Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
You do realize you are mostly talking to yourself here?  

 I meditate when and where I want, or can, depending on the situation, and 
without regard to philosophies as to whether it can influence others. 

 My concern has only been enlightenment, all other goals are subordinate, are 
less important, and my own experience has been group practices are not that 
important compared with desire to succeed, particularly if unification is well 

 Enlightenment does not result in a monolithic viewpoint among a group of 

 And the reason is enlightenment is not about acquiring anything. It is about 
losing ignorance. 

 An enlightened man and an ignorant one can be in the same room, in the same 
situation. So what does that solve other than the two might see that situation 

 If doing less and accomplishing more means anything, why not do nothing and 
accomplish everything? Doing nothing does not require group meditation or 

 Learning "how" to do nothing though does require some attention, usually 
decades for most.

 By the way, the entire subsequent history of the universe will be post this 

 There will likely be other elections, but the result of this last one has not 
yet happened, because the people who won are not in office yet, and yet 
everyone thinks they know what will happen.

 If group meditation had an effect, then the result of this election could be 
that effect.

---In,  wrote :

 Waging radical peace... 

 Hagelin's Premise..
 Peer-reviewed, published, replicated, honest-to-goodness, gold-standard 
scientific research leads us to make this heartfelt request of you: Come and 
join us for meditation in Fairfield, Iowa for this post-election period of 


---In,  wrote :

 Hagelin's Premise,


 A premise large in assertion and direction like a Monroe Doctrine, The 
Marshall Plan or the Meissner-like Maharishi Effect, now as matter of 
statistical fact: The Hagelin Premise.

 Hagelin’s Premise :
 It is time to rally to meditation by all that the best of modern science tells 
us is statistical truth and by what we know more objectively in our experience 
as quite fair rule of thumb. It is quite time now to come together in 
collective meditation for all that is good.

---In,  wrote :

 Discourses at the Ammachi darshans in Detroit this week were a lot about 
making a connection of cultivating/gaining spiritual strength from spiritual 
practices along with compassionate humanitarianism, as you say.  Light in the 
body, feet on the ground. "Do the work."



 Yifuxero writes:

 Thx, the case of a connection between Transcendence and compassionate 
humanitarianism, perhaps can be undermined or even dismissed from a 
Neo-Advaitic viewpoint by saying that Transcendence alone does not imply any 
particular action.
 However, recent research coming from several areas does indeed bolster the 
connection between Transcendence (if done by enough people) and Global Peace.; 
but I must object to the idea that MMY made those connections.
 The new argument can be bolstered by merging 3  sources:  1. Sam Harris, 2. 
The polyvagal axis theory, and 3. the brain's production of Oxytocin, which is 
part of (2).
 First, from Neurophysiologist Harris:  (a reasoned hypothesis) That silent 
medication may lead to increased awareness which leads to Empathy for others 
(an ability to feel what others are feeling, in some way).  Finally, the 
increased ability to Empathize leads to what the Buddhists call Compassion 
(related to the love concept but slightly different).

 2. Second, the Polyvagal axis, already covered on this forum.  Thx Doug for 
introducing this to the forum..
 3. The measurement of Oxytocin output after the subject engages in various 
experimental activities.  Oxytocin is the body's "Love molecule".  For example, 
petting animals might stimulate hormone.  High up on the list of activities 
that generate an Oxy response is Compassionate meditation: (silent meditation 
coupled with a feeling of Compassion).
 Therefore the missing ingredient not emphasized by MMY to any great extent is 

 Shalom Aleichem

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, the Domes in Fairfield quite evidently are activating places spiritually 
too like these places are for an individual or collective.  There certainly is 
a reality to that. Like sitting in gathered Quaker meetings meditating In 
effect wages peace as place more profoundly founded in what is a silence of 
their spiritual processes. Waging Peace now given these agitated and divided 
times, the imperative seems to rise as we come to know more. This becomes like 
a duty.  Duty for those who know how to pursue and wage radical peace 
spiritually. To the help,  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Countering a Post-Modern Spiritual Disabling of the Human Being..

2016-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes. What seemed distinctly a single category splits in two when you learn 
about "spirit." Eventually it all come back together again. Materialism, 
Spirituality, Non-Duality, Monism. All the same. How many ways can you cut a 
deck of cards?

---In,  wrote :

 Thx, there's no clear-cut distinction between materialism and 
Spirituality, since any particular materialistic item or even can conceivably 
be transmuted into something allied toward the goal of Enlightening everybody 
in the Universe. (a Mahayana Buddhist goal).
 OTOH, a materialist can be defined as a person who worships (in a fashion), 
anything/anybody as separate from purusha.  But even that definition breaks 
down since (for example), the Hare Krishnas claim that their conception  of 
Deity involves ONLY the "appearances and pasttimes" of Krishna; and to even 
desire realization of the Impersonal Absolute (purusha) is a heresy.
 Likewise, Fundamentalist Christians are only interested in establishing a 
relative, dualistic relationship between themselves and Jesus, and to even 
consider "Gnosis" is completely out of bounds and would entail shunning and 
exclusion from one's Congregation.
 Similarly, the Transcendentalist Spinoza was kicked out of his local Jewish 
Congregation and shunned.
 The bottom line: Fundamentalists involved in dualistic devotion as an activity 
apparently separate from purusha represent simply : the status of the 
evolutionary condition of those persons; and in terms of raw numbers, there's 
far more Southern Baptists in any middle or small town than the numbers of 
persons that Ammachi can gather together in CA.
 I'm just reporting on the way things are, not the way things "should" be. The 
Fundamentalists would vehemently deny that they are materialists. There must be 
a vast gray area of transitional categories.
 Ultimately, logic fails us in this discussion.  By way of example, when 
Katrina hit LA and other states, how many Quietists showed up on the scene to 
help rebuild devastated homes.  Otoh, large numbers of S. Baptists which tools 
in their hands rushed in immediately before FEMA to voluntarily rebuild homes. 
(and those persons with hammers and nails in their hands are materialists?). 
The definition of Spirituality should be broadened, imo.  Where to draw the 
line?  Nowhere. As soon as you draw the line somewhere, another person can come 
in with an exception or move the line or the goalpost..



