[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme Museum

2014-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008
in the process of being formed in Santa Monica, California, is dedicated to 
displaying for public benefit the work of Scottish artist and writer Benjamin 
 http://benjamincrememuseum.org/art.html http://benjamincrememuseum.org/art.html



[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme Museum

2014-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008
Benjamin Creme Museum, in the process of being formed in Santa Monica, 
California, is dedicated to displaying for public benefit the work of Scottish 
artist and writer Benjamin Creme. 

 Many would acknowledge that our planet is steeped in times of unprecedented 
change. People everywhere are waking up, longing for transformation, convinced 
that a better world is possible. In such times, there are exceptional 
individuals who emerge from the human family and come forward to play unique 
and important roles in the outworking of our history and future development. 
One such individual, we believe, is Benjamin Crème.

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on Karma

2014-03-25 Thread nablusoss1008
A must read for anyone who believes he knows a thing or two about karma, past 
lives and right relationships.

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme discusses Unity, San Francisco 2001

2014-03-06 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on the status America, Sun Gazing, Space Brothers, Vegetarism and Initiation

2014-02-17 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions and answers with Benjamin Crème, February 2014. For full review: 

 .You have taught much about our space brothers from nearby planets. But do you 
know of any interstellar races or species from far away galaxies? I would 
greatly appreciate your feedback because there is some information “out there” 
that is difficult to verify.
 A. I have no doubt that man exists throughout the universe. However, as far as 
my information is concerned, the Space Groups entering our atmosphere come 
exclusively from the planets of our own solar system. There are many claims 
that Space People come to this planet from the Pleiades and other far-off 
worlds but that is not my information. I think these claims arise because 
people generally believe (wrongly) the other planets of our solar system are 
 Q. Please comment on the safety of solar (sun) gazing for spiritual and 
physical advancement. Short progressive periods just after sunrise or before 
 A. My information is that it is not safe, that it is not good for the eyesight 
to focus on the sun for any length of time.

 Q. I would like to know, from your Master’s point of view, what is the maximum 
population that is advisable for a city to have in order to function more 
properly without problems of transportation, pollution, and others?
 A. Up to 3 million people.

 Q. I’ve read in your books that a vegetarian diet is one of the prerequisites 
for taking the first initiation. How strict should the vegetarian diet be for 
this purpose? Does it mean (1) avoiding eating animal meat and blood only or 
(2) does it extend to avoiding all food with animal origin like dairy products 
or eggs as well? (3) What about soups, for example beef or chicken soup (just 
plain soup without any meat left in it)? Does it fall into the same category as 
meat and has it the same detrimental effect in relation to initiation as meat?
 A. There is some misunderstanding in this question. It is true that the first 
initiation depends on the control of the physical elemental and for many this 
would mean a vegetarian diet, more or less. However, it is also true that there 
is no group diet for discipleship. Many regions of the world determine that the 
inhabitants have a diet rich in animal products. So it depends on the 
individual, where he or she lives, the necessities of their particular 
metabolism, whether they eat meat or vegetables or a mixture of both.

 Q. Is it okay to euthanize an animal? What time is the right time? Do we have 
the right to do this?
 A. If the animal is very ill or badly injured, it is a blessing for it to be 
‘put down’.

 Q. (1) Does the decision of some churches not to ordain woman priests and 
bishops relate in any way to the fact that men and women have different 
energetic polarities? (2) Is the polarity of the male physical body more suited 
to the receiving and using of the energy directed through them during church 
 A. (1) No. (2) No.

 Q. It has been well-recorded that people who have had ‘near death experiences’ 
often recall the divine light and feelings of incredible peace and love. They 
have a ‘review’ of their lives and one question is often asked: “What have you 
done for your fellow man?”
My question is, could the helping of animals be included in “Helping your 
fellow man”. If “yes”, would the helping of human beings have more importance? 
Or is just giving selflessly to any being of equal importance?
 A. Helping other human beings is of major importance.

