An article by Vaughan Bell, reposted from Slate because it's about
bloody time somebody said this. "Oh...he did it because he's crazy" is
IMO just a way of saying "I'm too lazy to think past the first
convenient box I found with which to pigeonhole him." Emphasis (bolding)
is mine.
We're too quick to use "mental illness" as an explanation for
violence.Shortly after Jared Lee Loughner had been identified as the
alleged shooter
ghner-details-on-gabrielle-giffords-alleged-shooter/>  of Arizona Rep.
Gabrielle Giffords, online sleuths turned up pages of rambling text and
videos <>  he
had created. A wave of amateur diagnoses soon followed, most of which
concluded that Loughner was not so much a political extremist
range_youtube.html?cat=9>  as a man suffering from "paranoid
lle-giffords-shooter_n_806243_73192186.html> ."
For  many, the investigation will stop there. No need to explore
personal  motives, out-of-control grievances or distorted political
anger. The  mere mention of mental illness is explanation enough. This 
presumed link between psychiatric disorders and violence has become so 
entrenched in the public consciousness that the entire weight of the 
medical evidence is unable to shift it. Severe mental illness, on its 
own, is not an explanation for violence, but don't expect to hear that 
from the media in the coming weeks.

Seena Fazel is an Oxford  University psychiatrist who has led the most
extensive scientific  studies to date of the links between violence and
two of the most  serious psychiatric diagnoses—schizophrenia and
bipolar disorder, either  of which can lead to delusions,
hallucinations, or some other loss of  contact with reality. Rather than
looking at individual cases, or even  single studies, Fazel's team
analyzed all the scientific findings they  could find. As a result, they
can say with confidence that psychiatric  diagnoses tell us next to
nothing about someone's propensity or motive  for violence.

A 2009 analysis
20>   of nearly 20,000 individuals concluded that increased risk of
violence  was associated with drug and alcohol problems, regardless of
whether the  person had schizophrenia. Two similar
<>  analyses
<>   on bipolar
patients showed, along similar lines, that the risk of  violent crime is
fractionally increased by the illness, while it goes up  substantially
among those who are dependent on intoxicating substances.  In other
words, it's likely that some of the people in your local bar  are at
greater risk of committing murder than your average person with  mental

Of  course, like the rest of the population, some people with mental 
illness do become violent, and some may be riskier when they're 
experiencing delusions and hallucinations. But these infrequent cases do
not make "schizophrenia" or "bipolar" a helpful general-purpose 
explanation for criminal behavior. If that doesn't make sense to you, 
here's an analogy: Soccer hooligans are much more likely to be violent 
when they attend a match, but if you tell me that your friend has gone 
to a soccer match, I'll know nothing about how violent a person he is. 
Similarly, if you tell me your friend punched someone, the fact that he 
goes to soccer matches tells me nothing about what caused the 
confrontation. This puts recent speculation about the Arizona suspect in
a distinctly different light: If you found evidence on the Web that 
Jared Lee Loughner or some other suspected killer was obsessed with 
soccer or football or hockey and suggested it might be an explanation 
for his crime, you'd be laughed at. But do the same with "schizophrenia"
and people nod in solemn agreement. This is despite the fact that your 
chance of being murdered by a stranger with schizophrenia is so 
vanishingly small that a recent study
<>  of four Western countries put
the figure at one in 14.3 million. To put it in perspective, statistics
<>  show you are about
three times more likely to be killed by a lightning strike.

The  fact that mental illness is so often used to explain violent acts 
despite the evidence to the contrary almost certainly flows from how 
such cases are handled in the media. Numerous studies
<>   show that crimes by
people with psychiatric problems are over-reported,  usually with gross
inaccuracies that give a false impression of risk.  With this constant
misrepresentation, it's not surprising that the  public sees mental
illness as an easy explanation for heartbreaking  events. We haven't yet
learned all the details of the tragic shooting in  Arizona, but I
suspect mental illness will be falsely accused many  times over.

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