due to the rise of coherence in the collective consciousness of America, as 
predicted in advance by the Global Country of World Peace

"Rigorous statistical analysis shows that the upsurge of positive trends 
publicly predicted in advance started when a group of 1200 experts in the 
Transcendental Meditation program and its advanced techniques, including Yogic 
Flying, assembled in Iowa from across the U.S. and around the world to create 
coherent collective consciousness the basis of the national transformation. 
(See for preliminary research findings on the Invincible 
America Assembly.)

We expected to hear good news coming from the Invincible Assembly and now we 
are enjoying receiving it every day from the world press, Maharishi said.

Maharishi emphasized that this national transformation is just beginning.With 
this group of Yogic Flyers permanently established in America, all good will 
continue to come to the country a bright new sunshine is dawning right now for 
America and the world.

Extensive Published Scientific Research Documents the Maharishi Effect
Dr. John Hagelin, a world-renowned quantum physicist and director of the 
Invincible America Assembly, is leading a team of scientists and physicians who 
are monitoring the effects of the group practice on national economic, social, 
and even climatic trends. He said the positive developments created by the 
Assembly are consistent with prior studies.

Extensive research published in leading, peer-reviewed scientific journals 
documents reduced negative trends, including reduced crime and violence, and 
improved economic and social trends when as few as the square root of one 
percent of a population practice Yogic Flying together in a group, Dr. Hagelin 

Scientists named this phenomenon the Maharishi Effect after His Holiness 
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the renowned Vedic scholar who founded the 
Transcendental Meditation program, and who predicted the beneficial impact of 
group meditation on social trends as early as 1975.

Group of 2000 Yogic Flyers Needed to Make the Nation Invincible
Dr. Hagelin said that the number of Yogic Flyers in the Assembly recently 
increased from 1200 to 1500 further intensifying the positive effect for the 
nation. And when the number of Yogic Flyers reaches the square root of one 
percent of the U.S. population (about 2000), there will be an even more 
dramatic improvement in national trends, and any lingering problems in the 
country will be quickly resolved.

This is not wishful thinking, Dr. Hagelin said. This is hard science that has 
been field tested for over 50 years and documented through more than 600 
studies conducted at over 250 independent universities and research institutes 
throughout the world.

Dr. Hagelin added that groups of Yogic Flyers are now being established in a 
total of 40 countries to create a Ring of Invincibility around the globe and 
quickly raise the whole world to a state of permanent peace.

The Invincible America Assembly is being funded by an annual $12 million grant 
from the Howard and Alice Settle Foundation for an Invincible America.

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