 Q. It is my understanding that the Spiritual Hierarchy intervened directly (in 
the form of President Lincoln) in the American Civil War to preserve the union 
of American states and enable the US to take its proper role in the Great War 
of the 20th century. In light of recent state secessionist movements in the US, 
is there any hierarchical/karmic reason to preserve the American Union as now 
 A. Yes. It is the United States of America, for obvious reasons, one of the 
most important countries in the world.

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme Discusses the Emergence of Maitreya. Recorded April 2013

2013-04-22 Thread nablusoss1008


[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on the New Kalki Age, american elections

2012-12-27 Thread nablusoss1008

Questions and Answers – a selection

December 2012

Q. Would it be accurate to say that the world has entered a new phase?

A. Yes – the world has entered a new phase. The dark age of Kali
Yuga is over. Our solar system is now beginning the Aquarian experience
(lasting approximately 2,500 years). Aquarius's energy is the energy
of synthesis. This will bring humanity together into a unity completely
different from the situation of today.

Q. Four years ago violence flared up yet again between Israel and
Palestine. It was just before elections were due to take place in
Israel. Obviously there is fault on both sides; perhaps this is cynical
- but could it be that the violence has been provoked deliberately, with
an eye on the forthcoming elections?

A. Yes. There is a growing sentiment among the ordinary people of Israel
for an agreed two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian problem. The
Israeli government seems to turn automatically to aggression against the
Palestinians when an election which might change the course of Israeli
politics is due.

Q. The US election results had not all been counted when videos were
circulated on the internet showing how one voter trying to vote for
President Obama had his repeated attempts corrupted into a vote for
Romney. How many states had instances of vote rigging?

A. Five.

Q. (1) Did vote tampering take place in the recent US presidential
election? (2) If so, what would the real results have been – without
vote tampering and other tricks, such as attempts by some Republican
state leaders to suppress the number of people trying to vote?

A. (1) 6 per cent on the Republican side and 3 per cent on the Democrat
side. (2) The difference in votes between Obama and Romney would have
been still more in favour of President Obama. President Obama won
anyway, but it would have been by a larger margin.

Q. Given the huge amounts of money spent on the US election by outside
interest groups, mainly on the Republican side, could the generally
positive election results for Democrat candidates be considered a
victory of people power over the power of money?

A. Yes.

Q. What does the US election say, if anything, about the general state
of consciousness of America and its receptivity to Maitreya's

A. America as a whole, and that means all the black, Hispanic, etc,
voters are fundamentally on the right side – the side that is more
closely aligned with Maitreya's priorities – and it is that side
which will save America.

Q. On 29 October 2012 Hurricane Sandy made landfall on the east coast of
the United States, causing death and much destruction. (1) Was this
storm the result of (a) global warming (b) man's destructive thought
patterns and/or (c) karma? (2) If karma played a part, may I ask for
what exactly?

A. (1) Yes, all three. (2) The USA is responsible for a quarter of the
world's pollution.

Q. The wealthiest 400 people in America now own more wealth than the
bottom 150 million Americans. (1) Is this accurate? (2) What is your
response to this?

A. (1) More or less. (2) It is of course outrageous – it is similar
throughout the world and is crying out for change. It is the source of
greatest unhappiness and social discord in the world.

Q. British Prime Minister David Cameron has been in the Middle East
selling arms; he was wearing a poppy – the annual symbol of
remembrance for all British war dead. He justified the arms trade saying
that all countries have a right to self-defence. Your comment, please?

A. The selling of fighter aircraft to Saudi Arabia has nothing to do
with self-defence. The selling of arms is one of the greatest upholders
of war.

Q. What is the ideal number of hours people should work in a week? How
soon in the future will work be reduced to a more reasonable number of
hours per week? How many workdays a week would the ideal be? I recently
read an article in Share International about the importance of leisure;
we don't have any leisure now.

