--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> This quote from Yoga-tattva-upanishad seems to 
> mention several "side-effects" of mastering(?)
> levitation (bhuumi-tyaaga, Yogic Flying?):
> svalpa.n vaa bahudhaa duHkha.n yogii na vyathate tadaa .. 56..
> alpamuutrapuriishhashcha svalpanidrashcha jaayate .
> kiilavo dR^ishhikaa laalaa svedadurgandhataanane .. 57..
> etaani sarvathaa tasya na jaayante tataH param.h .
> tato.adhikataraabhyaasaadbalamutpadyate bahu .. 58..
> yena bhuuchara siddhiH syaadbhuucharaaNaa.n jaye kshamaH .
> vyaaghro vaa sharabho vyaapi gajo gavaya eva vaa .. 59..
> si.nho vaa yoginaa tena mriyante hastataaDitaaH .
> kandarpasya yathaa ruupa.n tathaa syaadapi yoginaH .. 60..
> tadruupavashagaa naaryaH kaa~Nkshante tasya sa~Ngamam.h .
> yadi sa~Nga.n karotyeshha tasya bindukshayo bhavet.h .. 61..
> varjayitvaa striyaaH sa~Nga.n kuryaadabhyaasamaadaraat.h .
> yogino.a~Nge sugandhashcha jaayate bindudhaaraNaat.h .. 62..
> I'll try to come up with a very free translation that
> gives just a general idea of the text above:
> Neither small (svalpa) or big (bahudhaa: much) "bad things"
> (duHkham) disturb (vyathate) that yogii then (tadaa).
> He starts (jaayate: [this condition, or stuff] is born)
> to "have" scarce (alpa) pee (muutra) and shit (puurii)
> and needs very little (svalpa) sleep (nidraa).
> kiilava(??) visible (dRSikaa?) saliva (laalaa) and bad
> smelling sweat and breath disappear after that.
> (not translation, but description of the contents:)
> After that are mentioned several animals that the yogii
> can kill (mriyate) by bare hands (tiger, lion, elephant, etc.)

I think it would be a waste to kill the animals if Nabby has already 
initiated them.

Mind you, some of the best-tasting baby back ribs are those from long-
time meditating pigs.

> The yogii becomes like a great lover (kandarpa) and women (naaryaaH)
> want (kaankSante) to have sex with him (samgamam: together-going).
> If he does fuck them, the result is "bindukSaya"(well,duh).
> ?If he can avoid fvcking the ladies?, the result is 
>  his limbs begin to smell good (sugandha) because of
> preserving the semen (bindudhaaraNaat; that seems the
> only reasonable meaning for that word in this context, 
> doesn't it?).

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