[FairfieldLife] Re: The War on Drugs

2016-04-24 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks. Your experience sounds like what I half expected. I was always too 
fearful to give it a try in case it turned unpleasant! 

 I recall when I was initiated the teacher asked me if I'd used drugs during 
the previous 15 days. I said not - as indeed I hadn't - but he was pretty 
dubious as I was going through a "hippy" stage at the time and looked like one 
of the usual suspects . . .  

 Bhang is a common shortcut to higher states in India. I by no means pooh-pooh 
the alleged connection between drugs and "expanded consciousness" but getting 
there under your own steam is always more convincing.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 sure have...long ago. I would say a tiny big feels great but more than a 
little does not work, I think it is probably true that the coherence effect 
gets lost, the brain gets very disordered on more than a bit. 
would like to know someones experience with the flying sutra and weed as I have 
abstained for a long time. as per the Guru's wishes..

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread s3raph...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Re "Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker":  

 Yes, thanks for those limpid sentences. Can't imagine The Pope or Archbishop 
of Canterbury ever coming up with words like that.

 Jesus said: "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am 
I in the midst of them." The problems begin when a crowd gathers! Then the 
worship sinks to the level of the lowest common denominator.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the 
middle of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of 
George Fox; as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and 
the U.S. - for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. 
and spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a 
retreat into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude 
whatsoever for interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox 
 George Fox 
 First friend

 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Things aren't good in JRville

2016-04-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
This is what you get when you turn your city over to elitist snobs and 
those who can't afford to live there have no means of escape.

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for  the excellent quote by Alexander Parker.  Unfortunately, the middle 
of the 19th century witnessed a decline in the liberal theology of George Fox; 
as the Fundamentalist perspective gained ascendance in the UK and the U.S. - 
for example with John Nelson Darby (1800 - 1882) coming to the U.S. and 
spreading the "Rapture" idea.  This brand of Christianity represented a retreat 
into dogma and strict Biblical interpretation with no latitude whatsoever for 
interior Gnosis.
 Let's see what CT (Christianity Today) has to say about George Fox.  Offhand, 
I'd say that they merely tolerate him with great reluctance.  The notion of 
interior "light" or Gnosis is anathema even in the liberal branches of 
Christianity represented by that Magazine.

 George Fox 
 George Fox 
 First friend
 View on www.christianitytoday... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Mon 25-Apr-16 00:15:07 UTC

2016-04-24 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 04/23/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 04/30/16 00:00:00
37 messages as of (UTC) 04/24/16 22:21:43

 10 dhamiltony2k5
  7 awoelflebater
  6 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  2 srijau
  2 hepa7
  2 emily.mae50
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 Bhairitu noozguru
  1 yifuxero
  1 s3raphita
  1 jr_esq
  1 j_alexander_stanley
Posters: 12
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
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Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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Re: [FairfieldLife] VICTORY >>> Mars will label all GMO ingredients

2016-04-24 Thread Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]

And Nestle's.  It will be good to get Dreyer's Ice Cream without HFCS.

I still don't like the CEO saying that water isn't a right.  Where do 
they get these people?  Out of some NAZI institute?

On 04/24/2016 05:36 AM, email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife] 

In a second great victory for US citizens and labelling campaigners in 
one week, Mars, Inc. has announced it will clearly label GMO 
ingredients on its product packages.

Mars’s announcement follows just days behind General Mills’s statement 
that it will label GMO ingredients. Almost certainly, more companies 
will follow.

pls read more >>>

[FairfieldLife] Re: In Peace Projects, Formative and Powerful Times

2016-04-24 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Formative value and bravery in doing the extraordinary. 
 Moral courage and doing the extraordinary with others, 
 here is another really interesting documentary-journalism that shows group 
formation and formative comradeship under extraordinary circumstances. 
The story of extraordinary resistance at huge cost..

 A story of young friends and their civil disobedience, by their journalism. 

 'Islamic State's' most wanted 

 5 parts as short chapters. What happens when you resist the world's most 
violent jihadis? 

 This is an extraordinary story told of a group and their courage as a group of 
people acting together to do the extraordinary.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yes, that is what I felt was interesting about the particular journalism, that 
it was not the usual story of formative comradeship bonds that is often told 
around military combat service, but of the finding of the deep comradeship 
experience in working in groups to provide humanitarian services.  

 A lot of TM teachers had this experience and now as veteran TM teachers have a 
special bond in life from those 'formative' times. You can see that instant 
familial connection here in Fairfield in any of the coffee shops or places that 
old meditators run in to each other. 


