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                Lists <http://www.forbes.com/lists>  | 8/01/2012 @ 3:59PM
|33,396 views  Bolivia Set To Banish Coca-Cola To Mark Mayan End Of
Capitalism      Anderson Antunes, ContributorVery well noticed!
anish-coca-cola-to-mark-mayan-end-of-capitalism/#undefined>  Anderson
Antunes, ContributorIt's actually the same brand. David Crystal, the
owner of Izod, bought 50% of the rights to use the name Lacoste in
America in the 1950s, until 1993.
anish-coca-cola-to-mark-mayan-end-of-capitalism/#undefined>  Anderson
Antunes, ContributorNice shot! Thanks for sharing!
anish-coca-cola-to-mark-mayan-end-of-capitalism/#undefined>  Anderson
Antunes, ContributorMayan influence can be detected in several countries
throughout Latim America, including Bolivia. I never said they were from
Bolivia, you certainly misrea [...]
anish-coca-cola-to-mark-mayan-end-of-capitalism/#undefined>  Anderson
Antunes, ContributorHello, Oscar! A link to the original story (by The
Guardian) on the cocaine bar in La Paz is included in the article, with
all the details on its operation [...]
anish-coca-cola-to-mark-mayan-end-of-capitalism/#undefined>  22
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[Bolivia's Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca ...] 
Bolivia's Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca (AFP/Getty Images)

For most Americans, Bolivia is a third world South American country last
robbed by Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. However this impoverished
nation is making headlines due to its Minister of External Affairs
recent announcement that the Coca-Cola Company
tkr=KO> , one of the world's largest corporations, is to be booted
out of there by year's end.

David Choquehuanca, the minister in question, explained that Coca-Cola
<http://www.forbes.com/companies/coca-cola/>  will be expelled from
Bolivia on the same day that the Mayan calendar enters a new
cycle–December 21. According to Choquehuanca, the date marks the end
of capitalism and the start of a culture of life in community-based
societies. In order to celebrate that, Bolivia's government is
already planning a series of events that will take place at the Southern
Hemisphere's Summer Solstice on La Isla del Sol, one of the largest
islands in Lake Titicaca.

"The twenty-first of December 2012 is the end of selfishness, of
division. The twenty-first of December has to be the end of Coca-Cola
and the beginning of mocochinche (a local peach-flavored soft
drink)," Choquehuanca told reporters at a political rally for
Bolivia's president, Evo Morales. "The planets will line up
after 26,000 years. It is the end of capitalism and the beginning of
communitarianism," he added.

It's already been rumored that Venezuela's president, Hugo
Chavez, will follow suit, encouraging his country to ditch the American
beverage for soft drinks produced locally.

It's curious that Bolivia decided to forbid Coca-Cola in its
territory, considering that one of the soft drink's main ingredients
is said to be coca extract (Coca-Cola refuses to confirm that, saying
that this is part of their secret formula.)

Whether that is true or not, sales of coca leaf are big business in
Bolivia, accounting for 2% of the country's GDP, or approximately
$270 million annually, and representing 14% of all agricultural sales.
Besides, coca is legally sold in wholesale markets in some Bolivian
cities. There's even a cocaine bar
6>  in La Paz.

The decision of Coca-Cola's ban in Bolivia came in a time when the
country is pledging to legalize the consumption of coca leaves, which
are notoriously processed clandestinely into cocaine, and were declared
an illegal narcotic by the UN in 1961, along with cocaine, opium and
morphine, in spite of its consumption being a centuries-old tradition
there, strongly rooted in the beliefs of various indigenous groups.

"Neither the US nor capitalist countries have a good reason to
maintain the ban on coca leaf consumption," Morales has been quoted
as saying.

Although it may make sense for them to ban Coca-Cola–which screams
America and, therefore, capitalism–it's not the first time that
a US company had trouble to find ground in Bolivia. After trying for
years to conquer Bolivians, McDonald's
tkr=MCD>  withdrew from the country in the early 2000s for not being
able to turn a profit there.

The fast-food giant failure was chronicled in the highly-tendentious
documentary `Why McDonald's Failed in Bolivia
<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9rUce9mfNY> .' The movie goes by
referencing surveys, sociologists, nutritionists and historians,
culminating with the conclusion that Big Macs weren't the issue, but
a culturally driven boycott against American companies.

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