Finally, an answer to "why *you* are here" :)

 From: turquoiseb <>
Sent: Saturday, June 9, 2012 8:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] How To Help A Fellow Seeker Avoid Selflessness

As all successful Blissninnies® and certified New Age® practitioners know, the 
New Age (no registered mark...the concept this time, not the corporation) is 
upon us, and those of us fortunate enough to be on the planet at this time are 
about to rise in Ascension to Awakening, Enlightenment, Newageitude®, or 
whatever you and your cult of choice call it. 

While this is all Ordained By God, and is gonna happen no matter what we puny 
humans do, the transition between ignorance and Newageitude® can be at times a 
rough one. As more and more of your ego -- or in New Age® terms, self -- fades 
away and you merge with your eternal Self, it is normal for the seeker (soon to 
be finder) to experience some discomfort, even panic. "Oh no," they think, "my 
self seems to going away. Who will I *be* in this coming New Age if I'm not 
*me*?" This feeling of distress -- sometimes called The Dark Night Of The Soul 
-- can be a real bitch to deal with.  

Our proposed solution, here at New Age® Inc., is to assist our fellow seekers 
by helping them to PUT OFF selflessness as long as humanly possible, and thus 
avoid Premature Ascension®. It's gonna happen anyway, right? So why rush 
things? Hang onto that self as long as you possibly can. Don't "lose" the ego, 
*strengthen* it to grow stronger, and larger, and squeeze every last 
drop of pleasure out of self before it dissolves into Self. And help others to 
do the same.

Here are a few things you can do for your fellow seekers, as you encounter them 
in person or on the Internet, to help them cling to their selves for as long as 
they can, and thus put off Newageitude® until it's forced upon them by God. 

        * Argue with them. About pretty much anything. Allow them to keep the 
arguments going as long as they want. This works like a charm. What, after all, 
can believe in something or feel they're "right" about something strongly 
enough to defend it or argue about it? Only a self. The Self just doesn't go 
there. So the more often you allow a self to argue about the things it believes 
and the things it thinks it's "right" about, the stronger and more entrenched 
that self becomes.
        * Take them seriously. Especially if others are laughing at them. Even 
more especially if they have a history of getting upset *when* people laugh at 
them. The laughers are trying to remind them that they're stuck in the self, 
and should Lighten The Fuck Up. That is the *last* thing a 
circling-the-drain-of-selflessness self wants to hear. It wants to be taken 
*seriously*, as if it really exists. 
        * Flatter them. The self just *lives* for flattery. Compliment a self 
for something it believes about its...uh...self, and it's happy as a pig in 
shit. Compliment their writing, or the precise way their mind works when 
they're arguing with someone and just devastated them with one of their 
uber-digs, and that self will puff up its...uh...self bigger than a Macy's 
Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon. 
        * Tell them how special they are. This is a corollary to the "flatter 
them" technique, but deserves its own bullet point. *Nothing* puffs up a self 
and enables it to cling to the myth of its own existence more than being told 
how "special" that self is. So tell the selves you run into how *amazing* they 
are, and how fortunate they are to be part of the <insert name of cult here> 
organization, which is composed of the few people on the planet who Know The 
Truth®. No self that believes it's "special" has ever -- in the entire course 
of human history -- slipped into Self. 
        * Help them denounce their enemies. It really doesn't *matter* if you 
hate the people the people you're trying to help hate. All that is important is 
that you "pile on" whenever the self you're trying to help dumps on them, to 
help them feel that their obsession with the "enemy" is actually important, and 
valid, and not just the product of an ordinary bruised ego. Remember the 
ancient adage, "The archenemy of the Self is the self that still believes in 
        * Join their cliques. If the self you're trying to help cling to 
its...uh...self tends to cling to other selves, cling to them, too. Join their 
clique, and help them *all* keep a firm grasp on their selves, so that they 
don't dissolve into Self.
        * Feed their delusions. If the self you're trying to help believes it's 
highly evolved, echo back to them that they're highly evolved. If that self 
believes that it's Santa Claus, *tell* them they're Santa Claus. The Self 
cannot have delusions, only a self can. 
        * Applaud their unacceptable behavior. If the self you're trying to 
help tends to "act out" their distress at feeling their egos slipping away from 
them, *praise* that acting-out behavior. It doesn't matter how socially 
unacceptable or even illegal the behavior is...if believing it's appropriate 
helps the seeker to cling to their self, you've done them a favor. Use these 
techniques as often as you can. Help a fellow self avoid the distress of 
Premature Ascension® by helping them to hang on to the self the way an anal 
retentive hangs on to shit. Help them develop the sphincter muscles of the 
soul, and thus avoid the Dark Night of it.


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