[FairfieldLife] Post Count Sun 27-Nov-16 00:15:18 UTC

2016-11-26 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 11/26/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 12/03/16 00:00:00
2 messages as of (UTC) 11/26/16 14:37:20

  1 yifuxero
  1 dhamiltony2k5
Posters: 2
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Call to Spiritual Order,Rally Now to Meditation!

2016-11-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Waging radical peace... 

 Hagelin's Premise..
 Peer-reviewed, published, replicated, honest-to-goodness, gold-standard 
scientific research leads us to make this heartfelt request of you: Come and 
join us for meditation in Fairfield, Iowa for this post-election period of 


---In,  wrote :

 Hagelin's Premise,


 A premise large in assertion and direction like a Monroe Doctrine, The 
Marshall Plan or the Meissner-like Maharishi Effect, now as matter of 
statistical fact: The Hagelin Premise.

 Hagelin’s Premise :
 It is time to rally to meditation by all that the best of modern science tells 
us is statistical truth and by what we know more objectively in our experience 
as quite fair rule of thumb. It is quite time now to come together in 
collective meditation for all that is good.

---In,  wrote :

 Discourses at the Ammachi darshans in Detroit this week were a lot about 
making a connection of cultivating/gaining spiritual strength from spiritual 
practices along with compassionate humanitarianism, as you say.  Light in the 
body, feet on the ground. "Do the work."



 Yifuxero writes:

 Thx, the case of a connection between Transcendence and compassionate 
humanitarianism, perhaps can be undermined or even dismissed from a 
Neo-Advaitic viewpoint by saying that Transcendence alone does not imply any 
particular action.
 However, recent research coming from several areas does indeed bolster the 
connection between Transcendence (if done by enough people) and Global Peace.; 
but I must object to the idea that MMY made those connections.
 The new argument can be bolstered by merging 3  sources:  1. Sam Harris, 2. 
The polyvagal axis theory, and 3. the brain's production of Oxytocin, which is 
part of (2).
 First, from Neurophysiologist Harris:  (a reasoned hypothesis) That silent 
medication may lead to increased awareness which leads to Empathy for others 
(an ability to feel what others are feeling, in some way).  Finally, the 
increased ability to Empathize leads to what the Buddhists call Compassion 
(related to the love concept but slightly different).

 2. Second, the Polyvagal axis, already covered on this forum.  Thx Doug for 
introducing this to the forum..
 3. The measurement of Oxytocin output after the subject engages in various 
experimental activities.  Oxytocin is the body's "Love molecule".  For example, 
petting animals might stimulate hormone.  High up on the list of activities 
that generate an Oxy response is Compassionate meditation: (silent meditation 
coupled with a feeling of Compassion).
 Therefore the missing ingredient not emphasized by MMY to any great extent is 

 Shalom Aleichem

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, the Domes in Fairfield quite evidently are activating places spiritually 
too like these places are for an individual or collective.  There certainly is 
a reality to that. Like sitting in gathered Quaker meetings meditating In 
effect wages peace as place more profoundly founded in what is a silence of 
their spiritual processes. Waging Peace now given these agitated and divided 
times, the imperative seems to rise as we come to know more. This becomes like 
a duty.  Duty for those who know how to pursue and wage radical peace 
spiritually. To the help,  


 Yifuxero writes:
 On the topic of group vs solitary meditation, having meditated in Charlie 
Lutes' group, the Shakti was quote powerful, but so was meditating alone in the 
SIMS initiation rooms.  But positively the MOST powerful Shakti site I've been 
in was the Ramakrishna Vedanta Temple in Hollywood, CA.

 Thx Jim, another great essay on your part that I agree with. I've come up with 
a hypothesis that moral values (as a set of ethics, a major branch of 
philosophy), can ultimately be derived from Game Theory.  Some of the results 
can be duplicated with a computer, but given the limited power of computers, we 
would have to speculate on an overall conclusion with large numbers of people..
 Take tribal behavior.  There's an optimum population which gives rise to a 
cohesive tribe (I believe it's approximately 150 people).  Too little, and the 
members can't come together to formulate (not consciously), game-theoretic 
rules which enhance tribal survival.  Division of labor for example. With too 
many people, the tribe may break off into sects that ultimately war against 
each other.  The more simplistic outcomes can be programmed using game theory, 
matching what we observe.

 On the topic of Transcendence, I've come up with a new Koan: "Before 
Enlightenment, an asshole chopping wood and carrying water.  After 
Enlightenment, as asshole chopping wood and carrying water".  Thijs doesn't 
apply to you.  I'm thinking of people like Adi Da, but that's a judgment on my