Here's an interesting blog, reposted here for a couple of
reasons. The first is that there are a few people here who
know who this odd Canadian is, and appreciate his music.
The second is that this guy (who I don't know) has found
a nice way to talk about music *while giving readers the
ability to listen to it*. He just links to the song he's
talking about on a site called Grooveshark, which somehow
allows you to listen to the music. Cool, say I. No more
searching for the song you want to share with people on
YouTube, only to discover that the only version of it 
there is some CAMjob taken from the audience by someone
who was seated behind a pole and never noticed because
he was too stoned. No more wanting to rap about a fave
song and being constrained by the fact that most of your
intended audience have never heard it.

As for the song itself, the blogger barely scratches 
the surface of it. It's one of the high points not only
of Bruce's career, but his growth as a spiritual being.
He doesn't just borrow the imagery of Christ standing
on a mountaintop having a dialog with The Other Guy,
*he puts himself in Christ's shoes*. He can *identify*
with the koan/offer being presented to him, and what
it means to either accept it, or reject it. 

Those who get off on Christian imagery here will prob-
ably enjoy it, if you don't know the song already. In
it, Bruce captures the essence of "cool Christianity."
That is, the mystery and wonder of Christ is *not*
that he was different than we are. It's that he was
exactly the same as we are.

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