[FairfieldLife] About bij Mantra And Other Mantras,

2009-07-22 Thread bhawani_shank2000
Dear Friend,
Jai Guru Dev
This is vedic Acharya Pandit Bhawani Shankar Kaushik from Allahabad India,
I have an advise for all the people who are in TM Group and they would like to 
learn some mantras and who they want to listen Mantras and Veda chanting.

So dear friends when you are going to listen canting make sure your body and 
clots should be pure.Because when you will be pure the mantra chanting will 
create different type of vibration around you.

And when you are going to learn any vedic Mantra and going to perform it on 
your puja place front of GOD. Make sure your pronunciation is correct.

Because if your pronunciation is not correct and doing prayer with wrong the it 
will create negative vibration for you.

So please make a Guru when you going to learn something and he will teach well.

All the very best for you all
Jayatu Guru Devaha
Pandit Bhawani 

[FairfieldLife] Hello Jai Guru Dev

2009-05-23 Thread bhawani_shank2000
This is Pandit Bhawani Shankar Kaushik 
From Allahabad India,

Warmest greetings to all of  you from Allahabad. I hope that you all member of 
this Group are happy and well and doing fine.

I have a question to ask to you people in his group that who is the person who 
is taking care of every thing in the western country. 

Like in India we have Griesh Ji Who is taking care of every thing.

All the very best for you all

Jai Guru Dev