Maharishi Vedic City seeks ideas for mostly vacant pandit campus 

 Dear Fairfield Meditators, Sidhas, and Governors,
 You are invited to help us envision the future of the historic Maharishi Vedic 
Pandit campus, which served for 12 years as the home for over 1,000 Maharishi 
Vedic Pandits. Imbued with thousands of hours of recitations, the campus 
consists of 161 Maharishi Vastu® buildings on 76 acres of organic land.
 In recent weeks, planners have been thinking together about the campus and how 
to transform it into an ideal, sustainable, multi-generational community. (Read 
more below.) Now they would like your input.
 This is our opportunity to create the vision for its future. Whether you 
picture organic gardens, walking trails, a market/café, a wellness/fitness 
center, or beautiful program halls and inspiring knowledge programs, please 
share your ideas.
 More information
 The campus today
 This precious facility said farewell to the last Maharishi Vedic Pandits in 
November 2018. Although we hope to enrich our community again with their 
presence, we can only expect a small group.
 In the meantime, the IdeaLife Campus, located in the north section, serves as 
home to official Invincible America Assembly participation, TM® Retreats, and 
conferences. However, more than two-thirds of the campus sits empty.
 A vision for the future
 The vision that is emerging is to serve our community with these precious 
campus facilities, all built according to Maharishi Vastu design, by creating 
an ideal, sustainable, multi-generational community, with everything needed to 
promote health, happiness, and enlightenment.
 Developers invited
 To achieve this, we will be inviting private developers who have the interest 
and financial capacity to redevelop the campus for private residences, 
including very affordable homes, rental housing, and amenities. The plan is to 
send a Request for Proposals to prospective developers on October 7, 2019.
 Now is our opportunity to create the vision
 This is our chance to create the vision that developers will follow to guide 
the future of the campus. Whatever features you can envision, please share your 
 How to share ideas
 Meetings will be announced where you can participate in person or connect 
electronically. A new website is being developed that will give you access to 
the latest plans.. You may also send your ideas to
 In the meantime, please submit your ideas via this survey: link We look 
forward to thinking with you and creating a bright future for the historic 
Maharishi Vedic Pandit campus to continue to create an Invincible America and 
Heaven on Earth.
 With best wishes,
 Jai Guru Dev
 Dr. John Hagelin and Mayor Bob Wynne/

 Local Newspaper report,,


 MAHARISHI VEDIC CITY – Maharishi Vedic City is seeking input on ideas to 
rehabilitate its mostly vacant pandit campus.
 John Hagelin, president of Maharishi University of Management, and Bob Wynne, 
the mayor of Maharishi Vedic City, sent an email addressed to “Fairfield 
Meditators, Sidhas and Governors” about the state of the pandit campus near 
Maharishi Vedic City, and opportunities for renewing it.
 Merriam-Webster defines a pandit as a “wise or learned man in India – often 
used as an honorary title.” The pandits at the campus in Maharishi Vedic City 
came to meditate and chant, with the hope that their actions might alter the 
world around them for the better.
 Wynne said the Maharishi Vedic Pandits are “trained experts in Vedic 
technologies of consciousness for world peace.”
 “In addition to practicing the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program 
also practiced by many members of the Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City 
community and millions of people around the world, the Vedic Pandits are 
experts in Vedic recitation to create peace. UNESCO has declared Vedic 
recitation as a masterpiece of oral and intangible heritage of humanity,” Wynne 
 The campus was built over a three-year period from 2006-2008. According to the 
email, the Maharishi Vedic Pandit campus hosted more than 1,000 Maharishi Vedic 
Pandits for 12 years. The campus consists of 161 Maharishi Vastu (a style of 
architecture) buildings on 76 acres of organic land.

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