Solar Healing Lecture with Hira Ratan Manek

Living off the Energy of our Sun

Andy Toepel

 <> Education -
<> Lecture


Start Time:
Friday, September 18, 2009 at 12:00pm

End Time:
Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 12:05pm

Fairfield, IA

Fairfield, IA


HRM studies the art of living off of sun light. Gladys Gonzales contacted
him and asked him to come to Fairfield, IA. His response was that if we can
get a min of 100 folks to attend he would be happy to. He'd be doing this
sometime in September, the exact date has not been determined yet.
Here's a nice description of his life from

Hira Ratan Manek was born on 12th of September 1937 in Bodhavad, India, was
raised in Calicut, Kerala, India, where he had his Mechanical Engineering
degree from the University of Kerala. After graduation, he joined the family
shipping and spice trading business and continued working there until he
retired in 1992.

After he retired, he began to research and study the ancient practice of sun
gazing in which he had been interested in since his childhood. This method
was an old but forgotten method, which had been practiced, in the ancient
times in many different parts of the world. (see Sun Gazing - History)

After working on this method for 3 years, he was able to re-discover the
secrets of sun gazing. During his study, he was mainly inspired from the
teachings of Lord Mahavir of Jains, who was also practicing this method two
thousand and six hundred years ago. Other inspirations for sungazing came
from ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Native Americans. 

Since June 18th, 1995, HRM has and continues to live only on sun energy and
water. Occasionally, for hospitality and social purposes, he drinks tea,
coffee and buttermilk. Until now, he had three strict fastings, during which
he had just sun energy and only water and was under the control and
observation of various science and medical teams. 

The first of these fasting lasted for 211 days during 1995-96 in Calicut,
India directed by Dr. C.K. Ramachandran, a medical expert on allopathy and
ayurvedic medicine. 

This was followed by a 411 day fast from 2000-2001 in Ahmedabad, India
directed by an International team of 21 medical doctors and scientists led
by Dr. Sudhir Shah (Dr. Shah's synopsis report) and Dr. K. K. Shah, the
acting President of Indian Medical Association at that time. Dr. Maurie D.
Pressman, MD also describes his experience with HRM in an article he wrote
and later joined the team for the next observation on HRM.

After the excitement of the findings at Ahmadabad, HRM was invited to Thomas
Jefferson University and University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia where he
underwent a 130 day observation period. This Science/Medical Team wanted to
observe and examine his retina, pineal gland and brain, therefore this
observation team was led by Dr. Andrew B. Newberg, a leading authority on
the brain and also featured in the recent movie "What the Bleep Do We Know",
and by Dr. George C. Brenard, the leading authority on the pineal gland.
Initial results found that the gray cells in HRM's brain are regenerating.
700 photographs have been taken where the neurons were reported to be active
and not dying. Furthermore, the pineal gland was expanding and not shrinking
which is typically what happens after mid fifties and its maximum average
size is about 6 x 6 mm, however for HRM, it has been measured to be at 8 x
11 mm.

There have been many other sungazers who have achieved similar results and
have volunteered to be tested, however due to lack of funding and other
lifestyle restrictions the results have not been documented. The uniqueness
of HRM is that he has surrendered his living body for observation and
experiments to the scientific firmament for several extended periods of
time. Although scientists and doctors have agreed that hunger is being
reduced if not eliminated, due to the complexity of the various brain
functions, they have not been able to explain how sungazing has such
positive effects on the human mind or body, however more research is

In 2002 Hira Ratan Manek gave over 136 lectures in USA and has been invited
by government agencies of many countries to help them understand this
process at which point he established his International Headquarters in
Orlando, Florida. In 2003 HRM gave over 147 lectures in US, Canada,
Caribbean and UK and nearly 400 newspapers all around the world have
published articles on him. Additionally, many television channels have
broadcast stories about him and he was most recently interviewed by BBC
World Services. In December, 2003 HRM traveled to India for 4 months and
delivered 70 lectures to various cities such as Chennai, Pondicherry,
Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Palitana, Kachchh, Jodhpur, Pali, Balotara,
Lucknow, Delhi, Chadigarh, and other areas. Additional lectures in Delhi ,
Mumbai, Lucknow and Dhadigarh were sponsored by Times Foundation whose
Chairperson Smt. Indujain has taken a keen interest in spreading the
universally popular HRM Phenomenon (Suryanamaskar). Sri Sri Ravi Shankar,
Founder of Art of Living Foundation and Surya Foundation of International
Naturopath Organization and Salila Tiwari doctor of Indian Prime Minister
Vajpayeeji have also taken a keen interest in HRM Phenomena spreading all
over the world. It was at the house of Salila Tiwari that ZTV interviewed
HRM and where Surya Foundation made a detailed film on him. ZTV released the
HRM interview on March 25th in their Hindustan Hamara Program and has
repeated it many times since then. BBC World Services also repeatedly
broadcast HRM's interview on July 22nd, 2003. Other media groups from all
over the world have reported on HRM including those from Europe, Russia and
Gulf Countries. 

There are now Solar Healing Centers coming up all over the world and
facilitating a global group of HRM Phenomenon practitioners. For those who
are interested in learning more about the sun energy is an effective healing
source, HRM recommends these books:

- "Light, Medicine of the Future", by Jacob Lieberman
- "The Healing Sun: Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century", by Richard


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Solar Gazing with HRM; Part1
Complete solar gazing process described by Hira Ratan Manek (HRM);
Posted by  <> Andy Toepel
Solar Healing Center
Hira Ratan Manek was born on 12th of September 1937 in Bodhavad, India, was
raised in Calicut, Kerala, India, where he had his Mechanical Engineering
degree from the University of Kerala. After graduation, ...
Posted by  <> Andy Toepel

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