
Uneventful day in the S&P500 front. And markets overall.

The S&P 500 opened about half a percent lower than yesterday's close. 

>From that opening, it slowly rose back to almost yesterday's close,
then slowly fell back -- kind of a shallow parabolic rise and then
retreat. It ended the day, gaining overall about .1% from open to close. 

So there was no big selloff during market hours. (Of course all
movements were on light volume --- about 1/3 of the usual.)

Looking at the initial half % drop when the market was closed -- from
last night to todays opening -- well that happens a lot, up and down.
The half a percent is atually modest volititity. It averages about 1%
between its highs and lows each day.

btw, what was your friend's (and I know it was some girl you were
trying to pick-up at a cafe, not some forum poster :) ) response to my
last reply (the one with have data ..).  Or was it deafening silence? 

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