> A tribute Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 23 November 1926 – 24 April 2011

It was with deep sadness that Share International learned of the death
of Sai Baba, who died on 24 April. His death has been reported in the
everyday media worldwide.

Benjamin Creme said of Him: "I would say that Sai Baba is … the
most fully Divine Being to grace this planet with His presence." He
is an Avatar, not out of the Earth evolution, but a cosmic visitor, so
to speak. Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a Spiritual Regent, a representative of
Divinity on our planet, and embodies the energy of Cosmic Love, or the
Christ Principle at the cosmic level. That energy flowed and continues
to flow from Him into the world.
Asked about Sai Baba's life and death, Benjamin Creme said: "It
is a great loss but Sai Baba has not gone away; although He has left His
physical body He will continue His work."

Sai Baba was the second of three incarnational manifestations on Earth
of a great Spiritual Being: the first incarnation was as Sai Baba of
Shirdi, the second life was as Sathya Sai Baba, and He Himself predicted
that the third and final incarnation would be early in the 21st century
as Prema Baba, and that he would be born in the state of Karnataka.

Sai Baba's life was a life of service; and it is key in all His
teachings. Among other legacies, ultra-modern free hospitals, schools
and universities were established in India and other countries under His
guidance, and He ensured a free water supply to millions of people. This
great Avatar also has a role in stimulating the love nature of humanity
in general, which opens the heart centre in those nearing the first

As readers of Share International will know, Sai Baba and Maitreya work
together for the regeneration of the world, both embodying the same
energy: Sai Baba, the Christ Principle on a Cosmic level, Maitreya, the
same principle on a Planetary level. At Mr Creme's public talks Sai
Baba and Maitreya both overshadowed Mr Creme, showing the connection
between these two great Avatars. Benjamin Creme has described how Sai
Baba began this process for the first time at a lecture in the
amphitheatre of an American college in 1982. When answering a question
on the relationship between Maitreya and Sai Baba, Mr Creme suddenly
felt a tremendous energy, which he described as coming at him "like
an express train, faster and faster". When he asked his Master what
it was, the Master replied: "Sai Baba has added His Blessing to the
audience." This process has continued ever since and we understand
will still continue.

In more recent years there has been from some quarters denigration of
Sai Baba's person, activities and worth, accusing him of
`trickery', deception and misuse of powers. Benjamin Creme has
always defended the veracity of Sai Baba's work and of His miracles
for the millions of His devotees worldwide. As Creme says, "the
tallest trees bear the best fruits and also therefore attract the most

Over the years, Share International magazine has often carried articles
and reports about Sai Baba. We would like to express our sympathies to
His co-workers and devotees all over the world.
  [Sathya Sai Baba] 
Sri Sathya Sai Baba


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