 S3 writing,

Re "It's a sense of purpose thing for me. You're part of something that's much 
larger than yourself. ":

 I understand where he's coming from. (An excellent Yank idiom that!) And good 
luck to him.

 But is it really so impossible a task to build a social order that gives all 
who yearn for a common, shared and noble purpose (which is not everyone's goal 
in life of course) a rewarding task improving the lot of citizens at home? It's 
pretty dispiriting when the only option you can see is to risk life and limb 
and hone your skills killing johnny foreigner. I'm no pacifist so I'm not 
denying either the courage needed or the necessity of (some) wars.

 I've mentioned before that if I were American I'd work alongside similarly 
motivated citizens for reform of your brutal prison system.

 Some similarities to early heady times in Transcendental Meditation..

 an NPR interview, “13 years as a civilian working in Iraq and Afghanistan — 
about his deployment and readjustment to life”. Finding A 'Sense Of Purpose' 
Hard To Find in Life
 "Even though these sorts of tours are very challenging and very disappointing 
at times, they also give a great sense of purpose that is really difficult to 
duplicate elsewhere.

 Because it's not an adrenaline thing. It's a sense of purpose thing for me. 
You're part of something that's much larger than yourself. You work with 
colleagues that put their all into something. You have people who - whose lives 
are being impacted for better and for worse."


 For Veterans, A 'Sense Of Purpose' Hard To Find In Life After Iraq 
 For Veterans, A 'Sense Of Purpose' Hard To Find ... 
 Rachel Martin talks to Matt Sherman — who spent 13 years as a civilian working 
in Iraq and Afghanistan — about his deployment and readjustment to life in t...

 View on www.npr.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 



 The loss of 'TM as group', not unlike where in a group 'connection' there are 
levels of 'Brotherhood' or 'sisterhood' where there is a mutual agreement that 
one will put the welfare and safety of the group above your own in a level of 
'Brotherhood', putting the welfare of the group above your own..

 At a time there was that in TM, as by example like portrayed in some classics 
like the Iliad, in WWII for some, for some young Marines bonding in Afghanistan 
or in Fallujah coming in to a bond in a small group of trust who they may come 
to love more than themselves.


 Some folks leaving from that level of a communal brotherhood then, separated 
going out and coming back in to society as an individual without a ready bond 
of group one may not know who to trust. One can imagine the psychological 
distress for some people when they leave something like this level of 
connection within group that they loved for a time. It can be an exercise for 
some depending on personal resources.

 Coping then with a loss of a level of communal 'camaraderie' for those being 
turned out in larger society like happened at a time with some old TM'ers, then 
places like Fairfield, Iowa or yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-04-24 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
“… the first that enters into the place of your meeting, be not careless, nor 
wander up and down either in body or mind, but innocently sit down in some 
place and turn in thy mind to the Light, and wait upon God simply, as if none 
were present but the Lord, and here thou art strong.  When the next that come 
in, let them in simplicity and heart sit down and turn to the same Light, and 
wait in the Spirit, and so all the rest coming in fear of the Lord sit down in 
pure stillness and silence of all flesh, and wait in the Light.  A few that are 
thus gathered by the arm of the Lord into the unity of the Spirit, this is a 
sweet and precious meeting in which all are met with the Lord…. Those who are 
brought to a pure, still waiting on God in the Spirit are come nearer to God 
than words are… though not a word be spoken to the hearing of the ear. In such 
a meeting where the presence and power of God is felt, there will be an 
unwillingness to part asunder, being ready to say in yourselves, it is good to 
be here, and this is the end of all words and writings, to bring people to the 
eternal living word.”  -1660
 -Alexander Parker, Letters of Early Friends, ed. A.R. Barclay (London; Darton 
and Harvey, 1841), pp. 365-66.  Alexander Parker was a close companion of 
George Fox.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Text from Northern Europe I'd like to track down is an essay that was written 
from jail in Bern by Inspirationists who were at the risk of a conviction for 
heresy and a death sentence. The essay was a crafted explanation of their 
separatist spirituality, written judiciously in defense so as to get themselves 
out of jail without tripping wires. They got out of jail that time (..and 
eventually came to America).

