
Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head for no apparent reason?

The other night, watching the "History of the Eagles" documentary, among
the many musical personalities flitting across the screen was Joni
Mitchell. I don't remember whether the song itself was played during the
film (although it might have been because the person it was written
about loomed large in the Eagles' history and was onscreen a lot), but
ever since seeing her face again I've been hearing "Free Man In Paris"
non-stop in my head.

This is a good thing, because to me it's a song about change, and
release, and...uh...Paris, a city I love, and associate with freedom and
liberation. The song was written about David Geffen, and a period of
time he spent in Paris, blessedly away from "stoking the star maker
machinery of the popular song" and, as I understand it, also leading to
his...uh...coming out party, when he revealed himself publicly as gay
for the first time. Suffice it to say that didn't happen for me when I
moved there; French women made me more boringly heterosexual than ever
before. But I *did* find living in Paris liberating, in many ways.

As a result, hearing this song *always* makes me smile, and the last few
days, with it ringing in my head almost non-stop, I have been smiling a
lot. Working at home as I do, I even got to play the song on my sound
system while working, and that made me smile even more. I'm really
fortunate to have been able to work at home *since* I lived in Paris,
not having had to go into an office on a daily basis for over six years,
being able to play my music as loud as I want while working, able to
work *when* I want.

So imagine my surprise when I received a phone call from a trusted
technopimp, asking whether I'd be interested in a gig, and I found
myself smiling when I heard about it. The money is good, which is always
a good thing, and it's on a really cool project, really hang-ten,
future-of-the-Internet stuff. But it is also a gig that has to be done
onsite, in an office. And it's in another city, meaning that I'd have to
commute and live there during the week, returning home to Leiden on the
weekends. Ick. My first thought was, "I've SO been there, done that,
commuting to work in the Midwest the whole time I was living in Santa

So why was I smiling?

It could possibly be that the reason I stumbled across this song and got
it stuck in my head is that it was a bit of an omen. The office is in

The gig is not certain, so I won't post any of these musings about the
horror :-) of someone offering to pay me big bucks to live in Paris
several days a week until it is. But I thought I should write down some
of my reactions to this possible change in my lifestyle, while the
change is still pending, rattling around in the Big Pachinko Machine Of
Karma, the future still undecided.

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