Hubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb:
The earliest known publication containing details of the philosophy of 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is a book entitled 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas', long 
since out of print and as rare as hen's teeth. It was conceived as a souvenir 
of an event in South India, which occurred in late 1955. Transcripts of three 
lectures given by Maharishi are included in the book, as are numerous 
photographs of the event and other writings related to Maharishi. The book also 
includes an early biography of Guru Dev. 
A copy of the 'Beacon Light of the Himalayas' has for some time been available 
for download on the Guru Dev webpages, but now has been assembled into a .pdf 
file for easier access and usage - available at:-

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