A. The future evolution of humanity depends on greater and yet greater
leisure. We are moving towards the time in which the artefacts used in
everyday life will be created by robot technology (eventually created by
the human mind). This will gradually free humanity for the exploration
of his/her divine nature. Of course this lies ahead but not so very far
ahead. Under the influence of Maitreya and the Masters leisure will
quickly be seen as essential and working hours throughout the world will
shrink in relation to these advances.

Q. Could you please comment on feelings. What is the purpose of them and
what are we supposed to do with them? What do we do with feelings from
our past that still affect our present? Where do feelings come from?

A. Feelings arise out of our astral/emotional feeling body which we
share with the animal kingdom. Through feeling we experience pain and
anger, disappointment (and learn to avoid it). We also feel and
demonstrate affection and love and respond to emotions conjured 

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on Cause, Effect and Harmlesness

2011-06-09 Thread nablusoss1008


Being an architectual photographer, I don't work with telephoto. 

Seing the Star I grabbed the camera, a silly little Canon G9, leaned on to a 
pole and did this photo.


All glory to the eternal Masters of Wisdom !
All Glory to Guru Dev !
All Glory to Maharishi !

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on the future

2011-05-13 Thread nablusoss1008
I can remember people coming to a meeting of mine and saying: I thought this 
was going to be a message of hope, but I feel awful. I feel so unhappy. I feel 
so guilty and horrible. I said: Jolly good. That is what we call love. 
You have to cut through that complacency. If people only want to be, Ah, 
lovely, it is not going to change the world. It is important that they know 
that the Christ is in the world and not alone, and that the world is ready for 
change and will change. But if they only want to be made to feel good, it is 
not going to help the world because they are not the people who are actually 
working in the world. 

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on Entering the 21st Century

2010-08-07 Thread nablusoss1008

Public Meditation with Benjamin Creme: Tuesday, August 10, 7:30 PM 

Fort Mason Center
Building A, Buchanan  Marina Boulevard
San Francisco
Info: 510-841-3738


The next to disappear is capitalism
- Mr. Benjamin Creme

Now that communism is gone the next to go is capitalism
- His Divine Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme on the role of Maitreya today

2010-03-06 Thread nablusoss1008

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme talks about the 'star' and Maitreya, July 31

2009-08-01 Thread nablusoss1008



Re: [FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme talks about the 'star' and Maitreya, July 31

2009-08-01 Thread Bhairitu
nablusoss1008 wrote:


Nabby, seems like that organization has been talking about  Maitreya 
will soon make himself known to the world since I first picked up on of 
their newsletters that they were handing out back in the 1970s.

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme

2009-04-22 Thread Kirk
Been Jammin Cream

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme comments on the US presidentil election

2008-12-01 Thread nablusoss1008

Questions  Answers - a selection

Q. Did vote tampering take place in the recent US presidential

A. Yes, but to a lesser degree than the last two elections.
Q. If so, what would the real results have been – without vote
rigging and other tricks?

A. About 5 per cent higher for Barack Obama.
Q. Does the election of Barack Obama mean that the soul aspect of
America can more easily manifest itself?

A. Not necessarily. He has not done anything yet! A better indication
will come when the US public hear and assess Maitreya. The
African-American community will feel empowered and vindicated by Barack
Obama's election victory but almost half of the popular vote, 48 per
cent, went to the Republicans. The breakdown of America's economic and
financial hegemony will be very influential in the months ahead.

Q. Do you think Barack Obama will be more responsive to Maitreya's ideas
than his Republican counterpart?

A. Yes, and he has come to presidential power at a significant moment
for the world.

Q. Will Barack Obama be the last president of the United States? I
believe it was either Maitreya's associate or your Master who said that
eventually the US presidency will be replaced by a group of wise elder
statesmen and that former president Jimmy Carter (in office, 1976-1980)
will be invited to join them if he lives long enough.

