 From: no-re...@campaignforliberty.com
To: wle...@aol.com
Sent: 6/4/2009  11:11:05 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Rep. Christopher Lee has NOT  Cosponsored Audit the Fed

June 4, 2009

Dear Friend of Liberty,

Ron  Paul’s Audit the Fed bill is now up to 186 cosponsors!

That means  over 40% of the entire House of Representatives is currently 
signed onto  HR 1207.

Unfortunately, your Representative Christopher Lee is  still holding out.

We’ve come a long way, but now it’s time to  push for an outright majority 
of the full House.

And that starts  with turning up the pressure on Christopher Lee.

Ron Paul  needs you to keep writing, calling, and emailing to convince your 
 Representative to support Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill. 

In  fact, you should call right now.

Christopher Lee's Congressional  Office number is (202) 225-5265.  Tell him 
to join the 186 of  his colleagues in cosponsoring Ron Paul's Audit the Fed 

Not only has over forty percent of the House cosponsored  HR 1207, but 
Barney Frank has even promised Ron Paul that he will hold  hearings in the 
Financial Services Committee.

When  these hearings occur in a few months, Ron wants to have a majority of 
 House members on board . . . so there will be no stopping Audit the  Fed.

It is amazing what we’ve been able to accomplish in the  House on the back 
of tireless grassroots efforts.

And you should  not relent until Christopher Lee has finally agreed to 
support  sound money and transparency by cosponsoring HR 1207.

But now it  is time to start thinking about the next step.

Pretty soon we  will be turning our attention to the Senate, where we are 
certain to  face a more difficult fight.

There, corporate lobbyists and  Beltway insiders wield even more powerful 

Many  Senators are already bought and sold by Wall Street bankers and their 
 Federal Reserve flunkies.

And the Banking Lobby is already  pumping piles of cash into Senate 
campaign coffers in a preemptive stand  against Federal Reserve transparency.

Fortunately, Campaign for  Liberty has been developing a grassroots program 
and a massive marketing  campaign to counter the banksters’ efforts.

And we’re almost  ready to launch.  But it won’t be cheap, and we can’t 
afford  to run out of gas before the job is done and Audit the Fed is  passed.

_Can  you chip in $25 to help counter the millions of Wall Street dollars 
and  corporate contributions?
If you can afford more, every  extra dollar will be poured into our 
campaign to pass Audit the Fed in  the Senate.

As we close in on 50% support for Audit the Fed in  the House of 
Representatives, the time is nearing to officially unleash  the Ron Paul 
R3volution on 
the Senate.

If you can, please _click  here_ 
  to make a 
contribution to help Campaign for Liberty launch our  Audit the Fed program in 

In Liberty,

John Tate

P.S. Unlike the Federal  Reserve, Campaign for Liberty cannot just print 
money out of thin  air.  _Can  you chip in $20 today to help us restore sound 
money by Auditing the  Fed?_ 

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