[FairfieldLife] Re: 'The Old Soul Age'

2008-08-10 Thread Michael James Flatley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Robert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The Old Soul Age

Very helpful system. 7 roles, 7 chief obstacles, 7 modes, 7 goals 
and 9 needs.

Warrior is the most structured essence role, while artisan is the 
most fluid.

I'm an artisan.  We're the most creative and least grounded.  We get 
balanced from structure.  

I found this easier and faster than astrology.

The main character in Sling Blade exemplifies Infant Soul.  Fairly 
new to this planet and human reality, little that can scare him.  
Gomer Pyle, another ficticious character, exemplifies the infant soul.
When Sargent Carter is screaming at him, he's not phased.  He can see 
Sgt. Carter's essence and loves him even though he's an ass.

Jed Clampet and his family: infant souls.  Contrasted with Mr. 
Driesdale, young... and Miss Hathaway, mature.

Eddie Arnold in Green Acres, is a mature soul, who accidently mates 
with a young soul, and when they move to a rural area, they mingle 
with a lot of infant and baby souls.

Baby souls can often make is cops or firemen... rare for them to 
succeed as doctors or lawyers.

Infant souls are particularly strong working directly with plants and 
animals.  They are attuned to nature.  Often love to hunt... or in 
the cast of Ellie May, nurturin animals.

Baby souls relate to safety and protection... a high percentage of 
fundamentalists are baby souls.

Young souls are the most materialistic.  Mafioso are early young 
warriars.  Dying to get ahead materially and lacking the cognitive 
resources to compete fairly and legally.  Creating Karma.

It's just a system... Easy to learn.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's Guidelines, for Spiritual Progress

2008-08-06 Thread Michael James Flatley
It's all about the Purity of the Teaching.

If eclectic behaviour is tolerated, then it could get to the point 
where an introductory lecture on TM is coming from somebody who 
benefited from a variety of traditions, techniques, tools or 
teachers... and The Purity, at that point, could easily be watered 
down with a quotation from the course in miracles, or a reference to 
the I Ching.

Also, if somebody was eclectic and they have their stuff 
together, you got no way to connect that togetherness with the one 
Effortless Technique. 

God forbid, what if somebody actually got enlightened as a result of 
multiple teachings?  Then all of those influences would be validated.
Not good.

There aint no way to prove nothing unless we scare people into 
becoming robots.  Will they get enlightened?  No.  So what?

If people do get enlightened you gotta kick them out ASAP. They might 
say something conscious to people still chasing the carrot... bad 
influence.  Enlightenment will destroy the purity, we gotta prevent 

MMY knew that people would say,

If mantra mediation is so helpful, then please explain why India had 
so much poverty?

The Answer:  Yes, India has had mantra mediation for ages.  At one 
time it was extremely effective.  Yet, the purity was lost.  You can 
get a mantra for free in India so it has no special value, etc.  
People in India are allowed to select their mantras, oftentimes with 
the guidence of a hindu priest.  We will will stay with the Saraswati 
vibration for millions of repetitions.  That is the purity. Promoting 
the Saraswati (grounding creativity) vibration and resist the rest of 
the pantheon.

The typical poverty-stricken seeker in India has multiple teachers.  
Hinduism allows and encourages this. That's why they're messed up.

The paranoia and non-tolorence comes from those concerns.  Also, he's 
dealing with college graduates and smart people... the logic had to 
be tight and flawless.

The problem is, that almost nobody has achieved enlightenment from 
three to four decades of running the Saraswati vibration.

And there's no reversal of biological aging.  It only took a few 
years of watching TM-sidhas age to dispell that fantasy.

Diet and exercise, are obviously ten times more effective.

I want somebody else to post about the million dollar course.  

I got the story from a friend of the Kaplans... they're biased with a 
particularly negative assessment of MMY.

Here's the short version:  You didn't miss anything.  Even the 
accomodations were a bummer. The Kaplans and Ken Kastle have the 
perception that MMY selected the cheapest hotel in Holland.  Less 
than one star.  That was probably part of the point: you should be 
able to get comfortable anywhere, irregardless of conditions.  

Regarding enlightenment, MMY explained that it's simple:  When you're 
feeling peaceful and content insider yourself, that's enlightenment.

I got the impression that anybody who took this course was very 
disappointed... I assume that many were finally able to get a clue, 
and start detaching.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru Dev's Guidelines, for Spiritual Progress

2008-08-06 Thread Michael James Flatley

 Everyone else seems to get it. There IS no excuse
 for limiting a human being's right to explore
 spirituality in any form, and for making that
 exploration a crime punishable by banishment. In
 *every* instance in human history in which it
 has appeared it has been a mistake, and an 
 instance of tyranny. Those who support and defend
 it are supporting and defending tyrants. End of

Thanks Turk.  The story has ended and we are in the early stages 
of the aftermath, with diverse points of view.

MUM, with an all time high of 1200 students will keep the wheels 
turning.  And the nephew should have $900 million cash to promote the 
TMO in India.  Aftermath.

Each year, some number of robots get sufficiently frustrated with the 
tyrany to throw in the towell... We're in the after time.

Some things could develop, and the story could, over the next few 
decades gradually congeal as more of the leaders default.

Once the die-hards from the '70s are all in their seventies, more 
disclosure will be presented, and a more complete picture will emerge.

