn which is resting on, 
2) a book called The Quotable Atheist, ... for Nonbelievers ... and Those 
Generally Hell-Bound (to shorten a somewhat long secondary title for the book). 
The book's cover is about the same colour as dried blood.
I don't have a dog. I don't miss not having a dog. The last time I had a dog 
was about 1952. I did however get a ride in a car yesterday, and there was a 
dog in that car.

   #yiv9700502452 #yiv9700502452 -- #yiv9700502452ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Ellison

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Great find. Harlan is arguably the world's greatest curmudgeon.  :-)  Here he 
is with (of all people) Robin Wlliams (possibly one of the only people whose 
mind worked at the same speed as Harlan's), telling the story of how L. Ron 
Hubbard invented Scientology:

Harlan Ellison  Robin Williams discuss LRH

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| Harlan Ellison  Robin Williams discuss LRH |
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  From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:34 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Ellison
    Harlan Ellison on God
Harlan Ellison on God
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| Harlan Ellison on God |
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: God speaketh...

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Indeed. The whole schtick -- the things people believe in the name of religion 
-- is just so funny when you think of it. Just yesterday I stumbled upon an old 
comedy routine by the late Bill Hicks, in which he said (paraphrasing), Why is 
it that Christians wear crosses around their necks. Do they really think that 
is what Jesus wants to see, and that will make him return? I mean, it's like 
walking up to Jackie Kennedy wearing a tiny sniper's rifle on a chain around 
your neck and saying 'Hey Jackie...I just wanted to tell you how much I loved 

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:15 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: God speaketh...
    That is the most succinct summary of what most Christians have taken as 
gospel it deserves a place in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.

---In, wrote :

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
The quality that IMO most distinguishes the Neo-Advaitans (and some lesser 
dweebs like the ones we've run across on FFL before they ran away to form their 
own groups/religions) is self-sufficiency. 

NOT in the good sense of actually *being* self-sufficient, but in the sense of 
allowing for no other interpretation of the nature of reality than their own. 
Their word -- describing *their* subjective experience -- is all the proof 
you should need of their exalted status. It doesn't matter whether they 
contradict themselves from moment to moment, it doesn't matter whether their 
actions are the complete opposite of how they claim they live their lives -- 
the only thing that matters is the thing they said the most recently. That is 
Truth. Because they spake it. 

This, I believe, is one of the worst things Maharishi ever did for his 
followers -- convince them that their subjective experience is all they need to 
define being enlightened. There was never any external verification, because 
none is needed. You just know you're enlightened. And once you know, others 
should believe you, because...uh...because you said so, and what you say is 
Truth...because you're enlightened. So there. 
Neo-assholes, is more like it...

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 2:45 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Enlightenment Story of Wayne Wirs
    Almost all of the Batgappers (imo) are Neo or Pseudo-Advaitins, the 
characteristerics of which are described in several excellent websites, if you 
google Neo-Advaita.  They have numerous common qualities, but it best serves 
us to provide some examples then identify the quallities of Neo-Advaita from 
there - examples, Gangaji and Andrew Cohen.  Many of them were devotees of HWL 
Poonja, but by now there is a new crop of them, growing like bacteria or mold 
on an old orange.:
  #yiv8651139883 #yiv8651139883 -- #yiv8651139883ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
Great find. Here's my friend Robert's graphical version of the story PKD tells 
at the first link:
  From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:16 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech
    Would PKD love FFL?
Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977?

Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview
Nah, probably not. We are not worthy. ;-)

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| Did Philip K. Dick disclose the real Matrix in 1977? |
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| Hour 25 - Philip K. Dick - Interview |
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[FairfieldLife] Tomorrow's world yesterday...

2015-05-14 Thread salyavin808

 Now I know what's missing from my life: an oscillating bath tub. How come 
these never made it into production?

 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in pictures
 Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in...
 Historic patents from the early 20th century show how aspiring inventors 
predicted that humans would fly
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Tomorrow's world yesterday...

