1. UK warmists now scaring kids: 'Government has been reduced to
rallying support for its reviled global warming schemes by scaring kids'
    2. Claim: Climate Change battle has been won -- 'It is unlikely that
the U.S. will now implement any drastic program to manage CO2'
    3. Study: 'Swirling winds' caused record breaking loss of ice in
Arctic -- not global warming
    4. Meteorology Professor slaps down latest Arctic Scare book with
foreword by Al Gore
    5. Climate Astrology: Flowers losing scent due to global warming:
'Scents in flowers last longer in colder climate as plants can hold on
to their essential oils longer'
    6. Physicist Bob Park seems to be losing his religion: Now asks: 'Is
Earth's climate determined entirely by the Sun, or is there a component
of anthropogenic warming?'
    7. Butterflies freeze in Mexico; CO2 blamed: 'Monarch Butterflies
Dwindle Due to Harsh Winter Weather'
    8. End-phase of the Climate Wars? 'All 3 warmings since 1860 (and
MWP) could have exceeded the bounds of natural variability if all were
forced by the same external influence'
    9. More than 20 wind farms operating at less than one-fifth full
power 'because it's not breezy enough'
   10. Counter: 'One single map that refutes this entire [warming
violence] theory...highest crime rates seem to be in relatively cool
   11. 'How government cash created the Climategate scandal...Global
warming science corrupted by politics and money'
   12. 'Irefutable' Study: Global warming can lead to increased violence
in human beings -- My study is 'very well researched' claims Psychology
Prof. Craig Anderson (c...@iastate.edu)
   13. Greenies Ask: 'Why aren't climate scientists talking about
healthcare reform?'
   14. WWF hopes to find $60 billion growing on trees: 'Carbon credits
scheme would make WWF and its partners much richer, but with no lowering
of overall CO2 emissions'
   15. NASA Scientist's Admissions: We don't currently understand cloud
feedbacks; we can't separate man-made from natural climate variations
   16. Flashback April 2009: Democrats Refuse to Allow Skeptic to Testify
Alongside Gore At Congressional Hearing
   17. Flashback: Gore: U.S. Climate Bill Will Help Bring About 'Global
   18. Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive - Continuously Updated
'ClimateGate' News Round Up
   19. Watch Now: Climate Depot's Morano on Fox News talking Climategate,
UN and latest science
   20. Sec. Chu's assertions 'quite simply being proven wrong by the
latest climate data'
   21. 'Execute' Skeptics! Shock Call To Action: 'At what point do we
jail or execute global warming deniers' -- 'Shouldn't we start punishing
them now?'
   22. Climate Depot Aims To Redefine Global Warming Reporting
   23. Earth's 'Fever' Breaks! Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F
since Gore released An Inconvenient Truth'
   24. Climate Depot Banned in Louisiana! State official sought to 'shut
down' climate skeptic's testimony at hearing
   25. Scientist Schneider who boasted he could 'slaughter' skeptics in
debate backs off...'I certainly will not schedule some political show
debate in front of a non-scientific audience'
   26. Updated: Climate Depot Editorial: Climate bill offers (costly)
non-solutions to problems that don't even exist
   27. Video/Transcript: The O'Reilly Factor features Climate Depot on
Gore's path to become the first 'Carbon Billionaire'
   28. 'Scaremongering': Scientists Pan Obama Climate Report: 'This is
not a work of science but an embarrassing episode for the authors and
NOAA'...'Misrepresents the science'
   29. Peer-Reviewed Study Rocks Climate Debate! 'Nature not man
responsible for recent global warming...little or none of late 20th
century warming and cooling can be attributed to humans'
   30. Scientists Write Open Letter to Congress: 'You Are Being Deceived
About Global Warming' -- 'Earth has been cooling for ten years'

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