------ Original Message ------

FROM: JAMES BEDINGER, SAFETY DEPARTMENT <mailto:jbedinger @ mum.edu>
There is a fox afoot through town & gown
   who never goes to ground.
No fear of man with scolding hand,
   No Sit, no Stay, no Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
He seeks those treats of twilight --
    A repast of rabbit, served cold,
   or the ever delightful Mouse Flambeau.
Tasty comestibles, so digestible,
   fletched from overturned can? --
   but not from an offering hand.

There is an abundance of wildlife on campus, not usually seen 
during the daylight hours.  These animals have been 
coexisting with the campus for over 100 years. 
At all times we should give the wildlife a full latitude of movement, 
because a gesture or word from us may be seen as threatening 
to a small animal protecting its young.
The Department of Natural Resources is aware of the several foxes 
in town and on campus during daylight hours.  Wildlife Services is 
doing their part by monitoring for disease.  It is important that 
we keep our distance.  If an animal appears to be sick, disoriented 
or aggressive, please call Campus Safety Director, 641-919-7992, 
and the Department of Natural Resources, 319-694-2430.
James Bedinger


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