Donovan aims to put students on higher plane
by Thair Shaikh

The Guardian    
  1 November 2007

On 1 November 2007 The Guardian reported: 
  Scottish folk singer Donovan and film director David Lynch have joined 
together to create the Invincible Donovan University where students can learn 
Transcendental Meditation along with traditional university subjects. It is a 
joy for Global Good News service to feature this news, which indicates the 
success of the life-supporting programmes Maharishi has designed to bring 
fulfilment to the field of education. 

Donovan and Lynch, who were joined by quantum physicist John Hagelin and Dr 
Bevan Morris, President of Maharishi University of Management located in the 
United States, are on a British tour promoting Transcendental Meditation as a 
way to reduce stress, crime, and violence in colleges and schools. 

Lynch, a 34-year practitioner of TM, has set up a foundation for children to 
learn Transcendental Meditation. 

The Guardian reported, 'He said through his foundation he had found children 
undertaking meditation achieve better qualifications at school, boost their 
creativity, particularly in relation to the arts, and are more productive.' 

Donovan explained that his university would offer the usual subjects with the 
addition of Transcendental Meditation, and that he would be involved in 
teaching and administrative aspects of the project. 

He was quoted as saying, 'It will be a normal university but will also be very, 
very different because of its potential that will be unfolding because of an 
extraordinary technique which I learnt when I was in India .... It's called 
transcendental meditation and it has been applied for many years in different 
educational programmes with astounding results.' 

Donovan has met with Scottish culture minister Linda Fabiani to discuss the 

The Guardian quoted Donovan as saying, ' ... the world is ready for this now, 
it is clear this is the time'. 
  Copyright © 2007 Global Good News(sm) Service. 

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