[FairfieldLife] Re: FF meditator memoriam

2019-01-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Judy Walls   
 Bryan Peterson passed  

 Stanley Kresky  
 Randy Coplin,  1949-2018 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Gary Rich, passed away early this morning, Sept 11, 2018  

David Seager 
 Merle C. Dockendorff 
 Robert Iverson 
 David Gannon has dropped the body. Rosie Estrin passed away this morning July 
1, 2018
 Transcendental Meditationist Fairfield, Iowa and a TM Movement Memoriam..

 Stewart Oestreich 

 Robert Oats  Jerry Jarvis 
 Peter Just 

 Enloe Willingham 


 ​Y​ou probably heard that Enloe

 ​ Willingham​

 passed last week. The following is a story that he told to four of us who were 
present in his hospital room about a month ago.
 Enloe was one of the 108s in the early 70s. One day Maharishi asked a group of 
108s: Who would be willing go to foreign countries using their own resources 
(not the Movement resources). Maharishi also said: you just have to go there, I 
will do the rest.
 Enloe went to Indonesia, a country he knew very little about at the time. On 
his way he was told by several people: be very careful, they don’t like 
foreigners in Indonesia, especially Indians.
 So Enloe decided that he would spend the first weeks in Indonesia just getting 
a feel of the country, not mentioning why he was there.
 One day he was in a shop. The shopkeeper’s three small children were there and 
Enloe asked the shopkeeper if he could take a picture of the children. She 
agreed, but said: come back on Sunday, they will be nicely dressed.
 When Enloe returned on Sunday, the shopkeeper asked: What are you doing in 
 Enloe replied: Have you ever heard of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi?
  She replied: Yes, he initiated my whole family when my father was ambassador 
to Sweden.
 She introduced Enloe to her father, who then introduced him to the top people 
in the government, many of whom Enloe initiated.
 So Maharishi’s words came true: Enloe just had to go to Indonesia and 
Maharishi did the rest.
 Now Enloe has gone to another new location and we expect Maharishi has taken 
care of the rest there.
 Jai Guru Dev


 Norman Zierold passed away at pre-dawn 7 March 2018. 

 There will be a gathering for cremation at Behner Funeral Home in Fairfield, 
2pm Friday 

 Sharon Starr Cynthia Cole

 Whoever has come, will certainly go; nobody stays here. 
 Always keep your bags packed. We never know when the call will come. The call 
of death is like an arrest warrant: there is no hope of further "appeal."72 
Then and there, one must drop everything and leave. Wherever, however, one must 
go. This need not be difficult if you are prepared from the beginning.  
 He who is always ready to go cannot commit sins. Sins are possible only when 
one forgets about the life hereafter. If one can always remember that he has to 
leave one day, then a man will never adopt lying and bad conduct.  
 Realizing that your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers have not 
stayed, it is easy to understand that, "I, too, cannot stay here permanently." 
Since it is certain that you will leave, then those people who prepare for the 
journey at the outset can rest comfortably; and if you are not ready, then you 
will surely have difficulty. Take care: "don't do something that will make you 
repent when you go." 
 Discourse 23, The Sweet Teachings of the Blessed Sankaracarya
 Swami Brahmananda Saraswati (..Maharishi's teacher)


 There are additional names gathered further back in this thread. Yahoo now 
truncates for length. There are more names and also the Purusha passing list is 
further back in this thread.   


 I have placed a larger file of this memoriam list over on to a Google-group.
 Yahoo-groups truncates now in a way that makes researching back in to yahoo 
subject threads difficult to work. 
 A longer version of this list that scrolls more easily 
 can be found and opened at:

 Patrick Gearon, The Quantum (car) Mechanic

 Charles (Charly) Vaughn 
 Savannah Alyn Harrell  John L. Petit 

 Robert David passed away yesterday. 
 Wonderful character in the community,
 lovely person,
 a very spiritual guy. 

 Timothy Kasten,  from online obit, "We were all MIU students in 1974, close as 
thieves sharing the grand TM adventure".

 Steve Petersen  1952-2017
 recently on the Settle Grant with IAAssembly 2012-2015

 Katherine Hanna
 Victor Pardo


 Dave Randall 
 Tim Hunter

 Ellen Lashmutt
 Finn Bousquet..
 Gurdy Leete
 Nathan Zenack
 Christina Revolinski
 Nancy Glassco Ellie Ditzel
 Vaidya Mishra
 Paul Handelman
 Carl Wonneman
 Tim Hildebrandt
 John Ong
 Rod Magoon
 David George
 Gary Malmgren
 Amalia Bright
 William James Duke
 Florence Davis
 George Gallagher
 Andrew Sheehan
 Sally Peden
 Tom Torpy
 John Herbert Prechtel
 Nancy Van Blaricum

[FairfieldLife] High Tech from the Ancient Rishis

2019-01-06 Thread jr_...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
TM can be considered a high tech technique for predicting the future and 
understanding the past.  The technique makes the person be aware of the stream 
of thoughts that go through the mind regarding the past and desires for the 
near future.  By BEING in the present is equivalent to being at the cusp or 
edge of both the past and the future.  So, this is the unspoken explanation  
for becoming invincible.  TM gives you bliss as you perform actions during the 
day.  Thus, you get health benefits as you  perform your work without  the 
stress and anxieties which are the results of bondage to the fruits of actions, 
as the Gita explains..

[FairfieldLife] In FF's Diaspora..

2019-01-06 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Some news, from Sustainable Living having left given up on FF and headed out 
into the world.. 

 “..I hope all is well with you.


 Wonderful things are happening here in Flint. The Te Deum which I composed, 
commissioned by the Univ of Wisconsin Catholic Center for their centennial, was 
done here in November, with three choirs and members of the Flint Symphony 
Orchestra, as part of a concert series at St Paul's Episcopal Church. There is 
more cooperation on the ground here in Flint than any other place I have lived, 
including Minneapolis,  Madison, and Chicago. Yo Yo Ma, the cellist, is 
planning a lecture at U M in Ann Arbor in Feb, and a day of Action in Flint the 
next day ( Feb 27 and 28), on the theme of culture's contribution to the 
renewing of a city. I'm hoping to be part of that.

 My church, Asbury United Methodist, and its CDC, has built  nine hoop houses, 
drilled two wells with solar pumping, and has 64 city lots actively or on the 
way to urban agriculture.  The pastor is a former software executive who gave 
up that career to serve a challenged neighborhood, and has brought his skills 
to the East side of Flint. Many college and other volunteer groups have come 
here to put in days of work.

 A couple weeks ago, Kerry Edwards became the highest ranking black female fire 
official in the country in her promotion to deputy fire chief. I was at the 
reception and had my picture taken with her. Such a gracious individual, 
respected by everyone that I know of.

 There is still severe blight, crime and government corruption, but this place 
is inspiring.  

 Please excuse me for blowing our horn. Things are really happening here.

 Also,  just to acknowledge your work in communication in Fairfield, what a 
dignified and worthwhile thing to do. Thank you. 


 “..the dispersion of any people from their original homeland.”

[FairfieldLife] Soros, an economic siddha?

2019-01-06 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]

 https://youtu.be/WBZnau8Px5E https://youtu.be/WBZnau8Px5E