 The inquisitors or magistrates in these circumstances went after what people 
'believed' by extracting from them statements of their creeds. Not with an 
interest in context of people's experience but what did they 'believe', point 
by point. There being a Church ideological disinterest in people's experience, 
unless of course the 'experience' could convict the separatist. If once moved 
on to a religionist's turf of comparing 'creeds', “..what exactly do you 
believe?”, then it is all over for spirituality and spiritual people.  (Same 
kind of trials of transcendentalists by religionists subsequently coming to 
America, held by the Puritan colony the ISIS of that day.)

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 ..Lot of spiritual people [transcendentalists by other names] fled moving from 
Europe to America.  That can be mapped.  Likewise a Lot practicing meditators 
have skirted around and left the TMO as it became doctrine bound, overtly 
administrative, and itself more a belief-based (religious?) culture. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Excerpts that I heard presented in papers at a conference sounded very similar 
to Barclay's Apology and not unlike a defended sort of fear that practicing TM 
meditators contend with in the TMO's guidelines and administrative inquisitions 
that are held in Fairfield around being able to stay in or even attend 
sanctioned group meditations in the Domes.
 Barclay's Apology

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents?


 These old writings reference other writings coming from around Europe, the 
lowlands, France and Spain and Austria. Through history these spiritual people 
would have to take periodic refuge from the religion of the day and so they 
moved around with their experiences too.   

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I was at a conference not long ago where papers were given by scholars who 
recently have translated old German texts, letters, pamphlets, and tracts of 
satsang-like spiritual groups that were in Northern Europe. Some of these old 
texts were of the Community of True Inspiration, from their own long line of 
mystics going way back who existed in satsanga 'separately' through time while 
the Roman and Orthodox Churches and then subsequently the institutional 
Lutheran churches were each doing their religious persecuting thing. In these 
works of the separatists were overlapping writings from around Europe from 
spiritual luminaries of different decades and centuries. 
 This is recent scholarly work translating this material by American born and 
reared scholars raised speaking German within their families. A best of both 
mother tongues?  Their translations make nice reading as these scholars are 
fluent in both German and English. 

  From this material it is evident that those spiritual folks who surfaced by 
generation or so as leaders or spokespersons by force of spiritual experience 
are like more powerfully transforming people we could recognize today like 
Ammachi, Meera, John Douglas, Janet Sussman, Connie H

[FairfieldLife] VICTORY >>> Mars will label all GMO ingredients

2016-04-24 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

In a second great victory for US citizens and labelling campaigners in one 
week, Mars, Inc. has announced it will clearly label GMO ingredients on its 
product packages. 

Mars’s announcement follows just days behind General Mills’s statement that it 
will label GMO ingredients. Almost certainly, more companies will follow.

pls read more >>>

[FairfieldLife] Re: MUM Tuition Legal Advice Please

2016-04-24 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 Students could be more active in looking out for the University along with the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Post-Maharishi and MUM being a corporation with a board of Trustees as an 
accredited institution the Trustees now are in a position to help bring some 
better integrity to the professionalism of the institutional processes at the 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Seems there is not an ombudsman or process for these things in the University. 
  The President when he is in town often has settled these things with finality 
by telling people that they are ‘free’ to leave anytime they wish.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Resolution?  The Trustees of the corporation of the University could stand to 
hear more of the cases of these kinds of things that seem to show a lack of a 
professionalism in the staff.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yep, happening mid-stream this probably is distressing on several levels.  I 
don't know but I forwarded your post to ask in to it a little. , Let us know 
what you find, how it goes and how it was handled.   Sorry to see that this is 
disgruntling in the student experience with the University, maybe a University 
Trustee could help by having this explained in more detail to the trustees and 
they consider picking up the tab. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Anyone had issues with MUM tuition policies being unfair and what to do about 
it? Such as charging 3 x for EXACTLY the same program just because it is being 
taught on a different schedule? The only difference from the other program is 
the days of classes. Is that even legal?

 And they did that mid-stream, it has made everyone take up federal student 
loans...they suddenly raised tuition by 2000K and that much less for rent and 
food.. everyone is mad but nobody does anything about it and MUM gives really 
weird excuses that make no sense.


2016-04-24 Thread email4you mikemail4...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Many of us have become convinced that genetically engineered (GE) foods and 
genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are harmful to health and the 
environment. But how can you effectively respond to friends and family who have 
fallen for the oft-repeated fallacies and myths about GMO safety and efficacy? 

Claire Robinson is the editor of GM Watch, which is based in the U.K.. Together 
with genetic engineers John Fagan and Michael Antoniou, she also co-authored 
the book “GMO Myths and Truths,” which can be a very helpful resource.PLEASE 
GMO Myths and Truths: What You Need to Know About GMOs