The Saraswati vibration does have an influence, and possibly... a 
huge benefit to the planet.  We don't know.  We can't measure this.  
We can only observe the well being of those who are sticking it out 
for there entire adult life, and perhaps with that, make some 
grounded assessments, or at least statistics.  

Kieth Wallace has been practicing 45+ years.  If he had selected 
another set of tools, we don't know where he would be... could be 
more or less, in well being, and expanded awareness.

Technology of Consciousness.

That sound bite could infiltrate the mainstream by 2020, and if they 
ever choose to  drop the mantra price to around $100 there could 
be another wave of interest in the future.   

Or things could fizzle out gradually, as people become conscious and 
self-reliant.  We'll see.

I really like the Guru Dev quote.  It's affirming. It's the type of 
thing I like to hear from a spiritual teacher: To each, their own... 
it kicks ass.

If indeed, MMY's behaviour was tyrannical, more disclosure of the 
particulars from reliable sources could be helpful to those 
contemplating a devotional path, with his system as the focus of 
their devotion.


[FairfieldLife] Integral Psych videos

2008-08-03 Thread Michael James Flatley

 Did you get a chance to see the videos I posted for you? That should  
 give you some idea of how practical a model it is.
It kept asking me to download the latest Real Player.  
I couldn't get it to play on my Dell quad-core system.   I'll try it another 

I'm eclectic... I find value in a broad variety of systems.

Nothing beats living in the question.

Question everything.  I kept asking questions for decades.

It looks like I just found new brainwashing to replace the old brainwashing... 
We require 
some programming to function.  And we have to know that our thoughts and 
correspond with awareness we're unwilling to have.

You guys are wise to resist all dogmas.  


[FairfieldLife] Maharishi The Special (was Re: Ring clarification)

2008-08-02 Thread Michael James Flatley

 I'm voting for gullibility, sorry. On my part, 
 and on the part of everyone else here, too. People
 didn't get their energy and their money sucked
 from them, they gave it away.

You guys (Curt/Turk)are half-way there.

Here's what you're missing and what I was missing until 2001.

You know that common theme/myth/archetype/story about the devil 

hey, if you sign over your soul to me, I'll give you anything you 
wish: Great wealth, beauty, fame, you name it.

They never explain the dymanics of what the devil does with your soul 
if you sign it to him.

Negative beings, like Hitler, are oftentimes keenly interested in 
spiritual advancement.  There is such a thing as evolving on a 
negative path.


You know all those gay guys that wanted to be normal, and tried so 
hard to be hetero?

Well they couldn't overcome their orientation by just wishing or 
pretending a being can however, gradually change their their 
orientaton over a long period of time. 

And sometimes a shift can occur suddenly.  The soul can choose to re-
configure.  The soul can cross the poles.

In the myth, how do you suppose the devil benefits from accumulating 

Ever thought about that?

Do think it's just more fun to have more slaves?

There are higher worlds on higher dimensions kinda like high-
school is higher than grade-school, etc.

Approximately half of the beings on levels beyond us have a positive 
orientation and half of the beings on levels beyond us have a 
negative orientation

 I'm voting for gullibility, sorry. On my part, 
 and on the part of everyone else here, too. People
 didn't get their energy and their money sucked
 from them, they gave it away.

Our willingness to be tricked, fooled, deceived and then abused. 
was partially a function of our childlike innocence.

Here's a Peter Gabriel quote:

I come to you, defences down, with the trust of a child.

The whole dance that was unfolding within the TMO, was a co-mingling 
of two different styles of soul functioning: positive vs. negative 

We (the non-robots) with our positive orientation made the assumption 
that more intelligent and more evolved was also the equivalent to 
more positive.

One of the potential, concievable benefits of switching orientations 
is a spiritual quickening, in the sense that high-school is more 
advanced than grade-school...

MMY appealed to our lust for speedy advancement.  A lot of deception 
and trickery was used, and here's the problem for him.

Just like it's hard to get gay goes to go straight (or vice-versa) 
it's hard to get positively oriented folks to adapt a negative 

If you allow a spiritual predator to consume your being. you 
still have the option of changing your mind, and leaving.

The predators know that, expect that, and anticipate that.

Huxley is said to have gone to a negative world after dying 
however, he left after a reletively short time.

A body is a meal sometimes, right?

You can eat a cow.

Did it ever occur to you that a soul can also be a meal?

Bonding is happening everywhere.  Molecules, stars, galaxies, black-

In our reality, we have all this merging through the reproductive 
process.  As a discarnate, after dying, you will have other types of 
merging opportunities.

60 trillion cells make up one human body What we call a soul, is 
also refered to as a fragment of an entity.

Have you ever met someone where it looked like your energy coming out 
of their chakras?  That could've been an entity mate.

The higher worlds with negative orientations engage in the process of 
soul fragments bonding together to form a larger more complete, as do 
the positively oriented worlds... it's just a question of doing it in 
a friendly or hostile fashion.

Enlightened beings can and do lie.  Maharishi does not meet the 
criteria of enlightenment that he outlined in SCI course.  In CC, 
it's impossible to make mistakes.

When he was smitten with Mia, and thought he had a chance of romance 
with her.. that was a mistake.  She was not attracted to him, and 
he was not a romantic possibility for her.  Anyone in CC or higher, 
by his own definition, would have enough cognitive functioning to 
pick up on that.   So he wasn't enlightened according to his own 
definition.  But his definitions are not realistic.

