[FairfieldLife] Re: Open Source Spiritual Advice - The Spiritual Slacker Detector

2010-05-02 Thread paultrunk

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 OK, as a free gift to everyone here, I pass along some
 invaluable spiritual advice. It's not original with me,
 and is passed along the way I received it, as open 
 source. You may use it without fee or license, and may
 pass it along to others if you find it useful. You may
 even take the original advice source code and modify
 it as you wish, and pass along the result, *as long as
 you keep it open source*, and do not attempt to profit
 from it.
 It's a very simple test by which you can *instantly*
 detect whether the person you are speaking with -- in
 person or on the Internet -- is a spiritual slacker. 
 And it's foolproof. 
 Before we start, it will help to establish a baseline,
 and define what I mean by spiritual slacker (SS).
 For the purposes of this free advice post, when I 
 refer to someone as a SS, I mean: Someone who speaks
 authoritatively or with conviction or as if they were
 speaking the 'truth' about something *when they have
 never experienced the thing they're talking about 
 personally*. So, now that the term is defined, how 
 do you go about *detecting* someone like this?
 Utterly simple. When they have finished making their
 pronouncements about the latest thing they're making
 pronouncements about, ask one simple question:
 WITH THIS SUBJECT. Then shut up and wait. 
 If the person you are addressing *can* reply to this
 question with an actual experience that they have had
 or that they have witnessed, you are dealing with 
 someone who has at the very least been there, done 
 that. The fact that they *have*, in fact, personally 
 experienced the thing they're talking about does not 
 IMO make their opinion any better than anyone else's, 
 but at least you know that you're not dealing with 
 a spiritual slacker. 
 For example:
 * If the SS in question has claimed to know What MMY
 teaches or claimed to know something about the inner 
 workings of the TM movement, any other answer than
 personal, long-term experience working with MMY and
 *in* the TMO identifies that person as a SS.
 * If the SS in question has been making pronouncements
 about the real nature of higher states of conscious-
 ness (such as CC, GC, or UC, in MMY's terminology) and
 has never experienced them personally, you are dealing 
 with a SS.
 * If the person replies by invoking authority and 
 quoting scripture or Someone Else's Opinion at you
 as if the person being quoted *is* an authority,
 you are dealing with a SS.
 * If the person quotes a book he/she has read, or a 
 tape they have watched or listened to, but has never
 experienced the subject being discussed themselves,
 you're dealing with a SS.
 * When someone makes pronouncements about siddhis or
 miracles as if they know the truth about them, but
 has never witnessed any or performed them themselves,
 you are *by definition* dealing with a SS.
 * If the person reacts strongly by trying to denigrate
 the person asking the question, while *avoiding* the
 question, you're dealing with a SS.
 * If the person trots out reports from other people as
 if they supported the claim, but cannot report *from
 their own experience*, you're dealing with a SS.
 * And so on...
 It's a simple test, and IMO foolproof. It doesn't help
 to determine the truth of the subject being discussed,
 but it *does* help you identify who you're dealing with.
 There are a lot of people -- especially on the Internet --
 who seem to feel that they have the right to weigh in
 on discussions about subjects they have no personal,
 subjective experience with. In fact, many of them view
 this as some kind of absolute or divine right, as if 
 their position as an armchair mystic who has only read
 about or heard about the subject *qualified* them to
 weigh in on it. 
 I'm sorry, but I don't buy this. You've either paid your
 dues or you haven't. You've either been there, done that
 or you have not. 
 If you *haven't* paid your dues, if you *haven't* ever
 been there, done that, that does not necessarily IMO make
 your argument or your POV false, but it does indicate
 something interesting about your ethical standards and
 your sense of reality. 
 In discussions of spiritual experience, I like talking
 to people who have actually *had* those experiences. I 
 am less interested in those who have only heard about
 those experiences. *Especially* when the latter make
 near-absolute pronouncements about the truth of their
 POV or their right to express it *as* a pronouncement.
 This is the reason I have tried to say nothing negative
 about the interviews in Rick's Buddha at the Gas Pump
 series. I may find many of the interviews not terribly
 interesting for other reasons, but these people are
 actually *speaking from experience*. Good on them. And
 good on Rick for 

[FairfieldLife] New Sidhas?

2009-02-22 Thread paultrunk
Whatever became of the 10,000 new Sidhas in Central and South America?
I though I had heard there was a big course happening down there
within the past few months.