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I just love the better mousetrap.  :-)

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 10:28 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Tomorrow's world yesterday...
Now I know what's missing from my life: an oscillating bath tub. How come these 
never made it into production?
Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents - in pictures
||||   Imagining the future: early 20th century US patents 
- in...  Historic patents from the early 20th century show how aspiring 
inventors predicted that humans would fly||
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

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[FairfieldLife] Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person took 
a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even if you had 
never had any experiences in decades of meditating that felt like the 
enlightenment you were promised, you could still have hope if you heard other 
people talking about *their* experiences or saw some chart that suggested they 
were actually *having* experiences. 

Now think about Fairfield Life. Same thing. Same dynamic. 

Sure, when Rick started the forum, it was intended as a safe forum for people 
who had gripes with the TMO to express them, and some of that has determined 
the character and the nature of the forum ever since. But for a smaller number 
of FFL participants, this was a place where they could come and act out the two 
sides of the dome sharing experience in cyberspace. 

Those who were hungry for attention could talk about their supposedly 
spiritual experiences, and a few people would go Woo and they'd get some 
attention. There is no need to name these people, because everyone here knows 
exactly who they are. 

Then there were the others, the much larger vast majority of TM TB FFL 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see with Barry is his own fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
as fiction, or non-fiction?

 ---In, richard@... wrote :

 Maybe if we break it down, Jim, we can understand what he's talking about.  

---In, reverse_archery@... wrote :

 Will someone please tell Barry that he is welcome to submit his application to 
me, for membership over at The Peak, at any time. But I do have a small 
requirement for him first, not reflected in his writing below: mental 


 What's always boggled my mind is how many of the people who have *BEEN* kept 
in line by TM teachers and Governors of the Age of Enlightenment

 (I mean...just *think* about that term, and that people are *so* brainwashed 
that they take it for granted and never question it) react. 


 Rather than resenting having been told what they can and cannot do and what 
they can and cannot think for years by these dweebs, *they aspire to be just 
like them*. 


 Thus you find people like Jim Flanegin, who never had what it took to become a 
TM teacher, wanting to become just like them and impose his will on others and 
force them to live the way *he* wants them to. 


 In a very real sense, this strikes me as the same kind of inherited behavior 
we see in victims of child abuse. 


 Instead of growing up to hate such abuse, they tend to grow up to become 
abusers themselves. 


 I find the very existence of The_Leak quite fascinating. 


 It started because one person on FFL (Jim Flanegin) had a grudge against 
another person on FFL (moi) because he wouldn't buy into his (ludicrous) claims 
of being enlightened. 


 Mr. Enlightened got angrier and angrier and angrier until one day I used a 
throwaway phrase to make a point, and Jimbo went fuckin' crazy over it and 
started slinging libel accusing me of being a pedophile, and encouraging people 
to sic the authorities on me in the real world. 


 He *also* did the same thing that Doug/Buck is *still* doing, and started 
appealing to Rick Archer to have me thrown off of FFL, and created whole 
threads with this in the Subject line, thus smearing my name in search engines. 


 Rick of course ignored him like the idiotic control freak he was acting like. 
Me, because what he was doing was ILLEGAL and the very definition of libel, I 
sicced the Dutch cops on his ass. 


 Mr. Enlightened reacted by not only NOT apologizing for the libel, but by 
running away and forming his own group, where he has now developed a history of 
banning anyone who dares to say something he doesn't like. 


 It's not just the COWARDICE of all of this that gets me, but the abused 
trying to become the abuser phenomenon that makes me roll my eyes. 


 After all these years of being indoctrinated by the TM movement, it's 
understandable that someone with as weak an intellect as Jimbo's can no longer 
even *conceive* of thinking any way other than he's been told to think. 


 What is less understandable is that he wants to be able to do to other people 
what was done to him. 


 I guess he finally managed it, by creating a forum on which *HE* has the final 
word on what anyone can say and what they can't. 


 I hope he's finally happy. 


 That would be a first, in the entire time I've known him on the Internet. 


 I honestly hope that Jimbo and his followers have a grand time over on 


 He gets to finally be the control freak he's always wanted to be, and his 
followers get to feel superior to those they've left behind. 


 But the bottom line is that they simply couldn't handle dealing with a forum 
on which people were allowed to express their own ideas as they wanted. 


 They're only comfortable on a forum in which the ways they're *allowed* to 
interact with others is dictated to them. 