Very advanced beings oftentimes lose 99.9% of their cognitive 
abilities when they're feeling their oats.  It's real simple.  If you 
have body, you can get horny.  And in times of horniness, an IQ of 
190 can drop to 90.

Here's why Maharishi is creative genius:

He was smart enough to deceive other super-smart folks.  He used his 
time with Guru Dev to study the positive orientation what makes 
us tick.

All of the issues we have with mating... and sex.  There is a similar 
dynamic on higher realms with the process of soul fragments coming 
together to form 

[FairfieldLife] Ring clarification.

2008-08-01 Thread Michael James Flatley
This gentleman is a Swami.  An American born in India, who returned 
at 16.  Met MMY at 17, in '67.  In '67, he lived in a cave with his 
Hindu Guru in Rishikesh.  His Guru introduced him to MMY before 
Beatles noteriety.

Dr. Ken Dimitrius Kastle  www.kastledesigns.com

Ken later switched to a female guru remained friends with the 
Rishikesh guy.  Upon revisting the first Guru in '71 or '72... they 
both paid a visit to MMY.

MMY instructed both the Guru, and my friend Ken who was now a swami 
in TM at no charge.  And showed them both the diamond ring that had 
preveiously belonged to Guru Dev.

At that time Dr Ken knew nothing about the history of this ring 
and I have no details The jewelry from the Kaplan letter is 
something other than a ring, and no diamond is mentioned.

Ken saw the diamond ring in '71 or '72 and 30+ years later 
consulted the Kaplans when they were beginning to pull away.

I'll ask Ken to clarify this.-MJF

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ring clarification.

2008-08-01 Thread Michael James Flatley
He designed:  

What's called the Foundation... and also called Buddha Room.  Steve 
Wynn saw this, and invited him to work on the Wynn Hotel, a five star 
joint I've never seen... really doesn't interest me.

The guy is a real designer with a PhD in Vastu Vidya Shastra. Also 
studied Feng Shei in China 30 years ago before it became popular.

Regarding the hecklers:  Are you guys still active in the TMO?  Still 
practicing TM and TM-Sidhi program after 30 years?  If so, how's it 
workin' for ya?

Did you at least make it to CC or GC?


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   This is either a brilliant lampooning of originality, or one of 
   the shoddier website's I've encountered. For an interior 
   designer, his project gallery contains an array of amateurish, 
   poorly photographed furniture, suffering from a compete absence 
   of the very service Dr. Kastle claims to offer - taste. 
  Liberace on Temple hash. or
  Trust fund baby goes to India and buys a bunch of shit for 
  her dorm room. 
 The cowboy hat and clothes are a nice touch, too. :-)
 I think ya gotta bear in mind that he practices
 in Las Vegas, so his clients are probably ultra-
 dumb Dolly Parton wannabees who had a good night
 at the tables and think this stuff is cool.
 There is a chandelier in one of those photos that
 would be considered too tasteless for the Madonna
 Inn in San Luis Obispo, if anyone has ever been
 there. (For those who haven't, it's pretty much
 a monument to kitch, a museum to bad taste.)

[FairfieldLife] Re: Ring clarification.

2008-08-01 Thread Michael James Flatley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   Regarding the hecklers:  Are you guys still active in the TMO? 
   Still practicing TM and TM-Sidhi program after 30 years?  If so, 
   how's it workin' for ya?
  Yeah Turq and I are heavily involved with the movement and through 
  30 plus years of practicing Maharishi's programs we have both 
  achieved the highest state of Brahman consciousness.  
 Please note that Curtis specifies the highest
 state of Brahman Consciousness here. Maharishi's
 version was low-rent, merely the first step in a
 long *series* of levels of BC, of which Maharishi
 knew only the first, which in the original Sanskrit 
 is referred to as 'puny-ass beginner's realization. 
 We're WAY beyond that. That's merely the first level.
 The people in 12th-level BC can walk on water; we can 
 walk on ghee and sesame oil.
  This state allow us to cognize the principles of where to put 
  shit Veda 
 And you might want to be thankful that Curtis chose
 not to practice this advanced knowledge on you, and 
 tell you where to put something, only to find that it's
 a loose fit.  :-)
 Just jivin' on you, dude. You're getting all serious
 about something that isn't. Taste IS subjective, but
 I suspect that this guy's designs would be considered 
 tasteless in every loka of creation. He might have all 
 sorts of other stuff going for him, but interior design 
 on an aesthetic level just ain't one of them.
  so we are well versed in the skills necessary to put a gold 
  colored pillow on a rose colored sofa trimmed in gold.
 The Liberace tigerskin cover for the bed is optional.
 The supplier guarantees that it died a natural death,
 just like Maharishi's deerskin.  :-)
  My favorite line:
  a real designer with a PhD in Vastu Vidya Shastra
  I've got a PHD in Magical Invisible Elf studies. (and I was into 
  Elves before J.R.R. Tolkien's Trilogy made it cool.)
 In a previous life, Curtis actually designed the real
 Elf palaces in Middle Earth. And they didn't have pink
 walls and glass chandeliers from K-mart. 
 Again, we're just messin' wit ya, because this guy 
 makes such an easy target. His act is low rent, and
 we tend to wail on low rent for fun. It doesn't have
 *anything* to do with trying to discredit your ring
 story of anything. I care less about that than I
 care about this guy's cowboy hat.

