Going to the UK

[ Hello Dick,  I am going to go to UK in the near future. Tell me Dick
where in UK is the best area to start a new live? Is better to choice a
town or a countryside? Unfortunately, I do not have some relations in
UK. I would like to know what do you advice me, please? Tell me what
would you do if you were on my position? I do not go to UK without any
idea of what to expect. Thank you very much for your kindly reply and
advice. Regards,]

Where to start a new life in the UK?  Wow. How does one address this
question. If I recall you are nineteen or perhaps twenty now. When I was
that age I could go out any day, even in the lunch hour, and get a job
anywhere doing almost anything I wanted to have a go at. And I did –
well, a few years younger actually; but the prospects were still there
for quite some time after that. But now?  Well things have changed and
jobs are not so easy to come by, not by a long chalk.  Not only that but
the place is full of frigging foreigners :- )

What would I do if it were me (today but at your age) in that situation.
I would be wanting to go into the country somewhere far away from the
maddening crowd and the din and the noise. But, today, you are not very
likely to find a job there. You might, but I would not bank on it. If
you were going to go to a City then I would recommend  London first and
Bristol second, or maybe even Bath if you could get work there. 
Southampton is another reasonable choice and I know that it has a large
Polish community there. That might be something worth thinking about
because they could help you out a great deal. So, maybe that might be
your best bet. It is also quite near the New Forrest National Park which
is rather nice.

Other than that I don't really know what to say for I have no idea
what you really want to do and as to how your personality is for fitting
in to this or that. But, give Southampton some thought at least in the
meantime and check it out on the internet.

Oh, I was just thinking – are you any good a football? :- )  They
need somebody to teach them how right now :- )

But good luck and best wishes.


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