--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Jonathan Chadwick 
> The Tonight Show 14 May 1968  Joe Gargoyle: "Listen now, I have 
something in common with both of you. I met the guru, the Maharishi. 
And I noticed that he went out with an act—the Beach Boys. And it 
>   JOHN : "Yeah. Right."
>   JG: "What do you think of the Yogi as an act?"
>   JOHN : "Yeah. Well, we found out that we made a mistake there."
>   PAUL : "We tried to persuade him against that, you know. I 
thought it was a terrible idea."
>   JOHN : "We believe in meditation, but not the Maharishi and his 
scene. But that's a personal mistake we made in public."
>   JG: "When did you find out it was a mistake?"
>   JOHN : "Well, uhh, I can't remember the date, you know, but it 
was in India. And meditation is good, and it does what they say. It's 
like exercise or cleaning your teeth, you know. It works, but uhh, 
we've finished with that bit."
>   ED McMAHON: "Has he changed? Is that what…"
>   JOHN : "Well, no. I think it's just that we're seeing him a bit 
more in perspective, you know, `cuz we're as naive as the next person 
about alot of things."
>   PAUL : "We get carried away with things like that, though. I 
mean, we thought he was… uhh… magic, you know—just floating around 
and everything. Flying."
>   JG: "Do you think the kids in America have turned him off?"
>   JOHN : "Well, it could be something to do with it. But I wouldn't 
say, `Don't meditate' to them, because alot of them would get a great 
deal from it."
>   PAUL : "You know, the system is more important than all those 
>   JOHN : "He's surrounded with, it seems like, the old 
establishment that we know so well."
>   JG: "Are you saying, `Meditate, but not with the Yogi'?"
>   PAUL : (long pause) "Yeah. I mean, he's good. There's nothing 
wrong with him. But we think the system is more important than all 
the two-bit personality bit. You know, he gets sort of treated like a 
big star. He's on the road with the Beach Boys, and it's all that 
scene. And also… It folds, you know. That's the silly thing."
>   (laughter)
>   TB: "Does he giggle as much as…"
>   JOHN : "Yes. It's his natural asset."
>   (laughter)
>   JOHN : "Well, you see, it depends on what way you're looking at 
it at the time. If it's not getting on your nerves, it's `Oh, what a 
happy fellow.' It depends how you feel when you look at him."
>   JG: "I had him on the show, and he just giggled and giggled the 
whole time. I figured there was something, maybe my tie was loose. 
Who was the first one that met the Yogi?"
>   JOHN : "We all met him at the same time."
>   JG: "Can you tell us the circumstances?"
>   JOHN : "Well, he was just doing a lecture in London at the 
Hilton. So we all went and we thought, `What a nice man.' And we were 
looking for that. You know, everybody's looking for it, but we were 
looking for it `that day' as well. And then we met him and he was 
good, you know. He's got a good thing in him. And we went along with 
>   JG: "But now, you just got off the train, huh?"
>   JOHN : "Right. Nice trip thank you very much."
>   (laughter)
> ---------------------------------
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