Sounds like you're sayin' that you're not one (or two) of the robots.

I'm so new to this site, I can't even tell if the robots are on here 
somebody said that this 
site is regarded as going off the program etc.

Glad to hear you don't care about the cowboy hat.  Btw, Las Vegas is the 
Cowboy hat is classic CW attire.

I don't suppose you guys took the million dollar course, some five years ago... 
in Holland.

The deal was:  You pay MMY one million.  He give's you enlightenment.

It might's been six years ago.

The Kaplan Bros. wanted to give MMY one more chance.  They both took the course 
brought along Dr. Ken.  Ken is yogi and a Swami an American born in India.  
He speaks 
several indian languages, and he speaks english like an American.  And he's 
Hindu.  They 
invited him to attend on their nickle.   He agreed.

I wasn't there.  Got the story from Dr. Ken.  

Anybody out there want to hear this story?   

Or you already know everything since you achieved Brahmin Consciousness, 12th 


Btw, do they have a way to filter this site from the MUM campus?I'm not 
interested in 
downgrading the potential positive experiences of the newbies, and I plan to 
stop posting 
soon.   The web-site for MUM looks great.  These people can and should get a 
very decent 

Everybody's just gotta follow their own inner knowing, as best they can.

[FairfieldLife] Pleased to discover the Paul Mason site...

2008-07-31 Thread Michael James Flatley
The Guru Dev Biography page has translations from Guru Dev's QA 
sessions, translated of course:

QA #69:

Guru Dev:

'Having taken one guru, another you should not' - this is all rubbish 
talk and is obstructive to the welfare.

Some people say that having taken one guru you should not make 
another. But this doctrine is not of the shaastra, this is [just] 
minds imagination. The guru is gone to for happiness. Up until when 
bhagavaad (God) is gained - up until then you can go and change guru. 
So then we haven't seen any guru-bhakta (devotee) fearful of 
shifting, always studying in the very same class of the very same 
guru. Actually, to transfer class and to transfer guru is natural. 
It is not disrespectful to the former guru, actually respect has been 
done the guru, but in future you get the promise of discipleship of 
fresh gurus.

Vyasa's son Shukadeva ji acquired knowledge from his own father, then 
he gained knowledge from Shankara ji and also gained knowledge from 
Narada ji. In the end he took instruction from Janaka ji. 
Therefore, 'Having taken one guru, another you should not' - this is 
all rubbish talk and is obstructive to the welfare. You should not 
ruin your life with this kind of empty words. Many lives have been 
caused to live in births, now then be alert to attain the human 
birth. Understanding the method of upaasanaa (worship) from higher 
and higher gurus, having been doing actions according to Veda 
shaastra, be doing chanting and puja of Bhagavan, then it is certain 
you will cross the sea of saMsaara (worldly existence).
[Shri Shankaracharya UpadeshAmrita kaNa 69 of 108]
translation - Paul Mason © 2006, 2007

Wow that's refreshing.  Best thing I've been turned on to from 
two or three days perusing this site.

MMY either suppressed or was unaware of 90% of what Guru Dev taught.
(In the voice of SNL guy) And that's okay

Being eclectic... eat from many tables... if you taste something 
wonderful, ask for the recipe that's what a positive teacher will 

Another teacher who knew of MMY summed it up:  In this life, he came 
here to deal with the issue of self-agrandizement.

So maybe, we've all learned vicariously to whatever extent we enabled 
that or participated in that dynamic.  It's a worthwhile issue to 
exhaust and transcend.  I was 16 when I got in... 30 when I left.  
Now I'm 49.  MMY dying has accelerated some final letting go.  I 
don't mean to sound bitter, or sound like a complainer.

Happy to reconnect with intelligent seekers.  Happy to read 
translations of Guru Dev. -MJF

[FairfieldLife] Re: 250 More Vedic Pandits Arriving

2008-07-31 Thread Michael James Flatley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, feste37 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Re-reading Earl Kaplan's letter, which has been the subject of some
 discussion here recently, I was struck by his confident prediction
 that There are no pundits and there will never be a group coming over
 to the U.S. Wrong, of course. Makes you wonder what else Earl might
 have been wrong about, doesn't it? 

Earl Kaplan was frustrated about promises reqarding how money would be 
applied toward technology of consciousness that would result in world 
peace.  Most of the funds he donated... like 99% were simply put in 
off-shore accounts( according to his investigation)in Mahesh's real 
name.  He was disappointed, indignant and shocked.

I think his assessment represents a lot of exageration.

Obiously, TM had huge benefits for tens of thousands... perhaps 
hundreds of thousands. Earl is saying that TM is no better than Herbert 
Benson's technique of repeating 'one' as a mantra and he's saying 
that people are getting brainwashed by a negative hierarchy of astral 
beings, etc. etc.  He's not the first to have this assessment.

All we can do is look at the health and well being of the long term 

I visited Fairfield for two days in 2000 some of the 20 year sidhas 
looked ok for their age Some looked well let's just say 
they looked they've been... using the exact same technology of 
consciousness for more than a decade too long.