A. That is still the Plan so there is every chance that Mr Obama will be
the last President.

Q. The International Monetary Fund seems to be gaining a new level of
importance as more and more economies begin to suffer from the economic
collapse. What should or could best happen to the IMF? Is it also doomed
to disappear along with other bodies which help maintain traditional

A. The IMF is deeply disliked and distrusted, especially by the
developing countries which have been driven to its door by desperation.
Time after time they have been given money, which they badly need, at
the cost of their free will and the right to develop according to their
traditions. They have been forced to grow food, for example, on a large
scale for the foreign market and to buy their people's food from abroad.
They are trapped.

It is useful for countries at the moment who are suffering from the
current economic crisis but eventually, when the principle of sharing
reigns, it will be disbanded and close its doors. It has been blatantly
a tool used for purely political ends.

Q. On the Day of Declaration, (1) will our pets be aware of what is
happening? (2) Will the animal kingdom in general be aware of the most
important day of our planet ?

A. (1) No, only men and women over the age of 14 years. (2) No.
Q. I have been a believer in the return of the World Teacher for several
years. It was my understanding that Maitreya had an open invitation to
appear on a major television network, at a time of His choosing.
Recently, I heard someone involved with Share International say that
that invitation was no longer in effect. I would really like to get the
latest status from 'the horse's mouth'. What is the status of the
invitation? I don't want to be giving out wrong information.

A. The invitation still stands and 'the time of His choosing' is very
near. Someone, for whatever reason, is giving out false information.

Q. Was Hurricane Gustav that affected the southern US coast, including
New Orleans, the result of karma, the result of the devas being out of
equilibrium, or just a natural phenomenon? (You stated that Hurricane
Katrina that deluged New Orleans in 2005 and killed over 12,000 people
'per your Master's information' was the result of our actions in the
Middle East).

A. Hurricane Gustav was the result of the devas being out of
equilibrium. Humanity is under great stress and strain and this affects
the devic evolution. So, although indirect, it is karmic but more
general in cause.

Q. According to Buddhist eschatology, the teachings of Buddha will be
forgotten by the time Maitreya comes to Earth. Also, there are certain
physical events which will take place prior to his arrival. If you
recognize Buddhism as a true teaching, how do you explain Maitreya's
arrival under current circumstances?

A. Among orthodox Buddhists the expectation of Maitreya Buddha varies
between thousands and, in Japan, many millions of years. They really
have no idea. Nor do they understand Who, in fact, Maitreya is. He does
not 'come' to Earth, He has never left it. He is a great teacher like
the Buddha before Him, and His manifestation is at a time of His
choosing, not our fantasy or speculation. Buddhist teaching is about
human psychology, spiritual awareness and how we should live together
for the greatest good of all. It is not about dates.

Q. I am interested in how some people have seen aliens. Benjamin Creme
says that if we went to Mars we would not see them as they live on a
different plane and their bodies are etheric, so how is it possible that
some people supposedly see them? We know about crashes and 

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme answers questions about the US Presidental election

2008-11-30 Thread nablusoss1008
Questions  Answers - a selection
Q. Did vote tampering take place in the recent US presidential

A. Yes, but to a lesser degree than the last two elections.
Q. If so, what would the real results have been – without vote
rigging and other tricks?

A. About 5 per cent higher for Barack Obama.
Q. Does the election of Barack Obama mean that the soul aspect of
America can more easily manifest itself?

A. Not necessarily. He has not done anything yet! A better indication
will come when the US public hear and assess Maitreya. The
African-American community will feel empowered and vindicated by Barack
Obama's election victory but almost half of the popular vote, 48 per
cent, went to the Republicans. The breakdown of America's economic and
financial hegemony will be very influential in the months ahead.

Q. Do you think Barack Obama will be more responsive to Maitreya's ideas
than his Republican counterpart?

A. Yes, and he has come to presidential power at a significant moment
for the world.

Q. Will Barack Obama be the last president of the United States? I
believe it was either Maitreya's associate or your Master who said that
eventually the US presidency will be replaced by a group of wise elder
statesmen and that former president Jimmy Carter (in office, 1976-1980)
will be invited to join them if he lives long enough.