 If anyone is looking to define the legacy of the TM movement, I would 
suggest that this is it. 


 I did my weekly scan of The_Leak this morning as my Dutch cop friends have 
advised me to do, just to make sure that the weasel who created the group isn't 
still spouting libel about me. 


 He doesn't seem to be, so it would seem that even the dumbest people can 
finally learn if you just hit them over the head with reality enough times. :-) 


 However, scanning a few of the posts quickly just to get a feel for what they 
talk about over there, it occurs to me that a few of them are still holding 
onto grudges and fostering the notion that they were pushed out of FFL and 
forced to create another group because Rick didn't protect them and their 
interests on FFL. 


 This strikes me as so delusional I felt I should discuss it a bit. 


 First, Fairfield Life was NEVER created for them, meaning as a place of 
refuge (the actual word that Buck used in one of his latest gripes) for TM True 


 It's ASTOUNDING that anyone could *possibly* believe that. FFL has -- since 
Day One -- been the *opposite* of a refuge for TBs. Its charter is right there 

Re: [FairfieldLife] A Philip K Dick Speech

2015-05-14 Thread Duveyoung
The film, Extraterrestrial, was a major pain in the ass. 

 You want to experience that film?

 Here;Prepare yourself to be sorry you're watching but are already too invested 
to quit the film -- but get this -- sorry because the film is so dang good at 
manipulating your mind using now well known moviedom tactics and it becomes 
tiresome to have to keep coming upright and getting pissed at the attempts, 
nd, then the film grabs you again and you forgive the psychiatric rape 
until, YES AGAIN, they sit you up straight with the abusive fucking hacking at 
your mind's underpinings, and, BAM, they suddenly switch gears 
on ya and you're in a whole new milieu and this cheap trick makes you stay in 
the film even longer without fastforwarding because you can't believe these 
characters are now going to have to adjust to a WHOLEFUCKINGNEW paradign again 
and again so you just have to watch 20 more seconds and THAT'S ENOUGH time in 
which the present peril is heightened and then a few seconds of the next cut 
elsewhere in the script where another ongoing peril is being forwarded yet more 
while GET THIS the script is well written, and the acting's topnotch, and the 
direction's okay, and the editing is like PERFECT for triggering you again 
and again without resolve as it drags you relentlessly without your permission 
through some of the most overwrought scenes in which at least a dozen actors 
get to chew the scenery to shreds in massive bad emoting and it becomes obvious 
how they got a decent actor to take the lousy parts strewn throughout this film 
like shrapnel.
Aand then the film lasts another 85 minutes with the ending being 
the most elongated TRUE LOVE scene in any slasher/alien/horror/scifi/everyone 
fucking dies film. It would win a daytime Emmy for sure. Took about a thousand 
hours of hyper-time.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Jesus, Barry. 

 Just come off it for a change.

 Give it a different slant.

 But, if really, if you want to stake a claim to your brand of spirituality, 
then so be it.

 But damn, I wish you'd have the courage to raise it up the flagpole, and see 
if anyone salutes.

 P.S.  It ain't content, Barry.  It just ain't.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: salyavin808
 I think you are correct and I think it's pathological to insist that a chat 
room is not spiritual enough and then stay there dragging the place down 
instead of thinking of relevant contributions, especially when you have a ready 
made alternative just a mouse click away where all is sweetness and light.

 The word for it is, in fact, pathological. We've been pointing out to Steve 
and Doug (the only two of the 3 worth even bothering to try to interact with) 
for well over a year now, trying to get them to step back and realize that in 
all that time they haven't posted ANYTHING positive and spiritual to this 
supposedly spiritual forum they keep whining about. And they're *still* doing 
it, even though there is an alternative place to post where supposedly none of 
the obstacles to them revealing their spiritual sides exist. I think that 
anyone sane has to deduce from this that they don't actually *have* a 
spiritual side. They just like to bitch and harass people they consider their 
enemies. What a sad fuckin' life. 


 Meanwhile, you and I and Michael and Anartaxius and aryavazhi and others they 
dump on have made dozens -- possibly hundreds -- of posts about spiritual 


 THEY HAVEN'T. I'm pointing this out so that it's right in their faces and they 
have to deal with it or lose all credibility whatsoever. I don't think any of 
them CAN post anything completely positive and spiritual at this point. They've 
dwelled so long in gray, lower-astral hate mindstates that they can't extract 
themselves from them. 