Back to Earl and David. In exchange for the tens of millions 
donated, they did get one thing:  they became insiders... MMY was 
candid with then the way he was candid with Charlie Lutes and others he 
considered to be his friend.  MMY shot straight with Earl when he 
explained the dilema of following thru on the promise of assembling 
pundits to chant vedas and improve the world... if it failed, then he 
would be forever discredited.

That's what Earl was saying when he predicted their would never be a 
group coming to the US he was saying that MMY would do whatever it 
takes to avoid losing face.  If he only added that it won't happen 
while MMY is alive... then he would've been acurate.

Actually, MMY either coined the phrase, technology of conscious... or 
popularized it within his sphere of influence... and overall, he will 
go down in history a real philosopher... pursuing social experiments, 
that had noticable effects.

Like I said in my first post:  White Album.  Proof is in the pudding.

The previous three albums were also great... it's just that we know 
some of these terrific songs on the White Album were a product of 
retreat in Rishikesh.  The quality of these songs is through the roof.

And TM helped.  The retreat helped.  I knew that Sexy Sady was about 
MMY.  I didn't care... at age 18... I made the assumption that TM 
helped the Beatles take their music to the next level.

Same eith Eastwood, Burette, ReynoldsDonavan might be the exception
his talent might've been greater prior to being initiated. Same with 
Brian Wilson. 

LSD was a real problem in '68.

LSD ruined Syd Barret's carreer.  So we needed a natural alternative to
psychedelic drugs in '68 - '70.  What MMY contributed in this regard 
will make the history books.

Hendrix and Morrison were probably too self-destructive to be saved 
with a mental technique however, the typical hippie was just 
interested in alternatives to the anti-conscious bs that came to a head
with Vietnam... and assinations... and CIA...and corporate greed.

What he achieved from a marketing standpoint deserves to be studied and 
admired in Harvard Business School.

On the other hand, 125,000 repetitions is all you should ever need from 
one mantra.

125,000 repetitions is enough to get the entire physiology resonating 
with the sound of that mantra.

I knew there was a problem when my friends who saved their pennies to 
get the bliss technique for $700 told me they were shocked and 
dismayed to get instructed in a technique they had already been doing 
on their own.

Intuitively, I knew that I was already doing it, too... I just picked 
up telapathicly what the technique was... and I'm thinking, yea, I play 
with that.  So that helped me to start detaching.

And at that point, I would be reluctant to trust MMY with anything 
ever... not anything that costs money, anyway.  $400 to add a syllable 
to my mantra?  He pushed me away with this behaviour.  And he lost 

I had no idea he was socking money away in secret personal accounts 
until Dr. Castle told me about his interaction with the Kaplans.  

I got that information in 2004, 15 years after I left the TMO.

Socking away a few million no biggie. socking away 900 million 
is just plain bizarre.

Aparently this site is 90% guys. in their late fifties, and early 
sixties who are split on the subject of this technology of 
consciousness being extremely beneficial to the world or marginally 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's the best explanation of negative behaviour from highly evolved beings

2008-07-31 Thread Michael James Flatley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, lurkernomore20002000 

 Michael James Flatley untilbeyond@ wrote:
  I left in '89 I began detatching in 
  1980 on a 80-day WPA.
 You sound like a very decisive person.  How long do you look at a 
 before you decide to order?
 How long does it take you to go to bed at night after you have the 
 initial inclination?
 How long does it take you to use the bathroom, after you have that 
 initial urge to go?

Yes I was slow to leave.  MIU was a good fit at 19.  I made my 
college friends and bonded with the community, got my first home, 
etc. The networking with other eclectic types (not the robots) 
introduced me to a lot of areas that I still find helpful.  I was 
introduced to holistic medicine by an MIU friend in '79.  Took 
workshops off campus in '81.  My best compliment to MMY is that his 
charisma and practical philosohpy created a magnet, drawing seekers 

Entire families exist from all these various TTC courses and other 
gatherings, and especially MIU.  I have very fond momories of the 

What's your real point?  That I'm a retard for continuing to trust 
MMY after I had my doubts?  Is that your real point?  Isn't that what 
we all did?


[FairfieldLife] Here's the best explanation of negative behaviour from highly evolved beings.

2008-07-30 Thread Michael James Flatley
What hooked me in the '70s was community of seekers I met at my 
center and then at my first residence course at MIU, summer of '76.  
I understand some things now, and accept responsibility for my 
choices of the past.

I discovered the writing of Michael Topper about eight years ago... 
He is able to explain how higher beings have twe distinct avenues of 
development.  The negatives use trickery and deception and 

The positives, STO, service to others take a friendly approach.  
Here's and excerpt from http://www.cassiopaea.org/cass/stalking.htm

The consciousness of that being is literally fed and magnified by the 
number and relative strength of the subordinate souls who have been 
voluntarily subsumed to the network. The greater the development of 
the psychic potentials of the individual who has been co-opted, the 
more energy he contributes to the whole system. The more psychic 
energy available to the Commander of the negative soul hierarchy, 
the greater his effective power to co-opt even more potent and more 
difficult to capture souls.