A. That is still the Plan so there is every chance that Mr Obama will be
the last President.

Q. The International Monetary Fund seems to be gaining a new level of
importance as more and more economies begin to suffer from the economic
collapse. What should or could best happen to the IMF? Is it also doomed
to disappear along with other bodies which help maintain traditional

A. The IMF is deeply disliked and distrusted, especially by the
developing countries which have been driven to its door by desperation.
Time after time they have been given money, which they badly need, at
the cost of their free will and the right to develop according to their
traditions. They have been forced to grow food, for example, on a large
scale for the foreign market and to buy their people's food from abroad.
They are trapped.

It is useful for countries at the moment who are suffering from the
current economic crisis but eventually, when the principle of sharing
reigns, it will be disbanded and close its doors. It has been blatantly
a tool used for purely political ends.

Q. On the Day of Declaration, (1) will our pets be aware of what is
happening? (2) Will the animal kingdom in general be aware of the most
important day of our planet ?

A. (1) No, only men and women over the age of 14 years. (2) No.
Q. I have been a believer in the return of the World Teacher for several
years. It was my understanding that Maitreya had an open invitation to
appear on a major television network, at a time of His choosing.
Recently, I heard someone involved with Share International say that
that invitation was no longer in effect. I would really like to get the
latest status from 'the horse's mouth'. What is the status of the
invitation? I don't want to be giving out wrong information.

A. The invitation still stands and 'the time of His choosing' is very
near. Someone, for whatever reason, is giving out false information.

Q. Was Hurricane Gustav that affected the southern US coast, including
New Orleans, the result of karma, the result of the devas being out of
equilibrium, or just a natural phenomenon? (You stated that Hurricane
Katrina that deluged New Orleans in 2005 and killed over 12,000 people
'per your Master's information' was the result of our actions in the
Middle East).

A. Hurricane Gustav was the result of the devas being out of
equilibrium. Humanity is under great stress and strain and this affects
the devic evolution. So, although indirect, it is karmic but more
general in cause.

Q. According to Buddhist eschatology, the teachings of Buddha will be
forgotten by the time Maitreya comes to Earth. Also, there are certain
physical events which will take place prior to his arrival. If you
recognize Buddhism as a true teaching, how do you explain Maitreya's
arrival under current circumstances?

A. Among orthodox Buddhists the expectation of Maitreya Buddha varies
between thousands and, in Japan, many millions of years. They really
have no idea. Nor do they understand Who, in fact, Maitreya is. He does
not 'come' to Earth, He has never left it. He is a great teacher like
the Buddha before Him, and His manifestation is at a time of His
choosing, not our fantasy or speculation. Buddhist teaching is about
human psychology, spiritual awareness and how we should live together
for the greatest good of all. It is not about dates.

Q. I am interested in how some people have seen aliens. Benjamin Creme
says that if we went to Mars we would not see them as they live on a
different plane and their bodies are etheric, so how is it possible that
some people supposedly see them? We know about crashes and that 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme

2007-01-28 Thread Lsoma
I agree with Charlie Lutes. When I asked Ariel  A seventh dimensional  
teacher if Lord Matreya was the next world savior. His response  A world  
manipulator would be a more truthful explanation. I miss Charlie.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme

2007-01-28 Thread llundrub
Yep, he could fart gold bubbles with the best day dreamers.

  - Original Message - 
  To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, January 26, 2007 8:46 AM
  Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme

  I agree with Charlie Lutes. When I asked Ariel  A seventh dimensional 
teacher if Lord Matreya was the next world savior. His response  A world 
manipulator would be a more truthful explanation. I miss Charlie.

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme

2007-01-26 Thread suziezuzie
I remember being at a Charles Lutes meeting back in the 70s when the 
Benjamin Creme phenomena was really taking off and there was talk of 
the end of the world from his group. Nothing came of this prediction 
but Lutes said that Creme had been possesed by a negative spirit and 
was receiving false information. Mark

[FairfieldLife] Benjamin Creme and the Maitreya fraud

2006-01-25 Thread Vaj


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