
AHEAD-Iowa Presents Concerns About the Heartland Co-op Rail Spur to the IDOT
Transportation Commission 







Dear Irene


What happens when two large companies (i.e. Heartland Co-op and the BNSF
Railway) partner to build a railspur (side rail) and neglect to take into
consideration all the details of the infrastructure requirements needed to
serve the railspur?


And what happens when one of those companies (Heartland Co-op) applies to
the Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) for a $1.45 million
interest-free loan to build the railspur, and fails to mention that the semi
trucks serving the rail facility from the north will have to pass through a
one-lane structurally deficient underpass on a gravel road--or the streets
of Fairfield, IA? 


Well, we may be about to find out. On Tuesday, June 10, members of
AHEAD-Iowa and James Larew, the legal counsel for AHEAD, made a presentation
to the IDOT Transportation Commission, a seven-member board, which includes
former U.S. Congressman Leonard Boswell, charged with administering the
application process for the IDOT rail grant program, among other things.


AHEAD-Iowa was able to present at this meeting, because of the significant
infrastructure concerns pointed out to the IDOT rail transportation office
on a previous occasion.


d-iowa-meeting-with-idot-transportation-commission%2F> Great Coverage of the
Meeting in the Fairfield Ledger!

The IDOT meeting was covered in an article that appeared on the front page
of the Fairfield Ledger on Friday, June 13. You can read excerpts from it on
our website
d-iowa-meeting-with-idot-transportation-commission%2F>  (see also link to
full story there).


Concerns covered at the meeting included:

*       Infrastructure Overload: The proposed Heartland Co-op facility could
be receiving as many as 40,000 truck loads of grain a year, or 80,000 to and
fro trips. Even at 75% capacity, that's 60,000 to and fro trips a year, some
60 to 70% of which will be concentrated in the 30-40 day harvest season.
*       No Feasible Access for Truck from North Counties. Trucks from Keokuk
county, Washington county and NW Henry, and NE Wappello county will not
easily be able to access the facility via Highway 34. The main access
available to them -- other than city streets -- is via Nutmeg avenue, a
gravel road with a narrow one-lane underpass.
*       Nutmeg Underpass Is a Traffic Fatality Waiting to Happen! The
underpass is a one-lane passage under a rail bridge that has been rated
structurally deficient. On the roads leading to and fro, there is barely
room for a car and semi truck to pass each other, not to mention two huge
semi trucks. During peak season, as many as 15-20 trucks an hour could be
passing under that underpass.    

What Comes Next? 

Getting BNSF and Heartland Petitions Ready

Next step is to present our petitions to the BNSF and Heartland Co-op along
with a letter warning of the potential liability and nuisance suit risks
they are exposing themselves to.


We want to get as many signatures as possible--along with your comments!
Here's what to do: Go to our website to add your name to the petitions --
it's quick and easy! If you have already added your name, be sure to also
add your comments, so we can include input from as many people as possible!


What Comes Next? 

Tell Your Elected Officials: Stop Looking the Other Way


Our elected officials claim they have been doing their due diligence and the
facility is no big deal. But they are not comparing apples to apples. At
full capacity, the proposed facility is projected to handle a much larger
volume of grain than Heartland's facilities of comparable size in the Des
Moines area. This means a larger volume of trucks and grain dust emissions.


How do we know this? The proposed facility is listed as a Group 2 elevator
in Heartland Co-op's application to the Iowa Department of Natural
Resources. Heartland's other grain elevators, including a 4.2 mill bushel
elevator in Minburn and a 3.8  mill bushel elevator in Prairie City close to
Des Moines are both Group 1 elevators. 


This means they may be similar size in terms of storage capacity, but in
terms of grain handling, the volume is far less. The projected potential to
emit particulate matter in Heartland's DNR application is at 28.5 tons a
year. In comparison, a Group 1 elevator emits between 0 to 15 tons a year.
By that standard alone, the volume of grain shipped to and processed at
Heartland (judged by potential grain dust emissions) could be more than
twice the volume at other HL grain elevators.



How to Stay Involved!

There are many things you can do that will add up to make a big difference!
Sign our petitions
and add your comments. Write letters to your elected official and/or to the
Fairfield Ledger asking them to look into the issues above. As a community,
the more we act in a united front around the issues, the greater the effect!




A monkey on a tree hurled a coconut at the head of a Sufi. The man picked it
up, drank the milk, ate the flesh and made a bowl from the shell. - from
Anthony de Mello's Song of the Bird. Even though we're not Sufis, we can
make full use of whatever comes. Join us to explore ways to turn lemons into



If you'd like to help spread the word or volunteer in other ways, please
send us an email at  <mailto:i...@ahead-iowa.org> i...@ahead-iowa.org. We'd
love to hear from you!


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Like us on Facebook and get notified about news and updates! 

Just Say No! 

No Taxpayer Dollars to Heartland!


Help us persuade the Jefferson County Board of Supervisors, the BNSF Railway
Company, and Heartland Co-op's Board of Directors that the proposed location
is unacceptable, because of the infrastructure costs and safety concerns it


Click Here to Read and Sign our Petitions 






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