Byron Katies newest book as titled above. It is her commentary on the
Tao Te CHing all 81 sutras with a chapter for each sutra some short
some long.given in an off hand contemporary manner.
Excerpt from Chapter 21 The master keeps her mind always at one with
the Tao.

Page 59 chapter 2 para 2.
If my child has died, thats the way of it. Any argument with that
brings an eternal hell. 'She died too soon". "I didn't get to see her
grow up". I could have done something to save her". 'I was a bad
mother.' 'God is unjust." But her death is reality. No argument in the
world can make the slightest dent in what has already happened. Prayer
can't change it, begging and pleading can't change it, punishing
yourself can't change it, your will has no power at all. You do have
the power, though, to question your thought , turn it around, and find
three genuine reasons why the death of your child is equal to her not
dying, or even better in the long run, both for her and for you. This
takes a radically open mind, and nothing less than an open mind is
creative enough to free you from the pain of arguing with what is. An
open mind is the only way to peace. As long as you think that you knew
what should and shouldn't happen, you're trying to manipulate GOD. 
This is a recipe for unhappiness.

Enjoy TOm T

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