[FairfieldLife] Re: New Sidhas?

2009-02-22 Thread paultrunk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kirk kirk_bernha...@... wrote:

 What to hear, they are meditating!

Really? Huh? I will word my questions more carefully next time.

[FairfieldLife] Website Gita

2009-02-10 Thread paultrunk
A few weeks ago I went on a website that was referenced here in FFL.
That website had .pdf files that contained Maharishi's commentary on
the Gita that went beyond Chapter 6. Do any of you recall what that
website might be? Thanks in advance.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Most basic Vedic biija?

2009-01-26 Thread paultrunk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Kirk kirk_bernha...@... wrote:

 Most basic as you know is merely 
 then Em
 and so on. 
 You already know this quite well.
 I knew a girl named Inga when I was young. 

 Later, when I got old, I knew her again
 as my own mind. 
 - Original Message - 
 From: cardemaister no_re...@yahoogroups.com
  Perhaps one of the most basic Vedic biijas (beejas) 
  is 'agni' backwards??

I am the walrus and Paul is dead

[FairfieldLife] Re: Bhoja's comment on YS II 55

2009-01-09 Thread paultrunk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister no_re...@... wrote:

 shrii bhojadevaviracita-paata�jalayogashaastrasuutravRttiH II 55
 (last sentence):
 tadayaM yogo yamaniyamaadibhiH praaptabiijabhaava
 aasanapraaNaayaamair an.kuritaH pratyaahaareNa puSpito
 dhyaanadhaaraNaasamaadhibhiH phaliSyati...
  Attempt at an extremely free translation:
 So, this yoga gets its seeds from yama, niyama
 (and stuff: aadhibhiH), sprouts with aasana and 
 praaNaayaama, blossoms in pratyaahaara and
 shall bear fruit with dhyaana, dhaaraNaa and samaadhi??
 (Why does he have the last three an.gas in a wrong order??)

My thoughts exactly.

[FairfieldLife] Re: A prediction on the heels of the apparent win of Prop 8

2008-11-06 Thread paultrunk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, curtisdeltablues
 curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
   The problem with that is any particular majority religion could get
   the direct ability as a collective to run legislatures and institute
   their doctrines as public policy. In Utah for example, the Mormon
   church could establish a theocracy [which they attempted to do in
  the 19th century under Brigham Young until the Feds put a stop to it
  under the threat of military intervention].
  That is sort of what the cannibalists...I mean Christians have done
  concerning other religions.  They control the show now.  It was
  factions of Christianity that was the problem when the constitution
  was written.  Now with our pluralistic society we have multi-religious
  issues unimaginable by our founding fathers. Judging by how much
  hatred was spewed on Obama for being a secret Muslim, I think we have
  a long way to go.  Let's use some of the tax money from religions to
  support religious education and tolerance. They can write off the
  amounts they spend on charity just as we do, to avoid taxes. 
  But exempting them from taxes elevates their beliefs above the common
  good, and I don't buy that.  So you have an imaginary friend...you
  still gotta pitch in like the rest of us.
 I vehemently disagree, Curtis. Strictly enforcing the separation of
 church and state [which has been practically done away with lately] is
 the solution. As I suggested, taxing them gives religious institutions
 the right to access to directly running the government according to
 *their* religion and legislating *their* doctrines as public policy
 for everyone else.

Why is it anyone's business who marries who?

[FairfieldLife] political humor

2008-10-16 Thread paultrunk
These are funny regardless which side of the fence you are on. Even if
you are sitting on the fence.  

palinaspresident.com  (make sure you scroll over the light switch
among the other items)

http://minimovie.com/film-128454-Dancing With the Political Stars

[FairfieldLife] Re: political humor

2008-10-16 Thread paultrunk
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Patrick Gillam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi, Paul!
 The URL was lacking hyphens. Should be this:
 Kind of biased toward the Democrats, if you ask me!
 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, paultrunk paultrunk@ wrote:
  These are funny regardless which side of the fence you are on. Even if
  you are sitting on the fence.  
  palinaspresident.com  (make sure you scroll over the light switch
  among the other items)
  http://minimovie.com/film-128454-Dancing With the Political Stars

How are you Pat?  If you watch the minimovie you will see that there
is a hilarious spoof on Hillary you can watch. I believe it is called
Hillary Humps.  It is a good laugh regardless of how you lean.