Determined Destiny or Not

Lord Phoenix

The part of your experience regarding the baby, from your description of
it, certainly sounds like it can be categorised as an OBE.  However,
there is far more to all the things which you say there than just that
isn't there. Personally I do not feel that what you are experiencing
there has got anything to do with being invaded by some other being,
just other facets and potentials of your self in your own BECOMING and
unfolding process. Personal evolution; by way of learning and
understanding by way of direct experience. Archetypes in action.

However, the really big question which you are raising here is as to
Determined or NOT, isn't it. Or even PRE-determined. This IS a knotty
old problem isn't it.

Let us first just take us here on this world in temporal consciousness.
IF I stick my hand in the fire then doing that is going to have
consequences isn't it. Not very nice ones in this case. Prior to my hand
going in a fire I had heard that doing this was not a good idea. But I
did not KNOW what it was like until my hand did get caught up in fire. 
True enough, NOT NICE, and best avoided. So, you tell your kids to keep
away from the fire. Good advice. Sit by it but don't get IN IT :- )

So, is BURNING pre-determined?  It is certainly the effect of getting in
the fire isn't it. Have you ever known anybody get in the fire and have
no nasty effects from having done so?  I haven't. So, cause and effect.
And we learn to keep out of the fire, and we learn not to build cities
on tectonic fault lines, on top of active volcanoes, or in flood plains,
don't we. Well, eventually maybe. But causal events of this nature DOES
NOT mean that SOMEBODY determined it.

However, what about these other TWO factors of our being?  The Totally
Transcendent bit and the BRIDGE bit in the middle?

How did that Transcendent bit (the bit in that eternal paradisiacal
condition) ever arise there? The experience of it is that one just
bubbled up out of the stuff which exists there, and one can see that
stuff whilst there. It is all around one. But one CANNOT see ones self,
or the SELF. The STUFF is just like a vast NEBULA of - - STUFF :- )  But
in and among this STUFF is ME – I AM. It is AXIOMATIC. IT (me, I AM)
does NOT know how it got there. This is way I categorical assert that
there will ALWAYS be MYSTERY.

I know well enough how I got there (the little me here), for I went
there and RE-UNITED with my SELF. I can also describe the journey to it
just fine. However, how did I AM get there?  I DON'T KNOW. It just
always is and was – according to the experience. There is no time
and change there. If there is no time and change there then how could IT
pop up there?  Before existing there there is no BEFORE or AFTER. The I
AM KNOWS what it knows, and no more. It knows what it knows by way of
cognitively existing.

Is the existence of I AM pre-determined? Huh ! I would say that it is
the effect of what that STUFF does. But the only consciousness in that
mode of being and that realm, IS ME.  I AM. There is no other KNOWN. But
what about unconscious STUFF?  The place is full of it. What is it? It
is not MADE, it is not brought forth by some other causation. So, all I
can say is that it is the POTENTIAL. The primordial STUFF. However, and
all this is really rather piffling to what one finds later.

In this world there is so much unconscious stuff isn't there, lava,
rocks, stones and pebbles, and so much more. Yet, what I found in the
Consummatum Incarnate is also found in ALL that stuff. Chew the bones
out of that one :- )

So, what the frigging hell is it?  It is NO THING MADE.  And yet it is
what makes life worth living – it is the THOU of the I – THOU
equation. The OBSERVED of the OBSERVER. The dancing partner.  Without
THOU what the hell is existing worth? NOTHING!

In the Paradesium of Eternity it is exactly THE SAME as it is here. The
I (I AM) and that which it IS NOT. It is a oneness in and of a dualistic
dance. The I AM is NOT in love with itself – for that is not love.
Love is ALWAYS – I and Thou.  What is the I AM in love with?  Not
easy to answer that one. But it is not really IN love with anything, IT
IS LOVE. It loves BEING. It is not in love with its environment, the
place and the stuff there, even though that is all wonderful. But I AM

So, how the hell did all this get there?  I don't know :- )  I am a
pragmatist. IT IS THERE. That I KNOW.  How it got there I DON'T know. I
could say who the hell cares, I don't. And there is NO way of finding
out. Hence there will ALWAYS be mystery.

However, none of all this even mentions the MIDDLE part. That, to me, is
the biggest MYSTERY of all this stuff. The bit that joins Eternity to
Earth; or Eternity to Time and Changing events. But I am not going into
any of that here.

So, cause and effect, what is determined and what isn't. Some effects
are plainly determined by way of what stuff IS and what it does and the
potentials which it has.  But then comes this bit about my having the
power/potential to make some choices and do things of my own volition.
Is there a dichotomy here?  No, absolutely not. It is but a part of the
whole system. Some things I can choose to do, and then do them, and
something I cant.  I see no problem, dichotomy or contradiction AT ALL. 
What is more, and combining all the things which I have found, then
Life, Existing, Being, would all be a huge waste of time, space and
energy if I could not be FREE ! The SEED allows the BECOMING to UNFOLD.
So, I AM BEING and I am also BECOMING. I find it all to be good. I love
it.  And FREEDOM !  Freedom from that divine sublime Eternity. I AM NOW
FREE.  Well, for little while anyway :- )  But is sure seems to be
determined that I do not stay here for ever. And what is more I don't
want to stay here for ever more. So no problem. Grab the day. But as for
KNOWING and understanding then I know and understand almost ZILCH.  But
the gnostics and buddhists know it all :- )  So go and ask them :- )  Oh
what PATHETIC WANKERS and great pretenders! They have not even left the
cot yet.

Oh by the way Lord Phoenix sir, this is FREEWARE, so feel free to share
it with the gnostics and buddhists groups :- ) they all ban me :- )

Dick Richardson.

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