The contributions of consciousness consist effectively of the 
energy a soul would otherwise utilize to encompass objective 
knowledge. Each time they choose a lie over the effort required to 
dig down to the truth, or the effort required to adjust their own 
psyche to adapt to Truth, that love energy is effectively 
transferred to the individual who is producing the lie in which they 
are believing without effort on their part to ascertain its truth for 

Since the flow of contributions is a vertically-hierarchic flow, it 
may be seen that development of the mechanical psychic food pump - 
the opening and development of the vital-psychic powers of the field 
troops - contributes energy-sums upwardly to the cortical station 
occupied by the Commander, and serve to literally amplify the 
Intelligence, the effective Presence of Wisdom (negatively influenced 
in this case). The use of chemicals to achieve higher states of 
awareness, especially those related to the Pineal gland - 
the outflow valve, are emphasized in the teachings of the negative 

The subordinates of the negative hierarchy are all connected like 
tiers of an immense structure, functioning as regimented extensions 
and mind/body parts - organs and processes serving the negative 
agenda from their respective levels - of the Overarching Apex, 
the Eye of the Pyramid. The beings at the different tiers do not 
perceive the object of the Ultimate Objective because it is a 
characteristic of the Negative hierarchy to deliberately mask and 
distort that which is higher and more comprehensive from that which 
is lower and more specialized.

In the positive realms, it is more intrinsically possible for the 
lower levels to perceive the objective and functions of the higher 
levels with a minimum of distortion because of the characteristic of 
the Positive realms to share and exchange rather than producing a one 
way channel of energies to the top, so to say.

From MJF:  this helped me a lot:

Topper got some of his understanding from The Ra Material, a series 
of five books published in the early '80s.

Laura Knight does a great job of summarizing Topper's explanations.  
Brilliant work.

When I discovered Topper and Knight, I didn't even think too much 
about MMY. I was looking at the big picture, and had other concerns 
at the time.

More recently, I wondered if MMY is still alive, and just found out 
he passed away.  That's what got me thinking about the absurdity of 
of hording almost one billion in cash accounts and not doing anything 
useful with it accept passing it on to a nephew.  I find that 
bizarre, even for a negatively oriented high-level master.

Btw, David gave his email address at the end of his letter, posted on 
this site's files. 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Here's the best explanation of negative behaviour from highly evolved beings

2008-07-30 Thread Michael James Flatley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues 

 It seems like you traded in one magical fantasy worldview for 
another man.
 Maybe Maharishi was just a man with a lot of ambition instead of a
 negatively oriented high-level master.
 It may be that there aren't any masters who know what is going on
 here.  Would that be so bad really?  All of us knocking around earth
 till our bodies give out without perfect knowledge or enlightenment?
 Do you have any hobbies?  That represents my highest teaching.  Get 
 hobby.  It can be very relaxing and will help you meet some
 non-spiritual seeker friends. 

Music has been my hobby since childhood. I also own a healing arts 
company with a staff of 20.  Networking in Fairfield introduced me to 
lots of great stuff that I still pursue.  The Topper/knight reading 
just facilitated a paradigm shift.  I had (in 2001)already been away 
from TMO for 12 years, and MMY behaviour was not a concern in 2001 
when I discovered this essay.  I share it now becuase it provides a 
more believable version of what Kaplan attempted to explain.  

I  found out MMY died two days ago.  That's why I'm here. The fact it 
took me six months to hear this news should indicate some 
detachment.  I'm here processsing... and expressing curiousity about 
how the organization might change (successor, inheritance, etc.) now 
that the founder is gone.  I left in '89 I began detatching in 
1980 on a 80-day WPA.  I was 22. I did the course to see if I could 
get a breakthough with yogic flying.  The video-tapes selected were 
awful.  Byron P Rigby and Jeffery Clemons... I realized I was wasting 
my time, listining to nothing.  I was told that MMY selected the 
videos for us to watch.  That was the begining of my losing interest 
in TMO, and losing the willingness to trust him.

I stayed on becuase of the communtity. I disliked MMY by 1980. I 
liked Fairfield.  I usually fell asleep in the dome after 5 min., 
woke up for 5 min of flying sutra, then fell back asleep.

I agree about MMY having a lot of ambition.  That's like saying cats 
have a lot of fur.  Clearly the insight that helped me will not be of 
use to you.  That's fine.

For some folks here, it might be helpful to know that enlightened 
beings can still have a negative orientation.  MMY has exemplified 
this as well is it can possibly be exemplified.  I have peace with it 
now.  25 years ago, I worked on the false assumptiion that 
enlightenment would include kindness Now I see a broader picture, 
more inclusive.

Curt, I'm glad you also have a hobby. Best wishes,
-MJF  Btw
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael James Flatley
 untilbeyond@ wrote:
  What hooked me in the '70s was community of seekers I met at my 
  center and then at my first residence course at MIU, summer 
of '76.  
  I understand some things now, and accept responsibility for my 
  choices of the past.
  I discovered the writing of Michael Topper about eight years 
  He is able to explain how higher beings have twe distinct avenues 
  development.  The negatives use trickery and deception and 
  The positives, STO, service to others take a friendly approach.  
  Here's and excerpt from 
  The consciousness of that being is literally fed and magnified by 
  number and relative strength of the subordinate souls who have 
  voluntarily subsumed to the network. The greater the development 
  the psychic potentials of the individual who has been co-opted, 
  more energy he contributes to the whole system. The more 
  energy available to the Commander of the negative soul 
  the greater his effective power to co-opt even more potent and 
  difficult to capture souls.
  The contributions of consciousness consist effectively of the 
  energy a soul would otherwise utilize to encompass objective 
  knowledge. Each time they choose a lie over the effort required 
  dig down to the truth, or the effort required to adjust their own 
  psyche to adapt to Truth, that love energy is effectively 
  transferred to the individual who is producing the lie in which 
  are believing without effort on their part to ascertain its truth 
  Since the flow of contributions is a vertically-hierarchic flow, 
  may be seen that development of the mechanical psychic food 
pump - 
  the opening and development of the vital-psychic powers of the 
  troops - contributes energy-sums upwardly to the cortical 
  occupied by the Commander, and serve to literally amplify the 
  Intelligence, the effective Presence of Wisdom (negatively 
  in this case). The use of chemicals to achieve higher states of 
  awareness, especially those related to the Pineal gland - 
  the outflow valve, are emphasized in the teachings of the 

[FairfieldLife] What's happening to the $3Billion empire?

