[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 05-Oct-17 00:15:31 UTC

2017-10-04 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 09/30/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 10/07/17 00:00:00
33 messages as of (UTC) 10/04/17 21:51:59

 17 dhamiltony2k5
  3 emily.mae50
  2 starbaby108
  2 jr_esq
  2 hepa7
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 William Leed WLeed3
  1 Libby Unnerstall eunnerstall
  1 FairfieldLife
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
Posters: 11
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Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
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[FairfieldLife] Re: Pad dock: *slamist?

2017-10-04 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 Rather stupid from Daesh (Isis) to make that claim, and lose all credibility?

[FairfieldLife] "The Field Paradigm" - Free eBook on Maharishi Effect

2017-10-04 Thread Dick Mays dickm...@lisco.com [FairfieldLife]
The Field Paradigm
Free eBook on the Maharishi Effect

New Paradigm, New Solutions -- The amazing true story of the scientific 
discovery that we are far bigger, far more beautiful and far more powerful than 
we think, and how we can learn to use that power to heal ourselves, develop our 
full brain potential … and change the world.

The solutions that are presented in this book will sound incredible, too good 
to be true, but by now they have more solid scientific evidence than almost 
anything else ever tried. This evidence shows that we could change our world in 
a matter of weeks, if we want to.

Download the book for free at: 

(Also, see note from author and reader comments below.)

*From author Joachim Claes:

(A sponsor) read my book about the "Maharishi Effect" (and about the Fairfield 
community) and was so inspired that he's going to sponsor printing 500 copies 
to give away for FREE to the Fairfield Sidhas.

So far everybody who read the book (including a lot of Movement leaders who 
were in the Movement since before I was born) said they had "no idea" the 
Maharishi Effect was “that" impressive.

We're printing the books right now. They should arrive in 3-4 weeks.

We're also starting large-scale tests in several countries in Europe to give a 
copy of the book away for free to everybody who ever learned TM, and see if 
enough people are inspired to learn the Sidhis to pay for the printing cost. We 
only need one person to become a Sidha for every 150 books we give away to pay 
for the printing costs. A first small-scale test in Belgium showed that it was 
closer to one in 10.

I'm hoping that the results of these tests will inspire the US Movement to do 
the same.

Meanwhile, people can already download the book for free on:


Jai Guru Dev,

Comments about the Field Paradigm book

"I think this is the most important TM book ever written* - from the point of 
view of making the incomprehensible promise of world peace obvious to anyone 
with any brains at all.”
- Richard Broome (with his wife one of the most successful TM Governors in the 
world, in S. Africa)

"This is one of the best, most well-written, and compelling tours of 
Maharishi's knowledge I have ever read.”
- Raja Pat Barrett*

"I am totally amazed. It is exactly what is needed to bring TM to the public. 
Such clear use of simple logic that is accessible to people, such entertainment 
which will actually get them through it, and such deep understanding of the 
Knowledge, put in the language of the timeit is a page turner.”
- Raja John Konhaus

"Everybody (and I mean everybody) should read this book.”
- Eva De Roovere (famous Belgian pop star commenting on her Facebook page)

"One of the most inspiring books I've ever read...now that I know what the 
Global Country of World Peace stands for I'll do anything I can to help.”
- Joost Berghman* (Owner/CEO of Hypotheekwinkel, a financial services company 
with 180 retail stores)

>From Dr. Jaan Suurkula in Europe

A wake up call to TM-Sidhas in USA who do not practice in groups

You once had that beautiful and responsible desire to learn the TM-Sidhi 
Program for the sake of spiritual evolution and for World peace. I honor you 
deeply for that.

I can understand and respect that, for various reasons, this has become 
difficult due to family, work, geographical or other factors to the extent that 
you have not participated in group program or at national coherence times. ...

You may think that it does not matter [if] just you don't participate, leaving 
it to the others to do so. However, it seems that tens of thousands of American 
Sidhas have the same thought, with most regrettable consequences.

We just witnessed a tragic mass shooting and much worse, president Trump 
threatens to kill many millions of innocent North Korean civilians through 
massive bombing, with the risk of triggering a nuclear world war. …So here in 
Europe we are very concerned about the present stance of the White House in the 
Korean crisis.

By mastering the TM-Sidhi Program* you are the only one in the world *who can 
stop such insanity.

Please don't take the risk that the other Sidhas will do it instead of you.

When Maharishi urged TM-Sidhas all over the world to participate in the Taste 
of Utopia, he somehow conveyed the feeling that it was very important, and I 
traveled there all the way from Sweden. 20 years later it was discovered that 
Moscow had the intention to attack the US with nuclear bombs exactly when the 
Assembly started.

Likewise, already in May, Rajaraam, with a serious tone, asked everyone who has 
the possibility, to participate in group programs in the coming months because 
Jyotish has indicated troubled times for the whole world throughout thi

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pad dock: *slamist?

2017-10-04 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Reported as a fact, not an opinion.   

 FBI: Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Didn't Have Any Connection to ISIS

 Associated Press http://time.com/author/associated-press/

 Updated: Oct 02, 2017 12:03 PM ET



 (LAS VEGAS) — The FBI says the shooter who killed 58 people and injured more 
than 500 others at a Las Vegas concert had no connection to an international 
terrorist group.
 The announcement from Special Agent in Charge Aaron Rouse at a news conference 
Monday comes after ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack without providing 
 The extremist group claimed that the shooter was "a soldier" who had converted 
to Islam months ago. It has made exaggerated or false claims in the past.
 Authorities have yet to identify a motive for the shooting but say they 
believe 64-year-old Stephen Craig Paddock acted alone. He killed himself after 
the shooting.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 What is your opinion?


[FairfieldLife] Pad dock: *slamist?

2017-10-04 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
What is your opinion?