 The need to stick around and bitch is symptomatic of something but I can't be 
bothered to do any research into it because it's so dull. I really hope there's 
no such thing as a life review when we die, because the three whining trolls 
here are going to really hate seeing how much of their lives they've spent 
saying the same thing over and over again. And to no effect. I wouldn't wish it 
on anyone.

 And one thing is really for sure, this aint spiritual behaviour. Or I read the 
wrong books.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is Maharishi's fault

2015-05-14 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Nobody read it Barry. 

 Your fan boy may have skimmed it.

 But, nobody read it.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Yeah but look who he was saying it about.  :-)

 But I understand...some people have short attention spans, and can't read more 
than 30 words. This post is for them.  :-)


 From: Mike Dixon mdixon.6569@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 4:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
 As Antonio Salieri would say... too many notes!


 From: steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 7:12 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why the whiny hysteria we see on FFL is 
Maharishi's fault
   certifiable at this point?

 if anyone even reads it.


---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 For some time now (over a year, and escalating after one particular person 
took a powder from the forum and essentially told everyone here to fuck off and 
die), the primary characteristic of the forum called Fairfield Life has IMO 
been whining. A few TM TBs, deprived of their version of Saint Joan to fight 
their battles for them against the invading hoard of infidels, tried to do the 
same thing themselves, and with disastrous results. 

Not being able to *stand* the fact that people who disagreed with them about 
the importance of TM, Maharishi, and above all their over-corpulent egos could 
express these thing freely here, they set about a non-stop snipe hunt in which 
they tried to demonize them and make them go away. That exercise in pettiness 
went so far that one of the constant heretic-attackers finally went over the 
line and resorted to actual slander -- he encouraged people to call or write 
officials in the home town of one poster he particularly hated, and tell them 
that he was a child molestor. Rightfully busted on this, he ran off with his 
tail between his legs and tried to form a new group, one in which supposedly 
right-thinking, *really* spiritual people like himself could talk about 
spirituality without being interrupted by horrible heretics like myself. It 
took less than a month for him to throw the first person off of his new forum, 
for the sin of revealing what he was up to back over on FFL, the forum he'd 
sworn he would never visit again as long as I was here. Go figure. What a 
fuckin' soap opera, right?

So anyway, a few of these folks left, and started their own forum, one on which 
they can supposedly say anything they want about their so-called peak 
experiences, without anyone pissing in their cyberpunchbowl. One would think 
they'd be happy, and...uh...stay over there, where they claim things are so 
much better. 

But n. A hard-core few of them spend more time writing to Fairfield 
Life than they do The_Leak, saying essentially the same thing over and over and 
over: We don't like it over here, because a few people don't treat us with the 
respect we deserve when we talk about 'spiritual' topics. These people are BAD, 
and should be made to go away, so we can 'share' our spiritual experiences 
without fear of interruption or embarrassing demands for proof of our claims. 
Blah-blah-blah. You know the've heard it now for quite some time. 

My contention in this post is that the whining comes directly from how they 
were taught to act and live by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. HE was the one who taught 
these TM followers that the only safe way they could live in this world was to 
clump together in groups. If you were doing Maharishi's program correctly, 
you had to live in TM-only communities, reside in TM-approved houses, bounce on 
your butts together several times a day, and participate in the sessions in 
which you share experiences and get them voted #1 experiences or #2 
experiences or whatever. 

In those sharing sessions, there were always two sides to the sharing. A 
few people would have actual experiences to share, and if they were deemed #1 
experiences, everybody would look at them in an envious way and inwardly go 
Woo!, and they'd actually get some attention. In the TMO, with its 
 mentality, getting a little attention by talking about your spiritual 
experiences in one of these sharing sessions was pretty much the only 
attention you were ever going to get. 

The other side of the sharing experience was personified by the much larger 
vast majority of people who never had anything to share. THEY were there 
because many of them had never really ever HAD a major spiritual experience, 
and they needed to hear other people talk about *theirs* so as not to lose 
hope. It was the same rationale as all the TM research -- even