2008-07-29 Thread Michael James Flatley
I just joined this site.  

Lived in Fairfield from '78 - -'89.

I understand MMY had only one relative, a nephew.  Is the nephew the 
successor to the organization, and inheritor to the $900 million cash 
stashed away in Swiss accounts?  Did Bevin Morris inherit anything?  
Whatever happened to Greg and Georgina?  What about Jeffrey Clemons 
and Byron P. Rigby?  

I could never figure out why it was so important to Maharishi to have 
vast amounts of cash in Swiss accounts into his eighties it 
was obvious he was near the end of his life... why not do something 
brilliant with the money?  Is this not a mystery to anyone who knew 
this man well, and knew how hard he strived to accumulate massive 
sums of cash?

I checked the web-site for MUM to see if the school still exists.  I 
see that it does still exist.  The web-site is very professional, and 
the programs look good do they still have enrollment at 500?

The $900,000,000 USD in Swiss banks would be enough to provide free 
tuition to thousands of students for decades.

I also learned that MMY treasured the diamond ring from Guru Dev.

This is strange: Guru Dev never gave him the ring.  The ring was left 
on Guru Dev's corpse when the casket was lowered into the Ganges.  
MMY dove into the river, almost immediately to open the casket and 
remove the diamond ring from Guru Dev's finger.  Aparently, he 
figured that somebody would rob the grave eventually, it might as 
well be him.

He loved the ring.  He loved Guru Dev.

Clearly, he wished to improve the world.

Clearly, meditation was beneficial to hippies.  Along with short hair 
and conservative attire.

The White Album is a great album composed mostly in Rishikesh.

Getting sucked into a cult for more than a decade?  Well, we make the 
best choices we can given our consciousness at the time.  I noticed 
that Sidhas were not building more awareness. A decade of Golden Dome 
attendence was not reversing the biological aging.  And people were 
giving too much money to Maharishi who was already extremely wealthy.

Something just wasn't right... and I was ready for something 
completely different.

I am grateful to have made wonderful friends, and I miss these people.

I would love to see more consciousness in the world.  I still pursue 
consciousness.  I'm posting here to inquire about the possibility of 
having something conscious done with the three billion dollar empire.

Bevin, if you read this, I would like to hear from you.  You're in a 
position to disclose a lot of truth, and possibly shed some light on 
how everything started getting cooky when the origonal board of 
trusties were dismissed.  The good guys were replaced with robots so 
that a portion of our tuition money could be diverted into the swiss 
bank accounts.  I know you know this.  Why doesn't it bother you?

Bevin, did you at least inherite a couple million? if not, you 
sold your soul for the price of spinach.

And that should bother you.

God Bless All... JGD,


[FairfieldLife] Re: The Diamond Ring

2008-07-29 Thread Michael James Flatley
Source: Kaplan brothers, David and Earl.  Maharishi admitted to them.

Also: Dr Ken Castle

[FairfieldLife] Diamond ring clarification.

2008-07-29 Thread Michael James Flatley

I put two things together: MMY admitting to Earl Kaplan that he took 
the ring of Guru Dev after he was dead(1) and MMY diving onto the 
Ganges after the coffin dropped(2.)  I made an assumption about the 
timing that is aparently inaccurate. 

I recant the part about doing this under water.  Everyone knew he 
dove in the river to visit the coffin under the impression that his 
devotion was so intense that he was seeking another minute of darshan 
or whatever.  When it was explained to me about the ring, I put those 
two things together.  And honestly, I don't know the details...maybe 
the devotees gathered around to have a conversation about what to do 
with the handful of remaining valubles, and maybe they took a vote, 
or drew straws to determine who would receive the ring. Maybe Guru 
Dev told everybody prior to passing that the ring should go to 
Mahesh.  The story is incomplete, so just dismiss it until you see a 
post from Earl, David, or Dr. Castle.

Some of these details are known beucase some of MMY's peers from 1953 
are still alive. Earl Kaplan questioned MMY about the ring.  And all 
he said was that yes, he took the ring from the dead body.

Dr. Ken Dimitrius Castle knows more about this he worked with the 
Kaplans at a time when they were begining to lose interet in having a 
relationship with MMY.

Castle also met MMY in 1967, and later in '72, and was instructed for 
free in MMY's Rishikesh basement.  MMY was a friend of Castle's  
teacher.  Castle had a very positive assessment of MMY until he 
learned about he issue of hording large sums of money, and asking the 
Kaplans and other rich people to take a course where they each pay 
one million dollars, in exchange for enlightenment.  That's another 

Castle also told me that the Kaplans each paid one million USD to 
initiated personally by MMY.  When I asked him why MMY's personality 
spiraled downwardly, he speculated that he took on the negative karma 
of the rich people who were paying him so much.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Richard J. Williams 

 BillyG wrote:
  I believe Guru Dev was buried in concrete before 
  being lowered into the Ganges anyway...
 Yes, Billy, Michael has posted one of the most
 outrageous posts I've read here in years: Marshy
 loaded the Guru Dev's body onto a flat car and
 then rode the rails all the way back to Kashi,
 with a diamond ring on the Guru Dev's finger all
 the way - a trip that took over nine hours.
 Then, the Marshy, in front of what, 10,000 people,
 dives into the Ganges and swims to the bottom,
 pries open the lid of a concrete coffin, rips the
 ring off the Guru Dev's finger, and then comes to
 the top with his hand outstretched, and tells the
 crowd that he's got the ring and now he will buy
 hisself a what, a bungalow in the Upper Kashi?

[FairfieldLife] Re: A Letter to My Former Guru...the Maharishi

2008-07-29 Thread Michael James Flatley
Are there woman on this site who've been seduced or hit on by MMY? 


[FairfieldLife] Quote from Earl Kaplan on MMY stealing Jewelry from his master's funeral

2008-07-29 Thread Michael James Flatley
Please read the letters from Earl and David in the Files Section:

Under:  TMO, the Odd side.

Here's a portion of Earl's letter:

During the funeral he then went back to Jyotir Math and stole 
the most powerful spiritual artifact Guru Dev had created, a gold and 
jeweled Shri Yantra.  Mahesh, after traveling throughout India, found 
a man 
who could activate the outer portions of the Shri Yantra.  This gave 
certain occult powers and control over certain astral beings.  Mahesh 
created a meditation technique and certain mantras that would help 
blank their minds.  In this blank state (which has nothing to do with 
transcendence that is talked about in the yoga sutras) these astral 
would brainwash these meditators into certain beliefs and certain 
In addition, Mahesh would put blocks on people's nervous systems to 
their Kundalini from firing and to siphon off their energy.

Now I know this sounds pretty wild but think about it for a while.  
Why do 
so many meditators have such a dazed and confused look about them?  
Why do
meditators find it so hard to focus?  Why do most people who have 
been in 
the movement for thirty years admit that their best experiences in TM 
in the seventies and since then meditations have been going downhill? 

Why are so many people asleep in the dome?  Why do you need to lie 
down and 
rest 10-30 minutes after you have meditated?  Why is there so much 
unstressing?  Why are so many meditators so sensitive?  They have to 
go to 
sleep on time.  They can't watch movies; they have to be careful 
about their
diet.  They can't stand loud noises.  They get tired in the middle of 

It is not for the reasons you have been told.  It is not because you 
experiencing a refinement of the nervous system.  Your physiology is 
weaker.  It is because the process of TM is sucking you very life 
energy out 
of you.  After you meditate in the dome you have to lie down just to 

When you do proper spiritual practice as discussed in the yoga sutras 
which I have studied), you jest need a minute or two to regain an 
direction and then you can get on with your activity with a very 
clear mind 
and very good energy.

3. TM is not really a spiritual practice. It does give good rest to a 
lot of 
people who lead busy lives, but it does not necessarily rejuvenate 
physiology.  To understand this point you have to start to read the 
texts.  You have to understand the yoga sutras and you have to study 
Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the major treatise on Hatha Yoga.  Many older 
meditators (from the seventies) started TM and were interested in 
enlightened.  They were interested in spiritual evolution.  Mahesh 
with his 
practice and teaching has done an amazing thing.  He has diverted the 
and efforts of a large group of spiritual seekers and made it so 
for them to have spiritual progress that most of them have really 
interest in the idea of getting enlightened.  This was one of 
Mahesh's true 
purposes in teaching TM (his other two being to make billions of 
dollars and 
suck energy from his followers).  He has succeeded very well.

In studying the basic Hindu texts and various other Tantric texts, I 
come to understand that spiritual evolution is not a complicated 
The Hatha Yoga Pradipika talks about eh eight limbs of yoga.  The 
first two,
Yama and Niyama are really about living a good life.  That is the 
basis for
spiritual evolution.  You live a loving, purposeful life.  You are 
in your activity, you look after your family and friends, and you do 
In terms of spiritual practice, you have a balance of proper asana 
pranayama techniques, hand mudras (which enliven certain brain 
centers) and 
meditation practice to bring about a holistic growth.  The whole 
point of 
these practices is to enliven or wake up your kundalini shakti. This 
term is
basic to any discussion of spiritual evolution.  Every person has 
this latent
energy in them referred to as kundalini (not creative intelligence, 
This energy, which lays dormant in the lower chakra, needs to be 
It needs to travel up the sushumna enlivening the various charkas 
until it 
travels to the crown chakra and reunites with Shiva (pure 
This is the real experience of unity, the reuniting of Shiva and 
Shakti.  It 
is an experience beyond space and time.  It is not the experience of 
moving into silence that the million dollar course participants and 
talk about.  It is the genuine spiritual experience discussed in all 
scriptures of eternal bliss consciousness.

These two guys did a lot of research, purely out of seeking truth.

Read the letters posted by David and Earl on this site.

I don't believe there investigation was based upon some vendetta.  
They were simply puzzled